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Amateur gardeners and their plots. Discussions in amateur gardening. Hand tools required

Thirty-seven tricks for gardeners and gardeners, that will help make your dacha the best in the area:

1. Beets love watering by sprinkling and frequent but careful loosening.

2. After the second thinning, the beets are fed mineral fertilizers.

3. Beets grow best in narrow beds, maximum 3 rows wide, with distances between plants of 15-17 cm.

4. Until the carrots sprout, they are watered regularly. When the shoots appear, it is better not to water them for 12-15 days, with the exception of dry days. This allows the roots to go as deep into the soil as possible.

5. If mustard is sown next to peas, its yield will be 2 times higher.

6. It is better to sow dill in the sun, as the aroma of the leaves decreases in the shade. Do not add ash or lime to the dill.

7. Clematis are watered with lime milk in the spring - 100-150 grams per 10 liters of water.

8. In mid-July, carefully remove the soil from the celery fruits and wipe with a cloth. After 15-50 minutes they spud again. Watering is carried out only after 2-3 days.

9. To stimulate the fruiting of the pumpkin, its vines are pinned to the ground and rooted.

10. Seedlings of pumpkin crops, such as cucumber, squash, and zucchini, can be grown in this way: cut the sod into 10*12 cm cubes, turn them upside down, make a hole and plant a seed in it.

11. To ensure that rhubarb petioles grow thick, the soil under the plants is fertilized every year.

12. Do not feed beans, peas, onions, garlic, and beans with nettle infusion.

13. Apple and pear trees require more potassium, and cherries require more nitrogen.

14. If you stroke the tops of the seedlings for 1-2 minutes every day, they will not stretch. When touched, ethylene is released, which inhibits this process.

15. Nettle increases the resistance of nearby plants to diseases. That is why it is useful to mulch the rows with chopped nettles.

16. Green manure from mustard enriches the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, and also cleanses it of mole crickets and wireworms.

17. Onions will grow better if mustard grew in this place.

18. Repellent plants: lupine, celandine, nastrutia, calendula, marigold, onion, kanufer, tansy, wormwood.

19. It is useful to mulch strawberries with pine litter. This will improve the taste of the berries and also help cope with gray rot, weevils, mites, and wireworms. And mulching with fern will help strawberries cope with nematodes and gray mold.

20. After a sharp cold snap, the plants are sprayed with immunocytophyte or zircon. Can you use an infusion? onion peel. Pour 10 liters of water into a 0.5 liter jar of husks, boil, leave for 12 hours, strain. When spraying, dilute with water in a ratio of 2/10.

21. When it gets cold, buckets of hot water, on metal sheets heated bricks are laid out.

22. To increase productivity, pollinating insects must be attracted to the site. To do this, pink and white clover, fescue, and bluegrass are sown. Insects are also attracted to white mustard and carrot flowers.

23. To remontant varieties strawberries produced more abundant fruit in the second half of summer; flower stalks are broken off in the spring.

24. Dill is a good companion for cucumber.

25. Beetroot sown along potatoes and tomatoes helps them cope with late blight.

26. If you stick a nettle stalk next to each planted cabbage plant, the cabbage will take root better.

27. To prevent cabbage moths and aphids, dill, coriander, celery, marigolds, and calendula are sown in the cabbage rows, and wormwood branches are also laid out.

28. When planting potatoes, pour a handful of ash into the hole - it is a fertilizer and helps against wireworms.

29. To increase yield and improve taste, in the first half of June, garlic is first watered with salted water - 2 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water, and then regular.

30. When poor growth carrot beds with this crop are watered with a salt solution - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water.

31. Cucumber is demanding of moisture, especially during flowering and fruiting. However, at the beginning of flowering, it is better to reduce watering and then increase it again. This promotes faster fruit formation.

32. In hot weather, cucumbers combine frequent spraying with abundant watering.

33. Cucumber pollen dies at t>30ºC. Therefore, at this time, containers with water should be placed in the greenhouse.

34. Low temperatures And sharp changes day and night temperatures are the causes of deterioration taste qualities cucumber Also, cucumbers do not tolerate drafts at all.

35. Increased carbon dioxide content in the air accelerates the ripening of fruits and increases yield. Therefore, it is useful to place a container with mullein in greenhouses and stir from time to time.

36. If at the beginning of summer several fruits have formed on the pepper plants, but flowering has stopped, then these fruits must be plucked out. The plants will then begin to bloom with renewed energy and by the end of the season will produce a high yield.

37. For influx fresh air loosen the soil to the roots of the pepper more often and do not allow the formation of a soil crust.

Discussions in amateur gardening

Gardeners are lovers of themselves

My dear friends, gardeners. I am writing this based on my impressions from recent publications in the newspaper “Gardens of Siberia” (No. 12, 2010). Of course, it’s a bad soldier who doesn’t dream of becoming a general, but I don’t see the point in our pseudo-scientific discussions. If only because many of us, excuse me, still don’t distinguish Edita Piekha from “fuck you.” They picked up the top tips from various sciences (they got to philosophy), and began to reinvent their own wheel.

Personally, I go mainly from knowledge to practice, and not from speculative fantasies to dubious pseudo-scientific conclusions, because, without being a specialist, you can fantasize something that all the scientists in the world will not understand later.

Of course, I know that those who send batches of their articles to various publications in order to leave on their pages their address where they can apply for seedlings and at the same time be known as innovators and even great scientists in the field of horticulture will be angry with me.

And some gardeners call them “storytellers” and “shamans”, because the seedlings ordered from them mostly die in the Urals and Siberia. And these varieties live with them due to the fact that their plots are located in a favorable climatic microzone.

I won’t say anything, according to the reviews of many gardeners, their gardens are wonderful. Excellent assortment and good care. There is something to brag about. But...

"We all look at Napoleons"- said the poet. There are those who... will not die from modesty, as they say. In amateur gardening, this manifests itself all the time.

One began to publish his own magazine, where he began to publish his articles under the heading “Visiting a Scientist.” Your own hand is the ruler. (I won’t give his last name, because he is essentially a hard worker, but in his old age he suffered from delusions of grandeur).

Have you counted how many pioneers of Siberian viticulture appeared? I didn't even bother counting. I know that my neighbor had a grape bush growing in the mid-60s, and we kids ate it while it was still green. Wasn't he like that? The first Siberian winegrower. I just didn’t know how to light up.

Another, having collected a decent collection, decided that he was the patron father of all gardeners in the country. Creates his own pseudo-scientific theories. Desires respect and worship. Like all the greats. What's there to waste?

And how will he begin to connect his gardening experiments with science... Express your point of view - don’t feed us bread. At the same time, although with errors, we can quote the masters of gardening. On occasion, give a compliment to a cocky opponent.


Valery Konstantinovich, just don’t think that I wrote all this in opposition to you. Thoughts on this topic have been hovering in my head for a long time, as happens most often with you.

This is what Alexey Shadrin writes. (So, don’t think about it, Valery Konstantinovich. “Thoughts were just floating around.” But what can you do with them?). After all, it’s the same with you. "Soaring"...

By the way, as a digression from the topic. I can also quote my works, especially since the site is mine. I write what I want. So here it is. I once wrote a parody of the poems of my friend, whose thoughts also soared and flowed. Small excerpt:

The mind is at its best, in different directions.

My thought melted and flowed...

And I don’t know where it would flow,

Yes, my mother-in-law called for dinner.


Sometimes we regret that masters have not been published for a long time. So V. Gornaulov, whom I am not familiar with, but consider him the most competent winegrower in our region, claims that “Michurin’s works were last published in... 1946 and have never been republished again.”

Dear Vladimir Terentyevich, I know that you are a wonderful winegrower, a very kind, trusting and selfless person. But I hold in my hands a five-volume book (I.V. Michurin. Works. 1948). I didn’t make a reservation, I mean “I’m holding it in my hands.” Because, being a teacher by profession, and having become an amateur gardener, I cannot fully master the works of Ivan Vladimirovich. These are thousands of experiments, the choice of a method, its denial, the transition to another, more productive method, and, in the end, the recognition of the incompleteness of the search. In addition, these are texts filled with terminology unknown to modern man names, Latin terms. If you say a word for the whole world, you need to be more precise, and not “about-accurate.”

Modern science has gone far ahead after Michurin. And even when I decide to write something, I always weigh whether I will be ashamed in front of modern literate gardeners for my illiterate opuses.

However, some of us are simply carried away in the creative field. Getting "in the biofield of the garden", we lose control over our own thoughts, and... I quote Zhelezov:

- "... the hand itself takes a ballpoint pen and writes, and I read with surprise and interest, what is it that is written there? It is possible that the thoughts that fall on the paper are not mine at all- someone suggested them. Who would know?! After all, before I started writing for magazines and newspapers, I didn't know anything related to the gardening world. Well, perhaps the file of the magazine "Homestead Farming".

What bad thing can be said about the magazine "Homesteading"? Good magazine. He has been for me for many years indispensable assistant. But is this a scientific journal? And is it really possible for a person who is seriously involved in gardening, and even aspires to scientific discoveries Can we limit ourselves to just this magazine? Can't read a single one worth reading scientific work related to the subject of research?

So I’ll ask you later... I didn’t write it myself, but it was written by itself. You lose control over your own thoughts, if the thoughts are “not mine at all.” And besides the filing famous magazine- there is nothing around. A thought started flowing. As the Russians say, “the godfather has gone to God knows where.”

Have you tried writing with your foot, Valery Konstantinovich? In my opinion, this is the most original way. Don't know how to kick? Learn. Down and Out trouble started.

And about the biofield, you really bent it. Now many people have gone into mysticism. For some reason God did not vouchsafe me. Although the candidate of psychological sciences Bushueva told me, after testing me on the biofield, that she had never seen anything as powerful as mine in her life. I wouldn’t bend my hump from morning to night, but would sit counting stars, flashing my little rings, rolling my eyes, telling the truth to stupid people on behalf of the cosmic forces. What, would I limit myself to gardening? I would become an oracle in all areas human activity. They say correctly, I am an impractical person, that is, a sucker.

Your timid opponent A. Shadrin followed your path.

- "Almost all this was written by me a few months ago as a virtual response to a certain young lady from an organic forum, where she stated that "these beautiful apples Mother Nature specially raised to feed Man,- he writes- ... without humans, all this splendor and diversity will disappear in a few generations, will degenerate."

Unfortunately for you, you suddenly become preoccupied with the problems of humanity... And then there’s thoughts are floating in my head.

It’s unlikely that you care about humanity... This is, at a minimum,- about your own profits, and, as a maximum,- about world fame.

- “I’m puzzling over how a two-colored fruit could appear on an apple tree... And then a thought came into my poor head, which, if you collect the maximum number of facts similar to those described above, will put all official science on its ears,” - writes Zhelezov.

Putting it on our ears is always easy for us. And why not put the whole science to the test?

Of course, it would be easier to ask literate people whether mutations like your apple happen. They say that they exist and are noted in science (Pomological variety, its reproduction and improvement. Orel. 1992). Why ask? Break, break like that. Moreover, as we know, breaking is not building.

When we take on the problems of acclimatization and, of course, selection, chips fly in armfuls at the feet of inquisitive gardeners. Then the masters and those like them will get it: we, the Lysenkoites, don’t care, whether you are masters or who. Let us attribute denial to Michurin alternative ways selection and acclimatization of varieties and crops.

But Ivan Vladimirovich simply found the most productive ways, without denying others. Do you think that he denied... Because you "It just occurred to me."

- "Millions of copies of books, hundreds of millions of newspapers and magazines with materials about how with my own hands shorten life or destroy trees, and not a single book in which it would be printed that a tree cannot be improved,”- Zhelezov states indignantly.

But here, I beg your pardon, Valery Konstantinovich. But what about N. Kurdyumov’s books, closely arranged on my shelf? After all, it was with him that you so friendly and happily tasted the unexpectedly sweet “fruits of the wild Ussuri pear” in the summer of 2010- so much so with inedible fruits that they could only be used as a means of torture." After all, Nikolai Ivanovich wrote a whole series of books. And you say, “not a single one.” And you call him Master... To show off and hit the jackpot here? What else is it for?

In short, “in order to stop all this evil, collect all the books and burn them.” At the same time, why not shoot everyone who wrote them, and don’t forget to exile to Kolyma those who hold a different point of view. Only the right way from now on - “spermogenesis”. And you can read about him from Valery Zhelezov. Although the idea is far from being confirmed, as the author himself admits, this is the only correct path. Who said!!!

After all, this was the “correct path” of your idol, Trofim Denisovich Lysenko, whom you also hardly studied? Eh, Valery Konstantinovich? Or have you simply not read about Stalin’s repressions? I’m not asking whether you have read “The Gulag Archipelago” by A. Solzhenitsyn or “White Clothes” by V. Dudintsev. The last book, by the way, very convincingly describes the way of the cross of the persecuted Weismann-Morganists. And I read, and I am not ashamed to say, a tear welled up, how truly learned people suffered from the excessive ambitions of some very narrow-minded academicians who put ideas like your “spermogenesis” as the ultimate truth.

Dear gardeners, I want you to better follow the advice of people with a competent and balanced position. I include, for example, Frans Khasanovich Khalilov among these. “Let these or other recommendations of scientists and practitioners not be instructions for immediate use, - he writes- but will serve as food for thought..."

I want to emphasize that it’s something to think about, and not like some people say: “the hand itself takes a ballpoint pen and writes.” One word - they are storytellers.

Instead of calling such people amateur gardeners, I would call themlovers of themselves.

G. Kazanin , Kemerovo region

Afterword. After the publication of this article on the site, I received a letter from Chelyabinsk from one of Valery Zhelezov’s ardent admirers and a defender of the theory of clonal selection, which, I emphasize, no one intended to attack. By the way, he told me that at a congress of gardeners in Chelyabinsk, Zhelezov was called a “shaman of gardening.” At the end of our correspondence, he said that (I quote) “we have energetic incompatibility, completely different biofields. When communicating, we will only irritate each other. For this reason, we stop communication without starting it, and business will suffer, which is very sad.”

All that remains is to regret it. “To each his own,” as it was written on the gates of Buchenwald. And to be honest, I was counting on common sense and cooperation. But, as you can see, the main thing for them is- biofield, what's the matter- only later.

And for others it’s not even a biofield- the main thing is their sales counter. They were born traders and are ready to show up around their counter in any way. In politics this is called PR. It's a benefit.

All experienced gardeners, in order to somehow support their pension budget, sell seedlings and cuttings. But it didn't become theirs main goal. And their prices are affordable, and they can give a lot to their friends for free. I'm definitely on the same path with them.

But with these... Sorry...

I exchange with experienced gardeners cuttings. And none of us have ever counted who owes how much to whom... Everyone sends everything they have from the heart. At the same time, I’m very afraid of running into a shopkeeper someday.

I constantly write about the most wonderful gardening enthusiasts on the pages of my website.

G. Kazanin

See my other publications in the section

It happened! You have finally become the proud owner of six, and maybe more, hundreds. Now is the time to figure out what needs to be done on the site and in what order. What to build? What equipment should I buy? What to plant? In order not to step on your own rake, it makes sense to study other people's practical experience.

First, you need to put the area in order, remove debris, and decide what can be planted and where. The planning of the site should be carried out taking into account the lighting and soil type, because each crop is more or less demanding of these two factors. It is also necessary to install an outbuilding for equipment on the site (if you do not plan to store everything in the house) and organize compost pit- a lot of organic waste will be generated during the work process. The “pit” can be made in the form of a box or “well”, preferably with a lid.

Decide on the lighting of the area. Cucumbers, radishes, legumes, and beets grow well in partial shade. Here you can plant onions, parsley, mint. The sun is simply necessary for the normal growth of tomatoes, bell peppers, and eggplants. They need not only light, but also a lot of moisture, so sandy soils that do not retain water well will have to be supplemented with black soil. As an option, planting will have to be done in deep beds and furrows. But on clay soils The beds need to be raised.

The width of the beds may vary depending on the species being grown. But as a standard during initial planning, ridges with a width of about 0.6 meters are laid out. Between the beds, row spacing is needed to cultivate the crops, as well as for their normal growth. The row spacing is about 1 meter.

What to grow for a beginning gardener

Garden crops can be divided into two large groups: unpretentious and those that require careful care. You shouldn’t immediately take on the whimsical ones - cucumbers, cabbage. Of course, these are the ones you most want to see on your table as “trophies”. But it’s better to start with carrots, beets, garlic, radishes, and green peas. They practically do not get sick, do not require frequent watering and grow almost independently. In addition, if you do not plan to live in the country, then crops that require large quantity moisture, they will simply wither.

Do not forget that there is such a thing as compatibility gardening garden crops. This is due to the fact that some species consume the same substances from the soil. nutrients, and often the “neighbors” simply don’t have enough of them. In addition, insects need to be attracted for pollination, so it is worth planting honey plants, such as chives, next to the cucumbers.

Proper rotation of beds is important not only for the proper growth of garden crops. Among the plants there are species that will protect the crop from pests. Celery saves cabbage from butterflies, tomatoes protect country crops from moths and aphids, beans - from Colorado potato beetle. To prevent pests from attacking the strawberries, the “plantation” can be thinned out with a bed of onions, dill, thyme or parsley.

Conclusion: Proper rotation of crops in the garden is the key to a bountiful harvest.

The topic of the proximity of plants on a site is quite extensive and deserves not only a separate article, but an entire book. So before planting this or that crop, you need to study what it likes, who it gets along with well, what diseases it suffers from, and what pests it attracts.

Competent mixed planting strawberries with onions

You also need to be careful when choosing a variety: it should take root well in your climate and on your soil type. If you have a complete lack of experience, you can turn to your neighbors in the area: they have probably already decided what type of potatoes and tomatoes grow best in your area.

When to plant what

For each vegetable, fruit, seedling, there is a specific time for sowing into seedlings, for planting in a greenhouse, for planting in the ground (we advise you to study the section on our portal dedicated).

Beginning gardeners who have not yet acquired a greenhouse (a temporary structure without a foundation) or a greenhouse constantly keep in mind the most important question: when can they sow seedlings and plant certain crops in the ground? Of course, it is worth making allowances for climatic conditions in a specific region, but in general the picture looks like this:

For flower lovers:

Gardening by season

The title “summer resident” is not just a statement of the fact of owning a piece of land. It really is a way of life. And in summer, and in spring, and even in winter period A gardener will find something to do. Each month has its own tasks.

  • January. Plan plantings, purchase fertilizers, seeds, drugs for diseases and pests, shake off snow from bushes and trees, wrap unpainted trunks with nylon or propylene to prevent mice and hares, very coldy- shovel snow in tree trunk circles, feed the birds to avoid pecking the buds.
  • February. It's time to buy soil for seedlings, sort out the bulbous plants, sow celery, and at the end of the month sow peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants.
  • March- a troublesome time for a gardener. At the beginning, it’s time to sow heat-loving varieties of tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplants. It's also time to sow petunia, snapdragons, marigolds and some other flowers, and plant seedlings of some types of trees. At the end of the month - picking seedlings. The site needs to carry out drainage work, sanitary pruning, spraying, and prepare beds for winter sowing.
  • April- the most responsible time. Drainage work, spraying and preparation of beds continue. We need to feed the bushes and prepare the potatoes for sowing. You can sow early greens - watercress, radishes, parsley, dill. If the end of April is warm and the seedlings are ready, you can plant tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.

Video - spring work in the garden

  • May- landing time. We fight pests, but do not spray the trees with mineral fertilizers, prepare and plant seedlings, and graft apple trees. If the soil has warmed up to 13°C, then you can plant potatoes. We sow onions, garlic, parsley, turnips, sorrel, radishes and carrots. Towards the middle to the end of the month, it is time to sow melons, legumes, and cruciferous vegetables (cabbage). We plant cucumbers.
  • June. If you haven’t planted potatoes yet, there will be a lot of work. We spray young ovaries of trees and bushes, fight weeds, pests, and birds. Pinch raspberries and sow heat-loving varieties plants, we feed cucumbers, melons, and berry bushes. We pluck out the “shot” onion and garlic. We hill up and spray the potato plantation. We process tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • July. It's time to harvest the first harvest! You also need to remember about feeding bushes, processing potatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers. It is worth protecting the pepper from soaking. IN last days Don’t forget to peel off the tomatoes for a month.
  • August. We support bushes and heat-loving trees with fertilizing. We fight late blight in tomatoes, protect peppers and cucumbers from rotting. You need to remove a layer of soil from onions and cabbage to preserve the fruits. You can plant winter garlic. We harvest the berries, process the strawberries, preparing them for frost. We remove the rhizomes of fruit trees.

Video - autumn work in the garden

  • September. At the beginning of the month you can plant strawberries. It's time to dig potatoes, trim and harvest flower bulbs. We harvest root crops, plant heat-loving shrubs, and whiten trunks to keep hares out.
  • October. Let's fall asleep root circles trees, bushes with leaves, weeds, spraying, watering and fertilizing if necessary. We plant suitable species trees, bushes.
  • November. We carry out the final feeding of trees and bushes, fight lichens, treat the beds from bacteria, cut off the stems of perennials, and cover the roses.
  • December. We sort through the harvest, check storage conditions, knock snow off trees and bushes, and read interesting books for gardeners.

So in any month there will definitely be a job for a real owner, and this list of jobs is far from complete.

garden tools

To carry out gardening operations, you will need a lot of tools. All garden tools can be divided into several groups:

  1. For tillage.
  2. For pruning trees and bushes.
  3. For harvesting.
  4. To remove weeds.

1. Chief garden tools, of course, a shovel. They come in two types:

  • with a rounded blade - used for digging and working at shallow depths;
  • bayonet shovel - needed for working on hard soils.

From bulky instruments You will also need:

  • rake - for final tillage, loosening, harvesting leaves;
  • hoe (hoe or flat cutter) - for cultivating soil with grass, weeds, hilling, loosening, breaking up clods of earth;
  • scythe (lawn mower) - to remove thickets of grass and weeds;
  • pitchforks - for digging, handling grass, hay.

From hand tools you will need:

  • hand shovel - useful for working with a single plant (digging when replanting, etc.);
  • hand rakes for loosening;
  • hand forks for digging up roots and loosening.

2. To process trees and shrubs you also need your own tool. The list is short:

  • hand pruning shears for trimming excess branches;
  • a small hatchet for cutting down trees;
  • short hand saw for removing branches of medium thickness;
  • garden shears (brush cutter) for forming the crown of a bush.

3. To harvest root crops, the following are used:

  • large and hand shovels;
  • ladder (not a tool, but a valuable device);
  • garden knife (used mainly for assembling melons);
  • potato digger (useful on a large plantation);
  • manual cultivator (fruit picker) for collecting fruits from trees.

4. The following tool can be used to control weeds:

  • shovel;
  • scythe or sickle;
  • hand forks;
  • pruner;
  • hoe;
  • hand and large rakes;
  • root remover

Valuable root remover tool

Also during gardening work you can’t do without buckets, bags, wheelbarrows (stretchers). So the shopping list will be quite extensive.

And that's not it

There are a lot of tricks and wisdom in gardening. Diseases and pests, as well as methods and means of combating them, deserve separate articles. At first, it can be difficult to decide on plant varieties. You need to protect your beds and garden from freezing, getting wet, drought... In a word, you will have to gain serious theoretical experience so that in practice everything goes smoothly, and the harvest is the envy of your friends and acquaintances.

Video - tips for beginner gardeners

Do you want to have a comfortable and beautiful summer cottage, garden, without unnecessary hassle and high costs?
By familiarizing yourself with the sections of the site, you can easily select your own assortment of plants and plan plantings taking into account the characteristics of your site.

You will learn to use fashionable elements of modern landscape design when decorating various corners of the garden. Find out what ornamental plants what to plant on a rocky hill, what to plant on the playground, what to decorate the terrace with, and what to plant by the pond.

You will learn to assess the conditions of the area and create a plan for a flower plot, you will be able to select plants for it yourself, and you will also understand how to most effectively combat pests and diseases.

The pages of the site are illustrated with photographs and accompanied by drawings that are understandable to a wide range of visitors who want to make their life more beautiful and exciting.

The Gardening section will help you choose the right crops and varieties according to the requirements for climatic and soil conditions. In it, the gardener will find how to grow seedlings of fruit and berry crops himself, how to place and plant fruit trees And berry bushes and strawberries, how to care for plants to get good harvest.

Floriculture section. talks about flowers, their cultivation, development features flower crops V open ground and greenhouse, methods of plant propagation. He will tell you how to create a lawn, properly prepare the soil for a flower garden, apply fertilizers, water plants, and protect them from pests and diseases.

Garden layout.
Those who have recently purchased a plot of land, as a rule, have a lot of problems related to the improvement of the legal territory.
We hope that the advice of a practicing gardener with many years of experience will help you.

Construction .
The Construction section is information and advice for you on the construction of houses, permanent buildings and the necessary infrastructure, advice on selection and purchase building materials.

Adviсe .
The Tips section contains publications by our authors that can help you find answers to questions about growing and caring for plants. Recommendations for construction on summer cottage, landscaping personal plot.

Medicine .
The Medicine section will help you with advice on providing the necessary medical care on a summer cottage.

Culinary recipes.
The Culinary Recipes section will help our readers with advice on preparing various dishes from crops grown in the country. Here you will find useful tips and recipes for their preparation.