home · electrical safety · How to properly make an internal attic cladding pie. Features of the design of the roofing pie of the attic roof. The process of insulating a mansard roof

How to properly make an internal attic cladding pie. Features of the design of the roofing pie of the attic roof. The process of insulating a mansard roof

In this design, thermal insulation ensures minimal heat loss from living spaces and also improves the acoustic characteristics of the attic. Waterproofing protects the insulation from street moisture and also facilitates the free escape of vapors from the building. The vapor barrier acts as an internal protection of the insulation from moisture penetrating from the room.

Laying the roofing “pie” begins after installation of the rafter system. First, a waterproofing layer is laid, on top of which the lathing is installed. Here it’s worth mentioning right away that all wooden elements must be treated (impregnated) with special bioprotective compounds, and only then nailed to the rafters.

The sheathing, nailed to the rafters, acts as ventilation between the waterproofing and the roofing, ensuring proper air circulation in the space under the roof. This will prevent the insulation from oversaturation with moisture, and, accordingly, related problems. Roofing material is laid on top of the sheathing. Then, insulation is installed from the inside between the rafters, which is protected from the attic side with a vapor barrier material, after which finishing work is carried out.

Roof insulation

One of the main components of the roofing “pie” is thermal insulation, which is usually used as mineral wool. Mats in the form of slabs, made of fiberglass or balsat, are laid in the space between the rafters. Due to its fibrous structure, mineral wool retains air inside itself, which stores heat well. This is the basic principle of mineral wool insulation, which explains their high thermal insulation qualities.

Elasticity is the next important point of a thermal insulation material. And this is not without reason. Indeed, if the density and rigidity of the insulation is insufficient, it will undergo settlement in an inclined plane. In addition, in the space between the rafters, the thermal insulation is placed in a space, and it is precisely such parameters as elasticity and elasticity. Elasticity allows the mineral wool to maintain dimensional stability and resistance to adhesion to the rafters, and elasticity allows the material to fit tightly to the roof structure, filling all irregularities.

It is worth knowing that when laying mineral wool, there should be no gaps or cracks between it and the rafters. They can lead to the formation of cold bridges, due to which the attic room will freeze and the roof may become covered with ice.

Returning to the insulation material. Here, balsat wool, whose fiber structure is more chaotic, has the greatest elasticity. And high elasticity is greater in fiberglass insulation. Both materials are non-flammable and vapor permeable, which is very good. For example, a vapor barrier layer will retain most of the water vapor contained in the air of a residential building, which rises according to the laws of physics. However, some part of these vapors still gets into the insulation. And here the most important thing is that this moisture does not accumulate in the insulation, but can come out of the roofing “pie”. For these purposes, insulation is endowed with such a property as vapor permeability.

Of course, materials have already appeared that perform the functions of insulation and vapor barrier at the same time, for example, mineral wool, equipped with aluminum foil on one side. After laying such materials, all that remains is to seal all the joints with sealing tape, and this insulation will also serve as a vapor barrier. Consequently, there will no longer be a need to use a vapor barrier film.

Recently, a material such as penoizol has become widespread, which can be used both for insulating the roof and for insulating walls, floors, ceilings and other structural elements.

Further. To select the geometric parameters of thermal insulation, it is necessary to carry out a thermal engineering calculation of the entire roof structure. It is carried out in accordance with the established requirements set out in DBN V.2.6-31-2006 "Structures of buildings and structures. Thermal insulation of buildings." At the same time, it is worth remembering the changes from 07/01/2013. It is also recommended to lay the insulation in two layers and staggered so that the joints of the lower slabs overlap with the upper slabs. This installation will eliminate the appearance of cold bridges at the joints of the slabs.

And most importantly, any insulation will fulfill its full functional purpose only if it remains dry throughout its entire service life. That is, moisture must not be allowed to accumulate in it, under any circumstances. Even the slightest increase in the moisture content of the material will reduce its thermal insulation functions, and over time, the wet material will become completely damp and fail.

Attaching the insulation

The most common way of laying and fastening insulation is to place heat-insulating material between the rafters. This approach ensures rational and efficient use of the space between the rafters, preserving usable space inside the room. However, with this insulation option, cold bridges may appear at the junctions with the rafters, and the thickness of the heat-insulating layer does not exceed the width of the rafter legs. That is why, as insulation, in this arrangement, it is recommended to use products made of glass staple fiber (preferably slabs), which have high elasticity, compressibility and 100% recoverability. On top of the laid insulation, on the side of the room, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier film.

When using insulation with high elasticity between the rafters, they do not need to be additionally fixed. You just have to cut off the insulation a couple of centimeters more than the width between the rafter legs.

Of course, if thermal insulation materials with low elasticity are used, then additional fixation of this layer will be necessary. Most often, special staples (at worst, nails) are used for these purposes, which are driven every 500-600 mm along the rafters. Then, thermal insulation material is laid from bottom to top in the space between the rafters, after which a thread is pulled between the brackets in a checkerboard pattern. Thanks to this fastening of the material, it maintains the required position until the installation of the cladding guides, which will play the main role in fixing the insulation.

Steam and waterproofing

To ensure protection for the insulation, and the entire building structure as a whole, from the penetration and accumulation of moisture (precipitation, water vapor, condensation, etc.), the roofing “pie” must contain layers of vapor and waterproofing.

A layer of waterproofing is necessary to protect the insulation from:

  • possible penetration of water into the roofing “pie” through fastening points and joints in the roof, along with air through the ventilation gap;
  • atmospheric humidification;
  • condensation and associated negative consequences.

The vapor barrier is designed to protect the insulation from water vapor. As already written above, the vapor barrier layer retains most of the water vapor contained in the air of a residential building, which rises up according to the laws of physics and rushes through the roof onto the street. Of course, not all vapors try to escape through the roof; some of them escape through ventilation ducts and opening windows. And yet, the lack of vapor barrier can lead to the accumulation of moisture in the insulation with subsequent deterioration of its thermal insulation qualities. In addition, excess moisture leads to its rotting, as well as rotting of the rafter structure, the appearance of fungus and unpleasant odors.

Thus, polymer films, so-called under-roof films, usually act as vapor and waterproofing. In this case, films are classified depending on the material and method of their production. And high-quality films of all types are characterized by tensile strength and non-flammability.

Polyethylene films
So, roofing films are polyethylene, which is reinforced with a special mesh, which gives the material the necessary strength. All produced films can be divided into:

  • Perforated - films that have an increased degree of vapor permeability due to the presence of microholes. Used only for the waterproofing layer.
  • Non-perforated - polyethylene films intended for both vapor and waterproofing.

There are also special reinforced polyethylene materials with aluminum foil on the inside. They are used exclusively for vapor barriers, because... have increased vapor barrier properties.

Polypropylene films
These films have found their application as a waterproofing layer. Their main advantages are:

  • higher strength than polyethylene;
  • increased resistance to UV radiation.

Thanks to these indicators, such films can replace roofing coverings within several months.

This is a waterproofing material, coated on one side with a special protective layer of viscose fiber with cellulose, in order to prevent the formation of condensation on the side facing the insulation. This protective coating absorbs and retains moisture well, and if not necessary, the coating dries quickly. It is thanks to these properties that anti-condensation films have become widespread in roof waterproofing.

(breathable films) - intended only for waterproofing. The reason for this is its structure, which allows it to act as a protection for the roofing pie from atmospheric moisture, and at the same time makes it completely vapor-permeable, i.e., gives it the ability to let water vapor pass out.

Returning to waterproofing. It is attached to the rafters using slats, leaving a ventilation gap between it and the roof covering, which is 3-5 cm. If diffusion membranes are used as a waterproofing material, they can be laid directly on the thermal insulation. This solution allows you to avoid creating a ventilation gap between the heat and waterproofing, and this space can be used for laying an additional layer of insulation. All other types of waterproofing films require ventilation gaps both between the waterproofing and insulation, and between the waterproofing and coating.

The vapor barrier is attached to the rafters with a construction stapler every 10 cm. In this case, the film is laid overlapping, and its joints are taped with self-adhesive tape. Places where films adjoin obstacles (walls, chimneys, ventilation ducts, etc.) are also carefully sealed.

And lastly. All hydro-, steam- and heat-insulating materials should be chosen based on quality, and not based on cost. And the quality of these materials, first of all, depends on their strength properties. According to the manufacturers of these materials, the durability of the films should be at least 50 years.

Useful little things

Wind protection
The windproof layer should ensure minimal penetration of air into the roofing “pie”. That is, the less air passes through 1 m 2 / h of windproof material at a certain pressure, the more reliably the thermal insulation layer will be protected from the negative influence of wind.

Therefore, for this layer, the best wind protection will be a special protective membrane of good quality, which can protect the thermal insulation from water and wind (it is strictly not recommended to use ordinary polyethylene films). In addition, they have sufficient strength and high vapor permeability - more than 1000 g/m2/day, which also allows it to be laid directly on the insulation without ventilation gaps.

When laying films, it is necessary to comply with all requirements and standards regarding the presence and number of ventilation gaps, of course, depending on the type of films themselves.

When laying films and membranes, it is necessary not to confuse their front and back sides.

When installing insulating layers, special attention should be paid to the integrity of the material and the tightness of its installation. In this case, the films are rolled out in such a way that even minimal cracks do not form anywhere, and the material itself fits tightly to the surface of the structure.

To avoid the appearance of cold bridges, it is necessary to lay the thermal insulation material without gaps. Moreover, both between the slabs and in places adjacent to structures.

The presence of heat-conducting inclusions (for example, metal profiles or racks) is not allowed in the thickness of the heat-insulating layer. The thickness of the insulation must meet or exceed regulatory requirements for a specific climate zone.

Most of the complaints, even when the attic is ready, can be heard about the fact that the built-on room is not warm enough, it is humid, and there is a bad smell. It seems that everything was taken into account, they were insulated, waterproofing and vapor barriers were laid, but they did not get the desired result.

The first mistake made may be not observing all the subtleties when carrying out insulation work. For example, lack of thermal insulation pads when installing rafter legs from boards.

There are also mistakes when arranging the roof “pie” itself. The roof of an attic differs from a conventional roof in that it experiences a double impact of heat flows: heat and moisture enter the roof from the lower floor, and the roof comes from above susceptible to external temperature changes and precipitation. And these temperatures do not always coincide, especially in winter. Hence condensation, moisture, and evaporation.

If the thickness of the insulation is not calculated using special tables and formulas, this is another construction error. Installation by eye leads to unnecessary temperature loss in winter. It should be noted that the choice of insulation is of great importance. If you have a choice between taking roll insulation or tiled insulation, give preference to tiled insulation. Insulation does not slide in slabs, does not deform or move out.

Don't forget about ventilation, vapor barrier, etc. The use of waterproofing or vapor barrier film with ruptures or deformations is not allowed. Even a small hole caused during transportation or installation itself will lead to unnecessary consequences. Each section of the roof must be thoroughly ventilated. This is difficult to do if the attic roof has many windows and various openings for ventilation of the room, chimneys.

There are cases when waterproofing material, in order to save money or out of ignorance, is not overlapped. Then atmospheric moisture will definitely get on the insulation, hence the bad smell, and rotting rafters. A lot of new waterproofing films are appearing on the modern market. When installing, you should carefully read the instructions for using such film. It is especially worth paying attention to membranes that need to be laid with a certain face up. By violating this installation method, you get defective waterproofing.

Another roofing pie scheme

For good ventilation, it is recommended to use “super-diffusion” waterproofing films. Then ventilation will occur only under the outer layer of roofing material and film due to the space formed by the sheathing or counter-lattice.

The next mistake when arranging a roofing “pie” can be incomplete adhesion of the vapor barrier film to the insulation. Available due to the presence of holes near the windows, chimney, etc. Through them, warm air from the lower rooms will penetrate to the insulation, condensation will fall out, which will cause heat loss and rotting of the wood. It is recommended to glue the vapor barrier at joints, to walls, and around any openings.

Failure to comply with all requirements leads to a reduction in the service life of the attic roof.

The roof of a building is exposed to particularly intense influence of various natural factors, therefore, not only the comfort inside the house, but also the duration of operation of the entire structure depends on the reliability and quality of its design. Particular attention must be paid to the choice of material and the sequence of installation of roofing layers under metal tiles. The article provides information about the materials necessary for arranging a reliable roof - the main operational characteristics, the need for use, installation features, etc. After reading the article, you will be able to control the quality of the builders’ work, and if necessary, you will not allow them to “save” on purchasing cheap building and insulating materials or “simplifying” installation technology.

Source spb-artstroy.ru

The sequence and purpose of the layers of the roofing pie with thermal insulation

A roof pie made of metal tiles with insulation consists of several layers, each of which has its own purpose:

    External covering. Metal tiles or its budget version - metal profiles (profiled sheets, corrugated sheets). It is recommended to use metal profiles to cover outbuildings and technical structures in roof structures without insulation;

    Lathing. A wooden frame to which the outer covering is attached;

    Waterproofing. Protects the rafter system and thermal insulation from moisture;

    Counter-lattice. Wooden slats that create a ventilation gap between the outer covering and the insulating materials. Thanks to the counter-lattice, moist air and condensate do not come into contact with the thermal insulation;

Source spb-artstroy.ru

    Sound and vibration insulation. Damping elements are part of the roof frame of a large area. It is allowed to use such brands as Isoplast bi-not, Sylomer, etc. Roofing structures of small and medium sizes can do without them, provided that the load-bearing base (flooring) is carefully installed, fiber thermal insulation is used and the metal tile fastening technology is strictly followed;

    Rafter system. The set of load-bearing elements of the roof, which is the basis for fastening all layers of the roofing pie;

    Thermal insulation. Reduces heat loss from the building. It is recommended to use fibrous thermal insulation materials that have a high degree of sound insulation: mineral wool, basalt wool, glass wool;

    Vapor barrier. Protects the roofing pie from moist air coming from the interior of the structure;

    Internal counter-lattice. Wooden slats of small cross-section, creating a ventilation gap between the vapor barrier membrane and internal finishing materials;

    Sheathing. Rough: plywood, OSB, plasterboard, intended for fastening decorative and finishing materials. Decorative: plastic or wooden lining, false beams, decorative panels.

Source legkovmeste.ru

Sequence of cold roof layers

The technology for arranging a cold roof is much simpler than an insulated one:

    To the rafters using a construction stapler fastened waterproofing membrane;

    Along the rafters strips are installed counter-lattice;

    Lathing elements are fixed perpendicular to the rafters;

    Fixed roofing material – metal tiles.

Cold roofing is used for technical structures, garages, warehouses and other outbuildings.

Source ria.com

Main characteristics and features of the use of roofing elements

Rafter frame

For a metal roof, a standard rafter system for lightweight roofing materials is used. The section of the beam is 50x150 mm, the pitch of the rafter legs is 600-950 mm. As a rule, a pitch of 600 mm is adopted for ease of installation of thermal insulation materials. This distance allows you to place entire insulation slabs between the rafters without gaps and without the need to cut them, which will significantly speed up the installation process.

In the northern regions of Russia, it is recommended to use timber with a cross section of 50x200 mm for rafters. This is due to the need to withstand increased snow and wind loads, and also allows for thicker insulation to be placed between the frame elements.

Source amtframe.org


The choice of waterproofing material included in the roofing composition for metal tiles depends on the purpose of the structure. The use of ordinary polyethylene film, glassine or roofing felt is allowed for the insulation of non-insulated roofing structures used in unheated technical buildings.

    Two-layer polymer– consists of two layers of polyethylene film with a reinforcing mesh between them;

    Superdiffusion membrane– characterized by one-sided vapor permeability. Its location during installation is with the permeable side towards the insulation, so that moist air is removed from the thermal insulation into the ventilation gap.

    Waterproofing with fleecy covering– is also a diffuse moisture-wicking material. In addition, it prevents the formation of condensation. Installed with the fleecy, vapor-permeable side facing the insulation.

Any of the waterproofing membranes is laid on the roof plane parallel to the ridge, starting from the bottom. The overlap between the panels is 10-15 cm and is additionally glued with construction tape. Fastening to the rafters is carried out with a construction stapler.

Source es.decorexpro.com


It is located between the sheathing elements and rafters, forming a gap between the waterproofing layer and the roofing material. It is made of wood in the form of bars 30x50 mm. If the roof has a complex structure, a large area or a significant length of the slope, then bars of a larger cross-section - 50x50 mm - are used for the counter-lattice. It is located along the rafters and attached to them with nails or self-tapping screws 50-75 mm long.

Source hotwell.com


It is a load-bearing base for metal tile sheets. It is made of boards with a section of 50x200 mm or timber 40x60 mm, located perpendicular to the rafters. In practice, these elements are often used together, if it is necessary to especially firmly fasten the outer sheets of metal tiles, in case of increased wind loads in the region and/or high windage of the roof structure. In this case, the main area of ​​the roof is covered with timber, and the lower part of the slope is covered with a continuous plank flooring. The pitch of the sheathing elements depends on the wave of the metal tile and is 800-1000 mm. Fastening is carried out using nails or wood screws (self-tapping screws) 60-75 mm long.

Important! All wooden elements of the roof structure must be treated with antiseptic (against fungus, mold, rot) and fire retardant (increases flame resistance) impregnations. Manufacturers of construction chemicals also offer universal products for treating wood, which significantly increase the service life.

Source orchardo.ru
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Thermal insulation

The traditional thermal insulation material for roofing under metal tiles with insulation is mineral (basalt) wool. It is sold in rolls and slabs. The size of the slabs from most manufacturers is 1000x600x50 (100) mm. They are installed in the space between the rafters at random.

The use of slabs is preferable, since their installation does not require additional fasteners to hold the material between the rafters. Thermal insulation is laid as tightly as possible, but care must be taken to ensure that the material does not deform or shrink.

To insulate technical buildings, it is more advisable to use polystyrene foam, since it better withstands moderate mechanical stress and does not require additional protection from inside the structure.

It is advisable to fill the gaps between polystyrene foam boards and between the insulation and rafters with polyurethane foam. This will not only eliminate the leakage of warm air from the room, but will also give the entire structure additional strength.

Source obustroeno.com

Vapor barrier

It is one of the most important layers of the roof pie under metal tiles. Its main purpose is to protect thermal insulation materials from the influence of warm, humid air coming from inside the premises. The use of vapor barrier is mandatory when using fibrous thermal insulation materials, since by absorbing moisture, mineral wool significantly reduces its effectiveness.

The most common vapor barrier material with an affordable price is glassine. However, it has low strength and durability. The polypropylene "woven" membrane is more durable and effective. It is produced under many brands and is positioned by the manufacturer as a universal insulating agent - hydro-wind-vapour barrier. In addition, this material prevents the formation of condensation.

Source de.decorexpro.com

Sound and vibration insulation

One of the specific properties of metal tiles is a high level of noise from external influences. Therefore, special attention is paid to sound insulation:

    All design elements are fixed screws. The parts to be connected must be securely tightened together to prevent the formation of cracks and backlash;

    Calculated position of sheathing elements in such a way that the edges of the sheet of roofing material are located on the supporting rail;

    Installation of all elements of the lathing and counter-lattice is carried out without deviations from the working plane, as evenly as possible, without bumps or depressions. This will avoid distortions when installing metal tiles.

The noise level is significantly reduced by the use of fibrous thermal insulation materials. Some manufacturers produce specialized brands of thermal insulation with a high sound absorption coefficient, from 0.5 to 0.8.

Source spb-artstroy.ru

It is advisable to carry out special measures for vibration isolation if the house is located near a railway, a highway with heavy traffic, or if the roof slopes have a large area. To do this, special damper pads are used to separate the layers of the roof under the metal tiles between the counter-lattice bars and the rafter beams.

Video description

In the video you can see the rules for installing a roofing pie:

Roof covering

High-quality metal tiles have a thickness of 0.4-0.6 mm and several layers of protection. It is almost impossible to visually check the presence of internal protective layers, so when purchasing roofing material, ask the seller for a certificate. To protect against corrosion, metal tiles are painted on the inside, and on the outside they have a polymer coating, which resists external influences much better than paints and varnishes. The durability and cost of the roof depend on the type of external protective layer. The most common types of polymer coatings are:

    Polyester. The thickness of the protective layer is 25-30 microns. It has an affordable price and relatively high performance characteristics. The warranty period for metal tiles with polyester coating is 8-10 years;

Source satu.kz

    Polyurethane. It is characterized by resistance to mechanical damage, temperature changes and various chemicals. When the sheet is bent, such a coating does not lose its integrity;

    Polyvinyl chloride. Demonstrates high resistance to mechanical, chemical and thermal influences. Has high plasticity. Metal tiles with this coating are recommended for installation on textured surfaces. It is advisable to use in regions with extremely hot climates;

    Plastisol. Consists of polyvinyl chloride with the addition of a plasticizer. It is applied in a layer of up to 200 microns, which allows you to apply a relief pattern to the surface of the metal tile. They have low resistance to high temperatures, which does not allow its use in regions with hot climates.

Source takinado.com.ua

Interior decoration

A ventilation gap is also formed between the vapor barrier membrane and the sheets of plasterboard or OSB. For this, wooden slats with a cross section of 20x30 mm are used, attached to the rafters perpendicularly.

Video description

From the video you can learn how to properly make a roofing pie for metal tiles:


Despite the high cost of materials and significant labor costs when installing a roofing pie under a metal roof, it is highly not recommended to “simplify” the technology by skipping layers or using cheap insulating membranes from unknown manufacturers. The consequences can be very dire, including complete replacement of the roof.

Recently, attic floors have become very common in private construction. And this can be simply explained, the presence of an attic floor is, first of all, a fairly large cost savings at the construction stage, and secondly, such a solution gives the owner of the house, albeit an inferior usable area, but quite suitable, for example, for a bedroom.

At the same time, installing an attic roof is a slightly more complex task that requires additional attention. The attic roof must be made in full accordance with the technology. Particular attention must be paid to the construction of the roofing pie, and in particular to the vapor barrier membrane; it is this that will make the attic roof dry.

Mansard roofs can have different appearances. In private construction, several types of mansard roofs can be used. The main options are gable roof options, but there are also other design solutions.

We must not forget that a warm attic roof in itself is quite expensive, but the arrangement of an attic floor is much cheaper than the installation of a full floor with a gable roof.

Features of the attic roof.

Any attic roof has a number of distinctive features. Below we will try to give a few key points that distinguish attic roofing from other types.

  1. The main feature of an attic roof is its functionality. We must not forget that the attic roof is both the roof and the wall of the attic space or attic floor.
  2. The height of the attic roof is usually more than 2.5 meters at the highest point.
  3. The surface area of ​​an attic roof is always larger than that of a conventional gable roof.
  4. The rafter system of the attic roof must be designed in such a way that the design solutions of the struts and rafter legs occupy minimal usable space.

Video about the construction of an attic roof

Selection of coating material

The selection of the finishing roof covering in cases with an attic design has a number of subtleties and nuances. The main factor of choice is the lightness of the material. Light metal tiles, piece adhesive tiles, and lightweight coatings such as ondulin or profiled metal sheets are perfect for an attic roof. Heavy materials such as slate and clay tiles are rarely used in the construction of attic roofs.

Features of calculating the attic roof.

When calculating this type of roof, special attention is paid to several roof elements.

  • First of all, the calculation of the structural part of the roof. The design includes calculation of the angle of inclination, pitch of the rafter system, thickness of lumber, its length and total quantity.
  • The second part of the roof design solution is the calculation of the final covering and sheathing
  • All of the above decisions are based on determining the usable space of the attic space. The attic space must be more than 1.5 meters high at its highest point. The design of the rafter system and the roof as a whole depends on the height of the attic floor.
  • The useful space of the roof is the entire area where the height from floor to ceiling exceeds 90 centimeters. Those places in the room where this condition is not met are called blind zones. The structure of the stiffening ribs and additional ligaments of the roof rafters depends on the area of ​​the blind zone and its appearance.
  • Calculating the area of ​​the finishing coating only at first glance looks quite complicated; in fact, calculating the final finish is the simplest part of the entire preparatory stage. To calculate the finishing coating, several simple geometric shapes are isolated from the entire roof. This is relevant for complex roofs with several slopes located at different angles. By calculating the area of ​​each figure, taking into account all technological overlaps, you can easily obtain the sum of all areas - this will be the amount of finishing coating.

Installation of a roofing pie in an attic roof

The roofing pie and its correct arrangement is the main problem in installing the entire attic roof.

The first signs of improper installation of a roofing pie are the formation of condensation and the formation of icicles on the roof slopes. As soon as the first icicles appear on the roof, this is a sure sign that warm air is escaping. It is not at all necessary that it will immediately start dripping from the ceiling, but you should still be worried.

Correct roofing pie

Each layer of the roofing pie is responsible for its functionality. And each layer must be completed correctly, in accordance with all norms and building regulations.

Conventionally, roofing pie can be divided into two types. Roofing pie without insulation. This design can only be used in the summer attic floor. And a large roofing pie with a thermal contour - this option is great for building a full-fledged warm floor.

Pie without insulation. The main task of such a pie is to protect the attic space from moisture and condensation. The construction of such a pie looks quite simple. The first layer is the laying of a vapor barrier membrane on the rafter system, a counter-lattice is mounted on top of the membrane, then the lathing and the finishing coating.

The main problems in constructing a pie without insulation.

The first thing to do is to properly install the vapor barrier, the second is the mandatory air gap between the sheathing and the membrane (this is why the counter-lattice is needed).

Warm roofing cake. More often than not, the attic space is residential, so it is very important to install the correct warm roofing pie. You need to understand that the roof is exposed not only to cold, but also to heat. The sun's rays can heat the roof up to 70 degrees, making it impossible to stay in the room at such a temperature. Therefore, the attic roof should not only keep heat inside the building, it should not allow hot air inside.

In the rafter system of the roofing pie, the thickness of the insulation must be taken into account; this is very important for ease of installation and further proper functioning of the roofing pie.

Layers of roofing cake:

  1. The first layer is a vapor barrier, and this is where you should start installing the cake. The vapor barrier is rolled out onto the rafters and attached to them. A clear fixation of the vapor barrier is necessary; this is often done using a construction stapler. Roll out the vapor barrier, overlapping each other from 10 to 15 centimeters. The overlaps are sealed using a special sealing tape.
  2. The second layer is insulation. Insulation must be selected based on climatic conditions, environmental friendliness and soundproofing qualities. We must not forget that the roof of the house is essentially the ceiling of your room, and the sound of rain will be heard more than ever in the attic. Now there is a very large selection of insulation on the market. Materials based on various types of wool are in great demand, including glass wool, stone wool, and other materials. A fairly budget option is polystyrene foam insulation, but its sound-absorbing properties leave much to be desired.
  3. The third layer is a moisture-proof membrane; it is also rolled out on the rafter system, but from the street side. It is the membrane that will prevent the penetration of external precipitation into the roofing pie. Some membranes can be used both indoors and outdoors. Installation of such a film occurs in the same way as a vapor barrier, the joints are sealed, and the film is rolled out with an overlap of 10-15 centimeters.
  4. The next stage is the installation of counter-lattice, although manufacturers of materials with a wavy pattern (ondulin, slate, metal tiles) claim that passive roof ventilation is sufficient - this is not always the case. A counter-lattice, even a minimal one, creates a good ventilation gap, which helps quickly remove moisture from the inner surface of the final roofing covering.
  5. Lathing. The sheathing itself in the attic roof can be either solid or thinned. It all depends on the material that is used as the finishing coating. For piece tiles, a continuous board sheathing or sheet material is used instead of sheathing. For sheet material, thinned sheathing is used.

The main problem of an attic roof is its insulation and protection from moisture. Otherwise, the construction steps are the same as in a conventional gable roof.

  1. The first step is to calculate the materials, calculate the load
  2. Second fastening of supporting beams
  3. Assembling the rafter system template
  4. Assembling roof trusses according to a template, in accordance with the quantity according to the project
  5. Installation of rafters
  6. Roofing pie device
  7. Finishing device
  8. Interior finishing from the roof side

Interior finishing of the attic roof

The inside of the attic roof can be decorated with almost any material. This includes lining, plasterboard, and plastic decorative panels. But from the point of view of practicality, removable material, such as lining, is ideal for an attic roof; in cases of improper roofing, such material will make it possible to carry out repair work on the roofing pie.

The roofing pie fills the rafter frame. It is necessary to protect the house from rain, downpours, retain heat, and keep out noise. This is due to the fact that the roofing cake is multi-layered, it has forming elements, they need to be laid correctly and one by one, and at the same time follow the fastening technology, then the roof will be multifunctional.

Each layer of the roofing pie under metal tiles with an insulated roof is designed to perform some function; the pie should be installed in strict sequence. In this case, the basic rule is that its mass should not be greater than the load-bearing capacity of the rafters. Therefore, it is worth calculating all the loads on the building envelope, the required insulation thickness and the strength of the rafters using ours.

Typically, a roofing pie includes: (from inside to outside):

  • filing from the side of the under-roof room;
  • vapor barrier, for example, polypropylene film;
  • insulation, for example, mineral wool placed between the rafter system;
  • waterproofing, for example, a membrane that is laid along the upper edge of the rafter joists;
  • counter-lattice made of wooden slats;
  • wood lathing;
  • covering material, that is, metal tiles.

The roof can be insulated in different ways; it can be cold or insulated.

That is, the roofing pie consists of certain layers, and each layer performs its own function:

1. The topmost layer of the pie is metal tiles. It provides protection from precipitation, temperature changes, and determines the appearance of the roof.

2. Vibration-isolating elements. They stop vibration, and with them you can’t hear the noise of rain pounding on a metal roof.

3. The frame of the lathing is made of wood. It is required to attach the outer covering - metal tiles - and to create a gap under the roof so that there is ventilation between the materials.

4. Counter-lattice, consisting of wooden slats. Provides the necessary air circulation between metal tiles, sheathing and insulating materials.

5. Waterproofing. It prevents moisture from penetrating the frame of the rafter system and the insulation.

6. Thermal insulation material. Performs the function of insulation from noise and does not allow heat to escape from the room.

7. Roof rafters. The roofing pie and insulation are attached to them. With the help of a rafter system, free space is obtained in the attic.

8. Vapor barrier. It takes the vapors that form inside the house outside.

9. Layer of internal roof cladding. Designed for fastening finishing materials.


The rafters under a metal roof are identical to other rafters on which sheet or heavy coverings are attached. But these rafters are different in that the metal tiles do not load them very much, so to build the rafters you do not need to take a large cross-section of timber.

The distance between the rafter legs is usually 600-900 mm. When selecting the pitch of the rafter bars, it is worth taking into account the width and thickness of the material used for insulation. It must be placed tightly between the frame so that there are no gaps.

The rafter system is made from bars with a section of 50x150 mm. If the boards have this width, then you can choose insulation with a thickness of 150 mm. If you need to build a roof in cold regions of the country, then you should select bars with a width of about 200 mm. Then you can choose insulation with a thickness of also 200 mm.

Vapor barrier.

Vapor barrier is required to protect the insulation from moisture, as well as to maintain a certain microclimate in the rooms. Usually the steam generated in the room rises. If the installed roof does not have a vapor barrier layer, then the steam will be absorbed into the insulation.

During frosts, steam will begin to stop on the outside of the insulation. There it will first become frost, and then a crust of ice on the material. And in the spring, when it gets warm, the insulation covered with a crust of ice will become unusable. The ice will melt and water will flow onto the insulation. Previously, glassine was used as a vapor barrier. Now they install films made of polyethylene or polypropylene:

1. Polyethylene film is not very strong, which is why it is reinforced with mesh.

2. And polypropylene film is a woven fabric, it is laminated on both sides with a thin layer of the same material. One of the sides is rough.

Thermal insulation.

The most widely used insulation materials are mineral wool or polystyrene foam. They're pretty inexpensive. Mineral wool and foam blocks are placed between the rafter beams. They are mounted end-to-end. If this creates cracks and gaps, fill them with polyurethane foam.

If you do not have time to install insulation, then you can insulate the roof with polyurethane foam.


Previously, glassine or roofing material was used as waterproofing. Now, to make the roof last a long time, special membranes are used. Although this material is not cheap, it is reliable and durable. The membrane material consists of 2 layers: the first is reinforcing, the second is moisture-repellent.

Counter grille and ventilation gap.

The counter-lattice is created from wooden slats. They are attached to a layer of waterproofing, which is placed on top of the rafter joists. Then the mounted counter-lattice bars provide a gap between the waterproofing layer and the roof covering.


The sheathing is the basis for attaching metal tiles. It is made from wooden blocks, they are mounted perpendicular to the legs of the rafters. Slats, boards or sheathing bars are attached end-to-end or through a small gap equal to the pitch of the metal tile wave. A wooden sheathing is created by attaching it with nails, screws, and staples.

But in this case, do not forget that the entire tree should be treated with antifungal compounds, otherwise it will rot.

Vibration isolation.

You should definitely do vibration insulation if you plan to cover the roof with metal tiles, since when it rains or downpours, quite a lot of noise appears.

To protect a metal roof from noise, sound-absorbing materials are used.

To reduce noise and vibration you can:

1. Tightly attach all layers of the roofing cake, thereby increasing its rigidity. This is easy to do if, when attaching, you screw in many screws per 1 m.

3. Make the sheathing and counter-lattice in the same plane. Because if the slats are attached unevenly, then after installing the metal tiles, the final coating will be deformed, and this may cause noise.

4. You can also reduce noise if you place a seal between the counter-lattice and the rafters that insulates sounds.

To make metal tiles, thin sheets of aluminum, steel, and copper are taken. If you are planning to buy metal tiles in Kyiv, we recommend that you follow the link, where you will find your option for purchasing a roof at an excellent price.

Such material can serve as a roof for several decades; it is reliable and durable. True, such properties depend on the density of laying the metal tiles when creating the roof. To lay the material tightly, sealing elements are used.

Video tutorial on installing metal tiles.