home · Installation · Attic interior in a modern style small house. Bedroom in the attic (54 photos): layout and interior design ideas. Attractiveness of the attic space

Attic interior in a modern style small house. Bedroom in the attic (54 photos): layout and interior design ideas. Attractiveness of the attic space

In order to have a great attic bedroom without any flaws, you need to think through many points and nuances. In this article you will learn about the intricacies and problems that you will encounter.

Pros and cons of an attic bedroom

What's good about living in an attic:

  • Good opportunity to expand living space(if the bedroom is in the attic, you can expand the kitchen, bathroom or guest room).
  • Saving finances(an attic costs less than a full floor).
  • Aesthetically beautiful(a house with two floors has a less attractive appearance, it is too bulky).
  • Wonderful view from the window.

Disadvantages of living in an attic:

  • It is necessary to think about heating for the room, in the winter it is cold in the attic without proper heating (ordinary heaters will not save), so insulation will be expensive.
  • Needed quality windows , in winter snow accumulates on them, in autumn it rains, so low-quality windows will leak, and they must also be of normal size in order to let in a sufficient amount of light.
  • Psychologists do not recommend staying in the attic all the time, since sloping ceilings put pressure on a person (resulting in a tense state), a feeling of irritation appears from dead zones (corners that cannot be approached at full height).

Attic bedroom design, what needs to be taken into account?

When designing, it is initially necessary to start from the building itself as a whole. Electrical systems must interact with those already in the house (lights, sockets).

You need to pay attention to the selection of windows; they must let in enough light and air. Consider the location of the windows so that you can arrange the objects in the room as comfortably as possible.

It is important to consider the height of the roof. If a person cannot stand at full height, then this is not right. This will create additional inconvenience.

Based on the height of the roof, you can decide what objects, how tall they are and where to place them.

First, arrange the most necessary things: bed, bedside tables, perhaps table lamps. Then, if desired and possible (since there may be little space), add a coffee table or desk, armchair, chairs, cabinets, and shelves to the room. It is advisable to give preference to compact items.

Selection of styles

Modern style(carries convenience, comfort, simplicity, most importantly functionality, modern materials and furniture. Ideal style for an active and mobile person).

Classic(this is a spacious room, mirrors, elements of sculptures, expensive silk and noble colors, everything that contributes comfortable rest, and also subtly hints at luxury. Good for a self-confident person).

Provence(romance and comfort, light shades, functionality, wooden furniture, natural fabrics. An excellent solution for those who want silence, a relaxing holiday and to be closer to nature).

Attic bedroom in wooden house (creates comfort and coziness, these are fabric wallpapers, lack of decorations, natural colors, creates the impression country house. This will be the best option, and is also ideal for a person who loves comfort, nature, a dacha and looking at the starry sky).

Advice! A bedroom in the attic can be made in the same style as the whole house.


Curtains on skylights not easy to choose. They have their own characteristics. Firstly, the windows are placed at an angle, which means that ordinary curtains will not fit here.

Secondly, roof windows, unlike ordinary ones, have a different opening mechanism. Thirdly, since the windows are sloping, more sunlight enters the room, so careful protection is necessary on hot sunny days.

The most suitable curtains for an attic bedroom

Plise(curtains fold like an accordion (like blinds), are made of fabric, they do not need a cornice or other methods of lower fixation, they protect well from sun rays).

Rolled(curtains are rolled up or rolled up and closed with a box; the good thing is that they don’t need special ties or curtain rods to attach them; you can choose almost any material and its color for them).

Receptionist(curtains are made of thick fabrics, a lower curtain rod is needed to fix them, they protect perfectly from the sun’s rays, and are quite comfortable).

1) Before choosing curtains, you need to decide how much they should protect from sunlight.
2) A good option would be a combination of a porter (for sunny days) and a curtain (when protection from sunlight is not needed)

fucking and its arrangement

Furniture with ordinary bedroom Most likely it won't fit in the attic. It is advisable if there is not much of it (the required minimum). Furniture in light colors will look better.

Instead of armchairs, you should give preference to chairs and an ottoman. If you need to place a closet, it would be better to have a built-in one. If you can do without it, you can opt for shelves and drawers

Advice: It is better to make a cabinet to order, as it is difficult to find a suitable model.

Some ideas for arranging furniture

Dead zones can be filled with built-in cabinets in which bed linen, blankets, blankets, and pillows can be stored. If this is not necessary, then this space can be replaced with shelves and filled with books, magazines, and flowers.

A good solution would be to place the head of the bed against a low wall, so the ceiling rises up behind the view, this gives a feeling of comfort.

You can place a table near the window, placing ottomans nearby. If it is necessary to place a cabinet, a good place for him near the wall.

Ceiling and floor

The ceiling has its own height standards. The highest point should be a little more than two meters, the lowest a little more than a meter. If the measurements do not meet the standards, it is recommended to take roofing work and enlarge the roof, and at the same time insulate it. The arrangement of furniture depends on the type of roofing.

There are several types of roof roofing:

  • Shed roof(allows you to place the head of the bed against a low wall, a closet opposite it, and place a closet along the wall)
  • Gable(the bed can be placed against a low wall, a table and chairs can be placed opposite it, built-in cabinets are located in dead areas).
  • Multi-slope(there is enough space under it, it will allow you to place a bed, a table, ottomans, lockers and a large closet).
  • Tent(it can accommodate two small bedrooms, a bedroom and a work surface).

The ceiling in the attic can be made in several ways:

  • Stretch ceiling(the surface of the ceiling will be perfectly flat, such a ceiling will look stylish, well suited for a modern style).
  • Drywall(simple and versatile material, can be painted in a suitable color for the room, allows you to make the surface as smooth as possible, well suited for modern style, for classics, making a plasterboard ceiling is easier than stretching).
  • Binder wooden clapboard (good for attic bedroom in wooden style and for Provence style (if you choose in light colors)

Attic floors

Floors in the attic can be concrete or wooden. For the first option, the overlap method is simpler, it also retains heat well and isolates noise.

Linoleum, parquet, laminate and tiles can be laid on top of it. In the second option, the method of covering is more complicated, since it requires compliance with a number of requirements (if something is not done, done incorrectly, even if it’s a small thing, the floor will eventually “walk”).


  • The most ideal option would be a concrete coating. It is advisable to use parquet on top of it; it retains heat and goes well with most styles.
  • The worst covering option would be laminate (it can be confused with parquet, but parquet is made from natural wood, laminate is an artificial material), linoleum (the coating, which is laid in layers, is also made of artificial materials) and tiles (since they are cold).

It is impossible to do without it - light

The attic, like any room, should be well lit. If you choose the right lamps, the room will look good. They will hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

Options for lighting a bedroom in the attic:

  • General lighting (placed in the upper zone of the room, illuminates the entire room, these are chandeliers, LEDs in the ceiling)
  • Local (they illuminate a specific area, are placed in any area of ​​the room, this includes sconces, floor lamps, table and floor lamps, spotlights).

Advice: The most ideal option for lighting a bedroom in the attic would be a combination of general and local lighting.

The design ideas for the attic bedroom are quite original idea, and this is mainly due to the unconventional shape of the roof.

When creating such an interior, it is important to consider several important rules in order to further obtain an original and most comfortable environment.

Like any other style, it has its positive and negative qualities.

Benefits include:

  • the use of space under the roof, which helps to significantly increase the total space of the room;
  • Due to the considerable space, this style makes it possible to equip sleeping area bathroom, toilet, dressing room and office;
  • it is possible to visually divide into zones through the unusual shape of the roof;
  • a wide variety of materials can be used for finishing, regardless of their cost;
  • You can easily use additional lighting by adding windows.

The main disadvantages include:

  • requires additional insulation of the roof, which will entail spending a considerable amount of money;
  • zoning depends on the shape of the roof, and this fact cannot be changed in any way;
  • due to availability a certain shape premises, the choice of furniture for the bedroom is not diverse, it is mainly selected from the designers’ sketches, and their placement is also determined according to the ideas of specialists.

Bedroom layout depending on roof type

An attic may have a straight and even ceiling, but this phenomenon is relatively rare, just like the complete absence of a ceiling.

The method of decorating the interior of an attic bedroom depends on the type of roof. In this case there are:

  • single-pitched - the design includes a variety of options, and it does not matter where the sleeping area or cabinets will be located;
  • gable - eliminates the possibility of installing large-sized furniture, especially in height, perfect for a children's room for two children;
  • multi-slope - with proper use of all the unusual interior details, you can ultimately get a good interior.

Another quite popular option is considered hip roof. It has the ability to divide the attic into two almost identical rooms.

Finishing options for the attic bedroom

When creating an attic bedroom design, special attention is paid to the surface of the ceiling, since it determines how attractive the bedroom will ultimately be.

While creating modern bedroom In a stylistic variant, the surface is very often leveled using plasterboard.

The same material is used to decorate the walls and ceiling of the bedroom, and the most common are:

  • lining;
  • panels;
  • wallpaper.

Due to this design, there is a significant increase in space.

As for color solutions, it is important to consider several details when choosing:

  • lighting through skylights;
  • if there is insufficient natural light, it is better to use light shades together with some bright accessories;
  • if the windows are large enough, then it is better to use contrasting combinations, but without dark options; a combination of black and white looks good;
  • If there is a finish in rich colors, it is better to use furniture in calm shades.

Very often, such rooms have insufficient lighting. That is why it is better to decide in advance on additional sources of light.

To improve lighting, some design secrets can be used, for example, the use of mirrors, floor lamps, sconces or table lamps. This is especially evident in the photo of the attic bedroom.

Very often the so-called spot lighting, false window or LEDs are used.

Stylistic solution for an attic bedroom

First of all, before you start creating the room of your dreams, you should decide on the style of the bedroom on the attic floor, taking into account all its features:

  • minimalism – restrained and quite simple, using a minimum number of colors;
  • Scandinavian - creating a homely atmosphere through the use of a small amount of funds;
  • marine - is especially popular, its distinctive feature is the striped pattern;
  • loft – suitable for any size room;
  • classic - implies large furniture and large details;
  • Country - has several varieties, with the French version considered the most common.

In addition to the style decision, it is important to consider several recommendations. First of all, it is important to carry out insulation common area attic bedrooms.

Do not clutter the room too much, otherwise the room will resemble an attic. It is recommended to pay special attention window spaces and textiles.

Also, if you have a large room, it is better to divide it into several zones to maintain comfort and coziness.

Photo of the attic bedroom

To create a room to suit your taste and make it cozy, comfortable, economical and functional, you need a lot of information and a lot of time and effort.

If the space is small, doing everything becomes much more difficult, but still possible.

Nowadays, more and more people want to use absolutely all the space that is possible to the maximum.

In private houses they even use attics, they set up rooms there and live happily. The best option According to the advice of designers, making a bedroom in the attic is better than a kitchen or, for example, a living room.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures. For example, the ceiling is not dimensionless and in the attic it is supported on beams, which can be very advantageously used in bedroom design.

When creating a country-style attic bedroom, use light tones on the walls and ceiling. An excellent option would be wallpaper with a small pattern or pattern.

There is no need to purchase wallpaper or wall coverings with large patterns; this is not the best solution for a bedroom. Such covering on the walls will put pressure on family members.

If you want Provence style, then the beams in the attic do not need to be covered with anything; they will look harmonious in their real form. Over time, the tree will look a little antique and it will be beautiful and stylish. Then you also need to use industrial materials in this design, such as glass and metal.

With the help of natural beams and walls without plaster, the room will look more spacious.

Sometimes in country houses, the walls are covered with clapboard, this is a good option for country style.

Classic or minimalism are also perfect for an attic bedroom. In this case, there should be no bulky furniture or unnecessary decorative items. Everything should be clear and in good taste.

Color spectrum

The best color for an attic bedroom is light shade. If the walls are light, then it is better to equip the floor light colors. But in this style it is not recommended to use dark pieces of furniture.

But light colors in the attic are not a necessary part. You just need to remember that if the walls are dark, then the furniture needs to be larger and rougher. Great option There will be solid wood furniture.

If you paint the ceiling and floor in light colors, you can use the color of the walls at your discretion. Just remember that everything must fit together.

Furniture for a bedroom in the attic

Furniture needs to be chosen wisely. The attic space almost always has a small area and it will not be possible to install the furniture that you really want. You need to calculate possibilities with desires.

First you need to put in the furniture that is needed first, which is, of course, the bed. It should be placed at the smallest and lowest wall. It’s also a good option to place the bed closer to the window.

There is little space in the attic, so it is better to avoid bulky cabinets. It is better to store things in the bed; now there is a large selection of beds that have pull-out cabinets underneath.

When creating a room in the attic, you need to remember that in such a place you can apply the most unusual design measures.

  • When creating an attic bedroom, there are some tips to keep in mind.
  • No matter what style and design you want to create for yourself in this bedroom, everything should be combined and look like one.
  • The room should be cozy and comfortable, because the bedroom is intended for relaxation and sleep.
  • The room should be warm, because the attic is not intended for living.

The windows should be insulated, but at a convenient time they can be opened to ventilate the room.

Photo of the attic bedroom

The useful space under the roof above the first floor can always be used rationally. Why do you need non-residential cold attic When, with a reasonable approach, can it be turned into a full-fledged living space? The design of the attic will require attention and investment, as a result you get additional area, it can be turned into a bedroom, living room, office or cinema room. An insulated attic will save up to a quarter of the energy that is usually used to heat a house.

Second floor design

Previously, the attic was not intended for living. Later they began to place servants there. Today it has become fashionable to create living rooms under the roof itself.

If for equipment attic floor it is necessary to reconstruct the rafter system; the services of professionals may be required. When heating, ventilation and electricity are already present, you can think through the interior yourself.

Points to consider when creating the interior of a house with an attic:

  • Mandatory insulation, the presence of all utilities. In matters of arrangement, you need to be very careful and be technically savvy in their decisions.
  • It’s good to think about how to use walls, beams, and slopes in the interior of the room.
  • It is rational to approach vertical windows or those located in skylights, with their help to achieve maximum illumination.
  • In finishing, use those materials that show the greatest moisture resistance.
  • Do not get carried away with a large amount of furniture, unnecessary details, accessories, remember the rule: low ceilings require equally low furniture.
  • Try to use natural finishing materials.
  • Use the space rationally, in the process of being passionate about design development, and not make it more cramped.

Small attic

The modest size of the room is not an obstacle to creating a stylish interior. Sloping ceilings take up a large share of space. This can always be played up, the volume and area can be increased with the help of successful lighting, maximizing the height and width of window openings, and a harmonious color scheme.

Attic bedroom

Depending on the degree of inclination, the room under the roof is adapted for different purposes. With a low angle of inclination, the attic will be an ideal place to locate a bedroom. Her comfort and romance will only benefit, she will become quieter, warmer, through the windows you can admire the starry sky.

To decorate the space, they choose a traditional style and arrange it in an oriental or aristocratic manner. In any case, first you will have to start from the height of the room, do not chase large parts, and settle on more compact ones. First you will need to arrange the most necessary furniture, and fill the remaining space with other details.

When choosing finishes, they rely on the materials that were used in the design of the house. An eco-style will look natural in the bedroom, where there is a lot of wood, classic finish wallpaper that will emphasize beauty and comfort. Particular attention is paid to textiles. He will place accents and give a unique look.

What can be done if the ceiling in the room is very low? Even in such a situation it is possible to equip cozy bedroom. A “tatami” bed will be the way out, and the entire interior should be designed in the style of oriental minimalism. The ceiling will visually rise if it is in light colors.

Living room in the attic

A cozy living room in the attic can be created with a minimum of effort. The main thing is that the guest room is spacious and solid. A carefully thought-out design can turn even a small room into a reception area for guests.

To visually expand the narrow volume of the attic, you need to strive for light colors in everything: use plastic, transparent glass furniture, and make the walls as light as possible.

The first rule for accessories will be the unity of all parts. For windows the best way Translucent fabrics are suitable. They will look good blackout curtains, blinds.

The style of the living room should match your interests, mood, and be in harmony with the entire decoration of the house. Choose from the following areas:

  • Classic. She is characterized by luxury and grace. You will need high-quality furniture, carpets, and chandeliers. The main decoration of the interior should be the fireplace area. There are no bright colors, everything is orderly.
  • Modern modern. Functionality, simplicity, practicality. The atmosphere of the room is dominated by warm pastel shades, there are dark elements. All details are in harmony.
  • Retro. The situation is typical for the end of the century before last. The living room is furnished and decorated with paintings of that time. Instead of a fireplace, you can build a cast-iron stove or its styling.
  • Provence. A popular destination due to its sophistication and romance. Finishing and furniture is subject to antiquity. The room is warmed by warm southern tones.
  • High tech. For modern lovers of creativity. Everything in decoration corresponds to the latest fashion. Lots of chrome and glass parts. Strict forms, monotony, minimalism.

Kitchen and dining room under roof

It’s great if this idea comes to your mind at the stage of laying the building. Arranging a kitchen will require appropriate communications. Not only light and insulation will be needed, but also gas and water supply.

A well-thought-out attic interior with a kitchen and a dining room can become as comfortable and beautiful as possible, the choice of style, furniture, taking into account the nuances of the layout of the room, the height of the ceilings, and the shape of the ceilings are important.

Where the ceiling is sloping, place the hob, install a sofa and a table with a sink. Give preference modular systems, cabinets with sloping walls. The best option is multi-level furniture, preferably on wheels, no massive sets in the style of classicism. Avant-garde and techno functionality with bright color accents, unusual furniture will be more appropriate.

When designing the interior of the kitchen, you need to consider that:

  • natural light is best provided by large skylights;
  • it is better to buy furniture in bright colors, keep the walls and ceiling in pastel colors;
  • with proper planning kitchen furniture place against the wall, which is perpendicular to the slope;
    dining table it will be good by the window;
  • the colors of the kitchen and dining areas should be combined with each other, even better if the contrasts between them are opposite.

The design of the windows on the attic floor, where the kitchen will be located, may dictate a complete lack of decor. The most convenient option is roller blinds, blinds.

Children's room

"Dead zones", the inconvenience of planning - those claims that are usually made in the process of working on the design of the attic floor. In the case of a nursery, sloping walls, not quite accessible corners, on the contrary, can create additional opportunities. Features of the relief of the walls, differences in the height of the ceilings can be well beaten. High-mounted windows are safer than traditional ones.

First of all, you need to think about good insulation, the safety of all materials used, the convenience of planning.

The child will like to be the sole owner of a separate room, which he can settle in at his own discretion. The room will be a good observation point away from close parental supervision. It is easy to organize several zones here: for recreation, games, storage of many toys, things, creative activities.

For a nursery, it is important to have an abundance of light and bright accents. Fits well into the interior unusual furniture, colorful textiles on the sleeping places, all kinds of soft floor coverings, many interesting colorful lamps in different zones space.

Office, workshop or library

In a small private house it is always difficult to allocate a separate room for an office or workshop. In the former attic you can organize a cozy area for privacy, reading, and your favorite hobby. big space not required, a few are enough square meters. If there are no restrictions in meters, there will be room for impressive bookshelves, a soft sofa or a fluffy rug with many cozy pillows for relaxation, a rocking chair in a separate corner with a floor lamp.

The attic room is decorated with open shelves or closed shelving for books, tools, use all the space to the maximum.

In order not to reduce the space of the attic floor, you should not cover massive wooden beams with plasterboard. This will prevent the already limited space from being narrowed, will give the interior individuality, and the atmosphere of the office with a large amount of equipment and electronics will become warmer.

Bathroom in the attic

The attic floor, due to its specificity, sloping ceiling, walls with different levels, is rarely used for functional purposes. In a large metropolis, the entire apartment may turn out to be attic space. When creating the interior of a country house, utilitarian rooms can also be placed under the roof itself.

There are some nuances here; when drawing up a design project for an attic, not only the size of the room is taken into account, the height of the owners and ergonomic laws are taken into account. The result is a comfortable, practical bathroom; it is better to place it above kitchen area. This will simplify the operation of water supply and sewerage systems. Most often, a toilet or bathtub is installed close to a sloping wall. If the dimensions of the room are small, then it is better to install a shower stall instead.

Plumbing and furniture should be compact; washbasins built into cabinets, cabinets, and various hanging structures are often used. It is better if the surfaces and doors are made of materials with a light, glossy, mirror surface. Floor tiles- appropriate.

If the room is of impressive size, the walls are decorated in any colors; if it is cramped, they choose a light color scheme, which should visually expand the space. For the same purpose, it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​hiding structures and saving space on this. We decorate them and make an interior accent.

home theater

Usually one of the most large rooms on the ground floor it combines the functions of a dining room, living room, and kitchen. This is convenient; zoning helps not to infringe on each of the segments.

The current design of the attic room, if there is no urgent need to save usable space, suggests the possibility of planning a full-fledged home theater on the second floor of a summer house or private house. This room contains a large sofa, TV, and a full-wall projector screen. Wires, acoustic system hide behind beautiful wall panels, where disks and other paraphernalia will also be conveniently placed.

If you have the resources and a lot of imagination, you can add a bar counter, a refrigerator for drinks, a machine for popcorn, and a coffee maker to the arsenal. If you make the furnishings mobile, the room will be useful for holding dance parties and other public gatherings.

Dressing room under the roof

It is unprofitable to set up a storage system on the ground floors due to the eternal lack of space. Setting up a room under a roof for such purposes, even if it’s a small area and has a specific shape, is a very good solution. Here you can take the things of all family members. Non-standard layout, with a thoughtful approach, we turn it into a plus.

Asymmetry and all kinds of ceiling bevels will not always allow you to place a store-bought assortment of furniture in the attic area. But you can think about how to use every corner with custom-made cabinets, racks, and shelves.

At high walls cabinets and niches for long items are installed. A wardrobe with sliding doors will fit well near sloping walls. Next to the low wall fragments, you can install low cabinets, benches that are comfortable to sit on, and store seasonal items, shoes and a vacuum cleaner there.

Fireplace room

The attic is a non-standard space. For extraordinary people, heated floors and electric radiators are not entirely suitable for creating an atmosphere of romance and creativity. The fireplace can play as pure practical role, and perform purely decorative.

A traditional wood-burning fireplace is a massive structure. Since the ceiling of the attic floor is unlikely to withstand a half-ton structure, preference is given to compact models with low weight. Facing with heavy stone and ceramics is contraindicated. The most appropriate style is high-tech, steel, glass, cast iron parts, simple shapes without decorative excesses.

The design of a fireplace in an attic room is very individual and takes into account the degree of load and the ventilation system. If the floors in the house are wooden, opt for electric models or those that run on biofuel.

Important! If you want a fireplace in the attic, provide storage space solid fuel. A smoke exhaust system is mandatory, but comes with an additional financial burden. When using electric models, you need to choose the most powerful ones. Fan heaters draw a lot of energy, do not meet fire safety requirements, and dry the air excessively.

Ceiling materials and design

When choosing a ceiling finish, take into account all the nuances of its structure; your future comfort depends on it.

The range of materials for work is quite wide. All known types decorations can be used. Tensile surfaces, made of lining and plasterboard, are suitable, the main thing is to take into account the structure of the roof. Sometimes the design does not allow wiring with lamps to be built in; the best alternative would be to make a false or suspended ceiling.

Tensile coverings are used only when there is a vertical wall. Otherwise, given the small area and close proximity of furnishings, there is a risk of damaging the surface. Tension systems do not weigh down the structure, are good for all roof shapes, and it is easy to cover any communications behind them.

The most common and available methods finishing - plasterboard and lining; it is also easier to attach decorative elements to them.

Attics in which the ceiling is covered with wallpaper in light colors with a delicate pattern look very original.

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings with height differences and a large number of unexpected protrusions are spectacular. A properly designed sloping roof significantly adds beauty and originality to the entire interior.

Attic wall decoration

The most popular material here is wood. No others can compare with him. It is distinguished by its unique woody aroma, the microclimate created only by it, and serves as additional thermal insulation.

The simplest solution is finishing with clapboard, which has several types of profiles and methods of placement on the surface.

Wooden panels made from solid wood or from the same lining are often used. A budget option– laminated and veneered panels, MDF with wood or bamboo veneer. The interior of an attic with such panels is more suitable for an office or sports room, so it is better to resort to a combination with wallpaper, painting or decorative plaster.

A relatively new material called wooden wallpaper. Like traditional ones, they are glued to the wall. This wood-look attic decoration is very decorative.

Large drawing, dark color walls in the space of a small attic are not entirely appropriate. It's better to wallpaper the walls white. Soft color furniture and splashes of bright accessories will enliven the interior.

A very recent innovation in attic finishing is HPL panels, plastic high pressure, with which you can implement the most effective design solutions.

Among modern technologies, it is worth mentioning the latest “squeak” - draping walls with fabrics. Not all walls are decorated with exquisite textiles, but two or one in the center of the room.

Important! When arranging the attic floor, you need to monitor how accurately the technical requirements requirements for thermal insulation of ceilings and walls. If insulation and ventilation do not meet all standards, there is a risk that the roof and windows will become covered with condensation in cold weather. Dampness and its consequence - fungus - can cause discomfort, illness for household members, and premature damage to furniture.

Floor covering materials

There are always high demands on how the floor in the attic is arranged. This is due to two very important requirements: good heat and noise insulation. Traditional ways finishing does not solve these problems. The construction of not only a dry foundation, but also the installation of a “floating” foundation is intended to satisfy all requests.

For reliable insulation, mineral wool and glass wool are used. Also very important good waterproofing. The flooring requires a special base, the role of which is performed by boards made of fir, pine, larch, treated with special antiseptics.

The final cladding can be anything: linoleum, laminate, parquet, chipboard, carpet, depending on the tastes of the owners, their views on the future function and style of the room.

You shouldn’t skimp on flooring, because poor quality materials will crack, fade, and make strange sounds over time. Required thick layer insulating material. Carpets will serve as decoration, additional insulation, they are more than appropriate on the attic floor.

Choosing roof windows

One of the main issues in the construction of the attic is to provide a high level of natural light. Each room should have at least one window, it is better if there are several of them, it is very good when they are not located on the same wall. The width of the windows can be specified, no wider than the distance between the rafters. The length is limited by the top and bottom edge, depends on the roof slope.

Modern design

More recently, the windows in the attic were deaf, did not open, they simply crashed into the roof. Now double-glazed windows have at least two glasses. The outer glass can be hardened to increase its strength, the inner glass is treated in a special way so that when it breaks, it does not break into pieces with sharp corners.

Modern frames are able to rotate in one axis or another, directly in the middle, 2/3 from the edge. Rotating devices operate both manually and using a remote control.

Not only visible, but also hidden from view places in the structure wooden windows must be varnished to guarantee protection from moisture.

Make sure that the lower slopes of the window are perpendicular to the floor, and the upper ones are parallel. This will prevent the formation of condensation, contribute to better lighting.

Artificial lighting

The organization of the light supply system depends on the zoning of the space, on how the furniture is located in the room, on the number and size of windows, on the structure of the roof and ceiling.

There should be a lot of light in the attic. For this purpose, local lamps are used: sconces, all kinds floor lamps, portable lamps and rotary, point devices. Will not become redundant ceiling chandeliers varying degrees of power.

You can refuse the usual chandelier, install spotlights only in the most exploited areas. Only spot lighting is allowed in the bedroom. In the living room, where gatherings and events are planned, install lighting fixtures of a general and local type.

To create a romantic ceiling pattern, the effect of the starry sky, fiber-optic lighting threads are used. In the attic room, any options for local light are good.

Color solution

Since the attic is a specific room, the color scheme in its design is of no small importance. Light colors are preferred, which is especially important for small interiors under the roof. The general color range must be maintained on all surfaces, including furniture, walls, ceilings, and floors. Decoration Materials must also be in harmony with each other, form a single whole.

A space with a deep ceiling needs light and glossy surfaces that reflect light. Visually it will be expanded by the color contrast of the floor and walls. A dark floor and dazzling white walls that have no boundaries with the ceiling will create the illusion of infinity. Ceiling beams harmonizing in color with floor covering, will become an original part of the structure.

What are most attics like in Soviet-built private houses? Dark and dirty rooms in which the owners put various belongings, which it would be a pity to throw away, but no one wants to use. Give a second life to your attic or attic space - restore the auxiliary space and increase your living space. Yes, the attic room has a very complex shape, a strong slope of the ceiling formed gable roof, does not allow you to stand there at full height throughout the entire area. But with a reasonable approach to planning and the use of effective design techniques, you can achieve unprecedented results - turn a room littered with rubbish into an incredibly comfortable and cozy space for relaxation, work, creative and sports activities, and games with children.

If your private house has an attic, then it would be strange not to use these square meters for the benefit of the family. A living room, a bedroom, a guest room, a dressing room, an office or even an additional bathroom - the possibilities for arranging an attic are limited only by your desires, needs and the size of the budget for reconstruction. We bring to your attention an impressive selection of design projects for the design of attic and attic spaces, determined by the needs of their owners. Let modern, practical and visually attractive interiors be the inspiration for your remodel.

Bedroom in the attic - practical, convenient, aesthetically pleasing

Arranging a bedroom in a room whose ceiling is formed by a gable roof is the best option. After all, in the sleeping space you will spend most of the time in a horizontal position, when the height of the ceilings and their slope are not so decisive. Many attics don't have enough space to accommodate a full living room or children's room. But the master bedroom or guest room can become a comfortable additional space in your home.

If you have a fairly spacious attic room, you can arrange a bedroom designed for two people. Beds placed in areas with the greatest slope of the ceiling will save useful space for the passage, along which you can walk at full height without any discomfort.

You have long been able to equip the main premises of your private home - all the necessary functional areas are located and decorated in accordance with your stylistic preferences. But a small corner of space in the attic remains uncovered. Use this room to organize sleeping areas for guests. Here is a clear example of the fact that even a modest-sized room with an original shape can become a cozy place to spend the night. And everything that you have previously stored in the attic in random order can be folded into storage systems built into the bases of the beds.

Here is an example of organizing several sleeping places in the form of built-in units with storage systems. Each sleeping place is a cell with individual lighting and adjacent shelves and cabinets.

In the spacious attic room you can organize not just a bedroom, but a multifunctional station containing, in addition to a sleeping area, a dressing area and workplace. Building a wardrobe complex around front door covering the entire space from floor to ceiling allows you to significantly save useful space in the bedroom. And the work table in the boudoir area can also be used as a dressing table.

Features of finishing a bedroom in the attic

To radically transform an old attic into an elegant bedroom, it is difficult to come up with a more elegant design move than using a snow-white finish. One of the problems of attic spaces, in addition to irregular shapes and ceilings with large slopes, is poor lighting. It’s rare that a roof can have a window to provide the space with a source of natural light. As a rule, you have to be content with a window (or windows) located on the gable of the building. That is why the attic space so needs a light finish, snow-white and glossy surfaces that can reflect sunlight.

One of the basic rules for visually expanding space is “dark bottom, white top.” A bedroom with dark flooring and snow-white walls that often abruptly meet the ceiling will appear larger than it actually is. An original addition, accent and part of the design will be ceiling beams tone-on-tone wood floor board or parquet.

Living room in the attic - design features

For attic spaces with a skylight, the process of arranging a living room is simplified. The room is filled with sunlight and you have at least one wall at the front of the building freed up. This free surface can be used to create a video zone or install an artificial fireplace. And in the space with the lowest ceiling height, install sofas and armchairs. Light finishes, a couple of bright accents and even a small space under the roof itself will look attractive, cozy and modern.

The attics of private houses are often designed with active use natural material– wood. This finish is an excellent soundproofing agent (after all, we do not forget that we will be under the very roof, on which rain and even hail will knock), wooden panels are able to “breathe”, not to mention the fact that such a design gives natural warmth the whole image of the room.

A living room in snow-white tones with an abundance of sunlight - none of your guests will recognize a former cluttered attic or attic in such a magnificent room. Light furniture will add elegance to the interior, glass and mirror surfaces, shiny fittings, furniture elements and lighting fixtures– all together will create a completely airy, light atmosphere.

Pastel shades are perfect for decorating a living room located in an asymmetrical room. Popular nude tones are a great option for a foundation, complemented by a pair of contrasting bright accents.

It happens that the attic space has a very modest size, and even the shape is presented in an unknown geometric variation. But even such a complex room can be equipped efficiently, brightly, modernly. Here is an example of such a bold design project with bright finishes, an unusual choice of furniture and a non-trivial approach to decorating.

If light, pastel shades for interior decoration is not your element, but a contrasting, original design can cheer you up, then you can start with an attic room or attic remodeling to try your hand at original design. The next break room, for example, makes heavy use of dark wood paneling. Modest in quantity, but original in design, furniture, a large window with a beautiful view and contrasting finishes - a non-trivial room in design is ready!

If you give free rein to your design ideas in such important rooms for the family as the living room, bedroom or nursery, you do not have enough courage - try to work out in the attic! This is where you can safely use unusual shapes and creative color solutions, furniture made with my own hands and paint the walls yourself.

For all lovers of wine drinks, collectors and not only, we can offer the option of decorating in the attic not just a living room, but a tasting room. Wine cabinets built into places with the lowest ceiling height, comfortable sofas and armchairs, a small buffet or display cabinet for dishes - what else is needed for comfortable relaxation and gatherings with friends?

Children's room on the site of an old attic - miracles of renovation

In some private households the height attic space does not allow adult owners to feel comfortable there. But for small household members, you can arrange a cozy nest in the space under the roof itself. Children like small nooks, small closets in which they can not just retire, but be a full-fledged owner. With a large slope of the ceiling in such spaces, it would be logical to place storage systems in the lowest zone, and at the highest point of the ceiling - a segment for relaxation, creative activities and games.

In the attic you can place a full-fledged children's room with a sleeping place, an area for games, activities and creativity. The main thing is that the room should be sufficiently lit, if it is possible to replace the old small windows for new double-glazed windows with large dimensions - do not miss this opportunity. It is easy to get rid of the abundance of sunlight - it is enough to have curtains or blinds on the windows, but the lack of natural light will affect the psychological and physical condition of the child, who spends a lot of time in his room.

The attic room needs a light finish more than others - the reason for this is the lack of large windows, capable of providing the space with an abundance of sunlight, and asymmetrical shapes of the room itself, which one would not want to focus on. But in a room for children it is impossible to get by with only light colors; a child’s gaze, more than ours, needs bright accents on which to focus attention. Use for variety color palette children's room, located in the attic, all available means - bright furniture, colorful textiles for decorating sleeping areas, colored shades on pendant lamps and wall sconces, colorful rugs and even floor coverings.

Office, workshop or library - arrangement of the attic floor

In a tiny attic it is unlikely that it will be possible to create a full-fledged living room or bedroom, space for organizing a playroom or gym not enough either. But to decorate an office or personal workshop you only need a couple of square meters. Desk, easel or musical instrument, installed in an area with the highest ceiling level, low storage systems at the lowest points or hanging shelves on the pediment - and the office or workshop is ready.

Do not cover roof structures with plasterboard. In addition to the fact that you will significantly reduce the space of the attic or attic, you will also deprive the interior of the office of its individuality. Wooden beams on the ceiling of the office become a kind of source of natural heat, which we so often lack in modern homes with an abundance of technology and electronics.

And here is the opposite design project for an office designed to accommodate at least two people. Snow-white matte and glossy surfaces seem to have completely absorbed the interior of the room. Bright accent only perform original beams ceiling coverings.

Here is the original and rational way embedding a bookcase in a library or office. Depending on the number and size of windows, different compositions of open shelves can be obtained. But in any case, you will be sure that you have used all the attic space provided to you to the maximum.

What could be better than solitude with your favorite book in a small but... cozy space a former attic, now a comfortable home library? Built-in book shelves, comfortable armchairs or sofas, floor lamps for reading in the dark, lots of pillows and a warm rug on the floor - a cozy atmosphere for reading is ready.

It’s rare that a private house has a free room on the ground floor to create a sports area. Why not use the extra space in your attic or loft? Of course, provided that your sports activities do not involve throwing a heavy barbell onto the floor, the impacts of which will make the chandeliers on the first floor tremble. In areas with the lowest height, you can place storage systems for sports equipment and clothing, install small sofa for relaxation, and use all the remaining space exclusively for training.

In large cities, where population density is high and real estate prices are prohibitive, even apartments located under the roof are a good purchase apartment building. The key point in this case is the location of the home in the center of the metropolis. If the entire apartment is an attic space, it is not surprising that the utilitarian spaces are located under the roof itself. The design of a bathroom located in the attic has its own nuances. Correct layout, taking into account not only the size of the room and the height of the owners, but also the laws of ergonomics, will help create a truly comfortable and practical space for water procedures.

Home cinema in the attic - a dream come true

In modern private houses, you can increasingly find the design of the first floor in the form of a combination of three functional zones in one space through open plan- living room, kitchen and dining room. This layout of the living segments of the dwelling is very convenient, it allows you to save usable space without infringing on each zone separately. But in such a living room it is difficult to arrange a full-fledged home theater. And in this case, we remember about the free space in the attic attic. A large TV or projector screen, comfortable and roomy sofas, a couple of small tables-stands and your once-abandoned attic is ready to receive guests for an interesting movie show.

The atmosphere in the home theater will be truly magical if small lamps are built into the design of the false ceiling. You can organize the switching of lighting modes - usually for watching movies with the effect of a starry sky.

Dressing room under the roof - saving space

Where else if not to the attic to move all the storage functions? There is often simply not enough space in the bedroom, and only owners of very spacious houses can afford to allocate a separate room for a dressing room on the ground floor. In the attic space, you will be limited in the number of storage systems only by the size and shape of the room. But even the most modest attic area can accommodate the wardrobe of all family members.

Only at first glance it may seem that an asymmetrical attic room with niches and a large sloping ceiling is not suitable for built-in cabinet furniture. Of course, for a space with a complex shape ready-made solutions, presented in a wide range in furniture stores, will not fit. But custom-made storage systems, in accordance with the characteristics of your complex premises, will be the best option for placing the maximum possible number of cabinets, shelves and racks in the minimum amount of occupied space.

Efficient and stylish arrangement of the attic floor or attic