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Izospan d for roofing. Izospan d technical characteristics. Mounting connecting tapes

The main enemy of any structure is moisture. It is necessary to reliably protect structural elements from negative impact so that they are within for long years retained their integrity and strength. For such purposes, Izospan D is currently widely used. specifications of this material allow it to perfectly cope with this important function.

Composition of Izospan D, its main properties

The main component of the two-layer insulating material Izospan D is polypropylene. A non-woven fabric is created from the fibers of this durable substance. The next layer is a smooth film. This design gives the material a number of properties. He:

  • is a reliable barrier to water and condensate,
  • has high resistance to mechanical loads,
  • does not lose its qualities under the influence of temperature changes or ultraviolet rays.

The use of Izospan D in the installation of roofs, ceilings, and floors eliminates premature destruction building materials. It can be used simultaneously as a vapor and waterproofing barrier. One of the layers of the material is able to absorb condensation, which subsequently evaporates without causing harm to it. The other side of the coating does not allow moisture to pass through from the outside. It is important to know which side the vapor barrier is laid to the insulation in order to ensure perfect protection ().

Application of Izospan D in construction and repair

The universal technical characteristics inherent in Izospan D provide it with a wide range of applications. It is used in creating:

  • Cold roofs
  • Attic floors
  • Insulation of walls and ceilings
  • Floors on a permeable base

IN cold roof Izospan D acts as protection wooden sheathing from moisture penetration. In the attic floor, the material is necessary to prevent the destruction of materials by condensation from the room. The Izospan D gasket can significantly increase the service life of insulation, preventing moisture from penetrating inside. The material is used to create floors on concrete and ground to protect the structure of joists and floor coverings.

The price for Izospaa D is quite high. But practice shows that the costs are fully recouped due to the increase in the service life of building materials and structures.


Oleg (Saransk) I used Izospan in the construction of a bathhouse. In the steam room and washing room, it was used to protect the insulation laid on the ceiling and walls. 4 years have passed and there are no complaints. The ventilation is normal, there is no trace of mold or fungi.

Mikhail (Ryazan) My house is made of rounded logs. I decided to provide protection to the material and insulate it at the same time. I upholstered the house with insulation, covered it with a layer of Izospan, left a ventilation gap and installed the sheathing. Winter passed and it turned out that this sandwich increased the temperature in the house by 5-6°C. So the costs were fully covered. The insulation has been preserved perfectly, and we have been saving on heating costs for three years now.

One of effective materials, used for vapor and waterproofing, is isospan D. Due to its versatility, the membrane is in demand not only for domestic market, but also abroad. The material is used for almost all types of building structures.

Membrane Features

Modern hydro- and vapor barrier is different increased strength. If we consider its two-layer structure, the material is more like a woven polypropylene fabric. Distinctive feature membrane is that, in comparison with other analogues, it is resistant to strong mechanical stress. Izospan D can withstand even large amounts of snow.

Main characteristics

To become more familiar with steam and waterproofing, you need to consider its technical characteristics, which look like this:

  • isospan D membrane is delivered to the consumer in rolls standard size- 1.6x43.75 m;
  • the total area of ​​one roll is 70 m2;
  • membrane density - 105 g/m2;
  • the longitudinal and cross-section rupture load is from 1068/890 N/5 cm or more;
  • The main composition of the film is 100% polypropylene;
  • vapor permeability resistance is 7 m2hPa/mg;
  • the insulator attached to the walls has a water resistance of 1000 mm water column;
  • wide range of operating temperatures from -60 to +80 o C.

Izospan D on this moment can be called a standard for products of this type, although construction market There are many similar analogues. All other similar materials in their composition belong to the vapor and waterproofing of the first generation, and this membrane is already a second-generation insulator.

Membrane area of ​​application

A universal insulator made of high-tech polypropylene, thanks to its positive characteristics has found its application in many construction fields:

In order for Izospan D to effectively perform its functions, there are separate instructions for each type of installation that must be strictly followed.

Scotch tapes and tapes

From the considered characteristics it is clear that isospan D belongs to roll materials. Rare installation can be done without the formation of joints, which is due to the limited width of the canvas. To glue them together you will need additional Consumables, which the manufacturer took care of.

There are several types adhesive tapes, intended for fixing the edges of the membrane:

The instructions for the membrane state that only with the use of branded adhesive tapes the manufacturer guarantees the quality of steam and waterproofing.

General rules for working with a membrane as a vapor barrier

Despite their modern characteristics, isospan D, like others vapor barrier materials installed according to generally accepted rules:

After familiarizing yourself with the basic rules for installing vapor barriers, it is time to consider specific examples where isospan D is used.

Instructions for installing the membrane on various structural elements of the building

The use of the material for hydro-vapor barrier of various building structures requires compliance with the instructions for use. Let's look at what it looks like specific examples.

Installation on a cold pitched roof

The membrane is laid from the bottom of the roof in horizontal strips, positioned along the rafters of the walls. Special attention pay attention to the joints. They must overlap by at least 150 mm. The canvas is laid on the rafters on either side, nailed wooden slats. All joints are taped with double-sided tape. It can be used from any manufacturer, but it is better to give preference to SL connecting tape.

The slats nailed to the rafters are used as the basis for the sheathing. It can be installed continuously or with a certain pitch depending on the future roof covering. This design forms a ventilation gap under the roof.

Application in the construction of flat roofs

The web from the roll is rolled out on either side on the reinforced concrete floor slabs. Each subsequent sheet is laid with an overlap of 200 mm. The joints can be glued with any double-sided tape. There are no special requirements here, but the manufacturer, of course, recommends its product - SL connecting tape. Insulation is laid on top of the film or covered with a roofing covering. It all depends on the type of roof being built.

Use in arranging a concrete floor

When pouring concrete floors, the film is used as waterproofing. It is rolled out concrete surface overlap 200 mm. Moreover, along the perimeter of the room, the membrane is wrapped on the walls approximately 100 mm. All joints are similarly glued with connecting tape, leveled along the base and poured on top cement-sand screed.

Basement protection

When finishing the basement floor, the membrane protects the floors from moisture penetration from below. The film is fixed on either side under the subfloor. Fastening can be done with slats or staplers.


Having considered general instructions you can have a basic understanding of membrane installation. But everywhere there are nuances, so before using the material it is better to familiarize yourself with detailed instructions included with the product.

Sergey Novozhilov - roofing materials expert with 9 years of experience practical work in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

Universal hydro-vapor barrier

Universal moisture-vapor-proof material. It is a polypropylene fabric with a one-sided laminated coating of polypropylene film.

It is used in construction to protect building structures from the penetration of water vapor, condensation and capillary moisture. Due to its high strength, the material is able to withstand significant mechanical forces during installation, and can long time carry a snow load.

"Izospan D" is used as universal vapor barrier in all cases when it is necessary to protect the building envelope and insulation from the effects of water vapor from inside the room.

It is used as an additional moisture vapor barrier in non-insulated roofs for protection wooden elements designs and attic floor from under-roof condensation, atmospheric moisture and wind penetrating in places where the roofing covering is loosely laid.

As a waterproofing layer in cement screeds when installing floors on concrete, earthen and other moisture-permeable bases in basements, basements and in wet areas.

As a vapor barrier when installing insulated flat roofs, Izospan D is laid on top concrete floor under the insulation.

As a temporary covering for walls and roofs to protect against rain and snow.

Installation instructions for Izospan D materials

Non-insulated sloping roofs:

When constructing non-insulated sloping roofs, “Izospan D” is mounted on lathing or continuous flooring made of boards with horizontal panels with the smooth side outward, starting from the bottom of the roof. The overlap of panels at horizontal joints is at least 15 cm, at vertical joints at least 20 cm. The material is reinforced with a construction stapler or wooden slats. The joints of the laid panels must be fastened together with Izospan SL connecting tape.

1. Roof covering
2. Izospan D
3. Board flooring
4. Rafter

In designs flat roof:

In flat roof structures, Izospan D material is used to protect insulation and other structures from vapors from inside the room. “Izospan D” is rolled out on floor slabs or other base with the smooth side outward with an overlap of the panels of at least 20 cm; The panels are fastened together with Izospan SL connecting tape. Cement screed, insulation and roofing (floor) covering are laid on top of the material. When waterproofing the floor under the screed, it is necessary to extend the material onto the walls by 5-10 cm.

Insulated flat roof

1. Roof covering
2. Cement screed
3. Insulation
4. Izospan D

Insulated flat roof

Roof covering
Cement strainer
Izospan D

In floor structures concrete base:

For waterproofing floors on a concrete base, the material “Izospan D” is used. The waterproofing is laid directly on the slab. To level the floor surface, a cement screed is installed on top of Izospan D.

1. Floor tiles
2. Cement screed
3. Izospan D
4. Floor slab

Technical characteristics of materials Izospan D

Building membranes and building insulation

What is Izospan D? What characteristics does this film have and for what purposes is it generally used? I worked with this material and am ready to answer all these questions in detail.

Material Details

Features and Properties

Izospan d from domestic manufacturer"Gexa" is a two-layer vapor-waterproofing material. The first layer is made of dense and durable woven polypropylene fabric, and the second layer is polypropylene film.

Thanks to this structure, the material has high tensile and puncture strength. In addition, it does not allow water or steam to pass through.


  • Durability. The material can last more than 50 years;
  • Heat resistance. Withstands both extreme frosts and high temperatures;
  • UV resistance. The coating can withstand exposure to sunlight for a long time;
  • Efficiency. Availability laminated coating allows the film to effectively protect building structures from moisture;

Flaws. One of the disadvantages is zero vapor permeability, as a result of which Izospan d is used only for cold roofs. For warm roofs use diffuse membranes, such as Izospan AM.

Of course, the film can be used as a vapor barrier for insulated roofs, but this is irrational, since there is a cheaper Izospan b series. The latter no less effectively protects the structure from steam.

Another minus is that it is quite high price, if we compare the material with analogues from other domestic manufacturers.


Izospan d has the following technical characteristics:

If you compare Izospan series “d” and “b”, you will see that the characteristics of both materials are almost the same, with the exception of strength, which for the coating in question is 8-10 times higher than that of Izospan b.

Application area

Izospan series d is used in the following cases:

  • As waterproofing of a flat roof, if insulation or cement screed is planned on top;
  • As a waterproofing for sloping uninsulated roofs;
  • For waterproofing basement floors;
  • As a temporary coating for walls or roofs (no more than 3-4 months). The film can even bear a snow load;

  • For waterproofing floors on a concrete base (under screed or joists).


For comparison, I have given the cost of Izospan d, as well as prices for analogues from other manufacturers:

Application technology

Waterproofing pitched roof

As an example, let's look at how to lay a coating on pitched roof. This procedure can be divided into two main stages:

Instructions for use of Izospan d are as follows:

Illustrations Description of actions

  • Sealing tape Izospan sl;
  • Wooden slats and boards for sheathing.

You should also prepare self-tapping screws for installing the sheathing and a stapler with staples for attaching the film.

Installation of the first strip:
  • Roll out the roll directly on the rafters, and cut the canvas to the length of the slope;
  • Secure the fabric with a stapler. During installation, make sure that the film does not sag.

It doesn't matter which side you lay the film on. It does not allow moisture to pass through on both sides.

Installation of the second and all subsequent strips:
  • The second strip is rolled out and cut in the same way as the previous one;
  • The web is then leveled so that it overlaps the first film by at least 150 mm.

Sealing joints. Sealing tape must be glued to the joints of the panels, as well as above the rafters.

Lathing installation:
  • A counter-lattice is attached to the rafters on top of the sealing tape, which provides a ventilation gap between the roofing material and the film;
  • Boards are fastened across the counter-lattice, onto which the roof covering.

The sheathing pitch depends on the roof slope and type roofing material, so it may be different in different situations.

Floor waterproofing

The instructions for waterproofing concrete floors look even simpler:

Illustrations Description of actions

Materials. In addition to the film, you will need sealing tape.

Preparation. The concrete base must be cleared of debris and thoroughly swept;

Film installation:
  • The film must be laid on the floor in strips with an overlap of 200 mm, and folded at the corners;
  • The joints of the canvases are glued with sealing tape.

This completes the waterproofing of floors on a concrete base. Next, you can lay insulation or fill the screed.


Now you know what Izospan D is and for what purposes this material can be used. I recommend additionally watching the video in this article. And if any points are unclear to you, write comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

A properly selected universal hydro- and vapor barrier can effectively protect any building structure from possible penetration of condensation, moisture or evaporation. An example of this.

Failure to use or incorrect selection of hydro- and vapor insulation can lead to serious and even fatal operational problems, the elimination of which will require a huge amount of time and money.

Packaging of insulation "Izospan D"


One of the most effective, and also recommended by experts, universal hydro- and vapor barrier is “Izospan D”, which has received wide, deservedly, application both in the CIS countries and, strictly speaking, abroad.

Its technical characteristics, coupled with its unique properties, make this hydro- and vapor barrier the most preferable for most types of building structures.

1 General information about “Izospan D”

Universal hydro- and vapor barrier of the serial type “Izospan D” is a fabric sheet made of special high-tech polypropylene with a high degree of strength. Universal hydro- and vapor barrier of serial type “Izospan D” has found its application in the following areas:

  • Protection of various building elements, walls and structures from possible penetration of condensation, moisture or various fumes;
  • Hydro- and vapor insulation in roofs made according to pitched type, with no thermal insulation of the walls, to protect wooden elements (structures) in the attic from possible precipitation, wind, whip and even condensation;
  • Roof hydro- and vapor insulation (flat type only);
  • Layer-by-layer vapor barrier in cement screeds, usually used when installing a floor with a concrete, earthen or, in more rare cases, some other base;
  • Vapor barrier of basement floors and rooms in which there is constant high humidity(basements, attics);
  • Temporary, limited to 3–4 months, vapor and waterproofing of roofs, floors and various walls.

The technical characteristics of the described vapor and hydro insulation “Izospan D” are presented as follows:

  • The standard size of the Izospan D roll for walls is 1.6 meters x 43.75 meters, there is 70 m 2 per roll;
  • The density of vapor and hydro insulation “Izospan D” is 105 g/m2;
  • The ultimate breaking load is no less than 1068/890 N/5 cm (longitudinal/cross section);
  • The base composition is 100% polypropylene (as in);
  • Resistance to possible vapor permeation is no less than 7 m 2 hPa/mg;
  • The water resistance of “Izospan D” vapor insulation for walls is not less than 1000 mm water column;
  • Possible operating temperature range is from -60 degrees Celsius to +80.

Insulating coating series "Izospan D"


Despite the fact that this insulation product is the reference and most popular among all construction products for this purpose, there are similar analogues.

However, as a rule, all hydro- and vapor barrier analogues of the first generation, having old composition, while “Izospan D” belongs to the second generation of insulating materials.

2 Instructions for use

  • Instructions for use for non-insulated roofs (exclusively pitched type):

In all cases, for thermal insulation of this type, it is necessary to lay Izospan D in horizontal panels strictly along the rafters of the walls. Basic instructions installation "Izospan D" states that the installation of the material itself begins from the bottom of the roof.

And here it is important to pay attention to the overlaps of the canvases: between horizontal and vertical joints, the overlap of the canvases should be no less than 150 millimeters.

The insulation film must be laid and then secured to the wall rafters on either side using wooden counter-battens. After this, a continuous flooring made of boards, or, in more rare cases, lathing, should be installed along the counter slats.

After this procedure, all that remains is to glue the joints of the panels with a special, no matter what company or manufacturer, construction tape (but it is recommended to use Izospan SL) as during installation.

  • Instructions for use for flat roofing:

The roll must be rolled out on either side on the surface of the floor slabs or any other base (including walls). In this case, the overlap of the panels should be no less than 150-200 millimeters.

To connect and fix them, it is recommended to use a product of the same series - connecting tape of the Izospan SL series, or any other similar one. There is no fundamental difference in what kind of connecting tape will be used to secure the overlap of the panel.

However, in this case, it is preferable to choose a product that belongs to the Izospan insulation.

On top of the film is then installed thermal insulation material or a special roofing covering that functionally corresponds to the insulating insulation.

  • Instructions for use for floors with a concrete base:

In this case, Izospan D should be placed exclusively on concrete slab in the so-called “overlap”. In this case, the final overlap of the panels should be no less than 150-200 millimeters.

And in order to subsequently remove any possible irregularities on the surface, you should apply over cement screed. Waterproofing of this type is carried out by placing the material on the walls (either side) approximately 10 centimeters, as during installation.

Roll of thermal insulation series "Izospan D"

  • Instructions for use for basement floors:

The product "Izospan D", like any other insulation of this type, protects the floor structure strictly from below. The product is attached to rough floor from below on either side. In this case, for such a procedure it is necessary to use wooden slats or a special construction stapler.

2.1 Review of hydro- and vapor insulation “Izospan D” (video)