home · electrical safety · Warm loggia with your own hands. Balcony heating. How to install an electric floor heating system

Warm loggia with your own hands. Balcony heating. How to install an electric floor heating system

Warm balcony (loggia), this is cool, but how to achieve this? Let's figure it out. In this topic, we will not discuss the insulation of a balcony (loggia) itself, but what can serve as a source of heat on an already insulated balcony (loggia).

Let me start with the sore point! Once again I came across recommendations online to heat a balcony (loggia) using central heating radiators, by moving them from the adjacent (combined) room.

True, some immediately unsubscribe that this cannot be done. Already good and thanks for that. It is impossible to give such recommendations on heating, much less


For those in the tank, familiarize yourself with the housing code, namely:

  • Article 25. Types of reconstruction and redevelopment of residential premises
  • Article 26. Grounds for reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of residential premises
The removal of central heating batteries is strictly prohibited!!!

You can also familiarize yourself with the following documents:

  • SNiP “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”
  • SNiP 31-01-2003 “Residential multi-apartment buildings”
When making a warm balcony and at the same time extending the supply pipes and moving heating radiators into glazed loggias and balconies is prohibited (Resolution No. 73-PP dated 02/08/2005)

Well, if you cannot agree on these issues, then you will never see permission for redevelopment!!!


A warm balcony (loggia) with such redevelopment is an unacceptable option for those who want to live in peace. And such transferred pipes look simply “poor”!!! The beauty is incredible.

I hope you won't do that. And by the way, “power” the warm water floor from the central heating system for the same reasons IT IS FORBIDDEN!!! Based on this, we will not consider these heating methods for our warm balcony (loggia).

By the way, such options sometimes appear due to the lack "clear" or loggias so to speak. Some have a vague idea of ​​what and how they are doing….

Warm balcony (loggia). What are the possible sources of heat for heating?

So, the available heat sources are:

  • Electric convectors
  • (electric version is suitable for balconies (loggias)
  • Oil heaters
  • Infrared heaters
  • Film infrared heated floor
  • Carbon mats
  • Self-regulating film
  • Electrical cable
  • Self-regulating cable
  • Heat-powered air conditioner
  • Breathe more often (joke)

Well, various variations of all these methods. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. The choice is more than varied, you won’t be left freezing. Here you can already think about growing flowers.

Cool window sill lighting. I'm planning to make one for myself too

All these methods are electric; no other method has been invented yet. Therefore, decide for yourself what is best for you personally to have a warm balcony (loggia). For some it’s energy savings, for others it’s appearance, and for others it’s both.

  • I described my attitude towards “masterpieces” whose titles include the word film in the article: “ “.

Well, if it weren’t for my laminate, by the way, there’s a funny article on the site “Laminate as a floor covering or calculation incidents” read it, I would probably choose tiles as a floor covering, because... it has high thermal conductivity, and in combination with a layer of cement screed and tile adhesive, it accumulates heat well. Well, I would like to pick up some kind of cable with a thermostat for this purpose. There is nothing hanging on the walls, nothing in the way on the floor and no wires. This is purely my opinion.

Be sure to consider a warm balcony or loggia made according to this principle. I think this is a very good combination. There will definitely be a warm balcony here. And don’t forget that all this is good only if it is properly glazed and carefully. About.

  • And the article “Balcony parapet, an important part of glazing” should also be useful. I highly recommend finding it and reading it. This will give a lot of people something to think about.

For example, in my apartment, . This loggia, which is 3.60 long and 1 meter wide, in my opinion, does not need a powerful heat source thanks to the very large and extremely warm radiator in the room (I also wrote about this). The temperature at the border of the loggia and the room remains at 23 degrees, even in severe frosts. In the room itself, somewhere around 25 degrees, and on the loggia 20-21 degrees on average, it depends heavily on the sun, sometimes it even reaches 28. I'm quite happy with it (we're talking about winter now).

The usual balcony has long ceased to play the role of a terrace for storing vegetables, household items and drying clothes; now it is a functional area that can be successfully used even for the brightest work space. And for this you need very little - to make the appropriate repairs and install heating on the balcony.

Photo 1. Warm and cozy room from the balcony

Photo 2. Office on the balcony

What needs to be provided?

Before you begin installing heating for a balcony or loggia, you need to insulate the room itself. Insulation includes glazing and lining with insulating material all internal and, if possible, external walls. Glazing using double-chamber windows or plastic frames will allow you to reliably retain heat on the balcony; properly installed thermal insulation made of foam plastic or mineral wool will ensure comfortable humidity and air temperature, and thoughtful ventilation will eliminate dampness and condensation.

Photo 3. Insulation of the balcony as the first stage

The most labor-intensive stage is the work of insulating the walls, in particular the floor. But before you insulate the floor, you need to assume which heating option is preferable for your balcony.

Heating options on the balcony

Installing an additional battery. The simplest and most unacceptable heating method for apartment buildings. By extending the heating system to an additional area, we reduce the heat in the heating system as a whole, which will certainly affect the condition of the neighbors' radiators. They will become a little colder. To avoid unnecessary conflicts, you should abandon this method of heating the balcony. Another sad side of this matter is regulation by law. Removing the radiator outside the apartment, including onto the loggia, is prohibited by our legislation.

Photo 4. Installing an additional battery on the balcony

Heater. A convenient and simple way to create a comfortable warm environment on the loggia using a ready-made oil heater or convector. In order to carry out such heating, it is enough to buy an electrical device and install an additional powerful outlet. This method is good if constant heat replenishment is not required.

Photo 5. Heater and convector on the balcony

There are several disadvantages to this type of heating. All electric heaters dry out the air; this especially causes discomfort when staying indoors for a long time and for people who have problems with the nasopharynx and lungs. The second significant reason is the high cost of electricity consumption, as well as the fire hazard, the accessibility of electrical appliances for small children and the constant feeling that the room is full of dust. It is advisable to install purchased heaters if a balcony or other room needs temporary heat supply.

Warm floor system. One of the most economical and affordable heating methods is considered to be a heated floor system. The heating is installed in the floor, thereby not only successfully performing its function of heating the room, but also does not take up much space, is safe, economical and convenient in all respects.

The principle of operation is that the heat from below, due to its physical properties, is easily directed upward, thereby uniformly heating the entire area. A pleasant, comfortable temperature is established on the balcony, and the air does not dry out or overheat. In the loggia room you can install two types of heated floors: electric and water.

Photo 6. Heated floor system

Water heated floor

A water heater can be made from flexible plastic pipes. They are laid in a snake pattern around the entire perimeter of the balcony. In order for the floor to heat up evenly, the pipe bends must be located at the same level and close to each other, throughout the entire floor. The pipes are connected to a common hot water supply system; before final installation, they must be checked under pressure to ensure a uniform water supply.

Photo 7. Water-heated floor on the balcony

Before underfloor heating, you need to get rid of old coatings, clean the concrete as much as possible from roughness and unevenness, and make the first layer as even as possible. To prevent heat from being lost and absorbed into the cold concrete wall, a thermal insulation material is laid on top of the concrete as the first layer. The prepared pipe is evenly distributed onto the insulation and a concrete screed is placed on it. The work is completed with a decorative coating.

The pipes must be selected quite carefully (this is not a reason to save money), because the heating on the loggia, under the reliable protection of the upper layers of the floor, should last quite a long time and, preferably, without interruption. This type of heating is not so easy to do; the complexity of installation forces many to turn to another method - an electrical installation.

Electric heated floor

Photo 8. Electric heated floor on the balcony

The main role in the form of a heating device is played by the electric cable. Before installing electric heating in the room, you need to prepare the base of the floor on the loggia, remove all the old covering, clean the concrete to a smooth state, and level out all the unevenness. On the prepared base you need to make a cement-sand screed. Its height should exceed 3 cm.

The next layer is a layer of insulation. Here it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the formation of condensation, that is, water. The temperature difference between the walls of the floor, the external and internal environment leads to uneven distribution of heat, the formation of cold bridges, as a result of condensation and dampness. To avoid this, install insulation with a vapor barrier. It is not recommended to use mineral wool here. Fireproof insulation, for example polystyrene foam, is laid on the prepared concrete floor. A vapor barrier in the form of polyethylene is laid on top of the insulation and secured with construction tape. Actually, the cable layer itself, which is secured with an additional tie. After this, the entire system must dry thoroughly for several weeks, and only then can you proceed to laying the final coating.

The final stage consists of laying the decorative surface. It is not recommended to make a wooden covering; it significantly reduces the efficiency of any heated floor. It is acceptable to use tiles or ceramic tiles with good thermal conductivity.

Insulating a balcony is always a pressing issue, especially for people who value comfort above all else. Who wouldn’t want to go barefoot onto a warm balcony during the cold seasons to breathe fresh air without experiencing discomfort and cold. In this article we will tell you how to make a balcony warm, turning it into a comfortable corner.

There are such ways insulation of loggias and balconies, like regular glazing of house balconies, double-glazed windows combined with special insulation, installation of heating systems - including floor heating. Below we will look at each of the options.

1. USUAL SOLUTION. This method involves installing a frame made of various materials - metal, wood or plastic. Glass is inserted into the frames, which can be regular or tinted. With the help of such a double-glazed window you can slightly reduce street noise and increase the temperature by 3-4°C. As a result, you will get an ordinary veranda - a closed, cold space. Approximate price such glazing: wood - from $230 (3-meter balcony | loggia) to $400 (for 6 m), aluminum - from $340 to $800 (respectively, for a 3-6 m balcony), plastic frame (PVC) - from $570 to $900. The price includes: frame, canopy, window sill, installation. Takeaway | roof is paid extra.

2 . PARTIAL INSULATION. This option involves installing a window profile, the room is sealed with polyurethane foam or other sealant. Sealing will increase thermal insulation and resist water ingress. Powder paint is applied to the aluminum profile, which is not only decoration, but also additional protection. The interior of the room is covered, for which, as a rule, lining, plastic panels or other materials are used. But it’s still better to decorate the balcony with wood. This solution will make it more comfortable and modern, but it will not add much warmth.

In this case price the issue will increase by the cost of the thermal insulation and finishing materials you have chosen, plus payment for the work of a hired specialist. In total (material and work) it will be about 20-35 dollars per m2, depending on the materials.

3 . FULL INSULATION. In addition to the frames, in this case it is necessary to carry out waterproofing, lay insulation on the floor, ceiling and around the entire perimeter, cover the walls and ceiling with special material, and install lighting.

To make your balcony even warmer, you can equip it with a heating system and build additional internal walls. Remember that you cannot place steam heating pipes on the balcony, but you can use an electric fireplace and other heating devices.

Most often, tiles or porcelain stoneware are laid on the floor of loggias. This solution will make the room even more comfortable and beautiful. And by installing an electric heated floor, you can completely heat the balcony. The basis of the work heated floor is a heating cable, and the temperature is maintained by a special thermostat. Please note that in this insulation method, a heating cable is installed under the screed so that the power per square meter is at least 180 W.

"Heating floor"– current modern trend. There are CALEO film systems (price from $35 / sq. m) and electric cable systems (about $60 / sq. m, a thermostat can be purchased separately - from $20). There are also other brands. The total cost of organizing a heated floor (heating system, floor covering and specialist work) is from $100 per sq. m. m.

When choosing a full balcony heating system, you can use a thermostat with an air temperature sensor (usually located in the thermostat itself), it will allow you to maintain a more comfortable temperature in the room, and the floor temperature sensor will prevent the heating cable from overheating.

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Warm balcony in a city apartment: 14 pressing questions

A warm balcony can partially solve the problem of lack of space in a cramped apartment. It can become a cozy office, a smoking room, a clothes dryer, a meeting place for friends over a drink... ugh, tea and even a small playroom for children. In my article I will try to answer a number of frequently asked questions about insulation and heating of balconies.

A little effort - and the balcony will turn into a full-fledged living space.

So, how to make a balcony habitable and warm?


  1. What fencing is optimal for creating a warm balcony?
  • Reinforced concrete panel;
  • Brick fencing;
  • Fencing made of foam blocks or aerated concrete.

In temperate climates, you should prefer foam blocks or aerated concrete with a density of D600. The porous structure of the material will allow you to do without additional insulation. If winter temperatures in your region fall below -15 - -20C, you will still have to insulate the fence.

  1. Is warm glazing of balconies installed on metal fencing??

Yes. To do this, a wooden frame is assembled on it, to which frames and outer cladding are attached - corrugated sheets, etc. The cross-section of the frame is determined by the requirements for insulation; Usually a 100x50 mm beam is used, which allows laying slab insulation of 10 cm thickness. The timber is attached to the floor with anchors, and to the fence railings with bolts with wide heads through pre-drilled holes.

The frame elements must be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect the wood from rotting and increase its fire resistance. Waterproofing is needed between the bottom beam and the concrete slab: it will prevent the absorption of moisture into the wood in damp and rainy weather. This role can be played by a couple of layers of roofing material or bitumen mastic.

Another option is to completely dismantle the fence and install panoramic glazing. There are a couple of problems here, however:

  • Transparent glass from top to bottom means that visiting the negligee balcony is cancelled. In it you will be in full view of all passers-by and residents of neighboring houses;
  • On sunny summer days, a balcony with panoramic glazing will turn into a greenhouse. I claim this based on my own experience in operating an attic with a total glazing area of ​​26 square meters. A 12,000 BTU air conditioner cools the attic with noticeable difficulty.

Both problems are solved by installing an impost in a metal-plastic frame and replacing the lower part of the glass unit with an insert made of plastic-laminated polystyrene foam.

  1. What should be the height of the fence?

The answer is easy to find in the current regulatory documents. In general, it is equal to 100 centimeters for a building height of up to 10 floors and 110 centimeters in buildings with higher floors. If children will visit the balcony, the height of the fence should be 120 cm.

Insulation and finishing


  1. What and how can you insulate a fence??

On its inner side (in the case of a metal fence, right around it) a wooden frame is assembled, which is filled with glued mineral wool slabs. It is better not to use polystyrene foam: when heated, it releases harmful styrene, and heating in the summer heat will be inevitable.

  1. Does the insulation need any protection from moisture and wind??

Necessarily. On the inside, the mineral wool is protected with a vapor barrier film. A windproof membrane on the outside is needed only in the case of a metal fence covered with wind-permeable material (siding or corrugated sheet).

If instead of a vapor barrier film you use thin penofol (foil insulation based on foamed polyethylene), heat loss through the fence due to infrared radiation will be noticeably reduced. The layer of penofol foil should be directed towards the environment with a higher temperature (in our case, towards the balcony).

  1. How to finish a fence from the inside?

I highly recommend using... laminate flooring. It is much more durable and resistant to moisture compared to MDF wall panels. It is better not to fasten laminate boards with self-tapping screws into a tenon, but to glue them to the frame using liquid nails or silicone sealant.

To cut laminate, it is very convenient to use a grinder with a diamond wheel. The cut is perfectly smooth and with minimal deviations from the markings. Do not try to use an abrasive wheel instead of a diamond: the edges of the cut will burn.


  1. How a balcony or loggia is insulated from above ?

In this case, it is better to use extruded polystyrene foam with a thickness of 30 - 40 mm, laid in a wooden crate made of a block of appropriate thickness. Expanded polystyrene, unlike cheaper foam, tolerates heat without releasing styrene. It is superior to mineral wool in terms of insulation quality with a small thickness.

It is advisable to fix the sheets on the ceiling surface. This is easy to do by spot-applying liquid nails, acrylic putty or silicone sealant. In this case, vapor barrier is not required, but it is advisable to fill the wide gaps between polystyrene foam and the frame with polyurethane foam.

It would be a good idea to use penofol here too, placing it under the sheathing bars before attaching them to the ceiling.

  1. How to hem a balcony ceiling?

PVC wall panels. Cheap (about 200 rubles per square meter) and cheerful. The only drawback of plastic panels - their low strength - is offset by their location on the ceiling, where no one will touch them.

The panels can be fastened using either a furniture stapler or tenon screws, or with clamps.


  1. How to insulate a balcony from below, from the floor side?

I recommend doing it like this:

  • The floor is covered with our old friend - penofol. It will reduce heat loss due to radiation and act as a waterproofing barrier between wood and concrete. There are small overlaps on the walls along the edges;
  • Through it, longitudinal (laid along the length of the balcony) logs with a thickness of 30 - 40 mm are attached to the floor. The outermost logs must be adjacent to the wall and fence;
  • Extruded polystyrene foam is placed in the space between the joists;

Two-layer floor insulation: penofol is laid on the bottom, polystyrene foam on top.

The instructions for choosing this particular insulation are due to the fact that it remains effective despite its small thickness. Thick insulation of the floor and ceiling will make the room uncomfortably low.

  • A rough flooring is laid over the joists - tongue-and-groove boards, OSB or plywood with a thickness of 15 mm or more.
  1. What should I put on the floor as a finishing coating?

In my opinion - linoleum. If the balcony is not heated for some time, condensation or frost will inevitably form on the windows. When it melts, the water will flow down. For laminate, parquet or wood flooring, moisture will create serious problems in the form of bulging seams and warping; It’s enough to wipe away puddles from linoleum.


  1. What kind of warm glazing of a loggia should there be - with wooden frames, aluminum or metal-plastic ?

Aluminum is a metal with high thermal conductivity. The frame will become a cold bridge between the street and the balcony. It will contribute to heat loss and collect condensation.

Let's sweep it aside.

Modern frames made of pressed wood are not much inferior to metal-plastic ones in terms of strength, geometric stability and resistance to moisture. However, with the same functionality, they are noticeably more expensive. At the same time, nothing prevents you from ordering metal-plastic windows that look like wood, with a very reliable imitation of its texture.

The conclusions, I think, are obvious.

Our choice is metal-plastic windows.

  1. What type of glass should it be?

It all depends on the climate zone. Perhaps I’ll just refer the reader to someone else’s practical experience of using windows:

  • In the Khabarovsk Territory, where I lived several years ago (the average January temperature is about -25 C, at peak frosts reach -45 degrees), the most popular option is a double-chamber (triple) double-glazed window made of ordinary glass 4 mm thick;

  • In Sevastopol (the average temperature in January is +3, frosts of -15 are extremely rare and last no more than a week a year), single-chamber (double) double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass are being installed en masse. An infrared-reflective coating on one of the glass units of a double-glazed window helps reduce heat loss in winter and heating of the room in summer.

When purchasing glazing, you can save up to a third of its cost by not installing it. However, installing windows yourself will completely void your warranty.

  1. Do you need separate balcony ventilation? Or just ventilate it by opening windows as needed ?

In my opinion, it would be a good idea to install an adjustable inlet valve in one of the frames. It allows you to more accurately regulate the inflow compared to the window microventilation system (adjusting the position of the sash in transom mode). The influx of fresh air will relieve you, among other things, of condensation on the windows.

If the balcony will be equipped with a constant source of heat, the supply valve should be located directly above it. The thermal curtain will prevent the appearance of cold drafts.


  1. How and how to heat a balcony?

First and foremost: all options for a warm balcony with a water-heated floor are swept aside immediately and for good. Believe my experience: defrosting a heated floor on a balcony is easy, but restoring it is just hemorrhoids.

In addition: the water heated floor is laid in an insulated screed. It will raise the floor by at least 10 - 12 cm and create a serious load on the floor slab.

The most obvious solution is to place a radiator on the balcony, connected to the central heating system in parallel with the battery in the room. Even 20 years ago, housing organizations turned a blind eye to such changes in the configuration of the heating system, but now there are very real chances of receiving an administrative penalty for an unauthorized connection and an order to restore the original wiring configuration at their own expense.

What's in the bottom line?

  • All kinds of oil and electric convectors. They can be floor-mounted or permanently mounted on a wall. The obvious drawback of the solution is high operating costs: with an average power consumption of 1 kW, heating a balcony will cost approximately 2,500 rubles per month at current rates;

  • Electric heated floors will help reduce costs. Film heaters are the easiest to install: they do not require pouring a screed and can be installed under any finished surface (including linoleum). Savings are achieved due to a more rational distribution of temperatures: the air is heated most not under the ceiling, but where heat is needed - right above the floor;

The photo shows an electric film heating element. It can be laid under linoleum, laminate or tile.

  • For regions with warm winters, installing an air conditioner would be a beneficial solution. It will solve both the problem of cooling the balcony and the adjacent room in the hot summer, and heating them in the winter. Modern inverter split systems are capable of delivering up to 5 kW of heat per kilowatt of consumed electrical power and operating for heating at street temperatures down to -25C;
  • Finally, in gasified houses it is most beneficial to install a gas convector. The cost of a 2 kW device is about 6 thousand rubles. Combustion products are discharged through a coaxial (double) pipe through the balcony fence directly to the street; Fresh air is taken from there to operate the burner.


I hope that I was able to answer all the questions of the dear reader. The video in this article will help you learn more about how a warm balcony can be equipped. I look forward to your comments and additions. Good luck, comrades!

An insulated balcony can almost instantly turn into a comfortable room, in demand by all family members - it can be designed as a comfortable office, a playroom, or a relaxation corner. Flower lovers can turn a warm loggia into a mini-garden or even a vegetable garden, where you can grow a decent crop in winter. By adding a balcony or loggia, you can significantly increase the area of ​​the room. However, before transforming the balcony into a comfortable and functional resting place, it should be insulated and the interior should be refined.

There are various ways to insulate a balcony. On an open-type balcony, a parapet and side walls are installed using ceramic bricks or foam blocks, then glazing is performed. This will help to slightly increase the temperature on the balcony, as well as protect it from dust and noise from the street. The installation of thermal insulation and “warm floor” systems will help make your balcony truly warm and cozy.

In order to equip a warm balcony, it is necessary to perform a certain set of works, each stage of which has a special significance, including:

  • laying thermal insulation;
  • installation of a “warm floor” system;
  • purchase of heating devices.

Before insulating a balcony, you should decide on the choice of materials and tools. Today the market offers a wide selection of insulation materials, limited only by personal preferences and the volume of the room. Some of the most popular options include:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • penoplex (extruded polystyrene foam).

Do-it-yourself insulation of a balcony with penoplex

Wall insulation

Modern thermal insulation materials provide a high degree of protection of walls from the cold, and if the technology for insulating balconies is fully followed, turning a balcony into a comfortable and warm room is quite possible. As reliable and effective insulation materials, it is recommended to use isolon, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, penoplex, penofol, as well as the already familiar lining and siding. Although all these materials differ significantly in thickness and structure, the installation methods are similar to each other.

  • Insulation with siding. The first step is to stretch and fasten the wind barrier rolled into a roll using a stapler. This operation is performed simultaneously with the installation of siding. The wind barrier is directly adjacent to the walls of the loggia, preventing the penetration of cold air. Next, a frame of slats is attached, between the sections of which roll insulation (mineral wool) or polystyrene foam is laid. Mineral wool is easy to install; its edges do not protrude beyond the outer plane, without interfering with the fastening of plastic or plasterboard panels. At the same time, when laying mineral wool, you should be careful: you need to work in gloves and a respirator, wear clothes that cover your hands and the whole body from small particles of insulation.
  • Insulation with foam panels. Methods for insulating a loggia using polystyrene foam are quite simple: fixed foam plastic slabs are laid tightly next to each other, and polyurethane foam is blown into the joints. Flat pieces of polystyrene foam are placed into the wide cracks, and they are also fixed with polyurethane foam.

The laid layer of mineral wool or polystyrene foam is covered with cellophane film, securing it at the joints with an overlapping stapler, and plasterboard, PVC or IMF panels are placed on top. The film can be purchased at the Gidrobarrier store. If you plan to insulate the balcony under plaster, a fine reinforcing mesh is attached on top of the film.

Floor insulation

Mineral wool and polystyrene foam are also used for floor insulation. If this is not enough, you can install a “warm floor” system.

  • A wooden floor made of well-treated boards, coated with shiny or matte varnish, looks comfortable and stylish on the balcony. The boards are laid on wooden logs and secured to them with screws. To install logs, the floor surface is completely cleared of the previous coating. Mineral wool is laid between the joists to retain heat or polystyrene foam is laid.

OSB boards can be laid on top of the boards and coated with varnish. If necessary, you can lay linoleum, carpet or carpet on top.

Balcony insulation with penoplex

  • When leveling the floor of a balcony or loggia with a concrete screed, after it hardens, 20 mm high-density (35th) density foam is laid, on which 10 mm thick OSB slabs are then laid. In this way, a reliable one is also created, protecting the room from the penetration of cold air.
  • “Heated floors” systems are recognized as the most effective insulating agent, which at the same time is the most expensive option.

Roof insulation

It is most convenient to insulate with foam plastic - this is facilitated by its lightness and sufficient rigidity during installation, as well as excellent thermal insulation qualities. If there is a balcony slab on top as the ceiling, the ceiling may not be insulated, but a decision should be made only after assessing the specific conditions.

  • Insulation with foam plastic. Aluminum-galvanized corrugated sheeting is most often used for roofing. A metal or wooden frame is installed underneath it to attach 55 mm thick foam insulation. Lastly, MDF, PVC or plasterboard panels are attached. Only with insulation can a roof made of corrugated sheets protect the balcony from the effects of cold weather.

The width of such a frame is about 1 meter; both layers of insulation and bottom panels can be conveniently mounted on it. In order for the sheets of polystyrene foam to fit tightly in the grooves intended for them, they are cut out to be slightly larger (several mm) in size. This contributes to a more dense arrangement of the insulation without additional fasteners. All remaining cracks remaining after assembling all the parts are filled with foam.

  • Insulation with mineral wool. The most suitable option is mineral wool with foil attached to one side. Foil-coated mineral wool has high thermal insulation and energy-saving properties - the foil layer prevents heat from escaping from inside the room, while simultaneously preventing the penetration of cold air from the street.

Insulation of the ceiling on the balcony with mineral wool

In order for the material to be firmly held on the ceiling, a frame of 50x20 mm wooden slats is required, the same as for cladding balcony railings. When screwing the slats, you don’t have to adhere to a certain order - this will help to better hold the insulating material.

The main thing is to ensure that the distance between the slats is sufficient and that the mineral wool layer does not protrude beyond the slats.

Finishing work

To avoid the appearance of condensation between the insulation and wall cladding, it is necessary to prevent moisture from entering the layers of insulation and cladding. The following are used as vapor barrier reflective materials:

  • special films made of polyethylene;
  • single-layer and multi-layer membranes, single- and double-sided.

DIY balcony vapor barrier

Water vapor generated during the operation of the room enters the vapor barrier film, remains on it and quickly evaporates. In the absence of a vapor barrier layer, evaporation penetrates directly into the insulation, remaining in it for a long time and leading to a gradual deterioration of its properties and damage due to the occurrence of fungus and mold.

How to install “warm floors”

When choosing an option for installing “warm floors”, you can be guided by your own preferences and capabilities. The main selection criteria are:

  • system installation cost:
  • the cost of its operation.

The main options for “warm floors” are the following systems:

  • water;
  • electrical;
  • heating mats.

For water heating, it is enough to lay a flexible pipeline of the appropriate diameter in the floor, connecting it to the heating or hot water supply system, doing this with the permission of the organization operating the house.

For electric heating, a special electric heating cable of a certain power is laid in the floor. The organization of work provides for the unconditional fulfillment of electrical safety requirements when laying cables and further operation of “warm floors”. The order and features of installation, power and length of the cable are determined by calculations in accordance with the instructions.

The easiest to install are heating mats that are laid directly on the screed and covered with a finishing floor covering.

How to install an electric floor heating system

Calculations for the preparation and installation of the heating cable are carried out in accordance with many parameters, including taking into account the desired air temperature in the room, its dimensions, etc. The cable is laid around the perimeter of the balcony (if its dimensions are small), or along the balcony in the form of a “snake” , with a certain step between parallel sections. Laying it along the length of the balcony allows you to reduce the number of cable bends.

When laying the cable to the floor, a mounting tape is used, which is fixed to the floor. The mounting tape contains special brackets-petals, in which each turn of the cable is fixed. The ability to turn on and regulate the supply of electricity to the heated floor is carried out by means of a thermostat connected to a cable and attached to the wall of the balcony at a convenient height. After completing the above work, the functionality of the system is checked, after which the floor is screeded. The flooring must have a high degree of thermal conductivity to transfer the maximum amount of heat into the room.

Installing heated floors on the balcony

How to choose heating devices for an insulated balcony or loggia

If the balcony was insulated with the aim of converting it into a living space, all stages of the work should be carried out sequentially. In this case, of course, it will be difficult to do without heating devices. The most suitable option for heating devices are convectors, which are quite economical to operate and can create a constant temperature in the room. In combination with an adjustable underfloor heating system, convectors will provide all the conditions for comfortable living in a newly created living space.

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