home · Networks · Installation of flashings under the roof with bitumen shingles. Bituminous shingles: advantages and reviews. Installation, laying of bitumen shingles. Installation of the Roofshield roofing system

Installation of flashings under the roof with bitumen shingles. Bituminous shingles: advantages and reviews. Installation, laying of bitumen shingles. Installation of the Roofshield roofing system

Roofing shingles are practical, lightweight, durable and versatile. Installation bitumen shingles It is easy to make, so you can install it yourself. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of performing the work and some of the secrets of experienced craftsmen, and also stock up necessary tools and materials.

What are bituminous shingles

The material consists of flexible plates with shaped cutouts along the lower edge. Their length is one meter and their width is just over 300mm. The sheets, called shingles, are made up of several layers.

As a base for bituminous shingles, non-woven fiberglass is used, consisting of glass threads “matted” together. This method allows you to obtain a high-strength and dense fabric, characterized by elasticity and light weight.

On both sides, the fiberglass is protected by waterproofing layers of modified bitumen. The modifiers used are:

  • SBS elastomers, which provide additional elasticity and increase durability;
  • APP plastomers providing high resistance to high temperatures.

Also, oxidized (oxygen-enriched) bitumen can be used to apply waterproof layers. In this case, the wear resistance of the tiles increases.

The outer layer consists of stone granulate, which is a topping made of slate or basalt, having different fractions. It is she who is responsible for the color of the tiled roof.

Basalt chips, which have rounded shapes that fit tightly to the bitumen layer, are considered more reliable and less crumbling.

Powder, in addition to its aesthetic appeal, performs protective function. It does not allow:

  • melt under the scorching rays of the sun;
  • collapse under the influence of precipitation;
  • receive mechanical damage;
  • lose color when exposed to ultraviolet light.

WITH back side flexible tiles, a layer of self-adhesive bitumen is applied pointwise or in strips. To prevent the shingles from sticking to each other during transportation or storage, the bottom layer is protected with a special film. It is removed immediately before installation.

The main advantages of a soft tile roof

Bituminous shingles can be covered pitched roofs having almost any geometry and slope of 12 degrees and above. This material is quite light. Square meter the coating weighs about eight kilograms. This is more than six times lighter than natural tiles.

Action sun rays leads to some softening of the bitumen and soldering of the shingles into a continuous coating. A roof made of bituminous tiles acquires tightness, high moisture resistance and resistance to deformation.

A variety of bottom edge shapes, colors, protective powders and coatings allow you to create an individual look for buildings. The roofs are neat, aesthetic and acquire a noble appearance.

Bituminous shingles belong to economical materials. In addition to its price and cost installation work relatively inexpensive, buy additional elements not required for ridges and junctions. They are made from tile sheets cut lengthwise.

Laying bitumen shingles is characterized by a minimal amount of waste remaining after installation.

In addition to the above advantages of soft tiles, they also have a number of positive qualities, such as:

  • immunity to rotting and corrosion processes;
  • resistance to the spread of mold and fungi;
  • impossibility of destruction of the coating by insects or rodents;
  • dielectric abilities;
  • high level of noise absorption (raindrops and grains of hail do not drum on the surface);
  • no mandatory installation of snow retention elements due to the roughness of the top layer of tiles;
  • ease of transportation due to small dimensions roofing material.

The disadvantages of bitumen shingles include the need for careful adjustment of the base. It should not have any deviations.

Installation of bitumen shingles

In order for the roofing covering to look impressive, prevent leaks and serve for a long time, its construction must be approached responsibly. The work technology involves several stages, each of which is an important component of the entire process.

Base structure

For bitumen shingles, a properly executed base plays an important role and affects the quality of the finished roofing covering. The main condition is that the flooring be continuous, with a perfectly flat surface.

Roof made of bitumen shingleswill look ugly even with minimal differences or curvature of the base.

The following can be selected as flooring:

  • continuous sheathing, assembled from tongue-and-groove boards;
  • moisture-resistant plywood;
  • OSB-3 boards.

Materials are stacked on truss structure. It should be noted that they must be treated with antiseptics and fire-resistant impregnations - fire retardants.

Many craftsmen recommend leveling the base with a continuous sheathing, but OSB boards can provide durability, rigidity and smoothness. In addition, they are able not only to withstand difficult operating conditions, but also to significantly reduce time and labor costs when installing the flooring. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself - it would be more expedient to use moisture-resistant oriented strand boards for the construction of the base.

Materials should not be stacked tightly together. It is necessary to leave a three-millimeter compensation gap between the sheets or boards so that in the event of thermal expansion of the products, they do not begin to rise.

The thickness of the boards, slabs or plywood directly depends on the pitch of the rafter legs. The size of the board, in this case, can be 2.0...3.7 cm, and plywood or OSB boards - 1.2...2.7 cm. Wood screws or rough nails are used as fasteners for the flooring.

Of great importance for the long-term operation of flexible tiles is the provision proper ventilation roofs, especially when there are heated rooms underneath. Ventilation guarantees:

  • no accumulation of excess moisture;
  • impossibility of mold formation.

For the installation of natural ventilation of the roof, the following is provided:

  • channels for the circulation of air masses, or ventilation ducts;
  • holes for air flow located under the lower edge of the roof;
  • air outlet openings located at the top of the roof. Aerators, ridge or side hoods help ensure outflow.

The inlet openings are covered with special grilles or soffit strips to prevent birds from nesting inside the channels or possible contamination from entering them. The dimensions of the circulation channels are designed in accordance with the angle of inclination of the roof. If it is less than 20 degrees, the height of the channel can be equal to eight centimeters. With a greater inclination, the size is taken to be at least five centimeters.

Backing layer for flexible tiles

To provide 100% protection roofing pie to prevent possible leaks, an additional waterproofing layer made of roofing material or glass insulation is installed between the base and the bitumen shingles. On slopes with a slope of 12-18 degrees, a continuous carpet is laid, rolling the rolls along the overhangs. The canvases are laid from bottom to top with an overlap of at least ten centimeters.

If the roof slope is more than 18 degrees, the standards allow additional waterproofing to be laid only along the eaves, ends, valleys, ridges and other places where precipitation or melt water is likely to penetrate.

The width of the strips, in this case, should be at least 40 cm, if they are laid along overhangs and ends, and at least 25 cm - on both sides of the ridge or other protruding part. The material is attached to the base of the roof with galvanized roofing felt nails with wide heads. Their step should be 20cm.

The edges of the canvases and joints must be additionally coated with liquid bitumen.

Laying pitched roof elements

Before installing soft tiles, the ends and eaves of the roof are reinforced with special metal strips. They are installed on top of the lining layer with a slight overlap and attached to the base roofing nails in increments of 12 cm.

The purpose of the gable strips is to protect the sheathing from precipitation and give completeness to the entire roofing structure.

In the valleys, a valley carpet is laid and secured with galvanized nails with wide heads. It is important that the color of the carpet and shingles do not differ from each other, and that the materials belong to the same model range.

Rules for installing tile coverings

To begin with, lay the bottom row cornice tiles, having a rectangular outline. She's being taken off protective film immediately before installation and lay the sheets end-to-end, retreating from the overhang a couple of centimeters. The eaves shingles are additionally secured with roofing nails. The sheets can be fixed with staples using a construction stapler.

Ordinary tiles begin to be installed from the bottom up, from the middle of the slope - towards the ends, so that the resulting roofing pattern is symmetrical. The first row of shingles is laid in such a way that the lower edge of their edge is located at a distance of up to 10 mm from the lower edge of the cornice tiles. The bitumen shingles are attached to the base with 4-6 nails.

The elements of each subsequent row are laid with a shift in relation to the previously installed shingles so that the upper lobes cover the joints of the lower shingles.

At the ends, bitumen shingles are cut to size and additionally secured adhesive composition. In the area where the valley is located, trimming is done in such a way that the valley carpet is visible (approximately 150 mm in width). The edges of the shingles are also additionally glued.

Installation of ridge covering and junctions

The ridge is made from cornice tiles, cut lengthwise at the perforation site. After removing the film, the elements are laid at the installation site and secured with nails, first on two sides, and after installing the next part - on two more. The last tile is firmly glued to backing layer with an approach to the previous tile.

Rubber seals are applied to small-diameter structures extending beyond the roof surface, such as an antenna. At junctions with smoke and ventilation pipes, and dormer windows and walls, longitudinal triangular slats are installed on top of the lining layer, onto which sheets of flexible tiles are placed.

Next, a valley carpet in the color of the main coating is glued onto the pipes and walls. At the same time, it should extend 20 cm onto the slope, and 30 cm onto the vertical surface. The seams are processed silicone sealant, and the upper junction is covered with a metal profile tape (junction strip).

Do-it-yourself installation of flexible tiles

It is easy to install a soft tile roof yourself. To do this, you need to study the manufacturer's instructions, developed specifically for the product being manufactured. General rules remain unchanged, but slight differences in technology may occur.

The good thing about flexible tiles is that they can be laid by one person, even without an assistant. This is possible thanks to light weight pieces called shingles, and small sizes. The largest dimension of a shingle is a length equal to one meter. Installing a roof made of soft tiles, the installation technology of which we will consider in this article, is a fairly simple matter if you strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer of the purchased bitumen shingles. The main thing when building a roof is to prepare the most even surface on which the soft tiles will be laid.

Rafters for soft roofing are made in the same way as for any other roofing material. But you need a two-layer sheathing. The first layer - to give rigidity - is made from edged boards. The second - to create a flat surface - is made from moisture-resistant plywood or OSB board. The construction of a roof made of soft tiles can be done in different ways. If the roof is built over a building where its insulation is not provided, then the nodes of the roofing “pie” will look like this:

  1. A layer of soft tiles.
  2. Underlay carpet.
  3. Moisture-resistant OSB board or plywood.
  4. Lathing from edged boards.
  5. Rafters.
The “pie” of an insulated roof, under which an attic or just a warm attic will be built, will be like this:
  1. Soft tiles.
  2. Underlay carpet.
  3. OSB or plywood is waterproof.
  4. Edged board.
  5. Countergrid
  6. Waterproofing.
  7. Rafters.
  8. Insulation.
  9. Vapor barrier.
  10. Sound insulation or additional layer of insulation.
  11. Lathing for internal cladding.
  12. Internal lining.
Internal cladding is usually done with sheets of plasterboard followed by wallpapering. But, according to the taste of the developer, it can be done with clapboard boards, plywood, chipboards or OSB... The order of work may be different. If the climate or weather permits, then, of course, it is more convenient to start with a vapor barrier. Secure it with internal sheathing, lay a layer of sound insulation and sew it all up internal lining. After this, calmly lay the insulation between the rafters, tighten the waterproofing and secure it with a counter-lattice. Then everything is done in the same way as in the case cold roof. A sheathing of edged boards is installed, OSB or plywood is laid, an underlay carpet is laid and bitumen shingles are glued. If the summer is rainy, then it makes more sense to first lay the roof in this order:
  1. Waterproofing.
  2. Countergrid.
  3. Plywood or OSB are waterproof.
  4. Lining material.
  5. Flexible tiles.
After that, under protection finished roof you can do any work in the attic or attic. In more detail, the technology of sheathing for soft roof discussed in the article: .


To work with bitumen shingles you need a fairly simple set of tools:
  1. Hammer.
  2. Cord.
  3. Putty knife.
  4. Metal scissors.
  5. Roulette.
  6. Gun for applying sealant.
  7. Roofing nails.

Laying technology, work procedure

By purchasing bitumen shingles, components and Consumables, it is best to select them so that they are all from the same manufacturer. This will make it easier to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and installing a roof made of flexible tiles will not be as complicated as it seems at first glance. And the components of the roofing carpet will “work” better together.

Underlay carpet

It is recommended to lay the underlay carpet over the entire surface of the roof. But if the slope of the slope is more than 18°, then there is an opportunity to save a little. With such slopes, lining material can only be laid along the perimeter of the roof - along the eaves, along the ridge, along the ends of the slope, along the outer curves of the roof, around chimneys And ventilation outlets and in the valleys.

Metal strips

A fully completed insulated roof eaves assembly will look something like this:
The drip strip is mounted directly on the rafter beams under the waterproofing layer. His task: to protect wooden structures(rafters and wind board) from condensation formed in the ventilation duct and flowing down through the waterproofing material. After laying the lining material, fasteners for the gutters into which the gutters are installed are nailed to the cornice. Then a cornice strip is nailed along the entire length of the cornice so that it bottom edge ended up inside the gutter. Thus, water flowing from the roof is removed into the drainage system without getting on the wooden sheathing structures and on plywood or OSB boards. If the roof is intended to be “cold”, which means there will be no waterproofing, then a drip strip is not needed. Drainage system also an optional element. Then you can only get by with a cornice strip, which in such cases is also sometimes called a drip edge.
At the ends of the roof, on the gables, starting from the eaves, apply an end or wind bar with an overlap of at least 20 mm. As an option, in valleys you can lay not a valley carpet made of the same material as bitumen shingles, but a metal valley. In reality it will look something like this:

Installation of flexible tiles

If the roof structure has valleys, then first you need to lay a valley carpet or install a metal valley. After this, you can begin laying the main sheet of soft roofing. Installation of bitumen shingles begins with laying the cornice row. For this purpose, cornice-ridge tiles are used. If it was not on sale at the time of purchase, you can use an ordinary one by cutting off the petals. When laying soft tiles, you should follow the recommendations or instructions from the manufacturer. In the valley, bitumen shingles can be laid in different ways:
As a result, it will look something like this:


Let's look at how you can make a ventilated ridge for a soft roof. His turn comes after the completion of laying the main sheet of bitumen shingles. In order for air from the attic or from the ventilation ducts of an insulated roof to escape into the atmosphere, when installing the base, it is necessary to leave in the ridge unit the distance between the opposite roof slopes within 200–300 mm.
And to prevent moisture from rain or snow from getting under the roof, this gap is closed with its own “roof”. For this you can use ready-made ridge elements, for example, these:
Fastened with self-tapping screws or nails according to the manufacturer’s recommendation:
Or you can make a ventilated ridge yourself, as shown in this video: Here you can see that along the upper edge of the slopes, perpendicular to them, bars with a cross-section of about 50x50 mm are nailed. The pitch of the bars is determined by the thickness of the plywood or OSB board so as to prevent the “roof” of the ridge from sagging. The width of such a “roof” can be determined independently, within reasonable limits. A protective ventilation mesh is attached to the ends of the bars so that debris, insects and small birds cannot get under the ridge assembly. Finally, elements of ridge-eaves and row tiles are attached to sheets of plywood or OSB boards. The result is shown in the photo below.
As an option, instead of a completely “breathing” ridge, you can make the roof continuous with the installation of ventilation hoods:
Subsequently, if the “power” of the ventilated ridge is not enough to ventilate the roof, you can place it on its surface special aerators, the attachment points of which are shown in the following video: At this point, the roofing installation can be considered complete.

In the event that bitumen shingles are laid on the roof, a number of certain requirements must be observed.

Bitumen shingles production technology

Asphalt shingles were developed in the USA at the beginning of the last century. Since then she specifications have been improved, and now it is very popular when arranging roofs.

It is a base (fiberglass) that is resistant to bacteria. The base is impregnated with bitumen (regular or modified with SBS polymers), which gives it elasticity and frost resistance. The top of the tiles is covered with protective and decorative rough basalt granulate, which prevents the penetration of UV rays and water and adds texture.

The entire production process consists of the following stages:

  • Fiberglass is impregnated with bitumen twice in a special apparatus.
  • Granulate is applied to the dried canvas.
  • A film is glued to the reverse side to prevent the shingles from sticking together in the package.
  • Cool and apply adhesive films for easy installation.
  • Next, the canvases are cut and packaged.

The main advantages of Icopal products:

  • Convenient installation ( inner part profile is formed by longitudinal strips).
  • Reliable joining (an additional binder layer of polymer is applied along the edges of the granulate).
  • Increased strength (due to Syntan technology - coating with a heat-resistant layer).

Installing a base for a flexible roof

It is important that the materials used to construct bitumen shingles, as well as the coating itself, comply with certain regulations and standards.

When working with a material such as bitumen shingles, the laying technology involves preparing the surface necessary to attach the roofing material to it. There are two options for constructing such a surface: it can be presented in the form of either a continuous flooring or as a sheathing for bitumen shingles. The material can be various raw materials, but wood is often preferred.

To construct a continuous deck as a base under soft tiles, you can use moisture-resistant plywood, particle board, edged or grooved boards. When performing installation, it is necessary to leave a distance between in separate parts, equal to 3 millimeters. This is done in order to compensate for expansion under the influence of temperature as it changes. You need to fasten the plywood along the edges using self-tapping screws or rough nails.

Additional protection and the durability of the wooden parts of the structure will be given by their treatment with any antiseptics and antipyrines.

Various natural phenomena, such as snow, wind, etc., also place a serious load on the roofing material, the roof itself and its elements.

The entire structure must be designed in accordance with the strength and direction of the prevailing winds in a particular area, the average amount of snow falling and other similar factors. Therefore, all this information should be used in order to select the required thickness of rafter legs with the correct pitch. This will enable the entire roof to withstand any bad weather and not succumb to emerging loads.

In addition, laying bitumen shingles, the instructions for which require compliance with all its points, requires competent provision of normal temperature regime. This applies, first of all, to those roofs under which there is residential attic room. For these purposes, it is necessary to arrange good ventilation and regular ventilation roofs. Thanks to these measures, excess moisture and mold will not appear and accumulate on the structural parts.

Natural ventilation of the roof can be ensured by installing the following elements:

  • a hole through which air enters;
  • vents or channels for constant air circulation;
  • holes intended for exhaust.

Very often, the design of a house also includes lining the eaves overhangs with siding. In this case, special openings for ventilation, called soffit strips, must also be installed. They are designed to provide air access to the products.

Whatever roofing technology is used - bitumen shingles or other roofing material - the size of the air circulation channels must be calculated based on pitched corner tilt If it is more than 20 degrees, then the height of the vents should not be less than 5 centimeters, and if this figure is less than 20 degrees, then the height of the vents should be 8 centimeters long.

Hood elements in the upper section of the roof can be represented according to the following principles:

Installation of underlay carpet

This roof element carries the function of protecting against possible leaks of the roof structure.

In the event that the roofing angle is from 12 to 18 degrees, lay roll insulation follows along the entire pitched surface of the roof. This is done according to the principle of overlap from bottom to top between layers. The material is fastened using special galvanized nails with an enlarged head, maintaining a pitch of 20 centimeters. The connecting points must be treated with a special bitumen-based mastic.

In addition, before starting to install the base for bitumen shingles, hooks intended for installing a suspended drainage system should be attached to the rafter overhangs.

Installation of valleys, cornices and end parts

When figuring out how to lay shingles, it is important not to forget about reinforcing the roof overhangs with metal eaves and end strips on top of the underlayment layer. These planks must be laid overlapping and secured with roofing nails (more details: " "). The step is no more than 12 centimeters. Self-adhesive tiles are laid along the eaves line butted against the metal strip.

Initially, you need to remove the protective film from this tile, after which each of its elements is attached to the base with nails. A special carpet called a valley must be laid in the valleys. All insulating materials must be secured with nails and treated with the same bitumen-based mastic. Sometimes it is also installed, which serves more of an aesthetic appeal.

Installation of soft tiles

Due to the fact that many manufacturers of bitumen shingles produce products that may differ in the same shade. In order for the color of the coating to be uniform when laying, you should use soft tiles from several packages at once (more details: " "). The material must be laid in rows, starting from the edge of the roof and moving up towards the ridge.

Fastening flexible tiles

The protective film must be removed from the material, and then the coating is attached to the base with nails. For each sheet of tile you need to use 4 - 5 nails. The subsequent layer also breaks through the layer that comes earlier. Subsequently, the elements of the material, under the influence of the sun, are glued to each other and fit tightly to the sheathing.

Laying bitumen shingles, watch the video:

Connection device

In the place where roof slope connects to the wall, it is necessary to secure a triangular metal strip on which the flexible tiles are mounted. On top there is a sheet of valley carpet, and bitumen mastic acts as a material such as adhesive for bitumen shingles. The strip should extend onto the surface of the wall by at least 30 centimeters, and for regions with heavy snowfalls this figure should be even greater. WITH outside the junction is lined with a metal apron and processed using the above-mentioned mastic. The outlets of furnace pipes should be sealed according to the same principle.

Installation of ridge covering

To perform this procedure, ridge shingles should be used. It must be divided into 3 parts according to the level of its perforation and overlapped by 5 centimeters. The short side of the ridge tile should run along the slope line.

It's important to remember that the best option will be the implementation of all work on the installation of bitumen shingles in the warm and dry season.

Installation work is carried out in stages, in several steps, each of which is fundamentally important for the quality of the entire roofing system.

Preparatory work

No matter how reliable the soft roof covering is, the roof can “move” or leak if the fastening is done without competent preparation. Therefore, preliminary work before laying the roof is very important and should be carried out by professionals in several stages.

Creating a rafter system

The rafters bear the main load from flexible tiles, so you need to make the correct calculation taking into account the weight of the roofing pie, wind and snow exposure.

Advice. Securely fasten the rafter legs, process wooden elements special protective equipment to improve the reliability of the design.

Vapor barrier device

After installation, the rafters must be laid vapor barrier film, which will protect the roofing pie and insulation from condensation. The film is laid overlapping, and the resulting seams are taped.


In order for the thermal insulation to hold securely, a block must be nailed between the rafter legs, which will hold the insulation boards. Choose correct thickness Thermal engineering calculation will help with insulation. Thermal insulation boards are laid staggered and covered with a wind and moisture protective film, which is secured with a counter beam.

Advice. The counter beam must be nailed parallel to the rafters to create a free ventilation duct to remove excess moisture from the under-roof space.

Installation of bituminous shingles should only be carried out on a flat, solid base, for which it is preferable to use sheathing and solid flooring made of moisture-resistant plywood or OSB. The boards are fixed with special galvanized nails.

After laying the base, preparation for the installation of a soft roof is completed - you can begin the main work.

Installation of bitumen roofing: materials used

When installing flexible bituminous shingles, we recommend using high-quality materials of the IKOPAL brand, which are produced in accordance with European standards and certified according to Russian standards. To install a soft roof, you will need the following materials.

Roof covering includes:

  • SBS-modified with a fiberglass base with colored slate coating on the top side;
  • ridge-cornice strip of similar composition for arranging cornices, ridges, ribs;
  • valley carpet- rolled protective material, which is used to strengthen soft fused roofing in valleys and other vulnerable places;
  • underlay carpet - roll waterproofing, the installation of which is mandatory stage in roofing installation work.

Advice. The underlayment carpet is laid over the entire surface of the roof from bottom to top, parallel to the eaves overhang. Avoid wrinkles!

Additional components/materials

  • Metal abutment strips, gable strips, and drip edges are needed to remove moisture from the edges of the roof and give it a complete appearance.
  • Fastening bitumen shingles is impossible without special galvanized nails with a head size of 8 mm or more.
  • IKOPAL mastic and adhesive-sealant are used to seal joints, overlaps, and other joints and seams.
  • Elements such as deflectors, roof space fans or flanges for passing pipes provide the outlet ventilation systems on the roof.
  • The IKOPAL drainage system, including gutters, brackets, funnels, elbows, and fastenings, allows you to effectively drain external water.

Vapor barrier

The instructions for installing the roof indicate the need to create a reliable vapor barrier layer. As a vapor barrier, it is worth using a durable four-layer reinforced IKOPAL Polycraft membrane, which not only protects against condensation, but also effectively reflects heat, reducing energy costs.

Advice. Lay the vapor barrier with an overlap of 100-150 mm and seal with double-sided tape.

Thermal insulation

Installation of bitumen shingles involves the use of such thermal insulation material as non-flammable mineral wool density from 30 kg/m3.

Windproof membranes

ICOPAL Monarperm hydro-windproof membranes, which are laid on top of the thermal insulation without a ventilated gap, help protect the insulation from wind and water.

Do not try to save on materials for bitumen roofing, as this will lead to deterioration in quality and a reduction in the service life of the roofing covering.

Laying roofing material: installation instructions

The preparatory measures have been carried out, the base for the roof is ready - which means you can proceed directly to the installation of flexible tiles.

1. Installation underlay carpet

First, we lay a special waterproofing layer on the finished, level base - IKOPAL K-EL or Felix underlay carpet. We unfold it from bottom to top parallel to the eaves overhang, fix it to the base along the top edge every 40 cm, along the bottom every 10 cm. We seal the overlaps with mastic.

2. Install the planks

We nail the cornice and end strips onto the underlayment using roofing nails in a zigzag pattern. The overlap is 3-5 cm, the pitch between nails is 10 cm.

3. Install the cornice strip

Remove the protective film from the ridge-eaves strip and retreat from the bend cornice strip 10-20 mm, fix the strip joint to joint. In places of perforations and along the edges we nail.

4. Install the valley carpet

The carpet to protect the valley is installed in two layers: the top one matches the color of the main covering, and an additional layer of lining carpet is used as the bottom one. It is fastened with nails in increments of 20 cm. The valley carpet is laid in the direction of the valley axis with the edges fixed every 10 cm.

Advice. To avoid damaging the valley carpet when cutting flexible tiles, a plywood sheet should be placed under it.

5. Installing ordinary bitumen shingles

To avoid visual defects when installing a soft roof, it is recommended to mix the shingles from four or six packs to balance the shade before installation. After this, you can proceed directly to covering the roof with bitumen shingles.

Roof installation starts from the middle eaves overhang and moves towards the ends. To lay the first row, we retreat 1 cm from the lower edge of the eaves flexible tiles and on this line we fasten the lower edge of the row petals, having first removed the lower protective film from the shingles. Fastening is done with four or six (at a large slope) nails per shingle.

Advice. When using rectangular shingles, the number of nails should be increased to 5 per flat roofs and up to 7 on slopes with an angle of more than 45 degrees.

During further installation of row tiles, we make sure that the petals of each subsequent row coincide with the cutouts of the previous one. In the area of ​​the ends, we cut the shingles along the edges, glue them to the end strip with mastic, and seal the seams with the appropriate adhesive.

Installation of tiles in hard-to-reach places

The installation of soft roofing in areas adjacent to a wall or chimney, in the area of ​​openings for laying pipes, communications, and on the roof ridge requires special attention and control. Failure to comply with installation technology in these places can damage the tightness and appearance coverings.

The main rule when constructing installation passages or placing a soft roof on lifting strips when installing chimneys is to fix the shingles bitumen mastic and be sure to seal the seams with IKOPAL adhesive-sealant.

For installation ridge tiles use ICOPAL Combi ridge-eaves strip tiles measuring 25 by 33 cm. The instructions require that ordinary shingles be brought to the level where their fastening points will be covered with ridge tiles. The latter is laid parallel to the ridge, bending over the slope, then fixed with two nails on each side.

The overlap when laying ridge tiles should be 5-10 cm and cover the fastenings of each previous element. The final tile is fixed with mastic.

Advice. It is not difficult to divide the IKOPAL ridge-cornice strip into separate tiles: just break it into three parts in places with perforations.


Step-by-step instructions for installing flexible tiles will allow you to create a reliable, durable, beautiful roofing covering that will protect the building from leaks and atmospheric influences for a long time.

Correct installation technology along with use quality materials from the manufacturer ICOPAL will ensure long-term preservation of the operational and aesthetic characteristics of the roof.

Bituminous shingles in last years has become one of the most popular roofing coverings, thanks to its original appearance, imitating classic ceramic tiles. Simple technology for fixing shingles using a self-adhesive layer simplifies self-installation material, but before starting installation work on the roof structure, thorough preparation is required. In this article we will tell you how to install a roofing pie under soft tiles.

Soft roofing is called bitumen shingles, which are made from fiberglass or polyester impregnated with modified petroleum bitumen or synthetic rubber. External surface The shingles are sprinkled with basalt or mineral chips to give color, texture and mechanical strength to the material. Soft tiles are produced in the form of tiles with a figured edge, the length of which is 100 cm, width 30-45 cm, and thickness 0.3-0.45 mm. This roofing has the following features:

  1. A light weight. A square meter of soft roofing weighs no more than 13 kg, which makes it possible not to burden the structure of the rafter frame with additional elements.
  2. Flexibility. The material has high elasticity and flexibility, so it can easily be installed on roofs of complex shapes.
  3. Durability. The service life of a roof with such a coating is up to 70 years, and it does not require special maintenance.
  4. Resistance to factors external environment. Soft roofing is valued for its high moisture resistance, tolerance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes.

Note! It is not recommended to install soft roofing on structures with a high risk of fire, as it is a flammable material. To reduce the likelihood of fires, the installation of the rafter frame is carried out with mandatory treatment with fire-retarding agents.

Nuances of work

The soft roof is fixed to the base using a self-adhesive layer of low-melting bitumen on bottom side material protected with polyethylene protective film. The construction of a roof made of bitumen shingles can only be carried out under certain weather conditions:

  • The ambient air temperature should not be lower than 5-10 degrees, since otherwise the bitumen layer will have to be heated forcibly using construction hair dryer or gas burner, risking damage to the tiles.
  • The ambient temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, so that when installing the roof, the bitumen layer does not melt and flow down the slope.
  • performed in dry, non-rainy weather on a dried base to prevent rotting of the rafter frame and finishing coating during operation.

Important! Asphalt roofing shingles should be stored in a dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent the asphalt adhesive layer from melting. It is not recommended to remove the protective film from the shingles to prevent sticking of the material before installing the covering.

Base requirements

The installation of a soft roof begins with the preparation of the base, the strength and reliability of which determines the service life and moisture resistance of the structure. The process of creating a roofing pie under bitumen roof must be performed strictly in accordance with technology. The base provides flexible tiles the following conditions:

  1. Mechanical strength. Soft roofing is laid exclusively on continuous sheathing, since she is not capable of holding her shape on her own. Therefore, the base for installing the coating is made from sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or particle board.
  2. Smoothness. Bottom surface flexible roofing It is easy to damage, so laying is done on an underlay carpet; however, the base does not interfere with planing, freeing it from knots and notches.
  3. Smooth surface. Installation of a roof made of bitumen shingles does not tolerate curvature. Any misalignment of the sheathing will result in gaps between the shingles.
  4. Ventilation. Ventilation gap between roofing covering bitumen shingles and rafter frames must be at least 50 mm to avoid " greenhouse effect"and the appearance of condensation.

Please note that the compliance of the base the right technology guarantees a long service life of the roof, absence of leaks and mechanical damage to the frame.

Preparation technology

The roofing pie, with which a soft roof is installed, consists of a layer of vapor barrier, insulation, waterproofing, counter-lattice, sparse lathing, lining carpet and finishing coating. The quality of the design depends on the correctness of the calculation, sequence and compatibility of materials. Preparing the roof for soft tiles is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to check the condition of the rafter frame. All rotten elements must be replaced. Re-treat with fire retardant and antiseptic.
  • Fix vapor-permeable membrane waterproofing on top of the rafters with overlapping strips. Waterproofing material fixed with a construction stapler with sagging to avoid rupture in case of leakage.
  • Counter battens 3-4 cm thick are nailed onto the waterproofing to provide a ventilation gap. Then, perpendicular to the rafters, a sparse sheathing of edged boards is fixed in increments of 30-50 cm.
  • Sheets of plywood or OSB are nailed onto the additional sheathing, leaving a gap of 1-3 mm between them.
  • An underlay carpet is laid on a solid base, on which a soft roof is subsequently laid.

Experienced craftsmen note that installing a high-quality, reliable base makes a bitumen roof more durable and resistant to mechanical damage. Therefore, during the work process, you must strictly follow the technology and recommendations of the manufacturers.

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