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How to install flexible shingles tiles. Installation of soft roofing Shinglas: instructions. TechnoNIKOL valley carpet

Flexible tiles "Shinglas", the installation instructions for which will help you carry out the work without errors, are a high-quality material for roofing. The canvases are something like a layer cake.

general description

During production, it is impregnated with modified bitumen. The top layer is basalt topping, which can have different shades. It provides an attractive appearance and protects the roof from impacts. The bottom layer is self-adhesive and has protection in the form of a siliconized film. It is quite easy to get rid of it before installation.

Consumer Reviews

Before you study the instructions for installing Shinglas tiles, you need to read the reviews of customers who have already used the described material as a covering for the roof of their home. Owners of private buildings especially note its frost resistance and durability. The first quality indicates that the canvas can be used in particularly cold climatic zones. If we talk about durability, then the service life is much longer compared to similar coatings. Private craftsmen and professionals who do installation roofing coverings, note insignificant weight. This does not imply the need for load-bearing structures to be strengthened either.

One cannot help but pay attention to reviews in which buyers talk about noiselessness. Even heavy hail or rain will not be heard by those inside the building. Using Shinglas flexible tiles in the process, the installation instructions for which are presented below, professionals emphasize that after all manipulations are completed, a minimum amount of waste remains. This is confirmed by statistics even in the case of those roofs that have a complex configuration. In the latter case, the waste volume is no more than 5%. Owners of private houses, who have been using the described material for many years, talk about its water resistance. This is due to the fact that the material forms a continuous coating, which is why the use of additional waterproofing is not required. The material is very resistant to aggressive environments and is also characterized by safety. The covering material is not magnetized, does not accumulate or attract lightning. You don't have to worry about the roof catching fire, since the material is fire resistant.

Once installed, you will not face the problem of high maintenance costs. This is because painting and repairs are not required during use. In addition to all of the above positive features, which are reflected in the reviews, it can be noted that the Shinglas flexible tiles, the installation instructions for which will allow you to eliminate errors, are distinguished by excellent appearance, which harmoniously fits into the landscape and serves as a real decoration of the house.

Working on the flooring

Giving recommendations on Shinglas installation, professionals point out the need for a serious approach to the issue of arranging the foundation. It should be smooth, hard and continuous. It is important to ensure that there are no differences in height, but if there are any, they should not be more than 2 millimeters. When installing large-panel flooring, it is important to ensure the spacing of the seams. For fixation, rough nails or self-tapping screws should be used. When laying wood flooring, you need to pay special attention to the annual rings. The material should be covered in such a way that the rings are facing downwards. When laying a base made of plywood or OSB-3 at low temperatures, leave a gap of 3 millimeters between adjacent sheets. This will prevent deformation of the flooring when exposed to elevated temperatures. If installation is carried out flexible tiles“Shinglas” with your own hands, the instructions presented in the article will allow you to achieve the desired effect. If there are boards of different thicknesses that will be used for arranging the flooring, they must first be sorted. This is done so that the thickness of the base changes gradually.

It is important to ensure that thicker boards are installed so that they are located closer to the eaves, and as for thinner ones, they should be located at the ridge. The joints must be on supports; in these areas, the boards are strengthened with nails in the amount of 4 pieces, but not less. If you plan to use damp wood, then the boards are fastened with 2 screws on each side.

Working on the eaves overhang

If you plan to carry out the work yourself, then you will need instructions for installing Shinglas. The technology for laying roofing material is presented in the article. In order to strengthen the eaves overhang, steel should be used. They will protect the material from exposure external factors. The planks must be fixed to the edge of the base using nails, which are installed in a checkerboard pattern with increments of 15 cm from each other. The planks must be installed with an overlap, the width of which is 5 centimeters. In these areas, fasteners are installed at a distance of 3 cm.

Working on the underlayment

If you decide to use Shinglas-Jazz soft tiles, the installation instructions for this material will help you. The underlay carpet, regardless of the slope, is laid over the entire area. Self-adhesive lining material ANDEREP should be laid near the eaves overhangs and in the valleys. It will protect areas where leaks are most likely. Particular attention should be paid to the eaves overhangs; in these places, the self-adhesive carpet should be laid in such a way that its width is greater than the eaves overhang.

Carrying out marking

These manipulations are carried out in order to designate the guide lines along which the roofing material will be laid. This is especially true for unusual slope geometry or in the presence of structures that are embedded in the roof. Vertical lines should be placed at a distance equal to the width of the shingles. Between the lines, tiles should be placed in five rows. This indicates the need to space the vertical lines 80 centimeters apart from each other.

Features of laying flexible tiles

If you decide to use Shinglas Ranch soft tiles for your work, the installation instructions for this material will help you avoid errors. Shingles from packages should be pre-mixed. If the thermometer drops below +5 degrees, then the packages must be placed in advance in a room where the temperature is +20 degrees. The self-adhesive strip on the material must be heated using a hair dryer. If it is necessary to cut material on the roof, it is necessary to carry out this work on a plank, which prevents damage to the coating.

If you do the installation yourself soft roof"Shinglas", the instructions presented in the article, will help a master who does not have sufficient experience. Each shingle should be secured to the base using galvanized nails that have wide heads. The number of nails will depend on the angle of the slope. If you have to work with a roof whose slope does not exceed 45 degrees, then each sheet should be nailed with four nails. If the degree of slope is higher, then two more fasteners will be needed. The nails must be positioned evenly; they must be installed in such a way that the heads do not cut into the surface of the roof, but are in the same plane with it.

What a master needs to know about the starting line

If you install the Shinglas soft roof yourself, the instructions will help you understand the technology. For the starting strip, you should use ridge-eaves tiles, but shingles and ordinary material will do; the petals of such a sheet will need to be cut off. This element is laid on top of the cornice strip so that it is located 2 centimeters above the bend. It is worth remembering that the width of the indentation from the bend will depend on the length of the slope and the angle of inclination. The steeper the slope, the more impressive the width of the indentation should be. If the work involves using sheets that have a cutting shape " dragon tooth", then there is no need to trim.

Laying technology

If you use Shinglas flexible tiles as a roofing material, the installation instructions presented in the article will help you understand the nuances of the work. If there is a fairly long slope, it is recommended to start installation from the central part. This will make horizontal alignment easier. You should retreat 2 cm from the initial strip, after which you can begin installing the first shingle. The master must pay attention to the fact that the joint of the canvases of the first row should not coincide with the joints of the elements that make up the starting strip. Depending on the shape of the cutting, installation can be carried out using the method of diagonal stripes, in the form of a pyramid or vertically oriented elements. The second row of tiles should begin to be installed from the central part of the slope, moving horizontally to either side by 1/2 of a petal in relation to the tiles of the first row.


If you use Shinglas soft tiles, the installation instructions presented above will certainly help you. The outer shingles of ordinary material in areas where there is no adhesive should be treated with bitumen mastic. It is important to treat a width of 10 centimeters. The top corners are cut by 3 centimeters for effective fight with exposure to water. It is recommended to follow all the rules mentioned, only then will the roof last a long time and also look attractive throughout its entire service life, which is the dream of every specialist and home craftsman.

I have already written several articles on the topic of roofing materials: (MC) compared to metal tiles (MC) and.

Today it’s the turn to talk about the installation of Shinglas tiles from the site. Helped me with installation of flexible tiles two people more experienced at this than I am, so I learned a lot from them. But it’s also possible to install flexible tiles with your own hands. Most importantly, do not forget to use insurance, since the roof is very slippery - both OSB and underlay carpet and even the flexible tiles themselves. Well, call at least one assistant who will play the role of a loader and throw sheets of warheads onto your roof.

I chose flexible tiles as the roofing material for my roof. domestic production Shinglas from the collection Country with title Michigan. In terms of price, it is noticeably cheaper than foreign ones (almost 2 times), and in terms of quality, according to reviews, it does not differ (except perhaps in the color range, and I’m not sure about that).

Together with flexible tiles(150 sq.m. ordinary and 15 sq.m. cornice and ridge) were also purchased:
— Metal drainage system GrandLine 90 mm
Roof ventilation Vilpe + Huopa penetrations.
— Corrector for repairing scratches (needed when working with metal)
— Tytan rubber roofing sealant
— Gun for sealant
— Mastic “Fixer” — 15.6 kg (6 kg was enough in the end)
— Underlay carpets – 150 sq.m. Adnerep (not enough, had to buy another roll, think about overlaps!)
— Drip strip 100×60 white Atlas coating (aka cornice strip)
— Wind strip for soft roofing 60x30x90 white Atlas coating

We also purchased 3 thousand nails for roofing nailers.

Installation of flexible Shinglas tiles. Stage 1. Cornice and front boards

Cornice and front boards I decided to make it Scandinavian wooden planks"ladder". Planed boards 20mm thick and 6 meters long. At first they were “ruffled” with a grinder with a special attachment (they weren’t so beautiful, but I think everything was absorbed much better and deeper). After which I primed them, let them dry, then sanded them with 180 grit sandpaper. After that, two coats of paint were applied over several days.

At the beginning, I nailed a board that was spread in half lengthwise; it acts as a mortgage for attaching the second board from above.

The boards were attached to the rafters finishing nails nailer 15GA Freeman. After securing and trimming, I filled all the cracks and nails and gave all the boards another coat of paint. After which I painted all the ends with a special compound (for greater protection). I bought Swedish paint - Teknos. The soil is theirs too. Well, the protection of the ends is similar.

Installation of flexible Shinglas tiles. Stage 2. OSB-3, cornice and wind strips, as well as Anderep underlay carpet

The next step was to attach the OSB to the sheathing, and then immediately lay the lining carpet (so that the OSB does not get wet or swell - such precedents happen).

Let me remind you that the sheathing on my roof is spaced at 350 mm intervals (initially metal), so I had to add 5 more rows of sheathing so that the OSB joints would fit on the sheathing.

It is very important to align the OSB exactly along the cornice, and you need to install it while immediately holding the cornice strip (drip cap) in your hand. Moreover, you first need to temporarily tighten the hooks drainage system into place in at least three places (at the edges and in the middle cornice boards). After this, it will be clear how long to release the eaves strip (water and snow should roll off it into the middle of the gutter, and not to the beginning), and therefore the release of the OSB. In my case, the OSB protruded 4 cm beyond the outer sheathing.

After fixing the first OSB sheets along the cornice, you can attach the cornice strip, and then the lining carpet on top of it. It is better to mount the plank using a thread pre-stretched along the slope. Then, using this evenly placed bar, it will be convenient to evenly mount the flexible tiles.

For the cornice I took a thick self-adhesive Anderep Ultra carpet. For the remaining parts of the slope - Anderep Prof (it is thinner and requires gluing layers with mastic, but it is enough for my eyes for my slope of 26 degrees). The carpet is attached from below to the previous layer using mastic, and mechanically from above - with nails. We overlapped 10 centimeters, everything was plentiful, but thin layer coated with mastic.

On the gables, it is better to initially release a little more OSB, and then cut the threads with a circular saw in place, this will be more accurate. That's what we did. Moreover, you also need to let out more of the carpet, and then bend it back and, after sawing off the OSB, cut it to the right place. But if you make a little mistake, it’s okay. A metal wind strip will immediately stand there and cover the carpet. It will already be attached to it flexible tiles onto a layer of mastic 10 centimeters long.

By the way, our wind bar was not immediately ready for use; it had an extra bend. As they explained to me in the Grand Line, this was done for better water flow, you just need to roll this bend yourself and press it against the bar. We did this with a hammer through a piece of wood. And we didn't really like it. But there’s nothing to be done; it turns out to be a half-do-it-yourself plank.

I moved the wind bar 1 cm away from the wooden top front board in order to remove moisture away from the wood. Also, the metal strips covered the board vertically by about 1.5 cm. I liked the final look.

A necessary thing when installing flexible tiles: a broom!

Installation of flexible Shinglas tiles. Stage 3. The tile itself

First of all, a special material is placed on the cornice along its entire length. cornice tiles, and we laid it so that it almost completely covered the cornice strip, leaving about 1.5 centimeters uncovered.

I’ll say right away that when installing flexible tiles on my roof, we did not do everything according to the instructions. Reality sometimes diverges greatly from instructions, and this happened this time too.

For example, it turned out that it is much more economical and convenient to install flexible tiles from the edge, rather than from the center of the slope. To do this, take two sheets flexible tiles and cut them into pieces 20cm-80cm and 40cm-60cm. We also take a third sheet 100 cm long. Now we begin to mount from the edge one above the other: 100, 80, 60, 40, 20. We have the first five rows. Now we will simply add a whole sheet to each of the rows and the seams will be at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Thus, from the scraps we will only have those parts that we cut off at the other end of the slope, and those usually also go into smaller pieces. I have about 2 squares of scraps left from the entire roof, that is, 1%, instead of the 5-10% stated by the manufacturer.

ATTENTION. This method only works for flexible tiles Country and Jazz, since the pattern there is not orthogonal, but random. With orthogonal tiles you need to do it differently and most likely it makes sense to start from the middle of the slope.

Installation of flexible Shinglas tiles. Stage 4. Vilpe ventilation pipes

We found it most convenient to make penetrations not in a specific place with perfect accuracy, but in approximately the right place (and then connect the penetration to a specific pipe through the corrugation). This allowed us to start installing the penetration in a place immediately after a solid piece of flexible tiles and trim everything to a minimum, and make all the seams not above the penetration, but in other places.

The only thing we didn’t do according to the instructions was that we didn’t tighten the screws, but replaced them with screw roofing nails, and we simply didn’t fasten the 3 screws that screw down the penetrations; we didn’t need extra holes in the roof, since we planted it firmly for mastic.

This is what it looks like in the end:

True, the roof is visible mainly to the neighbors; I can only see it from the other end of the site, so don’t particularly choose flexible tiles for their beauty. It’s better to choose for durability: two-layer and laminated: country or jazz. Jazz is the same, just a little thicker.

If you decide to take GC, then you can buy flexible tiles in Nizhny Novgorod through me with a 25% discount.

Call: 8920-022-18-11

Video on installation of flexible tiles:


In Shingles' homeland, the USA, this roofing material is #1 in popularity among individual developers.

TECHNONICOL company began production of soft tiles in 2000.

Behind for a short time Shingles has gained fame, thanks to the quality and ease of installation, the demand for the material is constantly growing.

In this article we will look at detailed instructions for installation Shinglas flexible tiles, and also pay attention to recommendations for roof care. You can read about it by following the link.

Shingles flexible tiles bituminous multilayer material modular size, has three components: fiberglass, bitumen composition and basalt granulate. In production, two or more layers of material are sintered together, shingles are cut, laid into commodity bundles, and packaged in film.

Fiberglass provides strength, it is durable and does not corrode, does not require treatment with fungicides, and is not subject to rotting. The improved bitumen composition has increased heat resistance, which allows use the material in all climatic zones no limits.

Sprinkling with basalt protects against mechanical damage, effects of UV radiation, temperature and precipitation. Sprinkling with colored basalt does not fade over time and makes it possible to create unique color compositions. The consumer can choose Shingles according to his taste from 12 collections and 70 color designs.

Roof tile structure

Modules (shingles)– rectangular, with figured cutouts along the lower edge, depending on the collection they have different configurations. The bottom of the modules is sprinkled with sand to prevent sticking in the packages. There is also a line there adhesive composition, ensuring fastening of shingles to each other. The strip is protected before installation with a special film. The shingles are laid in overlapping rows, which ensures reliable waterproofing coating.

All about the advantages

It’s not for nothing that developers value this material. Over more than a century of operation of Shingles roofs, everything has become known about the advantages:

  1. Durability;
  2. Atmospheric, bio- and chemical resistance;
  3. Physical characteristics;
  4. Easy installation of shinglas roofing;
  5. Excellent waterproofing properties;
  6. Economical;
  7. Environmental friendliness;
  8. Aesthetics.

D The durability of the coating is explained by the durability source material to the influence of atmospheric factors: wind, precipitation, high and low temperatures; influence biological factors: Shingles does not rot, is not affected by fungus and mold; it is not afraid of corrosion; it is resistant to acids and alkalis, which also gives excellent insulating qualities.

Easy installation provide physical characteristics: flexibility, low volumetric weight, easy-to-use size.

Economical give a low price in comparison with analogues and convenient size, thanks to which waste is reduced to a minimum.

Environmental friendliness achieved by the possibility of recycling and the absence of impact on the ecosystem.

Aesthetics– a variety of designs and a wide color palette of materials, allowing you to make each roof unique.

Flexible tiles Shinglas

A little about the disadvantages

The disadvantages include:

  • narrow installation temperature corridor: from +5 to +27° C: at lower temperatures, the tiles must be heated to 20 ° C, at higher temperatures they should not be loaded to avoid loss of shape;
  • It is advisable not to walk on the finished coating;
  • limited for styling Shingles – from 12 to 40°.

Shingles Specifications

Currently, TECHNONICOL factories produce Shingles of 3 types: one-, two- and three-layer. other types of soft roofing at the link. Their technical indicator somewhat different.

Single layer

Width (mm) 1000±3.0
Height (mm) 317±3.0
Thickness (mm) 2.9±0.2
Col. sheets in a bag (pcs) 22
Weight m2 of roof (kg) 8,40
Package weight (kg) 25,20
Base - fiberglass (g/m2) 110
Heat resistance, ° C, not lower 110

Double layer

Indicator/Name of collection "Western film" "Jazz" "Country" "Ranch"
Width (mm) 1000±3.0 1000±5.0 1000±5.0 1000±5.0
Height (mm) 318±3.0 335±3.0 335±3.0 335±3.0
Thickness (mm) 3.0±0.2* 3.0±0.2* 2.7±0.2* 2.7±0.2*
Col. sheets in a bag (pcs) 11 14 18 14
Weight of 1m2 roof (kg) 17,60 13,50 12,50 12,50
Quantity of coatings per package (m2) 1,50 2,00 2,60 2,00
Package weight (kg) 26,40 27,00 32,50 25,00
Base - fiberglass (g/m2) 110 90 90 90
Heat resistance not lower, ° C, 110 110 110 110
Loss of powder no more (g/sample) 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
Col. packages on a pallet (pcs) 36 42 36 42


Indicator/Name of collection "Continent"
Width (mm) 1000±3.0
Height (mm) 349±3.0
Thickness (mm) 3.2±0.2*
Col. Sheets per bag (pcs) 10
Weight of 1m2 roof (kg) 25,40
Col. coatings per package (m2) 1,50
Package weight (kg) 38,10
Base - fiberglass (g/m2) 110
Heat resistance not lower, °C 110
Loss of powder no more (g/sample) 1,2
Col. packages on a pallet (pcs) 30

* thickness of 1 layer of material

Installation of Shinglas - preparing tools

For high-quality styling except Shingles tools needed:

  • Hammer;
  • Roulette;
  • Pencil;
  • Master OK;
  • Coated tape.

Additional materials and products convenient to buy at the same time as flexible tiles, the seller will tell you what is needed and in what quantity in order to deliver to the construction site all the kit necessary for coating, saving on additional trips. So:

  2. TECHNONICOL mastic No. 23 (FIXER);
  3. Vapor barrier;
  4. Galvanized nails;
  5. Ventilation systems – aerators, exits, passage elements;
  6. Drainage system;
  7. Cornice strips, end strips, abutments.

The type and quantity of lining material, elements of the drainage system and ventilation systems depend on the type of flexible tiles, the area and design of the roof, and the height of the house.

Preparatory work

Roof base - truss structure - calculated in accordance with snow load V climatic zone, span and roof angle specified by the house design. To profile load-bearing elements the type of system also affects: hanging rafters; resting on a mauerlat or structure with a central support and struts.

Roofing pie

The distance between the rafters is taken to be no more than 0.9 m, increasing the pitch leads to an increase in the profile of the beams, that is, it is simply not economical.

It’s a little easier with lathing, its step is taken constructively to be 35 cm, profile the same . The lathing is necessary for ventilation of the under-roof space. Between the rafters and the sheathing we lay a vapor barrier material, which will prevent condensation from accessing the solid flooring– base for installation of tiles. About the soft roof pie.

Extending above roof level vertical surfaces made of brick or concrete(For example, chimneys) need to be plastered and coated with primer before installing a continuous flooring.

Flooring can be done from various materialsedged boards, moisture-resistant plywood or chipboard, fiberboard, OSB-3. The slabs must be laid staggered (with offset seams), leaving a gap of 3-4 mm at the joints for thermal expansion of the material. Boards should have a moisture content of no more than 15-18%. Orient the annual rings with the convex part down.

Additional elements

P On the flooring we place a self-adhesive underlayment in the valleys and on the eaves overhang:

  • In valleys - 1 m wide (50 cm for each slope);
  • On overhangs - by the amount of overhang + 600 mm from the inner edge of the outer wall.

We cover the remaining parts of the slopes from bottom to top with a lining carpet with mechanical fastening. The overlap of horizontal joints is 10 cm, the vertical overlap of panels is 15 cm.

Along the lining carpet, we reinforce the gable overhangs with special metal strips; their fastening is similar to the cornice strips.

Strengthening the valley is required in case open method Shingles styling: valley material is laid on top of the self-adhesive carpet with a horizontal shift of 20-30 mm. Bottom part The reinforcing sheet is coated with bitumen mastic to a width of 100 mm from the edges and smoothed to the base. Instead of valley material, a sheet of metal with anti-corrosion protection can be used. The reinforcing material is fastened with nails every 20-25 cm with a distance of 20-30 mm from the edge.

Bypass ventilation

Preliminary work ends with marking horizontal and vertical lines on the slope, making it easier to lay the covering layer.

Shinglas: installation instructions

Before laying the top coat, mix 5-6 packs of Shingles to obtain a more uniform color transition. The technology for laying soft shingles tiles is quite simple:

  1. We start laying from the middle of the longest slope and work from the bottom up. As a cornice we use a special ridge shingle or a cut ordinary shingle.
  2. Glue the bottom shingles onto the underlayment with a distance of 10-20 mm from the bend of the cornice strip and fasten with nails.
  3. We install subsequent rows diagonally.
  4. We install special exit penetrations communications, aerators and ventilation, chimneys.
  5. We nail a triangular strip along the perimeter of the vertical surfaces and glue strips 500 mm wide cut from valley material onto the mastic(300 for the wall, 200 for the roof), we put the edge of the strip into a fine and protect it with a metal apron.
  6. Attaching the ridge element, made from ordinary tiles and bent on a heated metal pipeØ10 cm, nailing each with 4 nails.

Laying Shinglas tiles

Covering installation

A recipe for longevity

If you want to extend for a long time exploitation his new beautiful roof from soft tiles, be prepared to service it regularly:

  1. Twice a year carry out an inspection surfaces, joints and junctions;
  2. Cleanse use a soft brush to remove fallen leaves and debris;
  3. Manually remove garbage with sharp edges;
  4. Clean drains and gutters;
  5. Snow removal with a wooden or plastic shovel in layers, leaving about 10 cm of snow for protection;
  6. Carry out if necessary. About you can read the link.

The manufacturer guarantees a single-layer fabric for 10-15 years, a two-layer fabric for up to 55 years, a three-layer fabric for 60 years.. Following the technology for installing flexible shingles tiles (all about) proposed by the manufacturer, inspecting the roof twice a year and regularly caring for it, we can confidently say that Shingles is enough for my lifetime!

Useful video

Installation of Shinglas soft tiles on detailed video tutorial, consisting of 3 parts:

In contact with

A modern representative of non-roll roofing material is considered to be “Shinglas” tiles from TM TechnoNIKOL. Flexible shingles− these are sheets 1000x317, 1000x333, 1000x335 mm, one end of which is cut out figuratively.

Looking at their cutting, you can guess which collection the sheet belongs to: “Accord”, “Jazz”, “Sonata”, “Tango”, “Trio”, “Country”, “Rancho”, “Finnish” or another.


When laying Shinglas soft roofing, you can pay attention to the variety of colors for the base and topping, as well as the structure (two-, three-, multi-layer).

The five-layer roof covering includes:

  • bitumen polymer with an adhesive base and a protective film;
  • modified bitumen;
  • non-woven fiberglass;
  • modified bitumen;
  • basalt topping.

Specific features of Shinglas tiles

There are quite a lot of them, but the main ones can be highlighted:

  1. The service life of the coating is a quarter of a century, and for laminated representatives - half a century.
  2. Shinglas bituminous shingles are in demand for pitched (slope over 12%), bulbous and hip roofs.
  3. Resistant to high and low temperatures (-70 to +90).
  4. In demand in the construction of low-rise buildings.
  5. Excellent sound insulation properties compared to other roofing coverings.
  6. Resistant to ultraviolet rays, strong gusts of wind, acid rain and precipitation in the form of hail.
  7. Anti-corrosion properties.
  8. The overconsumption of material is quite low even on shaped roofs.
  9. Ease.
  10. Installation over worn bitumen coatings is possible.
  11. Color fastness throughout the entire operational period.
  12. The possibility of condensation of electric charges and attracting lightning discharges is excluded.
  13. The possibility of fire due to the unexpected appearance of an open source of fire is excluded.

How to calculate material consumption rate

When installing Shinglas tiles, it is important to correctly calculate the required number of shingles and accessories for it.

For this it is important to know:

  • lengths of end components, ridges, valley carpets, ribs, cornices, junctions;
  • total roof area;
  • perimeters of chimneys and ventilation devices.

Materials required:

  • valley carpet;
  • ridge-eaves tiles;
  • underlay carpet;
  • drips, gable planks, metal junctions;
  • MS OS barrier;
  • bitumen mastic;
  • galvanized;
  • tiles "Jazz" or other series.

The amount of roofing material consumed when laying Shinglas tiles for each type is calculated individually.

Preliminary preparation of the base

Material for load-bearing structures can be wood, metal and reinforced concrete. When choosing rafters, you need to pay attention to the shape of the roof and the possible load. The spacing width of the rafters is in the range of 0.6–1.5 m. The coating most often used is moisture-resistant plywood, boards (edged/grooved), and oriented strand boards.

With a small rafter pitch, these materials are chosen from among the more reliable ones (thickness from 12 to 37 mm). Their installation is carried out in such a way that the height difference does not exceed two millimeters, and the gap between the boards is five millimeters, between the sheets – three millimeters. All wooden rafters and boards must be impregnated with fire-retardant compounds.

How to strengthen the eaves overhang

To do this, it is necessary to apply eaves strips on the underlay carpet, which are secured evenly in areas every 15-20 cm, at the point of overlap - after 3 cm, and then covered with ridge-eaves tiles.

Construction mastic is useful for coating the edges of sheets.

How to install underlay carpet

If the roof slope exceeds 18°C, then the Shinglas installation technology is as follows:

  1. The skates cover 0.5 m in width.
  2. Overhangs (eaves, end) - 0.4 m.

If the roof slope is less than 18°C, then:

  1. Its entire surface must be coated.
  2. Rolls must be laid from bottom to top, maintaining parallel with the eaves overhangs.
  3. Coat the overlaps with mastic.
  4. Maintain a fastening step of −20 cm.

How to strengthen gable overhangs

Using end strips, which must be coated with mastic before installation and installed on the backing layer. Before laying shingles, you need to trim the top corners.

How to prepare valleys

The procedure is interconnected with the installation method: open or by cutting. Regardless of the method and slope, “Barrier OS GC” is laid in the valleys meter widebitumen-polymer material on a self-adhesive basis.

If applicable public method, then a meter-wide valley carpet is laid on top of this layer, and the edges of the sheets are smeared with mastic and secured with nails. In hot climates, the valley carpet can be replaced with a metal sheet that is resistant to corrosion.

How to mark a roof slope

Using chalk. When inserting an attic or dormer window, the procedure starts from the center of the upper part of the opening. The main task when marking the roof slope is to align the shingles, and not to mark their attachment points. It is important to remember that vertical signs are placed every 1 meter, and horizontal signs every 80 cm.

Laying flexible roofing Shinglas

Before you begin installing Shinglas soft tiles, you need to remember general tips:

  1. To ensure that the shingles in the package are easily separated, bend the container and shake it.
  2. If it's cool outside, then flexible roofing must be kept warm for 24 hours before installation.
  3. Heat the self-adhesive strip construction hairdryer.
  4. Remove before starting work protective film.
  5. If you want to maintain the color scheme of the tiles, remove the shingles from different packages one by one.
  6. When cutting shingles, be sure to underlay the board to avoid damaging the underlying shingles.
  7. Shinglas flexible tiles are laid from bottom to top.

How to fix regular Shinglas tiles

  1. If the roof slope is less than 45°, then four nails are needed to secure the shingles.
  2. If the slope is greater, then the number of fasteners increases to six.

What is a starting strip for installation

She is ridge-eaves tiles or shingles with cut off protruding petals. The starting strip is secured with nails, and those places where there is no adhesive layer should be covered with mastic.

How to install the 1st, 2nd and subsequent rows of coating

The first one is laid, retreating a couple of centimeters from the starting strip and the middle of the cornice towards the gables. Each subsequent row is placed, shifted so that a high-quality picture is obtained according to the finished project.

Valley laying technology

This procedure performed in several ways:

  1. "Open". The sheets are placed on the valley carpet and cut so that a gutter of 5-15 cm is formed. In case of heavy leaf fall, the maximum width of the gutter can be provided.
  1. "Undercut". This method is in demand if the slopes have different angles of inclination. So, at a low angle, it is necessary to cover it with shingles so that they overlap the steeper slope by 30 cm. The top of the sheets is secured with nails. Next, Shinglas is performed on a slope with a large angle of inclination. Having made an indent of 8 cm from the center of the valley, you need to beat off the chalk line and remove the excess. Treat the ends of the sheets with mastic, and cut off the corners of the top ones. Read also: "".

How to Prepare Stingray and Skate Ribs

To perform this procedure, you can use several technologies:

  1. Using ridge-eaves covering. According to the existing perforation, the roof is divided into three parts. Installation is carried out from below, and when preparing the skates, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the priority winds, so the device is carried out on the opposite side. Row sheets can be used for other forms of slicing. To facilitate the process of bending shingles under specific angle, some craftsmen prefer heated pipes with a diameter of 10 mm.
  1. Using a segmental method, which is only suitable for curved surfaces. First, an underlay carpet is placed on the Shinglas TechnoNIKOL roof and markings are made on it. The surface segments are covered with shingles, and the joints are insulated using eaves-ridge tiles.
  1. In a seamless way. This technology involves placing an underlayment with a step marking corresponding to half a tile petal. The dividing strips should be carried to the top, and the shingles should be divided into blades, laying the initial row of roofing in this way. Each subsequent one is shifted by the width of half the petal.

Preparation of junctions:

  1. To Wall. This procedure involves plastering the wall and covering it with primer. Next, a rail with a cross section is installed on it triangular shape, onto which the shingles are installed. Then the valley carpet must be cut into 50-centimeter strips, covered with mastic and placed on the junction. In this case, 30 cm or more of carpet should be placed on the wall, top part which is secured with a metal apron. Existing cracks must be sealed with sealant.
  1. To the chimney. If it is brick, then TechnoNIKOL is laid in the same sequence as when laying it against the wall. The connection to the chimneys requires cutting out a pattern from the valley and preparing a groove for the exit of waste water.

What are considered pass-through elements?

These are special devices that are attached to the tiles with nails. Sheets need to be laid on top of them, cut and insulated with mastic. Then mount on the pass-through elements roof outlets, which are classified as non-insulated (for southern regions) and insulated with polyurethane (for northern ones).

Pass-through elements can be sealed using:

  • Shaped rubber parts made of EPDM. They have found application as components for pipes with a cross section of 10-250 mm. At first horizontal surface you need to cover it with mastic and put a pattern of shingles on top. Tighten the top of the shaped part with a metal clamp and apply polyurethane or polysulfide sealant.
  • Glass made of steel, which is in demand for tubular products with a diameter of less than 10 mm, etc. The device is installed on the lining carpet. You need to apply warm mastic on the top and bottom of the glass, and cut sheets on top of it for tight contact. The steel product must be filled to the middle polyurethane foam, then with polyurethane or thiokol sealant. In case of stable heating of pipes, it will be necessary to install a box with mineral insulation non-flammable properties. This procedure for connecting to a box is reminiscent of a diagram to a wall.

Roof maintenance

Not only is the qualified installation of Shinglas soft roofing important, but also proper care for her. Despite the fact that bituminous shingle roofing is easy to maintain, it still requires timely seasonal inspections. Particular attention should be paid to ridges, valley carpet, passages and junctions. This is the only way to discover possible damage and eliminate them at the initial stages.

Roof maintenance includes cleaning of dirt, debris, various seeds to avoid the appearance of mosses, lichens and various plants on its surface. Snow removal is required.


The procedure is simple, representing the replacement of damaged areas of the roof with new ones or the usual application of patches. You can do the repair yourself by heating the new pieces with a hair dryer and then securing them with nails and mastic. The patch should be ten centimeters larger than the damaged area.

Knowing now how to lay Shinglas tiles, you will ensure long-term operation and beauty of the building, save money without sacrificing quality, and by taking advantage of a variety of color scheme and curly cutting, give wide scope to your creative inventions.

In the article we will deal with the technology of laying soft roofing “Shinglas”. First, let's talk about what this roofing material is and on what basis it is made. And then we will move directly to the technology of installation on the roof.

What is the soft tile "Shingals"

This material is presented on the Russian market from the manufacturer - TechnoNIKOL Corporation. Production was established jointly with the international company Chova. This material consists of small shingles rectangular shape. It is made from fiberglass, which is coated on both sides with improved bitumen, and on the upper front side with stone granulate. The latter is not only decorative layer, but also a kind of protection from harmful effects sun rays.

In addition, basalt coating copes well with mechanical loads, it does not fade, so the Shinglas roof retains its original color throughout its entire operation. In addition, the front surface has a rough plane, which means that an avalanche-like descent from soft Shinglas tiles never occurs.

The reverse side of the bitumen panels is sprinkled with sand so that the sheets do not stick together during storage in bundles. Here the treatment was carried out with a sticky mixture, which includes bitumen. This mixture is an additional fastener. With its help, roof tiles are sintered under the influence of positive temperatures and the sun. The bitumen mixture is covered with a silicone film, which is removed before installation.

It should be noted that the Technonikol company today offers Shinglas tiles in 14 collections and 70 shades. This huge variety makes it possible to decorate the roofs of houses to suit any, even the most demanding taste. At the same time, the manufacturer gives a 50-60 year guarantee for its products, which also captivates many consumers.

Let us add that installation of Shinglas is a fairly simple process. The main thing is to strictly follow the rules for laying the material, which are recommended by the manufacturer himself.

Technology for laying Shinglas bitumen shingles

Let's start with the fact that installation of bitumen shingles is carried out only on continuous sheathing. These can be boards, moisture-resistant plywood (FSF) or OSB-3 boards (moisture-resistant). The boards are laid on rafter system with a small gap within 1 cm. The same applies to panel materials, only their installation is carried out in a checkerboard pattern, that is, with the sheets of one row offset in relation to the adjacent ones in half the slab.

Please note that the base for bitumen shingles must not only be strong, but also very smooth. The permissible error in height difference is up to 2 mm, no more. This is a strict parameter on which the quality of the final result depends.

Now sequentially for all operations performed.

Installation of drip

The purpose of this element is to prevent precipitation in the form of water from entering under the roof structure. The shape is a square, made of galvanized sheet steel, painted on both sides.

The drip cap is laid on the edge of the roof overhang and hammered into the sheathing roofing nails in a checkerboard pattern every 15 cm.

The standard length of the drip is 2 m. Therefore, these strips are laid overlapping relative to each other with an offset of at least 3 cm.

Laying underlay carpet

This roll material based on bitumen-polymer binder. Today TechnoNIKOL Corporation offers four types of this coating. At the same time, he divides the species into two groups:

    Self-adhesive lining materials.

    WITH mechanical fixation.

The first group includes:

    ANDEREP ULTRA, which is based on polyester, coated with a bitumen-polymer mixture and sand on the front side;

    ANDEREP BARRIER– baseless material, in top layer which a thick reinforcing film is inserted.

The second group includes:

    ANDEREP PROF with a polyester base and a polypropylene top coating;

    ANDEREP GL– baseless material with double-sided sand coating.

It should be noted that the lining material is laid first in areas of the valley and eaves overhangs. Installation starts from the first. That is, a roll 1 m wide is rolled out so that it covers two adjacent roof slopes of 50 cm on each side. The protective polymer film is immediately removed from the laid strip.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer roof design and repair services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Then the lining and overhangs are covered. The strips are simply laid out parallel to the cornice so that they cover 40 cm eaves overhang and 60 cm of roof. If the cornice is more than 40 cm, then you will have to lay not one strip of material, but two: one above the other in the direction from the overhang to the ridge. In this case, the strips are laid with an overlap of 10 cm. The horizontally laid strips must also cover part of the material laid on the valley. Here the overlap is 15 cm.

Regardless of whether the material chosen for the roof covering is self-adhesive or with mechanical fixation, it is recommended to secure the laid strips with galvanized roofing nails with a fastening pitch of 20-25 cm along the entire perimeter.

Now the remaining planes of the sheathing open from the lining carpet are covered with it. Simply lay the strips overlapping each other, coating the edges with Fixer bitumen mastic and punching them with nails.

Installation of gable strips

This element of the roofing structure is necessary in order to protect the continuous gable planes of the roof from rain and wind. Installation is carried out in exactly the same way as installing a drip.

Marking the slope

In fact, this stage of the Shinglas soft roof installation technology is important, although many craftsmen do not use it. It makes it easier to install shingles exactly along the intended lines. Therefore, markings are made vertically every 70 cm - this is the distance where five rows of roofing material can be placed at once. And horizontally – 1 m, this is the length of Shinglas bitumen tiles.

Laying the valley carpet

This is a rolled material based on polyester, treated on both sides with a bitumen-polymer composition. It is laid on valleys to increase the waterproofing layer, because valleys are subject to loads from precipitation more than other areas of the roof structure.

The valley carpet in the form of a strip is laid so that its edges cover the edges of the laid lining material. Fastenings are made with bitumen mastic and nails. First, mastic is applied along the edges of the lining material in a strip of 10 cm. Then the valley carpet is laid out and additionally fastened around the perimeter with roofing nails in increments of 20-25 cm. In this case, the distance from the edge of the laid strip to the fastening point is 3 cm.

This is a strip of the same material as Shinglas bitumen shingles, the same length and width. Only there are no shingles in its design. If this soft blood element is not available, then you can use ordinary tiles, from which the shingles are cut off.

The installation of the starting strip must begin from the middle of the overhang, laying the elements in different directions towards the gables of the roofing structure. The material itself is self-adhesive, so you need to remove the protective film from the back side and lay the strip on the roof, pressing it to the surface. Additionally, it is attached to the sheathing with roofing nails along the perimeter in 15 cm increments.

Please note that the starting strip is laid with a distance of 1.5 cm from the edge of the cornice. If ordinary tiles are used as the starting strip, then it is laid on bitumen mastic, which is first applied to the underlay carpet.

Installation of ordinary tiles

Laying bitumen shingles should begin from any edge of the roof. The shingle is laid so that its lower edges are 1.5-2 cm away from the lower edge of the starting strip. The material itself is attached to the roof slope with four nails. The nails are driven in at a distance of 2.5 cm from the edges of the cut shingles. This is done so that the tiles next row covered the caps of the fasteners.

I would like to add that if the angle of inclination of the roof slopes exceeds 45°, then it is recommended to drive not 4, but 6 nails into the laid tiles.

Formation of the valley and gables

Everything is quite simple here. It is necessary to leave a gutter from the valley carpet with a width of 10 cm. That is, 5 cm are laid from the axis of the valley in both directions. It is up to this parameter that the Shinglas bitumen tiles will be laid.

    Therefore, along the gutter line applied bitumen mastic 10 cm wide.

    Panels are being laid bituminous material, the edges of which are pressed against the mastic strip.

    The edges are pierced nails.

They do the same with gables. That is, they apply mastic, lay tiles, which are pierced with nails. Please note that the nail heads must remain under roofing materials, laid on top of what has already been laid.

Ridge formation

The technology of laying Shinglas on the roof is not just a covering, it is full formation the rest roofing elements, where the ridge plays an important function. It is through it that the roof ventilation will be carried out. Therefore, before finishing the ridge part of the roof, a special element is installed, which is also produced by the Technonikol company. It forms the ridge of the roof and leaves holes for ventilation.

The ridge element is attached to the sheathing, and then covered with a starting strip, which is simply nailed down. The starting strip is laid not along the ventilation element, but across it, having first cut the strip into several parts, usually into three.

In principle, that’s all regarding the installation of Shinglas bitumen shingles.

Video description

The video shows and describes the sequence of operations for laying Shinglas bitumen shingles:

As mentioned above, Shinglas soft roofing consists of several collections. So there are some differences in the installation process bitumen coating different models.

    If the model is being laid “ Jazz", then the displacement of shingles of one row relative to another should be carried out in the range from 15 to 85 cm. That is, there is no specific parameter.

    Trio, Tango, Sonata shifted by half the width of the tile petal.

    Model Chord laid so that its right petal overlaps the joints of two adjacent tiles of the lower row.

Conclusion on the topic

Shinglas roof covering is a real opportunity to solve the problem of obtaining a high-quality roofing structure that will last at least half a century for little money. Of course, if the soft roof itself is laid according to the manufacturer’s rules. But, as the information from the article shows, this is not the most difficult process, which does not require special tools, equipment and materials. In addition, the Technonikol company offers full set own production. That is, tiles, roofing coverings, mastic, and ventilation elements, as well as drip edges and gable trims.