home · Installation · Selection of floral ornamental plants in photographs, presentation. Plant selection. Plant breeding methods Artificial selection individualmass hybridization outbreedinginbreeding mutagenesis. as part of a plasmid

Selection of floral ornamental plants in photographs, presentation. Plant selection. Plant breeding methods Artificial selection individualmass hybridization outbreedinginbreeding mutagenesis. as part of a plasmid

Plant breeding

The word "selection" comes from the Latin. "selectio", which in translation means choice, selection. Selection is a science that develops new ways and methods for obtaining plant varieties and their hybrids, and animal breeds. This is also a branch of agriculture that deals with the development of new varieties and breeds with properties necessary for humans: high productivity, certain product qualities, resistance to diseases, well adapted to certain growth conditions.

Breeds, varieties, strains are artificially created populations of organisms with hereditarily fixed characteristics: productivity, morphological, physiological characteristics.

Primitive plant selection arose simultaneously with agriculture. Having started cultivating plants, people began to select, preserve and propagate the best of them. Many cultivated plants were cultivated approximately 10 thousand years BC. Ancient breeders created wonderful varieties of fruit plants, grapes, many varieties of wheat, and melons.
Selection in crop production

In modern plant breeding, natural and hybrid populations, self-pollinated lines, artificial mutants and polyploid forms are used as source material. Most varieties of agricultural plants were created using the method of selection and intraspecific hybridization. Mutant and polyploid varieties of grain, industrial and fodder crops have been obtained.

Michurin and his work
I.V. Michurin is an outstanding scientist-breeder, one of the founders of the science of breeding fruit crops. He set the goal of his life to enrich the gardens of Russia with new varieties and achieved the fulfillment of this dream, despite incredible difficulties and hardships.
He developed original practical methods for producing hybrids with new properties beneficial to humans, and also made very important theoretical conclusions.

Convinced of the unsuitability of the acclimatization method, Michurin devoted his life to breeding work, in which he used three main types of influence on the nature of the plant: hybridization, raising a developing hybrid in various conditions and selection
Hybridization, i.e., obtaining a variety with new, improved characteristics, was most often carried out by crossing a local variety with a southern one, which had higher taste qualities. At the same time, a negative phenomenon was observed—dominance of the characteristics of the local variety in the hybrid. The reason for this was the historical adaptation of the local variety to certain living conditions.

This method was used to develop the Bere winter Michurina pear variety. The Ussuri wild pear, distinguished by small fruits but winter-hardy, was taken as the mother; the southern variety Bere Royal with large juicy fruits was taken as the father.
Michurin also obtained hybrids between cherry and bird cherry (cerapadus), between apricot and plum (pluot), plum and sloe, rowan and Siberian hawthorn, etc.
Under natural conditions, foreign pollen of another species is not accepted by the mother plant and crossing does not occur. To overcome uncrossability during distant hybridization, Michurin used several methods.

Method of preliminary vegetative rapprochement
Breeding methods
An annual cutting of a hybrid rowan seedling is grafted into the crown of a plant of another species or genus, for example, a pear.
Mediator method
Pollination method with pollen mixture
A small amount of pollen from the mother plant was mixed with pollen from the father plant. Some of the ovules were fertilized with their own pollen, and some with foreign pollen.

Mentor method
To develop desirable qualities in a hybrid seedling, the seedling is grafted onto a plant that has these qualities. Further development of the hybrid occurs under the influence of substances produced by the plant-educator (mentor); the hybrid enhances the desired qualities.
"Qandil the Chinese"

Breeders of Ukraine
Main areas of research:
creation of a single-seeded form of sugar beet and its varieties;
genetic features of the phenomenon of single seed in sugar beets, variability and inheritance of various useful traits.
In the 1930s, she studied the basic patterns of inheritance of the single-seeded trait and established the recessiveness of this trait. Identified the characteristics of the source material of single-seeded beets, determined effective ways to create productive types of single-seeded beets with a fixed single-seeded trait
Maria Grigorievna Bordonos

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Plant breeding Objectives: To characterize the main methods of plant breeding Genetics and breeding

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Breeding is the science of creating new and improving existing breeds of domestic animals and varieties of cultivated plants. Selection is the process of changing living organisms carried out by man for his needs.

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The need to use the entire species diversity of the flora of our planet in plant breeding was pointed out by Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, an outstanding geneticist and breeder. Now the collection of cultivated and wild plants, which was started by N.I. Vavilov, includes more than 320 thousand specimens.

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The main methods of plant breeding have been and remain hybridization and selection. There are two main forms of artificial selection: mass selection and individual selection. 1. Selection. Mass selection is used in the selection of cross-pollinated plants, such as rye, corn, and sunflower. In this case, a group of plants with valuable traits is identified. In this case, the variety is a population consisting of heterozygous individuals, and each seed, even from one mother plant, has a unique genotype. With the help of mass selection, varietal qualities are preserved and improved, but the results of selection are unstable due to random cross-pollination. Individual selection is effective for self-pollinating plants (wheat, barley, peas). In this case, the offspring retains the characteristics of the parental form, is homozygous and is called a pure line. A pure line is the offspring of one homozygous self-pollinated individual. Basic methods of plant breeding

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1. Mass selection for cross-pollinated plants (rye, corn, sunflower). The selection results are unstable due to random cross-pollination. 2. Individual selection for self-pollinating plants (wheat, barley, peas). The offspring from one individual is homozygous and is called a pure line. 3. Natural selection plays a decisive role, since any plant is affected by a whole range of environmental factors throughout its life. 1-3. Artificial and natural selection

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Natural selection Outbreeding (unrelated crossing) Cross-pollinated plants (rye, corn, sunflower) Self-pollinating plants (wheat, barley, peas) Inbreeding (inbreeding) Artificial selection Mass selection Individual selection Selection Hybridization Pure line – offspring of one homozygous self-pollinated individual Basic methods of plant breeding

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4-5. Inbreeding, heterosis effect 5. Heterosis (“life force”) is a phenomenon in which hybrid individuals are significantly superior in their characteristics to their parent forms. 4. Inbreeding (inbreeding) is used for self-pollination of cross-pollinated plants (for example, to obtain lines of corn). Inbreeding leads to “depression” as recessive unfavorable genes become homozygous!

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Dominance hypothesis - heterosis depends on the number of dominant genes in a homozygous or heterozygous state: the more pairs of genes dominant genes have, the greater the effect of heterosis. Overdominance hypothesis - a heterozygous state for one or more pairs of genes gives the hybrid superiority over the parent forms (overdominance) AAbbCCdd x aaBBccDD AaBbCcDd AA x aa Aa Two hypotheses explain the effect of heterosis: 4-5. Inbreeding, heterosis effect

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Cross-pollination of self-pollinators makes it possible to combine the properties of different varieties. For example, when creating new varieties of wheat, proceed as follows: The anthers are removed from the flowers of plants of one variety. Plants of two varieties are covered with a common insulator. Plants of a different variety are placed next to each other in a vessel with water. As a result, hybrid seeds are obtained. Cross-pollination of self-pollinators used to obtain new varieties 6. Cross-pollination of self-pollinators


Teacher of chemistry and biology, GBPOU RO "NATT named after I.G. Vernigorenko"

Lepeshenko Tatyana Ivanovna

Lesson Objectives

1. To develop knowledge on the tasks and methods of breeding animals, plants and microorganisms.

2. Consolidate knowledge of genetic patterns.

3. Strengthen the love for nature and its components.

4. Develop skills in identifying breeding methods

Breeding concepts

Selection- the science of breeding new and improving existing varieties of plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms with properties necessary for humans.

Selection also called the branch of agriculture involved in the development of new varieties And hybrids crops and breeds animals.

Selection, about which N.I. Vavilov said that this “evolution guided by the will of man” is at the same time an art, a science, and a special branch of agriculture.

Main sections of selection as a science

  • Doctrine of Source Material
  • The doctrine of types and sources of hereditary variability
  • The doctrine of the role of the environment in the development of traits and properties
  • Artificial selection theory

Selection tasks

1. Increasing the yield of varieties and productivity of breeds. 2. Increased resistance to diseases. 3. Ecological plasticity of varieties and breeds. 4. Creation of varieties and breeds suitable for mechanized and industrial cultivation and breeding.

Selection tasks

Creation of new and improvement of existing plant varieties, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms.

Plant variety or animal breed is a collection of individuals of the same species, created as a result of selection and possessing certain morphological, biological, economic characteristics and properties that are inherited.

Beginning of selection

  • Any breeding program begins with the selection of source material. The more diverse it is, the more effective the results will be. The most important section of selection is doctrine of source material– was actually developed by N.I. Vavilov and described in detail in his work “Centers of Origin of Cultivated Plants”.

N. I. Vavilov

Born in Moscow on November 13 (25), 1887. In 1924 he became director of the All-Union Institute of Applied Botany and New Crops, and in 1930 - director of its successor, the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing with a wide network of departments, experimental stations and strongholds. In 1927 he participated in the work of the V International Genetic Congress in Berlin. He was president, and in 1935-1940 - vice-president of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after. V.I. Lenin (VASKhNIL) In 1923, the scientist was elected a corresponding member, and in 1929 an academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1931–1940 he was president of the All-Union Geographical Society. In 1942 he was elected a foreign member of the Royal Society of London. During the next expedition to the newly annexed Western Ukraine on August 6, 1940, Vavilov was arrested (the arrest order was approved personally by L.P. Beria) and by the decision of the military collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, chaired by V.V. Ulrikh, on July 9, 1941, on charges of belonging to to the anti-Soviet organization "Labor Peasant Party", sentenced to death for sabotage and espionage. However, the verdict was overturned. Vavilov died in Saratov prison on January 26, 1943.

Centers for Diversity and Origin of Cultivated Plants

  • Solving the problem of source material, N.I. Vavilov examined many areas of the globe and identified areas with the greatest genetic diversity of cultivated plants and their wild relatives. In 1920–1930 N.I. Vavilov, together with his colleagues, carried out more than 60 expeditions to 54 countries across all inhabited continents, except Australia.
  • Most centers coincide with ancient centers of agriculture. These are mostly not flat, but mountainous areas. Such centers of diversity N.I. Vavilov first counted 8, and in later works reduced their number to 7. Started by N.I. Vavilov's work was continued by other botanists. In 1970 P.M. Zhukovsky established 4 more centers: Australian, African, European-Siberian and North American. Thus, there are currently 11 primary centers of cultivated plants.

Basic selection methods

  • Selection
  • Hybridization
  • Mutagenesis
  • Biotechnology (cell and genetic engineering)

Plant Breeding Methods















Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin

Michurin's achievements: the scientist developed about 30 new varieties of roses, as well as violet lily bulbs (the flower looks like a lily and smells like a violet), 48 varieties of apple trees, 15 varieties of pears and 33 varieties of cherries and cherries, several varieties of plums. Ivan Vladimirovich also developed varieties of grapes, apricots, blackberries, and currants adapted to the conditions of central Russia. In total there are more than 300 varieties of different plants!

Animal breeding


  • Only sexual reproduction is typical;
  • very rare change of generations (in most animals after a few years);
  • the number of individuals in the offspring is small

Basic selection methods animals

  • Domestication
  • Selection
  • Hybridization





related hybridization

unrelated hybridization

Is it possible to determine the breeding direction of animals by their appearance?

  • Yaroslavl breed of cattle, dairy production.
  • Kazakh white-headed breed for meat production.

Interspecific hybridization

Interspecific animal hybrids are often infertile. At the same time, restoring fertility in animals is a more difficult task. True, in some cases, distant hybridization is accompanied by normal fusion of gametes, normal meiosis and further development of the embryo, which made it possible to obtain some breeds that combine valuable characteristics of both species used in hybridization.

  • Mule - a cross between a donkey and a horse.
  • Mules are easier to breed and are generally larger than hinnies. Male mules and hinnies are sterile, as are most females. This is due to the different number of chromosomes between horses (64 chromosomes) and donkeys (62 chromosomes).

  • T game V is a cross between a male tiger and a female lion. They have a tendency to dwarfism and are usually smaller in size than their parents. Males are sterile, while females can sometimes bear offspring.
  • Liger - It is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger. They are the largest felines in the world. Males are sterile, while females can sometimes bear offspring.


  • Camelama It is a hybrid of a camel and a llama. They are born as a result of artificial insemination, since the difference in size of animals does not allow natural reproduction. The camel usually has short ears and a long tail, like a camel, but a cloven hoof, like a llama. And most importantly, camels do not have a hump. .

  • orca dolphin is a rare hybrid of a bottlenose dolphin and a small black killer whale. Only two specimens live in captivity - in a marine park in Hawaii. The size of the orca dolphin is somewhere between the sizes of the original species. The first hybrid was an orca dolphin named Kekaimalu. Its mixture is visible even in its teeth: the bottlenose dolphin has 88 teeth, the killer whale has 44, and Kekaimalu has 66.

Selection of microorganisms


  • the breeder has an unlimited amount of material to work with: in a matter of days, billions of cells can be grown in Petri dishes or test tubes on nutrient media;
  • more efficient use of the mutation process, since the genome of microorganisms is haploid, which makes it possible to identify any mutations already in the first generation;
  • simplicity of the genetic organization of bacteria: a significantly smaller number of genes, their genetic regulation is simpler, gene interactions are simple or absent.

Methods for selection of microorganisms

  • various methods of gene recombination: conjugation, transduction, transformation
  • inducing mutations

The use of microorganisms in the life of humans and farm animals

  • Synthesis of food additives and nutrients
  • Synthesis of biologically active substances
  • Medicine production
  • Production of animal feed


  • New field of biology
  • Industrial use of biological processes and systems based on the production of highly effective microorganisms of cell and tissue cultures of plants and animals with specified properties
  • Cellular and genetic engineering

Cell engineering

Based on the cultivation of individual cells or tissues on artificial nutrients

Genetic Engineering

The purposeful transfer of necessary genes from one type of living organism to another, often very distant in origin.

The mushroom is a producer of citric and oxalic acids. When crossed and selected, the original strains double in size.

Aspergillus colony

  • The medicine cyclosporine, which is used in organ transplants, is obtained from it. It prevents rejection of kidney, liver, heart, lung, and pancreas allografts.

Consolidation of knowledge

You need to develop a new variety, breed, strain.

  • What attributes would you give him?
  • Why?
  • What methods will you use when developing a new variety, breed, strain?
  • Where will you look for sources of new genes that form the best productive qualities of your variety, breed, strain?

Image sources:

http:// jankoy.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/E-kologiya.jpg background picture

http :// img - fotki . yandex . ru / get /9300/981986.4 f /0_88870_ bb 631542_ orig Earth

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summary of presentations


Slides: 7 Words: 653 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Selection. The development of new methods of breeding work was greatly influenced by genetics - the theoretical basis of selection. Selection work in our country is carried out in special farms, at experimental stations, in breeding centers, and in breeding state farms. Selection of microorganisms. The use of enzyme preparations in winemaking can accelerate ripening and improve the quality of wines. Enzymes from microorganisms are widely used in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. Molds and radiant fungi, modified by selection methods, produce hundreds of times more antibiotics compared to the original forms. - Selection.ppt

Selection lesson

Slides: 13 Words: 219 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Biology lesson in 9th grade. Methods of plant and animal breeding. Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov. 1887-1943. The main task of selection. Breed, variety -. Basic selection methods. 1. Selection a) mass selection - a group of plants with the best properties is selected. Spring wheat variety Novosibirskaya-67. Successes of Soviet breeders. P.P. Lukyanenko - created a number of varieties of winter wheat. Animal selection. Hybridization. Heterosis. N.S. Butarin. - Selection lesson.ppt

Biology Selection

Slides: 16 Words: 549 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Selection. SELECTION – human-controlled evolution. The name of the science comes from the Latin “selectio” - choice, selection. Selection tasks. Selection methods. On the gymnasium website, view the presentations of students in grade 10 B on the topic “Directions of Biotechnology.” Selection method. Hybridization method. Mutagenesis method. Exposure to radiation and chemicals on plants and animals. Centers of origin of cultivated plants. New Australian African European - Siberian North American. The law of homological series of hereditary variability. Plant breeding methods. - Biology Selection.ppt

Selection as a science

Slides: 11 Words: 350 Sounds: 1 Effects: 44

Selection. “Selection”... What is a breed... History of selection... All modern domestic animals and cultivated plants descended from wild ancestors. Breeding... Plants. The main methods of breeding in general and plant breeding in particular are selection and hybridization. Now more than 3 thousand varieties and hybrids are cultivated in our country. Of the 200 thousand species of angiosperms, humans use 250, or 0.12%. Disease resistance. Wheat rust. Ascochyta blight anthracnose. Potato blight. Powdery mildew and spotting of cucumbers. Millet smut. Drought-resistant varieties. Erythrospermum 841 Saratovskaya 46 (spring wheat). - Selection as a science.ppt

Selection is a science

Slides: 22 Words: 423 Sounds: 0 Effects: 79

Basics of selection. Basket of ideas. Review questions. Selection. Learning tasks. The science of methods for creating new varieties. Founder of the development of the scientific foundations of selection. Vavilov Nikolai Ivanovich. 8 centers of ancient agriculture. Selection is a science. Selection methods. Selection. Types of hybridization. Centers of origin of cultivated plants. Selection is a science. Selection is a science. Selection is a science. Selection is a science. End. Variety Breed. Strain. - Selection is a science.ppt

Breeding Basics

Slides: 17 Words: 277 Sounds: 0 Effects: 57

Fundamentals of selection of plants, animals, microorganisms. The concept of selection. Selection tasks. Basic methods of selection work. The main centers of origin of cultivated plants. South Asian Center. The homeland of rice, sugar cane, many fruits and vegetables. East Asian Center. South-West Asian Center. The homeland of several forms of wheat, rye, legumes, and grapes. Mediterranean center. Homeland of olives, clover, cabbage. Abyssinian center. Homeland of bananas, sorghum, durum wheat. Central American Center. Homeland of corn, cocoa, beans, red pepper. Andean center. - Basics of selection.ppt

Vavilov fundamentals of selection

Slides: 13 Words: 542 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

A method for organizing the educational process based on a block-modular presentation of educational information. modular block "Selection". Lesson structure. Complex didactic goal (CDT): Fundamentals of selection. Works by N.I. Vavilov. Module No. 1. - Vavilov fundamentals of selection.ppt

Basics of organism selection

Slides: 22 Words: 756 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Basics of selection of organisms. Modern selection. Selection tasks. Breed. Selection methods. Basic methods of selection work. Textbook assignment. Read the text of the textbook. N.I. Vavilov. The main centers of origin of cultivated plants. South Asian Center. East Asian Center. South-West Asian Center. Mediterranean center. Abyssinian center. Central American Center. South American Center. The law of homological series of hereditary variability. Plant selection. Basic methods of plant breeding. What does selection do? List of used literature. - Basics of selection of organisms.pptx

Breeding development

Slides: 24 Words: 1232 Sounds: 0 Effects: 95

Basics of selection. Guess the keyword. Today in class. Homework assignment. Subject and objectives of selection. Plant varieties. Animal breeds. Selection. Stages of selection development. Widespread domestication. Centers of plant origin. South Asian Center. Central Asian center. Mediterranean center. Central American Center. Law of homological series. Selection methods. Basic selection methods. Strain. Achievements in plant breeding. Achievements in animal selection. Check yourself. Standard answer. References. - Development of selection.pptx

Selection directions

Slides: 21 Words: 727 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Basics of selection. Breeds of dogs and cats. Plant varieties. Selection. Variety Selection tasks. Vavilov Nikolai Ivanovich. Moscow Agricultural Institute. The doctrine of immunity in plants. Invitation to head the Department of Genetics. Vavilov became director of the All-Union Institute of Applied Botany. Centers of origin of cultivated plants. Organized and participated in expeditions. Law of homological series. Selection directions. Vavilov was repressed. Centers of origin. Areas of animal domestication. Dog. Domesticated llama. Thank you for the lesson. - Selection directions.ppt

Selection in biotechnology

Slides: 67 Words: 2690 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Lesson topic. Biotechnology. Selection of microorganisms. Biology teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 5” Suprun Zinaida Mikhailovna. Goals and objectives of the lesson. During the classes. Organizing time. Repetition of the studied material (tests). Systematization of knowledge about plant and animal breeding. Learning new material. Consolidation of knowledge. Homework. Achievements of selection. In total there are more than 300 varieties of different plants! What does raising hybrids by grafting mean? Vasily Stepanovich PUSTOVOIT. Karpechenko Georgy Dmitrievich. Nikolai Vasilievich Tsitsin. Fedor Grigorievich Kirichenko. - Selection in biotechnology.ppt

Breeding methods

Slides: 16 Words: 939 Sounds: 0 Effects: 32

1) What does the science of selection study? Lesson topic: METHODS OF BREEDING PLANTS, ANIMALS, MICROORGANISMS. The main methods of selection are selection and hybridization. In plant growing, mass selection is often used in relation to cross-pollinating plants. With this selection, only plants with the desired qualities are retained for sowing. When re-sowing, plants with certain characteristics are again selected. This is how rye varieties were developed (for example, the Vyatka variety). Mass selection is also used in animal breeding. Selection – mass and individual. For example, a bull and a cow, who are brother and sister, are crossed. - Selection methods.ppt

“Methods of selection” 9th grade

Slides: 16 Words: 1631 Sounds: 0 Effects: 55

Methods of selection in plants and animals. Selection. Plant breeding methods. Basic methods of plant breeding. Inbreeding. Cross-pollination of self-pollinators. Distant hybridization. Use of somatic mutations. Centers of origin of cultivated plants. Methods of animal selection. Basic methods of animal selection. Intrabreeding. Interbreeding. Artificial insemination. Interspecific crossing. “Methods of selection” 9th grade. - “Methods of selection” 9th grade.ppt

Basic selection methods

Slides: 14 Words: 1233 Sounds: 0 Effects: 183

Selection. The main methods of plant breeding have been and remain hybridization and selection. Basic methods of plant breeding. 2.Individual selection is effective for self-pollinating plants (wheat, barley, peas). 3. Natural selection plays a decisive role in selection. 4.Inbreeding is used as one of the stages in increasing productivity. 5. Cross-pollination of self-pollinators makes it possible to combine the properties of different varieties. 7. Distant hybridization – crossing of plants belonging to different species. 8. Somatic mutations are widely used in the selection of vegetatively propagated plants. - Basic selection methods.ppt

Animal and plant breeding methods

Slides: 11 Words: 595 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

Presentation on biology on the topic: Methods of breeding plants and animals. Selection of microorganisms. Municipal educational institution Bazhenovskaya secondary school. Completed by: Cormina Irina, 10th grade student. Selection methods: selection, hybridization, mutagenesis. Sometimes viruses are classified as microorganisms. Pathogenic microorganisms cause diseases in plants, animals and humans. Biotechnology. BIOTECHNOLOGY, the use of living organisms and biological processes in industrial production. The further progress of mankind is largely connected with the development of biotechnology. - Methods of selection of animals and plants.ppt

Objectives and methods of selection

Slides: 12 Words: 112 Sounds: 0 Effects: 40

Methods and objectives of selection. Breed. Variety Selection. The science of creating new and improving existing varieties of plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms. Selection tasks. Selection methods. Hybridization related to non-related (inbreeding) (outbreeding). Selection. Mass individual. Experimental production of polyploids Experimental mutagenesis Genetic engineering. - Objectives and methods of selection.ppt

Breeding achievements

Slides: 93 Words: 3091 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Selection - achievements and problems. Directions in breeding work. Ways of development of agriculture. Selection results. Basic selection methods. Selection. Crossing (hybridization). Cloning. Mutagenesis. Biotechnology. Genetic Engineering. Plant selection. Origin of the apple tree. Niedzwiecki apple tree. Local plant varieties. Before storage, potatoes are frozen and dried. Tropical root vegetables. The cassava grain is called "tapioca". The most important root crops grown in the tropics. World production of edible root vegetables. Various varieties of corn grown in Peru and Bolivia. - Selection achievements.ppt

Plant breeding

Slides: 19 Words: 211 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The use of physiological traits in breeding for drought resistance. Wheat yields in the Volga Federal District are 2-3 times lower than in other districts of Russia. Collins et al., 2009, JXB. Productivity of Mexican corn varieties. Edmuedes et al., 2007, Crop Science 93 A – conventional selection, 92 A – targeted selection for drought resistance. The main conclusion: drought-resistant varieties can be productive in the absence of drought. Morrison et al., 2008, Phyl Trans Royal Soc. Fischer et al., 2010, Funct. Plant Biol. A correlation was found between plant productivity under moderate drought conditions and relative water content (WWC, left) and ABA content (right) RWC=(wet weight - dry weight)/(turgor weight - dry weight). - Plant breeding.ppt

Biology Plant Breeding

Slides: 8 Words: 200 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Plant breeding methods. Plant selection. Selection. Mass selection Mass selection is applicable to cross-pollinated plants (rye). Self-pollination in cross-pollinated plants. Interline hybridization, heterosis effect, phenomenon of hybrid vigor. Carrying out cross-pollination between different homozygous lines. Heterosis effect. Hybrid AB. Polyploidy. Diploid rye. Tetraploid rye. Distant hybridization. Rye + wheat = triticale. Rye + wheatgrass = hybrid. Cabbage + radish = cabbage - radish hybrid. Diploid radish set of 18 chromosomes. Interspecific hybrid. - Biology Plant Breeding.ppt

Centers of plant origin

Slides: 11 Words: 468 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Centers of origin of cultivated plants and domestic animals February 27, 2008. Lesson objectives: Continue to develop the skills to analyze, compare, generalize and systematize acquired knowledge. To develop students' ability to work with textbook text. Instill communication skills. Lesson stages. Updating students' knowledge about the basic concepts of selection. Life and creative path of N.I. Vavilov (student message). Centers of origin of cultivated plants and domestic animals (student message). The law of homological series of hereditary variability (viewing a fragment of an educational film). - Plant Origin Centers.ppt

Field crop selection

Slides: 25 Words: 432 Sounds: 0 Effects: 52

The goddess Demeter invites. Goddess of fertility Demeter. From gathering to farming. The role of angiosperms. Selection results. Agricultural crops. Centers of origin of cultivated plants. Wheat. Variety of wheat. Characteristics of spring and winter wheat. Characteristics of wheat species. Match. List of cereals. Cabbage. Varieties of cabbage. Selection results. Head of cabbage. Puzzle. Number one is Gribovsky. Moscow late. Slava Gribovskaya. Through the eyes of an artist. Angiosperms. Specialties. Used materials. - Selection of field crops.ppt

Apple tree selection

Slides: 7 Words: 231 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Bellefleur-Chinese Pepin saffron. Varieties selected by I.V. Michurin. Bogatyr Renet Chernenko. Varieties selected by S.F. Chernenko. Uspenskoye Flagship. Immune varieties. Currency Stela. Columnar varieties. - Apple tree selection.ppt

Winter rye selection

Slides: 32 Words: 3164 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

The role of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Growing named after. N.I. Vavilova. Scientific activity. Selection of heterotic hybrid varieties of winter rye. Creation of heterotic hybrids. Selection of short-stemmed non-lodging varieties of winter rye. Tallness of plants. Suitability for breeding. Productivity of winter rye. Breeding rye for disease resistance. Brown rust. Principles of strategy. Screening of samples from the world collection. Resistance of rye plants to pathogen populations. Genetic method. Creation of source material. Directions for using gene donors. Winter rye varieties. A sign of disease resistance. - Winter rye selection.ppt

Animal breeding

Slides: 9 Words: 985 Sounds: 0 Effects: 47

Animal selection. “Borka” is a hybrid of a domestic goat and a Siberian ibex. Selection-. During selection, stable hereditary transformations of various groups of organisms occur. Objectives of modern selection: Increasing the productivity of breeds per unit area per unit of time. Increasing consumer quality of products. Reducing the share of losses from pests and diseases. Dwarf horses. Such horses were bred in Argentina, the USA and Germany. Kabardian horse breed. One of the oldest horse breeds in the North Caucasus. The breed was influenced by horses of steppe origin and eastern, mainly Arabian. - Animal selection.ppt

Basics of animal breeding

Slides: 46 Words: 2538 Sounds: 1 Effects: 50

Education Centre. The concept of "selection". What is selection. The emergence of selection as a science. The tasks of modern selection follow from its definition. Goals and objectives of selection as a science. High yield of plant varieties. Market needs. Development of selection. Selection is also based on the achievements of other sciences. The success of the breeder's work. A number of features. Basic methods of animal selection. Natural selection is the process of survival of individuals. Artificial selection is the main method of selection. Comparison of natural and artificial selection. Man, using the principle of selection, gradually increased the diversity of breeds. - Basics of animal breeding.pptx

Animal breeding methods

Slides: 18 Words: 1315 Sounds: 2 Effects: 90

Topic: “Basic methods of animal selection.” Genetics and selection. Objectives: To characterize the main methods of animal selection. The first stage was the domestication of animals. Methods of animal selection. Animal breeding, compared to plant breeding, has a number of features. Thirdly, few offspring. 1. Intrabreeding. Selection of the best producers based on their appearance, culling of individuals that do not meet the requirements of the breed. The method preserves and improves the breed. Stud books reflect pedigree and performance over many generations. Individual selection and crossing are the main methods. - Methods of animal selection.ppt

Directions of animal selection

Slides: 40 Words: 1288 Sounds: 0 Effects: 132

Evolution guided by the will of man. Selection. Features of animal selection. Basic methods of animal selection. Selection. Unrelated crossing. Zebroids. Interspecific hybrids. Khaynak. Archaromerinos. Inbreeding. Methods of animal selection. Breeds of cattle. Hereford breed. Bred in France. The oldest breed. Guernsey breed. Brown Swiss breed. Ayrshire breed. Sheep breeding. Soviet merino. Karakul breed. Santa Ynez. Sheep breeds. Goat breeds. Pig breeds. Hampshire. Breeds of rabbits. Dwarf rabbit breeds. Horse breeds. - Directions for animal breeding.ppsx

Achievements in animal breeding

Slides: 24 Words: 912 Sounds: 0 Effects: 30

Animal selection. The concept of selection. Selection. Features of animal selection. Selection of breeding material. Selection methods. Achievements in animal selection. Outbreeding. Inbreeding. Heterosis. Interspecific hybridization. Interspecific animal hybrids. Mule. Liger. Dog-wolf. Zebroids. Camelama. Levopard. Orca dolphin. Hybrid pheasant. Hybrid animals. Wild sheep argali. One-humped camel. End. - Achievements in animal selection.ppt

Breeding of farm animals

Slides: 31 Words: 1525 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Animal selection. The process of domesticating animals. Wild species. Livestock breeders. Method of selection work. Basic methods. Selection of farm animals. Selection and evaluation of animals. Artificial insemination. Bull. Plates. Breeding methods. Success of selection. Crossbreeding. Hybridization. Classification of breeds. Dairy breeds. Meat breeds. Meat and dairy breeds. Riding horses. Trotting horses. Horse pack and draft horses. Fine fleece sheep. Semi-fine fleece sheep. Coarse-haired breeds. Fat and meat-greasy breeds of pigs. Meat breeds of pigs. Modern selection methods. - Selection of farm animals.ppt

Dog breeding

Slides: 14 Words: 52 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

Problems of dog selection in the light of some provisions of modern genetics. Various breeds of dogs. The purpose and objectives of the work. "Pat Dog" Images of dogs in ancient Rome and Egypt. Selection. Mass. Methodical. Unconscious. Individual. Artificial. Natural. G. Mendel. Muscle development mutation. Changes in the structure of teeth. Dog breeding. Service dogs. - Dog breeding.ppt

Selection of microorganisms

Slides: 31 Words: 1113 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Lesson. Topic: Selection of microorganisms. Biotechnology. Lesson objectives: To introduce the main areas of biotechnology. To continue the development of cognitive interest among high school students in studying the problems of modern selection. Lesson progress: I. Organizational moment II. Updating of reference knowledge III. Studying a new topic IV. Consolidation of the studied material V. Homework. Basic methods of animal selection. Hybridization. Selection. Related. Unrelated. Mass. Individual. Intrabreed. Interbreed. Distant hybridization. Who is the ancestor of the different breeds of cows? - Selection of microorganisms.ppt

Methods for selection of microorganisms

Slides: 28 Words: 1367 Sounds: 1 Effects: 31

Topic: “Basic methods of selection of microorganisms.” Genetics and selection. Objectives: To characterize the main methods of selection of microorganisms. But here too there are some peculiarities. The bacterial genome is haploid; any mutations appear already in the first generation. Traditional selection of microorganisms. Genetic Engineering. The objects of biotechnology are bacteria, fungi, cells of plant and animal tissues. What is shown in the picture? Selection of microorganisms. Obtaining a frost-resistant variety took only a year (instead of 30 years). Transgenic plants are grown in many countries around the world. - Methods of selection of microorganisms.ppt

Achievements in the selection of microorganisms

Slides: 31 Words: 1053 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Biotechnology. Check students' knowledge. During the classes. Hybridization. Animals. Who is the ancestor of the various breeds of cows. Who is the ancestor of various breeds of pigs. Name the breeds. Human. Point out mistakes. Population size. Doubling the number. Increasing needs of people. The science of using living organisms. Microorganisms. Diseases. Features of microorganisms. Incredible productivity. Use of microorganisms. Achievements in the selection of microorganisms. Miekodrom. Features of the selection of microorganisms. Selection of microorganisms. - Achievements in the selection of microorganisms.ppt

Plant and Animal Breeding

Slides: 44 Words: 2540 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Selection. Textbook on general biology. Selection tasks. Increasing the yield of varieties and animal productivity. Increased resistance to diseases. Improving product quality. Suitable for mechanized or industrial cultivation and breeding. Ecological plasticity of varieties and breeds. Selection methods. The main methods of selection are hybridization and selection. Selection methods. Mass selection: Used to obtain varieties of cross-pollinated plants. All descendants are heterozygous. Results are inconsistent due to random cross-pollination. - Selection of plants and animals.ppt

Selection of plants, animals and microorganisms

Slides: 71 Words: 2170 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Selection of animals, plants and microorganisms. Target. What is called selection? Selection. Creation of new breeds. Creation of new breeds of animals and varieties of cultivated plants. The process of transforming wild animals and plants into cultivated ones. Domestication. Probable places of domestication of animals. Domestication centers. Name the wild ancestors of some domestic animals. Each variety, each breed has a special wild ancestor. Selection of plants, animals and microorganisms. Cultivated plants and domestic animals. Size and productivity. What determines the success of breeding work? - Selection of plants, animals and microorganisms.pptx

Horse breeding

Slides: 38 Words: 2562 Sounds: 0 Effects: 25

Creative project. Content. Historical reference. Domestication. Reference material. Konik. The first stud farms. Horse farms with stables. Breeding. Breeding new breeds. Horse breeding in the forest belt. Meaning. Main directions of horse breeding. Pedigree horse breeding. Worker-use horse breeding. Productive horse breeding. Sports horse breeding. Results of the work. Types of breeds. Classification of horse breeds. Circumstance. Eastern type. The Arabian must be recognized as an oriental type breed. Norian type. Norian horse. Heavy breeds. Mongolian type. Kyrgyz breed. - Horse breeding.ppt

Trotting horse breeds

Slides: 77 Words: 2977 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Trotting horse breeds. Socio-economic prerequisites. Draft horse. Creation of trotting breeds. Features of trotting breeds. Oryol trotting breed. American Standardbred breed. French Trotter breed. Russian trotting breed. A modern racing trotter. Breed. Horse breeding in Russia. Khrenovsky stud farm. Content technology. Breeding material. Breeding system. A.G. Orlov on Barsa I. Results of breeding a new breed. Breeding procedures. The best of the breed. Evolution of the agility of the Oryol trotter. Current state of the breed. - Trotting horse breeds.ppt

Breeding work in horse breeding

Slides: 13 Words: 1774 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

General provisions of breeding work in horse breeding. Plan. One of the most important factors in accelerating scientific and technological progress. Successful solution of these problems requires good knowledge of rock structure. Federal law on livestock breeding. Valuation is an assessment of breeding and productive qualities. State book of breeding animals. Development of the genetic basis of selection in horse breeding. Method of reproductive crossing. The birth of Bars 1 was preceded by trial and error work. Horse production goals. Breeding plans. Detailed characteristics of breeding stock. -