home · electrical safety · Design of the courtyard of a private house: design features. Design of the courtyard of a private house: we create a cozy and functional space with our own hands Decorating the entrance to a private house

Design of the courtyard of a private house: design features. Design of the courtyard of a private house: we create a cozy and functional space with our own hands Decorating the entrance to a private house

To create a cozy atmosphere in the courtyard of a private house, you need to properly arrange it, thinking through the design, and subsequently this place will become your favorite corner.

First you need to assess the existing territory. If the area is small, a good solution would be to design the courtyard of a private house with a small fountain or garden, which are currently one of the options modern courtyards, and ideas can be seen in photos on the Internet. If there is a lot in the yard free space, this will allow you to reproduce the original courtyard, which has several divided zones with a center in the form of an artificial pond, gazebo or pool.

To make the yard look more cozy and elegant, you can place decorative statues and ponds on its territory small sizes, exotic plants, paths made of colored tiles. Such accessories will bring a more complete look to the yard and can improve the overall atmosphere.

If you want to place a vegetable garden in the courtyard of a private house, this is not a problem, because modern design will allow you to do this very neatly and interestingly, and you can verify this by looking at the photos provided below.

Before you begin repair work in the yard, you should consider some nuances:

  • number of people living in the house;
  • are there children in the house;
  • financial opportunities.

If desired, several zones can be combined into one to save space. To visually separate the territory, install garden sculptures, plantings of greenery (bushes, flowers or Christmas trees), if possible, build an artificial pond or lake of small size.

The area for children's recreation and games should be located in a place that will be visible to adults, so that children can be monitored and supervised.

The design of a private courtyard in a modern style is difficult to imagine without paths, because this element is present on the territory of every house, and in the photo you can see how best to design them in the courtyard. With the help of paths, several problems will be solved at the same time: safety of movement, zoning of space and yard decor.

The material from which the paths will be laid can be very different, at the discretion of the owners, for example, they use large flat stones, ordinary brick, fine gravel, while the path can be fenced with a border or a small decorative fence.

How to arrange plants and flowers correctly?

Flowers are chosen from different varieties so that their blooms replace each other, thus, from approximately mid-April to October, it will be possible to admire the beauty flowering plants and inhale their aromas. Special flower beds are made for flowers, planted in tubs or pots.

It is very convenient to care for flowers if they are located in flower beds, as there is no need to get dirty in the ground, because there will be lawns, paths or a pebble mound around them.

What role does lighting play in the courtyard of a private house?

An illuminated yard means, first of all, the safety of movement around the territory at night. In addition, this will allow you to enjoy the surrounding nature and long-term communication with guests in the evenings. fresh air from early spring to late autumn.

Lanterns should be positioned so that the facade of the house and other existing buildings, as well as the main entrance, the space near the garage or parking lot are well lit.

Typically, lighting fixtures are located along the paths, and are done so that the entire perimeter of the territory can be viewed without problems.

Having decided on the main lighting, you can consider the layout of the lighting in decorative purposes. Lanterns will look very impressive next to a flower bed, pond or lake. Trees and large shrubs are illuminated with LED strips.

In specialized stores there is a large number of lighting devices powered by solar energy. This will save you a lot of money cash on paying for electricity, and soft, dim lighting will be enough for safe movement in the dark.

Landscaping a small backyard space

In most private houses located within the city, the yard area is small, so in order to create a cozy corner for children or tea drinking and pleasant time in the fresh air, it is better to implement the intended design modern courtyard in the area adjacent to the back of the house.

There are many on the Internet different ideas and photos that will help in transforming the required space.

For a small backyard area excellent option will be the construction of a base from a wooden platform or deck. Along the fence you can plant tall bushes or plants that will climb along the fence; this will help make a small courtyard cozy and hide everything that happens in it from prying eyes.

The cheapest and often preferred furniture for patios in a private home is made of plastic or artificial rattan. But they also make pieces of furniture for outdoor use from wood, forged metal and stone.

Furniture made of plastic is very convenient; it can simply be washed with water, and rattan products should not be overly moistened. Wooden furniture must be periodically coated with varnish or protective agents. Wrought iron chairs and tables should be painted once every few years.

It should also be noted that wooden floors can become great solution to continue the porch of a private house, this will be good design for modern yards, and for an example you can pay attention to the photo.

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Depending on the type of house itself, whether it is individual or guest, huge or small, built in a village, cottage community, historical part of the city or on endless expanses of land measured in tens of hectares, the design of the yard of a private house changes. Based on the location of the hacienda, based on the possible use of the land and taking into account own preferences You can begin planning the landscape areas of the yard and choosing objects to decorate them.

Ways to implement the plan:

  • on one's own;
  • by the craftsmen of a company specializing in landscape work;
  • by hired workers, who are organized and controlled by the owner of the house himself.

Each owner has his own home

Bench among a luxurious flower garden

The location of the home dictates the corresponding design requirements for the surrounding area.

buildingsHouse in a cottage villageHouse in the villageHouse in the historical centerEstateCountry house in gardening
Features affecting the design projectClosed area

Same type buildings

Regulated height, transparency and fence material (or lack thereof)

Strict requirements for the appearance of secondary buildings on the site

You can choose a style according to your desires, but build, be sure to comply with technical standards

If the purpose of the land plot is private household plots, then auxiliary buildings in the yard are allowed

It is prohibited to violate urban planning norms or urban development plans

Its appearance must correspond to the existing image of the city

Fulfillment of any fantasy, limited only by available meansA small area intended for recreation and gardening work. Due to the minimal space, mini-zones of the yard landscape are planned

In addition to the above features, each type of private house has characteristics that influence the main design solutions when developing a zonal landscape project for a courtyard area.

Planning of private areas

The styles most often used in the design of the yard of any private house are English landscape, Japanese kindergarten, French regular, Mediterranean, Russian estate style, as well as “domestic”, free from all signs of the times, i.e. eclecticism, a combination of a variety of elements. Realizing landscape design owning, there is no need to maintain the style completely; you can limit yourself to just a few techniques, “throwing” a stylistic flair over the object.

No matter how you position the house (it is recommended to plan the construction of the main building so as not to shade the garden area), it is still the center of the yard. Pedestrian paths, a driveway, and the rest of the estate's buildings are connected to it. Each of the elements must correspond to the main building on the site, emphasize it, and present the author’s design of the courtyard of a private house to the view of the visiting guest in the best possible way.

All private property can be divided into three large areas, according to their purpose. These include: a recreation area, an area bordering the main house, a green area with outbuildings.

Read more about landscape design zones

The recreation area can be divided into a place where the active part of the family spends time, a “summer kitchen” sector and a corner of relaxation and quiet rest. The first includes a gazebo, children's Corner(sandbox, swing, ladder), tree house, sports ground. The second consists of a barbecue, barbecue, and oven complex. The third unites a pond, a bath complex, shady corners of the garden: an openwork bench for book lovers under tall tree, summer house creative solitude. They should be decorated with flowerpots that support the overall garden color scheme. The combination of color, peace and aroma is relaxation in country house.

The “green” zone includes a vegetable garden, orchard, hedges from berry bushes. It should be located away from the entrance to the site in order to minimize the contact of roadside dust and exhaust smoke with the plants. Outbuildings can be designed in rural or fairy tale styles. A fad that has become fashionable among absolutely urban residents is a chicken coop for laying hens, made according to an original design, which will decorate the site. And the cellar - Bilbo's hobbit house with an earthen grass roof - will allow you to show your creative imagination.

Sometimes it is recommended to do green roof“pseudo-herbal”, replace freezing grasses that require a significant soil layer, fertilizing, regular watering, with drought-resistant creeping succulents, low-growing sedums. These plants create a spectacular voluminous carpet that does not require special care.

The adjacent territory, consisting of a facade entrance zone ( entry group, parking, garage, gate) and the area adjacent to the house on the back side is business card owners. It is very important not only what is behind the fence, but also what others see when approaching the house. A paved driveway, an attractive fence, a beautiful mailbox on a gate or a stone fence post, blooming bindweed - everything creates the atmosphere of a friendly, hospitable home, pleases the eyes of neighbors, and evokes the admiration of people passing by.

The private side implies access from the house to the garden, the presence of a patio where groups of forged or wicker furniture, an alpine slide or a man-made fountain are placed. Plan your yard design so that from the living room window, central room in the house, opened beautiful view. Looking at the garden changing from season to season - snow-covered, blooming, bright autumn - you will admire the creation of your own hands every time.

Special objects of a large-scale estate

When designing a large space, the priorities of the owners, the direction of their activities, and hobbies are taken into account. On the territory of the estate, special areas include stables, alleys for riding and walking, a garden, a park with woody areas, connected by lawns. For the owners, their adult children, and service personnel, several buildings are provided far from each other. Other buildings - a garage housing a collection of vintage cars, a pseudo-barn as a place for an art gallery, an elevated belvedere allowing views of the surrounding area, an indoor swimming pool, a winter greenhouse - reflect the hobbies of the owners. A tennis court, a football field, a mini-golf course, a boat pier, large bodies of water surrounded by canals, with passages connecting individual corners of the estate can also be planned.

Besides large objects large space it is necessary to saturate it with “highlights”, corners where it is interesting to look, and once you get there, you will not want to leave. A gazebo entwined with grapes, a white statue in the thicket blooming jasmine, a sun lounger behind a plant curtain, where you can hide from your family, feel the taste of solitude, merging with nature.

As a special decorative technique on the territory of a large estate, it is interesting to use signs with the names of routes, designed based on the style general design. This is organizationally correct, and in addition, it will allow you to play “Find Me” with guests.

Gardening fun

Let’s pay a little more attention to the design of the “green” zone of a private house. In garden design, a favorite in recent years has been the formal vegetable garden, a replica of the French royal gardens. In addition to the aesthetic impression, this option for arranging a garden area is convenient when caring for and working in it. Paved paths, high borders, bordering beds, symmetry, clear lines, adherence to proportions make it almost ideal. Plant objects planted as if on a ruler, necessarily ranked by height, the configuration of bushes maintained by annual formative pruning, fruit trees on trellises - all this makes the garden mathematically harmonious, visible in different planes with a pronounced volume of details. And the lush colors of garden vegetation smooth out the impression of a soulless standard, introducing the turbulence of life.

Regular planning organizes a garden of minimal dimensions well. Clearly calculated space required for each plant, high or stepped beds, flatly distributed branches of fruit trees that take up less space, dense planting of vegetable crops make it possible to realize all desires, to show an unlimited flight of imagination in a limited area.

The complete opposite of a regular garden is a free-style garden, where different plants are mixed, and their presence is determined only by desire. Following the principle “dear to my heart,” rose bushes, ornamental cabbage, marigolds, and potatoes are placed here next to each other. The vegetable garden is separated from other space and the barbarity of domestic animals. And the guard in front of the gate can be a figurine of a funny man in a wide-brimmed hat. An interesting technique - planting on the brim of a hat in thin layer substrate for succulents that do not require a lot of soil and moisture.

Site lighting is an effective design technique

The landscape design of the yard cannot be imagined without lighting at night. At night, the garden and houses take on different shapes, emphasized by the rays of lamps, matched in style and material to the overall design local area.

You can organize the lighting of paths by laying a network electrical cables, powering them from the main source of electricity, or provide for the use of completely free solar energy. Using last option You won’t get fabulously bright lighting, but the storage batteries will perform their main function – to ensure the safe movement of people along private paths in the evening.

You can play with light special object adjoining space. Well-thought-out light groups will limit the recreation area that goes around the path, highlighting a pond with shining lights on the water surface - a charming sight that attracts you like a magnet. Sitting on the shore of an illuminated pond, looking at the stars - for the sake of this pleasure, a country house is built, the design of its yard is thought out.

Putting a private house in order is much more difficult than a city apartment. This is due to the presence garden territory, which needs constant care from a caring owner. And how could it be otherwise? After all, when we are at a dacha or in a country house, we spend most of our time not indoors, but in the yard.

Beautiful yard a private home is the dream of many owners. But not everyone can afford to hire landscape designers who could develop a suitable project for its arrangement. So what? Let's try to do this ourselves, going through several stages to build a comfortable and beautiful home space.

First, you should consider what functionality you expect from your yard. Do you want to grow here? flower beds, relax on a sun lounger or maybe raise fish in an artificial pond? For all these types of activities, a place should be allocated, that is, the space should be divided into functional areas.

Cozy garden furniture and a fireplace formed a seating area at the back wall of the house.

Think about which areas are necessary for you (for example, a playground - if you have children), which are desirable, and which are easy to refuse. If the yard is small, then optimal solution will combine some zones. For example, put folding chairs on the lawn that can be easily removed and turn the seating area into... a golf course.

Stage #2. We separate zones with screens, fences, arches

For visual differentiation, it is optimal to take advantage of landscaping opportunities. In this case, the garden boundaries will be hedges, dense bushes, and tall perennial plants.

The shade from the thickets of derain allows you to relax on a garden bench on hot summer days

A squat picket fence can surround a recreation area or a football field. The main thing is not to overload the fence. It should look “airy” and not dominate the garden space.

An arch or pergola over the path leading to the functional area often acts as a natural complement to such a fence. Such structures are especially decorative, overgrown with climbing roses, clematis, morning glory and other beautiful flowering vines.

If you need to create a small shady corner, closed from neighbors, try using the simplest structures - trellises or garden trellises. Entwined climbing plants, they give the impression of a solid green wall.

To protect the dining garden area from wind and sun, trellises and a traditional pergola were used

In open areas, garden screens and screens are often used to create a limited area. Additionally, they serve to create shade and protection from the wind. The most popular such designs are frames with padded slats, wooden panels with carved perforations. Partitions made of bamboo, rattan or wicker look very beautiful and stylish.

A light screen made of reed mats enhances the oriental flavor small garden

Stage #3. We think over the paving of platforms and paths

In the front area of ​​the yard, paving stones are appropriate, concrete slabs, cut stone (sandstone, limestone, granite, basalt). A popular solution is to leave a soil space between the slabs and fill it with pebbles, sand, and glass granules. Or unpretentious ones are planted in “pockets” low growing plants: juveniles, rock cloves, saxifrage, thyme, etc.

An area paved with irregularly shaped granite slabs is especially suitable for a patio.

You can use wood cuts to pave the paths of an informal yard. The space between them is filled with sawdust and crushed bark. Such solutions, close to nature, will look especially advantageous in shady corners of the yard, among bushes and trees.

A path made from round saw cuts looks natural and original

The gaps between the cuts can also be filled with small crushed stone, gravel or sand. Then the paths will become more elegant and discreet. In this form they can be placed in ceremonial flower beds, mixborders and even near front door Houses.

In recent years, designers have begun to use narrow boards tightly fitted to each other as paving paths. The wooden sidewalk is painted or varnished. Instead of ordinary boards, it is more convenient to use sections of ready-made garden parquet - decking.

The decking path is quickly installed and does not need repair for many years

When choosing paving material, you should sketch out on paper a plan for future paths and areas. The closer they are to home, the more reserved they should be. Paving stones, bricks, decking, and slabs are more appropriate here. In various “thematic” areas: near an impromptu pond, a bridge, in a rock garden or in stylized mixborders, paving is supposed to be more informal. It's better if it's messy, with irregular shapes made from gravel, sand, crushed stone, wood mulch and others natural materials.

Stage #4. Landscaping the yard

To create a beautiful yard with your own hands, sometimes all you need to do is choose and arrange the right plantings.

Start with trees and shrubs. They add variety to the geometry of the garden, create natural shady areas, and protect from the wind. In addition, they help to focus attention on significant details of the garden. For example, a free-standing chestnut helps to “notice” and garden bench located in its shadow. A rose bush on the lawn brings bright notes to the monotony of the green lawn. And juniper bushes, densely planted along the garden path, emphasize its outlines and create a natural border.

A mixed border of various conifers can be a replacement for a parterre flower garden near the house

To add bright notes to your yard design, you cannot do without planting brightly flowering plants. With their help you can create beautiful multi-colored or monochromatic landscapes. When planning a flowerbed in a small local area, give preference to a set of plants whose flowering periods occur continuously one after another. Such a flowerbed will delight you with bright colors all season long.

Flower plantings can make even the most boring yard with heavy buildings interesting and bright.

Courtyards filled with flowers always attract the eye. But areas with a predominance of decorative foliage plants look no less original, although more restrained. Among them, species with sculpturally outlined, large leaves of unusual tones are especially valued. In ferns they are lacy and long, in hostas they are large, corrugated, in heucheras they are painted in multi-colored tones.

A yard with decorative foliage plants looks noble

Lawns have become very popular in recent years. Sometimes the entire free area of ​​the yard is planted with cereal grasses. However, do not think that there will be little hassle with this landscaping option. The inevitable trampling of grass, the need for overseeding, regular walks with a lawn mower - this is just a small list of what you will have to face.

A thick, evenly trimmed lawn does not lose its position as one of the most decorative elements of the yard

More and more often there are beautiful courtyards in dachas, the areas of which are completely paved with stone or paving stones. This is done to maintain the required style or for convenience - such a yard is easy to keep clean. To green this area, plants are used in flowerpots, which are put outside in the summer and brought indoors for storage in the winter. In this way, you can place any heat-loving exotics in your yard: cypress, azalea, yucca, lemon, pomegranate, etc.

Exotic, heat-loving plants in containers emphasize the Mediterranean style of the garden

Another way to decorate your yard involves vertical gardening. Landing climbing vines on supports allows you to plant many plants in a small area and create a relief volume of the garden. You can use existing buildings and structures in the yard as supports: fences, poles, tree trunks, gazebos. Special supports - trellises, trellises, pergolas, arches - along with their supporting function, play the role of delimiters of garden space.

Abundant flowering climbing roses on garden arches

Stage #5. We use decorative elements

It will be easier to decorate the yard beautifully, as professional designers do, if you use special decorative elements.

Large garden decorations give the garden a stylistic direction, add the necessary accents, and create dynamics. Various sculptures, fountains, obelisks are placed in open areas, during patios, in flower beds.

Small decorations are also relevant - they add a special charm to the yard design. Especially loved by the people garden figurines in the form of animals or fairy tale characters. The main thing is not to overdo it with their number, so as not to turn the yard into a children's playground. Although for families with children this is not so bad!

Wooden figurines of gophers, placed in plantings, diversify the interior of the yard

In modern landscape design, a combination of decorative role with functional. Various birdhouses, bird feeders, and squirrel nests are traditionally a manifestation of care for the animal world. But, in an unusual, original design, they will adequately decorate the courtyard interior. Stylized fencing made of vines, decorative flowerpots, and wicker garden screens can become art objects with useful properties.

Fun colorful containers made from metal barrelsoriginal idea for decorative garden

Stage #6. We design artificial reservoirs

Having your own pool is the dream of many homeowners. Suitable for large areas concrete structures, the bottom and walls of which are decorated with PVC film or mosaic. The second popular option is the use of ready-made rigid forms made of PVC or composites. For small areas or seasonal cottages, it is preferable to use inflatable pools.

A swimming pool in landscape design combines the beauty of an artificial reservoir and functionality

If a pool is more of a functional element, then another artificial body of water - a pond - is intended to be admired. The easiest way to build it is to line the bottom of a dug pit with PVC film.

When creating a pond “a la naturel”, its banks are decorated with pebbles and natural stones. Moisture-loving plants are planted around: reeds, sedges, marsh iris, water mint. You can also engage in aquatic plant growing by planting water lilies, lotuses, egg capsules, bladderworts, and urut on the bottom of the pond. Some green inhabitants of reservoirs are free-floating and do not need planting as such. Among them we can highlight waterweed, duckweed, and salvinia.

You cannot swim in such a pond, but you can grow aquatic plants and fish

The pond can be supplemented artificial waterfall. The sound of water flowing from stone cliffs will help you immerse yourself in a state of relaxation and will be especially relevant next to the recreation area. Falling water is also characteristic of a fountain, which, in modern design, takes on the most unexpected forms. Streams of water can escape from under the surface of a pond, fall from an improvised millstone, or flow out of a jug.

The movement of water in a pond can be easily created using a simple fountain

Stage #7. We create functional lighting

You can decorate your yard as beautifully as in the photo below if you use elements of garden lighting: electric or solar-powered. In addition to their main purpose - illuminating the area, they are able to add a special charm to the garden interior.

With proper placement of garden lights, lamps and lamps, the yard at night will look magical

Garden paths, sculptures, plants, pools and ponds are usually illuminated. With the help of small LED lamps built into the paving of the site, at night you can achieve the effect of a starry sky under your feet. Floating lamps in the shape of water lilies create an incredible feeling of a blooming oasis on the water. And lanterns on poles along the sides of the garden path will illuminate your path from the gate to the house.

Floating solar-powered lights offer a different look at the night pond

Thoughtful and well-designed lighting can become the most beautiful element landscape interior. If you apply all the above design principles in practice, you will easily be able to create a yard design that best suits your ideas about beauty and comfort.

Landscaping the territory of a private house is a process no less complex, creative and labor-intensive than. Everyone dreams of a beautifully designed garden plot or back yard. But not everyone can hire a landscape designer who will design everything. If you don’t have such an opportunity, but really want to create one, then our review will help you with this. In the article you will find practical recommendations And simple solutions, how to improve the local area with your own hands and without large financial expenses.

If you decide to create a landscape design with your own hands, then, first of all, you will need suitable projects. Before purchasing seedlings and certain materials, you need to make a clear plan for how to arrange all the elements of landscape design in the local area. The most simple ideas you can look at the photo. You can also see how to make a simple yard design project in the video below:

Before you start planning, look at what they look like, as well as design options small yard. You can create a beautiful landscape on your own using available materials.

The landscape of a private house requires a specific plan, on which you need to note:

  • buildings around the house, including gazebos, a playground and an outdoor shower;
  • bodies of water It is worth considering that laying is done first;
  • structures made of stones and alpine slides;
  • garden paths near the house;
  • areas for planting shrubs and trees;
  • placement of flower beds and flower beds. The choice of material and time for arranging elements near the house will depend on the type of flower bed;
  • local area;
  • systems

For your information! The marking of the territory must be carried out after careful preparation. A detailed plan will not only allow you to think everything through well, but will also help you save money.

Site development

When deciding how to plan your yard, first of all, start from the house and the style that matches it. You should not allow excess decor in the local area. The plan involves dividing the site into separate zones.

The recreation area and children's playground deserve special attention. If there is not enough space in the yard, then perhaps some zones can be combined. Bushes and perennial plants can be used to limit individual areas.

If the layout is done correctly, then even in a small area you can place all the necessary objects.

The layout of the yard is carried out taking into account the following factors:

  • terrain. How flat or hilly it is, as well as the location of mountains or ravines nearby;
  • type of soil: clayey, light or fertile;
  • plot shapes: rectangular, triangular, rounded or L-shaped;
  • area dimensions;
  • level ;
  • illumination and orientation to the cardinal points.

The courtyard design allows for rational placement of all communication elements. Zoning of a personal plot in a village or in another area involves division into the following parts:

  • residential denotes the main building and all that are adjacent to it;
  • economic zone denotes buildings for storing tools, all kinds of garages and places where fuel supplies are stored;
  • rest zone includes a swimming pool, children's playground, flower beds, gazebos and;
  • garden and for growing fruits and vegetables.

The layout of the yard area should be carried out taking into account the ground level. In some cases, it may be necessary to create a blind area or fill soil. To strengthen the slopes, slopes, terraces, etc. are needed.

Also, landscape design involves observing the cardinal directions. Experts recommend placing large trees and houses on the north side so that their shadow does not cover the green spaces. Planning a site near the house involves placing it inside the territory in order to protect it from prying eyes and noise.

When planning village house and the yard, you need to think about the gardening area. Shrubs and fruit trees must be distributed so that all crops have enough light and space. You can complete your landscaping plan yourself. For this zone, the sunniest place in the garden is chosen.

A vacation spot for a country house does not have to be located in one place. Individual areas can be found throughout the territory. Landscape design includes decorative elements such as flower beds, flower beds near the house and small ponds.

In the photo you can see wonderful ideas for a private house, as well as for plots in the village.

Sidewalk paths, platforms and fences in the courtyard of a private house: photo ideas

Arrangement of a personal plot always includes such activities as laying paths, installing fences and installing recreation areas and children's areas. When deciding how to lay out the paths, consider different variants.

Some yard coverings can be laid out yourself and are very inexpensive. At the entrance, paving stones, cut stone paving or tiles will look great. To make beautiful fences around paths near your house, you can use low plants.

When deciding what to cover your yard with, consider original solutions. For example, an excellent path design can be obtained from wood cuts. In this case, the free spaces between them can be filled with sawdust or bark. You can also use narrow boards for the yard. They need to be tightly fitted to each other, and then painted or varnished.

You can consider different designs of paving stones, as well as interesting solutions It’s worth looking at the photo to see how to pave the paths.

A yard path can be classified depending on the material used:

  • stone options: pebbles, plastic, paving stones in the courtyard of a private house, as well as, photos of which can be found on the Internet;

  • wooden coverings: boards, sawn logs;

  • brick and concrete coverings;

  • paths made from scrap materials.

To visually delineate the local area, you can use a variety of landscaping. For example, you can use small fences to decorate your yard from perennial plants, annual flowers and dense bushes. For the environment sports ground or a seating area, a squat one will do.

You can look at the photo of the design of the fence of a private house. Arches or pergolas for paths can be a beautiful addition to such mini fences. In this case, you will get a luxurious covered fence in a private house. Climbing morning glory, clematis and roses are used for the designs.

For your information! Frames with slats or wooden panels with perforations look original. You can make partitions from rattan, wicker and bamboo.

Landscaping and landscaping

After planning and marking the site, the question arises of how to plant landscaping in the yard. Before planting anything, it is also necessary to complete a project for green spaces. Landscape gardening necessarily includes planting bushes and trees. They will help make your home design more diverse. In addition, they will protect certain areas from the sun and wind.

When decorating a small area near the house, you need to give preference to crops that bloom continuously. For the yard you can use. It is important to take into account that such areas also require care. Plants need to be trimmed and watered.

Landscape design involves the use of various flower beds and flower beds. A good solution for a closed yard. You can plant exotic crops in them, for example, cypress, pomegranate or lemon.

You can create great vertical gardening with your own hands. Such decorative elements will help create relief and volume for the garden. Supporting elements can be gazebos, fences and tree trunks.

Various examples of landscaping a private home and territory can be seen in the photo. Also, when creating landscape design, activities are carried out. You can highlight ponds, plants, sculptures and paths. To illuminate the area, you can use lanterns on poles. Fountains and sculptures can be installed in open areas. Plants that love moisture should be planted around the perimeter of the pond. This is swamp iris, reed or mint. When landscaping the territory, it is also necessary to comply with state regulations.

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Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos of original compositions

Flower beds and flower beds are a necessary element of landscaping a yard in a private home. Even with limited areas you can find a place for luxurious plants. That being said, you should know how to plant beautiful flowers in your yard.

When deciding how to arrange areas of the local area with your own hands, first decide on the existing types of flower beds:

  • regular flower beds, in which a variety of plants are planted for landscaping the area. But flowering occurs at a certain time;

  • irregular have crops that bloom throughout the warm period;

  • raised flower beds consist of various frames of stone, brick and wood;
  • vertical allow you to decorate walls and fences;

  • carpet look like a canvas;
  • monoflowers consist of a single plant;
  • beautiful Look good next to paths. They can be planted near walls;

  • discount is a structure of different plants that can be planted on one side.
  • arabesques have a non-standard design. In this case, low-growing plants are used, which are planted in the form of different geometric shapes;
  • rock garden looks like a hill of stones;

  • front gardens usually located in front of the house and near the road;
  • mixoborders are mixed compositions. They are planted along buildings, paths and fences.

If you don't know what to plant and what flowers to use, look at the various options in the photo. Perhaps some idea will suit your taste.

Related article:

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on landscaping your territory, then a great solution for you is to create original flower beds and flower beds yourself. We will teach this in our article.

Beautiful gardens and courtyards: photo projects

If you haven't decided yet how to arrange beautiful territory and garden design for private homes, then draw up a carefully thought-out plan. First of all, highlight areas such as recreation, garden and farm.

To divide a private courtyard and garden into separate sections, you can use elements such as arches and screens.

Beautiful private gardens can be seen in the photos. Fruit trees, well-groomed lawns, and a variety of flower beds complement the various statues and. Many decorative elements can be made independently. You can also see beautiful ideas for landscape design in the photo of a garden on a private plot.

Outbuildings in a private house: photos of beautiful structures

When planning the most important stage is a house and a yard with outbuildings. Many yard elements can be done with your own hands. Without them, the landscape design will not have a complete look.

Let's look at what buildings in the yard can be used:

  • Separate area for the hearth. It could be a massive oven. Garden paths and the furniture can be tied to exactly this place. A good solution is to use a beam circuit.

  • Open dining room or kitchen provides a wonderful opportunity to eat outdoors. At the same time, all kinds of .
  • When deciding how to build a yard, you should use such small architectural forms, How alcove.

  • You can also consider an option like grill house.
  • Recreation area can be supplemented.

  • Pool It can be done both open and covered.
  • Equipped provides a lot of joy for children and an opportunity for parents to relax while the children are busy.

Gazebos in the courtyard of a private house: photo options

It is one of the important elements of landscaping the yard in a private house. You can do it yourself. Gazebos can be closed, open or attached to the house.

If price matters, then you should choose the polycarbonate option. A similar structure is located in the depths of the garden to reduce noise. The design of the courtyard of a private house with a gazebo is popular, as this allows you to get another comfortable place to relax.

You can consider the following gazebo options:

  • open structures are distinguished by simplicity and practicality. Such buildings are made of supports and a canopy. This pavilion offers a wonderful view of the surrounding nature;

  • closed buildings more like a light house;

  • gazebos covered, consist of a frame;
  • great option - construction B-B-Q.

How to arrange the gazebo inside depends on its configuration and design features. If the building is equipped with a fireplace, then you can also build a dining area.
