home · Lighting · What is a wormhole in wood? Biological and mechanical damage, other wood defects. High-quality and reliable lumber

What is a wormhole in wood? Biological and mechanical damage, other wood defects. High-quality and reliable lumber

- disruption of the wood structure by larvae and wood-boring beetles as a result of their penetration of freshly cut, unsanded timber through the bast layer of the tree. When clearing such trees of bark, traces of the progress of pests are clearly visible on the surface in the form of winding, intricate passages, different in shape, configuration and combined into a system inherent in one or another type of pest. Damage to a tree, depending on the depth of penetration, can be superficial (burrows are made in the bark and bast layer), shallow (burrows penetrate several centimeters deep) and deep (burrows penetrate the wood right through). A tree affected by a wormhole is unsuitable for the manufacture of lumber used in construction, in the manufacture of critical parts, furniture, etc. Woodworm burrows combined into complex systems on the surface of wood, freed from bark and bast, may be of interest to an artist with taste and imagination. Processed pieces of such wood can be original crafts and souvenirs, such as boxes, pencil cases, flowerpots, candlesticks, etc.

Shili - damage to wood with its further destruction in dead, reliable and felled trees under the influence of wood-destroying fungi.

1-4 - characteristic location of internal rot in tree trunks;
a-b - trunk sections with internal rotten rot

The most common is internal rot. The destruction of wood is so severe that it turns into powder or, having lost the connection between the fibers, is torn out and plucked out in bunches from the trunk. Wood of all species without exception is susceptible to this defect.

Such wood is not suitable for carving, for construction and for the manufacture of frames, doors, parquet, paneling and veneer.

Wormholes are defects that were formed due to damage by insects. Pests attack weakened or dead trees and freshly cut wood during storage. In addition, grinder beetles, bark beetles and some other insects can damage wooden crafts and structures already during operation. Pests make round or oval holes, leave internal passages and superficial grooves.

Education and influence of vice

Wormholes are usually caused by larvae and young insects. If pests have attacked wet wood and completed the cycle, they will no longer appear in the dried material. Most susceptible negative influence insects coniferous trees. Optimal condition For the development and activity of beetles, warm and dry weather with a temperature of 18-24 degrees above zero and a humidity of 60-90% is considered.

Because of wormholes, wooden products lose their attractiveness and presentability. appearance. As a result natural material gradually collapses and turns into dust. In addition, bark beetles carry a fungus that can infect the wood. Damaged lumber cannot be used in construction and decoration, and damaged wooden furniture must be thrown away.

Types of wormholes

  • A surface wormhole extends to a depth of up to 3 mm. Such a defect has virtually no effect on the strength, hardness and physical properties tree. When sawing, it remains as waste;
  • Shallow penetrates deep into logs and round timber up to 15 mm, into other lumber - up to 5 mm. Violates the integrity of the material, and when large quantities holes and passages reduces strength and negatively affects the properties of wood;
  • Deep defects affect logs deeper than 15 mm, and lumber - more than 5 mm. Sometimes the holes can go right through. Such defects are very dangerous for wood;
  • The rotting wormhole develops in dry wood and represents big number deep internal passages. As a result, the wood inside turns into wood flour, and then into a rotten mass.

High-quality and reliable lumber

For construction, it is important to choose materials that are free from wormholes and insect damage. The company “MariSrub” offers construction wooden houses and finishing work only from high-quality and reliable materials. We select and harvest wood ourselves, which allows us to carefully monitor the quality of our products. When producing timber and logs, we use only modern safe technologies. We comply with GOST standards, rules for transportation and drying of lumber.

Each product undergoes antiseptic and complete protective treatment, drying in a condensation chamber. This eliminates the appearance of manufacturing defects, the formation of rot and wormholes, the appearance of fungus and insects. As a result, logs and beams are of high quality. They will last a long time, retaining their color and original properties for a long time. A own production and working without intermediaries allow us to offer the most low prices for construction.

At “MariSrub” you can order inexpensively. We offer full complex services, including the design and assembly of a log frame, installation of the roof and foundation, protective treatment and insulation of the house, utility networks and finishing of the building. We guarantee timely work and high quality lumber!

Defects in harvested wood are defined throughout the world as certain, detectable defects in the trunk. These defects can generally limit the scope of required use of the workpieces and reduce the grade of lumber. Certain defects can be detected even during the first external, careful examination. Some disadvantages of wood completely minimize the possibility of its further intended use, others only limit it.

All defects of the external and internal parts of the tree can be divided into natural, that is, those that arise during the growth stage, and those that form after production processing or storage of wood.

Natural defects of a tree gradually or quickly develop under the influence of factors of different nature and time, including unsuitable weather conditions in the area where it grows, random external impacts, unfavorable activity of insects and microorganisms, and the aging process of the tree.

The identified deficiency may affect the entire lumber differently. Some defects, such as rot along the entire trunk, are considered unconditional, that is, these defects will prevent you from using the wood where necessary. Other defects, for example, curls and knots located in a certain place, on the contrary, are highly valued by craftsmen.

Defects formed under mechanical influence on harvested wood are usually called processing defects. The quality of all wood can be negatively affected by storing harvested tree trunks or storing them incorrectly. The grade of the material depends on the defects identified by specialists, so the defects are determined according to GOST 2140-81.

Learn more about the types of wood defects in the video:


Rotting is understood as a negative process expressed by the decomposition of wood fibers. Rotting occurs due to certain activities of mold, fungi and pathogens with a destructive effect. Rotting can occur even while the tree is growing; identifying such defects reduces the value of the raw material, since it implies damage to its layers and the development of various wood diseases.

Mainly, the development of putrefactive processes is promoted by higher than normal humidity. Rot in wood affects its environmental friendliness and reduces the quality of workpieces in production to three points or less.

In the initial stage of its development, rot is determined by the appraiser by the changed color of the wood and by a decrease in its strength. Then gradually the affected area is destroyed and transformed into dust. Often, after cutting down a tree, a completely internal rotten part of the wood is discovered, although outside there may be no changes.

Rot in the core is caused by the development of certain microorganisms that penetrate into the middle part of the trunk through wounds and knots. Thus, a pathologically altered tree is not suitable for making the necessary lumber, but often after some additional processing used to create unique artistic products.

The harvested wood is protected from rot by dry rooms and good ventilation system. Harvested lumber is subjected to a process of treatment with special antiseptic agents and impregnations.

Different types of wood rot

Freshly harvested timber, as well as dead and weakened trees in the forest, can be damaged by insects. These wood damages are called wormholes. Round or oval holes, grooves or grooves are visible on the surface of the timber. The main destruction is carried out not by adult insects, but by their larvae, which use wood and bark for their nutrition. In the overwhelming majority of cases, insects, having completed their development cycle in wet wood, do not repopulate it after the wood dries. When storing wood, insects damage coniferous timber to a greater extent than deciduous timber. Insects that destroy wood develop intensively in warm and dry weather. Optimal temperature, conducive to the life of insects, 18-24°, and relative humidity air 60-90%. Depending on the depth of occurrence, a wormhole is distinguished as superficial, shallow and deep.

Superficial called a wormhole that extends to a depth of no more than 3 mm. This type of damage is caused mainly by bark beetles. Small holes or passages are visible on the surface of the wood, forming a characteristic pattern (Fig. 79, a).

Shallow This is a wormhole that extends to a depth of up to 15 mm in round timber, and up to 5 mm in lumber. Small and large burrows are caused by woodworms, spruce longhorned beetles, etc.

Deep called a wormhole in the form of large passages (Fig. 79, b), penetrating round timber to a depth of more than 15 mm, and lumber - more than 5 mm. Wormholes in coniferous wood are caused by black longhorned beetles and horntails (wood wasps), in deciduous wood - by oak longhorned beetles, etc. To characterize the degree of damage, the type of wormhole is determined and the number of holes per 1 m of length or the entire length of the assortment is counted, and in plywood - per sheet.

A surface wormhole does not have a significant effect on physical and mechanical properties wood When sawing and peeling round timber, it usually ends up only in waste: slabs, slats, etc. However, bark beetles serve as carriers of spores of wood-coloring and wood-destroying fungi. In addition, bark beetles, by violating the integrity of the bark, facilitate the penetration of air and evaporation of moisture, creating conditions for the development of fungi. Shallow and deep wormholes significantly disrupt the integrity of the wood and, with a large number of passages, sharply reduce its mechanical properties.

In addition to the varieties of wormhole considered in accordance with GOST 2140, there is a rotten wormhole, which is caused by a group of house pests that can develop on dry wood (furniture and house grinders, house beetles, termites, etc.). With such a wormhole, the number of deep passages is so great that the wood inside turns into a rotten mass with high content flour, while there is no other damage on the surface except the entrance and flight holes. Rotten wormholes are also considered to be damage to the wood of marine structures and ships by a mollusk - a sea worm (sea worm). In piles and pillars, the passages of the seaworm first run perpendicular to the surface to a depth of 10-30 mm, then turn and run parallel to the annual layers up and down; in this case, individual passages never intersect or merge.

What is a wormhole

Wormhole, Wormhole, Wormhole, VX are space anomalies that connect two or more solar systems. Like space gates, they allow pilots to travel from one system to another, but unlike them, VXs are not permanent. They connect systems for a certain period of time and close when their lifetime expires or the mass limit is exceeded.

VX can connect two systems located far from each other and serve as a temporary portal for quickly moving between them. They can also be a passage to unexplored systems (wormhole-space, w-space) that are not on the star map (Starmap, F10). Be careful when you pass into VH, because you never know in advance what may await you on the other side.

Where to find VX

BX can be found in time using scanning probes (Core Scanner Probe, plug). Just like other space objects, VX are cosmic signatures.

Where does VX lead?

As has already been said, until you go to the VH, you will not know where it leads. But some information about the VH can still be found out before entering it. If you fly up to the VX and open the information window, you can find out some details. The screenshot below shows an IX leading into a system with a security status of 0.0 (zeros):

All VH are divided into classes from 1 to 9. Classes from 1 to 6 lead to w-space of varying difficulty. Classes from 7 to 9 lead to k-space (known-space, all imperial systems and zeros): 7th grade BX leads to highsec, 8th grade to lowsec, 9th grade to zeros.

You can also find out the BX class from the information window:

  • “This wormhole seems to lead into unknown parts of space” - Classes 1, 2 and 3.
  • “This wormhole seems to lead into dangerous unknown parts of space” - Classes 4 and 5.
  • “This wormhole seems to lead into deadly unknown parts of space” - Class 6.
  • “This wormhole seems to lead into null security space” - Systems 0.0.
  • “This wormhole seems to lead into low security space” - Systems 0.1–0.4.
  • “This wormhole seems to lead into high security space” - Systems 0.5–1.0.

When you enter VX, two options are possible.

In the first case, you will simply end up in the same k-space. This may be a system with a different security status than the one you were on, so be careful. Example: you enter VX from a system with a security status of 0.8 and end up in a system with a status of 0.0. It may be the other way around, from 0.0 you end up at 0.8. If you have a low personal security status, you may end up in a system where you are not welcome.

In the second case, you end up in w-space. Such systems, according to complexity, are divided into classes: from 1 to 6. Classes from 1 to 3 can have VX in both k-space and w-space. Grades 4 to 6 usually have VC only in w-space, with rare exceptions. So far, no one has found systems deeper than 5 w-space inputs.

How to get back

If VX leads to k-space, then after going through it you will find yourself in another system that is on the map. It has a name and you can navigate in it in the usual way. If the VX did not close after your passage, then after going through it you will be taken to the system with which you entered. Don't forget that the VH closes after a certain period of time. But it may close earlier if the weight limit has been exceeded.

If the VX leads to w-space, then after passing through, most beginners immediately have the question: “How to get back?” In some cases, the BH leading back will be present near the place where you appeared. Just like with k-space, the VX may close and you will have to find another way out. A w-space may contain from one to several VX. They can lead both to k-space and to the more dangerous w-space. To find a way out of w-space, you will again have to use traffic jams.

While in w-space NECESSARILY make a bookmark (Bookmark location, Make a bookmark place) on the VX that you passed through! If you decide to fly in the system, you can jump on the bookmark to get back. But don't fly for too long, otherwise the VX will close.

But what to do when you have no traffic jams, and the airport you went to has closed behind you? You can ask other players for help in local chat, and they will help you. They will simply blow up your ship and kill the egg(pod), thereby sending you to the station. Unfortunately, in 90% of cases, this is the only way out of the situation. And many players themselves leave the ship and self-destruct under. Therefore, before starting VC studies, check the following:

  • Make sure that you have learned the skills and have the modules necessary for scanning with plugs
  • Bring plenty of plugs with you to increase signal strength
  • Don't forget to update your clone on the station
  • Don't use a clone with implants if you can't afford new implants (if you die, the implants are destroyed)

Weight VX

VX has two weight restrictions:

  • The first is the mass of the VX. Each ship passing through the VX reduces its mass. When the BX mass runs out, it closes. There are also several VX that are capable of restoring mass. Example: if BX's mass is 500,000,000 kg (and it does not regain its mass), then it can only pass a ship of 20,000,000 kg mass 25 times. Then it closes, even if there is a time limit left.
  • The second is the limitation on the mass of the ship. Example: A first class VH leading from k-space to w-space can accommodate ships up to and including battlecruisers.

Holes always allow a ship to pass that matches its mass, even if the mass of the hole itself is not enough for the ship to pass through. Example: if maximum weight, which the VX - 300 kk passes through, but less than 200 kk remain out of 2000 kk, then an Orca weighing 300 kk with an ab/mvd (Afterburner/Microwarpdrive) will pass through the hole without problems, but the wormhole will close.

Capital Ships (Large Tonnage Ships) can go into the VX if the ship's weight limit allows it. However, it makes no sense to open a cynosural field in w-space, since ships will not be able to jump onto it. Supercapitals, such as titans and masers (mothership, mother ship), will not be able to pass into the VX, because they are too large.

Only Carriers and Dreadnoughts can be passed through the hole, if the mass of VH allows this, and only into classes c5-c6. In other classes it is possible to build these capital spikes, but it is not possible to remove them from there.

Capital spikes that cannot enter systems with a high security status will also not be able to enter them from w-space. Example: Archon, which cannot enter systems with a security status of 1.0 to 0.5, will not be able to enter these systems from w-space through BX.

VX and POS

POS (Player Owned Stations) can be installed in VX, but logistics and refueling are complicated due to the fact that VX are constantly closed and opened in different systems. Installing POS in w-space can be very beneficial, as they can be used as stations for temporary residence or for protection during retreat. Just as it is impossible to establish sovereignty in w-space, it is also impossible to establish outposts.

Features of w-space

In w-space, local chat works differently than in k-space. Until you write in the chat, your character will not appear in the list of characters. And this means that in w-space, unlike imperial systems or zeros, it is impossible to determine who is in the system. If you are in a cloaking device, then no one will know about your presence at all.

W-space is home to the most dangerous race of NPC pirates - Sleepers. To find them you need to scan the system with traffic jams or an on-board scanner. Please note that the higher the class of the system, the more dangerous and smart the Sleepers are. They are much more difficult to kill than NPCs in the Empire or zeros, but they produce more expensive loot and salvag, which can be sold or used to produce T3 ships.

Please note that w-space systems, just like k-space systems, have names, or rather identifiers.

As already mentioned, w-space is a very dangerous and unpredictable place. When logging into VX, you may receive a warning about anomalous changes in physics within the system. For example, you may find that a ship's shields have improved or deteriorated. There are other options for influence, but keep in mind that they affect all ships within the system, except for NPC pirate ships.

If any bonuses are active in the system, you will see a message: “Local spatial phenomena may cause strange effects on your ship systems.” Take a closer look at the background of the system and compare it with the examples below to determine what bonuses you will receive in the system.

To determine the strength of the bonus, you need to know which class the system belongs to. Also, these bonuses are displayed in the ship and modules information window.

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Inertia multiplier
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Multiplier max. range
(Max Range)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Slope modifier
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Rocket speed multiplier
(Missile Velocity)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Multiplier max. speed
(Maximum velocity)
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Control range multiplier
(Control range)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Armor repair multiplier
(Armor repair amount)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Shield repair multiplier
(Shield repair amount)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Shield pumping multiplier
Shield transfer amount
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Remote repair multiplier
(Remote repair amount)
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Capacitor capacity multiplier
(Capacitor capacity)
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Capacitor recovery multiplier
(Capacitor recharge time)
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Target acquisition range bonus
(Targeting Range)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Gun traverse speed multiplier
(Tracking Speed)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Damage multiplier
(Damage multiplier)
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Mass damage speed multiplier [missiles]
(AOE velocity)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Drone Speed ​​Multiplier
(Drone velocity)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Shield HP Bonus
(Shield HP)
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Target acquisition range bonus
(Targeting Range)
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Signature size penalty
(Signature Penalty)
1.25 1.44 1.55 1.68 1.85 2.00
Penalty to EM armor resistance
(Armor EM resistance)
10% 18% 22% 27% 34% 50%
Kinetic Armor Resistance Penalty
(Armor kinetic resistance)
10% 18% 22% 27% 34% 50%
Penalty on armor thermal resistance
(Armor thermal resistance)
10% 18% 22% 27% 34% 50%
Penalty to explosive armor resistance
(Armor explosive resistance)
10% 18% 22% 27% 34% 50%
Capacitor recovery time multiplier
(Capacitor recharge time)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50

Wolf-Rayet Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6
Signature size penalty
(Signature Penalty)
0.90 0.81 0.73 0.66 0.59 0.50
Bonus on EM armor resistance
(Armor EM resistance)
+10% +18% +22% +27% +34% +50%
Bonus to kinetic armor resistance
(Armor kinetic resistance)
+10% +18% +22% +27% +34% +50%
Bonus to armor thermal resistance
(Armor thermal resistance)
+10% +18% +22% +27% +34% +50%
Armor Burst Resistance Bonus
(Armor explosive resistance)
+10% +18% +22% +27% +34% +50%
EM Shield Resistance
(Shield EM Resistance)
-10% -18% -22% -27% -34% -50%
Shield Explosive Resistance
(Shield Explosive Resistance)
-10% -18% -22% -27% -34% -50%
Shield Kinetic Resistance
(Shield Kinetic Resistance)
-10% -18% -22% -27% -34% -50%
Shield thermal resistance
(Shield Thermal Resistance)
-10% -18% -22% -27% -34% -50%
Small gun damage multiplier
(Small weapon damage)
1.25 +44% +55% +68% +85% +100%


Wormholes have so-called statics - these are holes into other systems of the same class and which are always present in the system. Example: if c1 has statics in highsec, then after closing this hole (by mass or time, it doesn’t matter), a similar hole in highsec with the initial mass and time immediately appears in the system.

Second class systems are unique in that they have two statics, unlike other systems, which usually lead to k-space and w-space. If one of the holes closes, then again a similar hole opens in the system.

Also in w-space systems there are “dynamic”/“random” holes that can lead to both k-space and w-space. These holes, after they are closed, do not open in the system by analogy with statics and appear completely randomly, but there are certain patterns of their appearance in certain classes. Example: X702 - a hole leading to third-class systems and appearing only in k-space, or D792 - a hole leading to high-sec and appearing only in c5/c6, or C140 - a hole that also appears in c5/c6 systems, but leading in lowsec.

Class 4 systems are notable for the fact that holes never appear in k-space - neither from k-space to c4, nor from c4 to k-space.

Closing the VH

The main property of VX is instability. Therefore, the time will definitely come when it will close. However, VX have some parameters that affect its stability. These parameters can be viewed in the wormhole information window: after how long the VX will close and what is the mass of the VX at the moment.

For the lifetime of VX:

  • “The life cycle of the VX has not yet begun, the VX will live at least a day” (“This wormhole has not yet begun its natural cycle of decay and should last at least another day”) - This means that you have found a VX that has just begun to form, and finally appear in a couple of minutes. Lifetime 24 hours or more.
  • “This wormhole is beginning to decay, and probably won’t last another day.” - Less than 24 hours left, but more than 3 hours.
  • “This wormhole is reaching the end of its natural lifetime.” - Less than 3 hours left until closing.
  • “This wormhole is on the verge of dissipating into the ether.” - The VH is about to close.

For mass VX:

  • “This wormhole has not yet had its stability significantly disrupted by ships passing through it.” This means that the VX is quite stable, and has about half its original mass.
  • “VX received non-critical violations by passing ships” (“This wormhole has had its stability reduced by ships passing through it, but not to a critical degree yet”) - Several ships have already passed into VX, less than half remains, but more than 1/10 original mass.
  • “This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse.” - Less than 1/10 of the mass remains.

It is also worth adding that the above figures are not always accurate and tend to vary within plus or minus 10%. That is, the mass of the VX may not be 2000, as you might think, but 2200 or 1800. This “falof” is also applicable in terms of time - the hole may close not after exactly 24 hours, but plus an hour or even an hour and a half.

useful links

There are several services on the Internet that make it easier to determine the type of VX and their parameters, w-space bonuses, and statistics of passages in w-space. Here are some of them:

  • http://evemaps.dotlan.net/wormholes - table of wormholes, sorted by class, lifetime, mass and mass regeneration.
  • http://www.ellatha.c...ormholelist.asp - another VX table. In addition to the VX parameters, it is written where they lead.
  • http://www.ellatha.c... Systemslist.asp - Database on w-space systems. By system ID you can view bonuses, space signatures and class.
  • http://evemaps.dotlan.net/, http://www.staticmapper.com/ - Here you can see statistics (number of passes, kills, etc.) w-space by identifier.

Translation © Jeiwan