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How to make a cannon from scrap materials. How to make a cannon with your own hands: design options Make a big cannon

What would a holiday be without fireworks? It will be great if an artillery salvo sounds on your mother’s or grandmother’s birthday. And there is also New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8 and other holidays, or you can just play pirates. So a fireworks cannon in the house is necessary.

I propose to make an antique ship cannon. The guns are loaded with ordinary firecrackers. Therefore, the main condition of our work is that the internal diameter of the gun barrel should be slightly larger than the diameter of the firecracker. I don’t give the size of the gun - it depends on your desire and capabilities.

To work you will need:

  • mold for making a gun barrel
  • unnecessary newspapers (or wallpaper)
  • PVA glue
  • stationery knife
  • putty
  • skin
  • wooden blocks or plywood
  • dye
  • cellophane film
  • packaging corrugated cardboard
  • firecrackers

The structure of a real ship's cannon

How to make a papier-mâché cannon

1 . We are looking for a suitable base. You can take a tube from a vacuum cleaner or a wooden handle from a shovel. And the best thing is a cone-shaped leg from a coffee table.

2 . In order for our barrel to be easily removed from the mold at the end of work, we wrap the mold with cellophane film.

3 . On the form, mark the length of the gun and add another 2 centimeters on both sides.

We begin to cover the form with paper. You can take unnecessary newspapers, and if you can find wallpaper, that will be even better. We cut the paper into strips 4–5 cm wide and begin to paste over our form. For work we use liquid PVA glue or any wallpaper glue. We try to glue smoothly, without folds. After 5-6 layers, let the trunk dry. And so we glue it to a thickness of 1 cm. To make it more similar to a real cannon, we will try to give our barrel a cone-shaped shape.

4 . When the trunk reaches the desired thickness, let it dry completely. To achieve more flat surface We use wood putty. After letting the putty dry, we remove the errors in our work with sandpaper.

5 . Using thin strips of paper, we form belts and rims. And we skin again. After cutting off the excess paper, carefully remove the barrel from the mold.

6 . An important element The trunnions of the barrel are the trunnions - they hold the barrel on the gun carriage and must be “strong”. They can be made from wood and glued into holes cut in the trunk.

7 . Our trunk is almost ready. All that remains is to paint it. You can paint it with any paint. I painted spray paint from a can. This type of paint goes on smoother and dries faster, although it has a strong odor, so it’s better to do it outside.

8 . The time has come to think about the combat capabilities of our gun, or rather, about ways to load it.

We will use firecrackers as a projectile. As you know, they shoot when you hold the firecracker with one hand and pull the string with the other. Right hand we will pull and left hand we need to replace the barrel. To do this, you need to come up with a locking device, or shutter.

If you decide to load the gun through the barrel, as they were loaded in the old days, then you need to make sure that the projectile does not pull out along with the string. To do this, in the back of the barrel, inside in a circle, we will glue a collar (small protrusion), which will not allow the firecracker to jump out when we pull the string.

9 . If you want to load a gun from the rear, “breech” part of the barrel, then you need to install a bolt. This method reduces the time it takes to load the gun and makes it much easier. But for this you need to show inventive abilities.

In my gun, the bolt is made according to the principle of a hook, which at one end is attached to the end of the barrel with a screw, and at the other end it is attached to a ledge located on the opposite side. So far it's working fine.

And also very important advice. To prevent your mother from scolding you and forcing you to clean the room after a salute, you can modernize the firecracker: carefully remove the safety paper and carefully pour the contents of the firecracker (confetti) into the trash basket. The effect of the shot will remain (there will even be a smoky cloud), and there will be less or no debris at all.

10 . Now about the gun carriage.

The carriage can be glued together from wooden blocks - it will be more believable and reliable, for this we will need a saw. But this is a troublesome matter. Let's look for something to replace the tree with.

Let's take packaging corrugated cardboard. It’s better if you get a two-layer one. In accordance with the dimensions of the trunk, we will approximately mark out sheets of cardboard and glue them together. It is advisable to select cardboard so that the direction of the corrugation does not coincide: this will increase the strength of our carriage. When the workpiece reaches a thickness of 4–5 cm, we make the final cutting of the carriage parts and glue it together. Don’t worry about the strength of the carriage - craftsmen make furniture from such blanks.

For beauty, we cover it with paper with a wooden texture.

11 . And finally, we assemble the cannon. We connect the barrel with the carriage. We place it on the axles in the grooves and secure it (you can use an overlay made of thick cardboard, or you can just paste it in).

We charge and BANG!!!

In Minecraft there are devices that can play the role of cannons, that is, artillery. They are completely immobilized, and their viewing angle is insignificant.

An experienced player will be able to position the device as efficiently as possible, and the best masters– make devices that make working with these tools easier.

Cannon in Minecraft

Guns are designed to fire various projectiles at a distance. Most often these are TNTs, which can be launched using physical strength. Often, an explosion of other TNTs is also used for launching.

The weapons find their greatest range of uses in confrontations in the online game mode, but they are also useful in other situations. Let's look at how to make a TNT cannon in Minecraft.

Making a cannon

Greatest benefit guns are brought during sieges or defensive actions.

The design of the gun consists of two main components - the charge and the projectile. The charge is what pushes the projectile. Often, several TNT blocks are used for this purpose, which explode simultaneously using red dust.

You need to be careful with projectiles; they should be activated after charging, but before launching and exploding.

When deciding how to make a cannon in Minecraft, take care of stocking up on some materials. To do this, use various solid blocks - grass, earth, cobblestones, boards - and any metal ones.

It is recommended that the materials be as explosion-resistant as possible - this will affect the longevity of the gun. As practice shows, the most durable and at the same time available material is a stone.

The dimensions and structural features of the gun are determined by the number of charges. Usually an even number is used, but no more than eight.

Depending on the number of charges and their location, as well as the design of the gun, firing can be carried out different ways. In some cases, the shot will hit a large area, in others the shells will be sent along a hinged trajectory, and in others the explosive will fly over a long distance.

Based on the situation, players can upgrade the gun as follows:

  1. Install an automatic recharging system.
  2. Provide adjustments.
  3. Provide for the possibility of launching projectiles of a different type.
  4. Build fortifications.

In pursuit of aesthetics, a gun may lose performance characteristics. This should not be forgotten during construction.


We looked at a way to create a cannon in Maina that will fire TNT charges. This useful device will allow you to have fun.

Video: How to make a TNT gun in Minecraft.

Every Minecraft player sooner or later thinks about a weapon that can cause colossal damage. It’s like in childhood: at first you get a small car, and then you want bigger and more powerful ones. In the game, the situation is almost identical: first the player crafts tools for mining, then the most primitive sword, bow, and then he develops an all-consuming desire to build something with incredible damage. This is where the ability to build a real “thunderstorm” of all living things – a howitzer – comes in handy. So let's take a closer look, how to make a cannon in Minecraft, and also – use it!

There are also mods for Minecraft on our website:

Before you start creating weapons of mass destruction, you need to understand how redstone works and all the ways it can be used. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to correctly design a gun, because the “builder” does not begin to “build” without prior training at a university or other special educational institution. There are many different variations of guns in the game.

Picture: Guns in Minecraft

A cannon in minecraft, the basis of which is the dispenser

Such a gun can effectively fire arrows at long distance, thereby holding back the attacking hordes of monsters. If you carefully study all aspects of this design, you can conclude that this gun has obvious disadvantages: the inability to hit many targets at the same time and the high cost of shells, since a lot of arrows will be required (for high-quality suppressive fire).

To create this weapon, the player will need:

  • several blocks of any quality;
  • lever arm;
  • repeater;
  • dispenser;
  • red dust;
  • redstone torches.
  • The first thing you need to do is place 2 blocks in one line at a distance of 1 block from each other. Then a redstone torch is attached to the front and back of each block, meaning a total of 4 units of such material will be required. The next procedure is to install the lever and pass the red dust from it to the blocks. The line of red dust that comes out from the lever should be straight, and then split into two paths passing through the blocks. After passing a section of the path from blocks - chains of paint dust should unite into one line and connect to the repeater. The last element of the design is the distributor, which must be placed next to the repeater. That's all - Minecraft cannon made and is ready to use. Another tip for improving the firepower of your weapon is to use fireballs instead of arrows, which will be excellent at destroying any living (and dead) threat.

    A gun that relies on resources such as water and dynamite

    The advantages of this gun are that it has incredible damage, a large radius of destruction and can be used many times in a row, since water does not conduct the blast wave. But this weapon also has disadvantages: a short firing distance, high cost of gunpowder, which is necessary for the production of dynamite, and weak strength.

    Ingredients needed to create this type of gun:

  • water;
  • dynamite;
  • button;
  • redstone;
  • obsidian.
  • The first step is to build a makeshift water room. To do this, you need to place 3x5 obsidian blocks, while leaving the space in the middle empty. Then fill with one bucket of water free space in the center. The next step is to draw a chain of red dust along the edges of the obsidian structure, with one end of it approaching the button, which, when pressed, will fire a volley from the cannon. The final touch is installing dynamite in the water. That's it - the gun is ready and you can kill all enemies. To avoid being hit by a shot, it is better to move away from the device. If you have concerns about the strength of the gun, then you shouldn’t bother with such trifles - all elements of the gun ignore explosions, so the device will last a very long time, which means that make a new gun in Minecraft I won't have to soon!

    Shooting toys can be bought in a store without any problems, but you can successfully make them yourself. On the pages of the site The Secret of the Master are considered various designs cool toys from the simplest to the more complex, which, in addition to gaming and experimental purposes, can bring practical benefits, for example, in protecting crops from pests at the dacha.

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    How to make a rubber gun with your own hands

    Rubber gun

    A simple wooden automatic three-shot pistol. The pistol fits comfortably in the hand. Sawed out with a hand jigsaw from plywood, you need to cut out only 4 parts. The gun fires rubber bands. With such a pistol it is easy to organize a small airsoft game in an apartment or on the street. We look at the drawings of the gun stencil (link at the end of the blog). Load your homemade pistol carefully according to the instructions. For safety reasons, wear safety glasses.

    How to make a vortex cannon with your own hands

    A wonderful weapon for children's games and experiments. The gun shoots... with air, an invisible toroidal vortex erupts from the barrel, which moves in the direction of the shot for some distance. A safe thing for children to play with weapons and remotely “destruct” toy buildings. Design details are shown in the video and.

    How to make a pneumatic machine gun with your own hands

    If you have an air compressor with a receiver on your household, then you have every opportunity to make a game console for the compressor. The weapon was adapted to the available ammunition - rowan and pea, and accordingly the machine guns were called rowan launcher and pea launcher. The design of a homemade machine gun is simple. It is based on manual blowing, which makes it easy to control the weapon. For manufacturing details, see the video.

    How to make a gas gun with your own hands

    When repeating this design, strictly follow the safety rules. you are building gas gun at your own risk and assume ALL responsibility for the construction, use, consequences of using this device, as well as for any damage caused. The authors summarized the accumulated experience in building potato cannons and tried to use ready-made elements in the design. In total, three types of guns of different calibers were designed.

    Mini gun 32 mm caliber

    The gun is made by hand in the shape of a pistol and shoots small balls. A reliable piezo spark source will not create problems. The gun is used for target shooting competitions. Requires some experience when loading. See production details

    Gas apple potato gun 50 mm caliber

    Gas gun

    This is a serious design in terms of sound and projectile. The main application is to imitate the sound of a hunting rifle shot to scare away birds. A reliable budget gun, but only if used correctly and sparingly. Strictly follow safety rules and assembly recommendations. See how to make an Apple Gun

    Gas mortar 100 mm caliber

    Experimental design for firing volumetric light projectiles with electronic filling. Some results are shown in the video. When repeating, do not forget that this is not a real mortar, but just a thin-walled plastic pipe. Not all planned experiments have been carried out with this gun and will be published as the results are obtained. The record height of the shot is 80 meters. The mortar in its repetition is the most simple design, see the video for details.

    The topic of designing guns is not closed and will be continued.

    For role playing games and historical reconstructions may require a more serious weapon than a bow or a textolite sword. If you wish, you can even do cannon, and decorate it to resemble any antique weapon, so it is also suitable for theatrical production. Of course, real combat cannon It is impractical to make at home, but a small fireworks weapon is quite possible. But caution must be exercised. Although the gun is homemade, it shoots no worse than a real one.

    You will need

    • Hydraulic cylinder from a tractor or any other small sizes, having one plugged end and next to it an oil pipe outlet.
    • Epoxy resin.
    • Rope.
    • A piece of metal wire.
    • Pliers.
    • Wooden rod.
    • A piece of thick linen or cotton fabric.
    • Smoky gunpowder or a homemade mixture based on sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal.


    1. The tractor cylinder is practically a ready-made barrel for a homemade salute gun. Make a cleaning rod. It is made from a wooden rod of suitable diameter, precisely adjusted to internal diameter trunk The length of the cleaning rod should exceed the length of the barrel by 0.5 m.
    2. Pour the powder mixture into a metal can. Use a wooden stick (such as a branch) to plug the oil pipe hole at the base of the cylinder. Place the cylinder vertically with the “barrel” up and pour the powder mixture into it 1 cm above the level of the oil pipe hole. Tamp the mixture with a cleaning rod.
    3. Roll up a piece of either linen or cotton fabric in 2-3 layers and push it into the barrel with a ramrod until it stops. Compact the charge with several blows to the cleaning rod. In this case, a piece of fabric will play the role of a wad. After this, remove the wooden plug from the oil pipe. The gun can be considered loaded.
    4. From steel wire Bend an L-shaped bracket, the short part of which should be approximately 2 times longer than the height of the oil pipe, and lightly sharpen this part into a cone. It should fit freely into the hole in the pipe. The long part (70-100 cm) can be equipped with a loop-shaped handle made of the same wire.
    5. Before firing, position the cylinder at an angle (approximately 45° to the horizontal) in a safe direction so that there are no people, animals or flammable objects in the line of fire. The cannon can be mounted on a wooden “slingshot” firmly driven into the ground so that the breech of the cannon rests against a wooden stake driven into the ground.
    6. Heat the short pointed end of the metal bracket over a fire and quickly insert it into the hole in the pipe. When testing the gun for the first time, it is better to carry out this procedure from cover. The gun must fire, after which you need to let the barrel cool and carefully inspect it for cracks, chips and any other defects. If they are not found, you can proceed to decorative design guns. Clean and degrease the barrel.
    7. To give the cannon a historical shape, wrap a rope impregnated with epoxy resin. This way you can create decorative thickenings or tides. After the resin has hardened, treat the resulting structure with sandpaper and paint it bronze with automotive bronze enamel or bitumen varnish. The cannon carriage can be made of wood. If you plan to make a carriage, then while wrapping the gun with a rope, it is recommended to immediately fasten and wrap the transverse metal pipe, which will play the role of the axis of rotation.