home · On a note · Metal tiles burgundy color according to ral. Metal roof: characteristics and photos of the roof. Catalog: color options

Metal tiles burgundy color according to ral. Metal roof: characteristics and photos of the roof. Catalog: color options

Metal Construction Materials They are distinguished by their strength and durability, so their device is manufactured, as they say, to last for centuries. The roof covering should be given special attention: it should not only be a reliable protector of the interior space of the premises, but also visually decorate the exterior of the building. Metal tiles in the color of the sky, classic ceramic or any other shade - great option roofing devices.

Advantages and disadvantages

Metal tiles are a material for roofing with a roof slope of at least 12 0. It is characterized by increased wear resistance due to its layered structure: galvanized steel coated with colored polymers is practically not subject to corrosion. Advantages that make them choose this type coatings:

  • High decorative qualities(effective imitation of tile covering).
  • Wide range of solutions: metal tiles come in a wide variety of profile colors.
  • Resistance to color fading under exposure ultraviolet rays(for some types of coatings).
  • Not afraid of seasonal temperature changes and all types of precipitation.
  • The flexibility of the fragments allows for roof coverings of different shapes and configurations.

The disadvantages include:

  • High conductivity of sounds: the noise of rain, feeding branches, leaves and other influences will be heard quite clearly. To avoid this, additional sound insulation is needed.
  • The inability of metal to retain heat contributes to the formation of condensation on inner surface, to avoid wetting of the coating layers, an effective vapor barrier is needed.
  • Installation of such tiles requires professional skills and certain dexterity, since you cannot step on them.

Classification of species

Metal tiles vary in:

  • sheet thickness;
  • profile form;
  • the type of wave and its step;
  • according to the material of the top coating.

The thickness and material of the top layer, partly the shape of the profile, are of practical importance. And what color of metal tiles to choose depends solely on taste preferences the customer and does not affect the technical characteristics in any way.

Features of the structure

Metal tiles are a multilayer material. It is based on cold-rolled galvanized steel. To increase its anti-corrosion properties, it is treated with a phosphate compound (passaging layer), then primed and coated with a finishing coat. polymer material, fix it with varnish.

Layers in different quantities applied to both sides of the steel sheet. Moreover, the thickness of the metal tiles is only 0.5 mm (standard). This is used for roofing device residential buildings, outbuildings.

Modern manufacturers produce metal tiles of both smaller and larger thicknesses. 0.4 mm models are more economical, but their use is only permissible for less critical structures: gazebos, canopies. This material is not suitable for covering a house: the tiles are subject to mechanical deformation and will not provide reliable protection.

Sheets over 0.5 mm have increased strength, suitable for use on different roofs, but are much more expensive than standard ones.

With any structure, metal tiles have very different colors, their palette depends on the capabilities of the manufacturer.

Profile types

This characteristic determines the strength properties of the tiles, since the rigidity of the entire coating depends on it. There are many types of profiles, the main ones are:

Based on the main types of profiles, there are many different variations, the variety of which depends on technical feasibility manufacturing equipment. At the heart of everything is a wave different shapes and step. It may be asymmetrical. The choice of one type or another depends on the preferences of the owner of the house and on general design building.

Polyester cover

The way the tiles look (colors, their saturation, dullness) is influenced by the material used to process the facing layer. They depend on him mechanical properties sheets.

The most common and frequently used type of coating is polyester, polyester enamel. It is applied to the prepared sheet with a layer of 25 microns. Transportation and installation of such metal tiles requires maximum care: the colored layer is easily damaged and scratched. Defects can be corrected using special color compounds after installation, but there is a risk that the tones will not match. This is the only drawback of the coverage. Benefits include:

  • High resistance to external influences of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation.
  • Wide color palette.
  • The coating does not lose its brightness for a long time.
  • The characteristics are not affected by temperature and its changes, therefore use is possible in any climatic zones.

Colors matte metal tiles also varied: from light gray to dark blue, black. The effect of muted shine provides special type polyester applied to steel with a layer of 35 microns. It has increased strength and scratch resistance due to special processing: the treated sheet is coated with a special matting varnish and additionally fired.

The appearance of such metal tiles is more noble: the coating scatters and reflects the sun's rays, regardless of their intensity.


The coating originates in Finland, where the climate is characterized by its humidity and the presence of salty air due to the proximity of the sea. These factors require the creation of special coatings that are resistant to aggressive environmental influences.

Pural has characteristics that make it suitable for service in such conditions. The coating of steel metal tiles provides high anti-corrosion properties. The thickness of the protective layer is 50 microns; it gives the coating parts both a glossy and matte appearance, depending on the composition.

Pural-coated metal tiles are considered very popular. Colors (photo below) can be very diverse.

An important advantage of this polymer composition is its ability to maintain integrity during bending, transportation and installation.


A special type of coating that contains PVC and plasticizers. Metal tiles lined with this material are the most protected from external influences of any origin, since the layer has a thickness of 200 microns. Thanks to this, any relief embossing can be created on the surface. The advantages of the coating include:

  • High resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Not subject to temperature changes and precipitation.

A significant drawback is low resistance to sunlight: color fading occurs. Therefore, its use in hot southern regions is not advisable.


Vinylidene fluoride and acrylic create a durable coating up to 30 microns with a metallic effect. It has increased resistance to aggressive environments: the proximity of salt water bodies and exposure to sea air, acid rain. Therefore, it is advisable to use it in coastal areas and near industrial enterprises.

Based on the characteristics given, it is obvious that there are various types of metal tiles, so choosing one for your home will not be difficult.

How to choose

Manufacturers offer many options for profile-quality-color combinations. How not to get confused and make the right choice?

First of all, decide on the desired type of roof. What do you want it to look like: soft waves or angular? Repeating the color/shade of the facade or not? The answers to these questions will be the starting point.

Next you should choose a manufacturer. The quality of the material directly depends on this: a large supplier will not risk its name, therefore it will provide tiles more High Quality. The price, accordingly, is 10-20 percent higher than that of small factories, but the risk is minimized.

Having decided on the place of purchase, find out what type of coating and what colors of metal tiles the seller can offer. Today the most popular shades are:

  • Dark red;
  • chocolate brown;
  • green;
  • blue, blue.

Red or brown metal tiles. The name of colors for many manufacturers is formed according to the German RAL standard and consists of 4 characters (RAL 1234), the first of which defines the group:

1 - yellow;

2 - orange;

3 - red;

4 - purple;

6 - green;

8 - brown;

9 - light and dark.

Metal tiles offer a wide choice. The colors (photos of the main samples of the German classification) are presented in the table above. Finnish standards RR and Swedish SSAB are also widely used.

When arranging a roof, specialists pay serious attention to the choice of roofing material, among which metal tiles considered one of the best coatings. In this case, the color of the metal tile has important for several reasons.

Even at the stage of planning the house, when the material for the roof is selected, the customer decides what color it will be. Having chosen metal tiles for the roof, he has the opportunity to choose the color using the RAL standard. This color chart was introduced as a European standard in 1927. Today it has several episodes.

  • RAL Classic, which is fundamental and currently includes 213 colors, of which 17 are metallic. The entire range of colors is described by four-digit codes, the first numbers of which indicate a specific color. For example, brown is 8 and, xxx, three values ​​of different shades. Blue - 5xxx, and red - 3xxx. There are quite a lot of shades in each color, for example, the wine class is red and has the designation RAL 3005.
  • RAL Design - a scale, like a color palette, was introduced in 1993 for professionals involved in color design. It has a seven-digit scale with classification values ​​such as hue, brightness and saturation.
  • RAL Effect. This standard appeared in the second half of the 2000s. It takes into account the wishes of the industry. It increases the range of colors and shades by displaying concepts such as matte or glossy shade. To the four-digit code of the classic RAL, one digit is added, which marks this shade. Moreover, glossy is designated by the letter M, which means metallic.
It is especially convenient to use the RAL standard for a non-professional at the ordering stage. When you want metal tiles of a completely unusual color. For example, tomato red, pastel purple, pearlescent gentian blue, stag brown or green moss. Roofs of this color will certainly be unique. Knowledge of the RAL scale and the ability to use it when planning a roof expands the capabilities of designers. It turns out that black metal tiles can have seven shades.
And gray metal tiles come in a whole range of thirty-two shades.
When choosing color shades for the roofing material, you need to take into account the architecture of the house and roof, structure and color outside walls, as well as individual differences in buildings located nearby on the same site. In addition, you need to keep in mind the landscape and the nature of the surrounding vegetation. Everything on the site should be in complete harmony.

Decorative and protective functions of metal tile coating

On the rolling line, where the steel strip is formed by cold stamping required form, the workpiece arrives already coated. This coating consists of several layers.
  • First protective layer a passivating compound is placed on galvanized steel, which forms thin film, preventing the development of corrosion. This is its only function.
  • After passivation, a primer is applied to the sheet.
  • A layer of primer on the outside of the steel strip, which will then be front side metal tiles, covered with a protective and decorative polymer coating. This coating may vary in composition and method of application. At the same time, it is this layer that performs the function color design metal tile sheet. On the reverse, inner side, the steel strip is coated with a varnish protective layer over the primer.

Types of polymer protective and decorative coating

Finish coating front side metal tiles polymer layer, from a decorative point of view, is the coloring of metal products. In addition, the polymer coating protects the metal from ultraviolet rays, significantly increasing the durability of the roof. This coating protects the roof, assembled from metal tiles, from mechanical influences. This is important for the roof when any work is performed on it. renovation work, cleaning chimneys or the roof is cleaned of snow crust and ice. The color of the polymer layer is given by a special powder paint, selected from the RAL catalogue. It is pre-mixed with heat-resistant polymers and resins, then applied to the primer and after that the product is placed in the oven for baking. Depending on the composition of the polymers, the coating of metal tiles varies in texture. It can be glossy or matte, smooth or grainy. It varies in the thickness of the applied layer and the service life of such a coating.
  1. Polyester is the most common polymer used when painting metal tiles. It has two advantages. This is the cheapest of such materials. In addition, it lends itself perfectly to molding. However, there are also disadvantages that you should pay attention to. It has reduced resistance to mechanical stress. That is, scratches can be left on it. Also, during the operation of a metal tile roof with such a coating, the original color selected on the RAL scale may be lost. The warranty for such products starts from one year.

  1. Matte polyester is a thicker polymer coating that has no shine. Products with this treatment are ten percent more expensive, but have higher UV protection. This allows the color to be retained for a long time. The matte background gives the roof the appearance of natural tiles. A material such as green metal tiles with a matte finish has a more natural look. The warranty on these products is 10 years.

  1. Plastisol is its feature in a thick layer of coating. If polyester has a layer thickness of 25 microns, then plastisol is applied in a layer of 200 microns. As a result, resistance to external influences of various kinds increases. Nevertheless dark colors With such a foundation they can burn out. Manufacturers provide a 10-year warranty on this polymer.

  1. Pural is more modern covering 50 microns thick. Despite the fact that it is 40 percent more expensive than polyester, manufacturers readily use it. This is due to its high mechanical and chemical properties and the ability to hold color well, because it is absolutely resistant to ultraviolet irradiation. Today it is one of the most popular materials. Products with such coating are guaranteed for 15 years or more.

  1. PVDF - polyvinyl fluoride is the most modern development of scientists. Decorative coating based on it is applied very thin layer and at the same time completely protects the metal tile from any external influence. Products with this coating have an exclusive appearance. At the same time, they occupy the most expensive position in the category of similar products.

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Today's roofing market offers a huge variety of products, differentiated by practical and color characteristics. One of the most popular types of roofing carpet is metal tiles. Extensive color range of metal tiles, high performance characteristics and the availability of material allow you to equip a practical and aesthetic roof.

Manufacturers offer products, dividing them by types and textures of coatings:

  1. Polyester is a budget type that is durable and light weight. It has a glossy surface and a sufficient range of shades. One of the varieties of products is CLOUDY - an imitation of natural clay tiles chocolate shade.
  2. Matte polyester- a new product that has already gained popularity. Distinctive feature– color fastness and resistance to aggressive external influences. The developer can choose not only the shade, but also the thickness protective coating.
  3. Pural is a polyurethane coating up to 50 microns thick. The premium coating has high strength and practical properties, heat resistance, and resistance to corrosion.
  4. Plastisol is perhaps the most durable PVC coating. Material with such protection looks textured; texturing is done in the form of shading, ripples, and embossing. Despite its high cost, plastisol protection is slightly inferior in heat resistance to pural.
  5. PDDV – glossy type of protection with metallic imitation. Main advantages: resistance to mechanical stress, resistance to fading, very long service life.

Important! Matte pural is considered the most resistant to fading. Average performance for matte and glossy polyester (10-15 years), plastisol will last about 30 years, Purex coating - up to 40 years, matte and standard pural - up to 50 years, metal tiles with PDDV coating ( Solno) – up to 70 years old.

Choice of colors

Color palette the material is very rich. The most popular shades are considered natural colors clay tiles. Too bright colors of metal tiles fade in the sun, while dark ones often become very hot in the heat. When choosing tiles, you should also remember that bright hues in climates with increased precipitation intensity, they will quickly become polluted.

When looking at photos of houses, it’s difficult to decide on the color of the metal tiles, here are some tips:

  1. Green roofing is associated with nature. Green is a shade of peace and joy, so it is often used in both urban and suburban areas. When choosing dark tones, you should expect a calmer perception of the structure, while bright green will evoke fresh emotions.
  2. Roofing in brown shades– this is self-confidence, stability. The colors are rich and noble, and they don’t fade as much under the sun. Conservativeness, stability, reliability – these are all shades of burgundy and brown. If the building is located in a green area, such a roof will look great.
  3. Gray light tones fit perfectly with any wall color. Only overtly gloomy shades should be avoided; in general, gray is the color of stable people who know what they want in life and have achieved certain results.
  4. A blue roof looks great in sunny regions. Blue will help you calm down and gain strength, but too dark tones cause outbreaks of depression, which is why manufacturers often offer light blue or rich blue tones. By the way, evening lighting looks especially good with a blue roof.
  5. Burgundy or wine-colored roofing- element, energy, movement. The shade is very interesting and often promotes activity. Red metal tiles are the color chosen by people who do not know how to give in to difficulties, who solve problems and tasks.

Bright solutions are suitable for unusual design projects, and mosaic-colored metal tiles are a unique ensemble of combinations that form a specific pattern. By the way, you can combine shingles yourself, laying out unique designs on the roof. When choosing shade transitions according to the table, it would be useful to adhere to the following rules:

  • Dark colors heat up under the sun, which is undesirable in the case of a residential attic;
  • Light wall cladding does not go well with dark shades, with the exception of chocolate color - it fits the creamy, creamy, pink spectrum;
  • A light tiled roof resists heat, but it looks bad against the background of dark walls and also gets dirty quickly.

Much depends on the quality of the material: if the sheets are of poor quality, then color scheme will get lost pretty quickly. If production standards are observed, the entire roof will change shade evenly over time.

Popular profiles

A competent choice of metal tiles, the color range of which is extensive, will allow you to hide some flaws in the shape of the house and emphasize its advantageous advantages. Here is a small catalog of the most common solutions:

  1. Monterrey, Supermonterrey. The color palette is rich in more than 40 shades, custom coating is possible. The material has the appearance of a slightly beveled wave.
  2. Cascade - the material is distinguished by smoky smooth transitions. Outwardly, it resembles a chocolate bar, which makes the roofs even more beautiful.
  3. Andalusia – metal tiles with paint and varnish metal coating polymer type, produced according to GOST. It looks like a regular homogeneous wave of standard height.
  4. Venice is distinguished by its tint stability and has 100% color accuracy. It looks like a regular wave with a low crest.

In addition to those listed, a metal tile roof can be made from such types as “Spanish Dune”, which perfectly imitates natural tile shingles, “Shanghai”, “Pamir” and many others. The main thing is not to skimp on the material, otherwise all the work on choosing a color will be in vain, the shingles will fade under the sun in the first season of use. In addition to color, you need to pay attention to the fastening features; some manufacturers offer unique fastening options that you will have to tinker with.

The color of metal tiles is selected taking into account a number of factors, including - architectural solution house, color scheme of facade and elements exterior finishing, peculiarities landscape design the territory on which the building is located, etc. In addition to several basic shades, each metal tile manufacturer offers a palette of colors. This allows you to select the appropriate solution for any requirements for the appearance of the roof.

How to correctly evaluate the color of metal tiles?

Rufstroy specialists do not recommend choosing the exact shade based on color charts on the websites of manufacturers or sellers of roofing materials. These maps are used for rough color estimation only. Its correct display may be affected by monitor settings.

Better evaluate samples finished products or coatings directly in the offices of the Rufstroy company or at finished facilities. It is advisable to see how the chosen tone will look in bright light, in the sun and in the shade. Many manufacturers only approximately follow the gradations color catalog RAL, and because of this the products different brands may vary in tone even if you order the same color. With such a discrepancy finished roof will look sloppy. It is better to use both metal tiles and additional elements from the same manufacturer.

Most common colors

There are several basic color schemes that are most often used for roofing materials.

Green. Has a deep, rich hue that can range from emerald green to mossy, dark tones different manufacturers. Such roofs look harmonious against the background of a garden or green area. Rich green goes well with a light facade - beige, pistachio, milky, etc. Mossy, gray-green shades are more versatile.

Brown. The exact shade can vary from chocolate to almost beige, sand. Metal tiles with a dark tone are most often used. It looks quite respectable and discreet, and goes well with neutral, beige or almost white, yellowish facades.

Red. One of the most popular options, it accounts for Russian market accounts for about 50% of sales. The range includes shades from ocher to brick, rich cherry, etc. Red roofing is the closest in appearance to traditional ceramic tiles, and therefore it is used most often. Goes well with facades decorated in warm colors.

Blue. The shade can be rich cobalt or almost steel. The color looks harmonious in combination with facades of cool colors: gray and silver, almost white, blue, etc. Such a roof looks bright and at the same time respectable. Its appearance becomes especially advantageous in bright lighting.

Using color tables when choosing metal tiles

Manufacturers use two types of color tables: RAL and RR.

The RAL catalog consists of several color grids; they are universal and are not tied to a specific manufacturer or type of product. For roofing materials, the RAL Classic catalog is used - these are traditional, basic tones that are used most often. Each of them has its own four-digit marking. The first number in this marking indicates the base color. For example, marking shades of red starts with 3, blue with 5, brown with 8, green with 6, etc.

In the production of steel sheets, the system RAL colors used as a guide.

The RR catalog was developed and used by the Ruukki concern. Some other roofing manufacturers also use this chart to designate colors. The catalog contains a total of 24 shades, 7 of which are metallic. The color designation is a two-digit digital code.

Color matching table according to RAL and RR catalogs

RR number
Color name
Sample RAL code
RR 11 Dark green 6020
RR 20 White 9003
RR 21 Light gray 7040
RR 22 Grey 7000
RR 23 Dark grey 7015
RR 24 Light yellow 1002
RR 25 Yellow 1003
RR 26 Yellow 1006
RR 27 Red 3011
RR 28 Dark red 3011
RR 29 Red 3009
RR 30 Light brown 1001
RR 31 Brown 8025
RR 32 Dark brown 8019
RR 33 Black 9004
RR 34 Light blue 5024
RR 35 Blue 5001
RR 36 Light green 6021
RR 37 Green 6002
RR 38 Green 6025
RR 40 Silver metallic 9006
RR 41 Dark silver metallic 9007
RR 42 Gold metallic
RR 43 Copper metallic
RR 44 Metallic blue
RR 45 Graphite metallic
RR 46 Black metallic
RR 750 Brick red 8004

The texture of the metal tile coating, its color

During production, polymer coatings with different surface textures are used to protect steel from corrosion. Its features can affect how the color of the material looks on the roof:

  • glossy surface: has a more or less pronounced reflection, which forms noticeable shimmer. This makes metal tiles look shiny. Gloss makes the color of the coating a little muted. It looks especially impressive on a dark surface: brown, green, graphite;
  • matte smooth surface: does not change the coating’s own color, it looks the same as on the manufacturer’s samples, remaining quite saturated and pronounced;
  • matte surface with texture: bright color shades look deeper, richer, more expressive.

When choosing the color of metal tiles, it is necessary to take into account that the durability of different shades will be different. So, dark or very bright colors fade faster in the sun and become muted. Subdued, neutral tones last longer.

There are several ways to choose the exact shade.

Using online constructors. Some roofing and facade materials They suggest using special designers to select roof coverings. In such a program you need to select the color of the facade, decorative elements and so on. After this, you can “try on” different shades of the roofing covering.

According to compatibility tables. They are also developed by roofing material manufacturers. In such tables, for each of the shades, those facade colors with which they are best combined are indicated.

Based on product samples. If the color scheme for the facade is already ready, you can personally evaluate how it will combine with certain shades. To do this, it is better to use steel samples with polymer coatings. Such combinations should be evaluated both in bright light and in the shade.

The Rufstroy company offers affordable and high-quality metal tiles, the colors of which form an extensive palette.

The huge range of roofing materials on the Russian market is a big plus, but even an experienced buyer can get confused in its diversity. Let's talk about metal tiles. Its position today is one of the leading ones, it is important to understand why. Lightweight material, durable, wide choose colors. Photos of houses with metal roofing are always very bright.

Metal roofing

The first thing that catches your eye even before you get to the site is the roof. Its appearance indicates the taste of the owners of the house. The structure and color of the roof is considered attractive.

Metal tiles are made from galvanized sheets, covering it various materials. Basically, this is the difference between the material and its cost.

Types of material

Let's look at all the types on the market today:

As a result, if you want to save money, you need to choose a material with polyester. Today, new models with a matte finish of this type have appeared on the market. As for expensive metal tiles, the plastisol coating has one disadvantage in the form dull color, which will appear later.

In addition to the above differences, we cannot help but talk about absolutely technical ones. All metal tiles differ in the height of the pattern and the type of wave. Monterrey is considered a classic among all the materials on the market. Its characteristic features are:

  • exact sheet dimensions;
  • quality;
  • the thickness is absolutely identical from sheet to sheet.

Let's look at a comparative table of properties of metal tiles with different coatings. This will help you make a choice.

Type of coating/parameters




Thickness of protective coating, microns

Anti-corrosion property






Smooth or matte


Minimum and Maximum temperature, degrees Celsius

-10 to +120

-15 to +120

-10 to +80

-10 to +120

Advantages of using metal tiles

The advantages of the material are difficult to underestimate:
  • low price;
  • a light weight;
  • acceptable quality;
  • strength;
  • various colors and shapes;
  • durability.

The function of the roof is not only protection from rain and wind, but also giving the house aesthetic beauty.

Detailed information about metal tiles, their coating and shapes is presented in the video file.

Choosing the color of metal tiles

The palette of metal tiles is very diverse. For example, the colors of the Monterrey brand allow you to cover the roof with either white or completely black material. However, the most popular shades are those that imitate the colors of ceramic tiles. This is because bright shades They fade quickly in the sun, and dark ones attract the sun's rays. The dark surface heats up more in the heat. A dark roof does not match the light decoration of the house and vice versa. Light-colored roofs of houses are susceptible to contamination, especially in humid climates.

Looking at photos of houses, all the bright colors seem attractive. So which one should you choose in the end?

  • green is associated with nature;
  • brown shades are soft, they imitate natural tiles;
  • gray is also a very popular shade, but too dark options should be avoided;
  • for sunny places it is recommended to choose blue and light blue shades;
  • Another popular shade today is wine red.

In the store you can make a choice according to the proposed catalog. As a rule, the colors indicated in it are exactly the same as natural look metal tiles.

Popular profiles

Let's talk about the shape of metal tiles. As mentioned above, the most popular of them is Monterrey.

The roofs of houses look very impressive with it. "Monterrey" is shaped like slanted waves. It is also often taken for its wide variety of colors. Matching the shade in the photo in the catalog with the true color of the future roof is also important. Moreover, Monterrey has several subspecies.

The second most popular form is “Cascade”. It is inferior to Monterrey with at least 50% of the entire market for this material. Externally, “Cascade” resembles a chocolate bar.

The third most popular profile shape after Monterrey is Andalusia. A regular homogeneous wave is its feature. It takes up no more than 10% of all sales on the market.

In addition to this, there is also “Shanghai”, “Pamir”, “Spanish Dune”. By the way, it is the “Spanish Dune” shape in brown color very reminiscent of natural ceramic tiles. The photo below will definitely show such an example. It is the only one of all models that has a unique type of fastening.

Additional Information

When installing metal tiles, it is important to remember that its basis is a galvanized sheet. This means that the roof will need to be insulated and insulated from noise.

The material is very light, which makes installation easier, however, if you don’t have tin work skills, you shouldn’t do it yourself. A professional will complete the task faster, with better quality, and the aesthetic appearance of the roof will be ensured.

Houses with metal roofing

The more diverse roofing material, especially its color scheme and shape, the more varied roofs you can find. The advantage of metal tiles is that the roofs of houses in the private sector covered with it are not repeated. Even if you give preference to Monterrey, the colors may differ.

Let's look at a few photos of houses with metal roofs. Just by looking at it you can determine the shape of the material.

"Monterrey" in tobacco color goes well with the cream finish of the facade of the house. The “Spanish Dune”, which is presented below, is much less common.

The house shown in the photo above looks great up close. sea ​​coast. The combination of blue and pale yellow is a great option for warm climates.

The decoration of the house should be harmonious.

The photo above shows the same popular red wine color in the “Cascade” shape. People ask him a lot small parts houses in the same shade, such as gutters, flower hooks or flower pots.

When going to the store for metal tiles, it is important to remember that cheap material doesn't always happen good quality. Dark metal tiles from an unknown, inexpensive brand may fade unevenly in the sun.

There is no need to skimp on roofing. When choosing metal tiles, be careful about your purchase. You only need to combine the color once, and long years the roof of the house will attract close attention.