home · Lighting · What to sow in February. Seedlings in February, what should be sown from vegetable and flower crops. Optimal dates for planting seedlings

What to sow in February. Seedlings in February, what should be sown from vegetable and flower crops. Optimal dates for planting seedlings

Growing seedlings is a meticulous and responsible business that requires certain knowledge of the timing of sowing seeds of certain vegetable crops or colors in certain climatic conditions. In regions where the summer is short, seeds for seedlings begin to be sown in February in order to timely ripen and harvest the planned harvest. Thus, the regions of Russia, the Urals and the Moscow region, are characterized by rather cool climatic conditions in which not all crops are able to take root and produce high yields.

What to plant for flower seedlings in February

In the first ten days of February you can already plant lobelia, pelargonium and geysers. Lobelia and geyser seeds are best scattered on the surface of the soil and create a small greenhouse. The sprouts of the first flower will appear in a couple of weeks, the second - no earlier than three weeks. Pelargonium seeds must be sprinkled with a layer of soil; shoots of this plant will appear in a couple of days if the air temperature is not lower than 20 degrees.

In the second ten days of February, you can start planting petunia, carnations, begonias, cyclamen, salvia, and snapdragons. Petunia is the queen of gardens; when planting, it is not advisable to sprinkle it with soil, as this will make it more difficult for the seeds to hatch and many will never sprout. All other of the listed crops are best planted at a depth of 3-5 mm; a mini-greenhouse is a must.

In the third ten days of the last month of winter, it is quite possible to plant Wallace's balsam, seaside cineraria, grandiflora coreopsis and tage tes erecta. All crops do not need special care, seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5 cm and kept at a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees. Germination occurs on average from 4 to 7 days.

Cabbage seedlings are planted in February

Early planting is due to several reasons.

Firstly, cabbage is a cold-resistant plant, and we plant it in beds, as a rule, in mid-April, significantly before tomatoes, pepper, eggplant.

Secondly, spring weather for the development of cabbage is more favorable than summer, and therefore February sowing allows you to get not only an earlier, but also a better harvest.

We sow cabbage seeds for seedlings in mid-late February. We sow lightly to provide the seedlings with good light and ventilation from the first days. The temperature should be low and the lighting should be good. Without this you cannot get good cabbage seedlings. The planting depth of cabbage seeds is about 1.5 cm. Optimal temperature immediately after germination - +8 +10 degrees. Later it is increased to 15-17 degrees. At night, naturally, it should be much cooler - 7-9 degrees.

You can create such a microclimate in an apartment by separating the window from the room. plastic film. On sunny days, seedlings can be placed on a glassed-in loggia.

Planting celery seedlings in February

Planting of seed material is carried out in light, fertile soil. To do this, you need to fill the prepared box with garden soil, into which you have been adding organic fertilizers. You additionally need to add a little humus and sand to this soil, then mix everything well. Next, the ground must be watered with a burning solution of potassium permanganate a few days before you plan to plant the seeds.

Next, the soil in which the seedlings will be grown must be well moistened, after which the celery seeds are evenly distributed over the surface, lightly pressing them in - there is no need to deepen them and sprinkle them with soil. Then the container is covered with film or glass and placed in the light - the illumination is a necessary condition, without which growing celery from seeds is impossible. Every day, the film needs to be removed briefly to ventilate and spray the soil. Seeds germinate fastest at a temperature of 18-20 °C, while at 25-30 °C they may not germinate at all. At proper preparation planting material, the first shoots appear in the third week; if stratification was carried out before planting, the shoots appear after a week. At this time, the shelter must be removed and the temperature reduced to 15 °C so that the sprouts do not stretch.

Planting eggplant seedlings in February

When planting seeds of all crops, you can use special soil for seedlings, which is usually presented in several types in specialized stores (“Tomato”, “Bogatyr”, “Soil for cucumbers”, “Nutritious peat for seedlings”), or prepare it yourself.

Sowing seeds can be done either in special boxes or cassettes, or in peat pots and tablets.

Eggplant seeds, pre-treated against diseases and pests with magnesium permanganate or growth stimulants, as well as germinated ones, are embedded in a moistened substrate to a depth of 1 cm. After this, the container with the sown seeds is covered with plastic film or glass. The germination temperature of eggplants is maintained within +25 – +30˚С. The seeds of this crop take a long time to germinate, and usually appear on the 7th to 14th day.

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Planting pepper seedlings in February

Before planting acute or bell pepper For seedlings in February, the container (pot, box) is filled with prepared soil. The earth needs to be compacted a little. After this, the hatched seeds are carefully laid out on the surface of the soil at a distance of 1-2 cm. If desired, you can first make small depressions for the seeds. Then the seeds are covered with a 2 mm layer of soil and carefully watered so that the water does not wash away.

As soon as seedlings become noticeable on the soil surface, the film is removed from the box; it is no longer needed.

Planting cucumber seedlings in February

One grain is dropped into each such cup to a depth of three to four centimeters from the surface of the soil, then all containers are covered plastic bag and do not open for three days. After the specified period, the bags are removed and abundant watering of the plants begins.

Be sure to use additional lighting, especially at night. Extending daylight hours prevents plants from stretching upward and becoming deformed. The backlight can be purchased in specialized stores or constructed with your own hands.

The maximum time for transplanting cucumber seedlings into the ground is three weeks; if this process is delayed longer, the plant will simply outgrow. Two or three week old seedlings must be carefully transferred to the ground, trying not to damage the very fragile root system.

To do this, you need to not water the plants for one day, after which they can be easily removed from the container. February seedlings are a very early method of sowing; accordingly, you can enjoy the harvest already at the end of March or beginning of April, but it is worth remembering that such seedlings are planted only in an insulated and carefully prepared greenhouse.

We have already figured out how to properly plant cucumber seedlings in February; all that remains is to answer the question of when to sow the seedlings. To do this, you can use the lunar calendar.

You need to know that it is not recommended to sow and plant on a new moon, as well as on a waning moon, but a waxing moon is the right time for all types of planting and sowing work.

The 2nd, 4th, 10th and 12th days of the waxing moon are considered ideal for correct landing cucumbers for seedlings. The calendar for planting cucumbers for seedlings is as follows: favorable numbers are 4, 5, 10 and 28, unfavorable numbers are 11,24, 26.

Planting tomatoes for seedlings in February

Experienced gardeners are welcoming February with a collection of seeds already collected. After all, before planting, you first need to find the tomatoes you want to grow.

Tomatoes, unlike cucumbers, peppers and eggplants, are not afraid of transplantation. They can be planted in peat tablets, cups and bottles for growing in individual containers. The seedling will not need to be replanted; each sprout will develop without inhibition. Tomatoes for seedlings begin to be planted as soon as sunny days, if you do not use the backlight. February provides optimal opportunities for seedling growth in the middle zone. It is necessary to harden the tomato seedlings. February is still frightening with low temperatures, but in March it is already possible to take the seedlings out into a cold corridor or greenhouse during the day. Tomato seedlings become strong and resilient. Before planting in the ground, it is kept in a cold room for three days, day and night.

Treatment of seeds before planting seedlings in February

When growing different types of crops, there are certain features that also apply to planting seeds. Before sowing, seeds need to be prepared:

Many summer residents begin to sow flower seedlings in February, isn’t it too early? Absolutely not, experienced gardeners recommend starting to grow flower seedlings in winter. What flowers should I sow for seedlings in February? You can sow annual, biennial, and perennial plants. Let's look at them in order.

Photos and names flower crops will help you understand whether you want to have them in your front garden, whether you can take into account all the nuances to get high-quality seedlings. Our selection contains only plants that even gardeners without experience can grow at home and whose seeds are sold in all regions.

What flowers are planted as seedlings?

The most common flower crops have a long growing season, and early sowing will allow them time to prepare for summer flowering. February is the time to start sowing flower seeds for seedlings.

If needed good seedlings flowers, the following crops begin to be sown in February:

  • Annuals - petunia, lobelia, verbena, begonia, cineraria, shabot carnation.
  • Biennial, perennial - pansies, viola, lupine, daisies, primroses, chrysanthemums, delphinium.

Annual flowers for seedlings in February


If you want to see flowering gramophones already in June, sowing flower seedlings must be done in winter. Petunia seeds are very small, so it should be planted only superficially, moistened with a spray bottle and covered with film or glass.

Before landing in open ground it is necessary to make one, or preferably two, transplants. The latter is better - in separate glasses.

Don't worry if your petunia blooms already on the window, even flowering seedlings flowers will tolerate transplantation well.


Meet the graceful beauty with small buds of blue, white and pink shades. Lobelia seeds, like petunias, are very small, so the planting method is the same.

Just planting lobelia is worth three or four plants in one glass to get more lush bushes.


What you see here is not only a beautiful, but also a fragrant plant. Since verbena seeds are quite large, when planting they need to be slightly buried in the soil.

Although you can leave the seeds on the surface. In this case, be sure to cover the container with the seeds with black film, since verbena seeds need darkness to germinate.


This is due to the fact that at the end of winter the days lengthen noticeably, especially towards the beginning of March. The seeds are small, planted superficially and always under glass or film.


If you plant this flower for seedlings in February, then by June it will grow beautiful silver bushes.

When planting, cineraria seeds are slightly buried and covered with film. Otherwise, caring for flower seedlings and watering are the same.

Carnation Shabo

This beautiful plant it takes up to six months to bloom. Keep this in mind when planning flower seedlings in February.

Carnation seedlings must be picked several times, then by the time of planting permanent place it will begin to bush. The seeds are sown in the usual way, under the film.

Biennial and perennial flowers through seedlings

Unlike annuals, perennials with a short development period are planted in February, which will allow you not to wait until flowering. next year, and see it already at the end of summer or early autumn.

Viola or pansy

If you plant the seeds of this plant in February, the first buds will appear at the end of July.

Although viola seeds are quite small, they should still be buried when planting. Since seeds left on the surface may become moldy if exposed to excess moisture.


At early boarding the plants will bloom by the end of August. For faster germination, seeds should be soaked for a day before planting. Deepen approximately 5-8 mm. Since lupins do not tolerate transplantation well, they need to be planted in separate cups or pots.

If the cups are small, by the time of planting the entire earthen ball will be entangled in roots and will be easy to remove entirely. This will allow you to plant the plant without damaging the root system.


If you really want, you can see it blooming in the fall if you plant the daisy seeds in early February.

It must be borne in mind that if the summer is hot and dry, you will not be able to see full flowering. Instead, single buds will appear on thin stems, most likely not double.


It is planted superficially, under glass. In order for flowering to occur in September, primrose is planted in a slightly shaded place.

The plant loves to be watered abundantly and fed several times over the summer.


This perennial will definitely bloom in the year of sowing, since the most important condition for the formation of buds is a decrease in daylight hours.

Planting flower seeds for seedlings in February will ensure the growth of sufficient vegetative mass and roots for the plant to successfully overwinter.


If you purchased rare seeds and you can’t wait to see them bloom, then plant delphinium seeds in February. At good care The peduncle will appear in late summer.

Be prepared that in the first year the delphinium will not bloom particularly brightly. The plant will open in all its glory only next year.

As you can see, the range of flower crops for planting in February is not so small. There are many more of them, we have indicated the most unpretentious ones - such that even novice gardeners can get flower seedlings at home.

Choose names, photos, see what will go well with your summer cottage and feel free to buy everything for growing flower seedlings at home. Good luck!

Despite the fact that it is February and there is snow outside, many gardeners are thinking about what vegetables and flowers can be planted for seedlings?

Planting vegetables for seedlings in February

When sowing seeds of different vegetables, you need to take into account the germination period and at what age the plants will need to be transplanted into open ground or a greenhouse. Based on this, you can approximately determine the sowing time of each vegetable crop.

  1. and bitter. Since it is transplanted to a permanent place in the greenhouse when the plant is 70-80 days old, it needs to be sown in February. Considering that pepper seedlings germinate for about a week, the optimal sowing time is February 12-20.
  2. . Seedlings of this vegetable should be planted in a greenhouse at the age of 60-70 days. Also, to determine the time for sowing eggplants, you need to take into account that sprouts sprout after 10 days. That is, it turns out that in order to obtain high-quality seedlings, eggplants should be planted between February 18 and 25 (depending on the variety).
  3. Onion. Before planting in the garden, onion seedlings from nigella must be 60 days old. Taking into account the fact that washed seeds hatch on the 5th day, the seeds should be sown on February 24-28.
  4. Leek. The seedlings of this crop grow for quite a long time, and you also need to take into account that leeks are not afraid of cold weather, so they can be planted in open ground from mid-April (if the climate allows). Shoots appear 10 days after sowing. Seeds can be sown from mid-February.
  5. Celery. It is especially important to grow root celery seedlings in a timely manner, since the plant has a long ripening period. Disembarkation ready seedlings held in mid-May, when she will already be 70-80 days old. It will take 9 days for shoots to appear. It turns out that you need to sow celery starting from February 10-15.
  6. Potato. If you plan to get potato seedlings from seeds, you need to sow them from mid-February.
  7. . In principle, strawberries can be sown from the end of winter until mid-summer. However, the strongest and healthiest bushes are obtained by early sowing. Some varieties garden strawberries when sowing in February already in this year will delight you with the first berries. In addition, early sowing allows you to select the best planting material, rejecting unsuccessful specimens.

The last ten days of February is considered the beginning gardening work. Many crops can already be sown as seedlings: late-ripening and mid-ripening varieties of tomatoes, Bell pepper, petiole celery.

What else can you sow in February? Of course, flower seedlings! February is the main time for sowing flowers if you want to get early flowering plants.

Planting flowers for seedlings in February

What can you sow from flowers in February? These can be annuals, biennials, or perennials. Let's take a closer look at them.

From annuals, lobelia, cineraria, verbena, all varieties of petunias, begonias are sown, and Shabot carnation seeds are sown. From biennials and perennials at this time you can sow viola, decorative lupine, pansies, different types primroses, daisies, delphinium and chrysanthemums.

After preliminary stratification, you can sow in February such plants as aquilegia, swimsuit, gentian (stemless and spring), princelings, rutovniki, violets, codonopsis, bells, prolomniki, some types of clematis, irises, jeffersonia. Also in early February, you can sow stratified seeds of lavender, primrose and lumbago.

Primroses have an extended germination period, so they are recommended to be sown from the first ten days of February. The seeds of most perennials have a dense shell, so they take a month or more to germinate. Sowing in February will guarantee a healthy plant for the season. For indoor growing For seedlings in February, you can sow fuchsias, pelargoniums, balsams, and hot peppers.

Many summer residents devote time to their passion all year round and try to plan crop cultivation as efficiently as possible for the entire season. It's freezing outside, and they're already wondering what seedlings are better What should I plant in February? And they are doing absolutely the right thing, because many cultures will give best harvest It is precisely when sowing early for seedlings that it is better to stock up on seeds in advance, in January. Moreover, at this time, specialized stores offer a huge assortment, without unnecessary fuss among customers.

To ensure that time and effort are not wasted, and that the seedlings turn out strong and healthy, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation seeds Such preparation consists of several main stages:

  1. Sizing is a quick and easy way to select the most viable seeds. To do this, we place them in 4% saline solution(40 grams per 1 liter of water). Stir for 3 minutes, collect everything that rises to the surface - this is garbage and empty seeds, the best ones sink to the bottom. That's what we need.
  2. Seeds without special coating, as well as those collected on your own site, must be disinfected. To do this, just soak them in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 10 minutes, or in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, heated to 40 degrees, also for 10 minutes.
  3. After these manipulations, seeds with a hard shell should be soaked. We place them between layers of soaked cotton cloth or gauze and keep them moist for several days until the seedlings appear. You can cover the top with a bag to speed up the process.
  4. Seedlings can be grown in a ready-made soil mixture, or in soil that has previously been taken from a future garden bed, just add humus or mineral fertilizers. Then the plant will better tolerate transplantation to a permanent place of growth.

Important! It is best to buy soil for planting in advance, leave it in the cold for a while, then warm room, and before sowing it is advisable to sift.

When to plant flower and vegetable seeds for subsequent replanting in open ground

February is a very active month; it is at this time that you need to have time to sow some of the very popular crops for subsequent planting in open beds.

Vegetables things to remember in February:

  • celery - seeds for seedlings are sown in mid-February, planted after reaching 75-85 days, when the threat of the last frost passes;
  • leeks - the ideal sowing time is the end of February, transplanting into the ground after 65-70 days;
  • onions grown from seeds - after February 20th, after 60 days they can be planted in the garden.

Growing onions from seeds is very promising direction. Onions in stores are quite expensive, and everything that stores offer, including seedling onions, is of Chinese origin. Your own seedlings will allow you to get healthy vegetables that are not affected by diseases and pests, the carriers of which are purchased specimens.

Experienced gardeners, in addition to vegetables, grow most annual flowers by sowing seeds for seedlings, rather than in open ground, including:

  1. Begonia - a bright beauty can be sown in January, but in this case additional lighting will be needed, it is better to wait until mid-February, so there will be less hassle.
  2. Petunia - the seeds of an elegant flower are very small and take a long time to germinate, so mid-February is the right time for sowing.
  3. Lobelia - sowing this ampelous flower The timing coincides with petunia. Before planting, the soil should be moistened and compacted, the seeds should be sown superficially, without going deep into the ground, and covered with glass or a transparent bag.
  4. Carnation Shabot - blooms six months after sowing. Sowed in mid-February, germinates on the sixth - eighth day, requires picking, seedlings are transferred to the ground in May.
  5. Salvia is sown at the end of February, the seeds germinate slowly, the flower is heat-loving, does not tolerate cold weather, and is planted in the ground in late spring - early summer.

February is also suitable for sowing delphinium, zinnia, and viola; and other annuals, seedlings should be planted in the ground in May.

Important! Of all the flower crops, delphinium and lupine do not tolerate picking; they are immediately planted in separate pots.

February is the time to think not only about seedlings of vegetables and flowers. You need to not miss the moment and have time to plant varietal strawberries for seedlings. Peat tablets are perfect for planting the seeds of this berry, which will avoid unnecessary damage to the plant during replanting.

If the seedlings have sprouted too densely or the largest plants need to be transplanted, picking is carried out. To do this, one sprout with a small lump of earth is separated and, after trimming the excess length of the root, it is transplanted into a separate pot. This procedure allows plants to develop a more powerful root system and make them more resilient. Optimal time carried out - after the appearance of a pair of true leaves. After picking, the seedlings need to be kept in a room with a slight drop in temperature for a couple of days, protected from direct rays.

Two weeks before the intended planting in open ground, you should begin to harden the seedlings. To do this, pots with seedlings are placed on a loggia, balcony or open window. If possible, you can even leave it in the fresh air overnight.

Important! Regardless of the culture and region, young plants can be planted in the ground only after all spring frosts have passed.

What is being planted for seedlings in the Moscow region and Leningrad region

The early sowing method in the climatic conditions of the Moscow region and Leningrad region there are many fans and opponents. Indeed, there are many compelling arguments to support both views. Here are some of the benefits:

  • the ability to grow the most hardened and strong seedlings;
  • more healthy plants which will give the best harvest;
  • savings on the purchase of greenhouse seedlings;
  • better seedling quality;
  • preventing plant infection by pests introduced with purchased seedlings.

The main arguments of opponents of this method boil down to its troublesomeness:

  • sufficient lighting must be provided;
  • temperature support;
  • humidity control to avoid the occurrence of fungal diseases.

As you can see, the advantages are much more significant, the difficulties can be easily overcome.

First of all, in February, crops with a long growing season are planted, which require the maximum amount of heat during ripening. Plants with small seeds that require a long period of time before germination, perennial tuberous flowers of long formation.

Vegetable crops sown for seedlings in February:

  1. Tomatoes – early varieties for further cultivation in a greenhouse, late ones, with a growing season of 100 days - for planting in open ground.
  2. Bell pepper - this heat-loving plant It takes almost three months for the formation of resistant seedlings, by which time the earth will warm up sufficiently.
  3. Eggplant. They have a long ripening period and are perfect for greenhouses and greenhouses.
  4. Potatoes from seeds. It is better to sow this crop more densely; such varieties have poor germination. But the resulting seedlings give a good harvest.

In addition, the beginning of February is suitable for planting crops such as asparagus, onions, sorrel, rhubarb; at the end of the month you can safely sow various melons, zucchini and mushroom mycelium.

From flowers, in addition to those already mentioned, you can sow:

  1. Lavender - due to the long growing season, it cannot be grown without a greenhouse period.
  2. Pelargonium - can be grown throughout the year, and parts of the plant can be rooted in March, or sown as seedlings in February.
  3. Primrose - early spring Flower can be grown from seeds, only in this case full-fledged flower stalks will form in the second year.

Also, the end of February is suitable for sowing most popular aromatic herbs, such as parsley, dill, basil. It's time for early lettuce varieties that manage to reach technical maturity in the greenhouse.

What seedlings are planted in February in Siberia

If you plan to plant seedlings first in a greenhouse or greenhouse, and only then in open ground, then all of the above crops are suitable. There is no point in starting to grow seedlings for planting directly into the ground before mid-March - early April. Then the plants will gain enough strength by the end of the frost.

Experienced gardeners have proven with their bold experiments that you can even try to sow tomatoes in February. Then the seedlings are “relocated” to a greenhouse in April, and to open ground at the end of May. The plants are well hardened and begin to bear fruit early. If there are still frosts on the soil, young tomato bushes should, if possible, be covered with agrofibre.

The main condition good harvest in such climatic conditions - seeds. Only early varieties of crops are suitable; the rest simply will not have time to reach technical maturity.

Important! Provide the seedlings with enough light to avoid “stretching”.

Unfortunately, such a useful crop as cabbage in the conditions of Siberia and the Urals is not recommended to be grown in February; the seedlings will turn out weakened, with low viability. Early cabbage in this region it is better to sow seedlings starting in mid-March.

Cabbage varieties for sowing seedlings in winter

Cabbage is amazing garden culture, delighting with a variety of shapes and tastes. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide for what purposes do you need it? After this, you can already choose the type and variety.

Cabbage is a fairly heat-loving crop, so the majority of varieties are suitable for sowing for seedlings only from mid-March (red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.). Only a few early representatives of this extensive species are suitable for sowing from mid-February:

  • early white cabbage;
  • early savoy cabbage;
  • Brussels sprouts early.

In order to correctly calculate the timing of sowing cabbage, you need to know the return period in which seedlings can be planted in the ground; for cabbage, Brussels sprouts and broccoli it ranges from 50 to 60 days, for savoy, cauliflower and kohlrabi - from 35 to 45 days. Optimal time sowing will be: age of seedlings + 8-10 days before emergence. If picking is necessary, then another 7 days should be added.

Planting gladioli in February

To be fair, it should be noted that this only applies to growing gladioli from seeds. This is a painstaking task, but the result is worth it, so you can decorate your site with the most rare varieties, this bright plant. Midwinter is the best time to plant the seeds of these bulbous plants in a greenhouse. Early sowing will allow you to form a full-fledged bulb over the summer.

Remember! Gladioli grown from seeds will delight you with flowers only in the second year, regardless of care.

The optimal time to start germinating gladioli is not before the middle Martha. If the bulbs sprouted ahead of time, you need to slow down their growth. For this:

  1. The bulbs need to be thoroughly dried in a warm, dry place for 3-5 days.
  2. After drying, place the gladioli in a cool place with low humidity and a temperature of no more than +5̊ C.
  3. Two weeks before planting in the ground, move the bulbs to a warmer place with a temperature of +15̊ C

To avoid such situations in the future, it is necessary to carefully prepare the material for storage. Dry well and inspect on time.


Regardless of the region, having decided what to plant as seedlings in February, you can choose the optimal combination of crops that will delight you with productivity and diversity. The main thing is to plan ahead. Prepare your own homemade earthen mixture in the fall, or buy a ready-made one in January. Select suitable crops, appropriate fertilizers, be patient and persistent. Then the result will definitely not disappoint.