home · Tool · Remedy for wasps in the apartment. How to deal with wasps in the country, even in an inaccessible place. Filling the hive with water

Remedy for wasps in the apartment. How to deal with wasps in the country, even in an inaccessible place. Filling the hive with water

The appearance of wasps in a house or country house is accompanied by a lot of worries and troubles for the people living there. In addition to being quite painful for humans, wasps can be carriers of diseases and infections.

Wasp nests begin to build in early spring, as a rule, choosing secluded places indoors for this. After this, the female lays eggs and, a month later, you can observe the appearance of the first offspring of insects, the proximity of which becomes noticeable and brings concern.

Therefore, you need to know how to fight and protect yourself from wasps if you find a wasp nest in your house or country house.

How to deal with wasps in the countryside, in the house?

Wasps choose human housing to build their nests because there is always a sufficient amount of food there to attract their attention. You can often find common paper wasps, hornets in a house or country house, and sometimes ground wasps are found.

Wasps usually choose attics, balconies, cracks in the wall and other places where they will be protected from winds and rain as places to build their nests.

It is necessary to fight wasps and get rid of their nests, since in their proximity a person is always at risk of attack and receiving bites, which are very painful. Wasps can contribute to crop damage because they use ripening fruits for food. They can spread intestinal infections.

Protection against wasps in the country can be provided in a variety of ways, the most common of which are:

  • Removing wasps by completely destroying the nest;
  • Use of special traps;
  • Baiting with poisonous baits;
  • Referring to specialized services.

If wasps are present in the house large quantities, you can use sticky paper for flies. It is necessary to calculate all the advantages and disadvantages of each wasp control method and choose the most suitable one.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
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How to find a wasp's nest?

When wasps appear in a residential area, you need to think about finding and destroying their nest. In order to find a wasp nest, you must remember that to build it, wasps use places that are difficult for humans to reach and hidden from prying eyes.

At the dacha, a wasp nest can most often be found:

  1. In rarely used utility rooms or household premises, for example, in sheds, toilets, attics;
  2. In niches under slate;
  3. On balconies, loggias;
  4. Among dense thickets of bushes or hedges.

However, checking everyone possible places, suitable for building nests, is quite difficult even with a small plot size. Therefore, you can use effective in special ways aimed at tracking wasps.

The essence of this method is as follows: you need to place a piece of meat or fish in an open area, the smell of which will attract insects. Then all that remains is to carefully observe the wasps, as they will fly from the treat to the nest, making it quite easy to detect their nest.

In houses and on balconies, finding a wasp nest is also not difficult. Long-term observations will certainly help determine which place insects fly to most often, and therefore, where their nest will be located.

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How to get rid of a wasp nest in the house?

There are several main methods used to get rid of and destroy a wasp nest in the house. So, how to get rid of a wasp nest in your home? It is necessary to consider the essence of each method in order to choose the most suitable one.


Using water to get rid of a wasp nest is possible when a nest is found in the ground or under a shed or attic. If ground wasps are the source of concern, then you need to find their “hole” in the ground, and then fill it with so much water that it begins to flow out of it.

The use of a garden hose is recommended for this purpose, since the volume of any limited container of water may not be sufficient to completely fill the “hole.” After the hole is filled with water, you need to cover it with a stone.

Sometimes this method may not have the desired effect due to water absorption into the soil or when the wasps quickly react and make a new exit from the hole to the outside. If the wasp's nest is located under the roof of a house, then using water to destroy it is also possible, however, it is more difficult and requires special preparation.

This method involves filling a bucket with water and completely immersing the nest in it, pressing the edges of the bucket firmly against the ceiling. Support the bucket from below using a stepladder or board of appropriate height. Usually insects do not survive under water for more than a day.

However, before using this method, you should make sure that the entire structure is stable and make sure that there are no gaps between the bucket and the ceiling, since in this case the wasps can find a way out of the trap.


If you find a wasp nest in the ground, it is quite simple and effective ways to destroy it is to use any petroleum product, for example, gasoline or diesel fuel. You need to fill the nest with gasoline, moisten a rag in it and close the exit from the hole with it. This contributes to the death of the wasps after a certain amount of time.

Also, one of the methods of fighting wasps is burning the nest. To do this, you need to pour gasoline on the object and set it on fire. However, this method is only suitable for destroying nests located in the ground or on a stone surface in the absence of flammable objects nearby.


One of the most common means used to combat wasps is dichlorvos. With its help, the nest is treated, which must be done several times, since it is almost impossible to destroy all insects the first time.

The use of dichlorvos requires compliance with a number of precautions, such as:

  1. Destruction of the nest should be carried out at night, when insects are less active.
  2. Be sure to wear thick enough protective clothing, thick gloves and a beekeeper mask.

Thus, with the help of one cylinder of dichlorvos you can relatively quickly get rid of a medium-sized wasp nest.

Special preparations

In addition to methods of mechanical destruction of the nest, insecticidal preparations with a wide spectrum of action are widely used.

Among them are the following remedies for wasps in the country and at home:

  1. Karbofos, which is quite inexpensive and safe drug, often used to combat other insects.
  2. Insecticidal preparations based on chlorpyrifos, having a contact effect.
  3. Executioner– a means with which you can effectively get rid of wasps and hornets;
  4. Tetrix is a professional product used for pest control, however, its acquisition can be quite difficult, especially in small quantities.

Before carrying out disinsection using insecticidal preparations, it is necessary to protect exposed areas of the body from the danger of bites. Disinsection must be carried out at night.

Calling special services

One of the least labor-intensive ways to destroy a wasp nest is to call a special pest control service, which is a team of professionals who have all the necessary equipment at their disposal. protective equipment And special drugs. They will provide fast and effective disposal from os.

What to do if the nest is not accessible?

The task of destroying a wasp nest is in itself very difficult. If the nest is located in a place inaccessible to humans, then there are even fewer opportunities for its removal.

To do this, it is recommended to try lure insects into pre-prepared special traps. It is better to use meat or fish as bait in such traps. At the same time, you must not forget to change the bait and remove any insects from the trap.

You can also try hanging a few red pods near the nest. hot pepper. There is an opinion that wasps can change their location themselves, as they do not like bitter things.

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Rules for removing wasps in an apartment building

If wasps settled in apartment building, then the destruction of their nests is carried out using the same methods that were used when there were wasps in the country.

However, there are a number of rules that must be followed:

  1. It is not recommended to use toxic chemicals;
  2. Destruction of the nest should be carried out at night, and it is advisable that all residents of the apartment leave the premises at this time;
  3. To prevent wasps from moving into neighboring apartments, you need to install anti Mosquito nets and sewer grates and periodically treat them with vinegar, peppermint oil or citrus;
  4. Be sure to notify all neighbors about the procedure for destroying a wasp nest so that they have time to take precautions.

Precautionary measures

When destroying a wasp nest yourself, you must take care of your personal protection, since wasp stings in large numbers can lead to serious consequences for human health.

  1. Prepare thick clothing, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.
  2. The procedure for destroying a wasp nest should be carried out at night, when all the wasps are in the nest and are not very active.
  3. If a wasp or several wasps flies out during the procedure, you cannot kill them, since when they die, special substances are released that excite their relatives and create the danger of an attack by the entire swarm.
  4. If the first attempt fails to destroy the nest, and the wasps begin to fly out in large numbers, it is necessary, without making sudden movements or giving in to panic, to leave. Before the procedure, you definitely need to think about your escape route in case of failure. After this, wait a few hours and try to repeat the procedure.


Wasps building their nests in residential buildings can cause a lot of disturbance to the people who live there. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy the wasp’s nest yourself or with the help of special services. For this purpose it is possible to use the most in various ways– from mechanical destruction to the use of special preparations.

To prevent wasps from appearing in your home or country house, you need to ensure that mosquito nets installed on doors and windows are in good condition. It is also recommended to regularly collect ripe and rotten fruits that have fallen from trees in garden plots, as they can attract wasps.

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to prevent the appearance of a wasp nest in the house, then you must be sure to familiarize yourself with all the rules and precautions before removing them.

Wasps are insects armed with a sting that prefer to build their nests in close proximity to human habitation: pipes, hollows in trees, roofs of private houses and balconies.

Allergenic bites, difficult-to-fight nests - what should a summer resident or city dweller be prepared for if they discover these unpleasant insects on their territory?

Wasps are vengeful insects. If there are surviving individuals left after the persecution, they will certainly attack! Therefore, I have collected for you the most effective methods for removing them.

Important facts:

  • Wasps are often carriers of intestinal infections, as they do not disdain garbage dumps and landfills in search of food. Not finding flower nectar, wasps begin to feed on organic waste.
  • Wasps should be removed along with their nest: otherwise they will return to places where wasps also lived before.
  • Destroy wasp nests better in spring or late autumn: at this time insects are in hibernation. If the wasp attack occurred in the summer, then it is better to carry out all manipulations to remove them early in the morning (late evening): at this time the insects are in the nest.

The most popular products in 2014

You can get rid of wasps yourself using chemicals. Follow the instructions carefully.

Aerosol poison “Moskitol Protection against wasps”- a remedy designed to get rid of wasps in non-residential premises, on the street, in the country.

– a drug made in the Netherlands, intended for long-term disposal of insects (wasps, cockroaches, ants, flies, ticks). The product is a microencapsulated, odorless preparation.

"GET"professional product to combat household insects, including wasps. The nest is treated with the drug: crawling inside the nest, the insects carry particles of poison on themselves, from which they soon die.

The product is effective even when the wasp nest itself could not be detected or is located in a hard-to-reach place: in this case, clusters of pests can be treated. The effect is noticeable after two days.

- a bait that attracts wasps. The drug is dissolved in water, the resulting solution is poured into bottles, and then hung from the roof, trees, or fence. Suitable for use on the balcony.

We destroy wasp nests using popular folk remedies

Not always chemical poison can be used - in an apartment or in a country house, especially when it is not possible to travel long time. Wasps are quite sensitive to smell, so you can use proven folk remedies insect control.

  • Wasps do not like the smell of vinegar, and therefore textiles in a house or apartment (especially curtains) can be sprayed with it.
  • Leftovers sweet melon, grapes or watermelon can be sprayed with an insecticide (without a pungent odor) and taken away from the house. Wild wasps from all over the area they will flock to such a “delicacy” and die.
  • If you find a wasp nest, you can use in the following way: into container big size(enough to completely submerge the wasp nest) pour water and, putting on a mosquito net and other protective clothing, submerge the nest completely in water. Keep the container for at least 5 minutes: during this period the nest will get wet and fall apart, and the insects will drown. Will not extra meters 3-4 minutes from the “operation”, place a plate with sugar syrup: the wasps outside the nest will fly there and will not bother you.
  • You can remove wasps in the following way: put a suitable size thick cloth on the nest. plastic bag, which is pressed tightly against the wall (you can use buttons or tape). In the attached bag, cut off a corner and generously spray any suitable aerosol wasp repellent there, and seal the bag tightly. After an hour, remove the nest and throw it away. For your own safety, you must wear protective clothing.

Advice! To prevent the wasps from returning again, you should carefully remove the remains of the nest and treat the area with a solution of potassium permanganate or an insecticide.

Ground wasps do not like gasoline and carbide

We will fight earth wasps somewhat differently. These insects plague summer residents and gardeners everywhere: a nest located in the ground is more difficult to notice, and it is difficult to get to it.

In order to understand exactly where wasps live, you need to watch them: insects always return to their home in the evening.

When you discover dangerous neighbors, use the following recommendations:

  1. Wasps do not tolerate petroleum products, and therefore you can generously fill their hole (hole) with diesel fuel or gasoline. It is advisable to seal the entrance with a rag, also thoroughly soaked in a toxic solution.
  2. You can fill a wasp nest cement mortar, prepared in proportions 1: 3 (for 1 kg of cement you need to take 3 kg of sand). It is better to fight wasps using this method in the pre-dawn time, when all the wasps are in the nest.
  3. A positive result can be achieved by pouring boiling water over a wasp’s nest. But you need to heat a lot of water so as not to suffer from angry insects flying out, stinging everything in their path.

What to do if you simply can’t get to the nest?

There are cases when wasps live in the ground, but the hive is located above a dug tunnel: then it is simply impossible to remove them by pouring liquid.

In such cases, throw pieces of carbide into or near the nest and fill with water. The resulting gas chemical reaction, poisonous. It penetrates into all cracks and insects die immediately.

Wasps are insects that can find shelter both on a personal plot and in a private house and even in a high-rise apartment. What are the consequences of an unpleasant neighborhood, and how to get rid of uninvited “roommates”?

Features of the existence of wasps that are worth knowing about

The wasp is a stinging insect belonging to the order Stalk-bellied.

Wasps include: hornets, typhias, scolia, road wasps, sand wasps, paper wasps, flower wasps, gloss wasps, etc.


Insect species can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Singles. They lead an isolated existence, create nest-cells attached to walls, tree branches, etc., bury themselves in the ground or plant stems, or huddle in small depressions (cracks in wood, cardboard pores, etc.). Most adults in this category are fertile.
  • Public. They exist in colonies that can reach several thousand individuals and create strong nests. The queen and male individuals have the ability to reproduce; the remaining “members of the family” are worker wasps who are unable to produce offspring.
Wasps are stinging insects, which include many varieties, including hornets, typhias, paper wasps, etc.

Most often, people suffer from the infestation of social wasps, because in this case there are a lot of insects. In this category, there are 3 most common varieties, the characteristics of which are described in the table below.

Table - common types of wasps

NameDescriptionFeatures of existence
HornetsThe largest species of wasp, the European variety is represented by brown insects with orange markings.They create paper nests, mainly in empty walls or on tree trunks.
American hornetsThey are distinguished by thick black antennae and shorter legs.
  • Nests, similar to paper ones, mostly huddle in closed places (earth depressions, empty walls, etc.).
  • They are aggressive, can sting more than once, and often attack in swarms.
Paper waspsCompared to other species, they have a longer body and legs.
  • They create wide paper nests that look like upside-down umbrellas, with clearly visible honeycombs.
  • They attack only when they sense a threat, but the bites are painful.

Wasps that make nests in the soil are called ground wasps. However, this name is not scientific; insects that choose this way of living may belong to various families of road and burrowing wasps, hornets.

Life activity

To make wasp control more effective, it is important to become familiar with the life cycle of insects:

  • The beginning of spring. The queen, having awakened from hibernation, finds a suitable place for a nest and creates a small cocoon for the first offspring of worker wasps. When they come to life, the “hardworking” insects begin work to enlarge the nest and protect the uterus.
  • Spring and summer. The number of the swarm, along with the size of the dwelling, begins to grow, reaching its apogee in August. At the dawn of summer, the last generation appears, including males and queens, which will actively create new offspring in the coming year. At this time, the insect colony is very aggressive towards anything that threatens the nest.

It makes the most sense to get rid of the nest in early spring, when the size of the swarm is still very small. If the insect's abode was not found before the end of summer or beginning of autumn, there is no longer any need to destroy it: the wasps will die of their own accord. low temperatures, and you can simply get rid of the nest in winter.
In winter, a wasp’s nest can be exterminated without fear: in the empty “house” there are no longer any inhabitants, except perhaps the hibernating queen

Human housing is attractive to wasps with a large amount of food, which is why insects build their homes near people. Usually winged birds prefer places protected from rain and wind, as well as from the human eye:

  • balconies;
  • attics;
  • cornices;
  • empty walls;
  • utility rooms;
  • niches under slate;
  • hedges or dense bushes;
  • the soil;
  • cracks, etc.

If the nest cannot be found, “experienced” people advise placing a piece of fish or meat in a clearly visible place. The smell of food will attract wasps, which will begin to fly from the treat to the nest and back; all that remains is to observe the route.

Danger to humans

In addition to the annoying buzzing, proximity to insects promises unpleasant “bonuses”:

  • painful stings, which, if you are allergic to wasps, can lead to suffocation, swelling and even death;
  • infections spread by insects on their legs;
  • damage to the harvest, since winged creatures can feed on ripening fruits;
  • destruction of beneficial insects, for example, bees, if there is an apiary nearby.

A wasp sting is fraught not only with pain and swelling: in cases of allergy, suffocation, severe swelling and even death are possible

How to get rid

There are several options for getting rid of wasps, but before considering them, it is important to study the safety information.

Safety precautions

In the fight against stinging insects you need to know that:

  • At night and in the early morning, the reaction of wasps is slowed down, so it is better to destroy the nest in the dark or in the predawn hours. But insects react quickly to a flash of light, mistaking it for daylight, so it’s better to do without a flashlight.
  • You can’t “go into battle” without equipment. You need clothes made of thick material that completely hide the body, rubber boots, durable gloves, and a mosquito net to protect your face.
  • Ice and antiallergic drugs (Adrenaline, Suprastin, Prednisolone) should be prepared in case of a bite.
  • You cannot climb a ladder to reach the nest. If during the “operation” the wasps begin to attack, you can fall and be seriously injured. If the nest is located out of easy reach, you can either try the smoke method (see information below) or contact a professional.
  • When using pesticides, it is important to ensure that there are no children or pets in the treated area during the extermination of insects and for at least 24 hours after. Any dead wasps should be removed immediately to prevent a child or pet from eating them.
  • An escape plan is needed. During the destruction of the nest, wasps may begin to attack; you should take care in advance of the shortest route to the shelter and make sure that there are no obstacles on the way. If many wasps begin to fly out of the nest, move away along the planned route without sudden movements or panic.
  • If one or more individuals fly out during the destruction of a nest, they cannot be killed: the death of insects leads to the release of a special secretion, the smell of which will attract relatives, increasing the likelihood of an attack by the entire swarm.

A person may not even be aware of an allergy to wasp stings; it is advisable to undergo a special test at a medical center. If you have an allergy, it is better not to take risks and entrust the fight against insects to another person or professionals.

What to do if bitten by a wasp

If you cannot avoid an insect bite, you need to:

  1. Rinse the affected area thoroughly with warm running water to remove dirt and remaining poison.
  2. Disinfect your hands and then the wound with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, alcohol or Furacilin solution.
  3. Apply a cold compress.
  4. Take an antiallergic drug, even if allergic reactions have not been observed before (be sure to study the method of use and contraindications in advance).

A cold compress will help smooth out painful sensations for wasp stings and relieves swelling

If you have multiple bites or allergies, consult a doctor immediately. Until the swelling subsides, it is recommended to drink sweetened water or sweet tea. The pain and swelling disappear after a few hours, but if the bite is on the face, the swelling may persist for several days.

Wasps, unlike bees, do not leave a sting in the wound, so there is no need to look for it to remove it.

To get rid of a large swarm in one fell swoop, you can destroy the nest along with the inhabitants inside. It is important to carry out the “attack” at night, since this is when all the insects are at home.

You should not destroy a wasp shelter during the day, when most of its inhabitants are not “at home”: having returned and not finding a home, the insects will begin to “take revenge” on the offenders, becoming aggressive.

Traditional methods

Let's look at the most popular methods of destroying a wasp's home.


Folk method for people with strong nerves:

  1. Place a bucket of water under the nest.
  2. Place a bag of thick material (without holes) over the wasp’s home and tie it tightly with a cord.
  3. Remove the nest and immerse it in water, pressing it on top with a large stone so that it does not float up.
  4. Leave it overnight: by morning the insects will drown and die, and the nest can be destroyed.

Some forums advise raising a bucket of water so that the nest is immersed in it, supporting the structure with a board or stepladder and leaving it for a day. This method is traumatic and requires special training, resorting to it is not recommended.

You can get rid of the nest by drowning the wasp's home in a bucket of water

If the nest is located in the ground, it needs to be filled with water using garden hose, so that the liquid begins to flow out. After the insect shelter is flooded, cover it with a stone.


Can be used instead of gasoline diesel fuel or any other petroleum product. The method applies only if the nest is built in the ground:

  1. Fill the nest with gasoline.
  2. Use a rag liberally moistened with petroleum product to close the inlet.
  3. After a day, the insects will die and the nest can be destroyed.

If there are no flammable objects or buildings nearby, wasp house You can pour gasoline on it and set it on fire.


This option is only suitable if the nest is located outside:

  1. Light a fire under the nest: penetrating into the wasp’s habitat, the smoke will force the insects to leave the home.
  2. After 2 hours, when the nest is empty, knock it down with a stick and destroy it.
  3. Treat the place where the aspen abode is attached generously with an insecticidal aerosol, otherwise the insects may return and begin to rebuild.

It is best to have a water sprayer at the time of nest destruction to protect yourself from individuals that may remain “at home.”

Dishwashing liquid

The soap solution will envelop the insects in an airtight film, making it difficult for them to move, and the wasps will die, suffocating:

  1. Per liter hot water dilute a quarter cup or a little more liquid for dish washing.
  2. If the wasp's nest is suspended in the air, pour the solution into a container with an aerosol spray and spray the nest for 10–15 seconds. If the nest is in the ground, pour the mixture into the hole.
  3. Quickly hide in a shelter.
  4. Repeat several times.

Dishwashing detergent is useful not only in the kitchen: the product can be used as a weapon against wasps

You can use undiluted dishwashing detergent by pouring it into the inlet.

Special means

On store shelves you can find insecticides designed to kill wasps.

Forms of release and method of application

Aerosols are most often used, the products are used in accordance with the attached instructions, most often the process is carried out as follows:

  1. Spray the nest with a spray for a certain time (usually 10–15 seconds), Special attention paying attention to the entrance. Run for cover.
  2. The next day, observe the nest: if there is activity around the wasp’s home, repeat the “operation” at night.
  3. Knock down the nest with a long stick and spray it with spray.
  4. Immediately get rid of the destroyed home and dead wasps.

Another option for using the product involves processing a plastic bag, which is then placed on the nest. Within a few hours the wasps die. In this way, it is possible to protect other insects that do not harm humans and protect the environment.

Aerosols are most often used in the fight against wasps: such insecticides are effective and easy to use

If the nest is in the ground and is located with the entrance up, it can be destroyed using insecticidal dust (powder). The means are used as follows:

  1. Measure out a certain amount of powder (see instructions).
  2. Early in the morning, pour the product onto the hole in the nest: when leaving and entering the home, wasps on their legs and wings will carry poisonous dust, poisoning the entire swarm.
  3. If the insects do not die within 1–2 days, repeat the procedure.
  4. Fill the nest with a stone or bury it, compact it tightly and pour boiling water over it, in case there are living individuals left inside.

For those opposed to toxic chemicals, there are adhesive sprays that are sprayed onto the opening of the nest. Wanting to leave or enter the home, the wasps will stick to the nest and to each other, clogging the entrance.

Table - possible options

Based on organophosphate insecticide
  • Karbofos;
  • Executioner.
  • Inexpensive;
  • relatively effective;
  • are available in liquid or powder form, so they can be used in any of the ways described above.
Contact action based on chlorpyrifos
  • Dobrokhim;
  • Agran;
  • Dursban;
  • Tzipi Lux;
  • Micro;
  • Xulat;
  • Sinuzan;
  • Phosban.
They are used to process the entrance to the nest or added to baits.
  • Bros;
  • Baygon;
  • Mosquitall.
Used for spraying nests and treating walls, door and window openings.
Professional productsTetrixUsed by insect control services, purchase for household needs product is problematic.

Video: option for using wasp spray

Lures and traps

Baits and traps are effective in controlling winged insects, but their use takes a long time, so they are usually used as an additional method, or in the absence of a nest on the site or at home, to eliminate periodically flying insects.

Traditional method

You can buy a trap at a hardware store or make it yourself: insects climb inside, attracted by the smell of the bait, and only a few individuals manage to get out. In a day, using a homemade “trap” you can catch several dozen wasps, so it is more advisable to place several at once around the entire perimeter of the site or house. The manufacturing process is simple:

  1. Cutting down top part plastic bottle (remove the cap) and, turning the neck down, place it in bottom part containers like a funnel.
  2. Secure with tape, adhesive tape, staples or any other method.

You don’t need to run to the store to buy a wasp trap: you can easily make it yourself

The trap can be filled:

  • kvass;
  • lemonade; beer;
  • syrup;
  • compote;
  • diluted yeast;
  • jam;
  • sweetened water.

Sugar and honey should not be used if there is an apiary nearby: such products may attract bees.

To enhance efficiency, you can add sweet composition boric acid powder, but not much: increasing bitterness may repel insects. Exact dosage the means are not specified.

Pieces of fish or meat “seasoned” with boric acid can also be used as bait. This option is especially effective in early spring, as it allows you to get rid of the larvae, which the adults feed with protein foods.

Depending on the number of wasps, you can get rid of colonies using traps in a few days or a few weeks.

Video: making a trap for wasps

Glue trap

It's easy to make a glue trap:

  1. Treat a sheet of cardboard with a thick layer of non-drying glue (type Alt).
  2. Place bait in the center: an insect that lands on the structure will not fly off.

Poison from fly agarics

Poisonous mushrooms can be useful in the fight against wasps:

  1. Finely chop 3 fly agaric caps, combine with a glass of water and 100 g of honey.
  2. Cook for 3–5 minutes.
  3. Pour into canning jars.
  4. Place in areas with the greatest concentration of wasps.

Fly agarics can also be used for the benefit of humans if they are made into poison for wasps

Poisoned Meat

Among the “experienced”, the following method is common:

  1. Hang a piece of meat in a place where wasps often gather.
  2. After a couple of days, when the insects get used to feasting on the bait, douse it with DDT or chlorophos.
  3. Place a bucket of water under the hanging piece: poisoned individuals will fall into the container. This is necessary to protect birds that will begin to pick up insects lying on the ground.

Help from specialists

  • are allergic to wasp stings;
  • the nest is located in a hard-to-reach place (under a concrete pit, inside a wall, too high, etc.);
  • The wasp's home is too big.

Special cases

If the nest appears in a residential area, it is better to avoid using toxic substances or as a last resort use those that have no odor. It is necessary to remove or cover food products with film and make sure that other household members are not at home.

If the nest is out of reach

Insects can take up residence in pipes, in cracks under the floor, under sheathing and other locations that make it difficult for humans to access their shelter. In this case, you should trust the experience of professionals, but the bravest ones recommend:

  1. Lime wasps (using special means or nearby baits and traps).
  2. Seal the cracks leading to the nest. It makes no sense to use polyurethane foam for this purpose: judging by the reviews, insects chew through it and get out.

There is an opinion that you can hang a pod of hot pepper next to a hard-to-reach wasp nest, and the insects themselves will change the location, since they cannot stand the aroma of the hot pod.

Nest in an apartment building

When getting rid of a nest in an apartment building, it is important to follow the recommendations:

  • do not use toxic drugs;
  • make sure that other household members and especially children are not in the apartment;
  • install mosquito nets, sewer grates and treat them with mint or citrus essential oils or vinegar to prevent wasps from entering neighboring apartments;
  • Before destroying a nest, warn neighbors so that they take the necessary safety measures.

If wasps have settled in an apartment building, the nest should be destroyed with extreme caution.


To protect yourself from repeated “invasion” of wasps, you need to:

  • in winter, carefully walk around the house and pay attention to cracks in the walls, floors, doorway, openings of an open valve, emergency exit and other locations convenient for placing a wasp nest: they must be carefully sealed;
  • destroy empty nests left for the winter;
  • trash bins and bins should be regularly emptied and washed with disinfectant: The smell of rotting food can attract wasps;
  • fruit trees are a tasty morsel for wasps, so if there are any, you need to collect fruits in a timely manner and pick up those that have fallen to the ground;
  • hang a fake nest: wasps rarely build nests near other colonies, as they are very territorial, an artificial, beautifully decorated nest can be bought at the store or you can make do with a brown paper bag.
  • I see the meaning of life in constant movement forward, in continuous self-improvement. The knowledge that I share in my articles are steps leading upward. They help you become better.

There are many ways and methods to get rid of wasps. Reduce the number of insects or completely destroy nests. The methods and methods of control differ depending on the location of the wasp family - on the street, outbuildings, garages, at home, in the yard or in the garden. Whatever method is used, you must always remember about the safety of your environment.

How to deal with wasps in an open area

If pests have infested your garden, garden, or flower bed, you can use it.

  • Fighting wasps is very quick and quite simple with fire. In the evening, when all members of the community are assembled, they carefully sneak up to the nest, pour it with a flammable substance, and quickly set it on fire. You can pour gasoline, kerosene, or machine oil. If you don’t want to destroy the wasps, but need to drive them out, they douse the nest and leave it as is. Unpleasant smell will force insects to look for another place, away from the unfavorable one.
  • . Traditional, effective method. If the nest is located in the soil, pour a bucket of boiled water and soap into it. No one has a chance to survive. If the hive is located on a tree, you need to carefully get to it and immerse it in a bucket of water. The effect is the same whether cold or hot. The entrance to the hive is located from below, therefore, blocking the exit with water, the insects are doomed.
  • Bonfire. If a wasp family has settled in the garden, you can smoke the wasps out with smoke. To do this, use special spirals or lighten the fire. The spiral is a pressed wood impregnated with an insecticidal substance. During the combustion process, acrid smoke is released, which not only repels wasps, but also poisons. A fire made of grass and logs only acts as a deterrent. Spirals are produced by many companies - Raptor, Clean House, Taiga, Off, etc. The method is often used if there are wasps on raspberries and grapes.
  • Wasps can be poisoned with poisonous bait or an insecticide solution that is used to water the nest. Near the wasp's house they place treats soaked in poison - jam, honey, sugar, cookies, meat, syrup. The product acts by contact, by food. Destroy the family from the inside. As soon as you poison yourself, the swarm of wasps will disintegrate. Often mixed into the bait boric acid. The product has no odor and retains its properties for a long time. outdoors. They fall asleep in the nest, make paths nearby, and add them to the bait. Rubit, an effective wasp repellent, is produced in the form of granules.

On a note!

It should be remembered that wasps leave the nest at the end of summer. Working individuals, the old queen die, young fertilized females. In the spring, the queen looks for a place for a future hive and may return to the old nest. To prevent this from happening, you need to dig up the empty nest and destroy it. Or cover it well with soil.

Indoor Pest Control

In addition to the land plot, insects can directly settle in wooden buildings, buildings, individual structures. Often a wasp nest is formed in the attic, on the roof, in the wall wooden house, on the window, under the floor. To get rid of wasps in the house, they use folk remedies, traps, and professional insecticidal preparations.

  • If wasps eat a wooden house, but live in close proximity, a strong smell or poison will help repel them. Treat the walls with a concentrated solution of vinegar - a glass of product in a bucket of water, and a solution of boric acid. Or, to remove pests, they impregnate the walls in wooden house insecticidal solution if wasps gnaw on the frame or other parts of it. Apply the product using a household spray bottle or spray bottle. Vinegar is not as effective against wasps, but is safe for the environment.
  • If there are wasps in the attic, you can kill them with poisonous bait. Use odorless insecticides - dusts different manufacturers, Lambda Zone, Het. Poison is added to honey, jam, syrup, sugar, pieces of fruit, and meat. The same method is used if the nest is placed in an inaccessible place - under the floor, in a wall, high on the roof. Allows for gradual etching.
  • You can remove wasps from under the roof of a house with a bucket of water. They carefully make their way to the hanging cocoon and plunge it into the water. After 20 minutes, simply remove the hive with wasps and destroy it.
  • You can remove wasps from the walls of your house by smelling essential oils. Saturate the walls, pour the solution into the cracks using a syringe. Use lavender, lemon balm, mint, rosemary, lemongrass. And also decoctions of garlic, tansy, wormwood. The same method is used if pests have settled under the siding of the house. The products will be expelled as long as the smell lasts.
  • If a nest is found under the slate, if wasps have settled in the garage, use polyurethane foam. They fill the entrance, completely the entire cocoon. Polyurethane foam Use indoors if pests live in cracks. Insects will begin to die from such a remedy instantly.
  • In a barn, under the roof of a house, on a balcony, an ordinary vacuum cleaner will help prevent wasps and bees. Direct the tube into the socket and turn it on at full power. After 15 minutes of exposure, turn off the device. Carefully remove the bag with insects and immerse them in water, where the pests will begin to die. The nest is removed and destroyed in any convenient way.
  • In a bathhouse, you can drive away wild wasps with insecticidal coils and special bombs. The checker is placed on a non-flammable surface and set on fire. Acrid smoke penetrates into any cracks and kills pests within an hour. Remains to act on the surface for up to 14 days. Maximum properties are retained for the first 2 hours and prevent the car from starting again for about a month.
  • Indoor wasp control means are not complete without. The simplest option is plastic bottle. Cut off the neck, turn it over, and fix it. Bait is poured inside. Over the course of a day, several dozen pests gather in such a trap.
  • To drive away wasps in a courtyard, garage, or any plot of land, they set fire to rubber. It smolders for a long time, smells unpleasant, and prevents it from flying into the area and continuing its life activities. The pests will fly away from the nest in a couple of hours. You need to repeat the procedure the next day.

Chemical methods of control

You can poison wasps at home with any insecticidal agent, but if bait is prepared, it should be odorless so as not to scare away pests in advance.

Folk remedies include boric acid, which does not smell of anything, acts like insecticides, helps to lime, expel, and exterminate pests. Disrupts work nervous system, provokes paralysis and death. But insects begin to die after the product enters the digestive tract. Methods of control with professional insecticides provide a destructive effect even upon contact with the poison.

Treatment against wasps with a poisonous agent must be carried out in a safe manner. You should work in a respirator, rubber gloves, a suit, and goggles if you have to spray high walls, ceiling, nest on a tree. The solution is prepared immediately before use. The maximum effect from this method of disposal lasts 2 days, the residual effect lasts from 14 days to 6 months. Microencapsulated preparations of the new generation - Tetrix, Executioner, Sinuzan - protect the treated surface for the longest time.

Baits placed on the window will help repel wasps from the table. Mix honey, sugar, jam, juice, lemonade, honey with the product. The poison begins to act within a few minutes.

On a note!

They also use ready-made baits in the form of a gel, which manufacturers use to poison ants in the house or in an open area. Gel does not dry for a long time, leaves no marks on the surface. Can be treated on walls, floors, or applied to any base. Effective remedies Great Warrior, Fas. In open areas, granular baits are also used, which are simply scattered over the area. From wasps, Chops, Super Face, Lethal force.

Insecticidal bombs are used indoors and outdoors. The action begins with the release of smoke. Insecticides paralyze insects and kill them in a few minutes. Properties are preserved indoors for up to 30 days, outdoors for about 14 days. The main advantage of the method is that the product penetrates into a variety of cracks; it can be used if the wasp family is located under the floor or in the wall. Effective means – Quiet evening, indoor aquafumigator Raptor. Spirals work in a similar way, but they must be placed in close proximity to the nest in order to repel new pests and poison existing ones. They erode very quickly.

Anti-wasp scent

Insects are sensitive to odors; sharp and persistent ones repel them. Therefore, you need to know. Depending on where this repelling method will be used, plant decoctions are used, essential oils or substances with a strong aroma.

  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • Melissa;
  • peppermint;
  • rosemary;
  • lemongrass;
  • citrus;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • machine oil;
  • kerosene;
  • petrol;
  • herring;
  • burnt rubber.

Maximum effectiveness is achieved by combining several methods and methods. It is advisable to combine repelling with poisoning. It is possible to radically destroy the hive with water or fire only in an open area, in an accessible place. Sometimes such methods.

How to get rid of wasps in a country house, in an apartment, or just at a picnic. This is an interesting question, especially for those who suffer from bite allergies. We will tell you how to find and destroy the nest of wasps, themselves, and what to do to prevent the wasps from coming back. As a bonus - how to do it effective trap from an ordinary plastic bottle!

Did you fly?)

Where do wasps come from in the house?

However, hello! I am Osa. Are you bored? Then we are flying to you.

If there are wasps in a private house, you need to determine where the nest is hidden. Here is a rough list of places to check first:

  • in the attic;
  • in the wall or floor;
  • in old things;
  • in hedges;
  • in non-residential buildings.

Wasp nests are common in the countryside. The main reasons for their appearance:

  • fruit trees in the dacha area;
  • natural migration;
  • insects that are food for the younger generation.

Please note that the wasp's nest can be very large.

How to find a wasp nest in a house or area

To get rid of wasps in the house, you need to find their nest. Don’t run after each of them with a fly swatter. There is one proven method: we place a piece of meat or some kind of sweet on the site; insects will fly to the smell emitted. It remains to be seen where they fly.

Hornets are the closest relatives of wasps. You could say they are their older brothers (if you compare them in size). All the recommendations and tips given in this article are also suitable for killing hornets.

How to get rid of wasps and hornets using folk remedies

Destruction of wasps is a completely solvable issue. Whether to destroy the wasp's nest completely, or simply drive out the unpleasant neighbors - everyone decides for himself.

It is best to start getting rid of pests in early spring or winter. During this period, their activity is minimal. If you find a wasp nest in the summer, during the period of their maximum activity, then everything fighting It's better to plan for late evening or night.

Don’t forget about the existence of special services that, for a fee, will get rid of wasps once and for all (so they promise). Professionals can rid you of insects that are even in the active phase.

But if you decide to do everything yourself, then let's look at the main ways to get rid of such unpleasant neighbors.

Getting rid of it with fire

Burning out a wasp's nest is a very effective and simple method, however, it is not always possible to use it. Since a wasp's nest is made of wood fibers processed by insects, it will not be difficult to burn it, but be careful. Don't burn down the house itself. Nobody needs fires.

This method of destroying nests cannot be used if the nests are located in areas with flammable materials.

How to get rid of it with water

If you can’t burn, then you can drown. Water is also suitable for destroying wasp nests. True, this method is convenient if you need to get rid of earthen wasps on the site, and not in the house itself. Its essence is simple: water is poured into the hole through a hose to the very top. Afterwards, the entrance is closed with anything, as long as it is secure. A board, a stone, or, in the end, the same plastic bag will do. The disadvantage of this method is that water can soften the walls of the underground tunnel and insects can get out.

In situations where the nest is located on the ceiling, use a bucket or pan of water. This method of destroying a wasp hive also works, but is more labor-intensive. The nest must be completely immersed in the container and pressed firmly against the ceiling. Next, a stop is placed under the bucket to hold it. A stepladder for example. The bucket should be kept in this position for at least a day, or preferably two.

Insecticides are the easiest way to get rid of wasps

Insecticides are another reliable way to get rid of striped predators. The method is very popular and will help get rid of wasps almost in one go. This way you can get rid of insects in your home.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Dilute the insecticide with water according to the instructions.
  2. Take a thick plastic bag without holes or other damage. We select the package size depending on the size of the nest. It should fit completely freely into it.
  3. We pour the insecticide into the bag and then carefully but quickly put the bag on the wasp nest and close all possible exits from it. If the nest is on a branch, then we simply tie the bag, if on the wall, we attach it with tape. Our task is to make sure that not a single insect gets out of it. After a couple of days, the package can be removed.

Insecticides include drugs such as Karbofos, Tetrix or Executioner. The disadvantage of using insecticides in the house is that the room will then need to be ventilated for a long time.

According to reviews, regular WD-40 helps a lot - a penetrating lubricant that is in the arsenal of any car enthusiast. True, it makes sense to use it if the nest has not grown to large sizes, because it may not be possible to spray all its inhabitants at once, but a response from them will follow immediately.

We poison wasps with poisoned baits

The principle of poisoning wasps using baits is very simple. It is necessary to treat meat, fish or anything sweet with a special poison. The pickled product is placed in a visible place. Actually, this is where your active actions are completed. Then the chemistry itself will do its job.

The bait should be placed so that children and pets cannot reach it.

Call a special service

They know their stuff!

Making a trap from a plastic bottle with your own hands

Making a simple wasp trap from a plastic bottle is one of the most common folk ways destruction harmful insects. The design of the trap is more than simple, but the result is excellent. All necessary materials There is a trap for such a thing in every home, and you can make it with your own hands in literally 15 minutes (of which 10 will be spent looking for the bottle itself).

Bottle trap drawing

To create a trap for killing wasps and hornets, you will need a regular plastic bottle, the neck of which must be cut off with a knife. It is better to initially take a larger bottle, for example 5 liters, so as not to clean it every 2-3 days. Next, the resulting funnel is inserted into the container and secured, and syrup or any other sweet bait is poured into the hole. To make the effect better, an insecticide is added to the bait. The principle of operation of the trap is simple - following the sweet smell, the insect falls through the neck of the funnel into the bottle, from where it cannot escape.

This is important: if traps are used in an apiary, then in order not to attract honey bees (our true workers and helpers) into it, beer or kvass is used as bait.

Traps of a similar design can be purchased ready-made in stores, but given the simplicity of their manufacture, there is not much point in purchasing them. This is an option for very lazy summer residents.

How to get rid of earthen wasps on the site

The most effective methods Insecticides and burning will kill common wasps. If there are ground wasps in the area, then their nest can be destroyed by flooding the nest with water (boiling water to be safe), but this method is less effective. Even better - pour one and a half to two liters into the nest flammable liquid(gasoline, kerosene) and set it on fire. Considering the material from which the nest is made, it should burn quickly and cheerfully.

How to get rid of wasps in a wooden house

Wood is a material that easily succumbs to fire. The method of burning the nest will not work here. Hmm... how to get rid of wasps in the attic?

In a private home, adhesive tapes work well. They are fireproof and soaked in sweet syrup, which is also a bait. When an insect lands on Velcro, it can no longer fly away from it and dies. This method is very economical and safe for private wooden houses.

Velcro tapes help get rid of any insects altogether. Flies, mosquitoes, horseflies. The tape doesn't care who sits on it. He won't be able to fly away anyway.

The only disadvantage of this method of getting rid of flying insects is that the tapes must be changed quite often. And the appearance of the tape with attached insects is not very good. Although, if it hangs in the attic, then no one can see it.

How to get rid of wasps in the apartment and on the balcony

Wasps are also common in apartments. Mostly on the balcony or loggia. Several flying individuals may begin to build a new nest for themselves. If the appearance of insects has become constant, then it’s time to think about the possibility that they have settled somewhere nearby.

Before getting rid of unnecessary guests, you need to find where the hive is hidden. You can determine the location of a wasp nest by sound. Usually this is a rather peculiar monotonous hum. To destroy a nest, you can use the methods already listed above, or simply blow out the entire nest or cavity where the wasps have settled with polyurethane foam.

You can also use carbide if you suddenly have it at hand. Just put it in the slot small size piece and moisten it with water. The gas released will quickly kill the insects.

Wear face protection when performing these procedures. , then you need to remove the sting from the bite site and treat the wound with peroxide.

Electric insect killers are another option. effective remedy, but the price of 3-5 thousand rubles, in our opinion, is too high for, sorry, a light bulb with a grid and a battery (the description is conditional, but the essence of the device accurately conveys, may their manufacturers forgive us). Insects fly towards the light, touch metal grating and receive an electric shock. That's it for them life path finished. Electric shredders are good for home or other closed premises, because they attract and kill all flying insects (flies, mosquitoes, moths, etc.). Whether to purchase such a device or not depends on the thickness of your wallet.

If you decide to poison wasps with an insecticide, then warn your neighbors, just in case.

What to do if the nest is not accessible

It also happens that the nest itself is inaccessible. In such places there may be cracks in the floor or walls in a wooden house. In this case, the gap can simply be sealed with cement or, again, foam.

A rather exotic method is to suck out insects with a vacuum cleaner. However, in this case there is no guarantee that the queen will be caught. If she stays on same place, then the wasp family will be replenished very quickly. The female may leave the habitat, considering it unsafe, but there is not much chance of this.

A good method of getting rid of wasps in the house is repellent sprays. They must be used at night, when all the individuals are going home. Sharp, unpleasant odors will force insects to change their habitat. The procedure should be carried out in protective clothing, which will protect you from attack.


  1. Never try to remove a wasp nest with your bare hands;
  2. When laying out poisoned baits, you should make sure that they are not eaten by pets;
  3. Burning insect homes should not be done near flammable objects;
  4. You cannot stay near the nest for a long time.

It is important to remember that wasps do not attack just like that. They protect themselves and their home, and therefore sudden and unnecessary movements near a wasp nest can lead to bites. Destroying wasps without destroying the nest itself is an ineffective measure. Most likely, after some time you will meet with them again.

Taking precautions when exterminating wasp nests will help avoid unwanted consequences.

How to Avoid an Attack


Meeting with one wasp to an ordinary person not scary. Often, we don’t even see or know that she is nearby. But if you notice that 5-7 of them are circling around you, then there is a considerable probability that there are still either their friends or a whole nest nearby. In order to prevent wasp attacks, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not approach or touch the nest of insects under any circumstances;
  2. You shouldn't wave your hands either. Your behavior should be calm;
  3. You should slowly move away to a safe distance;
  4. If the wasp does sting, then you cannot kill it, since the chemical compound released from the insect’s body at the moment of death is a signal for the other individuals to attack.

Why are wasps dangerous for humans?

If bee stings are medically proven, then the poison that wasps produce is unsafe and often causes various allergic reactions. Getting a bite is very easy, just disturb the insect. A wasp can inflict several blows on a person at once with a new amount of poison.

A wasp sting is much more painful than a bee sting. The reason is that it contains a lot of histamine, which provokes allergies!

The entry of poison into the blood often provokes severe allergic reactions. In severe cases, a person may go into anaphylactic shock, which can cause death. There may be an infection on the insect sting, which, if it enters the human body, can cause purulent inflammation. These are the main reasons why people destroy wasp nests.