home · Tool · How to paint wood with enamel. Painting wood with varnish: the secrets of a deep mirror surface. Preparatory stage before painting

How to paint wood with enamel. Painting wood with varnish: the secrets of a deep mirror surface. Preparatory stage before painting

Almost all wooden surfaces and interior items need painting. On the one hand, this helps protect them from harmful external influences, and on the other, it creates the necessary decorative effect. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in this process, and anyone can cope with the task. But do not forget that the quality of the painting depends on how well the painting is done. wooden products, depends not only appearance, but also the service life of these items. That is why, long before starting work, you should study all the nuances and subtleties of the procedure, decide on the choice of coating and consider the technology of painting wood. In this article we will analyze in detail each stage, from choosing a tool to applying paint.

Characteristics of paints for working with wood

There are three types of paint for woodwork: oil-based, alkyd and acrylic base. Choosing suitable option, it is necessary to take into account the type of wood being coated, the conditions, as well as the climate in which the product will be used.

For example, acrylic paint can be used on any type of wood, with the exception of varieties with a high resin content. The base is water, so the composition does not emit an unpleasant odor, dries quickly and is considered environmentally friendly finishing material. does not clog the pores of the wood, allowing it to retain its natural breathing properties. The coating is very easy to apply, resistant to moisture and low temperatures, and can maintain rich color for a long time.

Painting wooden products with alkyd compounds allows you to reliably protect wood from the harmful effects of moisture. This paint and varnish product is characterized by excellent frost resistance and affordable cost. The components contained in the material form protective film, repelling water. But alkyd paints are not able to penetrate deeply into the wood structure, which is why the coating is very short-lived.

Oil compositions are made on the basis of drying oil, therefore they have a pungent odor and are quite toxic. Such paints are characterized by increased wear resistance, color saturation and the ability to withstand sudden changes in temperature. Working with this material is quite difficult, since streaks often form on the surface. Nevertheless, painting wooden products made from resinous wood is most often carried out with this particular product.


The composition of this material is characterized by a high content of film-forming components that perform protective functions. This allows the enamel to be used even for outdoor work. It should be noted that this coating is exclusively white. If necessary, concentrated dyes are used, which are added to the enamel itself. The white base does not allow you to get bright shades, therefore the final colors are much paler than the tones indicated in the dye palette. Unlike water-based paints, enamels have a strong unpleasant odor and require regular ventilation painted premises.

It should also be taken into account the fact that White paint for wood is not able to hide the structure of the base, therefore it can only be used on flat surfaces without dark defects. In some cases, flaws have to be smoothed out using putty.

What else do you need to paint wood?

Scroll necessary tools and accessories includes:

Tools for painting (brushes, roller, spray gun);

Putty knife;





Depending on the type of surface to be painted, this list may be supplemented.

Selecting Brushes

To make the painted surface look beautiful and neat, you need to pay due attention to the choice of painting supplies. Correctly selected ones will help you apply the most even and thick layer coating, which will contribute to the long-term preservation of wood.

For surface treatment with varnish, oil composition or antiseptic, it is better to use brushes with bristles made from natural materials. For working with paintwork on water based It is recommended to purchase paint brushes with artificial bristles, since, unlike natural bristles, they do not absorb water and do not lose elasticity.

Also, do not forget about the size of the tool. For painting surfaces large area buy a brush 150 mm wide; for narrow ones, 12 mm is enough. For painting corners and wooden frames, brushes with a width of 25 mm are optimal, and for work in hard-to-reach places it is better to use wedge-shaped ones.

Before starting work, soak the tool in water for an hour so that the bristle hairs swell, increase in volume and become more elastic.

Preparing wooden facades for painting

The choice of paint depends on what result the owner wants to get: completely paint over the structure of the tree or leave it visible. In the first option, acrylic or oil products, in the second - colored antiseptics, which, after drying, are covered with varnish.

Painting wooden house outside begins with surface preparation. If the façade is not being painted for the first time, all previous layers of paint, putty and primer should be removed. To do this, use a small machine, a special remover or a hair dryer.

If the old paint holds well and does not peel off, a new coating can be applied over it, but in this case you should use the same composition that was used previously. You can determine how a wooden house was painted (outside or inside - it doesn’t matter) by cutting off a small piece of the old coating: acrylic paint will immediately roll up, while oil paint will quickly wash off.

Fresh wood must be thoroughly cleaned of dust. If we are talking about a rounded log, then you need to eliminate all the irregularities and smooth out the knots. This task can be easily accomplished Sander. Next, the walls are treated with an antiseptic primer, focusing on the lower part of the house, which is most exposed to the negative effects of the environment.

Facade painting technology

When the primer has completely dried (a couple of days after treatment), you can begin painting the facade.

For work it is best to use a brush. The coating is applied in the longitudinal direction, trying to avoid excessively thick layers. Start painting from the very top of the wall to prevent drops from falling onto the already covered area. During operation, the paint must be stirred periodically. This allows you to achieve the most even color over the entire surface. Particular attention should be paid to the ends of boards and logs, as they most need reliable protection.

It should also be taken into account that the quality of the work performed is highly dependent on weather conditions. Facade covering paint and varnish materials should be carried out at an air temperature of at least +5 degrees. At the same time, the scorching sun will cause the paint to dry too quickly, and high humidity will not allow the composition to be applied properly.

Painting floors

You should immediately focus on the fact that not all coloring compounds are suitable for the floor. In this area, paint specially designed for this purpose is used. Batten is subject to rapid wear, so the paintwork must be characterized by maximum strength and resistance to abrasion. The resistance of the material to moisture and ultraviolet radiation is also very important.

The technology for painting floors is for the most part similar to the process for painting facades. Here, too, it is important to properly prepare the surface: clean the wood from dust, cover cracks and defects with putty, and eliminate unevenness.

Work begins from the edges of the room. To avoid staining the walls when painting the baseboards, cover their edges with masking tape. Next, paint is applied over the entire area using a roller or wide brush. The floor surface is covered with an even layer so that the wood does not show through and dark areas do not form. After the paint has dried, it is recommended to brush the entire floor again.

This will help consolidate the result and make the surface more uniform. To make the coating last longer, it can be opened with a layer of protective varnish.

Painting furniture, doors and other decorative elements

Painting of wooden products located inside the house is carried out using absolutely any coloring compositions. Wooden elements sanded well, if necessary puttyed, degreased and painted. If we are talking about doors and furniture, then all glass and mirror surfaces are removed or sealed.

Very often, aerosol paints in spray cans are used for household work. This method is convenient for painting small and hard-to-reach areas. The paint is sprayed in an even layer at a distance of 25-30 cm. Special attention requires a surface on which white wood paint will be applied. It strongly reveals the structure of the wood, therefore, in order to achieve a uniform glossy effect, it is necessary to apply an even and thick layer of putty along the entire length of the product.

Using a spray gun

Special equipment for painting wooden products - a spray gun - will help simplify and speed up the painting process. Pneumatic atomization allows you to create maximum high-quality coating. However, using this technology, it is very difficult to apply the paint evenly. Even the most experienced specialists cannot guarantee the absence of sagging, especially at the joints of boards, where excess mortar almost always collects.

For this reason, a spray gun is not used when applying transparent compounds, which make such defects very noticeable.

Helmet Spray Technology

The surface to be painted is conventionally divided into zones A, B, C, where sector A is considered the most important area. They start painting it last, when the master gets used to working with a spray tool.

The spray gun trigger is pressed exclusively at the edge of the zone, moving in the direction of the wood grain. It is very important to maintain the same distance between the sprayer and the surface, avoid tilting the tool and move it at the same speed. The trigger is released only when the torch approaches the edge of the area to be painted. The work is inspected in bright light; if defects are found, they are painted over at a faster rate.

How to calculate the required amount of paint

Before starting repair work, it is very important to correctly calculate required quantity paints. When finishing wooden surfaces, it is necessary to take into account such a property of the material as the ability to absorb liquid, so it must be coated in 2-3 layers. Manufacturers of coloring compositions indicate on the packaging their approximate consumption per 1 m2, so all the consumer needs is to correctly calculate the surface area that will be painted. On average by 1 square meter 0.05 liters of product are needed. Thus, to paint 10 m2 three times, 1.5 liters of paint will be required.

Starting painting work wooden surfaces, you should listen to the recommendations outlined in this article. This will help to avoid unwanted mistakes and make a high-quality coating that will have a beautiful appearance and extend the life of the product itself.

Why paint wooden surfaces?

Wood is, in principle, very durable material, but do not forget that it was created by nature and its strength is naturally maintained in a living plant, while the cut one needs processing to preserve its properties for many years.

To protect wood products from unfavorable factors such as dampness, drying out, fading and many other environmental influences, it is covered with layers of paint or varnish. Sometimes, for many reasons, for the sake of nobility or to maintain the image in the interior, untreated wood is used indoors; this type requires especially careful care and special treatment.

Preparing for painting

Primary painting.

To paint wood well, careful preparation is required. First, you need to make sure that the product is not wet, otherwise there is no point in carrying out subsequent actions, the paint will quickly begin to peel and peel off, and this in itself is not the desired result.

Inspect the entire surface for roughness, knots, and cracks. If the wood turns out to be not ideal, then achieve a smooth texture using sandpaper, and fill the cracks with wood putty using a spatula. After that, additionally rub the dried putty with sandpaper.

The next step, for good adhesion of the wood to the paint, is to apply a primer layer of drying oil, if necessary, paint it twice with an interval of about 12 hours (you can do it in the evening and by lunchtime the next day). Drying oil is indispensable for impregnating wood natural oils, thereby reducing the subsequent consumption of paint material. After drying, additional sanding may be necessary.


Over time, the painted surface tends to lose its original aesthetics; it fades, cracks and gives the product an improper appearance. But thanks known properties wood, it can be restored by re-painting. If the old coating is severely cracked, it is advisable to remove it using a special remover. Rub it well and cover the surface with an alkaline primer and, accordingly, paint it in the usual way.

Which paint to choose or its varieties

Wood treatment products can be divided into paints and wax oils. Paints include nitro enamels, varnishes, and various primers.

Oil, enamels, nitro enamels.

Treated surfaces oil paint durable and resistant to moisture, inconvenient due to long drying time and rough texture. Enamels, unlike oil bases, have a more delicate consistency, are smooth and easy to apply, and mostly dry quickly.

Nitrocellulose matte enamel NTs-257 and acid-curing nitro-enamel NTs-258, which form an ideal silk structure, have gained great popularity for finishing wood. smooth surface when coating, and the strength of the protective layer of such paint exceeds all expectations. In addition to all of the above, the paint dries quickly and adheres well, although it has the disadvantage of increased toxicity and susceptibility to rapid fire when in contact with an open flame.

Natural and synthetic coatings

Synthetic dyes are obtained during the processing of petroleum products; due to their stable molecular structure, chlorine and other aggressive substances are added to their composition, so their use is considered not entirely beneficial to health.

It is worth considering the use synthetic paints for large areas at interior finishings. During work, even with good ventilation of the room, work in a respirator and try not to paint for a long time, but do it with short breaks and go out Fresh air, (so as not to be poisoned by toxic fumes).

Natural coatings , on the contrary, are made exclusively from natural ingredients, are environmentally friendly, and contain minerals, oils, and resins. Although such paints do not have large selection V color solutions, absolutely safe and non-toxic.

Acrylic dyes

Easy to use and wide choose flowers are attracting more and more people who like to experiment with acrylic mixtures. A creative mood and artistic taste, everything you need to use them, are more suitable for decorating paintings, panels, in a word, material for artists.

Acrylic lacquer on an organic basis, nowadays it is very popular for coating wooden objects (and not only, it can be used to cover anything), it is easy to use, non-toxic, quite durable and dries very quickly.

Surfaces covered acrylic dyes They have good resistance to fading and do not deteriorate from contact with water (not for long periods, of course).

Types of wax:

  • ready-made composition - beeswax product mixed with turpentine;
  • wax pastes - the mixture is a thick paste produced in tubes or iron cans;
  • liquid wax – created for the convenience of treating large areas, such as wooden panels, floors;
  • wax stains - slightly change the shade of wood, are used to refresh surfaces and hide minor scratches and abrasions.

Features of breeds

There are many tree species in the world, perhaps as many nationalities among humanity, and each of them has its own culture and history, many things distinguish them from each other. Likewise, wood comes from different origins and each type requires its own approach.

There are also noble breeds, such as the English or French, or simple breeds, such as birch and pine, it is not difficult to guess who they are similar to due to their simplicity (we have moved away from the topic).

So this is what this reasoning led to - before choosing a paint, you need to determine the type of wood, the absorption characteristics of coatings, the density of molecules, and so on. For example, a tree with high content tannins differ in the painting of wood with a looser structure, due to different absorbent abilities.

The tree species has great importance in the choice of paint and the choice of processing methods.

  • It is recommended to impregnate oak and chestnut with a special wood primer before painting to prevent tannins from penetrating into the paint layers.
  • For external construction (roofs and walls), relatively inexpensive pine and spruce species are used, which are suitable due to their resinous composition.
  • More than one is used for interior decoration valuable species to a beautiful texture after processing.

Types of staining

Paint should be applied in several stages thin layers , this is much more effective than coating with one thick layer; firstly, it will look neater and resemble a factory-made high-quality paint job, without smudges and bumps. Secondly, when applying paint to the same area in thin layers, paint consumption will decrease due to consistency. In order to apply thick paint in thin layers, dilution with white spirit or drying oil may be required.

Painting besides your own protective function is also decorative finishing for many wooden products. They often use imitation of valuable and noble wood species, painting them with dark tones using coloring solutions. They are varnished to maintain the natural structure and add shine and additionally carry a protective function, this method is called transparent type of coating . The varnish can be applied by hand, by dipping, using a sprayer or by pouring.

TO opaque types includes staining with nitro enamel, rich in variety color palette, covers the imperfections of wood quite well, gives a shiny sheen, and prevents harmful atmospheric influences. This is a fairly common type of painting for wooden gables of houses, wooden benches in courtyards, parks, Lately There is a trend to paint furniture this way too.

Application of water-based paints spreads indoors, they create an elegant but durable coating for wooden surfaces. Light colors are usually used pastel shades, they should not be flashy to emphasize some designer styles. They are applied primarily by roller, brush or spray method.

Remember Tom Sawyer, who assured his friend that painting a fence was easy and enjoyable? This will happen, but only if you prepare well for this process and follow a few rules.

  • 1 of 1

On the picture:

To paint a wall you will need more than just a brush. Also prepare a scraper and spatula for removing paint and resin, a technical hair dryer, and a small roller with a cuvette (special tray) for paint. And of course flat brushes of different sizes.

How to prepare the surface

1. Dry and remove the fungus. You can only paint dry wood. Moreover, it is not affected by fungus and mold. We wash both off the surface, sand the wood and coat it with an antifungal agent. Including neighboring areas, as they may be contaminated.

? If there is a lot of resin

Need additional processing . Otherwise, the wood paint will not bond well to the surface. We use ammonia or cellulose solvent.

2. We remove knots. They are almost always present on new wood. Scrape the resin from the knots with a spatula. If it appears again, heat the wood technical hairdryer, and then we get rid of the resin. Carefully sand the wood with sandpaper. We remove the resulting dust with extraction gasoline, and cover the places where there were knots with shellac - it does not allow the resin to stand out.

Using a spatula, you need to remove the resin from the knots;
If resin appears constantly, the knot releasing the resin must be heated using a technical hair dryer and removed with a spatula;
The wood should be sanded thoroughly with sandpaper;
It is better to remove the resulting dust with a cloth soaked in extraction gasoline;
Knots should be painted with shellac, which will retain the resin released from them.

3. We remove the old coating. Old varnish and sand the paint with sandpaper or, if they are cracked and falling off, remove them completely: heat them with a technical hair dryer and scrape them off with a spatula. But be careful: hot air can cause a fire. To soften the varnish, you can use a paint remover.

4. We putty the surface and remove cavities. There is a special wood putty for this. Then we sand everything with fine-grained sandpaper and remove dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

5. Degrease the surface. Nitro solvent or extraction gasoline are suitable.

Important notes about primer

Why is it necessary to prime? Firstly, so that the wood paint adheres better to the surface. Secondly, the primer reduces paint consumption: it will not be absorbed into the wood. Finally, to prevent tannin stains from appearing.

If you repaint

Over old paint, we use the same type of paint. As an exception, acrylate can be placed on oil. On the contrary - under no circumstances!
On top of nail heads. Treated with special protective composition. Otherwise, the paint around them will soon darken.
If you are painting a door that has locks, handles, etc.. Either we remove it for the period of painting, or we protect it mounting tape

In the photo: Door Country T-25 Legnoform

How to prime a wooden surface? Outside, we use an antiseptic primer. It will protect the tree from weather conditions, rot and insects. Inside - ordinary. To do this, take drying oil or a colorless wood primer. Drying oil is diluted with solvent in equal proportions.

How to prime? Stir the primer before application. If you plan to prime with drying oil, then its first layer should be applied after diluting with a solvent in a 1:1 ratio. The wooden surface is primed with a brush; you can start painting only after a day.

Principles for choosing paint

For outdoors: paints with high elasticity- they will not crack due to changes in humidity. For the street you can use oil, alkyd and alkyd-oil paints. Although leading manufacturers have long been producing more environmentally friendly water-based wood paints intended for outdoor use.

For home: water-dispersed. They are durable, environmentally friendly, and the surface painted with them “breathes.”

How to paint correctly

The selection of compositions for coloring wood should be made taking into account a number of important factors. A competent choice of paint will guarantee long-term operation of wood products and structures.

Types of wood coatings - how are they chosen, what are they?

Wood is one of the the best materials for the construction of private houses, finishing works inside residential premises, manufacturing a variety of furniture and products used in everyday life. Natural wood has a chic appearance, is environmentally friendly, it breathes and retains heat perfectly. The service life of any wooden structures and surfaces directly depends on how well and correctly they are processed with special paints and varnishes. The latter must be selected taking into account:

  • Types of wood used. Painting of structures from coniferous tree It is performed with some compositions, and from deciduous wood with others.
  • Possibility of re-processing a wooden product painted with a specific paintwork material.
  • Operating conditions of buildings and surfaces made of wood (high humidity, exposure to sunlight, and so on).
  • Compatibility of the selected paint with coatings and primers applied previously.
  • Methods for preparing products for dyeing.

As you can see, figuring out what to paint wood with is not so easy. There are quite a few on sale now various types LMB. They are divided into three main groups - transparent compositions, dispersion coatings, opaque enamels. The former refers to all kinds of impregnations, protective special glazes and varnishes without color. Transparent paints and varnishes are used to protect wood from ultraviolet radiation and emphasize the natural wood structure.

Dispersion compositions provide increased water and frost resistance, vapor permeability of processed products, as well as preservation of the color of the latter for a long time. The solvent for such paints and varnishes is water, and the binding component is alkyd resins, acrylates or synthetic latexes. Most famous representative dispersion coatings – acrylic paint. She is extremely popular these days. Opaque enamels are traditional coloring compositions. They are easy to use, good hydrophobic properties, guarantee high quality processing.

In everyday life, wood painting is most often done with alkyd, oil and acrylic compounds. We will talk about the features of these paints in more detail.

Oil compositions are slowly fading into oblivion

Oil based paints in last years are used less and less. Their main producers are domestic companies. Foreign companies practically do not produce such paints. Oil mixtures contain drying oil. This additive makes paints toxic and unpleasant to smell.

Working with oil compositions is not very convenient. Firstly, they are applied exclusively in cool and completely dry weather. If there is a little rain outside, the painting process will have to be postponed. Secondly, these paints take at least 24 hours to dry. Thirdly, before applying the oil mixture you will have to work hard to prepare the wooden surface. It should be thoroughly cleaned and leveled. If you don't do this, you will end up with a poorly painted surface with streaks, bubbles and other defects.

In addition, it is impossible to apply another type of paintwork to paints with drying oil later (for example, when you need to update the product). If you treat wood with oil paint once, you will have to use it constantly. We advise you to think several times before choosing such compositions.

Alkyd coatings - many advantages, but also many disadvantages

Opaque alkyd-based enamels are characterized by affordable cost and good water-repellent capabilities. They form a film of microscopic thickness on the painted surface, which preserves the appearance of natural wood. Alkyd enamels dry quickly. For this reason, they are unable to penetrate deep layers of wood. This is an undoubted disadvantage, causing the fragility of alkyd coatings.

An important advantage of such enamels is low vapor permeability. The painted surface under a layer of such paint does not change its characteristics under the influence of moisture. Experts advise using alkyd-based paints for structures that tend to deform due to exposure to water. Typically, wooden window frames and doorways are painted with similar compositions. They are also used for exterior design work. wooden houses, since alkyd paints are not afraid of frost down to -25–35 °C.

Painting wood with an alkyd composition is not difficult. The composition fits well on any substrate. But here it is important to observe one condition - the surface of the product must be absolutely dry. If you paint wet wood, there is a 100% chance that peeling and blistering will appear on it. Drying time for alkyd paint is no more than 10 hours.

Last moment. Alkyd coatings are made on the basis of synthetic solvents, resins, various driers and other chemical additives. Such a motley composition causes a low level of environmental friendliness of the finished compositions. This means that it is undesirable to use them for work inside the house.

Acrylic paints are the leaders of the modern coatings market!

Many home craftsmen know exactly how to paint wood. Without unnecessary torment and searching for ideal compositions, they choose acrylic paint for processing wooden structures. It makes sense. Acrylic-based compositions:

  1. 1. Do not close wood pores (allow the wood to breathe).
  2. 2. They do not have an unpleasant pungent odor.
  3. 3. Retain their original color for a long time.
  4. 4. They can withstand frosts down to -30° without problems.
  5. 5. They have excellent water repellency.
  6. 6. Allows you to obtain any, even the most rare and unusual color shades.

Another advantage of such paints is their unique environmental friendliness. The binding element in them is non-toxic acrylates, and water is used instead of a solvent. Residents of European countries widely use acrylic enamels. Domestic consumers also began to care about environment and your own health. Therefore, sales of acrylic compositions are increasing from year to year. And this despite objectively high cost such colors.

To Work with acrylic paint Just. It is easily applied to wooden bases using a sprayer, brush or paint roller, and dries quickly. And most importantly, the coating can be easily renewed at any time without the need for preliminary cleaning of the surface to be painted. For many home craftsmen, this property of paint is of great importance.

Important! Acrylic compositions almost instantly lose their properties when stored in negative temperatures. Therefore, if you plan to paint wooden structures in winter, purchase the right amount of paint. Don't take it in reserve.

We hope you have decided which paint will be more convenient for you to carry out your planned finishing activities. It remains to figure out how to paint the wood. More on this later.

Painting wooden surfaces - instructions to help novice painters

Painting wood correctly is not as easy as many people think. First of all, you need to qualitatively prepare the base for applying the paintwork of your choice. This procedure is always performed, regardless of what composition (acrylic, alkyd, etc.) is used. Remove old paint from the structure, clean it of dust and dirt. A layer of paintwork that has served its purpose can be steamed off construction hairdryer or remove it using special removers sold in any modern hardware store. After this, sand the surface, wipe it with a damp cloth and wait until the wood dries.

The next stage of wood preparation is degreasing. This operation can be performed using acetone or white spirit. If on wooden base There are chips, visible scratches, cracks, they should be removed with a spatula, and then the treated surface should be thoroughly puttied. Wait for the putty composition to dry. And then go over the wood with sandpaper.

Seal the parts of the wooden structure that do not need to be painted with tape. Now you can start the main work. To paint any tree with a brush or roller, do the following:

  • dip the brush (roller) into the container with paint by a third;
  • make short strokes along the surface along the wood fibers;
  • After applying the first layer, wait for it to dry and repeat the procedure described above.

It is more convenient to paint large structures using a spray gun. And openwork wood products are usually processed spray paints from cans. In these cases, the composition is sprayed approximately 0.25 m from the surface. The paint is applied in several layers. After completing all work, it is recommended to treat the painted wood with a protective varnish (for example, acrylic). Good luck to you!

Although the natural look of wood is the most beautiful and interesting for most, very often there is a need to paint it. The reasons are different, but most often it is the desire to protect it from harmful factors, for aesthetic reasons, or the need to restore, for example, old buildings. In many cases, you can successfully do this and paint the house yourself. You just need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules.

Causes of wood aging

Wood continues to age, just like living wood. Moreover, such processes in a felled tree occur much faster and more transiently than in a growing one. If the material is not treated with special antiseptics, then after four months it will look unpresentable and turn gray. Therefore, wood must be regularly treated and painted.

Weather conditions in the form of precipitation and even minor temperature changes affect the rock, making it harder and changing its shade from natural to nondescript ashen. Because of high humidity The pores of wood constantly expand and contract, which leads to cracks and aging.

Mold appears in places where moisture accumulates. Then they spread over the entire surface. You can easily notice traces of mold; they have a characteristic light gray, and sometimes black, color. Although they do not cause any harm to the house, they can negatively affect the health of the people living in it. Subsequent rotting requires processing and painting of the timber and wooden houses.

Bark beetles are found even in new buildings, when the wane was not removed during the construction of the house or when contaminated material was used. These insects have been quietly eating away at the tree for many years, and it is very difficult to get rid of them.

Advice! Careful processing and painting of wooden products is necessary if they are constantly exposed to moisture.

Types of paints for painting a house

Paints for painting a wooden house differ depending on the location of the finishing work. When painting externally, a material is needed that will protect the breed from the following factors:

  • scorching sun rays;
  • gusts of wind;
  • exposure to precipitation;
  • pressure changes;
  • high humidity;
  • low
  • differences in low and high temperatures.

Important! When choosing paint for a log building, you need to consider all these points.

Interior paint

Paints for interior work are produced in a wide range. They are:


The advantages of such materials are:

  • deep degree of penetration into the rock structure;
  • low price;
  • resistance to atmospheric changes.

The disadvantages of such materials are few:

  • painting of wood is required regularly, depending on weather conditions and climate;
  • The oil coating takes a long time to dry, about 12 hours;
  • the paint peels off quickly, especially when exposed to direct sunlight.


This best option to decide what to paint the wood with. Their advantages:

  • they allow air to freely penetrate into the rock structure;
  • after drying, the layer remains elastic, which prevents the formation of cracks;
  • no need to paint country house up to eight years, which corresponds to the period of planned repairs in all buildings.

Covering antiseptic material

Its basis is an alkyd-acrylate composition. With this fairly new type of paint, you can even give an aesthetic appearance to cheap wood for more than ten years.

Advice! All types of paints will hide the natural structure of the rock, so there is no need to paint quality wood. Only planed boards that have been pre-treated should be coated.

For calibrated logs and laminated veneer lumber, it is recommended to use colorless varnish or glaze. This painted layer will give the building a beautiful gloss. And colored varnishes will help to paint the wood antiqued, changing its shade.

Important! When first painting buildings made of timber or logs, everyone chooses paint based on their tastes and preferences. And then, when repainting is necessary, oil materials are applied only to oil, and acrylate paints only to acrylic.

To figure out what paint to paint wooden house or how to cover the lining in a bathhouse, you should conduct a simple analysis of the existing painted layer. To do this, cut off a small piece and break it. If this is easy to do, it means the paint is oil-based. And acrylic can be easily rolled into a tube.

The service life of wood will not be extended by any paint coating unless it has been treated with antiseptics, fire retardants and primed. Therefore, all these products should be applied before coating.

When choosing suitable covering you need to pay attention to its approximate consumption and resistance to sunlight.

Preparing wood for painting

Not everyone knows that wood needs to be prepared before painting by following certain preliminary procedures. All wood, both inside and outside the building, must be properly dried (humidity not exceeding 10%), as well as cleaned and sanded. The answer to the question of how to properly paint a wooden house depends on the condition of the particular building.

All flat surfaces must be sanded or planed. Places from complex structure best processed special drugs to remove paint coatings, and then only sand with sandpaper or a grinder.

Sometimes holes appear in the wood. If they are small, it is enough to fill them with putty (usually acrylic). Large damages are masked with precisely selected inserts from wood fragments.

Advice! Painting a log house should not be done in direct sun, as the layer will dry unevenly and stains will form. You have to wait cloudy weather and carry out facade painting.

After preparatory work the tree is allowed to rest under the film, leaving holes for ventilation. In hot weather there is no need to cover the surface with polyethylene.

If the wood cannot be dried in any way, then a primer with an antiseptic is applied directly to the damp material and allowed to dry.

How to paint wood?

Now several practical advice regarding the question of how to paint wood and a house with paint. When performing work, you should not stop at just one layer of paint. For a satisfactory and lasting effect it is necessary to apply the paint several times.

On cleaned and sanded surfaces, you must first apply varnish, and then subsequent layers, depending on the desired effect, applying the paint coating with a brush, roller or spray gun.

When using a brush or roller for painting, you should keep in mind that you need to make a layer along the grain of the wood, evenly distributing the paint (varnish). When vertical surfaces are painted, it is better to use materials with non-spreading properties, and, therefore, preventing fresh paint from drips and the appearance of unattractive stains.

Wooden elements located indoors do not require increased security. They are not threatened weathering, nor the possibility of destruction from dampness, nor fungus, nor other pests. Therefore, it is enough to clean such a surface, then apply a layer of clear or colored varnish, and when dry, cover it with a colorless finishing material.

Anyone who decides to do professional painting should take into account that it will create a dense, durable shell. Therefore, it will be difficult to recognize under it natural wood, and more effort will be required in the future if it becomes necessary to remove paint.

Wood is quite an attractive and beloved material, so people prefer to renew and paint it rather than throw it away or destroy it. However, this process should be carried out correctly so as not to have to deal with falling layers of old paint later.

Therefore, before reconstruction, you should first check what kind of varnish or paint the wood was coated with. All this is necessary in order to use materials based on the same resin. Before this, you need to sand the surface, thus improving adhesion to the new coating. If you decide to completely remove the previous layer (old floors, parquet floors), then you can use any paint.

Raw wood must be pre-impregnated with special means. This is done so that it is not exposed to fungi and pests, because this often ends in irreversible destruction. It is best to apply two coats of paint of this primer.

Protect wood from harmful effects atmospheric factors can be protected using protective and decorative impregnation or colorless varnish. Layers should be applied with a brush in the direction of the wood grain.

Attention! The instructions for the paint should indicate its release time.

If you need to repaint an already used tree on which you are lying old layer paint, you must first remove loose shell fragments with a wire brush. Then, using sandpaper, you need to treat the surface to improve adhesion. Before re-coating the wood, it must be vacuumed and degreased. Only after this can new paint be applied to the old wood.

As you can see, the question of how to paint wood cannot be approached schematically. There are several essential points to be taken into account and proper technical procedure to be followed.