home · Tool · Water filter for ferrous iron. Filters for purifying water from iron for a summer residence. Installed next to the sink

Water filter for ferrous iron. Filters for purifying water from iron for a summer residence. Installed next to the sink

Regular purification of iron from well water is very important. It allows you to rid the liquid of rusty sediment and unpleasant aftertaste.

Drinking water is the basis of life for any person. At the very least, sanitary services monitor its quality in central water supply systems. But the owners of dachas and houses outside the city, who receive precious liquid from a well, are forced to monitor the purity of the water they produce and consume. It can be contaminated with various impurities that have a negative effect on the body. A common problem with water from a well in a country house is its saturation with iron.

Excessive presence of this element in a liquid is not difficult to determine: the need to purify water from iron is indicated by a decrease in its taste and unpleasant appearance.

In this case, it is advisable to have the liquid analyzed in the nearest laboratory. If an analysis of water from a well showed that it contains no more than 0.3 mg/l of iron, your worries were in vain. This liquid can be safely used for drinking.

Iron removal from water

But when the iron content is more than 0.3 mg/l, the water should be purified immediately. You can do this procedure yourself. We will talk about this later, but first we will determine in what form iron can be present in water. There are only two options here: trivalent insoluble and divalent soluble.

Special techniques allow you to get rid of excess iron present in water in one of these forms. Here are them all:

  1. Cleaning with manganese dioxide.
  2. Aeration.
  3. Use of chemical reagents.
  4. Application of electromagnetic field.
  5. Ozonation.
  6. Biological treatment.
  7. Ion exchange and membrane techniques.

Let us consider each of these methods in more detail, since for each specific case of improving water quality, a different method is selected.

The use of manganese dioxide is recommended in cases where the liquid contains a lot of divalent iron. The technique involves the use of a special column. A filter membrane is installed in it, which is made of manganese dioxide. It comes into contact with iron. As a result of their reaction, an insoluble compound is obtained that precipitates. It must be periodically removed from the column with your own hands.

The cost of manganese dioxide filters for systems is quite high. But the filter element retains its effectiveness for a long time. In addition, this technology has another important advantage. It guarantees additional removal of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from well water.

Manganese dioxide filters for well water systems

An alternative to the described technique is aeration. Water purification in this case is based on the principle of saturating it with oxygen, which leads to the transition of iron from a divalent to a trivalent state and its precipitation into an easily removable precipitate. Aeration has the following advantages:

  • no need to purchase expensive reagents;
  • absolute safety for humans (no chemical compounds are used);
  • low load on the filter elements (as a result - a long service life).

Aeration of water from the well is carried out using a special container equipped with a compressor. It is placed between the filter column and the well. You can buy the container or make it yourself. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that its volume matches the amount of liquid you use during the day. In the aeration tank, water is saturated with oxygen and settled for a certain time. After this, the liquid can be drunk.

Note! Aeration purification is effective only when the iron content in well water does not exceed 10 mg per liter.

If you saturate water with ozone, you will get a perfectly clean liquid. The technique is performed using a special installation. It has a generator that produces the required ozone from oxygen, as well as a system of tubes. Through them, the liquid is supplied to the tank, where it is cleaned. After iron is removed, the water is passed through a filter (fine purification procedure).

Advantages of ozonation:

  • absence of any harmful bacteria in drinking water (ozone simply kills them);
  • cleaning is carried out instantly - the water simply passes through the installation and becomes perfectly clean.

Ozonation of drinking water

Let us say right away that you cannot install an ozonation installation with your own hands. For these purposes, specialists should be involved. Another disadvantage of this technique is the high cost of equipment.

Biological water treatment also requires the participation of professionals. It is performed for liquids that contain a lot of iron (30–40 mg/l). The technique involves the use of bacteria. They are added to the purified water, thereby achieving the oxidation of iron. After this, the liquid is filtered and treated with ultraviolet rays.

Biological technology is very effective. But it requires the use of bacteria, additional equipment for filtration and irradiation. Yes, and it lasts quite a long time. Therefore, it is used very rarely to remove iron from liquids.

A simple cleaning method is the use of various reagents. Chlorine, permanganate and calcium hypochlorite are usually used as such. The principle of their action is identical - the reagents oxidize iron dissolved in the liquid. To carry out such an operation, simple equipment is required, which is often done by hand.

The following methods for purifying life-giving moisture from a well are more difficult to perform independently. Membrane technology uses special microfilters. They trap iron hydroxide (its individual colloidal particles). Recently, new generation membranes – nano- and ultrafiltration – have gained popularity. With their help, you can purify water by 97–99%, removing any impurities from it.

Membrane method of moisture purification

The following technique uses magnets. The liquid is passed through an electromagnetic field. Large iron particles in this case bind together. They do not enter purified water, as they are retained by filters. The latter are designed for 2–3 years of active work. They will then demagnetize. The main advantages of the method are protection of water pipes from rusting and high-quality disinfection of liquids.

The ion exchange technique uses special filter devices. They are made from ion-exchange resinous compounds. Such filters do not require pre-oxidation of iron. They immediately purify the water from it. In everyday life, such technology is rarely used due to its complexity and the high cost of resin filters.

Thus, if you want to clean liquid from a well yourself, spending a minimum of money on the process, experts advise turning your attention to the aeration technique. In terms of the ratio of cleaning quality, labor and financial costs, it is optimal.

To drink clean water and not spend money on expensive equipment, we advise you to make your own simple but highly effective purification system for liquid coming from a well. Refer to the following diagram:

  1. Install a storage (sufficiently capacious) container in the attic of your country home. Find a barrel-shaped tank with a curved bottom. It is not difficult to purchase such a container. For example, a regular food-grade plastic tank is suitable.
  2. Bring two branches to the barrel in the attic. One is connected to the pump from the well, the other is a discharge pump.
  3. The first pipe must be stretched along the entire length of the tank, and a sprayer must be installed at the end. You can do without it - just drill a series of holes in the pipe. They are necessary to saturate the liquid coming from the well with air, which promotes the transition of iron into the trivalent form. There should be enough holes so that water flows into the tank in as thin streams as possible.
  4. At a height of about 0.2 m from the bottom of the tank, connect the second pipe (it is connected to the back of the tank). At its outlet, it is advisable to mount a filter element for rough cleaning.
  5. Connect the aquarium compressor to the tank. This device significantly speeds up the aeration process of water treatment by pumping air into the container.
  6. You cut a faucet into the bottom of the tank, through which rust (that is, iron in trivalent oxidized form) will be drained from the tank.

Aeration liquid purification system

In principle, your purification plant is ready. The essence of its functioning is elementary. Using the spraying method, liquid flows from the well into a self-prepared reservoir. The water settles in it for 20–24 hours.

This period of time is quite enough for the iron to completely oxidize and settle on the bottom of the tank. After this, drain the clean liquid, use it, and use the faucet to remove rust from the homemade aeration unit.

The technique provides you with clean water. At the same time, no serious costs are required for its implementation - no expensive equipment or special reagents are needed. The only disadvantage of this iron removal technology is its duration. If you installed a container of 800–1000 liters, water purification will take, as was said, about a day.

Our health directly depends on the quality of drinking water. Water, as a good solvent, contains many chemical compounds. Iron is one of the contaminants most commonly found in drinking water. It is not difficult to detect its excess in water. Such water looks cloudy, acquires a specific odor and a metallic taste. It leaves rusty stains on laundry, clogs pipes and damages electrical appliances. How to remove iron from water? Is it necessary to get rid of iron at all and how to do it?

In moderate doses, iron is even necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. As part of hemoglobin, this element is involved in the transfer and delivery of oxygen to all vital organs and systems, and promotes the removal of carbon dioxide. It is part of respiratory enzymes and some types of cells.

It should be noted that the absorption of iron from water is quite difficult. Nothing bad will happen after a single dose of water with excess iron levels. Therefore, there is an opinion that the harmful effects of increased iron concentrations on health are greatly exaggerated. However, most experts are convinced that exceeding permissible levels in drinking water is a serious problem for the body.

Safe iron content is set at 0.1 to 0.3 mg per liter of water. Systematic consumption of water exceeding these indicators leads to the accumulation of iron in human internal organs and various disorders:

  • blood composition changes;
  • dermatitis, dry skin, allergic reactions appear;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted;
  • food poisoning occurs;
  • the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas is disrupted;
  • metabolic processes become difficult;
  • Nervous disorders are noted.

In addition, an unpleasant aftertaste degrades the quality of cooked food.

Iron concentration in water

The standards set the maximum permissible amount of iron in water to 0.3 mg per 1 liter. Often this norm is exceeded tens of times. Sometimes these indicators in tap water are 5 mg per liter, and in some disadvantaged areas they reach 10 mg/l. How to determine the concentration of iron in water?

Exceeding the permissible limit by up to 1 mg/l remains visually invisible. The water remains transparent in appearance and no foreign odor is noticeable. However, characteristic rust stains begin to appear on washed laundry, plumbing fixtures, and the walls of electric kettles.

If the iron content exceeds 1 mg/l, the water looks cloudy, acquires a dirty yellow tint, and a metallic taste is felt.

First of all, household appliances suffer. Solid iron particles act on sealing gaskets as an abrasive, damaging washing machines and dishwashers. Rust settles on the enamel of plumbing fixtures and quickly clogs the pipes.

Forms of iron in water

In order to correctly select a purification system, it is necessary to find out not only the level of iron in the water, but also in what form this element is present. Iron in water is found in several main forms:

  1. Ferrous iron– dissolves in water and is not noticeable at first glance. When interacting with oxygen, it oxidizes and becomes trivalent with a characteristic brown color and “rusty” taste.
  2. Ferric iron– present in water in the form of a coarse insoluble suspension. It gets into the water from rusty pipes or city wastewater treatment plants. It has a characteristic color and smell.
  3. Colloidal iron– is present in water in the form of a suspension, which does not settle even during long-term storage, leaving the water cloudy.
  4. Bacterial iron– consists of iron bacteria, which are present in water in the form of viscous, soft mucous formations. It gets into water most often from waste from various industrial enterprises. Usually these bacteria are harmless, but if they grow, they lead to rapid corrosion and wear of water pipes.

You can determine the presence of iron in water yourself. If clear water after settling acquires a brown precipitate, this indicates the presence of divalent iron. If the water is already yellowish-brown in color, then it contains ferric iron. An iridescent oily film on the surface indicates the presence of bacterial iron in the water. A mucous coating inside the pipes also indicates the presence of bacteria.

However, determining the shape of iron on your own is not so easy. Water can contain several forms of iron at the same time. Undoubtedly, the most accurate method will be chemical analysis of water in the laboratory. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to select the most correct and effective system for purifying water from iron.

Homemade methods for removing iron from water

To purify water from iron, theoretically it is enough to transfer it from a dissolved form to a trivalent one and filter it. For small volumes of water, home methods are also suitable. There are several simple ways to purify water yourself:

  1. The most affordable and simplest option is to settle the water. To do this, choose a relatively large container, pour in water and leave it for a while, preferably overnight. Then pour two-thirds of the settled water into another container.
  2. Boil longer. When exposed to high temperatures for at least 10 minutes, suspended iron particles precipitate.
  3. To freeze. If there is not much water, you can freeze it halfway. All impurities will remain in the liquid; it must be drained. Thaw the ice part again and use it.
  4. Water can be mineralized. For this you will need silicon and shungite. The stones must be placed at the bottom of the container, pour in water, then pour two-thirds of the volume into another container. The sediment will remain on the stones.

The above methods for purifying drinking water from iron are effective only when the standards are slightly exceeded, up to approximately 1 mg/l, and only as temporary measures. Constant purification and removal of large concentrations of microelements from water is a rather complex process that requires a serious professional approach.

Modern systems for removing iron from water

You can qualitatively purify rusty water only with the help of modern filters. Systemic removal of iron from drinking water must be established in houses with old water pipes, as well as in users of personal wells.

Different forms and concentrations of iron respectively require different technologies for its purification. Iron impurities in most cases are contained in divalent and trivalent states, each of which is purified in its own way.

Methods for purifying water from iron

There are two main methods for removing iron - using reagents and without reagents.

Reagent-free water purification from iron- the most common method among modern technologies. Effective at iron concentrations up to 10 mg/l. The method is based on the property of divalent iron to oxidize under the influence of oxygen. The water is saturated with oxygen by force using a compressor.

The positive point is the absence of chemical reagents. Purification systems are relatively cheap but cumbersome. Typically the initial step in a multi-stage system. Requires subsequent settling and filtration.

Reagent water purification from iron– used at iron concentrations above 10 mg/l. Strong chemical oxidizing agents are used to purify water. Most often it is sodium hypochloride or potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Reagent filters are easy to use. However, the chemicals are hazardous to health and require careful dosing, and the concentration of iron in natural water can vary. In addition, reagents require constant updating and are quite expensive. The method is more suitable for technological rather than household needs.

Methods for purifying water from iron and types of filters

Currently, the most popular methods of removing iron are filtration and aeration - oxidation of water with oxygen.

Ion exchange filters– used when iron concentration is not higher than 5 mg/l. Granulated ion exchange resins are used for cleaning. The mass of the ion exchanger retains iron ions, which are replaced by sodium ions. In addition to iron, impurities of other metals and hardness salts are removed.

With this cleaning method, it is impossible to exclude the process of iron oxidation with oxygen. As a result, the coarse particles of the resulting ferric iron quickly clog the resin granules. A film forms on their surface, which serves as a breeding ground for bacteria. For effective operation, preliminary water preparation and regular restoration of resins are required. Resins can only be partially restored, and their full use life is no more than 2-3 years. Therefore, this method is practically not used in domestic conditions. It is often used for water purification for technological purposes - in the operation of thermal power plants, boiler houses, etc.

Reverse osmosis filters– used to purify water containing ferrous impurities up to 20 mg/l. A reagent-free method in which water passes through a special membrane under pressure. The pores of the membrane effectively retain up to 99% of various substances, including divalent iron. Using filter technology, impurities are drained into the sewer system without being retained in the membranes.

The water is then well purified, but almost completely loses its mineral composition. Therefore, drinking water requires the additional installation of a mineralizer. This cleaning method is often used in small-capacity household filters, but is not practical for large volumes. Ideal for apartments and small cottages. To use this method, it is necessary to maintain good water pressure, otherwise the filters will not be able to work. Maintenance is relatively economical, but requires systematic replacement of the membrane or flushing with chemicals.

Electromagnetic filters- a relatively new method in which water is exposed to ultrasound, then passed through a special electromagnetic apparatus and the water is purified from iron using quartz sand. The electromagnetic field separates iron particles, which are subsequently retained by a mechanical filter.

Mechanical cartridge filters– used for purifying water from insoluble large fractions of ferric iron. Cartridges retain particles larger than 15 microns in water pretreatment systems and up to 5 microns in fine filtration systems.

Most often, this method of purifying water from iron is used in apartments and houses with centralized water supply. Well water cannot be purified this way. Mechanical filters in cottages can only be used after preliminary aeration.

Catalytic oxidation- a fairly common method of removing iron in private homes, cottages and small industrial plants. With the help of special granules with catalytic properties, the oxidation reaction of iron occurs. The insoluble sediment settles on the filter and is washed off during the next flush into the sewer. Currently, there are many backfills made from both synthetic and natural materials.

Catalytic oxidation systems are efficient and compact. The disadvantage of wash filters is their sensitivity to low temperatures. If the temperature drops below 0°C, the filters may fail. Suitable for use only in heated rooms and require frequent cleaning and rinsing.

Electrochemical aeration- the most modern and advanced method of purifying water from iron, used with high iron content - up to 30 mg/l. Aeration involves treating water with a flow of air, as a result of which soluble iron from an artesian well is oxidized and deposited in the form of flakes on the filter. In this method, oxygen is formed directly from water molecules during an electrochemical reaction and does not require the use of additional chemical reagents.

This method is energy-efficient and cost-effective, since aeration units are compact, operate autonomously and do not require constant maintenance.

Ozonation of water– involves the oxidation of ferrous iron in wells and boreholes using an ozone-generating installation. Ozone is the most effective oxidizer of metals, purifies water from inorganic impurities and pathogenic bacteria.

Ozonation is the most expensive method. Due to the toxicity of ozone, strict adherence to safety measures during operation of the installation is required. As a result of purification, water acquires a strong oxidizing ability, therefore water pipes and water storage tanks must be made of materials of increased resistance - stainless steel or PVC.

Biological filters– this method uses the ability to purify water with the help of certain microorganisms. Sometimes a biofilter is the only way to purify water from high iron content - more than 40 mg/l, as well as high content of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide

Very often, the biggest headache for the owners of country houses is the water that is drawn from wells and boreholes for domestic needs. Because it seems clean at first glance, after some time it suddenly turns brown and acquires a strange taste. This suggests that there is a large amount of iron in this water. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how water is purified from iron from a well or well.

Source termoshop.ru

Five steps to make your water free of iron

Many people have heard that water with a high concentration of iron is dangerous. Many even know a few simple ways to reduce its concentration. But how effective are they, what is the quality of the water after the operations performed. Therefore, we invite you to go through five stages with us, which may seem difficult to some. But this approach will make it possible to improve water quality.

Stage No. 1 Check

So, where should we start? First of all, you need to find out whether the water from the well needs treatment. Maybe she's already clean on her own. You cannot do such an analysis on your own. Of course, if a yellowish film floats on the surface of the water surface, or brown sediment has fallen, then there is no doubt. But if no signs are visible, this does not mean that there is no iron in the water. Therefore, water from the well must be taken to the laboratory at Vodokanal.

What can a laboratory test determine? Only one thing – iron concentration. And here I would like to make a small digression and talk about the hardware itself.

Source www.vodamoidom.ru

First, iron has many beneficial functions in the human body. For example, DNA synthesis cannot take place without it, it is a regulatory element of cellular metabolism, hemoglobin is 60% of iron. But everything that has just been listed applies only to divalent iron. All other iron compounds are harmful to humans.

What does the World Health Organization say about this? A reputable organization has established a maximum limit for the presence of divalent hydroxide in water. Its value is 0.3 mg/l. If the analysis shows a value below this standard, then there is no need to deferrize the water. Otherwise, this must be done without fail.

But there is one more point. A high concentration of Fe is accompanied by increased hardness of the water mass. And this is a serious factor that affects people’s lives:

  • the service life of household appliances is reduced;
  • Shut-off valves and other devices installed in the water supply network often fail;
  • the taste of food changes;
  • furniture deteriorates;
  • Clothes washed in such water take on a peculiar dirty color.

So, at the first stage you need to decide on the quality of the water. And if it does not comply with SanPiN standards, then the issue of deferrization of water from the well will have to be addressed. That is, you will need to select a filter.

Source ds03.infourok.ru

Stage No. 2 Deciding what to filter

The modern market offers a fairly serious selection of filters for various purposes. But they are all divided into three groups:

  1. Filters that remove iron that is dissolved in water.
  2. Devices belonging to the category of multifunctional equipment. That is, with their help, water is purified from iron, plus its softening (hardness reduction).
  3. Complex filtration equipment. It purifies not only Fe, but also other impurities: organic, pesticides, manganese and others. Plus, some models have an aeration function, that is, cleaning water from hydrogen sulfide.

For country houses, it is very important to decide for what purposes deferrization will be carried out. That is, the water will be used for domestic needs or in the form of technical water. In each case, a specific type of filter is selected.

Source www.initial.com.ua

Stage No. 3 Selecting a cleaning method

This stage is based on the choice of cleansing method. There are two options that are conditionally defined. This is a reagent and non-reagent method.

Let's start with reagent-free, because it is used only if the water from a well or well is not too contaminated with iron hydroxide. There are several filters that differ from each other in the cleaning method.

Catalytic loadings

Let's say, if the filter is a sealed housing through which water passes, then special preparations are poured into it, which capture ferric iron, discarding it into sediment. That is, iron oxidation occurs in the loads.

AS/MS, Pyrolox or Birm sorbents are used today as loadings. The most important thing is that, in addition to the main enemy, these drugs also trap other impurities: hydrogen sulfide, manganese and others.

Source st15.stpulscen.ru

Reverse osmosis

For private houses with water supply from wells and boreholes, this filter is the best option. Purely structurally, it is a sealed housing, divided into two halves by a special membrane. The latter has holes so small that nothing except water molecules can pass through them. That is, the output is practically distilled water, which does no harm or good.

Many consumers note several unpleasant aspects associated with the use of reverse osmosis filters:

  1. Very low throughput of the device. That is, to gain even 1 liter, it takes about 5 minutes.
  2. For this filtration unit to work effectively, it is necessary that the water pressure in the water supply is not less than 3 bar.
  3. In order for water that has undergone reverse osmosis to become drinkable again, you need to additionally install a mineralizer. Today the manufacturers themselves have solved this problem. They combined coarse and fine filters, reverse osmosis, and a mineralizer into one installation.

Source strojdvor.ru

Electromagnetic cleaning

Not all experts consider this option for purifying water from iron from a well in a country house to drinking water as the most effective. But such filters are available on the market. Their operating principle is based on the effect of an electromagnetic field on divalent iron, which turns into trivalent iron. That is, from the invisible to the visible: flakes, plaque, sediment, etc.

The most important thing is that such a filter is equipped with a special chamber filled with quartz sand. It is on this that the sediment settles.


An ancient method of cleaning. Essentially, this is the process of oxidizing iron with the help of air. There are two options here:

  1. Non-pressure. This is when water splashes from above a closed tank, falling down. Small drops are saturated with oxygen, which enters into an oxidation reaction with a divalent substance, turning into a trivalent one. The latter falls in the form of sediment to the bottom of the tank, and after accumulation is discharged outside. In some installations, a special filter element is provided for this purpose, which collects sediment.
  2. Pressure. The technology here is different. The air is pumped into the water filled into the tank using a compressor.

Video description

The video shows a method of free-flow aeration of water:

Reagent method

This purification option is used mainly in cases where water analysis has shown a high content of both iron and other impurities. From the name of the method itself, one can immediately conclude that its action is based on a chemical reaction with the addition of special reagents. There is also a lot of technology here. Let's look at each briefly separately.

Adding Oxidizing Agents

This technology is mainly used on an industrial scale. To do this, add one of these substances to the water:

  • NaOCI – sodium hydrochloride;
  • KMnO4 – potassium permanganate, also known as potassium permanganate.

There is a technology that uses ozone as an oxidizing agent. As usual, ferric iron precipitates and is removed outside the containers and reservoirs.


Here is the same option with the addition of special reagents to the water. Usually this is aluminum sulfate, iron sulfate and others. That is, a chemical reaction occurs between the reagents and the divalent ferrum, which forms a trivalent substance.

Source www.equipnet.ru

Ion exchange

For this purpose, so-called ion exchange filters are used to purify water from iron from a well. Purely structurally, this is a housing filled with ion-exchange resin granules.

The essence of purification is that the resin cations easily exchange places with divalent metals. Therefore, metal impurities easily adhere to the resin, remaining inside the filter. The most interesting thing is that there is a fairly simple way to clean the resin itself. To do this, simply wash it with hot water.

Ion exchange filters belong to the multifunctional category; with their help, you can clean water from other contaminants, plus they soften water masses.

Source vivkom.ru

Stage No. 4 What the market offers

So, having dealt with the question of how to purify water from iron from a well, let’s move on to market offers. In fact, the market is oversaturated. A huge number of well-known and little-known brands advertise their products, assuring them that they are an ideal option. But you shouldn’t rush even to famous brands right away, because the filter is a complex device. And it will have to be selected according to the parameters of the water coming from the well. In this case, you will have to take into account the required daily volume, plus the consumption mode. That is, it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

What to do - look for specialists who will explain everything. The easiest thing is to contact a company that sells well-known brands. Surely there is something for you in the proposed model line. For example, Aquaphor, Geyser and others are leaders in this area.

Source opt-1085405.ssl.1c-bitrix-cdn.ru

It should be added that leading companies offer a large list of services that make both purchase and installation easier. Eg:

  • they come to your call and determine both the installation location of the filter device and its type;
  • some companies offer free water analysis;
  • the device itself is also delivered free of charge;
  • This service also includes installation and training in terms of proper operation;
  • service on favorable terms.

The most important thing is that for many, the budget option of filters for purifying water from iron from a well is a priority. So here’s our advice – don’t skimp on this. Not all cheap filter devices can effectively remove impurities.

Video description

The video shows the installation of a filter for purifying water from iron:

Stage No. 5 Purchasing the required filter

So, the last stage is the purchase of a filter for iron removal. What we have:

  • We have water analysis from the well on hand;
  • the filter has been selected, and you have a good understanding and now understand the difference between devices that remove iron from water and multifunctional units;
  • We have selected an effective method for removing iron from water specifically for your home;
  • The company’s specialists explained to you how to handle the filter and when it needs service.

All that remains is to purchase the filtering equipment you have chosen.

Briefly about the main thing

In this article, we examined the question that concerns many people: how to purify water from iron. And we walked with you through the five stages of choosing a filter for iron removal. The path, frankly speaking, is not very simple, because you will have to understand quite complex issues. That is why many companies offer free services to determine the type of filter with the additional service of analyzing water from a well.

Most often, the problem of purifying water from iron from a well or well occurs among residents of private houses and cottages. As a rule, the village water supply either does not have enough water, or its quality leaves much to be desired, which determines the popularity of their own water supply sources.

  • Where to begin

    The selection of any purification system must begin with a professional analysis of well water in an accredited chemical laboratory. Do not trust “free water tests” because... they are carried out using rapid tests directly on site. The results of such studies may contain large errors, which will ultimately affect your pocket - based on an incorrect analysis, they will select a more expensive water purification system, which will stop working in a short time, requiring modernization, repair and reloading of filter materials. To avoid this, you should immediately contact an accredited laboratory, request a certificate and follow the water sampling procedures.

    How to correctly select water for water analysis for iron

    Iron impurities are mainly contained in well water in two forms:

    • Bivalent– completely dissolves in liquid. Typical for deep wells, because there is no contact with atmospheric oxygen and, therefore, oxidation.
    • Trivalent or insoluble– found in groundwater close to the surface, typical for wells and shallow wells. Its particles turn into sediment.

    To select a high-quality well water purification system, it is necessary to determine the exact concentrations of each of these forms. To do this you need:

    • Pump the well
    • Spill water before sampling (several minutes), because... in pipes, dissolved iron comes into contact with oxygen and precipitates.
    • Fill the analysis container to the top, screw it on, avoiding the formation of an air cushion under the lid.
    • Deliver to the laboratory as quickly as possible.

    Before laboratory analysis, you can determine the content and type of iron at home with your own hands. Fill a transparent container and leave the liquid for a while. Upon contact with air, a natural process of oxidation with oxygen will occur. There will be sediment in the container. A yellowish or brown tint will be a sign of ferric iron. A characteristic ferrous odor will also appear. The presence of bacterial iron in the composition will be indicated by a rainbow film on the surface.

    Methods for professional purification of iron from well water

    What is the best way to purify water from metals? Each case is unique; different methods and filters are used for different objects and volumes. Often, to achieve a high-quality result, it is necessary to combine several methods.

    1. Mechanical cleaning

    It is used for primary purification of water from wells and wells. The filter removes impurities and inclusions visible to the human eye. As a rule, coarse mesh systems or cartridge flasks are used. The first ones are easily washed with source water, but the second ones need to change cartridges at certain intervals. A common mistake is to use cartridge filters instead of a full-fledged water treatment and iron removal system. Without delving into the essence of the issue, country property owners install several flasks with cartridges in parallel, which quickly become clogged, which leads to a loss of pressure in the water supply system. In addition, such filters are not effective against dissolved forms of iron. The cartridge inside the flask quickly becomes clogged and in some cases begins to form organic compounds.

    2. Aeration

    There are two methods of aeration - pressure and non-pressure (with a jet break). In the first case, aeration column technology with an air compressor is used. Oxygen is injected into the water column, mixed with the liquid using special nozzles and effectively oxidizes dissolved iron. In non-pressure aeration, the oxidation process occurs in storage tanks where there is a large area of ​​contact between water and air. After the oxidation of iron by aeration, it is effectively retained on deferrization filters, which are filled with a special filter material. One of the most effective materials for filtering iron is Birm from the North American corporation Clack. Note that aeration systems not only remove iron, but also effectively deal with hydrogen sulfide, whose terrible odor became an unpleasant surprise for many cottage owners who decided to drill a personal well.

    3. Reagent filters

    There are often cases when the iron content in water from a well significantly exceeds the standards that aeration technology is ready to effectively combat. Such water is quite rare in the Moscow region or the Volga region, but for the North-Western region of Russia this is a fairly common sight. In cases where aeration systems are powerless, the “heavy artillery” comes into action - filters using reagents. The most common such reagent in our practice is sodium hypochlorite - it effectively oxidizes all substances dissolved in water. Water purification systems from iron using a reagent effectively bring even the most complex water to drinking standards. It is worth noting that modern reagent water treatment systems are absolutely safe. A good example is the city of Moscow, whose water supply comes from surface sources - rivers and reservoirs. The use of hypochlorite allows a huge metropolis to obtain clean drinking water. Installation and maintenance of reagent filters require special skills and experience - the system is sensitive to the settings of the control automation and dosing pumps.

    4. Reverse osmosis

    It is immediately worth noting that reverse osmosis filters are developed and used mainly for problems of increased rigidity. However, the efficiency of reverse osmosis membranes is so high that they can be used to purify water from iron in small concentrations. The membrane is so small that it traps contaminants at the molecular level. This method is effective even for removing dissolved contaminants. To protect the reverse osmosis membrane, the water undergoes preliminary mechanical purification. This method is the most expensive, so reverse osmosis filters are used either for purifying small amounts of drinking water, or for large industrial enterprises, for example, in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, nuclear industry, etc.

    5. Ozonation

    Ozonation technology is effectively used in industry and large water distribution centers, but its use for purifying water from iron from a personal well is quite unsafe. Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent, thanks to which drinking water can be thoroughly purified. However, its generation occurs using electrical discharges. It is important to operate the ozonizer correctly and constantly adhere to safety precautions, because Working with ozone is always fraught with danger. Household ozonizers often fail and are not able to purify a sufficient amount of the required water, so they are used extremely rarely.

    Equipment and filters for water purification from iron Ecodar

    We offer you a full range of services related to water analysis, selection, installation and maintenance of water purification systems. We develop, produce and supply modern water purification systems for country houses for seasonal and permanent residence. The main advantages of Ecodar iron removers:

    • The result guaranteed in the contract is iron in accordance with SanPiN standards.
    • Wide selection: from budget universal filters to reverse osmosis systems.
    • Great resource and durability.
    • Elimination of iron impurities even at concentrations up to 50 mg/l
    • Safety for humans and the environment.

    Still have questions? Our specialists will be happy to answer them!

    from 123,500 rub. "Full construction"

    From 60,720 rub.

    From 52,700 rub.

  • Each of us has encountered a situation when you draw water from the tap, and the water flows brown, with an unpleasant ferruginous taste. This phenomenon is observed both during water supply from the city water supply and water intake from artesian wells. The high iron content is due not only to the poor quality of water pipes, but also to its excess in the earth's crust. The Russian Health Organization has set an upper limit for such an indicator as “total iron”, the content of which should not exceed 0.3 mg/l. At a concentration of more than 1 mg/l, a dark yellow tint of water is clearly visible and turbidity appears.

    How does iron affect human life?

    In the upper layer of the lithosphere, iron is in a dissolved state (Fe 2+). For its oxidation, the presence of free oxygen is required. Oxidized iron precipitates and rusts on pipes and plumbing. Rust can cause significant damage not only to household electrical appliances, but also to expensive industrial equipment, leading to corrosion and holes in pipes and machine parts. People suffer no less than technology from the increased content of iron ions in drinking water. Iron accumulation occurs gradually. A one-time sip of dirty water will not harm the body, but the constant supply of iron ions with water leads to serious disorders in the body. People develop diseases such as chronic allergies, dermatitis, kidney failure, disorders of the nervous system, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

    Iron in water and its forms

    In the process of development of chemical science, several forms in which iron is found in nature have been identified.

    1. Dissolved iron in divalent form (Fe 2+). Main signs: the water is clear, no color or odor. It is observed mainly in groundwater, where there is no oxygen.
    2. When water comes to the surface and interacts with oxygen, divalent iron is oxidized and goes into the trivalent form (Fe 3+). Signs include the appearance of a characteristic odor, ferruginous taste and brown color, which settles in the form of rust.
    3. Oxidized iron in colloidal form. The ions have a microscopic size of less than 1 micron and form a suspension. Signs: cloudy water even after standing for a long time. Iron removal stations for the home do not see these contaminants and are ineffective in purifying water from such iron.
    4. Iron in conjunction with glandular bacteria. As characteristic signs, the formation of brown mucus (traces of bacterial activity) is observed. They intensify corrosion processes and lead to rapid wear of pipelines.

    How to determine that you need a water deferrization system in your home

    By just a few signs you can determine the 100% presence of iron in water, from yours or.
    You have collected water from a water supply source. It is clean and transparent, but after a while the water becomes cloudy and sediment appears. This indicates that the iron dissolved in water has oxidized and fallen to the bottom of the jar, bottle, jug or bucket.

    • Yellow stains form on plumbing fixtures, and traces of rust appear on washed clothes.
    • The appearance of a thin oily film on the surface of the water, a characteristic smell and taste of metal.

    It's easy to remove iron from water

    Water purification from iron can be done both at home and with the help of professional iron removal stations for the home. Self-cleaning includes methods such as settling water, boiling for a long time, freezing, etc. However, iron in water can be contained in several forms at once and determining its presence is not always easy. You cannot live with such water, it is hazardous to health, negatively affects plumbing, washing machines and dishwashers, and leads to corrosion of pipelines. The right decision would be to contact a company that specializes in professional water purification from iron for the home.

    Specialists will study the chemical analysis of your source water, pay attention to all indirect indicators and select the most beneficial one, from iron from a well in a country house to drinking water.

    Equipment for purifying water from iron in country houses

    Over the course of a long time, through trial and error, we have explored the field of water purification systems for removing iron from wells and wells and have chosen for ourselves and you the most effective equipment for removing iron from water for your home and cottage.

    Aeration unit . The operating principle of the aeration unit is based on the saturation of water with free oxygen, during which a chemical reaction occurs to convert iron into an insoluble form. Air enters the column or pipe using a compressor, the iron oxidizes and precipitates. There are two modifications of the aeration system: pressure and non-pressure. The aerator is used only in conjunction with iron removal systems for the home. You can find a detailed description, cost and characteristics of aeration columns!

    Iron removal systems for water in the home . Placed directly after the aeration unit. Oxidized iron settles on the particles of the filter media and is removed into the drainage system during regeneration. Without an aeration unit, iron removal stations for the home will not be effective. For a long service life of the water purification system from iron in a private house, timely flushing of the water deferrization system at the dacha is necessary. controlled using a special control unit. Our store offers a wide selection of components that are used in these iron removal water purification systems for the home. You can assemble and buy a system for purifying water from iron in a country house for the required performance with a pressure housing, medium and control valve from various manufacturers.

    Iron removal systems for private homes with reagents . This method is most often used in industry, but there are cases when such water deferrization stations are installed in private homes. Then sodium hypochlorite is used as a reagent, which accelerates the chemical processes of iron precipitation. The disadvantages of this method are the exact dosage of the reagent, which depends on the concentration of iron in the water, as well as the constant replenishment of the reagent, which leads to additional costs and the need for constant monitoring of the operation of the water deferrization system.

    Cleaning with ozone . This process of purifying water from iron is based on the operation of a special installation, inside which oxygen is cooled. Next, the resulting solution is driven through a water stream, during which the water is cleared of iron and saturated with oxygen. The main disadvantage of such a deferrization system for a cottage is its high cost and short service life.

    Ion exchange systems for water deferrization in cottages . This method is based on the work of selective resins that remove dissolved iron, potassium, and magnesium ions from water. An advantage is the ability to use a single unit for purifying water from iron for a summer residence without additional components. The main problem is partial oxidation of iron and its deposition on the surface of the resin particles. As a result, a film is formed, which reduces the effectiveness of the resin and promotes the formation of microorganisms and bacteria.

    Order water purification from iron for your home

    By contacting our company for water deferrization, tomorrow you will be able to enjoy tasty and clean water in your home! Our specialists will quickly select a water purification station from iron in a country house to drinking water, and the installation team will install it in your home.