home · Other · Bituminous corrugated sheet aqualine diagram. Bituminous corrugated sheets Aqualine (Aqualine). Optimal mechanical performance

Bituminous corrugated sheet aqualine diagram. Bituminous corrugated sheets Aqualine (Aqualine). Optimal mechanical performance


Make sure that adequate ventilation is provided (according to DIN4108). The gap between the Aqualine coating and the roof surface must be at least 8 cm. If necessary, sufficient ventilation can be achieved using additional elements.

Humidity screen ( underlay carpet) is necessary if the room under the roof area has high humidity: kitchen, bathroom, bathhouse.


When installing a roof made from Aqualine materials, walk only on those areas of the roof that have support from below.



Hammer, saw, tape measure, nails.


Depends on the angle of the roof. Required dimensions are indicated in table 1. The minimum roof angle is 7°.

(A, B, C, D see in Fig. 2)


Always start working from the bottom corner of the roof and against the direction of the prevailing winds.

Secure the sheets with nails according to the diagram shown in Figure 2.

To calculate the amount of overlap, use the data in table No. 1.

Drive the nails vertically into the top of the wave (Figure 3).

The order of driving nails is shown in Figure 4.

Corrugated bitumen sheets, or, as they are also called, Aqualine Euroslate, are produced in Belgium, in the city of Antwerp. The ASBO plant, which produces this popular roofing material in Europe, is considered one of the world's leading enterprises for the production of products with high performance waterproof. High-tech production, equipped modern equipment, allows the plant to produce Euro slates that fully comply with the strict European standards EN534 for bitumen sheets, as well as international standard ISO 9002 quality.

To produce Aqualine corrugated sheets, a mixture of organic and inorganic fibers is used. She is pressed under high pressure and then impregnated with bitumen under vacuum. This method ensures high homogeneity roofing material and does not allow moisture to penetrate its structure. The fibers adhere to each other in a direction parallel to the direction of the sheet. This ensures the strength of Euroslate and at the same time makes it flexible enough to make installation of the roofing material as convenient as possible.

Characteristics of Aqualine sheet:

  • Length - 2 m
  • Width - 0.92 m
  • Total area (usable) - 1.84 sq.m (1.54 sq.m)
  • Wave height/width - 36 mm / 92 mm
  • Number of waves - 10
  • Sheet weight - 5.6 kg

Advantages of Aqualine Euroslate:

  • is a modern roofing material
  • convenient for transportation, easy to use
  • can be installed over old coating
  • has a glossy self-cleaning surface
  • economical and environmentally friendly material

Color range of corrugated bitumen sheets Aqualine

The surface of the sheets is covered with high-quality acrylic, giving the Euroslate a glossy shine and smooth surface, on which atmospheric pollution does not linger and is quickly removed by precipitation, the service life of the corrugated bitumen sheet increases. Sheets of roofing material resist deformation well due to the fairly sharp angle of the waves. Euroslate is not afraid of moisture, strong wind, frost or heat.

Advantages of Aqualine bitumen sheet

  • Light weight of sheets. This makes working at height simple and easy. There is no need to strengthen the roof or its individual parts. Euroslate Aqualine is extremely easy to store and transport, since even 50 sheets can be transported in a passenger car - the total load capacity is 210 kg.
  • Easy to use, economical when installing in new buildings or replacing the roof in old ones.
  • Plasticity of the material. Thanks to this quality, he is not afraid of various types of loads. A nail driven into a bitumen sheet will not break it. The bitumen content in the sheets makes it possible not to use special sealing mixtures that need to be used to close the fastener hole. Bitumen itself is an excellent sealant. It is simply impossible to scratch Euro slate. Sheets can be used on curved surfaces.
  • Euroslate Aqualine does not heat up when exposed to sun rays. In this regard, it is comparable to ceramic tiles. Moisture never collects under this roofing material, which means that the likelihood of condensation forming is almost zero. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation and chemicals contained in the air, frost and icing.
  • Good sound insulation. Experts note that this is one of the quietest roofing coverings available today. Neither rain, nor hail, nor water flowing from the roof will interfere with comfortable living in a house covered with Aqualine.
  • Perhaps the cheapest roofing material after slate.
  • Waterproof and mildew resistant.
  • Can be recycled.
  • Reliably used on various types roofs (wooden, metal, reinforced concrete).

Bituminous corrugated sheets- These are organic fibers impregnated with bitumen. Formed into a ten-wave sheet from a homogeneous mixture of organic and inorganic fibers, they have a multi-layer, tightly compressed structure that guarantees good resistance to deformation upon impact.

WITH front side The sheets are covered with a protective and decorative paint layer based on polymers and light-resistant pigments. Surface treatment with high-density acrylic increases the durability of the roofing sheet and also protects it from ultraviolet radiation sun, wind and rain. Thanks to their coating, corrugated bitumen sheets (Euro slate) have such a surface structure that dirt from the atmosphere settled on the roof is removed by rain and sliding snow. For decorative design There are several options for sheet coloring available for roofing.

Euroslate is used not only in new construction, but also for repairing old roofing by imposing new ones on it roofing sheets without removing the old roof. Laying Euro slate does not require any special training. The material is easy to cut hand saw and is secured with special nails with a sealing cap. One person is enough to install Euro slate.

In Russian construction market materials from several manufacturers of corrugated bitumen sheets (Fig. 13) with similar sizes and technical characteristics are presented.

Rice. 13. Bitumen corrugated sheets and shaped parts

When installing Euro slate, follow the instructions of the material manufacturer, paying attention Special attention on the requirements for the sheathing. Otherwise, the installation of corrugated bitumen sheets from various manufacturers is not much different.

Typically, to install a roof made of corrugated bitumen sheets on flat roofs with a slope of 5 to 10° (from 1/11 to 1/6), it is necessary to perform a continuous sheathing of boards, moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards(OSB). Term continuous lathing from boards does not mean at all that the boards should be tightly pressed to each other; on the contrary, when laying, a gap of up to 5 cm is left between them. You can use an unedged board with the obligatory removal of the wane, and the laying direction alternates from the butt to the top and from the top to Comm. The overlap of euroslate sheets on each other with such a slope is equal to 300 mm, the side overlap is 2 waves.

On roofs with slope slopes from 10 to 15° (from 1/6 to 1/4), a sheathing made of wooden blocks with a section of 40 × 50 (h), 50 × 50 mm and an installation pitch of 45 cm along the axes is needed. The front overlap of the sheets is 200 mm, the side overlap is 1 wave.

For roofs with slopes of 15° and higher (from 1/4 or less), the pitch of the sheathing bars can be increased to 60 cm along the axes. Front overlap - 170 mm, side overlap - 1 wave (Fig. 14). In areas with large snow load or with potentially large drifts of snow on the roof, the interval between the battens of the sheathing should be left the same - 45 cm. If there is any doubt, it is recommended to reduce this interval even further.

Rice. 14. Euro slate lathing

The sheathing is made with an overhang slightly longer than required. For precise positioning For the spacing of the sheathing bars, a template cut from scrap lath is used. Eaves overhang The roof is provided with a fillet - a board nailed to the lower end of the rafter leg. Thus, on gable roofs, with the overhang of the laths and the length of the filly, you can reduce or increase the size of the entire roof slope, adjusting it to the most favorable cutting of the roof. For example, knowing usable area covering one roofing sheet, the size of the roof slope can be adjusted so that the amount of trimmings is minimal or so that the trimmings can be used on another slope. Therefore, when building a roof, it is better to make the slats and fillets longer than required; then it is easier to saw off the excess than to build up the missing.

For roofs of complex shapes, the cutting of the roof is done in special computer programs with a call to the surveyor to the site. For simple roofs it can be done on graph paper and tracing paper (Fig. 15). To do this, the position of the roofing sheets is drawn on graph paper, and a plan of the roof slope is drawn on tracing paper. The tracing paper is placed on the graph paper and moved along it until it is found optimal solution. When predicting the cutting of hip roofs, you need to make sure that the top of the corner sheets is on the lath, otherwise it will be difficult to fasten them, you will have to install bars with undercuts along the edge of the hip. Along the length of the slope, the cut sheets can be placed both at the eaves and at the ridge unit. According to the width of the slope, as an option, you can not lay a whole number of sheets with a remainder on the edge, but cut one sheet lengthwise and place it in the center or any other place in the row, then the outermost sheet of the row will be wider and will fit well on the sheathing.

Unsuccessful cutting, corner sheets do not lie on the sheathing

Unsuccessful cutting, a lot of illicit scraps

Successful cutting, corner sheets lie on the sheathing, and trimmings can be used on another slope

Rice. 15. An example of cutting a hip roof slope

Manufacturers of Euro slate recommend starting the second row of roofing sheets with a sheet cut in half; in this case, a good overlap is obtained. However, this is only true for rectangular slopes, on which an integer number of sheets is obtained in the first row. If a hip roof is made (with trapezoidal slopes) or gable roof(with rectangular slopes), on which a whole number of sheets does not fit, you can deviate from this rule. Both the first and second rows can be started with a sheet cut along the length, the width of which will give least amount waste along the entire slope. The main thing is that the overlap of the second row does not overlap with the overlap of the first row, otherwise it will end up with four layers of roofing. If matching the longitudinal edges cannot be avoided, then the corners of the roofing sheets are cut off (Fig. 12). In this case, when predicting cutting, it is better to draw the roofing sheets on tracing paper and the roof slope on graph paper. Place tracing paper on graph paper and move until you find it best option cutting

Before laying the sheets on the roof, the rectangularity of the gable slopes is checked or marked, which is preferable (Fig. 16). On hip roofs in advance, even during the device rafter system, you need to try to make the angles of the hip ribs the same. This is ensured correct marking and laying mauerlat beams and purlins. Only the same angles of inclination of the hips allow waste-free use of trimmings on opposite slopes.

Rice. 16. Checking or marking right angles of roof slopes and a method for eliminating small errors

The rectangularity of the slopes is checked (marked) using the right triangle formula: the length of the hypotenuse should be equal to square root from the sum of the squares of the legs. To check (mark) right angles, you can put together right triangle with sides: legs - 3 and 4 m, hypotenuse - 5 m, or legs 1.5 and 2 m, hypotenuse - 2.5 m. You can not make a triangle, but use two tape measures: alternately putting aside the legs and checking the length of the hypotenuse. It’s hard to say what to give preference to; climbing on the roof with both tape measures and triangles is not very convenient. After determining the rectangularity of the roof slopes, the trim lines are “beaten off” with coated thread, the “extra” length of the laths and fillets is sawed off. Manufacturers of Euro slate allow some deviation of the slopes from right angles. Euroslate flexible material, so it can be slightly stretched or compressed, like an accordion bellows, but not more than 2% of the original width. For sheets with a width of 950 mm this is no more than 2 cm, for sheets with a width of 1220 mm - 2.5 cm.

The roof is installed towards the prevailing winds () at positive temperatures. The bitumen with which the sheet is impregnated “does not like” frost, the sheet becomes hard and brittle. Bitumen also “doesn’t like” the scorching sun; the sheet becomes too soft and malleably changes shape when nailed too tightly.

To install the first sheet on a rectangular roof, mark the width of the roofing sheet from the corner along the eaves and make a mark with a colored pencil. Then measure the same width and mark along the roof ridge. Mark a chalk line connecting these two marks. To determine the length of the free roof overhang above the eaves, hammer nails into the corner rafters and stretch the twine from corner to corner at a distance of 4.5–7 cm from the eaves along its entire length. Here it is necessary to make a reservation; different European slate manufacturers recommend different amounts of free overhang for their sheets, which ranges from 4.5 to 7 cm. This value depends on the thickness of the corrugated bitumen sheets. Adhere to the amount of free roof overhang recommended by the roofing manufacturer. If the overhang is made larger, then the edge of the roof will bend down either under the weight of snow or under the scorching sun.

Lay the first sheet down, aligning it with the string stretched from corner to corner and the chalk line. If the roof slope is rectangular, the sheet will align well with them; it must be immediately secured with nails. If the slope is not rectangular, align the sheet along the cord and nail it in one wave along the length of the sheet, and stretch or compress the other side, leveling the sheet along the edge of the slope or along the chalk line. It is advisable that the chalk line be perpendicular to the cord stretched along the cornice, then by aligning the first sheet along the chalk line and the cord and pulling it aligned onto the edge of the slope, no more than this procedure will be required, the remaining sheets of the first row will lie flat, they will only need to be aligned along lace. When using wind corners in the roof, it is not necessary to align the edge of the sheets along the edge of the slope; small errors in the rectangularity of the slope will be covered by the wind corner.

Fastening of corrugated bitumen sheets is carried out in a strict sequence (Fig. 17): first the edges of the sheet are fastened, then the middle, then the remaining nails are achieved. The sheets are flexible; if this sequence is not followed, then accidentally tightening a heavily driven nail can change the geometry of the sheet. For example, if you sequentially hammer nails into each wave of a sheet, then with heavily hammered nails you can roll it into a “pancake”. Following the rule of fastening sequence will “forgive” an accidentally driven nail. No nails are driven into the last crest of the wave (or the last two crests), it will go under the overlap of the second sheet and will be secured when this sheet is attached. Nails are also not hammered in the upper part of the sheet; there will be an overlap with the sheets of the second row, followed by fastening. If a corner wind corner is used, then the nails are not driven into the crest of the first wave; it will be fixed together with the installation of the shaped part - the wind corner. The corner shaped part is fastened with nails or fastening screws through the flange of the shaped part and the crest of the sheet wave to each lath.

Rice. 17. Rules for installing corrugated bitumen sheets (the circles show the sequence of driving nails into the corrugations of the sheet)

In the first and last sheet of the row, nails are driven through the outer wave into each lath and through each wave crest of the sheet into the lower lath; in the middle of the sheet, nails are driven through the wave and through the lath. 22 nails are driven into an ordinary ten-wave roofing sheet with a lath pitch of 45 cm. The first row of nails is driven into each wave crest, then in a checkerboard pattern.

The second and subsequent sheets of the first row are installed aligned with a cord that regulates the amount of free overhang. When the work is done especially well, for each subsequent sheet of the row, a chalk line is struck from the cornice to the ridge, perpendicular to the lace and regulating the width of the sheet. These lines will not visually allow you to tighten the roofing sheets with strong nailing and change their geometric dimensions.

The second row of sheets begins with a sheet cut lengthwise, dividing it into two or more parts, if required by the cutting of the roof. the main objective cutting the first sheet of the second row: avoid overlap large number layers, secondary - aesthetic, make longitudinal joining seams in a checkerboard pattern. Although on long distance, namely from there you can see the roof; the side joints of the sheets are almost invisible. The sequence of installation of sheets of the second row is the same as that of the first: the coated line is knocked out, the sheet is leveled along it and nailed. It is necessary to monitor the amount of overlap; it must correspond to the slope of the roof. If the sheathing bars were placed carefully and according to the template, then the overlap will be obtained automatically.

Sheets are cut lengthwise using a sharp cutter along the wave trough. Width cutting is done with a wood saw with an oiled blade or electric saws: compass or jigsaw. It is better not to use a grinder with sanding discs, as they will melt the bitumen. Nails are driven only into the wave crest perpendicular to the sheathing. An unsuccessfully driven nail is pulled out with a piece of pipe trimmed under the stop of the nail puller with a diameter approximately equal to the depth of the sheet wave (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. Cutting the roofing sheet and pulling out a poorly driven nail

The pier, in the place of the side overhang of the roof above the gables, is designed in two ways: using a corner shaped part and bending the roof onto the wind board (Fig. 19). The second method is recommended to be done only in warm weather, when the euro slate sheets become soft due to solar heating, or the roof overhang needs to be heated with the hot air of a hair dryer.

Rice. 19. Options for designing an overhang over the gables of a roof made of corrugated bitumen sheets

The junctions of the roof with the walls, valleys and ridges are made in the same way as on roofs made of asbestos-cement corrugated sheets using the shaped parts supplied with the euro-slate. The difference in the work is that the euro slate shaped is fastened to each crest of a wave of roofing sheets or to each lath. Let us recall once again that, unlike hard asbestos-cement slate Euroslate is a soft material, which is why so many nails are driven in. In addition, special self-adhesive waterproofing tapes are made for Euro-slate, thanks to which there is no need to install niches in the walls and lay bricks on pipes (Fig. 20. However, waterproofing tapes do not exclude the use of traditional junctions between the roof and walls and pipes. On the contrary, sharing in these nodes of niches, brick overlaps and waterproofing tapes increases the reliability of the roof.

Rice. 20. Connections soft roofs to walls and pipes

Fractures of roof slopes are made using isosceles corner pieces. One shelf of which goes under the roof of the upper slope, the other goes over the roof of the lower slope (Fig. 21).

Rice. 21. Fractures of roof slopes made of soft bitumen sheets

To provide ventilation for the under-roof space, depending on the roof structure, breathable pads can be installed under the corrugated bitumen sheets. Their use will ensure penetration of air masses under the roof and drying inner surface roofs, laths and rafters, while limiting the entry of birds and insects under the roof.

The Belgian company ATAB is a subsidiary of the IKO concern, a manufacturer, and has been producing construction materials for more than a century waterproofing materials. Among other items, ASBO ATAB plants produce Aqualine corrugated roofing material. During its activity, the company has accumulated a wealth of experience, which is embodied in new cutting-edge developments. building materials. Manufactured products are exported to several dozen countries. Like any European manufacturer, the company carefully monitors the quality and environmental safety of its products.


Aqualine consists of 20 layers of organic and inorganic fibers. Each of the layers is multi-directional, thus achieving high strength of the sheets. The fibrous base is impregnated with bitumen under vacuum conditions and low temperatures. The surface of the sheets is covered with acrylic, which gives the roofing material a glossy shine and a smooth surface from which all dirt is easily washed off, so the roof looks neat. Sheets of roofing material resist deformation well due to acute angle waves But you can walk on them during work or inspecting the roof only in those places where the sheathing is laid.

  • the size of Aqualine sheets is 2.0x0.92 m;
  • sheet weight – 5.2 kg;
  • number of waves per sheet – 10;
  • wave angle – 40°;
  • sheet thickness – 0.024 cm;
  • wave width – 9.2 cm;
  • wave height – 3.5 cm;
  • the surface area covered by the sheet, taking into account overlaps, is 1.54 m².

The color range of Aqualine sheets is quite diverse; the manufacturer’s line includes: black, shades of brown, green and red. Mineral dye is added directly to acrylic coating before applying to sheets. Due to the surface layer, the base of the sheets is protected from exposure ultraviolet irradiation and getting wet. Sheets should be stored in a closed, dry, warm, well-ventilated area. The Aqualine roof has guarantee period use – 10 years, provided that storage was carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Installation of sheets on the roof

The sheets are mounted on top of the sheathing, the pitch of which depends on the slope of the roof. For flat roofs Aqualine cannot be used. For small slopes - 7-10°, the lathing must be installed in increments of 0.2 m. For roofs with a slope of 10-20°, the lathing cannot be installed in increments of more than 0.46 m. ​​And for roofs with a slope of more than 20° - 0, 62 m respectively.

The ventilation gap between the waterproofing and the sheets must be more than 0.08 m. A vapor barrier layer is not required in most cases, with the exception of rooms with increased vapor generation: kitchen, bathroom.

Installation work can only be carried out in positive temperatures.

For roofs with slopes of 7-10°, Aqualine is laid with an overlap of 2 waves and with an end overlap of at least 0.2 m. For roofs with a large slope, a side overlap of 1 wave is sufficient, and the end overlaps will be 0.16 m (for 10 -20°) and 0.14 m (over 20°), respectively. The eaves overhang can be no more than 0.07 m.

The work proceeds from the cornice to the ridge. The first row should be laid from the direction of the prevailing wind direction. Each even row must begin with half a sheet, then you will not have 4 sheets meeting at one point at the same time.

Euroslate Aqualine is nailed to the top of the wave. Nails should not sink into the surface of the material and crush it. At the ends, the sheets are nailed into each wave. When installing a side overlap, nails are driven directly into the overlap itself and into the waves along its edges. On the remaining surface of the sheet, nails are driven through the wave. When installing the skate, the fastening is made in each wave. The overlap must be at least 0.15 m wide. Ridge elements are supplied by the manufacturer along with Aqualine sheets and it is better, of course, to use them. For valleys, gables, and junctions, the manufacturer produces appropriate elements that are recommended for use during installation.

If you want to lay sheets on an old roof, you do not need to dismantle it, but work can only be done on a dried surface and you must provide a ventilation gap of 0.08 m.

Unfortunately, we were unable to find professional reviews about the material, so we provide only the manufacturer’s information that the sheets have quality certificates from European countries and Russia.