home · Networks · How to prepare your muscles for snowboarding and skiing. Caring for a snowboarding Thorough cleaning of the sliding surface from the old layer of paraffin, dust and dirt

How to prepare your muscles for snowboarding and skiing. Caring for a snowboarding Thorough cleaning of the sliding surface from the old layer of paraffin, dust and dirt

Storing a snowboard is an important task for an athlete, because mistakes in this area can lead to damage to the board and you will have to buy a new one (which is not such a cheap pleasure). Many snowboarders prefer not to solve this issue themselves.

They go to the boardshop, and there they do all the conservation work for a small fee. But others get by on our own, because you can really solve the question of how to store a snowboard in the summer on your own.

Preservation of the board

Before storing the board, it should be prepared. This procedure includes

  • removing fasteners;
  • complete cleaning of dirt;
  • paraffin coating.

Some snowboarders do not remove the bindings, arguing that they can clean the board of dirt anyway, and that a snowboard with bindings does not take up much space. But in any case, the fastenings must be loosened, otherwise they can deform the board and become loose from constant tension.

Dirt is cleaned by washing with a sponge in water. After bathing, the board should be wiped dry.

How to store a snowboard on the wall in the summer at home


The most labor-intensive procedure is applying paraffin. They cover the sliding surface. An ordinary candle is suitable as a raw material, and you can heat and distribute paraffin using an old iron.

For convenience, it is better to place the board on two stools, and cover the floor with something (so that there are no paraffin stains left). The iron must be heated so that the paraffin melts but does not burn.

First, it is heated so that it drips onto the board (applying it to the iron), and then with the same iron it is evenly distributed over the board, capturing the edge. The layer should be approximately 2 mm.

How to wax a board

Storage conditions

To understand how to store a snowboard, you need to understand: storage conditions must be such that the board does not deform. Therefore, the place to store your snowboard should be

  • dry;
  • protected from the sun;
  • spacious enough to place the board horizontally.

Before storing the snowboard, place it in a case (special ones are available for sale), which ensures additional protection. Storing a snowboard on the wall is acceptable, but in a horizontal position, on a shelf or special holders. Other positions lead to deformation of the board.

If you have to store your snowboard at home, you can put it on a mezzanine or on a closet, but make sure that nothing is lying on top, otherwise the board may become deformed. The balcony is not suitable as a place to store a snowboard due to the risk of drying out.

The fasteners should also be stored for storage - they need to be cleaned of dirt, loosened and lubricated with graphite lubricant.

Having correctly decided the question of how to store a snowboard in the summer, the athlete guarantees himself a successful new season and avoids unnecessary expenses due to damage to expensive equipment.

How to prepare a snowboard for storage


Skiing should be fun and enjoyable. Ointments are an important part of caring for your skis. Ointments help improve gliding technique and also have protective properties.

For alpine skis and snowboards, preparation is important because lubrication helps make skiing more maneuverable and safe.

Effective and easy push-offs and easy gliding when running both classic and free (skating) style, the ability to easily and quickly overcome ascents and descents - all this is possible with good ski preparation.

1. Ointments protect and care for skis/snowboards.

Ointments protect the surface of the ski/snowboard from oxidation. The oxidized surface of the ski becomes white or gray. Polyethylene High Quality must be constantly lubricated to improve glide. Dirt on the surface negatively affects the quality of gliding, but this can be avoided by using various types of ointments and paraffins. During storage, during transportation and during the summer season, skis and snowboards should be well lubricated.

2. Ointments promote good glide.

The ointment gives speed to skis. It is obvious to all people that they need to take care of their skis and snowboards and, accordingly, use ointments. Preparing skis before a race is the most important point. Not only for professionals, but also for amateurs winter species Sports preparation should come first. And even if you do not occupy a leading position, the gliding qualities of your skis and snowboards should be important for you too.

3. Ointments improve skating style and technique.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or a professional athlete, but well-gliding and maneuverable skis or a board are what a professional will immediately turn his attention to. Lubricated board and skis are much easier and safer to control. The easier it becomes to control skis, the faster your technique improves and the risk of falls and accidents decreases.

Well-prepared skis will help you quickly improve your level of professionalism.


Cross-country skis are prepared for gliding, and if used classic style- also for holding. At proper preparation Even an inexperienced skier will truly enjoy walking along the frost-crisp ski slopes.

For alpine skis and boards, except for preparation sliding surface, edge preparation also plays an important role. Properly sharpened and processed edges will increase the safety of riding on steep mountain slopes.

Now we will determine the level according to the intensity of skiing and go through with you all the steps to prepare the equipment.

SKIS (flat)


Before you start preparing, you need to divide the degree of difficulty of ski processing into several levels: Beginner, Expert and World Cup (professional).

A beginner is a person who enjoys skiing 2-3 times a month. winter forest, it is very important for him to enjoy this adventure.

An expert is a skier who pays attention Special attention sports training, skiing at least 2-3 times a week and taking care of the condition of his equipment.

World Cup (professional) is the level that any expert strives for. A person of this level plays sports 5-6 times a week, strives to achieve certain sports results, pays special attention to his equipment and tries to use the latest technologies and means for preparing skis.


Most easy way Prepare your equipment for riding - use the latest series of TOCO lubricants for easy use Express Line.

To prepare the sliding surface for sliding, you only need one single package with Express Line lubricant, which can easily fit in your pocket. Turn the ski over with its sliding side facing up. Open the Express series lubricant from the side of the sponge applicator, lightly apply the lubricant to the sliding surface and rub it with the back of this block. We do the same with the second ski. That's all! Skis are ready for use. True, after the season you will still have to prepare your skis for storage. The sliding surface is filled with base paraffin (1), but this requires at least an iron and paraffin! This will bring additional costs, so for the Beginner category it is better to take the skis to a professional workshop after the end of the season. The craftsmen will do everything efficiently, and you won’t face any additional expenses on tools. The masters of SK KANT recommend treating beginners' skis twice a year - after the season for storage and before the season for applying base wax.


In this section we will take a more thorough look at how and why you need to prepare skis. This category should know that there are classic and skate styles of skating. Skis for skating they are prepared for sliding, and skis for classic skiing are also prepared for holding, so that there is no “kickback” when riding. Here the skier will have to splurge on an inexpensive iron (2), a set of paraffins for different temperature ranges S3 Hydro Carbon (7), SportLine Grip & Klister (3), scraper, plug (rubbing) and base brush (4).


Let's consider the preparation of “classic” skis. First of all, we need to find a segment on the skis that we will prepare for holding against “recoil.” To do this, you need to put both skis on flat surface, stand so that your toes touch the center of gravity of the skis. Take a piece of paper and slide it under your skis. Next, you will need the help of a second person. The assistant must move the piece of paper forward as far as possible and back as far as possible (5).

The distance from the front stop of the sheet to the back will be your “block”, the place that we will prepare ONLY with holding ointments.

For those who take part in competitions, we strongly recommend using TOKO Carbon GripWax grip ointments ***

As you can see, for short skis less than 180 cm long (children, teenagers, not very tall adult women), the last should be 60-65 cm long. Higher skis over 180 cm long should have a longer last - 70-75 cm (6) .

Let's start preparing the ski by applying base wax. We apply base paraffin to the entire length of the ski by rubbing, except for the pad. Heat the iron and melt the paraffin until liquid state. We wait 5 minutes until it cools down and remove it with a scraper. Then we clean out the residue using a universal brush. Now the skis are ready for applying temperature wax.

We carry out the same procedure with skis, choosing one of three temperature waxes of the S3 Hydro Carbon series (7). Only in the case of temperature paraffin do we wait for it to cool completely before starting to work with the scraper.

Don't forget that we are not para-finishing the block. If you want to take part in amateur competitions, we strongly recommend using the TOKO Low Fluoro (8) series of paraffins with low fluorine content.

A small note: fluorine compounds improve the speed of skis.

For proper mixing of paraffins, we present you a table of proportions of paraffin applications.

After preparing the sliding part of the ski surface, we begin to lubricate the pads with grip ointments. To make it easier to apply the ointment, we limit the pad to pieces of adhesive tape. We select temperature ointment from the SportLine Grip & Klister series and apply a thin layer to the block. Rub the ointment intensively with a stopper until it completely disappears visually.

Attention: before going out on the ski slopes, you must allow the skis to cool to temperature external environment. This will eliminate the possibility of snow sticking to the ointment-treated block.


Before you start preparing, you need to divide the difficulty of handling skis and snowboards into several levels: Beginner, Expert and World Cup.

A newbie is a person who finds 1-2 times a month free time for rides on alpine skiing, or from time to time he picks up a snowboard and, in the company of friends, leaves the noisy metropolis in order to unwind his soul on the mountain.

An expert is a skier or snowboarder who pays special attention to sports training, skis at least 2-3 times a week and takes care of the condition of his equipment.

World Cup is the level that any expert strives for. A person of this level plays sports 5-6 times a week, strives to achieve certain sports results, and pays special attention to his equipment.

After determining your level, you can read only your section or take an interest in all possible ways ski preparation.


For those who are just trying to learn the basics of skiing or snowboarding, we recommend that you first contact a certified service center to individually configure the equipment and treat the sliding surface with base paraffin. Individual settings are important primarily for your safety. Mountains don't like to joke.

It's a little easier with basic paraffin. You can apply it yourself, but to do this you will have to buy an iron, a scraper, a brush and the paraffin itself. Believe me, it is much more economical at the first stage to contact a service center and apply the “base” there. Now your skis or snowboard are almost ready for skiing.

There is one small but significant touch left. Before you start skating, for better gliding, you need to use the TOKO series of lubricants for easy application Express Line (9). We select a package that is suitable in volume, turn the ski or snowboard over with the sliding side up. We open the Express series lubricant from the side of the sponge applicator, apply the lubricant to the sliding surface and rub it with the back of this block. That's all! You're ready to ride. True, after the season you will still have to prepare your skis for storage. The sliding surface is again filled with base paraffin (see figure). And again, we will advise you to contact the service center. In addition to preparing equipment for storage, you can also sharpen edges there and restore the sliding surface, if required. All. On next year repeat the same thing until you get to next category- Expert.


In this section we will try to explain in more detail how and why you need to prepare skis and snowboards.

If you don’t have enough time, or you don’t want to spend a significant amount of money at once, or you don’t want to delve into all the intricacies of preparing skis, then you have a direct route to a certified service center. For intensive skating, you need to visit the masters at least once every 2-3 weeks. This will keep your inventory in good condition. When self-care for skiing, we will tell you correct actions care and preparation.

Before we begin, let's go through the list of equipment needed for preparation. There are two main things to focus your attention on. This is the preparation of edges and processing of the sliding surface. To secure skis for surface treatment or sharpening edges, you need to purchase devices for securing skis or snowboards.


If the sliding surface (or in other words, the base) of your skis or snowboard is too curved, then it is practically impossible to ride them. In such cases, we advise you to contact professionals. The trails today are quite hard and icy, so preparation

edges and base is very important.

Check the curvature using a ruler.

The best option is when the ski is straight from one edge to the other. Often the ski is concave in the heel and toe area.

Concave ski. This ski is not easy to control. If the ski is concave along its entire length, then it must be taken to a service center for professional machine polishing.

Convex ski. Such a ski will “float” without clinging to the edges. This ski also needs to be polished. The easiest way to do this is in a professional workshop.

We talked about preparing skis for gliding above in the section on expert preparation of cross-country skis.

To process the sliding surface you need: an iron - for melting paraffin or repair plastic, a scraper - for removing paraffin, a brush - for cleaning paraffin residues from the pores, and the paraffin or repair plastic itself.

To process edges you need (in addition to clamps) a rubber block for polishing edges, an edge cutter for sharpening edges and whetstone for finishing edges.

Now we know what tools and accessories we need to prepare alpine skis and snowboards. Let's move on to step-by-step instructions.


An important point is turning the edge from the side of the sliding surface.

The angle should be from 0.5-1.0°, which improves turning qualities.

Slalom - max 0.5°

Giant slalom - 0.5°

Supergiant - 1.0°

Downhill speed - 1.0° or more.

With help special tool Multi Base File Control You have the opportunity to professionally sharpen an angle of 0.5°.


If the edge angle is too worn out, the ski becomes flat. This reduces grip and makes it difficult to control the skis.


If your base is deeper than the edge, then the edge needs to be sharpened. Protruding edges reduce the turning qualities of the ski.

Tool for precise measurement Edge Angle Multi Base Fite Control helps you measure the edge angle with precision. Use the tool before sharpening for the job correct angle, and after sharpening - to check the angle. Edge sharpening angle

Proper sharpening of edges affects correct, safe skating and technique. World Cup Professional athletes

Slalom: 3-4° 3°

Giant slalom: 3° 2°

Supergiant: 3° 2°

Downhill: 3° 2°

The service team takes an individual approach to the issue of corner sharpening, depending on the athlete’s preparation and weather conditions.


1. Measure the angle carefully.

2. Mark the heel, toe and middle of the ski.

3. Start sharpening with an edge cutter.

4. Sharpen with Angle Pro and Clamp. Do not apply pressure to the edge cutter.

5. Treat the edges with a polishing brush or an old copper brush.

6. Remove the shavings. You can use a red or green diamond-coated file dipped in water.

7. Types of diamond-coated files: Green - soft

Red - medium hard Blue - hard.


Very often, skiers encounter problems when preparing ski equipment and solve them on their own. As a rule, the reason lies in improper preparation of the ski edges. The edges of modern skis are made of a fairly hard titanium laminate or other similar material. Even the preparation of the strong elastic materials used in CAP SKI can drive a beginner skier crazy. If the sidewalls of the skis are not removed or are not removed enough, edge processing is simply not possible.


Use Sidewall Planer Pro to straighten the sidewalls.


Remove burrs and hardened materials using the Universal Edge Grinder.

Helpful advice:

Always remove as many sidewalls as necessary. The sidewall carries an important function as an integral part of the edging. If too much of the sidewall is removed, we also recommend removing the sharp top edges of the edges. Otherwise, the ski will “bury itself” in the snow.


Remove corrosion using a special edge sanding tool.

If you do not want to sand your ski, it is better to remove corrosion from the base of the ski.


Remove damaged edge edges using the Universal Edge Grinder.

Simply sand the damaged sidewall surfaces. Do not sand damaged edges away from indentations, otherwise the surface may become convex.

Ergo Plus edge cutter

Minor damage to the edge can be removed directly on the slope.

Ergo Speed ​​Top edge cutter.

It also allows you to get rid of minor damage very quickly.

Hardened surfaces can also be pre-polished with a diamond file.

Ergo Speed ​​Top (80) is used for really hard surfaces.

After reading this article, we hope that you want even more to become a more experienced athlete, versed in all the intricacies and intricacies.

On our website you can find more detailed information about this brand.



After intensive research and numerous tests in the "fields", Toko managed to combine the excellent running properties and absorption of hot paraffins with simple and easy to use liquid paraffins. Irox™ spray lubricants are easily, quickly and accurately applied to the sliding surface, then just as easily “ironed” and cleaned. The cost-effectiveness of Irox™ allows you to avoid wasting excess lubricant. This unique innovation, with patented technology, is revolutionary method applying “hot” paraffin to skis and snowboards


Hot paraffin waxes and liquid paraffins have their own individual advantages. Although hot paraffin provides better absorption, excellent glide and long-term retention on the sliding surface; liquid paraffin impresses with its ease of use and cleanliness after application.

Toko's Research and Development Department was the first in the world to combine the advantages of these two types of paraffin into a unique product. Irox is a sprayable paraffin with paraffin wax components. Instead of the usual drops of hot paraffin, Irox™ produces the thinnest layer paraffin on the sliding surface. Ensures uniform distribution of paraffin, even on large surfaces. Drops of paraffin on the table and floor are a thing of the past. Irox™ can be ironed to provide more deep penetration. Freezing New Product forms beautiful patterns on a sliding surface. Now there is no need to scrape off excess paraffin, it can simply be brushed off. This also means that wax waste is kept to a minimum. Various tests have shown that using Irox is equivalent to using hot wax in terms of gliding properties and wear resistance (duration of skating). Irox can also be used without an iron. Simply apply and rub in - you're ready to ride.

The benefits of IROX™ are immediately visible.

Easy and clean to use.

Even the wax layer, thanks to the precise application of wax.

Can be used “hot” method.

Can also be used using the cold preparation method (polish).

4. The paraffin must cool for at least 10 minutes.

No need to scrape, just brush. Optimal lubricant for infrared cooking. Better wear resistance (longevity of riding). Best sliding qualities.


3. Use an iron heated to 150°C.

Tip: To create additional protection when the wax is fused into the base, place Base Tex non-woven fabric between the iron and the sliding surface of the skis.

5. Clean any remaining paraffin from the surface using a nylon brush.


1. Shake the Irox as vigorously as possible.

2. Spray paraffin onto the sliding surface in an even layer.

3. Polish with wax using Thermo Pad, Dual Pad, Cork or Non-woven.

Mountain and cross-country skiing, snowboards, like any other sports equipment, require proper maintenance during operation. This is important to ensure that riding is as enjoyable as possible and that your equipment lasts as long as possible.

Throughout the season, scratches, folds, and torn areas appear on the sliding surface; edge profiles become dull, bend or even break. But the condition of the sliding surface and edges determines the ease of control on descents, the reliability and accuracy of maneuvers.

Of all this variety of problems, only a few can be solved in a city apartment, and those will require a lot of effort from you. Firstly, you will need expensive tools, a vice, edge cutters, files, irons, paraffin, etc. Secondly, a lot of time for proper maintenance and repair. Let's add the smell of paraffin, shavings and sawdust throughout the apartment. Therefore, it is best to entrust repairs to specialists!

Workshops offer you full complex equipment maintenance and repair services of any complexity for your skis and snowboards.


W - when transporting equipment on the trunk of a car, use covers; - after skating, you need to dry the equipment, only then put it in its covers; - do not store equipment near heating devices and in the open sun; - after the end of the season, equipment must be preserved.

All service centers of KANT sports stores operate on professional equipment wMERSTBGER

(Germany). Our masters are certified specialists with extensive experience.

Like any sports equipment, a snowboard requires careful preparation for the winter season. The quality of your vacation and the degree of pleasure you receive depends on how correctly it is prepared. To do this, you need to properly prepare the sliding surface of your snowboard and properly process its ends. In addition, it is necessary to select a lubricant (paraffin) that will ensure easy gliding on the snow surface at a specific temperature. environment.

We will tell you how to do this below.


The base of your snowboard, i.e. the surface in contact with the snow, which is an edge-sole complex, must be perfectly flat. In most cases, serial boards are more or less concave; and, in order to correct the situation, it is necessary in some places to reduce the height of the edge and, if this is not enough, to “clean up” the sole.

This work, which is carried out using files of various sizes, is extremely delicate. It requires skill, experience and patience. It is best to entrust this work to a professional; moreover, you can avoid this operation altogether if, when choosing a board, you check its concavity using a ruler. To do this, turn the board over with the sliding surface facing up and place a rigid ruler on the sole, perpendicular to the axis of the snowboard.

So, the two ends of the ruler will rest on two edges. All you have to do is look at the center of the sole. The gap that forms between the ruler and the sole should not exceed 1 or 2 mm. Otherwise, run to change the board!


For optimal performance, edges need to be sharpened after every ride. A day of riding can dull the steel of the most sharpened edges. If you want to do this yourself, I advise you to get a special stand that will support your board and a miracle tool - a set of files. Otherwise, you can always trust your snowboard to a sports store.

So, you decided to “torment” your beautiful toy on one's own. First you clean the edge with a medium file, then move on to a finer file. Edge sharpening is always done with a file in the direction from toe to heel. They always start from the part of the edge that is on the sole. You keep the file as flat as possible. Then the other side of the edge is sharpened, which will become the blade for your snowboard. You can place the file at an angle. The smaller the angle, the more attacking the edge will be, the more you will crash into the ice, but the easier it will be to make a mistake in edging. An angle of 88 seems like a decent compromise to me.

As soon as both sides of the edge seem sufficiently sharpened, you will have to remove the shavings - the result of your jewelry work. There are two ways to do this.

Use a special piece of paper that you run twice along the corner of the edge. It makes sense not to be particularly zealous when pressing, otherwise the jeweler’s work will have to be repeated again.

Apply an oil stone (literally mastic) or very thin glass sandpaper to each side of the edge. This The best way, but much more delicate.

Check the quality of your work by running your finger along the entire length of the edge. It should be smooth and clean. Also check its tenacity by running your nail from bottom to top. If you did a good job, there should be a scratch. Finish the preparation by blunting the edge 10 cm after the toe. Carry out this operation using thin glass sandpaper. You will see that at the arcing level you do not lose anything, but thereby make the initial phases of turns easier.


Quite a necessary operation, and essential if you want to have a chance of beating Regis Rolland on the Aiquille Rouge or Peter Bauer on the Avoriaz descent. You've just finished sharpening your edges and it's good if at least three fingers are saved from cuts and scratches.

Cleaning the sole: First of all, you need to clean the sole, removing metal shavings from the edges, and scraping off any remaining ointment. After this, the sole should be smooth, clean and dry. Avoid using liquid ointment solvents, they have a detrimental effect on gliding.

Choosing ointment for snowboarding: The ointment is selected in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Don't be petty when choosing an ointment. Take well-known brands (Swix, Noko, Vola, Hommenkhol...). When in doubt, always refer to the snow temperature. Remember that it is very easy to miss the ointment when very low temperatures. If in doubt, combine two ointments or choose the “coldest” one: the error will be less. Powder ointments like WAX ​​will exceed your expectations.

Sole impregnation: Using an iron, melt the ointment over the entire surface of the sole. If the ointment starts to smoke, it means that your iron is too hot and it will lose all its sliding properties. This means that you will have to empirically find the optimal temperature at which the ointment melts well, but does not smoke. Then you run the iron over the entire surface to thoroughly distribute and saturate the sole with the ointment. During this heating operation, the molecular structure of the sole changes. Now you need to leave the board for at least two hours so that it cools down room temperature. It is better not to throw it into the snow to cool it faster.

Sole scraping: Now the sole is soaked like a sponge, and the small molecules have finally calmed down. Armed with a plastic scraper and taking advantage of a lull, you will carefully and methodically remove excess ointment. There should be no trace of excess ointment. It is necessary to lick the surface with a wire brush or a Jex swab. Well, then, rather, go to the mountain with your friends to immediately check that you have not made a mistake.


The easiest option for preserving a snowboard for the summer is to contact a special service center. Often such centers are located in shops or ski equipment rental centers. There, for a certain amount of money, the board will be put in complete order, and all that remains is to find where to store it.

When there is no opportunity or desire to leave your snowboard in the hands of specialists, you can handle it on your own. First you need to remove the fasteners. There is an opinion that this need not be done. However, there is still a possibility that the tightened screws will pull the mounting sockets with them. This will shorten the service life of the fasteners themselves. Don't forget to write down the parameters (post width, angles) so that everything can be easily put into place at the beginning of the next season.

Before preparing for storage, the snowboard must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt. The board can be washed with water and regular soap, using a sponge or brush. Then blot it with a soft cloth. When the board is dry, special cleaners can be used on the sliding surface.

The next stage is preservation of the sliding surface. In service centers, ski equipment is preserved with paraffin or wax. Without the skill to do this at home, it can be difficult, although the procedure itself is simple. To do this, take special paraffin or a regular candle and use a hot iron to distribute the paraffin over the entire surface of the board.

After that, all that remains is to choose a storage location. You can store your snowboard without a cover, but where there are no direct sun rays. Vertical position and things dumped on top can deform the board. Therefore, it must be stored horizontally and free from debris.

Any board needs regular care, so you should know how to wax a snowboard. As a result proper care The skiing will be fast and will bring a lot of pleasant impressions. If you start to notice increased dryness boards or the skating process begins to slow down, and to avoid the negative effects of moisture and scratches, the board is treated with wax.

To wax your snowboard, you need to use:

  • two stools;
  • iron or hairdryer;
  • paraffin;
  • scraper;
  • with a rag.

To apply paraffin you will need:

  • choose the paraffin itself;
  • prepare the workplace;
  • clear the board;
  • apply paraffin;
  • scrape off excess wax;
  • rub the surface in contact with the snow.

Treatment frequency

Typically, new boards have a protective paraffin coating that lasts quite a long time. Therefore, asking the question “Should I wax my new snowboard” is not necessary. True, only a basic protective layer has been applied.

It's time to wax your snowboard when:

  1. Whitish spots and stains, clearly visible on the dark part of the slip.
  2. Surface roughness. Checked by touch - ideally, absolute smoothness should be felt.
  3. Fresh scratches.

The presence of a layer of paraffin is checked by running a nail along the surface in contact with the snow; the amount of paraffin remaining will give the desired estimate.

What types of wax/paraffin are there?

Currently, three types of wax are used for boards:

  1. Liquid (fluoride). It has a good similarity to an ointment or thick cream. Sold in cans and ampoules, in the form of a spray and in the form of soaked napkins. This wax is applied mainly before the start, then the speed increases. It is wiped off after just 1-2 passes, therefore, the coating is not applied independently - it is a hard, hot or factory layering.
  2. Solid. It has the consistency of a solid antiperspirant. Application is carried out using the included stopper. The speed level is average, wear off occurs after conquering 6-8 descents.
  3. Hot. Covering with this wax is the best protection for the board. Doesn't wear off very much long time, serves as the main sliding surface. Apply using a special or regular iron. To perform this procedure efficiently, you need to carefully prepare and have at least some skills in working with hot wax.

When purchasing paraffin, you should pay attention to its color, which indicates the required temperature to work with it:

  1. Blue – for minus.
  2. Red – for use in warm conditions.
  3. Yellow and orange are universal.

It is also important to take into account what weather conditions were the day before. For example, today’s temperature is -3–4 °C, and three or four days ago it was 14–17 degrees below zero, then red is not suitable for processing boards, because heating the snow to desired temperature hasn't happened yet. You should wait until the temperature changes end.

Self-applying hot paraffin

The procedure is somewhat more complicated than with hot and liquid wax. You need to stock up:

  1. A certain amount of time.
  2. Patience.
  3. Basic knowledge of technological processing.
Attention! Paraffin itself does not have gliding properties, so waxing a snowboard in moderation is too much thick layer prevents slipping - that's why it's so important to scrape off any excess.

Now it’s time to figure out how to wax a snowboard at home:

  1. Thoroughly clean the sliding surface from wax residues and contaminants. The procedure is performed with a special cleaning agent or the same hot paraffin, which is distributed over the surface and, without waiting for drying, is removed using a scraper. In this way, complete elimination of dirt and dust is achieved. We finish the procedure by sanding the surface with a specially designed soft cloth or felt rag; a scraping brush with iron bristles included in the tuning kit will also work.
  2. Apply heated to required temperature wax. We melt the paraffin with an iron or hairdryer, distribute it evenly over the slide, and compact the layer in the edging areas due to the fact that these places are subject to the fastest abrasion. Paraffin is applied as follows: hot surface paraffin rests on the iron and drips evenly onto the board. After this application, the paraffin is smoothed with an iron. Do not abuse the position of the iron in place. Complete hardening time is about half an hour.
  3. Let's loop finished surface. Using the previous steps, we have achieved filling the pores with wax and are moving on to cleansing the slip from excess wax. You can achieve a smooth board by scraping; for this you need a special scraper (scraper). The result is perfect snowboard glide.
  4. We polish the board to improve its shape, using for these purposes the special cork included in the kit.

The bottom layer of a snowboard, often called the “slipper,” needs to be looked after regularly: firstly, to protect the surface from moisture and scratches, and secondly, so that children on deflated cheesecakes do not overtake you on the slopes. For everyone who wants to ride hard this season, we have prepared useful instructions for treating snowboards with paraffin. Read and save for yourself.

Important: if you seriously damaged your board with ice or stones over the past winter, you most likely won’t be able to do it with paraffin alone and it’s better to take it to a professional workshop. The addresses of the “Trajectories” services can be found here

Are there any deep defects? Then let's go

When is it time to treat the board?
In 99% of cases, all new snowboards come with factory wax, which lasts quite a long time. However, if you notice that the slip has “greyed” (this is especially visible on a dark surface, as if whitish stripes are appearing) and has become not smooth to the touch, but rather “velvety-rough”, then it’s time to use paraffin.
Here's a photo to make it clearer what we're talking about

How to choose paraffin?
Let's start with the fact that paraffin is selected not according to the air temperature, but according to the temperature of the snow - it takes an average of 2-3 days for the snow to “cool” or “heat up”.
Those. if, for example, the temperature was 10 -15 for a week, with frosts down to -17 - 20 at night, and then a thaw suddenly set in 0 +2, you should not immediately run and “wax” the board with “plus” wax. Because For another 2-3 days the snow will give off the cold. Or vice versa, if there was a thaw, and then frosts struck at -15, then you shouldn’t immediately use paraffin at -15. Let the weather last a couple of days, then you can treat it.

How long should I wait?

Unfortunately, there is no universal answer here, because... besides air temperature there is also solar radiation and wind, which also affect the release or absorption of heat by snow. Therefore, here you have to use the trial and error method. Moreover, as you yourself understand, for the mountains and for the city the temperature selection scheme will be slightly different. Therefore, if you are traveling to the mountains, look at the forecast not only for the time of your trip, but also several days in advance, in order to understand what the weather was like “before” your arrival and what paraffin you should take with you. There should be no problems with the choice - manufacturers always indicate on the packaging what temperature the wax is designed for.

What types of paraffin are there?

There are 3 main types of paraffin: liquid or ointment, hard or plastic and hot.

Ok, what's the difference?

Liquid or ointment. It's fluoride. This wax gives the snowboard the highest speed. However, it wears out the fastest (in 1-2 descents, depending on the length of the route). Liquid paraffin is available in jars, ampoules, sprays or specially impregnated wipes.
It is mainly used by athletes before a start to increase speed.

How to apply liquid paraffin?

Everything is very simple here. You can apply liquid paraffin using a cloth (wipes for wiping glass work well).

Is it clear why you need a hard one?

Solid. Or, more precisely, plastic. Most often it looks like a package of solid deodorant. This paraffin always comes with a special cap so that it can be easily distributed over the slide. It is not difficult to apply, the whole process takes no more than 10 minutes. The only point is to make sure that the board is dry, without any remaining ice, etc.

How many descents does paraffin wax last?

Usually, it is enough for 6-8 descents, depending on their length. If we talk about speed, then with hard paraffin it will be average. Do you want to speed up? Try applying liquid paraffin after solid paraffin.

What are the advantages of hot paraffin?

Hot paraffin is the most “resistant” of all types. Provided that the board has been properly prepared and properly waxed, it will last for a long time. The downside is that application takes quite a long time (it also depends on your skills). Plus, you should have an iron on hand to heat the paraffin. For convenience, you can buy a special one.
Or use a regular iron, but it is important that it does not have steam holes.

How to prepare a slip for paraffin treatment?

In general, this can be avoided if you use liquid paraffin and sometimes solid paraffin. But, if you want your snowboard to glide perfectly, then it is better to adhere to the processing rules.
So, the first stage is cleaning. It is needed to remove dirt and remnants of old paraffin that have become ingrained into the structure of the sliding surface.
To “clean”, you can use a special cleanser that will degrease and remove everything unnecessary from the “pores” and structure of the slide. If there is no such remedy, then you can use the cheapest hot paraffin. We apply it with an iron to the board and distribute it. When it begins to harden, we begin to clean it off using a cycle (a special scraper), periodically heating it with an iron. If the paraffin hardens completely, it will no longer be easy to remove.

Why are we doing this?

Under the influence of temperature, the pores of the slipper open, and the newly applied paraffin, as it were, draws out all the dirt and old paraffin from them. This can be compared to depilation with hot wax. (Girls will understand)
After “cleaning” it is necessary to polish the sliding surface with a special soft cloth or a sponge that will completely remove the remaining dirt and paraffin. Happened? Great, now you can wax the board.

How to apply hot paraffin?

We recommend unscrewing the crepes first. It will be more convenient this way.
Using an iron, we begin to drip paraffin onto the prepared slip and distribute it over the entire surface. We give time for the paraffin to stick a little, and in this half-frozen state we begin to clean it off with a cycle. After this, it is advisable to sand the surface with a special sponge or brush so that not a drop of visible paraffin remains on the slide.