home · Tool · Application of liquid wallpaper on wooden doors. How to prepare walls for applying liquid wallpaper. Contrastingly painted walls and metal elements

Application of liquid wallpaper on wooden doors. How to prepare walls for applying liquid wallpaper. Contrastingly painted walls and metal elements

December 11, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Understanding how to apply liquid wallpaper on a wall is quite simple. But the final result depends not only on the application technique, but also on quality training material and surface to be treated. In the article I will tell you how to prepare both the walls themselves and the decorative composition for decoration, describe the working method, and also give tips on the care and repair of the decorative coating.

What is a material?

Liquid wallpaper is a decorative composition that is applied to the wall, forming a uniform coating with good performance and aesthetic characteristics. One of key benefits material - the possibility of applying it to the surface at home without the involvement of specialists and without the use of sophisticated equipment.

Liquid wallpaper consists of the following components:

  1. Adhesive base - responsible for fixing the material on the wall. As a base, dry CMC glue (or its analogues) is used, which swells upon contact with water.
  2. The binder is acrylic or latex-acrylic complex. The material provides hardening of the applied coating and gives it elasticity. If the wallpaper, after drying, begins to crumble and crumble, it means that the manufacturer did not maintain the proportion and added less acrylic to the composition than necessary.

  1. Fibrous filler is the main material that forms the coating. Cotton, cellulose, linen, wool, synthetic fiber, etc. are used as a filler. The most durable and most beautiful will be wallpaper with silk thread - but they are also the most expensive.

Naturally, silk usually means materials with high content silk in linen or cotton basis.

  1. Dye - responsible for the color of the material.

In addition to the main components, the composition of the material may include additional ones:

  • reinforcing threads made of synthetic fibers;
  • sequins (glitters) from mica or foil polymer film;
  • antiseptics - bactericidal (antimicrobial) and fungicidal (antifungal) additives;
  • hardeners, plasticizers, antistatic additives, etc.

Preparation for work


Application technology liquid wallpaper good because it does not require the use of complex and expensive equipment. For surface finishing can be used:

  • spray gun (for professional processing of large areas);
  • spatulas with a width of 20 to 60 cm;
  • trowels;
  • painting knives.

And yet, more often when decorating walls with your own hands using this material, graters are used - metal or plastic. And the best tool is a transparent grater made of plastic or plexiglass: its surface allows you to control the quality of the formed coating and quickly make adjustments.

Except hand tool we will need:

  • containers for soaking liquid wallpaper;
  • spray gun for moistening surfaces;
  • rack, scaffold or table for working at height.

As for overalls, you can limit yourself to a headdress (so that you do not have to wash your hair from glue) and gloves. The composition of liquid wallpaper does not include volatile toxins, so working with them will be completely safe.


Before starting work, you need to prepare the base for applying liquid wallpaper. This material will stick firmly only on a dry and clean surface that is not prone to flaking. That's why even a first inspection of the wall will tell you if it can be coated - or if it needs to be cleaned / puttied / primed.

The technology of preparatory work will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, we dismantle all the objects installed on it from the wall - shelves, brackets, cornices, etc.
  2. Those structural elements that cannot be dismantled (window sills, moldings, etc.) are sealed with masking tape or covered with polyethylene. This will avoid getting adhesive composition.

  1. Removing wallpaper from the wall decorative coatings. Liquid wallpaper cannot be applied to paint or whitewash - they will peel off along with the decorative layer.
  2. We tap the plaster to detect defects. We clean the identified areas with a weakly adhering coating to the ground, after which we perform their re-alignment.
  3. The areas affected by the fungus are treated with antiseptics.

To understand what this decorative material can be applied to and how to cook different grounds, study the following table:

Where do we put? How do we cook?
For plaster or concrete
  • we process with a transparent or white penetrating primer;
  • level with starting putty;
  • re-priming.
On drywall
  • we embroider the seams between the sheets of GKL and glue them with a sickle;
  • primed drywall;
  • fill the seams with putty and eliminate other irregularities, including attachment points;
  • we process the surface with a penetrating primer (white / colorless).
On a wooden wall or partition made of chipboard/MDF/OSB
  • we sand the surface of the wall to remove large fibers, splinters and burrs;
  • we process wood with alkyd enamel (PF-115 or equivalent);
  • instead of enamel, several layers of water-dispersed paint can be applied.
On metal surfaces
  • we clean metal surfaces from rust and oxides;
  • if necessary, we treat the metal with a rust inhibitor / converter;
  • We open the surface with alkyd enamel PF - 115.

The question of whether it is necessary to putty walls under liquid wallpaper is debatable. The need for this operation depends on the condition of the surface. For this decorative material, a perfectly even base is not needed, so if the irregularities do not exceed 1 - 1.5 mm, then puttying can be abandoned. A layer of fibrous coating perfectly masks all defects.

It is necessary to putty with high quality, but “without fanaticism” - minor defects will be hidden by finishing

Primer is another matter. The point is that the most effective method applying liquid wallpaper involves the introduction of a large amount of water into their composition (up to 2 liters per 1 m2).

If you do not protect the base with penetrating soil, then as a result of moisture there is a risk of peeling of putty or plaster. And the walls are made of wood wood boards or drywall may simply swell as a result of soaking.

It is very important that the primer is white or transparent. The use of tinted primers can lead to undesirable coloring of the liquid wallpaper base.

Composition for application

If you plan to do the finishing yourself, then it is worth studying how the volume of material is determined and how to prepare the composition for wall treatment yourself. Let's start with the first point:

  1. We determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball surfaces that need to be decorated. To do this, we multiply the perimeter of the room by its height, and subtract the area of ​​window and door openings from the obtained value.

  1. We divide the calculated area by the material consumption (this value may differ depending on the specific brand of coating). On average, to finish one square meter, you need from 200 to 400 grams of dry matter, so a standard kilogram package is enough for 3-4 squares.
  2. Having determined the mass, we buy the amount of dry material we need. I strongly recommend taking one package more than you need according to the calculations - and there will be a margin in case of marriage, and if necessary, there will be something to repair the damaged area.

Now - preparing the material for application:

  1. We spread a clean sheet of polyethylene on the floor. We pour a dry base onto polyethylene, including an adhesive component, polymers and a fibrous filler. Mix until completely homogeneous.

This work is best done with gloves. As additional protection use a respirator (at least a primitive "Petal" and goggles).

  1. Pour clean water into a container with a wide mouth (bucket, trough). The optimum water temperature is 40 - 500C. We fall asleep dry component and mix by hand until the lumps with a dry core completely disappear.

It is desirable to mix some brands of liquid wallpaper with a drill with a mixer nozzle. For others, such intense exposure is undesirable - the color structure may be disturbed. To figure out how to do it right, carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer.

  1. We cover the container with the mixed composition with polyethylene and leave the glue to swell. Soaking time different brands varies and can be from 2 to 8 hours.

  1. The swollen composition under the film retains its working qualities for at least a day, a maximum of 4-5 days. Re-soaking is undesirable, because due to the partial curing of the adhesive and polymers, the adhesion strength to the surface will be greatly reduced.

Wall finishing technology

Drawing on a plane

In this section, I will tell you how to glue liquid wallpaper on a pre-prepared base:

  1. With a spatula or just with your hand (preferably with a glove), we collect not a large number of material and apply it to the wall in the right place.
  2. We distribute the composition with a layer about 4-5 mm thick.
  3. We take a tool for smoothing - a spatula or a grater - and level the surface. In this case, the plane of the tool should be at an angle to the wall: so its edge will move the excess adhesive mass to the edge of the stain.

  1. The optimal layer is about 2 mm. After drying, it will decrease to 1 - 1.5 mm due to shrinkage.
  2. We continue to apply the material until we process approximately 1 - 1.5 m2. After that, we wet the grater, apply the plane to the surface and smooth the wallpaper in a circular motion.

  1. When smoothing down, it must be borne in mind that gluing liquid wallpaper allows you to lay the filler fibers in one direction or another. To do this, we perform the final movements at the right angle: where the grater “goes”, the fibers will fall there.
  2. The edges of the treated areas should be made uneven and not smoothed. This will allow joining adjacent sections without butt lines and noticeable seams.

  1. After processing the planes with an angled spatula, we additionally smooth out the internal and outside corners. This will compact the material and reduce the risk of delamination.

  1. In the kitchen, in the corridor and in other rooms, the walls of which are under increased stress, after drying, we process the wallpaper with varnish. polymer coating on water based after polymerization will protect decorative layer from moisture, dust and abrasion.

Pattern formation

The technology of wall decoration with liquid wallpaper allows not only to apply plain coatings, but also alternate sections with different colors, and even form patterns. How to do it correctly - I will tell in this section:

  1. First, we transfer the drawing to the prepared wall, marking its boundaries with a pencil. To obtain a large number of the same type of drawings, you can make a stencil from cardboard or thick paper.

  1. Then we apply a mixture of the same color in such a way that the material goes beyond the contour by about 1.5 - 3 mm. We smooth the wallpaper, achieving the optimal thickness.
  2. We take a narrow spatula and from the inside of the contour we shift or carefully cut off part of the material until we see a line on the base.

  1. We smooth the edges with a grater.
  2. After the initial drying of one color, we apply another, actions according to the same scheme.
  3. Additionally, we iron the lines of the junction of colors, moving the grater exactly along the contour. So we will avoid mixing the fibers, and the borders will turn out to be clear, not blurry.

Care and repair

Caring for liquid wallpaper is quite simple:

  1. The unvarnished surface is simply vacuumed - this is enough to remove dust and minor contaminants.
  2. Lacquered coating can be subjected to wet cleaning. At least regular wiping with a sponge dampened soapy water, wallpaper withstand without consequences.

  1. Severe dirt and other defects can be corrected by removing the damaged area and masking the hole with new material. Before applying liquid wallpaper to liquid wallpaper, we clean the coating at the defect site with a painter or spatula, capturing a little from the “whole” surface.

  1. Then we prime the wall and the remnants of the wallpaper, knead the composition thicker than with conventional application, and carry out repairs. After careful smoothing with a grater and drying, nothing should be visible!

  1. Another common problem is the change in shade in certain areas of the coating. If after applying liquid wallpaper appeared yellow spots- the point is most likely in metal mortgages or in moisture showing through the plaster / putty.

  1. In this case, we remove the decorative coating on the problem area, dry the base and treat the wall several times with a white primer. The soil will not only become a barrier to moisture, but also create a uniform background for the decor. After polymerization of the primer, we restore the liquid wallpaper.

If the yellowing is slight, then light coatings can be restored by treating the spots with whiteness. So that the wallpaper itself does not discolor, we dilute the whiteness with water in a ratio of 1: 3.

  1. You will have to do the same if the coating is swollen and exfoliated from the base. We clean the damaged area, re-prime or putty it again and then apply the decorative composition again.


The article describes the preparation of walls for finishing and the method of working with a decorative composition. Following these tips, you will be able to apply liquid wallpaper yourself, properly care for them, and, if necessary, effectively repair almost any damage. You can get advice on this topic by asking a question in the comments.

December 11, 2016

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If there is no primer, then you can use alkyd or oil paint to prepare the wall for liquid wallpaper.

Preparing plasterboard walls for liquid wallpaper

IN modern construction, drywall is the most popular material for interior decoration. Sheets of this material are fastened with self-tapping screws to a metal guide profile, and the joints are masked with gypsum mixtures.

When preparing walls for coating with liquid wallpaper, puttying only joints between drywall sheets is the most common mistake.

Putty is a material that absorbs water well, and even if water-repellent compositions are applied to the wall on top of it, and then liquid wallpaper (especially light colors) is pasted, then at the joints, white seams may appear. Even if this defect is not very noticeable, the overall impression of the applied wallpaper will be spoiled. Therefore, you do not need to save, and you should putty the entire area drywall wall. Then it can be painted with water-dispersion white paint.

Very often this recommendation is ignored, saying that supposedly the wall is already white. However, as already mentioned, putty is not a moisture resistant material, and it must be strengthened. For this in water-dispersion paint can be added with PVA Add 1 part glue to 3 parts paint.

As for the self-tapping screws, there is a possibility of showing through when they come into contact with liquid wallpaper. The easiest way to solve this problem is with galvanized self-tapping screws, even if they are a little more expensive than usual ones. But if the wall is mounted using ordinary (black) self-tapping screws, then make sure that they are well recessed into the drywall and that they can be securely covered with putty, otherwise you need to treat the hats with oil paint.

If there were leaks on the wall

Water leaks can also be a source of problems when preparing walls under liquid wallpaper. Dirt stains and rust spots may appear at the site of leaks. Previously, copper sulfate was used to solve this problem, but today it is recommended simply treat them with oil paint.

Preparation of wooden surfaces

Before applying liquid wallpaper to wooden surfaces, you should make sure that they are fixed properly, otherwise the wood may deform from exposure to moisture. Do not forget the simple rule - the thinner the product, the more it is subject to deformation.

To prepare a wooden surface, before applying liquid wallpaper, treat it with a primer in 2-3 layers, and then paint with water-dispersion or oil paint.

Contrastingly painted walls and metal elements

This "design" technique was practiced for premises in the era of developed socialism. The most important thing is to prevent the manifestation of colors at the junction of lines, after the liquid wallpaper has dried. Putty and staining with water-dispersion paint with the addition of PVA (3: 1) will help to cope with this.

All metal parts protruding above the surface of the wall (fittings, air ducts, etc.) must be carefully painted over with oil paint, otherwise rusty spots may appear on the wall covered with liquid wallpaper after a while.

Sholk - decorative (liquid wallpaper) in st. petersburg

Old wallpaper, glue, paint, screws or putty may remain on the surface of your walls. This can lead to rust marks and stains on liquid wallpaper as it is water based. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-prime the wall.

For the best effect, experts advise using the branded SILK PLASTER primer, which is odorless and dries quickly. Applying it in 2-3 layers provides reliable protection liquid wallpaper from extraneous damage. SILK PLASTER is not tinted and forms a smooth surface after drying. For better adhesion of silk wallpaper to the wall, the primer must be additionally coated on top with water-dispersion (W/D) paint. This will roughen the surface and make it easier to apply the wallpaper.

Features of applying liquid wallpaper on different surfaces

Painting over bare concrete or plaster with water-soluble paints is a thankless task. Concrete absorbs everything very easily, so even several layers of paint will not guarantee you a white surface. Sholk salon specialists recommend filling such a wall gypsum mixtures, additionally leveling the surface and clogging the pores. Then prime with SILK PLASTER branded primer in 2 layers and paint with water-dispersion paint to give whiteness.

In the absence of a branded primer, you can paint the surface with a mixture of facade water-dispersion paint with PVA in a ratio of 2: 1. Keep in mind that the layer of fresh putty must be at least 0.5 mm so that after it dries, the surface of the wall is not visible. Painting should be in 3 layers, since the first layer will only impregnate the wall and will not be a good basis for applying liquid wallpaper.

If concrete wall strongly flakes and crumbles, then the use of any materials, not only liquid wallpaper, will become much more complicated. Therefore, you need to apply a standard strengthening primer. Such compositions are widely represented by various manufacturers in the building materials market.

Walls in old houses ("Stalinka", "Khrushchev")

The materials used in the construction of such houses were of rather low quality. Often it is not at all known what these walls are made of. Such a surface is very insidious in that yellow spots and stains may appear on it. Therefore, such walls are better protected.

Paint the wall with oil, alkyd or SILK PLASTER primer. It should be applied in 2 layers and painted over with water-dispersion paint for whiteness.

Plasterboard surfaces

Drywall is widely used in the construction of partitions in houses and apartments. The sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws, and the joints are leveled with gypsum mixtures. Puttying only the junction of sheets is the most common mistake in the subsequent application of liquid wallpaper. The thing is that putties are very absorbent materials. Even if such a wall is carefully painted over, after applying liquid wallpaper (especially light types), white seams at the joints may appear. It will be barely noticeable, but the overall impression can be spoiled. Therefore, you need to putty the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall, despite the fact that the drywall sheets are even and smooth. This will require a small amount of putty itself, and very little time.

After the putty has dried, the surface must be painted with water-dispersion white paint. For better bonding, you can dilute it with PVA in a ratio of 3: 1. Often people ignore this, citing the fact that the wall is already white. This is an erroneous opinion, putties are not waterproof materials, so they need to be strengthened.

As for self-tapping screws, there is a danger of rust showing through when they come into contact with liquid wallpaper. The easiest solution is to use galvanized self-tapping screws. If the wall is already mounted on ordinary black self-tapping screws, before puttying, make sure that they are all sufficiently deepened and covered with putty, or treat the heads of the self-tapping screws with oil paint.

Such materials are often used in places of doorways, arches, mezzanines. On wooden surfaces, liquid wallpaper can be applied, making sure that they do not deform from exposure to moisture. Such a surface must be fixed properly. Keep in mind that the thinner the sheet, the more likely it is to deform from exposure to water. To protect such, we recommend using either a branded primer SILK PLASTER in 2-3 layers, followed by painting with water-dispersion paint to give a background, or ordinary oil paint.

This technique was often used in interior decoration in the past. It is important here to prevent the appearance of a color transition (“waterline”) after the liquid wallpaper dries. In this case, we recommend filling the surface with gypsum mixtures and further staining with water-dispersion facade paint with the addition of PVA at a ratio of 3:1.

If there are parts of fittings, air ducts and other parts on the surface, such places must be treated with oil paint.

Common Questions

- Why prime the putty if it is already white?

Any putty is not waterproof, it must be painted over. It can simply get wet under the influence of moisture from a mixture of liquid wallpaper.

- Why 2-3 layers of paint, why is not enough one?

The first (and sometimes the second) layer of paint is strongly absorbed into the surface. His protective properties while not appearing. Impregnations reduce both this effect and the final paint. It is necessary to paint over the wall to a uniform color, “bald spots” should not be visible.

- Do I need to tint the substrate?

Substrate tinting is appropriate when applying liquid wallpaper bright colors. Moreover, it is produced in the colors of the material.

- Do I need to level the wall before applying liquid wallpaper?

If the depressions on the surface are more than 2-3 mm, they may appear when applying liquid wallpaper. If less - liquid wallpaper will make the wall even. Leveling the surface, for example, with decorative plasters, leads to an increase in the cost of work. Liquid wallpaper is more economical.

Liquid wallpaper how to apply

Decorative plaster, which is made from natural cellulose fiber, as well as high quality adhesives and dyes, various additives in the form of painted quartz chips, glitter and flock - this is liquid wallpaper. This material is small flakes, which, after being applied to the base, form a relief or smooth coating. You can guess for yourself what they got such a name, since the material must be applied to the surface in a liquid state. The preparation of liquid wallpaper consists in thorough mixing, with a simple addition of water to the mixture. Also can be purchased liquid mixtures completely ready for use. On the market building materials liquid wallpaper is represented by both imported and domestic manufacturers. Depending on the manufacturer, there is no particular difference in the quality of this material. Everything differs only in the properties of liquid wallpaper in terms of finished surface(color and design).

The use of liquid wallpaper

Now let's get to the question liquid wallpaper how to apply. You can use liquid wallpaper for interior decoration corridors, rooms, offices and apartments. If you want to use wallpaper for finishing the bathroom, or stick wallpaper in the kitchen, then it is better to cover the surface with a transparent varnish only after it dries. Liquid wallpaper fits well on wooden walls, concrete pavement as well as on the plastered surface. They have a wide variety of colors, thanks to which you can choose from spring fresh and summer bright, to winter snow-white, shining in the sun. If you don’t find the color you want on sale, you can make it yourself using special additives. And with different color additives More than a thousand different shades will be available to you. IN office space with a gray tint, colors are perfect for a strict business atmosphere. Wallpaper in which natural elements of cotton or silk are added can be used for the bedroom - this will make the wallpaper more luxurious and spectacular. When creating a solemn atmosphere in the living room, liquid wallpaper with the addition of silver or gold threads is the best fit. And if you have a good imagination and you are a fan of experimenting, then you can apply various artistic techniques to the wallpaper - waves, spots, splashes, etc. All this will look very exclusive, beautiful and unusual.

Advantages of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper does not have seams, before repair it is not required to level the surface, cover up irregularities and cracks, because they will fill the gaps, making the walls and ceiling perfectly even.

Pipes and batteries can be coated with this material, but it should also be remembered that all metal surfaces require pre-coating with an insulation layer, because if rust spots appear, they will also appear on the surface of the wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper is fireproof: fire does not spread along the wall with such a coating, and toxic gases are not released during combustion.

It is very significant when using the material in rooms with excessive air humidity - moisture absorption capacity. Having covered the ceiling in the bathroom with wallpaper, mirrors and other objects will no longer fog up, and stuffiness will also disappear.

The eclectic charge does not have natural fibers in the composition of liquid wallpaper, so the coating has antistatic properties. Dust does not accumulate on the surface of the wall covered with liquid wallpaper, which makes it easier to maintain cleanliness in the room and has a positive effect on the health of residents.

When performing work, the plasticity and ease of preparation of the composition is ensured by the high quality of the resulting surface. The composition is poured with water and mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Wallpaper can be applied to drywall and concrete surfaces- this is another of the advantages of liquid wallpaper. But you need to make sure when you apply it on drywall surfaces so that they don’t even have significant defects (large holes, chips, etc.). And you need to do it, because. liquid wallpaper can hide defects no more than 1 cm deep.

Also, liquid wallpaper is used a second time for wall decoration - this is the most amazing and specific advantage. To do this, you need to remove the coating from the wall with a spatula, put it all in a special container, dilute it with water - and the wallpaper can be applied again to the walls.

Cleaning of surfaces that are covered with liquid wallpaper is done in the traditional way, or to be more precise, with a vacuum cleaner. The stain formed on the wall is erased with an ordinary eraser. And after wetting a heavily polluted place with water, you can remove it with a spatula, and after this procedure you can apply a new layer of wallpaper.

The disadvantages of liquid wallpaper include:

their relative porosity. This leads to the fact that they are able to absorb various odors, including cigarette smoke (to compositions with high price this does not apply);

They are too easy to wash off with water. This, of course, is not suitable for daily use, but it is convenient for removing them from the wall. And if they are covered with a special varnish, then the wallpaper will become resistant to washing off. Now they can already be wiped with a cloth, without damaging the coating, and appearance walls will remain the same. True, in this case, the effect of a "breathing" coating will irrevocably disappear.

Preparing walls before applying liquid wallpaper

It is necessary to prepare the surface for applying such plaster, because. the wall of almost any house in its composition will be heterogeneous. First you will need to clean the walls from various contaminants: remove the old wall covering, remnants of old wallpaper, glue, paint, putty, repair large traces of nails, cracks, pits and cover the surface of the walls with oil paint. If the walls are affected by a fungus, then they need to be treated with an antiseptic, and then dried thoroughly. If the walls are puttied, then it is not necessary to cover the surface of the walls with oil paint, because the walls will be sufficiently primed and dried. Plastered walls are covered with oil paint in order to prevent mixing with liquid wallpaper, when sand grains of plaster fall off, and of course for better adhesion to the plaster. Also, do not forget that a dark primer will shine through when applying light-colored liquid wallpaper.

Applying liquid wallpaper

Observe temperature regime when applying liquid wallpaper. In the room where work in progress temperature must be at least +10°C.

If the walls are ready, you can start preparing the mixture. First you need to pour the contents of a large package into a container. If there are any other bags with additives, then adding them there and in a dry form, and then mix everything well. Next, fill everything with ordinary warm tap water (the amount of water should be indicated on the package), then everything is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained (you can use a mixer). All necessary components completely dissolved when the mixture of liquid wallpaper swells a little (this mainly concerns the adhesive base), then mix again and the mixture is ready for use. The mixture usually dissolves completely within 10-15 minutes.

Make sure the wall surface is clean and dry before applying liquid wallpaper. The wallpaper is smeared with a special plastic spatula on small plot, then rolled out with a structural (embossed) roller, a thin layer, in different directions. Then take the next portion of the mixture and repeat the procedure. It is necessary to ensure that a smooth, uniform surface is obtained. Excess mixture is removed with a spatula. When applied with a spatula, the surface will be smoother and even, but the surface roller will add depth, and it is also easier for them to withstand a given layer in liquid wallpaper.

Except manual application compositions on the walls, you can use the method of applying to liquid wallpaper using sprayers (spray from a spray gun). Spraying, of course, is not in competition, because it is both uniformity, speed, and put together spatulas and rollers. True, special equipment will also be required (a hopper with interchangeable nozzles and a compressor). So the walls with a spray gun, with an area of ​​​​50m² (room 18m²), are covered within 2-3 hours.

Be sure to stock up necessary quantity liquid wallpaper. This must be done because the shade in each pack may be different, and do not join wallpaper from different packages on the same wall, it is better to put the joint in some corner.

They dry approximately 12-72 hours, all depending on the temperature and humidity in the room. Just do not try to speed up their drying (fan heaters, turn on the heating), as a result, cracks may appear. Fast drying building mixtures do not like. Liquid wallpaper can be additionally coated with acrylic-based varnish, after they dry, then it will be possible to wash them with detergents.

Remember that after drying, the wallpaper retains some plasticity. If, during the appearance of cracks and any other minor damage, or in the process of work, a marriage was made on the surface of the walls, defects can be eliminated by soaking the liquid wallpaper with water. The material remaining after work, rolled into a “pancake”, is stored for future repair work. We hope we have answered the question: liquid wallpaper how to apply?

liquid wallpaper care

The main care is that you need to vacuum the walls from time to time. You don't have to wash them with water. To remove stains, a wet rag can be used only if a special protective layer is applied to the coating - a colorless varnish. But when applying varnish, liquid wallpaper will lose their most important advantage - the ability to "breathe".

Using an ordinary eraser, you can easily remove dirty spots on the wallpaper.

Liquid wallpaper usually can not be changed until 6-8 years. If the wallpaper is partially damaged, then we moisten the place with warm water, and using a sharp tool, the coating on the damaged area is removed, and liquid wallpaper is reapplied to this place.

Proper preparation of walls for liquid wallpaper!

Apply Silk Plaster liquid wallpaper it is not difficult at all, it can be done even without special skills and knowledge. Because there may be remnants of putty, wallpaper, glue or paint on the wall, and fittings inside it, therefore, before applying, it is necessary to prepare the surface of walls and ceilings. Due to the fact that liquid wallpaper is mixed with water, after application, they can pull it all to the surface in the form of dirty stains and stains.

To avoid problems with liquid wallpaper from what is inside and on the wall, it is best to use a primer. When applied in 3 coats, it will provide a smooth surface and 100% durable protection. For reliable adhesion of silk wallpaper and the wall, the primer must be additionally coated on top with water-based paint (w / d).

In this article, we will tell you:

  1. How to apply Silk Plaster liquid wallpaper on a variety of surfaces:
    • Bare concrete, partially putty wall, plastered Brick wall
    • Walls in old houses
    • Drywall surface
    • Leaks and previously treated areas blue vitriol
  2. The four most common questions are:
    • Why prime the putty if it is already white?
    • Do I need to level the wall before applying liquid wallpaper?
    • Does the substrate need to be tinted?
    • Why 3 coats of paint, why is one not enough?

Bare concrete, partially plastered wall, plastered brick wall

Due to the high absorbency of such surfaces, at least 10 layers of paint can be applied, but the wall surface will still not be perfectly white. In this case, it is better to putty the wall with a gypsum mixture, while leveling the surface and clogging the pores, then prime in 2 layers and paint with water-based paint for whiteness.

If there is no primer, then you can treat the surface with a mixture of water-based facade paint with PVA in a ratio of 2: 1. In this case, it is necessary that the putty layer be at least 0.5 mm thick and the putty must be fresh, and the concrete should not be visible after it has dried. You need to paint in 3 layers, because the first layer is impregnating and does not create necessary protection.

If the concrete wall is initially too weak, and at the same time it crumbles heavily, peels off, then it is necessary to apply a reinforcing primer, which will significantly increase the adhesion of materials and facilitate further work.

Walls in old houses

During the construction of such houses, the materials were of very poor quality. Such walls are very insidious, because. you don’t know what they are made of at all, so stains and stains can easily appear on them. To avoid stains, you need to protect the walls very well.

First of all, it is necessary to treat the surface with impregnation or a primer solution. Then apply 2 coats of primer and paint over with water-based paint for whitening. If you do not have a primer, then you can use oil or alkyd paint.

Drywall surface

Drywall is one of the most common materials in construction, most often it is used for the construction of partitions. Sheets are attached to the guides with self-tapping screws, and the joints are leveled with gypsum mixtures. If you putty only the joints of the sheets, then you made a gross mistake. In order for the drywall joints not to be visible, it is necessary to putty the entire surface, otherwise the appearance of white stripes can spoil the look of the wallpaper.

The consumption of putty and the time spent on this work is minimal. After drying, it is necessary to paint the surface with water-based white paint. And do not think that this is a waste of time and money, because putty is not a waterproof material, it must be strengthened. If you have gypsum putty on drywall, we recommend adding PVA glue to the water-based paint in a ratio of 3: 1, this will further strengthen the putty.

Black self-tapping screws are dangerous for liquid wallpaper, because. contact with them may cause rust. The easiest way to solve this problem is to use galvanized self-tapping screws. But if the wall is already standing, then you should make sure that the black screws are far inside and close with putty, or treat them with oil paint.

Leaks and places previously treated with copper sulphate

When water leaks, stains and rust spots form, they were previously fought with copper sulfate. Now this is a danger for liquid wallpaper, if you cannot remove the leaks, just treat them with oil paint.

Wooden surfaces, plywood, fiberboard, MDF

These materials are not widely used. Before applying liquid wallpaper to a wooden surface, you need to make sure that they are securely fixed and do not deform under the influence of moisture. It is also necessary to take into account the thickness of the sheet, because the thinner it is, the more likely it is to deform. To protect the surface, it is recommended to use a primer in 2-3 layers before applying liquid wallpaper, followed by painting with water-based paint to give a background or ordinary oil paint.

Walls that are partially painted with paints of different colors (top is white, bottom is dark)

Previously, this technique was very often used for interior decoration. The most important thing is to prevent the manifestation of different colors from each other. In this case, it is best to putty the surface with gypsum mixtures and paint over the wall. facade paint water-based with the addition of PVA in a ratio of 3: 1.

Places with protruding metal parts

Protruding parts of fittings, air ducts, lighthouses, corners, etc. need to be processed with oil paint.

Answers to the 4 most common questions:

Question:Why prime the putty if it is already white?

Answer: Since any putty is not waterproof, it must be impregnated. It is better not to experiment, because it can easily get wet due to the moisture of liquid wallpaper.

Question:Do I need to level the wall before applying liquid wallpaper?

Answer: The presence of deep cavities (more than 2-3 mm) may subsequently appear if they are not pre-aligned. If the wall diverges by no more than 3 mm, then liquid wallpaper can hide these flaws. Leveling the wall or using finishing decorative plaster leads to an increase in repair costs.

Question:Does the substrate need to be tinted?

Answer: It is necessary to tint the substrate when applying liquid wallpaper in bright colors, usually the substrate is made in the same color as the material.

Question:Why do you need 3 layers of paint, why is one not enough?

Answer: Most often, the first and second layers of paint are absorbed into the surface, so their protective properties tend to zero. If you used impregnation before applying the paint, it will reduce both the final consumption of the paint and its absorbency. As a result, 2 layers of paint can be applied, but the wall must be uniform and without white spots.

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Photogallery of liquid wallpaper Catalog of liquid wallpaper

Surface preparation - liquid wallpaper - walls - repair technologies - repair and construction workshop + video

To protect liquid wallpaper from what is in the wall and on the wall, our company offers you branded primer SILK PLASTER (FG) odorless and dries quickly. Applying it in 2 - 3 layers provides reliable protection. SILK PLASTER primer is not tinted and forms a smooth surface after drying. Therefore, for good adhesion of silk wallpaper, the primer must be additionally coated on top with water-dispersion (W/D) paint. This will give a rough surface and, accordingly, comfort during application.

Consider applying Silk Plaster liquid wallpaper to the most common surfaces:

Painting over bare concrete or plaster with water-soluble paints is a thankless task. Due to the enormous ability of such surfaces to absorb, it is possible to apply 15 layers of paint and not achieve the required whiteness of the surface. In this case, it is easier to putty the wall with gypsum mixtures, further leveling the surface and clogging the pores, then prime the FG in 2 layers and then paint with high-pressure paint to make it white.

If there is no FG, it is possible to paint the surface with a mixture of facade high-pressure paint with PVA in a ratio of 2: 1, only it should be taken into account that the layer of putty must be sufficient so that after it dries, concrete does not show through, i.e. the thickness must be not less than 0.5 mm and it should not be old. Coloring is necessary in 3 layers, since the first layer will actually be only impregnating and will not create the necessary protection.

If the concrete wall is initially weak, peels off strongly, crumbles, then the use of any materials is complicated due to the fact that adhesion is practically absent. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a standard strengthening primer, such compositions are widely represented by various manufacturers in the building materials market.

Walls in old houses ("stalenka", "Khrushchev")

The materials used in the construction of such houses were of rather low quality. Often it is not at all known what these walls are made of. Such a surface is very insidious in that yellow spots and stains may appear on it. To avoid the appearance of stains, it is necessary to carefully protect such walls.

First you need to impregnate the entire surface with impregnation, or with a solution of FG. Next, you should apply FG in 2 layers and paint over with high-pressure paint to make it white. If there is no FG, then you can protect yourself from stains only by applying oil or alkyd paints. It is possible to use other compositions, having previously applied them to 2-3 small test areas, in order to at least somehow “play it safe” before applying liquid wallpaper to the entire wall.

Plasterboard surfaces

Drywall is currently widely used in construction internal partitions. The sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws into the guides, and the joints are leveled with gypsum mixtures. Puttying only the joints of sheets is the most common mistake in the subsequent application of liquid wallpaper. The thing is that putties are very absorbent materials. Even if such a wall is carefully painted over with high-pressure compounds, after the subsequent application of liquid wallpaper, especially light types, white seams at the joints may appear. And let it be barely noticeable, but the overall perception of the material will be spoiled. Therefore, you need to putty the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall, despite the fact that drywall sheets are even and smooth.

It should be noted that the putty itself and the time for its application require a meager amount. After the putty dries, the surface must be painted with white paint. Often people ignore this, citing the fact that the wall is already white. This is an erroneous opinion, putties are not waterproof materials, they must be strengthened. In the case of gypsum putty on drywall, we recommend adding PVA glue to the high-pressure paint (in a ratio of 3: 1), which will additionally strengthen the putty.

As for self-tapping screws, there is a danger of rust showing through when they come into contact with liquid wallpaper. The simplest solution is to use galvanized self-tapping screws, they are not much more expensive than ordinary black ones. If the wall is already mounted on black self-tapping screws, before puttying, make sure that they are all deep enough and covered with putty, or treat the heads of the self-tapping screws with oil paint.

Water leaks are problematic in that mud stains and yellow rust spots form in their place. Copper sulphate was previously used to remove streaks. Such places are dangerous for the manifestation of stains. If it is not possible to remove them, treat these places with ordinary oil paint.

Wooden surfaces, plywood, fiberboard, MDF

Such materials are often used locally, in places of doorways, arches, mezzanines. Liquid wallpaper can be applied to wooden surfaces, making sure that they do not deform from moisture, that is, they are properly fixed. Moreover, it is worth considering that the thinner the sheet, the more likely its deformation. To protect such surfaces before applying liquid wallpaper, we recommend using either FG in 2-3 layers, followed by painting with high-pressure paint to give a background, or ordinary oil paint.

Walls partially painted with bright colors (dark bottom, white top)

This technique was previously often used in interior decoration. It is important here to prevent the appearance of a color transition (“waterline”) after the liquid wallpaper dries. In this case, we recommend filling the surface with gypsum mixtures and further staining with high-quality facade paint with the addition of PVA at a ratio of 3:1.

Seats with speakers metal parts

This refers to the details of fittings, air ducts, etc. Such places need to be treated with oil paint. Application and maintenance and learn also How to apply liquid wallpaper + video

Common questions:

Why prime the putty if it is already white?

Putty, both gypsum and oil-adhesive, is not a waterproof material, it must be painted over. It can simply get wet under the influence of liquid wallpaper moisture.

Why 2 - 3 coats of paint, why is one not enough?

The first, and sometimes the second layer of paint is strongly absorbed into the surface, their protective properties are nullified. Impregnations applied before applying the paint reduce this effect and the final paint consumption. It is necessary to paint over the wall to a uniform color, “bald spots” should not be visible.

Does the substrate need to be tinted?

Substrate tinting is appropriate when applying liquid wallpaper in bright colors and it is made in the color of the material.

Do I need to level the wall before applying liquid wallpaper?

Alignment of the wall with liquid wallpaper is possible only on irregularities of no more than 2-3 mm. Deeper depressions may appear. Leveling the surface with finishing decorative plasters ultimately leads to an increase in the cost of work.

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Surely, most readers have already heard about a special kind of decorative plaster, which is called liquid wallpaper. Many even managed to test the possibilities of this material in their own practice. Let's try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

A variety of decorative plaster, which will be discussed in this article, got its name from cellulose, which forms the basis of liquid wallpaper. By the way, it is the composition that forms the main advantages that characterize the presented coating:

  • during the application of liquid wallpaper on the wall, there is no need to carry out a whole list of labor-intensive operations that are typical for traditional paper wallpaper- measurements, cutting the roll into pieces of specified sizes, applying glue, smoothing the canvas over the wall surface, etc .;
  • when applying the presented coating, a minimum is used free space(wallpaper does not need to be spread all over the room and perform various manipulations with them, smearing the entire room with glue);
  • used for decoration minimum set tools - small capacity for dilution of a cotton mixture, a spatula, a trowel and a trowel (in some cases a special sprayer is used);
  • the complete absence of joints on the walls and the ability to hide some flaws in the surface being decorated (deepenings, small cracks, etc.);
  • liquid wallpaper allows the walls to breathe;
  • by combining different colors, whole works of art can be created on the surface of the walls;
  • liquid wallpaper, once applied to the wall, will serve its owners for more than 10 years;
  • liquid wallpaper can be easily repaired by hiding the "marks" left by the claws of pets, or by a young artist who knows the world;
  • opportunity reuse source material;
  • minimum care (in order to keep liquid wallpaper clean, it is enough to vacuum their surface).

As you can see, liquid wallpaper has a lot of advantages, but this does not mean at all that they have no disadvantages. The first one is high price material. The second disadvantage can be considered their inability to wash. In case of severe contamination of the surface, you simply need to cut out the damaged fragment, soak it in water and apply the resulting mixture to the wall using standard technology. Also, to replace a damaged fragment, previously unused remains of the material can be diluted in water (if, of course, they are preserved).


Liquid wallpapers are so attractive that they are easy to restore in places of damage. The damaged area is moistened and rubbed with a spatula again. In some cases, it is simply removed and a fresh coat applied. After complete drying, there are no traces of the work done.

Preparing walls before applying liquid wallpaper

Despite the fact that liquid wallpaper can hide some surface flaws (small indentations and protrusions), wall preparation before applying this material requires special attention. The thing is that noticeable surface drops, the presence of several layers of paint on the walls, metal inclusions (screw caps, fragments of reinforcement, etc.), a layer of old wallpaper - all this can negate your efforts to arrange an aesthetic and decorative surface. Spots from water leaks, rust from metal, paint from old wallpaper - these elements, hidden under the surface of cellulose plaster, will sooner or later show themselves. And the appearance of the final result will certainly not please you.

Here's what an experienced practitioner and regular visitor of our forum thinks about this.

Just Palych FORUMHOUSE user

According to the technology, it is necessary to putty, and then the primer. This is done in order to increase the thickness of the contact of the wallpaper with the surface. As they explained to me, if you do not remove all the old wallpaper, then when applying liquid wallpaper, yellowness from the glue will come out. I have one drywall wall. So, although I took off the old wallpaper completely, the liquid wallpaper turned a little yellow. I had to go through the primer a couple more times.

Liquid wallpaper can be safely applied to the following surfaces:

  • concrete;
  • walls covered with putty;
  • brick plastered surfaces;
  • wooden surfaces (including MDF, plywood, and fiberboard);
  • painted walls;
  • drywall.

On all of the above surfaces it is allowed to apply liquid wallpaper. However, in order for the end result not to disappoint you, you must adhere to general recommendations relating to surface preparation. We present them to your attention:

  • layers of old paint, wallpaper and wallpaper paste must be completely destroyed;
  • nails, self-tapping screws and other metal elements must be completely removed (“only those who are responsible for fastening materials and will perform their main function after repair can be spared”);
  • the surface of the wall must be leveled with putty, cleaned with sandpaper and primed with a compound deep penetration;
  • on final stage preparation, the surface should be treated with a special putty intended for liquid wallpaper (alternatively, light water-based paint can be used).

8th March FORUMHOUSE user

Coated the walls twice with a primer from the most inexpensive water-based paint white color and PVA glue. It was not even glue, but some kind of PVA-based liquid, I don’t even remember the name. The ratio is 2 to 1.

The heads of nails, screws and other metal elements should be covered with light oil paint. Water-based solutions are not suitable for these purposes, since they can only temporarily stop the penetration of rust into the layer of liquid wallpaper.

It is also not recommended to use nitro enamels and oil paints when painting walls. After all, after that the wall will not be able to “breathe”. Such materials are allowed to be applied only to individual metal elements (or in places of strong water drips), and even then in small quantities.

In order for the liquid wallpaper to have good adhesion to the painted surface, a little PVA glue can be added to the water-based paint.

Remember, all walls on which it is planned to apply liquid wallpaper of the same texture must be painted in a uniform light shade. Only in this case you will be able to obtain a uniform coating pattern over the entire area of ​​​​its application.

Yosarian FORUMHOUSE user

I had two views on one wall finishing putty which differed in tone. So, they had to be leveled with paint (of course, they should not have used different mixtures, but it just so happened).

Features of concrete surface preparation

If you are dealing with a concrete or plastered surface, then in this case the surface is leveled with gypsum putty. After drying, several layers of penetrating primer and at least three layers of water-based paint should be applied to the wall. Such an abundance of operations is associated with the high water-absorbing capacity of concrete surfaces.

The same recommendations will be relevant for old surfaces (for example, for the walls of "Khrushchev" high-rise buildings). After all, no one knows what they are made of, and what compositions can subsequently appear on the surface of liquid wallpaper.

The preparation of old walls is the only case in which it is recommended to use alkyd enamels instead of water-based paint. Their composition is able to create an excellent protective layer, replacing the usual primer.

Preparation of drywall surfaces

When preparing drywall for applying liquid wallpaper, it is necessary to putty the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe surface to be decorated. Some people are limited to simple processing of joints between sheets of drywall. As a result, on outer surface wallpaper may appear light stripes, which will be impossible to get rid of.

In general, the sequence of preparing drywall looks standard: applying putty, priming and processing with light water-dispersion paint (add one part of PVA glue to three parts of enamel). At the same time, do not forget about self-tapping screws prone to corrosion. Their hats should be covered with oil paint and an additional layer of putty.

The surface of the walls, on which water streaks were noticed, must be treated with oil paint. This applies to any surfaces that are used for applying liquid wallpaper (drywall, plaster, concrete, etc.).

Preparation of liquid wallpaper for application

The process of preparing liquid wallpaper lasts from 10 to 12 hours. Therefore, it is necessary to start preparing them in advance (you can even immediately after priming the walls).

A package with liquid wallpaper may include several components at once. After pouring all the ingredients (with the exception of decorative additives) into one large container, its contents should be mixed without adding water. Before mixing with water, it is desirable to fluff the mixture with your hands. This is done in order to get rid of sticky lumps.

Decorative fillers (dyes, glitter, etc.) stored in a separate package should be dissolved in water before the main ingredients (dry glue mixed with cellulose and silk base) are added to it. This is always done with the goal of creating a more even texture.

Instructions for mixing liquid wallpaper

When diluting liquid wallpaper with water, the following important points should be considered:

    Water is first poured into the wallpaper dilution container, and then the remaining components are added.

    The contents of only one package should be mixed at a time (it is better not to mix the contents of two packages during one batch).

    After the packaging of the wallpaper is opened, it is necessary to completely dissolve all its contents in water. It is not recommended to store the mixture in a dry form after the sealed package has been opened.

    The water in which it is planned to dilute liquid wallpaper should have a temperature of 30 ° ... 35 ° С.

    Stir the wallpaper only with your hands. Do not use tools for this that can damage the structure of the wallpaper.

If you did not manage to completely use up the packaging that was part of one batch, you can make a kind of cake out of the remnants, dry it and save it (packing, for example, in plastic bag). Subsequently, the remains can be diluted with water, add a little glue (KMS) there and use them for their intended purpose (for example, to replace a damaged piece of wallpaper).

Wallpaper mixed with water must be infused for 6 ... 12 hours (depending on the manufacturer's requirements). After that, the mixture will be completely ready for application to the work surface.

8th March FORUMHOUSE user

In a large plastic black bucket (these are sold in hardware stores), I kneaded liquid wallpaper 1 package at a time (water - according to the instructions on the package). The mixed mass was transferred to the native bag in which it was sold. I calculated the batch for 1 wall according to the indicated bag consumption per square meter. Usually 2 packs at a time. I left it to swell for at least 12 hours (you can also for a day). Mix well before application.

Applying wallpaper to the wall

To apply liquid wallpaper to the wall surface, we need the following tool: a spatula, a plaster trowel and a trowel. If you plan to apply a layer on top of the wallpaper acrylic lacquer, which will give the surface additional strength, then for these purposes an air gun (spray gun) should be used.

The solution is applied to the wall with a plastic trowel or trowel. When distributing wallpaper over the wall surface, the tool should be held at an angle of 10 ° ... 15 °. In this case, you should get a uniform coating with a thickness of 2 ... 3 mm.

If the liquid wallpaper turned out to be too thick and does not adhere well to the surface, then the solution can be slightly diluted with water (no more than 500 mg per serving).

The wallpaper is applied to the wall in separate fragments, the area of ​​​​which is approximately 1 m². Each fragment after application is leveled with a grater, previously moistened with water.

The surface dries for 2-3 days. After this period, the wallpaper can be varnished. With the help of liquid wallpaper, by combining different color schemes, you can decorate the wall with bright and exclusive patterns. But for this, a preliminary sketch of the future drawing must be applied to the wall with a pencil. In this case, the quality of the final result will directly depend on your creative abilities.

And finally, we will talk about how to remove old liquid wallpaper from the wall. To begin with, the old wallpaper must be moistened hot water. This can be done using a rag, roller, sponge or ordinary broom. If the wallpaper was applied to the wall in a thick layer, this procedure can be done several times. Water will quickly soak into the surface and make the structure of the wallpaper softer. As a result, after a few minutes, using an ordinary spatula, you can easily remove the outdated decorative layer.

You can get acquainted with practical recommendations regarding, in a special section of our forum. You can learn more about the surface preparation technology for decorative coatings by visiting the topic "". Those who wish to get acquainted with the technology for creating no less popular finishing solutions can read. And for video lovers, we have material

On what surface can liquid wallpaper be applied? Getting started on the repair and construction, you need to strictly plan it. This refers to the availability of cost estimates, a list of necessary materials and tools. Strict planning and calculation will help to reduce the time of its implementation and improve the quality.

The surface before gluing with liquid wallpaper must be leveled and all minor defects removed.

You can do it yourself at home. It's not too much hard work. The availability of tools and materials, knowledge of application technology, maximum accuracy in work - these are the components of success. Since the wallpaper is applied to various surfaces, then the technology of their application is different.

How to prepare walls and ceilings for wallpapering

Work surfaces must be cleaned as they contain material residues. Liquid wallpaper has water in its composition, it can be absorbed into an uncleaned surface and give stains and stains. But it doesn't end there.

This concept includes compaction and leveling with a primer, which, in addition, performs protective function. It is desirable to apply it in three layers in order to obtain smooth surface, and bring the places where there are depressions with a primer to the level of the main sections.

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Preparing walls for renovation

For walls that have already been putty, concrete or brick surfaces, one technology is used. The fact is that these surfaces are highly absorbent of liquids, so applying even a large amount of paint to them does not have an effect.

To achieve it, it is necessary to get rid of irregularities with the help of a gypsum mixture. Then prime and paint the surface twice.

The primer, in case of its absence, can be replaced with a mixture of paint and PVA glue in a ratio of 1 to 2. Then putty is performed. The mixture must be freshly prepared, at least 0.5 mm thick, so that defects do not appear under it. Surfaces should be painted three times to avoid moisture penetration.

How to prepare a base from bare concrete in unsatisfactory condition?

Particular attention should be paid to the base of bare concrete, which has a high degree of wear. It needs to be plastered cement mortar, which will create a protective layer for old peeling walls.

Preparing the walls of worn-out old-style rooms for applying liquid wallpaper.

These walls are problematic in the sense that the quality of the materials from which they were made is called into question. Apply liquid wallpaper on them without pre-training is fraught with a decrease in the quality of work due to the possibility of stains and stains of unknown properties appearing on them.

It follows from this that the preliminary cleaning and protection of the base, which has already been mentioned above, must be especially thorough.

For this purpose, the working surface is first treated with impregnation or primer, then two more layers of primer are applied, and only after that the surface is painted over.

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Plasterboard wall preparation

When applying putty to walls, keep in mind that it is applied to all surfaces, and not just to the joints to which gypsum concrete is attached to the walls. This is necessary so that the joints do not stand out from the general surface of the walls.

After the walls are dry, they must be covered with a protective layer of white paint, as the putty is not a waterproof agent.

If you used gypsum putty, then PVA glue should be added to the water-based paint in a ratio of 1 to 3.

If the partitions were installed using black self-tapping screws, then rust may appear on them from moisture over time, which will spoil the appearance of the wall covered with liquid wallpaper. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully prime the joints and self-tapping screws with putty or oil paint.

Particular attention should be paid to places where water flowed, which in former times were treated with copper sulphate. Such places must be treated with paint.

How to prepare wooden surfaces for applying liquid wallpaper?

Wooden products of all kinds are deformed, so they need a high-quality protective layer, consisting of antiseptic treatment, primer and putty.

How is the preparation for applying liquid wallpaper of walls painted with paints of different shades?

This wall design was in vogue in the recent past. To prepare such walls for applying liquid wallpaper, it is necessary to putty them with gypsum mixtures, then paint them with facade paint, add PVA to it in a ratio of 1 to 3.

Occupying more than 50% of all efforts preparatory work various types surfaces have been carried out. The walls are reliably protected from moisture penetration into the area where liquid wallpaper will be applied. Now you need to correctly prepare the mixture and start applying them to the walls.

Before gluing the wall, it must be properly primed.

In container required sizes pour out a mixture of liquid wallpaper, after thoroughly stirring it so that the lumps disappear. Then, having carefully studied the instructions for diluting the mixture, we combine it with water.

Remember that the water should not be hotter than 30 ° C, and the ratio of water and paint is in the proportion of 6 liters of water per 1 kg of wallpaper.

You need to combine the mixture in the following order: first, decorative additives, in particular sparkles, are poured out, then the main part, that is, the mixture with wallpaper, is mixed with water with thorough stirring.

Then the resulting mixture without air, in a container tied with cellophane, or in a cellophane bag is left for 12 hours. After the set time, the mixture should acquire the consistency of a thick dough.

Finishing the walls will look good if you know how to properly prepare the surface, and how to apply liquid wallpaper on their surface. One of the options for decorative plaster, which includes environmentally friendly cellulose, is called liquid wallpaper. In using this finishing material There are some nuances that are important to consider in order for the wall covering to turn out to be even and beautiful.

For advertising purposes, some manufacturers claim that liquid wallpaper is a tool that can be placed on a surface of any material without special preparation. In fact, in order to top coat successfully sat on the plane of the wall, preparation is always needed, even if the wallpaper is applied to drywall.

wall requirements:

  1. Absence of large cracks, chips, depressions and potholes;
  2. Differences in height and defects no more than 2-4 mm above the average plane of the wall;
  3. Strength, the wall should not crumble, crack;
  4. No old layer of plaster, wallpaper, paint or other coatings that may be peeling off the wall.

Also needs to be patched:

  • Nails, screws, self-tapping screws that fix drywall;
  • Protruding fittings, pipe cuttings, wires.

Liquid wallpaper does not emphasize, but does not hide wall defects such as slope or curvature. Colored wallpaper will make the curved joint of the wall and ceiling more visible. If you need a way to create the appearance of a flat wall with minimal effort, it is best to pay attention to the ceiling corners.

Liquid wallpaper (video)

On what surface can liquid wallpaper be applied?

How to prepare a wall for wallpapering with your own hands? Master class on preparing surfaces from various materials will help to make repairs of high quality, beautiful and durable.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on drywall

A wall sheathed with drywall is ideal for liquid wallpaper, the mixture lays down evenly and adheres well to the surface. Sheets of drywall are fixed on the rails with self-tapping screws, the joints must be closed with putty.

A common mistake: many inexperienced builders process only joints, and then light stripes appear on the wall, and the wallpaper loses its presentable appearance.

Professional method: putty the entire drywall with a thin layer, then there will be no difference in color between the wallpaper along the edges and in the center of the sheet. After the putty has dried, you need to apply a white water-based facade paint to the drywall so that the wallpaper becomes brighter after application.

The technique of applying a primer to drywall during do-it-yourself repairs: with a roller or spray gun. There should be no drips or smudges on the primer. The primer binds fine paint particles and gives the wall a uniform ability to absorb moisture.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on brick and concrete

Old walls made of concrete or brick are fragile and easily collapsing material, however, you can strengthen the surface and successfully decorate it with liquid wallpaper. To apply wallpaper on crumbling walls, you need to carefully process them, otherwise the repair will not last long.

The wall is impregnated with a primer in several layers. You can dilute PVA with water 3: 1 or purchase a ready-made primer. Each coat of primer must be dry.

You should carefully consider the stains, eliminate all defects with a roller.

If the wall has serious defects, then they must be puttied with their own hands, covered with plaster, concrete or other plastic materials. Then you need to grind these places to a uniform smoothness. After all the particles of the wall are firmly fixed in place with a primer, it should be coated with alkyd white paint. If required, prime again over the paint. The surface of the wall must be homogeneous, not crumble, not have cracks or chips of more than 2 mm.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on a tree

Walls sheathed with plywood, fiberboard and MDF absorb moisture, so they first need a primer of at least 2 layers. Apply with a roller enough thin layer, so there can be 3 or 4 layers depending on the state of the tree.

Wood defects must be puttied and sanded in advance. After that, white oil, alkyd or water-dispersion paints are applied.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on old wallpaper

Old wallpaper glued to PVA can be soaked with a spray gun and then separated from the wall. Do not leave pieces of paper, vinyl, interlining or glue.

The surface of the wall must be sanded, if necessary, close the defects with plaster, and then make a primer and paint with white paint.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on the paint of one or two colors

If the wall was painted in two colors before the repair (white top, dark bottom or other combinations), you need to level it in color to an opaque white.

Liquid wallpaper applied over white paint becomes lighter and brighter, and darker over dark paint.

This difference will spoil the appearance of the wall, so the substrate should be brought to a single saturated white. Then, in the same way, primed to fix the paint. On old paint without processing, it is impossible to lay liquid wallpaper.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on whitewash

All old whitewash need to be removed. Often you can find a recommendation that it is enough to prime such walls, and liquid wallpaper will lie perfectly on their surface. But during do-it-yourself repairs, it turns out that the whitewash is saturated with moisture and begins to crumble. Therefore, it is necessary to grind the whitewash to base material walls.

To do this, you can use a grinder, iron sponge, sandpaper or a drill with a special sandpaper nozzle.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on water-based paint

If more than 2 years have passed since the wall was painted, old layer paint needs to be removed.

How to work with a primer if the repair is done by hand? If there is no experience, it is better to first prime the wall in 2 layers, then paint and see how the paint lays down. If you have experience, you can add a primer directly to the paint to save time. Any primer incorporates glue, most often PVA. What should I apply first, paint or primer? It depends on the condition of the wall. If the wall crumbles a lot, then it definitely needs to be primed first. If the paint is water-dispersion, then after painting it also needs to be primed, otherwise it will absorb water and begin to peel off.

Each layer of any coating must be dried, it is impossible to paint or prime on a wet layer.

You can remove the smudges of the primer with a brush, you can use a roller.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on plaster

If the plastered wall crumbles, you need to remove the layer of plaster to a solid base material. If the plaster is strong, impregnate it with a reinforcing compound or primer, then paint with white alkyd paint in several layers until a uniform whiteness is achieved and apply wallpaper.

Plaster can absorb a lot of moisture, so you must first use a primer in 3-5 layers to close all the pores in the surface. The primer forms a waterproof layer, binds together dust and small particles of plaster. To strengthen the walls, impregnations are produced that must be applied first. They penetrate the plaster layer and bind the particles together so that they cannot crumble.

Any plastered wall of dubious strength must be treated with just such a composition, and then primed and painted.

Is it possible to apply the material on old liquid wallpaper?

The surface under liquid wallpaper must be cleaned of small particles of dirt, grease, dust, paint, plaster and other detachable materials. If the wallpaper crumbles and crumbles easily, you need to remove it.

If the wallpaper is firmly attached to the wall, it is enough to clean its surface with a sponge, brush or roller. The technology of applying liquid wallpaper requires that the surface be strengthened and evenly absorb moisture, so old wallpaper must be primed. An important nuance: liquid wallpaper has relief surface, the filling of which increases the consumption of material. Therefore, when calculating the number of new wallpapers, you should take them with a margin.

Liquid wallpaper: preparing for application (video)

Proper application of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is packaged in bags, which are accompanied by instructions for preparing the mixture. Usually 1 package is diluted 6L hot water, the temperature of which should be at least 40 degrees. The mixture must be mixed to a homogeneous consistency by hand. How much the solution should be infused, it is said in the instructions.

Liquid wallpaper tool, options

You will need a spatula with a width of 18 to 80 cm to transfer the mixture to the wall and a roller for even distribution.


  • Use a spatula to scoop up a small piece of the mixture;
  • Roll out on the wall with a roller.

The layer must be uniform and even, then the wall will have an attractive and well-groomed appearance. There are more unusual ways applying liquid wallpaper, for example, using a grater and trowel (trowel).

How to work with liquid wallpaper (MK video)

It is not difficult to make a beautiful repair at home with your own hands, the main thing is to be attentive to the preparation of the wall and laying the wallpaper.