home · On a note · Ondulin ventilation outlet to the roof. Bitumen sheet for roofing. Features of installation of the ventilation system

Ondulin ventilation outlet to the roof. Bitumen sheet for roofing. Features of installation of the ventilation system

How to seal a chimney on the roof

Excellent roof tightness is ensured by the integrity of the roof. If the thermal insulation layer, vapor or waterproofing is damaged, leaks become inevitable. The construction of a chimney of any kind, of course, violates the integrity of the roofing pie.

To prevent moisture from getting inside, sealing is carried out.

Everything matters here: the chimney material - brick, metal, asbestos cement, the roofing material - metal tiles, ondulin, corrugated sheets, the construction of the roofing pie - with or without insulation, the height of the attic space and even the cross-sectional shape of the smoke exhaust duct.

On brick chimney fluffing is arranged - expansion of the chimney due to thickening of the walls. Thanks to this the walls brick product metal ones heat up much less, and the volume of the adapter can be smaller.

Single layer hardware heat up more. Here, a thermal insulation box is required even in cases where roofing pie does not provide insulation.

  • The design of the box is the same for all types of chimney structures.

    Subtleties of the chimney outlet through the roof

    It is constructed from bars fixed to the rafter legs. Since wood is classified as a flammable material, the distance between wooden elements and the chimney walls must be at least 13 cm.

  • From below, under the attic ceiling, the box is hemmed with a sheet non-flammable material– GKL, galvanized iron. The space between the chimney and the walls of the adapter is filled with a heat-resistant heat insulator - a special heat-resistant mineral wool, expanded clay.

Further steps to seal the device depend on the roofing material.

Passage through slate roof

It should be noted that slate is the most difficult material in this regard. Manufacturers offer ready-made waterproofing devices for modern roofing materials. These have not been developed for slate.

Waterproofing a chimney on a slate roof is carried out as follows.

  1. The film waterproofing material used to cover the roofing pie is cut in this area in such a way as to overlap the walls of the chimney. The film is fixed with bitumen mastic.
  2. Place the slate, trying to fit the sheets as closely as possible to the walls of the chimney.
  3. A collar is made from galvanized steel - an element of the required length, curved so as to fit tightly to the roof and to the chimney. The joints are covered with collars.
  4. Received metal structure poured cement-sand mortar so that the sealing protrudes above the level of the flooring.

The resulting device can hardly be called decorative, but it provides good tightness.

Pipe passage through a metal roof

Besides the actual finishing material manufacturers produce a variety of additional elements, including aprons for chimneys.

  1. Waterproofing is carried out using the method described above. This is an important part of the job as it ensures that the entire roof is watertight, not just the joints between roof structures.
  2. A sheathing is formed around the chimney from wooden slats, and then the parts of the metal apron are attached to it. The joint on the top bar is treated with an appropriate sealant.
  3. The bottom one is usually not sealed, since it requires the construction of a drainage tie, and in this case, sealing will not allow water to flow down freely.
  4. Metal tiles are laid around the chimney. All joints are treated with thermo- or heat-resistant sealant.
  5. A decorative apron is mounted on top in the same way. It is usually done in the same color as the roof. The photo shows a chimney with an apron.

Sealing a chimney on an ondulin roof does not differ significantly from the installation described above. The only difference is the material of the upper, decorative apron - it is made of plastic.

Chimney passage through a corrugated roof

If the material is equipped with elements for sealing the chimney, ventilation ducts and other things, it is recommended to use it. The procedure in this case is the same as when sealing a roof made of ondulin, and the special element, in addition, repeats the shape of the “native” corrugated sheeting, which ensures a tight fit.

If there are no such elements, then sealing the chimney on a roof made of corrugated sheets is carried out in the following way.

  1. Holes are cut in the sheet 1.5–2 cm smaller than the size of the chimney.
  2. Cuts are made in the corners and the edges of the sheet are folded back.
  3. At the installation stage roofing, the workpiece is put on chimney, and the edges are pressed against the walls of the chimney as tightly as possible.
  4. To seal the seams, use a special rubber-bitumen tape, like Master Flash.

The video demonstrates the waterproofing of joints on a corrugated roof.

Based on materials from the site: http://trubygid.ru

What is special about ondulin roofing?
Strengths and weaknesses of the material
Signs of high-quality ondulin
Installation recommendations - mounting diagram
How to cover a roof with your own hands - step-by-step installation
How to care for ondulin roofing

Ondulin refers to modern materials with high performance: it is an excellent option for the private sector. It is worth noting the low cost of the coating and the ease of its installation, which can be done independently.

What is special about ondulin roofing?

Ondulin contains no harmful substances environment components, which is achieved by using them in its production latest technologies. Ondulin sheets are made from cellulose and some additives. To this roof covering was hard and waterproof, a special bitumen material, with the addition of resin. Special compounds are used to color finished sheets, making them very aesthetically pleasing and more resistant to external influences.

Ondulin looks like ceramic and ordinary tiles, or like slate. Wherein quality characteristics Both coatings are not particularly different. Imitation slate is produced in sizes 200x95 cm; smaller parameters are used for tiles. Imitation tiles made from ondulin are mainly used to design roofs with complex shapes, which significantly reduces the number of trims. Simple roofs are equipped with ondulin slate: the simplicity of laying the material allows you to cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands in a very short time.

Strengths and weaknesses of the material

Ondulin is very resistant to destructive atmospheric influences. It is easy to install, resulting in a very aesthetic roofing surface. The financial costs for purchasing the material are not very large.

Ondulin has the following positive qualities:

  1. Excellent environmental friendliness.
  2. Long service life.
  3. External aesthetics.
  4. Rich colors.
  5. Easy and quick installation.
  6. Convenient sizes, which minimizes the amount of waste, while increasing the speed of roofing.

Thanks to these indicators, ondulin has gained high popularity in the field of private housing construction. Since there are no harmful components in the material, it is often used to cover wooden buildings. With the help of ondulin, old roofs are often repaired without removing the old roof covering. This becomes possible due to the low weight of ondulin (3 kg/m2), therefore a significant increase in the load on rafter system and the construction of the house in general does not happen.

This cladding generally comes with a 15-year warranty. However, practical experience shows that if installation and maintenance rules are followed, such a roof can last many times longer. Moreover, and importantly, during operation, external decorative qualities coatings remain virtually unchanged, maintaining their original freshness for a long time.

However, the main advantage of the material is the possibility of laying an ondulin roof with your own hands. The procedure for this work is very similar to the installation of slate sheets, while ondulin is lighter, stronger and more environmentally friendly.

As for the disadvantages of ondulin, the main one is the material’s ability to ignite in the event of direct impact flame. For this reason, it is practiced to treat ondulin sheets with special fire-retardant impregnations to reduce their flammability. It is also important to understand that a significant period of use leads to the fact that the color of the roof gradually fades: this especially applies to dark shades.

Signs of high-quality ondulin

Unfortunately, on the market construction products There are quite a lot of low-quality fakes of ondulin.

The following tips will help you distinguish real material from fake:

  • On the back of real ondulin there is always a black mesh.
  • The number of waves of the original sheet is always fixed - 10 pieces.
  • The waves have a stable height of 36 mm.
  • The outer surface of the material has a characteristic roughness, like gauze.
  • High-quality sheets are characterized by rich matte shades.
  • The outermost wave is always supplied with a seal with the marking of the manufacturer.
  • The material has an accompanying brand certificate and a warranty card for 15 years of operation.

To minimize the time it takes to lay the material and the amount of losses due to cutting it, while achieving a significant service life, it is recommended to adopt several simple rules how to install ondulin correctly. It is very important that during installation activities temperature regime was in the range from 0 to +30 degrees. Heat causes the bitumen to soften, causing the sheets to become deformed. Frost makes ondulin very brittle, increasing the risk of cracks occurring when the installer moves or drives nails. Some manufacturers allow slight frosts when laying the material, but it is better not to experiment with this.

If hot weather occurs during the installation of an ondulin roof with your own hands, it is important to avoid stretching of the sheets: after the temperature drops, the areas where the fasteners are installed may become deformed or become cracked. It is best to cut ondulin with a wood hacksaw, making sure to lubricate it with oil: this will prevent the tool from getting stuck. A circular saw can also be used for these purposes.

It is better to refrain from using a grinder, since the cut site in this case begins to melt. Ondulin sheets are fixed to the sheathing using special roofing nails included in the cladding package. The ondulin fastening scheme requires 20 such fasteners: 10 at the bottom, 5 at the top and 5 in the middle.

When arranging the sheathing, it is very important to take into account the slope of the slope. If we are talking about a slight slope of up to 10 degrees, a solid reliable sheathing made of tongue-and-groove boards or plywood is used.

With a slope of 10-15 degrees, a step between the jumpers of 45 cm is made on the sheathing. And if the slope is inclined by more than 15 degrees, the step of the sheathing elements is increased to 60 cm.

Any frame sheathing in the area of ​​ribs, valleys and ridges is made solid, due to increased requirements for insulation.

Roof penetration for chimneys

How to cover a roof with your own hands - step-by-step installation

Stage 1. Installing ondulin on the roof begins with equipping the rafters with lathing on top of the previously laid one. vapor barrier film. The same vapor barrier can be installed from the side attic space. To fill the gaps of the sheathing, insulation is used, closed over the rafters waterproofing film. A counter-lattice is installed on top of the sheathing, which makes it possible to create a technological ventilation cavity.

Stage 2. Do-it-yourself installation of an ondulin roof starts from the first row, from roof slopes. It is better to choose the leeward side for this to avoid blowing under the roofing cladding. When attaching sheets, it is important to ensure that they are bottom edges went out for cornice board. The protrusion is selected individually: the main thing is that the water is effectively drained beyond the roof, to the middle of the gutter. In any case, the protrusion should not exceed 70 mm. When laying ondulin, overlap one wave. The dimensions of the longitudinal overlap are affected by the degree of slope of the slope: usually they are in the range of 17-30 cm. Each sheet requires 20 roofing nails, which are driven through a wave in the center of the sheet.

Stage 3. Laying the second and each subsequent sheet is carried out from its half, in order to achieve separation of the roof joints in adjacent rows. This diagram laying is used up to the roof ridge.

Stage 4. Before installation last rows additional sheathing is installed under the ridge profile.

For these purposes, it is best to use a standard profile made by the same company that makes the ondulin coating. The size of the overlap of the profile with each other is 12.5 cm. The roof ridge is nailed to each wave.

Stage 5. If the wall and roof structure have a junction, it is decorated with a standard profile from the same manufacturer. The same principle is used to design the connecting areas of individual planes of the roofing surface (valley).

Stage 6. The place where the roof meets pediment board, must be well protected from moisture. To do this, one of two methods is used. One of them involves bending the edge of an ondulin sheet, which is nailed to the pediment board. The second technique is implemented by placing a rectangular profile, or gable, on the roof edge: this also allows you to make the junction more aesthetically pleasing.

How to care for ondulin roofing

If the process of laying sheets was carried out according to all the rules, special care they will not be required during operation. All you need to do is promptly remove various dirt from the roof of your ondulin dacha so that it can last as long as possible. After a certain time, ondulin gradually loses its original freshness of color. To restore the former attractiveness of the coating, painting is usually used using a special material.

As can be seen from the description, making the roof of a house from ondulin with your own hands is quite a feasible task. All that is required is to strictly follow the installation technology and some recommendations that will allow you to increase the service life of the roof by an order of magnitude.

The passage of the chimney must always comply with strictly defined construction standards, since this determines Fire safety the entire residential building. Therefore it should Special attention pay attention to some features of the roof through which it will be installed. In this article, experts will consider the nuances of installing a chimney passage through a roof made of ondulin.

Features of ondulin roofing

IN modern construction Roofing material such as ondulin is often used to cover roofs.

Ventilation pipe on the roof made of ondulin

It is also called “Euro slate”, since its appearance is similar to the usual Soviet slate, and its quality meets European standards. The name of this roofing material “ondulin” comes from the French company of the same name, which is its manufacturer.

The MSK Stroy Dom company sells Ondulin for affordable prices from the manufacturer. Roofing material from the French company ONDULINE is used for installing roofs of private houses and frame houses.

This is a very light, flexible bitumen roofing sheet that can even be laid over old roofing. It is used in the construction of capital buildings, schools, and residential buildings. Ondulin for roofing is also used in the arrangement of cafes, shopping pavilions, and the construction of canopies and canopies.

Features of roofing material

A huge advantage of roofing bitumen wavy leaf is the low weight of the structure, as well as ease of operation. This allows you to quickly install a new coating without dismantling the old one. Using this system, you can repair the roof of a residential building not only in summer, but also in winter. Roofing sheets fit perfectly on a wavy surface, bend easily, and take the desired shape.

Among the advantages are:

  • High water repellency. The roof is completely waterproof and does not absorb moisture.
  • Resistant to precipitation and temperature changes. It tolerates heat equally well severe frost;
  • Resistance to fungi and mold. Thanks to bitumen impregnation, the material does not crack, which does not allow creating an environment for the existence of microorganisms;
  • A light weight, which makes it easy to transport and install the material;
  • Does not absorb harmful chemical substances, gasoline and industrial gases;
  • Suitable for collecting water for drinking;
  • Easy to install without using special technology and knowledge.

The material can withstand temperatures from -60 to +110 degrees. Bitumen sheet considered very durable material, the manufacturer’s warranty period for it is 15 years, but in practice it can last up to fifty years.

The composition includes a base of cellulose fibers, mineral filler, heat-resistant resins, coloring natural ingredients. All this creates a unique texture that does not lose its beautiful texture over time. appearance and solid performance.

Sales and prices for bitumen sheets for roofing

In the catalog on the website you can select and buy Ondulin in a wide variety of colors and shapes. The company’s consultants will be happy to answer all questions and help you calculate required amount material for roofing.

You can buy bitumen sheets directly from a warehouse in Moscow. Products can be ordered on the website or by calling the company.

Delivery and installation

Delivery of the ordered bitumen sheet is carried out by leading transport companies to the buyer’s place of residence in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Voronezh, Volgograd, Novosibirsk, Perm and other cities of the country. Please check with our managers for delivery costs.

If the consumer wishes, qualified employees will dismantle the old roofing covering and install the bitumen sheet on construction sites in Moscow and areas of the Moscow region.

Absolutely any roofing system provides for the installation of additional components. Ondulin roofing is no exception to this group. Thanks to such elements, the places where cuts are made and joints are formed are closed and isolated. It is for this reason that complete with ondulin you can often see a ventilation pipe, valleys, skates, tongs, etc. In this article we will consider the features of installing only the pipe, but we will indirectly touch on other important components of the system.

Before planning work for ondulin, you need to find out if you have a ventilation system. It can be represented by a kitchen hood or a sewer riser. In such cases, you should make the pipe exit through the roofing surface. A special device can be purchased along with its accessories. Installing a ventilation system in autumn is simple. It should be attached to the roof, thus protecting the building from unwanted leaks.

It should be noted that the ventilation pipe and ondulin must be selected so that all sizes and shapes are combined with each other, and with the help additional device organize air circulation and prevent the penetration of precipitation. Standard sizes The following parameters are considered for the product: length – 86 cm, and height – 47 cm. They are made ventilation device made from ABS copolymer. The pipe is manufactured using the following technology:

  • Initially, you should make fasteners for the ondulin in the place where you are going to make an exit for the system;
  • In the mounting area we place a special sheet that will serve as a base. It is worth noting that it must have a mount for the ventilation device;
  • Then on each wave we make fasteners for the base;
  • Now we begin to work with the sheet located slightly above the base along the pipe. We fasten it, expecting that we will lay the sheets over the exit of the system in an overlapping manner: take the overlap step to be approximately 10 cm;
  • Afterwards, we install the pipe into the prepared base and perform fixation. However, this should be done exclusively in vertical position. Fastening can be done using plastic pins.

Attention! As you can see, it is quite possible to install the pipe yourself. By following the instructions and further recommendations, you will definitely succeed.

Types of ventilation pipes

If you have chosen a material for the roof, then the ventilation pipe can have several options:

  • The exhaust outlet is insulated. It can usually be found on construction sites that already have a ventilation system. It can be created under kitchen hood or for bathrooms. One of the main advantages of such a device is the removal of air from the living space into the under-roof space. It is worth noting that during these processes there is no accumulation of fat or dust deposits on the walls. Also do not create discomfort unpleasant odors. End ventilation pipe put on a special deflector cap. It is with its help that the protection of the building from precipitation is enhanced through increased traction.
  • The ventilation outlet is not of an isolated type. If the building has a bathroom, then the presence of such a device is mandatory. But, to everyone’s surprise, most residents begin to think about this only when problems are already “knocking on their door.” Imagine that in the sewer there is a constant accumulation of gases, which are products of reactions of the breakdown of organic substances. When you use the drain system, the pressure in it changes. If ventilation is present, then its value is normalized. In the absence of it, unnecessary unpleasant odors appear, which begin to destroy your comfort and coziness.
  • Isolated type output. This device has much in common with the previous ventilation option. The difference is special insulation pipe, which is based on polyurethane and a plastic casing, with a diameter of approximately 16 cm. This solution with insulating elements reduces the amount of condensation on the surface of the parts ventilation system. Thanks to this design, it is possible to avoid freezing of water at the outlet of the pipes.

Attention! All presented options for ventilation systems are made of a special plastic alloy that can demonstrate resistance to damage and precipitation. These devices can be used at different temperature ranges, ranging from -50 degrees to + 90.

Creating a ventilation pipe outlet

In most cases, pipes are made from metal pipes with a diameter of 12.5 cm if they are intended for the first exit, and 11 cm if for the second or third. The main requirement is the optimal placement of the ventilation system exit point. For example, if its cap is located lower, then the operation of the device may be difficult due to wind blowing in the opposite direction to the slope. There are times when the exit is made in inaccessible places. Some developers independently isolate the system's release points. For example, joints can be additionally waterproofed, which will increase protection from precipitation. The installation of this design is very easy to reproduce:

  • First, lubricate the area around the pipe with a special degreaser;
  • Then use a brush to make the first layer of waterproofing;
  • We will wrap the pipe with a special fabric for reinforcement and wait until the waterproofing agent absorbs it as much as possible;
  • We can continue working in 15 minutes. Again, use a brush to apply the waterproofing layer - this time we do not remove the fabric. Let the substance dry.

Attention! You can also do this process using sealed tape. With its help you can perfectly waterproof all joints and cracks.

Description of other main system components

In addition to the ventilation pipe, the required components of the ondulin are the following elements:

  • Horse. In such a device, it must be mounted on the surface of the upper rib, which forms the junction of two slopes. This solution enhances the protection and insulation of the roof peak, which creates a complete look;
  • Gable detail. It is attached to the ridge, thereby protecting the lap gable;

Attention! In some situations, the gable element acts as a wind board.

  • Endova. This component must be installed at the junctions of the slopes and the junctions of the slopes with the walls of the building. They are installed vertically with a depth of up to 7.5 cm. Its design provides for the presence of additional bars in the sheathing design.
  • Covering apron. It serves to create tightness of all joints in roofing device. Most often made of polypropylene and available in black.
  • Special cornice filler. It is used to create lumen protection with leaf waves and ridge. If it is not installed, moisture and debris will constantly enter this area, which will lead to clogging.

So we got acquainted with the feature installation process for installing a ventilation pipe for ondulin. Nothing complicated about this process no, so you can safely start it yourself.

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Ondulin roofing is characterized by durability and beauty. Ondulin material has versatility, has an attractive appearance and excellent protective characteristics.

You can cover your roof with ondulin without much difficulty. with your own hands. True, for this you need to know what elements such a roof consists of. This article will discuss the main additional elements for ondulin roofs.

Passage element for roofs made of ondulin used in ventilation outlets and chimney pipes. Fastening pass-through element carried out in the upper wave with the obligatory fixation of the structural element with self-tapping screws to the sheathing. Top part such elements have an overlap of ondulin sheets.

Pass-through elements for ondulin can be used on various types roofs. For example, such structural elements for pitched tiled roofs are made in different colors(black, dark green, brick, red, dark gray).

And they help replace one two-wave element tiles. Another type of pass-through element is Pelti. It is intended for pitched roofs made from metal tiles. Its installation is carried out simultaneously with the installation of the main roofing material.

There are passage elements for roofs made of soft materials.For example, the Huopa pass-through element is specially designed for soft pitched roofs. Installation is carried out simultaneously with the installation of roofing material.

Gable elements are used for decoration inclined roof ribs. In general, the design of a roofing gable can be done in various ways:

  • Ondulin is a flexible material, so its protruding part can be bent and secured with self-tapping screws to the wind board. This method of arranging a gable element can only be used if the outside temperature is more than 0 ºC.
  • Use ready-made gable or ridge elements.

Gable elements for ondulin roofing, offered to the consumer in a hardware store, have a wide color scheme, and this makes it possible to select an element to match the color roofing covering.

Basic color solutions to decorate the tong– slate, red, green, brown. One such element has a length of 110 cm. The gable elements are mounted on the roof in the direction from bottom to top with an overlap of 15 cm. To secure one gable element you will need about 12 screws.

The ridge element is used for arranging the roof ridge. It is sold individually and comes in a wide variety of colors. Standard length ridge element amounts to 100 cm, and useful - 85 cm. Fastening of the ridge and ridge element is carried out after all the roofing material is laid on the sheathing.

This structural element is attached using special fasteners - screws or nails. The ridge element strip must be secured with an overlap of 10 cm.

During installation it is advisable take into account the need to arrange ventilation openings and wind direction. Roof ridges are already purchased ready-made in stores. Their installation begins from the edge, which is opposite to the direction of the prevailing wind flow.

Skates must be attached to each upper wave ondulin, while the nails are driven into additional beams sheathings.

And also watch the video instructions for installing the roof ventilation pass-through element: