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Production of enclosing structures from hl. Plasterboard work. Implementation rules, norms, quality control. Requirements for drywall sheets

System normative documents in construction




SP 55-101-2000




1 DEVELOPED by the Joint Stock Company Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures (TsNIIpromzdaniy JSC), State enterprise Center for Methodology, Rationing and Standardization in Construction (GP CNS), JV TIGI KNAUF JSC

2 APPROVED by the Department of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia (letter No. 19-22/168 dated April 12, 2000)

AGREED by the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (letter No. 20/2.2/460 dated February 8, 2000)

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by joint order of JV TIGI KNAUF OJSC and JSC TsNIIpromzdaniy No. 91/18 dated April 24, 2000

Introduction. 2

1 area of ​​use. 2

3. General provisions. 3

4. Materials used for structures with application drywall sheets. 3

4.1. The nomenclature of gypsum boards and their physical and technical characteristics. 3

4.2. Steel and wooden elements frame. 9

4.3. Completing materials and products. 9

5. Constructive solutions for fencing using plasterboard sheets. 15

5.1. a common part. 15

5.2. Sheathed frame partitions. 15

5.3. Wall covering. thirty

5.4. Communication shafts.. 39

5.5. Dropped ceilings. 39

5.6. Fire protection of load-bearing structures. 55

6. Methods of installation and arrangement of structures using plasterboard sheets. 57

6.1. Transportation and storage of materials and products. 57

6.2. Preparatory work.. 58

6.3. Installation of frame-sheathing partitions. 62

6.4. Wall cladding device. 73

6.5. Methods for constructing mine fencing. 76

6.6. Installation suspended ceilings. 76

6.7. Methods for fire protection of load-bearing structures. 77

6.8. Finishing surfaces of partitions and suspended ceilings made of plasterboard sheets. 77

6.9. Features of the production of works in the reconstruction and repair of enclosing structures using plasterboard sheets. 78

6.10. Basic safety rules in the production of work. 85

7. Basic rules technical operation enclosing structures with the use of plasterboard sheets. 86


This Code of Rules contains instructions on the design solutions for various enclosing structures with plasterboard sheathing and methods for their installation, the implementation of which ensures compliance mandatory requirements to such structures established by the current regulatory documents.

The choice of design solutions and materials for the device various designs buildings and structures falls within the competence of the design or construction organization.

In the event that the decisions and materials recommended by this document are adopted for implementation, all the rules established therein are binding. Partial use of requirements and rules for individual technical solutions given in this document is not allowed.

This Code of Rules considers the design solutions for units and methods for constructing frame-sheathed partitions, wall cladding, fencing of communication shafts, suspended ceilings, as well as fire protection of structures. The document was developed on the basis of the experience of the installation of the specified enclosing structures from materials produced by JV TIGI KNAUF JSC. In the case of using materials from other manufacturers for the construction of the structures provided for by this Code of Rules, their compliance with the requirements of this document must be confirmed in the prescribed manner.

The set of rules is intended for design and construction organizations, as well as maintenance services.

The set of rules was developed by TsNIIpromzdaniy JSC (Deputy CEO, cand. tech. Sciences, Honored. Russian builder S.M. Glikin), SE CNS (Director E.G. Dovgelya), TIGI-KNAUF Marketing (Technical Director A.I. Paliev).

SP 55-101-2000



dateintroductions2000 -06 -01


This Code of Rules establishes the basic provisions for the design of enclosing structures using drywall sheets and methods for their installation.


The list of regulatory documents, to which references are given in the text of the document, is given in the mandatory Appendix A.


3.1 This Code of Rules should be guided by the design, installation and operation of enclosing structures using plasterboard sheets in residential, public, administrative and household and industrial buildings subject to the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01, SNiP 2.08.02, SNiP 2.09.02, SNiP 2.09.04, SNiP 21-01, if available necessary documentation, confirming the compliance of the design parameters with their normative values.

3.2 All materials and products used in the installation of enclosing structures using gypsum boards must have a hygienic certificate issued by the centers of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation, and when used as fire protection, also have a fire certificate issued by an accredited certification body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

3.3 Frame-sheathed partitions include metal or wooden frame and plasterboard sheathing, fixed to it with screws. The air cavity between the skins can be filled with soundproofing, heat-insulating, fire-retardant material or plasterboard sheets (Figure 1).

3.4 Suspended ceilings include a metal or wood frame suspended from load-bearing structures floors or coverings (base ceiling), and filing of plasterboard sheets or filling cells with cassettes made from these sheets. To increase the fire resistance of the ceiling structure, a fire-retardant heat-insulating material can be placed in the space above the ceiling (Figure 2).

3.5 Structural solution fencing of communication shafts includes, by analogy with the design of the partition, a metal frame and sheathing made of plasterboard sheets, fixed to it with screws.


4.1 The nomenclature of drywall sheets and their physical and technical characteristics

4.1.1 The nomenclature of drywall sheets (table 1) according to GOST 6266, depending on the purpose, includes four types of products: GKL - ordinary; GKLV - moisture resistant; GKLO - with increased resistance to open flame; GKLVO - moisture resistant with increased resistance to open flame. In accordance with the requirements of GOST 30244, they belong to the flammability group G-1, to the flammability group B2 according to GOST 30402, to the smoke generating ability group D1 according to GOST 12.1.044, to the toxicity group T1 according to GOST 12.1.044.

The breaking load and allowable deflection of gypsum boards must comply with the data in Table 2.

Water absorption of GKLV and GKLVO sheets should not exceed 10%.

4.1.2 Gypsum boards (gypsum plasterboard) are recommended for partitions, suspended ceilings and cladding internal surfaces walls in rooms with dry and normal temperature and humidity conditions, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-3.

4.1.3 Gypsum boards (GKLV) are recommended to be used for partitions, suspended ceilings and cladding of internal wall surfaces in rooms with damp and wet modes in accordance with the instructions for the use of GOST 6266.

4.1.4 Gypsum plasterboards (GKLO) are recommended for partitions, suspended ceilings and lining of internal wall surfaces and fire protection of structures that are subject to fire resistance requirements.

1 - frame; 2 - screws; 3 - sheathing of plasterboard sheets; 4 - dowels; 5 - soundproof material; 6 - filling from plasterboard sheets

Drawing1 - Structural schemes frame-sheathed partitions: with sheathing made of plasterboard sheets with filling the air cavity with soundproofing material ( A), without filling the air cavity ( b) and filled with plasterboard sheets ( V)

1 - frame; 2 - suspensions; 3 - sheathing of plasterboard sheets; 4 - plasterboard cassettes; 5 - fire retardant thermal insulation material; A- distance between suspensions; b- distance between the bearing profiles; With- distance between main profiles

Drawing2 - Structural schemes of suspended ceilings: with plasterboard sheathing ( A), bitmap ( b) and increased fire resistance ( V)

Table 1

Sheet type

Thickness d, mm

Width, mm

Length, mm

Limit deviations from nominal sizes for group sheets

Weight 1 m 2 sheets, kg

length, mm

in width, mm

by thickness, mm

length, mm

in width, mm

by thickness, mm

2000 - 4000 in 50 mm increments

table 2

4.1.5 Plasterboard sheets (GKLVO) are recommended to be used for the device fireproof partitions, suspended ceilings and cladding of the internal surfaces of walls and fire protection of structures in the premises of buildings with wet and wet operating conditions when relative humidity air up to 90% and temperatures up to 30 °C, when treating the surface of sheets with waterproof primers, waterproof putty, waterproof paints, protection with ceramic tiles or PVC coatings.

4.1.6 Gypsum boards can be supplied with five types of long edge (table 3).

4.1.7 For the installation of enclosing structures with sealing joints between sheathing sheets with putty, it is recommended to use plasterboard sheets with thinned edges such as UK and PLUK; at the same time, sheets with an edge of the PLUK type should be used when sealing joints without a reinforcing tape using Uniflot putty, which makes it possible to reduce the labor intensity of the work.

Sheets with a PC-type edge are recommended to be used mainly as inner layers in multi-layer sheathing or for forming packages when filling the internal cavities of partitions, as well as in collapsible enclosing structures with their fastening to the frame using a layout.

4.1.8 For decorative finishes internal surfaces of walls and partitions made of reinforced concrete, brick, wood, it is recommended to use plasterboard finishing panels (POG) according to TU 400-1-231 with a size of 2500´(500 - 600)´(10 - 12.5) mm, which are plasterboard sheets with a front surface finished with PDO or PDSO polyvinyl chloride decorative film, Izoplen or Devilon paper-based polyvinyl chloride film, as well as decorative material"Pletex" and other materials, taking into account the requirements of 6.25 SNiP 21-01.

4.1.9 To increase the heat-insulating ability of walls in operated and reconstructed buildings, it is recommended to use gypsum plasterboard combined panels (GKP) according to TU 5772-002-04001508, which are a two-layer product of full factory readiness, consisting of a gypsum board with a glued layer of thermal insulation made of PSB-S foam polystyrene board grade 15 , 25 or 35 (GOST 15588) or from mineral wool board on synthetic binder grades 175, 200 according to TU 5762-010-04001485, as well as according to GOST 9573, taking into account the requirements of SNiP 21-01.

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Partitions - light internal enclosing structures different types made of drywall, which serve to perform a number of functions in the room: masking communications, dividing the room into zones and increasing usable area. That they for a long time comply with operating standards, special requirements have been introduced regarding the structures being erected.

Partition sheathed with plasterboard sheets
Partitions from hl
Skillful delineation of space

According to the decision of the Construction Committees, as well as the Departments for the implementation of standardization, technical regulation and certification for 2000, article SP 55.101.2000 (Set of Rules for the design and subsequent construction of fence structures using drywall sheets) was adopted, the points of which must be taken into account and implemented during the installation of partition walls.

Factors that were taken into account when drawing up the requirements:

  • The type of building under which the construction of the partition is envisaged is a housing stock, public, administrative or industrial building;
  • Statistics of seismic data in the area where these structures are located;
  • Variety, brand building materials used during installation, the quality of which is controlled and determined by the GOST standards, and their compliance with the specifics of the work being carried out;
  • General climatic and microclimatic household indicators.

These norms and rules, abbreviated as SNiP, formed the basis for the formation of installation technology, which guarantees the reliability of the structure and ensures its safety during operation. Pre-agreed points regarding the type of materials recommended for installation facilitated the process of installation and purchase of building materials.

Plasterboard marking

Requirements for drywall sheets

The marking of drywall sheets for the installation of a partition, adopted by the norms of SNiPa, depending on the humidity indicators and other features in the room, is as follows:

  • GKL - for construction in rooms with normal humidity (less than 70%) and temperatures from 5 to 30 degrees C, produced in gray color without special impregnations that resist moisture or heat, it is recommended for designing structures in hallways, living rooms, bedrooms and other premises;
  • GKLV - hygroscopic material with high resistance to moisture, painted in light green, used in wet rooms(more than 70%), due to impregnation with antiseptic substances and concentrates, does not lose its linear dimensions and is not exposed to dampness, designed as a finishing material in bathrooms;
  • GKLO - has increased fire-resistant properties, due to the presence in its composition of fibers and compositions that prevent combustion, is produced in sheets yellow color, suitable for covering the partition installed in the kitchen;
  • GKLVO - drywall with improved fire and moisture resistance (up to 90%) of pale pink color, which is confirmed by GOST standards in Art. 30244, 30402 and 12.1.044.

The thickness of the sheets, which fully meets all the requirements of SNiP for the construction of partitions, should be 12.5 mm - optimal performance to ensure the strength of the structure, its sound insulation. The thickness of 6.5 and 9 mm is not enough.

The joint venture for 2000 allows the use of drywall formats with edges:

  • UK - for sealing joints with putty;
  • PC - suitable for the inner layer of the multilayer sheathing of the frame without sealing the seams;
  • ZK - for sealing joints with plaster;
  • PLC and PLUK - when sealing joints without reinforcing tape.

Edge marking

Requirements for choosing a profile

According to SNiP, partitions are assembled from a metal cold-formed profile made on the basis of galvanized steel, or from bars of antiseptic wood, the moisture content of which is 12+/-3%, section 40x25 mm.

The metal profile is used in 2 types: rack (marking according to SNiP - SP or CW) and guide (PN or UW), the thickness of which varies between 0.55-0.8 mm. The guide is available in several formats: 50x40, 75x40 and 100x40 mm, 3 m long each.

The width of the rack is not 40, but 50 mm, since the main load from drywall sheets is concentrated on it. Reinforced rack profile - a bar with a format of 100x50 mm, designed for mounting complex curvilinear and massive partition structures.

Depending on which profile format is used, what is the distance between the frame elements, the height of the structure depends. So, for a standard partition, consisting of a single frame made of a SP 50x40 mm profile with a single-layer plasterboard sheathing on 2 sides, the allowable height according to SNiP is 3 m, from a 100x40 mm profile - 5 m.

Profile types

Types of partitions according to accepted standards

Depending on how many layers of drywall sheathing are used, what frame design is provided for installation - standard, reinforced or wide, several types of partitions are distinguished by the SNiP standards described in article II-3-79.

Types and technical data of structures:

  • C111 - partitions made on a single frame 3-5 m high, which are sheathed with plasterboard sheets on both sides, the number of sheathing layers is 1, are used for rooms with normal indicators humidity, thickness standards of the entire structure from 75 to 125 mm, sound insulation index 41/43/45 dB, respectively;
  • C112 - from a single frame on metal profile, sheathed with 2 layers of drywall on both sides, thickness - 100/125/150 mm, height - 4-6.5 m, sound insulation - 47/49/50 dB;
  • C113 - standard frame, sheathed on 2 sides with 3 layers of plasterboard, allowable height - 4.5 m, construction thickness - 175 mm, sound insulation indicators - 54 dB;
  • C115 - from a double metal frame, sheathed on 2 sides in 2 layers, thickness 155/205/255 mm, height according to SNiP is 4.5-6.5 m, sound insulation coefficient - 53/54/55 dB;
  • C116 - double frame structures, between which there is space for a communications device, sheathing - 2 layers of plasterboard on both sides, minimum thickness– 220 mm, sound isolation – 49 dB, height – 4.5/6/6.5 m.

According to the SP (Code of Rules), in the presence of special construction requirements, partitions, the standard sizes of which are listed above, are insulated from the inside with a mineral wool insulating board made of a synthetic binder with moisture-proof and refractory impregnation 50 mm thick. This standard is prescribed in the GOST 9573-62 standard and corresponds to the material grade M50.

Types of partitions

Installation of partitions

According to SP 55-101-2000, the installation technology is as follows:

  • A drawing is drawn up, in which the parameters and shape of the future structure are described in detail, the consumable, its marking is selected;
  • Based on the calculations of the drawing, markup is performed;
  • over insulating tape on dowels and anchors with a step of 60 cm to the floor and by analogy on the ceiling, an NP profile is installed, the length of which is equal to the length of the future structure;
  • Perpendicular to it, close to the wall on which the insulating tape is glued, a rack profile is installed on metal screws and cutters;
  • The pitch of the joint venture profile is from 400 to 600 mm, the smaller the distance, the more rigid and stable the structure;
  • In the place of the passage opening of the partition, the rack profile is reinforced from the inside with inserts of wooden planks;
  • At a distance of 50 cm along the height of the rack profile, it is recommended to install stiffeners;
  • GKL is installed on top of the frame, the installation of sheets starts from the wall in a checkerboard pattern to avoid overlapping seams, the drywall edge should be in the middle of the joint venture profile, the next plate should be on the second half of the metal strip;
  • When the partition is sheathed on one side, they lay wiring, communications, install thermal insulation, and proceed to the finishing sheathing;
  • GKL joints and sheets are puttied, treated with protective mixtures and covered with decorative finishing materials.

The layout of materials in the partition

You can learn how to install partitions based on the standards of the joint venture using the example of the following video, which describes in detail the features of the materials used, assembly steps and options for external decorative finishes.

Finish options

Articles of SNiP provide for the choice of finishing materials and fasteners with explanations and recommendations for their use regarding the specifics of the work performed. So, according to the standards of the joint venture for 2000 Decoration Materials for the partition frame, choose the same manufacturer as the brand of drywall. For example, for fastening the UK edges of sheets brand Knauf it is preferable to use Fugenfüller putty produced by the same company, for PLUK edges without reinforcement - Knauf Uniflot putty mixture.

As fastening elements, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws, dowels, hooks and anchor elements designed specifically for mounting structures with an air cavity, as well as for fixing the frame to bearing walls and GKL sheets. The load on the anchor with a single-layer sheathing should not exceed 20 kg, with a 2-layer sheathing - 30 kg. Compliance with the quality of structures at the end of installation is checked by the SNiP standards (articles 2.08.01, 2.08.02, 2.09.02, 2.09.04 and 21-01).

This Code of Rules contains instructions on the design solutions for various enclosing structures with plasterboard sheathing and methods for their installation, the implementation of which ensures compliance with the mandatory requirements for such structures established by the current regulatory documents.

The choice of design solutions and materials for the arrangement of various structures of buildings and structures is within the competence of the design or construction organization.

In the event that the decisions and materials recommended by this document are adopted for implementation, all the rules established therein are binding. Partial use of the requirements and rules for individual technical solutions given in this document is not allowed.

This Code of Rules considers the design solutions for units and methods for constructing frame-sheathed partitions, wall cladding, fencing of communication shafts, suspended ceilings, as well as fire protection of structures. The document was developed on the basis of experience in the installation of these enclosing structures from materials produced by JV "TIGI KNAUF" JSC. In the case of using materials from other manufacturers for the construction of the structures provided for by this Code of Rules, their compliance with the requirements of this document must be confirmed in the prescribed manner.

The set of rules was developed by JSC "TsNIIpromzdaniy" (Deputy General Director, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation S.M. Glikin), State Enterprise CNS (Director E.G. Dovgelya), "TIGI-KNAUF Marketing" (Technical Director A.I. Paliev).

This Code of Rules establishes the basic provisions for the design of enclosing structures using drywall sheets and methods for their installation.

3.1 This Code of Rules should be followed in the design, installation and operation of building envelopes using plasterboard sheets in residential, public, administrative and residential and industrial buildings, taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01, SNiP 2.08.02, SNiP 2.09.02, SNiP 2.09. 04, SNiP 21-01, with the necessary documentation confirming the compliance of the structural parameters with their standard values.

3.2 All materials and products used in the installation of enclosing structures using gypsum boards must have a hygienic certificate issued by the centers for sanitary and epidemiological surveillance of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and when used as fire protection, they must also have a fire certificate issued by an accredited certification body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs RF.

3.3 Frame-sheathed partitions include a metal or wooden frame and plasterboard sheathing fixed to it with screws. The air cavity between the skins can be filled with soundproofing, heat-insulating, fire-retardant material or plasterboard sheets (Figure 1).

1 - frame; 2 - screws; 3 - plasterboard sheathing; 4 - dowels; 5 - soundproof material; 6 - filling from plasterboard sheets

Figure 1 - Structural schemes of frame-sheathed partitions: with plasterboard sheathing with air cavity filling soundproof material(a), without filling the air cavity (b) and with filling with plasterboard sheets (c)

3.4 Suspended ceilings include a metal or wooden frame suspended from the supporting structures of the floor or cover (base ceiling), and filing from plasterboard sheets or filling the cells with cassettes made from these sheets. To increase the fire resistance of the ceiling structure, a fire-retardant heat-insulating material can be placed in the space above the ceiling (Figure 2).

1 - frame; 2 - suspensions; 3 - plasterboard sheathing; 4 - plasterboard cassettes; 5 - fire-retardant heat-insulating material; a - the distance between the suspensions; b - distance between the bearing profiles; c - distance between the main profiles

3.5 The constructive solution for the fencing of communication shafts includes, by analogy with the design of the partition, a metal frame and plasterboard sheathing fixed to it with screws.

4.1.1 The nomenclature of gypsum boards (table 1) according to GOST 6266, depending on the purpose, includes four types of products: GKL - ordinary; GKLV - moisture resistant; GKLO - with increased resistance to open flame; GKLVO - moisture resistant with increased resistance to open flame. In accordance with the requirements of GOST 30244, they belong to the flammability group G-1, to the flammability group B2 according to GOST 30402, to the smoke generating ability group D1 according to GOST 12.1.044, to the toxicity group T1 according to GOST 12.1.044.

Table 1

Sheet typeTol-
Width, mmLength, mmLimit deviations from the nominal dimensions for sheets of the groupWeight of 1 m sheet, kg
length, mmin width, mmby thickness
tire, mm
length, mmin width, mmby thickness
tire, mm
GKL600; 1200 2000-4000 in 50 mm increments

4.1.5 Gypsum plasterboards (GKLVO) are recommended to be used for fireproof partitions, suspended ceilings and lining of internal wall surfaces and fire protection of structures in buildings with wet and wet operating conditions at relative air humidity up to 90% and temperatures up to 30 ° C, when processing sheet surfaces with waterproof primers, waterproof putty, waterproof paints, protection ceramic tiles or PVC coverings.

1. The quality control of incoming drywall sheets is carried out in a construction organization. At the same time, together with laboratory workers, it is necessary to check (in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6266-97): the presence of a document (passport) for a batch of sheets; the presence of stamps of the quality control department of the manufacturer on back side sheets; linear dimensions, surface quality and appearance; average density; bending strength; humidity; adhesion strength of gypsum and cardboard.

If these indicators do not match, the GKL batch is rejected in the prescribed manner.

Acceptance of work on the installation of walls and partitions from GKL should be carried out step by step in accordance with technical requirements SNiP 3.04.01-87 (table 3.5).

Acceptance and assessment of the quality of work should be carried out by the manufacturer of works or the master.

2. When accepting work on wall cladding and partitioning, it is necessary to check the reliability of fastening the GKL to the frame structure. There should be no cracks, damaged spots, vibration of sheets, etc. The strength of fastening should be checked by tapping on the sheets, especially along the edges, applying light blows with a wooden hammer. If rattling is heard during impacts, the sheet must be fixed again.

3. GKL joints must be carefully sealed with putty reinforced with perforated paper tape, and the junctions must be sealed with sealant. The joints of the facing plasterboard sheets should be located in the same plane. Convexity or concavity of individual sheets in the plane of the wall is not allowed.

Rice. 3.76. Permissible deviations during the installation of GKL

4. During quality control of work, it is necessary to check: - compliance of the applied gypsum boards with the project; – compliance of other materials used with the requirements and specifications for their manufacture; - compliance of the location on the wall surface of full and additional sheets with working drawings and project requirements; - availability and compliance with the project of the necessary holes, openings, etc.; - cleanliness and integrity of the front surfaces. On the front surfaces of gypsum boards, there should be no dirt, oil stains, damaged corners, ribs and tears of the front cover; - verticality of the GKL installation.

5. When installing walls and partitions, differences between adjacent sheets of more than 1 mm are not allowed.

6. The deviation of plasterboard sheets from verticality should not exceed 1 mm per 1 m of height and 5 mm for the entire height of the room.

7. The edges of the gypsum board at the interface with the door frames should be flush and attached with platbands.

8. Acceptance of work is carried out by the manufacturer of works or the foreman in two stages: - the first stage is carried out after the installation of walls and partitions is completed before they are handed over for special (including electrical) work. After this acceptance, holes and openings for pipelines, air ducts, etc. can be arranged; - the second stage is carried out after sealing the joints before handing over for painting, plastering, wallpaper and facing works. At this stage, the quality of the work performed is determined with the participation of a representative of the technical supervision of the customer.

Completed designs should be taken in stages or section by section.

9. At the first stage, compliance with the design of the location of the partitions and doorways in them, seams for electrical wiring; the reliability of fastening drywall sheets to the stiffeners and the ceiling is checked by a load of 50-100 N on the surface of the partition (lack of fluctuation), as well as by the presence of screws in the design attachment points; recession of screw heads in GKL by 0.5-KL.0 mm; differences between gypsum boards at the joints should not exceed 1 mm; vertical and horizontal seam for electrical wiring - according to the project; the presence of marking marks at the points of attachment of electrical wiring and the arrangement of boxes, switches, sockets.

10. At the second stage, the strength of the putty fastening and the sealing of the joints with reinforcing paper or fiberglass tape are checked (with light blows with a wooden hammer or hand, cracks should not appear in the joints); surface deviation, which should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in table. 3.6; the presence of cracks and non-putty places; the presence of stains and dirt; comparison appearance surfaces with an approved standard.

11. Before performing work on preparing surfaces for finishing, the quality of the materials used must be checked.

All necessary information on the quality control of the work performed are given in the map of the step-by-step control of the production of works on the installation of plasterboard partitions on metal frame(table 3.6).

2. Calculation of the necessary materials

Partitions with a single frame and single-layer gypsum boards (Fig. 3.77, 3.78) are used as the main type of lightweight building envelope in residential, civil and industrial premises with normal and high humidity. Partitions with a single frame and two-layer plasterboards (Fig. 3.79, 3.80) are used in rooms with increased requirements for the strength and fire resistance of building envelopes.

A single frame and three-layer GKL (Fig. 3.81) are necessary in the case special requirements in terms of strength and fire protection lightweight structures from drywall. A double frame and double plasterboards (Fig. 3.82, 3.83) are used in rooms of great height, in conditions of increased thermal, sound insulation and fire protection.

A ceiling with a single-level frame without suspensions (Fig. 3.84) is mounted in small rooms with a width of up to 2.6 m. A suspended ceiling with a single-level frame (Fig. 3.85) is used for any size of premises, but requires the installation of wall support rails. A suspended ceiling with a two-level frame (Fig. 3.86) has greater rigidity and can be used with or without support rails, in the latter case, the distance from the extreme profiles to the wall should be no more than 100 mm.

Needs for necessary materials for all the listed designs are given in tables 3.7-3.14.

Rice. 3.78. Single frame with transverse offset racks

With a height of racks > 3.0 m, intermediate PNs are installed between them to reinforce the frame with an interval

It is possible to use a frame in which the racks are installed in a checkerboard pattern, with an offset relative to the longitudinal axis (Fig. 3.78).

Consumption of materials per 1 m2 of partition Table 3.7.

Table 3.8. Consumption of materials per 1 m2 of partition

Rice. 3.80. Single frame and two-layer plasterboard

Consumption of materials per 1 m2 of partition Table 3.9.

Sound insulation tape

Rice. 3.81. Single frame and three-layer plasterboard

Table 3.10. Consumption of materials per 1 m2 of partition

Rice. 3.82. Double reinforced frame

Sound insulation tape

Rice. 3.83. Double frame and double plasterboard

At high altitude frame racks can be installed next to each other to increase the rigidity of the structure (Fig. 3.83).

Consumption of materials per 1 m2 of partition

Table 3.11.

Rice. 3.84. Ceiling with a single-level frame without suspensions:
1 - self-tapping screws with an interval of 600 mm; 2 - wall profile; 3 - partition; 4 - bearing profiles; 5 - self-tapping screws with an interval of 200 mm; 6 - dowels with an interval of 400-500 mm; 7 - GKL; 8 - main wall

Table 3.12. Consumption of materials per 1 m2 of ceiling

Consumption of materials per 1 m2 of ceiling Table 3.13.

Rice. 3.86. Suspended ceiling with a two-level frame:

Table 3.14. Consumption of materials per 1 m2 of ceiling

  • The number of wall profiles is determined depending on the size of the room.

Mounting technology 3.13. false ceilings from plasterboard

Installation plasterboard ceilings is carried out in conditions of normal temperature and humidity after the completion of the main finishing work.

All work on sealing the joints of partitions and adjacent structures, as well as installation of utilities, ventilation, alarm and fire extinguishing systems fixed to the structural ceiling, must be completed.