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Bathtubs for small bathrooms. Small bathroom design (real photos) Ideas for small bathrooms

When solving the issue of visual expansion of space, most designers agree on one opinion: it is necessary to remove all unnecessary things. What extra things can you find in a small bathroom? At first glance, nothing. There is a sink, a bathtub and a shelf with shampoo... However, this is at first glance, but if you take a closer look, in every bathroom there are many things that visually “eat up” meters. Organize your space correctly, remove items that you use at most once a month, hide cosmetics, etc. in specially designated places. It is better to store washing powder and cleaning products in the pantry, and cosmetics in the bedroom dressing table.

Special products for showering, water procedures and after them are best stored in a special wall cabinet in the bathroom. What else can you find in our baths? Of course, a basket for dirty laundry. Not only does this piece of furniture significantly reduce the space, but also storing dirty things in the bathroom threatens them with “rotting” from constant contact with moist air.

To make a room functional and comfortable, you need to think through the design down to the smallest detail. What else can you do to visually increase the area? Of course, due to light, color and shape.

How to make a small bathroom functional and comfortable. Recommendations

There is a global option for increasing the space of the bathroom, but not everyone decides to do it. We are talking about a combined bathroom. By removing just one wall, we get a huge amount of additional space to implement our design solutions, however, from an aesthetic point of view, not everyone agrees with such a combination, and even more so if we are talking about a family in which more than 3 people live.

Following simple rules will help make the room functional and comfortable.

1. Avoid a lot of dark colors in your bathroom design. The lighter the walls of the room, the larger its visual area. As for design, a minimalist style is ideal for small rooms. No frills, complex curls on the tiles, ruffles on the shower curtain - this will only make the room smaller.

2. A good way to visually enlarge a space is with a large wall mirror with clear lines and shapes. Decorative details are acceptable, but in limited quantities, since in conditions of high humidity bacteria will develop on such items and mold will multiply, and this is unacceptable. Whatever bathroom design you choose, it will be beautiful only under one condition - the cleanliness of the room.

3. The bathroom is a place where light colors need to be diluted with bright colors. In addition, this option will allow you to avoid troublesome and painstaking care of the walls. If you are pursuing the goal of making the bath wider, use finishing materials with horizontal stripes and patterns; vertical stripes will help to visually raise the ceiling.

4. An excellent solution for storing necessary personal hygiene products would be wall-mounted or built-in cabinets (the latter option is the most advantageous, since they visually form a single whole with the design of the walls). The fewer free-standing parts there are in the bathroom, the wider and more spacious it will look.

5. Another option to increase the area of ​​the bathroom is to install a shower cabin instead of the usual bath. This solution has a number of advantages. First of all, this is an aesthetic aspect, a shower cabin is stylish and elegant, and secondly, it has high performance characteristics. For those who like to soak in a warm bubble bath, we can recommend replacing the usual model with a corner one. By installing such a bathtub, you will not only visually enlarge the room, but also free up space for the washing machine. Buy a compact cabin: a stationary one with a full set or a regular pallet with a special screen.

6. Another popular option for increasing bathroom space is to remove the washbasin. However, such a radical method is not suitable for everyone, and modern technologies for the production of household appliances and bathroom furniture make it possible to place the necessary items directly under the washbasin (including a washing machine).

7. Use of installations. If in the bathroom it is possible to allocate 20-30 cm behind the toilet, then a wall-hung model will be the ideal solution. By carving out this space, the owners immediately “kill two birds with one stone.” The wall-hung toilet is more compact than its “brother” of standard models. It makes cleaning easier and is located close to the wall. The space at the back, not occupied by communications, is used to place cabinets and shelves.

8. Correct placement of the mixer. The best option is side installation. A practical solution will save a lot of space in the bathroom. If the sink has a standard width and is located near the bathtub, you can choose a universal faucet with a long spout. It will cover both the bathroom and the washbasin.

9. The play of light largely depends on the material used to decorate the bathroom walls. Glossy tiles in warm light colors will help to visually expand the space. Avoid colorful patterns, contrasting joints and oversized tiles.

Lighting in a small bathroom

The bathroom is a place of soft diffused light created using spotlights or LED strip placed around the perimeter of the room. When choosing lighting devices, you should remember that high humidity negatively affects their performance; choose special models of lamps.

The use of LED strips in wall cabinets and under them will create comfortable lighting, which will make it pleasant to soak in a warm bathroom. As for the number of devices and their placement, it all depends on your preferences. The main thing to remember is that there are no clear shadows and always a well-lit mirror (especially if a representative of the fairer sex lives in the apartment).

We hope that our ideas and the photos we presented will encourage you to make radical or more modest changes in your interior!

If the bathroom is small in size, then the main task of its design will be to increase the space. The situation is complicated by the fact that several necessary plumbing items and furniture must be placed in this room. And for the renovation of a small bathroom to be successful, you should find out and follow a few basic rules.

Finishing work

Any renovation begins with finishing work. And the choice of materials for a small bathroom will have several features.

Color solutions

Correctly chosen colors can make a room brighter and visually enlarge the space. Opt for calm and light colors, give preference to warm pastels such as peach, beige, milky, sand. Pale lilac, light green, and pink are also suitable. If you prefer dark, rich shades, you can decorate the floor in them, leaving the ceiling and walls light. But it is still not recommended to use too bright and catchy colors; they will put too much pressure and reduce the area. It is worth abandoning sharp contrasts; they are more appropriate in spacious rooms.

It is important to choose the right drawings. Too large ones will make the room even smaller. But small colorful patterns will not expand the space either, so it is better to opt for medium-sized patterns that are not too conspicuous. Vertical patterns will visually raise the ceilings, while horizontal ones will increase the area of ​​the room.

Wall decoration

To decorate the walls in a small bathroom, it is best to use not too complex materials. For example, you can paint them. The ideal option would be glossy paint, since shiny surfaces reflect light, scatter it and thereby expand the space. You can also use plaster. If you decide to choose a decorative one, then it is better to focus on simple textures, since intricate reliefs will create a variegated effect and “steal” square meters, which are already sorely lacking.

The most popular finishing option is tile. And if you decide to use it, then remember a few important points. Firstly, it is advisable to choose small tiles, since large ones will reduce the space. Secondly, pay attention to options with a glossy and not too complex finish. You can also choose a mosaic, but the designs should not be too colorful or large. Among other things, plastic panels can be used for finishing.

Separately, it is worth writing about leveling the surface of the walls. In a small bathroom, it is not recommended to use plasterboard structures, as they will significantly reduce the space. The best option would be putty; it will help smooth out all the unevenness, but the area will remain the same. And one more important point. You should not divide the wall into two zones horizontally; such a technique will literally break the space and divide it, which will visually reduce its size.

Floor finishing

To finish the floor of a small bathroom, you can use standard tiles, and they can be of any size. But it is better to lay it in the usual way or diagonally, since complex patterns will reduce the surface area. There is another interesting option - self-leveling flooring.

Ceiling finishing

The ceiling in the bathroom can be painted, since whitewashing will not be the best option for a room with high humidity. Plastic panels can also be used. If the room has sufficient height, then a suspended or suspended ceiling will do (if the height is small, it is better to abandon this idea, since the structure will “steal” 10-15 centimeters). Finishing materials must certainly be light. If you are not afraid of bold ideas, then use mirror panels for decoration; they will do an excellent job of expanding the space, as they will reflect and scatter light.

Selection of plumbing fixtures and furniture

When renovating a bathroom and toilet, you should pay special attention to the choice of plumbing fixtures, because it is this that determines the functionality of the room and plays the most important role.


The usual and most popular floor-standing toilets, in which the bowl is combined with a cistern, take up a lot of space, which is so necessary in a small-sized combined bathroom. And to save precious square meters, pay attention to compact models, for example, wall-mounted (floor-mounted) that are placed close to the wall. An interesting solution would be a corner toilet, which can be placed in one of the corners. But perhaps the best from the point of view of saving space would be a hanging model. The tank is mounted into the wall, and the bowl itself is attached to the wall.


It’s worth noting right away that a standard large cast-iron bathtub can immediately “eat up” a third or even half of the room, so it’s better to pay attention to small acrylic models. An interesting and optimal solution would be a corner triangular bathtub. But complex forms should be abandoned. You should not block the bathtub with curtains, they will reduce the area. It is also not recommended to cover it with a screen; in this case, quite a large part of the floor will simply be lost.

Shower cabin

A shower cabin can be an excellent replacement for a bath. And if you consider that its dimensions are much smaller, then this option will be optimal for a small bathroom combined with a bathroom. If your goal is maximum space saving, then pay attention to corner models, since standard square ones will “cut up” the room due to their prominent corners. The walls of the cabin should be glossy, not matte.


Choose a medium-sized sink with flowing shapes. Give preference to wall-mounted models, since the leg under the bowl will take up space. It is better to install a cabinet under the sink for storing things, but it should not be bulky or extend beyond the edges of the area.

Cabinets, cabinets and shelves

A small bathroom should be functional, so storage space and hygiene items are indispensable. But the arrangement of cabinets and cabinets should be as rational as possible. If there is no space in the lower part of the room, then use the upper zone. So, a small cabinet can be hung above the toilet or above the sink. But such an item should not be bulky and stand out. Choose flat sliding wardrobes that almost merge with the wall. Several shelves can be placed above the bathtub. But a large number of them will create a cluttered effect, but it is not needed.

How to arrange furniture?

Renovating a bathroom and toilet involves not only choosing pieces of furniture and plumbing fixtures, but also their correct arrangement.

Accommodation options:

  • In a square room, all pieces of furniture and plumbing fixtures can be placed in the corners or near two walls. One of them should be far, that is, located opposite the door, and the other should be adjacent to it.
  • If the room is rectangular, then place a shower or bathtub against one wall, and place a toilet and sink against the other.
  • In a combined bathroom, two zones can be distinguished. To do this, place a bathtub near one of the walls, and place a toilet and sink near the opposite wall. The role of a separating element can be played by a cabinet or a washing machine placed between the bathtub and toilet.

In any case, try to leave as much free space as possible. The option of placing all items against one wall is unacceptable.


Lighting should be sufficient, but not excessive, because after all, the bathroom is a place for privacy and relaxation. Give up one large central source, diffuse the light by installing several small halogen spotlights in the ceiling. But don't overdo it, otherwise the situation will only get worse.

Some useful tips:
  • Don't clutter the room. Hygiene products and items should not be constantly visible.
  • Be sure to hide all communications, as hoses and pipes will create a cluttered effect and narrow the space.
  • Use optical illusions created with mirrors and shiny surfaces to increase space. But there should not be too many of them, otherwise the room will cease to be cozy. You can hang a large mirror on one wall.
  • When choosing a door, pay attention to sliding models. If you choose a regular swing door, it should open outward. Avoid massive wooden models and pay attention to lighter plastic.

Proper renovation will increase the space in a small combined bathroom.

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Previously, renovating a small bathroom came down to replacing outdated or broken plumbing fixtures with new ones and changing finishing materials. Nowadays, when people strive to make their home not only comfortable and functional, but also especially beautiful, using various stylistic trends, renovation turns into a rather painstaking process. In old buildings there were still small bathrooms, moreover, very often divided into a bathtub and a toilet. In order to competently organize the renovation of a small bathroom and toilet, you need to learn some of the tricks used by designers in order to achieve the greatest convenience and comfort. Today Dekorin will share some of them with you.

Renovating a small bathroom and toilet: where to start

The first thing you need to focus on when starting a bathroom renovation is the layout. Drawing up a project is the main stage that determines all further work that will be required to renovate a small bathroom. It is important to decide on the amount you are willing to spend on repairs. There will be quite a lot of expense items. In addition to purchasing materials and plumbing, you need to take into account the work of qualified specialists who will carry out all repair work. Even if you decide to do everything yourself, some help may still be needed. By the way, in order to demolish a partition or create a niche for built-in plumbing in a load-bearing wall, permission from the relevant authorities will be required.

The project should reflect the renovation of a small bathroom and toilet from “A” to “Z”. In the project, it is important to take into account the location of plumbing fixtures and furniture, the laying of additional communications, niches and projections in the walls, finishing options, placement of mirrors and lamps. In everything, accurate measurements and calculations are necessary, since what lies ahead is the purchase of all the necessary interior items and materials.

When choosing surface finishing options, you need to take into account the microclimate of the room - high humidity, temperature changes and evaporation. The most common use of ceramic tiles, porcelain tiles and plastic panels, although in some cases, the renovation design of a small bath may involve painting the walls or another option. The color scheme for decorating the bathroom also needs to be decided in advance. We will look at what colors and shades are best to use in the article below using the example of individual rooms.

Renovating a small bathroom combined with a toilet: photos of successful design solutions

Many old-style apartments, for example, Khrushchev-era apartments, have a combined bathroom, and this gives a great advantage in organizing the space to the maximum functionally and aesthetically. If it is separate, this problem can be eliminated by dismantling the partition wall. Combining a bathroom will expand the area and make it possible to renovate a small bathroom combined with a toilet (photos show similar options) in the most successful way.

In addition to dismantling the wall, it is also necessary to get rid of all the previous finishing, after which the necessary communications and electrical wiring are laid, as well as work on treating the surfaces of the floor, ceiling and walls.

Repairing a combined small bathroom, first of all, involves equipping it in such a way as to make the space as spacious and functional as possible. The effect of a spacious room can be achieved by using light colors for the walls and ceiling. The ceiling part is decorated with suspended ceilings having a mirror surface or a suspended structure made of plasterboard, which can be made two-tier, equipped with spotlights. The floor mainly involves the presence of tiles. Floor tiles should have maximum strength characteristics; it is better that they have a rough surface for greater safety in the bathroom. In terms of color, it can be either dark or light.

Repair of a small bath in a Khrushchev building

Repairing a small bathtub in a Khrushchev-era building, as seen in the photo, will look best with light-colored walls. Mirror surfaces on the walls also contribute to the visual expansion of the space of the room. If the finishing material is ceramic tiles, you should choose a model of medium or small sizes; the presence of a pattern on the finishing surface is, in principle, undesirable; in extreme cases, it should also be small so as not to “load” the space.

Repairing a small bathtub in a Khrushchev building requires the presence of the necessary plumbing structures. For a combined bathroom this can be a bath, toilet, shower, bidet and washbasin. In a small space, it is impossible to install all the equipment, so we choose the bare essentials. The best option would be a shower cabin, as it will take up much less space than a stationary bath. If you still choose a bathtub, it can be standard (longitudinal) or corner, which will also leave some area free. Having started the renovation of a combined small bathroom, you must immediately decide on the model of the toilet (a wall-hung structure will require installation). The wall-hung design of the toilet will also help to gain space.

Furniture for a small bathroom

Furniture for a small bathroom should be chosen to a minimum: it could be a neat stand with shelves for various accessories, a bedside table for a washbasin, etc. Often, a place under the bathtub is allocated for storing detergents and cleaning products, hidden from prying eyes using a frame with doors or curtains. In small apartments, one of the problems is installing a washing machine, which should be located in close proximity to communications (kitchen, corridor or bathroom). It can be installed in a spare place if a small bathroom with a shower stall is being renovated, or it can be “hidden” in a bedside table under the washbasin.

Renovation in a small bathroom: photos of interesting layouts

If the family is quite large, combining a bathroom will not always be a profitable option; having a separate bathroom and toilet will become much more convenient. There can be quite a lot of ideas for renovating a small bathroom, but the basic principles of its design remain the same - light finishes, multi-level lighting, the presence of mirrors and a minimum of furniture.

When renovating a small bathroom, you should take care of having a good exhaust system, since there is a constant accumulation of steam in a closed room of 3-4 square meters. m. may lead to adverse consequences for the interior.

The shape of the bathtub will largely depend on the room itself and can be either corner or standard. You can store various washing and cleaning supplies in an equipped niche under the bathroom; the bedside table under the washstand will serve as a storage area for cosmetics, towels, etc. For hygiene products used daily, a small hanging glass shelf above the sink is well suited.

Nowadays, you can often see a small bathroom being renovated with the installation of a shower stall. It is better that its doors are glass and have a sliding design. This will make the bathroom look much freer.

In the previous material, we looked at the main points of optimal organization of a bathroom within a small space. But there are still many different nuances that also need to be taken into account and used during repairs.

Door to a small bathroom

You need to install the door to a small bathroom in such a way that it opens outward or use sliding structures. In combined bathrooms, it would be advantageous to have a doorway located near one of the side walls, and not in the center.

Zoning a small bathroom

Renovating a small bathroom cannot include architectural zoning (steps, podiums, partitions, etc.) due to the small area. Selection of areas is possible using different shades of the color palette with a smooth transition or lighting design. You can equip the shelves with built-in niches so as not to break up the space with hanging elements that interfere with the spread of light.

Lighting in a small bathroom

Lighting can have two levels. The first is wall and ceiling lamps (preferably made of frosted glass), which emit diffused light that promotes relaxation and rest. The second one is located in the work area near the mirror. You can use LED strip to illuminate niches.

Plumbing for a small bathroom

When choosing plumbing fixtures, it is better to give preference to porcelain products - they are much easier to clean. When choosing a mixer, you should pay attention to new models of thermostatic mixers - they are somewhat more expensive than classic valve mixers, but more economical and reliable. The cost of purchasing such a model will very quickly justify itself.

List of works when renovating a small room

The renovation of a small bathroom involves the following sequence of work: dismantling old equipment and finishing, installation of piping, electrical installation, leveling of the top and side surfaces, finishing of walls and ceiling surfaces with the installation of electrical points, floor treatment, including screed, waterproofing and finishing, installation of equipment and, Finally, installing the door.

Renovating a small bathroom is a troublesome task, but the result, in most cases, is worth the effort and time spent. It is worth noting that renovation in a small space has its positive side, which manifests itself in much lower costs for the purchase of finishing materials and the work of specialists. In addition, by choosing one of the trends in modern design to decorate your bathroom, you can make it the real pride of your home.

Renovating a small bathroom - 35 photos of successful interior design updated: December 14, 2017 by: Kyiv Irina

A bathroom is a room in which everything should be as practical and aesthetic as possible. In this article you can learn about the nuances of a small bathroom, what interior items to choose, what plumbing fixtures to choose, and how to achieve maximum optimization of the space.

Small bathroom, how to distribute free space.

Standard bathroom sizes are 4-6 square meters. m., everything higher (7-10 sq.m.) is a large bathroom.

Bathroom size 2-3 sq. m. very small. This room contains only all the essentials, that is: a bathroom and a sink.

Basic principles for arranging bathroom attributes:

  • For convenience and to increase space, the door should open outward and preferably into a blank wall (where nothing can be placed);
  • It is recommended to place the sink and mirror so that when entering the room the eye immediately falls on them;
  • The bathtub should be placed against the wall, occupying the entire space (so that there are no gaps between the wall and the bathtub);
  • To save space, the washing machine can be installed under the sink;
  • Under the sink there can be a cabinet instead of a washing machine;
  • You can save space with a shower stall.

Advice: a bathtub or shower cabin is installed for more than one year, perhaps the family has or will have children and elderly people, then the best option for them is a bathroom.

Bathroom and toilet separately

As a rule, a bathroom is 2-3 square meters. m. very small. It is necessary to accurately take all measurements of the room, and then choose where and what objects will be located. And only then choose the plumbing fixtures, since if you choose them in advance, they may not fit in size.

Separate bathroom pros and cons:

  • When there are two or more people in a family, it is possible to take a bath and use the restroom without embarrassing anyone;
  • There is not enough space, all necessary communications must be cramped;
  • It’s an inconvenience to always have to go into the next room after using the restroom.

Combined bathroom

This option has both pros and cons.

Positive sides:

  • More space;
  • There is no need to go to the bathroom after using the toilet;
  • Possibility to place all necessary communications in the bathroom.


  • An inconvenience for a large family when the bath is occupied and access to the toilet is blocked;
  • Constant smell of air freshener in the bathroom.

Advice! If you need to combine a bathroom and a restroom, but you don’t want to create inconvenience, you can purchase a bath curtain.

Corner bathroom - is it a good choice for a small room?

A corner bath is a good solution for a small bath. It helps save some space.

Saving space depends on the size of the corner bathroom; it can be either modest in size or large.

And also on how the rest of the plumbing will be placed in the room. And depending on this, it can, just like it eats up space, optimize it.

In a very modest corner bathroom, an adult most likely will not be able to immerse himself comfortably in it, but will have to take a shower.

But in this case, you can install a shower stall.

But if there is a child in the family, it will be more convenient to bathe him in the corner bathtub.

Shower stall is a great option for a small bathroom

A shower cabin helps save a significant amount of space in the bathroom. And also with the help of color and material you can visually expand the space.


  • Saving space (in small bathrooms this is very important);
  • No water splashes while taking a shower;
  • Cold air does not enter the stall while taking a shower;
  • For children there are special models with a deep tray;
  • In a shower stall the risk of injury is lower than in a bathtub;
  • Saving water (while bathing in the bathtub, more water is wasted than in the shower).


  • There is no way to completely immerse yourself in water and enjoy it for hours;
  • Inconveniences for the elderly;
  • Requires daily care (needs to be cleaned of plaque).

Advice: For optimal space saving, it is better to install the shower in the corner.

How to place the washing machine

The washing machine takes up a lot of space in the bathroom, this is especially noticeable if the bathroom is small.

There are several good options for placing a washing machine:

  • Under the sink (if the spaces are close);
  • Under the countertop, near the sink (you can place a cabinet or shelves under the sink);
  • In the kitchen (can be installed under the countertop).

In the first option, perhaps due to the size of the washing machine, the sink will be located high. To do this, it is advised to raise the floor during repairs, except for the place where the machine stands.

The second option in a small bathroom is less possible if there is already a full bath there. But if you give preference to a shower stall instead of a bathtub, then there will be enough space.

In this case, a cabinet, shelves, and laundry basket can fit into the room without any problems.

In the third case, this solution is quite beneficial, since it saves space in the bathroom.

This has a number of disadvantages:

  • Noise from the machine (the door to the bathroom can be buried, someone regularly comes into the kitchen, so the noise will be annoying);
  • Often a washing machine is used instead of a basket for dirty clothes; this is less appropriate in the kitchen than in the bathroom (often the machine door is open, and this creates inconvenience);
  • Storing powder and products nearby is not advisable (there is a possibility of it spilling during the washing process, and there may be products nearby).

Advice: if you don’t want or have the opportunity to raise the floor, you can buy a special sink (water lily) and choose a washing machine of the required size for it.

Decorating a small bathroom

The bathroom is an important and frequently visited place in the apartment. It should be convenient, comfortable and functional. The material for finishing the bathroom will depend on financial capabilities, the complexity of working with it, as well as in the future how easy and simple it is to clean.

Ceramic tile

This is a frequently used and fairly common material. Ceramic tiles are moisture-resistant, reliable, and tolerate temperature changes well.

The process of laying tiles is not complicated, so you can do it yourself. Such tiles will last a long time, are easy to care for and do not require special care. She also looks quite stylish.

It can be chosen in any color and size. One disadvantage of this material is its high price.


This material is used as often as ceramic tiles. Mosaic is resistant to moisture and can withstand temperature changes. This material is also quite durable and reliable.

Mosaic can be used on the walls of the room, on the bathroom itself, on the sink. It can be selected in the form of squares, rectangles, rhombuses, hexagons.

And also what is its advantage, with its help it is possible to cover any surface (in the form of an arch, a ledge or a niche).

Mosaic tiles are cheaper than ceramic tiles, but more expensive than plastic panels. Its main disadvantage is the installation process (it is quite long and labor-intensive, since it is much smaller in size than tiles). For quality work and a good aesthetic appearance, you need to hire a specialist.

Plastic panels

This option for wall decoration is cheaper than ceramic tiles and mosaics. This material also tolerates temperature changes well and is resistant to moisture.

Plastic panels are simple and easy to clean and do not require special products. They are quite reliable if the work is done well and correctly (if the seams are not sealed with sealant, they will allow moisture to pass through).

Plastic panels can be selected in any color. A very important and significant disadvantage of this material is that over time mold and fungal spores may appear on it.

Choosing a cabinet and mirror for the bathroom

There is very little space in a small bathroom. Accordingly, everything that is there should be as functional as possible.

At the same time, there should be a minimum of interior items. They should not take up much space, since the room is small, it is recommended to choose small-sized items.

There are two options from which you will need to build:

  • Shower cabin;
  • Bathroom.

In the first option everything is quite simple. In the corner of the room you can install a shower stall, in the rest of the room there is a sink on the countertop, a cabinet under the sink, and a washing machine next to it.

Above the sink you can install a mirror the entire length of the tabletop.

Advice: It is recommended to choose a large mirror for a small bathroom; it visually enlarges the space.

In the second option, there is very little space in the room. In such cases, the washing machine is installed under the sink, and above it is a mirror cabinet (it will not eat up much space, you can store everything you need in it, and there is no need to install a mirror).

Advice! At the renovation stage, it is advisable to think over the future layout of the bathroom (know in advance the placement of the bathtub or shower).

For convenience and to save space, make a niche in that exact place (for storing soap, shampoo, etc.), this will be much better than additional shelves.

Finishing the floor and ceiling in the bathroom

Most often used for finishing bathroom floors:

  • Tiles (the material will last a long time, is moisture resistant, easy to care for, if water gets in, the floor will be slippery);
  • Linoleum (the simplest and most financially profitable material);
  • Natural wood (an expensive option, the material requires constant care, is afraid of moisture (needs to be treated with a protective coating));
  • Natural stone (the material is quite expensive, resistant to moisture, and will last a long time).

The ceiling in the bathroom is most often painted. A suspended ceiling is made less often. Both of these options will work well in any case, but a suspended ceiling is much more beautiful and elegant.

Advice! It is advisable to make the ceiling and walls in light colors, and the floor darker.

Light selection

Light in the bathroom at different times of the day is needed for different purposes; accordingly, sometimes less of it is needed, and sometimes more.

It is very important that this room should be very well lit and safety should not be forgotten.

Main types of lighting:

  • Main light (one light source is located on the ceiling, illuminating the entire room, but in the bathroom a curtain is often used (it will prevent light from entering the bathroom));
  • Spotlights (evenly placed throughout the room and, accordingly, there will be no problems with individual zones).

It is necessary not to forget about working lighting - this is the light above the sink or above the mirror. To do this, you can use wall sconces, spotlights or directional lamps.

They can be installed above the mirror or on the sides of the mirror (so the lighting is more uniform).

Small space is a major problem for those who want to make their bathroom not only functional, but also stylish. Even the most necessary things cannot always be arranged so that the bathroom does not seem cluttered and too cramped, and there is nothing to speak of decorative accessories. Meanwhile, choosing a design for a small room is not as difficult as it seems if you approach this issue wisely.

A bathroom is considered small if its area does not exceed 4 m2. In many city apartments, only 2-3 m2 are allocated for the bathroom. And in this tiny area you need to place a bath, washbasin, toilet, washing machine and at least some shelves for storing accessories. In addition, everything should be placed so that there is a free passage and a little space in front of the plumbing fixtures.

The layout needs to be carefully considered. First of all, you should draw a bathroom plan indicating the exact dimensions and designate the communication connections. Next, you need to determine what, besides plumbing, is most important for you, and what you can do without. This applies to heated towel rails, furniture, and bulky accessories. Each item must be schematically indicated on the plan at the intended installation location.

There are certain placement rules, depending on the shape of the bathroom and the location of the door:

  • square room, entrance from the corner or side - it is recommended to place a bathtub (shower stall) opposite the entrance or diagonally from the door. The washbasin is mounted on one side of the bathtub, the toilet on the other. If the entrance is located in the middle of the wall, a bathtub or cubicle is installed on one side of the door, a sink and toilet on the other. The free space opposite the door visually expands the room;
  • rectangular bathroom, entrance from the corner - the bathtub (shower stall) is installed along the opposite short wall or in the corner farthest from the entrance, the washbasin and toilet are placed against the long wall opposite the entrance. If the door is in the center of a long wall, the cabin or bathtub is installed along the side walls or in one of the corners adjacent to the wall with the door.

Choosing plumbing

Standard plumbing takes up a lot of space, and it will not be possible to arrange it conveniently in a small room. Nowadays, entire lines of plumbing fixtures for small bathrooms are produced, combining compact sizes with high functionality. Most of them have a corner design of symmetrical or asymmetrical shape, allowing for the most efficient use of space.

Shower cabin

When arranging small rooms, you should give preference to a shower stall, if, of course, none of the household members objects. After all, despite all the functions that a cabin may have, it will never fully replace a bath.

For rooms with an area of ​​3-4 m2, full-size shower cabins of various shapes are perfect; the main thing is to choose the right place for them. If the area is less than 3 m2, preference should be given to small-sized cabins - from 70x70 to 90x90 cm. A popular option is to install a shower corner, which requires even less space.

It is recommended to choose designs with a sliding or folding door, since a hinged door requires more free space in front of the entrance. To make the bathroom seem lighter and more spacious, it is recommended to install a shower stall with a transparent glass body. Frameless glass models, which are visually perceived as lighter and more compact, look very impressive.

shower cabins


If you don’t want to give up a bath, you can easily choose a small model. For a square room, a symmetrical corner bathtub with dimensions from 100x100 cm to 130x130 cm is perfect; for a narrow rectangular room - an asymmetrical model with a width of 75-80 cm and a length of 110 to 150 cm. If the area is very small, there is a wide selection of sitting bathtubs, such as corner ones , and rectangular, which take up no more space than a compact shower stall.

For those who want to have both a bathtub and a shower cabin, there is a combined option - a hydrobox. In terms of dimensions, it is much more compact than the nearby cabin and bathtub, it is very convenient to use, and is equipped with many useful functions. True, it is not suitable for the smallest bathrooms, and not everyone can afford the prices for hydroboxes. But there is an alternative option: install a shower enclosure on the sides of the bathtub. This will cost much less than buying a cabin, and will allow you to fully use both the shower and the bath in a limited area.

Sink and toilet

The sink itself does not take up much space, but its shape has a significant impact on optimizing space. For example, wall-hung structures allow rational use of the space under the bowl, while sinks with a pedestal exclude this possibility or partially limit it. Vanity sinks are great for storing essentials and hygiene products, but they look more bulky.

If you plan to install a washing machine in the bathroom, it is best to purchase a water lily sink, which is a bowl with a flat siphon. In this case, the washing machine is installed directly under the sink, and additional space is freed up in the room. For the smallest bathrooms, the optimal solution is compact wall-mounted corner sinks.

Toilets are also available in various modifications, among which corner products are the most compact. They are absolutely in no way inferior to standard models, but they allow you to more efficiently use the usable area of ​​the bathroom. You can also install a wall-hung toilet: the dimensions of such models are standard, but thanks to the free space under the seat, they appear smaller and visually enlarge the bathroom.

Advice. When choosing suspended plumbing, consider the strength of the base to which it will be attached. Both the sink and the toilet weigh a lot, moreover, the load increases during use, so installation on plasterboard partitions or walls made of light blocks is impossible without first strengthening the frame.

Furniture for a small bathroom

In cramped conditions, it is difficult to find space in the bathroom for furniture, so you need to limit yourself to only the essentials. The most appropriate choice is a pencil case and a compact hanging shelf. A narrow cabinet can be placed in any free corner, close to the doors or between plumbing fixtures. Thanks to its vertical positioning, it takes up little space and has good capacity.

When it comes to shelves, there are many more options. Suspended structures do not block the passage and do not interfere with the use of plumbing fixtures, so they can be mounted in any convenient place. But here it is important not to overdo it: the more shelves, the cramped the bathroom seems, especially if the shelves are wide and located on both sides of the entrance. An excellent solution is a shelf above the doorway, as it allows you to conveniently place a lot of necessary little things without being noticeable.

Tile selection

Wall and floor decoration for the interior are no less important than furnishings. Incorrectly selected tiles can visually make the bathroom smaller, make it gloomy or dull, inexpressive, or too bright and provocative. Here you need to take into account not only the color and texture, but also the size of the tiles, as well as the method of laying them.

The color combination of the cladding should be restrained, with a predominance of light colors:

  • warm colors - sand, beige, pastel shades of coral and orange;
  • cold range - all shades of blue, lilac, lemon, light turquoise;
  • neutral colors - pearl gray, white, pale pink.

In a small bathroom, it is not necessary to create a horizontal division with tiles of different colors, but this does not mean that the finish should be monochromatic. To visually expand the room, you can lay out a colored border at the top and bottom of the walls, and vertical inserts will help increase the height of the ceiling. If you need to highlight certain areas, use tiles of a darker color than the main background. A combination of shades of the same range looks best, but it is not advisable to combine too contrasting colors.

Also, do not choose tiles with large patterns. This applies to geometric patterns, various ornaments, and panels. The larger the image, the smaller the room itself appears. If you want to make the cladding more decorative, you can add inserts from individual tiles with a small pattern or just a different shade. Mosaic inserts also look very impressive.

As for the size of the tiles, there are no strict requirements, although it is not recommended to use elements that are too large. The optimal choice is rectangular tiles 75x150 mm and square tiles 200x200 mm. The use of rectangular tiles allows you to visually expand the bathroom, and the combination of square and rectangular elements increases the decorativeness of the finish. But the greatest effect is achieved by non-standard shaped tiles, for example, in the form of a honeycomb.

Laying tiles in a small bathroom is most often done in the classic way - seam to seam; the staggered method is also popular, especially if the tile is rectangular. For rooms with low ceilings, diagonal laying is the best option.

Popular tile collections for small bathrooms

Name, manufacturerShort description
Universal type tiles made of porcelain stoneware. The size of the elements is 180x210 mm, thickness 9.5 mm. The tile has a hexagonal shape, is externally designed in a patchwork style, and has a matte surface. The color scheme is very restrained, in gray-brown tones, ideal for a high-tech bathroom
The collection includes floor and wall tiles, as well as 2 decorative borders. The tiles are made of ceramics and are available in glossy and matte surfaces. The color scheme consists of cool and neutral light shades - blue, purple, white, gray, green
The collection includes floor and wall tiles, 3 types of borders and panels. The material of manufacture is ceramic, the surface is matte and glossy, the color range includes white, beige, burgundy and brown shades
The collection includes wall tiles, decorative borders and plinths. Rectangular elements with a glossy surface, made of ceramic. The color range includes white, beige and several shades of blue
The collection includes wall and floor tiles, decorative inserts, borders and panels. The shape of the elements is rectangular, the surface is glossy, the material of manufacture is ceramic. The color scheme consists of white, blue, light shades of green and blue.

Ceiling and lighting

Having chosen the cladding option, you should pay attention to the finishing of the ceiling. Complex multi-level designs are inappropriate here, so you should choose something more discreet. An excellent solution is a glossy stretch ceiling or a mirrored suspended ceiling: thanks to the reflection, the room seems twice as large.

But options with photo printing need to be chosen very carefully, since an overly bright image will “crush” and draw attention to itself.

If the interior is decorated simply, without any special frills, the ceiling can be covered with plastic panels or painted.

Lighting in a small bathroom should be soft and uniform. Spotlights located on the ceiling cope best with this. It is better not to use massive sconces, as well as bright lamps, otherwise the room will not be very comfortable, but you should also not leave dark corners.

Choosing an interior style

There are many options for decorating a bathroom, but not all of them are suitable for small spaces. The interior of a small bathroom should be laconic, not overloaded with decorative details, otherwise it will not look the best.

High-tech style

Characteristics of this style:

  • minimum decorative elements;
  • monochrome color scheme;
  • straight simple shapes;
  • maximum use of artificial materials.

When decorating a high-tech interior, it is recommended to use wall-hung sanitary ware and built-in furniture to increase the usable space. The presence of glass, plastic and metal surfaces, chrome coatings is welcome. A transparent shower cabin and a glass sink will fit perfectly into such an interior. It is better to make the ceiling suspended, with built-in spotlights. In decoration, preference should be given to a combination of white, black and gray colors, which can be diluted with splashes of green, blue or red.

Sea style

A marine-style bathroom always looks very cozy and fresh. Manufacturers offer entire collections of marine-themed tiles that completely transform a room. To complete the look, you can decorate a shelf or mirror with several seashells or hang a lifebuoy on the wall. If it is not possible to change the lining, hang a blue or turquoise curtain with a marine pattern on the bathtub. Combined with shells and other accessories, this will create a complete look and make your bathroom irresistible.

The freedom felt in space is the highlight of minimalist bathrooms

Suitable for a small bathroom are such styles as oriental, loft, country, retro, in the design of which the main attention is paid to accessories. But interiors in the Art Nouveau, Provence or Classic styles, on the contrary, require more space and light, so it is not practical to use them in a limited area. But, no matter what style you choose, remember that the main thing in the interior is convenience and functionality.

Bathroom in Provence style

Video - Interior of a small bathroom