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What is planted first? Planting potatoes: optimal timing. Temperature for vegetable seedlings

For an avid gardener, growing seedlings is an amazing and exciting process.

Solving the most important questions: what type of crop to plant, what soil to choose as the basis for the planting mixture, at what time to cut off the grown shoots and many other issues give the gardener great pleasure.

What plants should be sown in seedlings?

As we know, seeds can be planted in open ground or seedlings can be sown with further transfer of seedlings into open ground.

Strong seedlings.

Seeds planted in open ground have a significantly lower germination rate than seeds sown for seedlings. More dangers await them. This includes the unpredictability of the weather, insects eating seeds, weeds and many other dangers.

Garden crops grown through seedlings allow harvesting in more time. early date. In regions with harsh climates horticultural crops with a longer period of development and growth can be grown exclusively by sowing seedlings. These include tomatoes, various varieties peppers, demanding eggplants, and other crops.

In addition, through seedlings you can reproduce the variety of crop you desire, which is difficult to find in specialized stores.

Favorable days

Even ancient gardeners found a relationship between the lunar phases and the speed of plant development. Modern science has confirmed the dependence of plant growth on lunar phases and the ability of plants to attract or repel water molecules while in certain phases of the moon.

The period of the Moon's revolution around our planet is divided into four phases. The gravitational force of the Moon on Earth during the new and full moon periods is the same. It is on these days that the lunar attraction promotes intensive plant growth.

There is a heavy influx nutrients to the tops of plants. But let us note that During the full moon, plants receive more light. Therefore, the process of photosynthesis does not stop, promoting the development of the above-ground parts of plants.

Boarding process peat tablets.

The basic rule is that after the new moon period we plant garden crops with ground fruits, and after full moon we plant crops with underground fruits.

For gardeners who draw up a sowing plan taking into account the lunar phases, there is a basic rule: do not plant anything on the full moon itself and the two days closest to it. Also, on the new moon and the next couple of days it is not advisable to plant root crops.

Dependence of landing time on region

Vegetable crops for the most part come from countries with mild climates, where the frost-free period lasts all year round. In such a climate, plants in open ground go through their entire development cycle.

The time for planting seeds for seedlings depends on the duration of the frost-free period in the region, because the plant should preferably complete its development in open ground.

In the Ural and Siberian zones The frost-free period is only 65 days. The frost-free period begins at the beginning of June. Frosts begin in October.

As for more southern regions , for example, Belarus, then here the number of frost-free days reaches 180. The frost-free period begins at the beginning of April. In this region, it is possible to transplant seedlings into open ground much earlier than in areas located in the northern and central parts.

What and when should I start planting at home?

The date of planting the seeds is directly related to the period of development of a particular plant. The moment the seeds are planted in the soil is the beginning of the growing season. In our latitudes, the number of warm days necessary for the full development cycle of many plants is limited. Therefore, for most cultures vegetation cycle begins on the windowsill of our houses.

Before planting in open ground.

The duration of the development period is different not only for different types cultures, but varies among different varieties one culture. Nowadays, breeders have developed many early-ripening varieties for gardeners in northern latitudes, with a shortened development period. The period of crop development is usually indicated in the accompanying annotation to the planting rules.

Vegetable sowing dates: schedule

For greater clarity, we present a table indicating the timing of planting seedlings of the most common vegetables. The periods are indicated for planting vegetable seeds in central Russia. To determine the exact time of planting seeds in other parts of Russia, the table must be adjusted to suit the climate corresponding to them.

Time for sowing vegetable seedlings:

Sowing table for annual and perennial flowers

Seeds of flower plants must be sown for seedlings in their own time periods, which differ from the periods of planting vegetables. The sowing dates for some flower plants are given in the table below.

Picked seedlings.

Timing for planting seedlings flower crops:

Name Seed planting period Appearance of first shoots (days)
Begonia everblooming December - January 20
Verbena garden March, April 10-12
Carnation January February 5-10
Heliotrope January February 15-21
Summer dahlia March 10-12
Sweet pea February 5-115
Calendula April May 5-15
Space is twice cirrus March, April 10-12
Mathiolla February March 3-6
Lobelia Erinus February March 5-7
Mimulus January February 10-12
Nasturtium April May 10-14
Forget-me-not Chinese March, April 12-14
Petunia March 7-10
Rodochiton March, April 20-30
Rudbeckia March, April 12-14
Sweet tobacco March 15-20
Marigold March 7-10
Zinnia April 8-10

It is necessary to understand that the germination of sprouts is directly related to many factors. This includes temperature, grouping of seed planting, size of the selected container for planting and many other factors.

How to grow peppers?

We start sowing seeds for seedlings around March 10-20. Before planting, seeds are disinfected in weak solution potassium permanganate. Seeds must sprout before they begin to bury them in the soil. To do this, the seeds are left in a well-moistened cloth for 7-14 days in a warm and dark place.

Plants planted in a garden bed.

The planting container must be disinfected. The soil can be used either purchased or made independently. The sprouted seeds should be carefully laid out with tweezers at a distance of 2 centimeters from each other.

After cutting through the sprouts, we transfer the container to the windowsill; the pepper loves light and warmth. Before transplanting the pepper into an open space, it is cropped without deepening twice. Feed pepper seedlings twice, one and a half to two weeks after picking.

Tomato seeds

It should be planted on the twentieth of March. It is advisable to soak the seeds in water before planting. To do this, you can take an ordinary saucer. Pour water into it, lay out the seeds, cover with a clean cloth. Seeds must be soaked for 10-12 hours, but no more than 24 hours.

Then we fill the disinfected container with the previously prepared special mixture for tomatoes. The mixture should be sufficiently moistened. Seeds are planted at a distance of two centimeters from each other. The planting depth is no more than one and a half centimeters. Cupping is done when the plant has two leaves. They are docked without deepening.

Remember, tomatoes love light and warmth, but do not like excess moisture.


belong to a very demanding culture. Seeds for seedlings are planted on the twentieth of March. The soil should be neutral, loose and fertile. The container is filled with soil mixture approximately 20-24 hours before planting. The soil mixture is well moistened.

Before planting, the seeds are disinfected. Then wrap it in two layers of moistened wipes. For seven days at night we store in a cold place, such as a refrigerator, during the day at room temperature.

Additional illumination of seedlings on the window.

After seven days, soak for twenty minutes in melt water with the addition of a growth stimulator. Dry until crumbly and plant in the soil to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. We crop at the stage of development of two leaves. We water the seedlings every 5-6 days.

Growing cabbage

Seedlings on white cabbage should be planted in early April. Before planting, be sure to neutralize the seeds. Sown seeds must be well moistened before germination. After the seedlings appear, they are thinned out. The distance between the sprouts should be at least two centimeters.

Two weeks after harvesting, the seedlings are planted deeper. After another two weeks they are transplanted again. The distance between the sprouts should be at least five centimeters. daylight not enough cabbage. Seedlings need additional lighting.

Optimal temperature for growing cabbage seedlings within 18-20°C.

Cucumbers for the garden

Cucumber seedlings are planted between May 5-10. Crop seeds require pre-treatment before planting in the ground. First, soak them in a solution of three percent table salt. You can plant those that remain at the bottom of the container.

How to properly plan the time of sowing and planting and not miss anything? Our gardening calendar will help you.



In February, it is time to sow seeds for the preliminary cultivation of seedlings. This early planting should start with early lettuce, celery, broccoli, eggplant and peppers. For an early harvest, you can start growing tomatoes, onions and parsley in February.

In a warm or semi-warm greenhouse, heated with manure or compost, you can plant early varieties radish. Foil or white can be used as insulating material non-woven material.

In warmer areas, you can start growing potatoes for spring planting as early as late February. Place it in a breathable box or basket with as many eyes as possible facing up and place the box in a bright place where the temperature is between 10 and 15 °C.


Already this month, you can begin to pre-grow varieties with a long growth period from seeds. These include lobelia, snapdragon, Drummond phlox, petunia, cannas.



Beginning of the month - deadline for sowing paprika and broccoli seeds for preliminary cultivation of seedlings.

Before the middle of the month, it is necessary to sow seeds for pre-growing tomatoes and watermelons.

In a greenhouse or hothouse good weather You can grow carrots, radishes, basil and plant pre-grown early lettuce. Lettuce for collecting young leaves can be sown within a month under suitable weather conditions directly into a flower bed, and the sprouted sprouts can be covered with non-woven material.

In the second half of the month, you can plant carrots, radishes, parsley, spinach, early lettuce, peas, and dill in an open flowerbed. White non-woven material will protect germinating seeds from cold and pests.

You can plant onions and garlic.


In March, it is advisable to pre-grow seedlings of annual flowers that have a longer growing season or are more sensitive to spring frosts. These include marigolds, Chinese asters, delosperma, immortelle officinalis, gazania and Chinese cloves. Seeds are planted in a semi-warm greenhouse or in pots and placed on the windowsill.

At the end of March, if the weather is good, you can start planting ornamental plants. perennial plants blooming in summer time. They can be propagated vegetatively and replanted.


The time has come to plant fruit trees and shrubs. In spring you can plant everything fruit trees, earlier planting dates will benefit conventionally rooted trees. Best suited for apricot, peach and nectarine spring planting than autumn.

At the end of the month, decorative deciduous plants and grape seedlings are planted.


Vegetables and greens

All types of vegetables can be grown in flowerbeds, such as carrots, lettuce, beets, peas, spinach, and Asian vegetables.

April is also an ideal month for planting aromatic herbs, either in flower beds or in containers. You can sow lavender, oregano, thyme, marjoram, mint, sage, myrrh, arugula, dill, tarragon, rosemary.

You can plant pre-grown seedlings of lettuce and broccoli, potatoes, horseradish.

In a greenhouse in frost-free conditions, you can plant pre-grown tomato seedlings.


You can now plant all perennial flowers, blooming in summer and in autumn. You can also propagate them vegetatively.

This is the ideal planting time for rock garden plants.

Can be planted ornamental grasses, bamboo, fern and new lawn.


It is advisable to finish planting fruit and ornamental trees by the end of the month. First of all, this applies to seedlings of ordinary rooted trees. Trees and shrubs growing in containers can be planted later, but then they will need to be thoroughly watered and protected from harsh sunlight.

Vegetables and greens

The beginning of the month is the ideal time to sow gherkins and cucumbers.

You can also grow the popular zucchini squash, preferably in mid-May so that the germinating plants are not damaged by the last frost. You can try growing artichokes.

Half of May is an important turning point for a number of other types of crops. After the last frost, you can sow beans and corn (popcorn varieties are popular), watermelons and melons, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

It is, of course, necessary to take into account both the altitude above sea level and geographical position, and the microclimate of the garden. In warm areas, more difficult to grow plants can be planted at the beginning of the month; in harsher climates, wait until the end of May.

For late harvest You can sow carrots, lettuce, beets, arugula, and onions again.

Grow on outdoors You can already use heat-loving greens, basil or perilla.

This month is suitable for propagating greenery: just cover the lower branches of the greenery with substrate.


In the second half of May, you can take decorative flowers outside flower pots. You can plant purchased or grown seedlings in them. Geranium, petunia, lobelia, purslane, as well as balcony tomatoes and herbs are suitable for sunny places. IN shady places you can grow begonia, ivy and mint.

At the end of May you can start growing one of the largest ornamental plants, reaching a height of 1.5 meters, with bright red flowers - cannas. They need sun and a nutrient medium; rhizomes are planted to a depth of 15 cm.

It is necessary to plant two-year-old plants with their own beautiful flowers they will please you only next year. The most beautiful include foxgloves, Turkish carnation, marshmallow, and heiranthus.

Water lilies can be planted in garden ponds in the second half of May.

Fast-growing plants can be gradually planted in free spaces. annual plants, for example, calendula, and from August to autumn nasturtium.



You can plant carrots, black and red radishes, beans, kohlrabi, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and leeks. You can still plant lettuce.

Flowers and trees

June is the right time to take cuttings of ornamental shrubs. In the morning, the cuttings must be planted in a light substrate to a depth of 2 cm. The following plants, for example, reproduce well with green cuttings: Japanese maple, lilac, cotoneaster, magnolia, viburnum, hydrangea, heather, clematis.

perennial plants, blooming in spring, it is best to replant and propagate before the middle of the month.

In June, you can sow biennial plants: pansies, forget-me-nots, daisies, carnations. Sprinkle on tiny seeds thin layer substrate. Pansies need to be kept in a dark place until they sprout.


Fruits and vegetables

Even in the height of summer, you can still start growing a new crop of vegetables. You can sow Chinese and Chinese cabbage, fennel, spinach, endive and summer salads.

You can also sow carrots, especially varieties with shorter roots.

The best time is coming to plant new strawberry seedlings.

— Planting can be simplified by placing a wide glass of substrate under a new seedling that has not yet taken root, and weighing it down with a stone.

— Seedlings prepared at the beginning of July will be ready for transplanting at the end of the month - you just need to cut them off from the mother plant.

— Take seedlings only from healthy and fruit-bearing annual mother plants.

Flowers and trees

In July, you can vegetatively propagate juniper, thuja, cypress and yew. Tear off cuttings 10 cm long along with the heel - the place with which they are attached to the branch. And plant them in a breathable substrate. Keep the substrate moist.



You can still sow lettuce, especially field lettuce; it produces a harvest before the first frost. For an autumn harvest of young leaves, you can also sow spinach.

For next year's harvest, you can sow radishes, radishes, onions, cabbage and blackroot.

You can sprinkle green fertilizer on vacated flower beds that you will not use for 3-4 weeks.


Bulbs of snowdrops and white flowers, as well as European kandyk, are planted in wet and permeable soil. In autumn, blooming saffron can be planted in a sunny place; fragile colchicums can be planted in heavier, humic soil. You can plant cyclamen tubers.

They can be planted in flower beds, as well as in small groups under trees or ground cover plants.

White flowers are planted at a depth of 8 cm, snowdrop and saffron - 5-8 cm, cyclamen - 10-20.


The end of summer is suitable for propagation of ornamental plants. coniferous trees, such as spruce, thuja, juniper, yew and other species. Take the end branches with the heel and remove the needles from them 2 cm above. Plant the cuttings in a substrate made of a mixture of peat and sand (you can add crushed polystyrene), keep it constantly moist.



Even at the beginning of this month it is still possible to plant vegetables for this year's harvest. Early radishes and early lettuce, as well as arugula, will have time to grow.

You can sow spinach, parsley and chervil; they will produce a harvest of young leaves in early spring.

A greenhouse or foil is ideal; non-woven white material used to cover the flowerbed can also help. It will protect germinating plants from the cold.


September is the best time to plant bulbs. Most require sun and humic, permeable soil. Planting depth depends on the size of the bulb. A simple rule is to plant at a depth of 2-2.5 times the size of the bulb. In light soil you can plant deeper.

— Royal hazel grouse 15-20 cm

— Narcissus 15-20 cm

— Hyacinth 15 cm

— Tulip 10-15 cm

— Crocus 6-10 cm

— Scilla, Pushkinia 8 cm


Vegetables and greens

In October, the deadline comes for collecting bunches of greenery that can be used in winter time. Dig them out of the garden, plant them in a pot and place them in a cool place. When you need them, just move them to a warm place, place them in the sun and start watering them thoroughly. For fast growing Chives, parsley and other types of greens are suitable.

At the end of October, if there is warmth and enough sun, you can start growing garlic. Deep loamy soil supplied with nutrients is suitable for this.


From mid-October until the first frost, almost all fruit trees and shrubs can be planted; only the peach tree should be planted earlier (in harsh climatic conditions, apricot trees and hazel trees are planted earlier). In addition to apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, cherries and hazels, you can also grow less common types of trees, such as mulberry, Canadian cranberries and blueberries, Kamchatka honeysuckle, kiwi, shadberry, even fig trees, medicinal shrubs (sea buckthorn, hawthorn).

In the garden, of course, it is advisable to grow ornamental trees, simply beautifully blooming or, for example, decorative apple trees, sakura and magnolia, trees with decorative leaves (Japanese maple, decorative conifers).

You can “grow” a barrier from ornamental trees.

You can plant roses and large shrubs in the flowerbed garden roses, landscape roses.

If your garden is in a fertile, warm area, you can start growing a vineyard in late October, or plant a few shrubs in a sheltered, warm spot.


On the warm days of the first half of October, you can still plant ornamental bulbous plants, for example, a variety of tulips, colored muscari, attractive hyacinths, bulbous irises, decorative garlic, cyclamens. In early October, if the weather is good, you still have time to plant daffodils.

During October you can grow tulip, crocus and hyacinth bulbs in a container.



In a bed with nutritious and heavy soil in November you can sow early carrots, parsley, radishes, lettuce, onions, parsnips, winter varieties garlic, winter varieties of cabbage ( cauliflower Arcturus, savoy cabbage Arctu), pointed cabbage.

The spring harvest can be harvested early if you cover it with white non-woven fabric. Vegetables that can be harvested in winter must be protected from frost.


Until the middle of the month you can still grow deciduous trees and roses.



In December, the time comes for the first sowing for the preliminary cultivation of decorative geranium seedlings. They grow for a very long time, bloom only six months after sowing, but eventually when minimum costs you will get beautiful plants. It is recommended to sow in peat pots or small bowls filled with sterile sowing substrate. To germinate geranium seeds, it is recommended to provide them with a temperature above 20°C and keep the substrate moist.

The moon affects plant growth and seed germination. For centuries, people have noticed this mysterious connection between the night luminary and plantings. When a sufficient amount of facts and knowledge had accumulated, it became possible to create a sowing lunar calendar. Modern gardeners, following his recommendations, can get a bountiful harvest.

January 2018

January is a good time to purchase seeds. Before you go to the store, you need to make a plan - what crops and in what quantity you need to sow this season.

Then you should look at last year's stocks seed material. It should be noted that the seeds of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, and zucchini do not lose their viability for 5-6 years, and root vegetables and herbs germinate better when fresh. Carrots remain viable for only 1-2 years.

In 2018, sowing seeds for seedlings can begin on January 8. January 13 is the day of planting seeds for stratification.

Stratification - keeping seeds at low positive temperatures to accelerate germination. This technique is required by tree and shrub crops - nuts, apple trees, pears, maples, lindens and flowers originating from temperate climate species. They stratify peonies, primroses, clematis, bells, lavender, berry crops, grapes, lemongrass, and prince.

In January, strawberries are sown for seedlings, onion, leeks and some annual and perennial ornamental plants. Not enough this month natural light, so any seedlings will have to be intensively illuminated.

Vegetables and herbs for growing in a winter greenhouse

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, early green beans And green pea. Solanaceous seedlings at the time of planting in winter greenhouse should have the first flower cluster and be 50-60 days old. Cucumbers are planted in a greenhouse at the age of 30 days.

In January you can sow dill, lettuce, leaf mustard, parsley, plant onion sets to obtain early greens.

According to the lunar calendar, nightshade vegetables and cucumbers are sown for seedlings on January 21. Tomatoes, eggplants and pepper seedlings can be sown on January 30 in 2018. On the same day you can sow Beijing and early cabbage, beans, peas, onions. Greens are sown on January 25 and 27.


Strawberry seeds germinate in the light. Before sowing, they are soaked for 2-3 days in snow water to destroy the substances that slow down germination. Then the seeds are placed on the surface of a loose substrate, spilled with water, and covered with transparent polyethylene or glass. There is no need to cover the seeds with soil.

Shoots will appear within two weeks. When the second true leaf appears, the seedlings dive.

Annual onion for seedlings

Sowing nigella seedlings allows you to do without purchasing seedlings. Most varieties are suitable for annual onion crops Russian selection. By the time of landing on permanent place onion seedlings should be at least 30-40 days old.

Onion seeds germinate unevenly. The first shoots appear after 5-10 days, the last after 2 weeks. It is better to have a supply of seeds so that if necessary, you can sow them in free space. January seedlings manage to grow powerful root system, which helps plants form large bulbs.


Cucumbers are sown for growing on a windowsill or transplanting into heated greenhouses. The seeds must be parthenocarpic, that is, they do not require pollination by bees. The following hybrids are suitable:

  • Relay race;
  • Amur;
  • Zozulya;
  • April.

Ornamental crops

Seeds of ornamental crops quickly lose their viability, so sowing them cannot be postponed until next year. In February the following are sown:

  • eustoma;
  • Shabot cloves;
  • Snapdragon;
  • paniculate phlox;
  • aquilegia;
  • balsams;
  • begonia always blooming.

According to the lunar calendar, perennial and annual flowers in 2018 are sown on February 7, 10 and 14.

March 2018

March is the time for mass sowing of seedlings of most crops grown in the middle zone.


In the second half of March, early varieties of tomatoes are sown, intended for planting under film. Determinate and indeterminate varieties for polycarbonate greenhouses sown a little later - at the end of March.


In March, salvia, celosia, gatsania, helichrysum, pansies, primroses, verbenas, asters, and petunias are sown. Small seeds are distributed over the surface of the moist soil, and a little snow is scattered on top so that the melt water itself ruins the seeds into the upper layer of the substrate. Large seeds are buried manually to a depth equal to their diameter. March sowing of perennials and biennials ensures flowering in the current season.


For film shelters, cucumbers are sown in early March, for planting in open ground from March 25. It is better to sow with material that has been stored for 2-3 years, treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, and then washed in cold water.


Early white cabbage varieties are grown by seedlings, sowing in March. Broccoli and cauliflower are sown from mid-March to June at intervals of two weeks.

April 2018

April is a great month for gardening. At this time, the soil in the area thaws. Garlic and sets are planted in open ground, carrots, celery, and early greens are sown.


Greens sown in April will be on the table within 3 weeks. Considering the likelihood of frost, only cold-resistant crops are sown: spinach, sorrel, lettuce, radishes, dill, parsley and celery. Heat-loving crops may freeze during sudden frosts. The earliest ripening varieties are selected. To speed up germination, after planting, the beds are watered with warm water.

The best day to work with green crops is April 21. Radishes and turnips can be sown on April 7th.

Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers

Seeds of standard and low-growing tomatoes intended for open ground. You can sow early ripening plants nearby low-growing varieties sweet pepper. Gardeners who are late in planting eggplants can still manage to get a harvest of this crop by sowing the earliest ripening varieties: King of the North, Giselle, Purple Miracle, Diamond. These plants produce a harvest 95-100 days after germination.

Cucumbers are sown without seedlings directly in polycarbonate greenhouses and covered with cut plastic bottles for the first time.


From mid to late April, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi seedlings are sown in cold nurseries at intervals of 10 days, mid-season and late-ripening varieties of broccoli, late red and white varieties. At the end of April, it is better to sow cabbage immediately in a permanent place, several seeds per hole, followed by thinning.

Flowers, bulbous

Annual asters, marigolds, ageratum, kochia, amaranth, statice, annual dahlias, and zinnias are sown in a permanent place. From perennials you can sow delphinium, aquilegia, daisies, and kniphofia. Gladioli, dahlias saved in winter, and lilies, acidantheras, crocosmias, freesias, and callas purchased in the spring at exhibitions are planted.

According to the lunar seedling calendar 2018, the best day for working with flowers will be the 13th and 21st.

Table of sowing and planting seedlings in 2018

Greenery25, 27 7, 10, 14, 17 21 12 1, 14 1
Tomatoes21, 30 10, 14, 26 11 21 12 27
Pepper21, 30 10, 14, 26 21 12 27
Eggplant21, 30 10, 14, 26 21 12, 18 27
Annual flowers 7, 10, 14 5 13, 21 12, 22
Perennial flowers 7, 10, 14 5 13, 21 12
Bulbous and tuberous flowers 21 12, 24 2
cucumbers21 10, 14, 26 11 21 12
Cabbage21 10, 14 11 21 12 8
Radishes, turnips 7, 21 12
Melons, zucchini 21 12, 18
Roots 21 12, 14
Onion21 7, 10, 14 21 12, 14
Beans, peas21 21 12, 18 3
Potato 7, 21 12
Winter crops 25 3

Introducing for 2019 for every day. Daily lunar calendar for gardeners, flower growers and gardeners. The lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains a detailed description gardening work on every day. The calendar recommends favorable days for sowing, planting, caring for plants and mass necessary work in the flower garden, garden and vegetable garden, depending on the influence of the Moon and taking into account the agricultural conditions of Central Russia. The lunar calendar gives the timing of sowing and planting large number fruit, berry, vegetable and ornamental plants.

The calendar includes the calendar for 2019. Exact time rising and setting of the Sun and Moon, the time of the Moon's entry into Zodiac sign, the hours of the full moon, the new moon, the transition from the waxing to the waning Moon, the time of change of lunar phases, the length of the day are indicated in Moscow time for the coordinates of Moscow.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting for 2019 published for 10 days and updated weekly.

We suggest that experienced gardeners use a brief Lunar calendar in pictures, and you can open the general Lunar sowing calendar in the form of a table, published for three months, using the picture link below:

July 26, 2019. Friday

Parachutist's Day. System Administrator Day.

Waning Moon in the sign of Taurus. Phase 4.

24th lunar day. Sunset 14:50.

Sunrise 4:23. Sunset 20:48.

The length of the day is 16:25.

Vegetable and ornamental crops are sown and planted; winter root crops, bulbous; perennial, heat-loving plants. Winter crops such as radishes and carrots are sown.

Today the plants are watered and fed with organic fertilizers. Mulch the soil to lock in moisture. Can be done necessary pruning trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 27, 2019. Saturday

Waning Moon from 9:28 in the sign of Gemini. Phase 4.

25th lunar day. Sunrise 0:16. Sunset 16:07.

Sunrise 4:25. Sunset 20:46.

The length of the day is 16:21.

They don’t plant or sow.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 28, 2019. Sunday

Russian Navy Day. Day of the Baptism of Rus' in 988. PR Specialist Day. Day of Trade Workers.

After the first fog, go pick mushrooms.

Waning Moon in the sign of Gemini. Phase 4.

26th lunar day. Sunrise 0:41. Sunset 17:24.

Sunrise 4:26. Sunset 20:44.

The length of the day is 16:18.

They don’t plant or sow.

On this day, weeds are removed. Fight against pests and plant diseases. Remove diseased branches. Do the necessary pruning of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. Clean trapping belts from insects. When there is a drought, water the plants.

Cut flowers for bouquets. The crop is harvested for long-term storage. Grain harvesting is carried out. Collect summer varieties apples, early varieties of plums, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Mow the lawn to slow its growth. Cutting out shoots in the garden. Strawberry mustaches are trimmed. Dig up bulbs and tubers.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 29, 2019. Monday

A cloudy, pale moon - expect rain; a clear, bright moon - for warm weather.

Waning Moon from 14:30 in the sign of Cancer. Phase 4.

27th lunar day. Sunrise 1:16. Sunset 18:37.

Sunrise 4:28. Sunset 20:42.

The length of the day is 16:14.

Bulbs are planted for forcing: hyacinths, crocuses, muscari, daffodils, snowdrops, scylla, tulips. Crocus bulbs, hellebore rhizomes, and snowdrops are planted.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 30, 2019. Tuesday

International Day of Friendship.

The reddish ring around the moon soon disappeared - due to warmer weather.

Waning Moon in the sign of Cancer. Phase 4.

28th lunar day. Sunrise 2:03. Sunset 19:40.

Sunrise 4:30. Sunset 20:41.

The length of the day is 16:11.

Bulbs are planted for forcing: hyacinths, crocuses, muscari, daffodils, snowdrops, scylla, tulips. Crocus bulbs, hellebore rhizomes, and snowdrops are planted.

Water fruit and ornamental plants and apply organic fertilizers. Loosening is only superficial. Mulch the soil. You can do the necessary pruning of trees and shrubs.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

July 31, 2019. Wednesday

Waning Moon from 16:17 in the sign of Leo. Phase 4.

29th lunar day. Sunrise 3:06. Sunset 20:29.

Sunrise 4:32. Sunset 20:39.

The length of the day is 16:07.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

August 1, 2019. Thursday

Home Front Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Collector's Day.

New moon. Growing Moon in the sign of Leo. Phase 1 from 6:12.

30th and 1st lunar days. Sunrise 4:24. Sunset 21:07.

Sunrise 4:34. Sunset 20:37.

The length of the day is 16:03.

They don’t plant or sow. They do pinching and pinching. From the tomato (tomato), brushes with unblown flowers and yellowed leaves and shoots are removed, and the apical buds are pinched off.

A favorable day for weeding and cutting out shoots. Weeding winter shoots. When there is a drought, water the plants. Fight against pests and plant diseases. Dried and diseased branches are removed from the garden. Clean trapping belts from insects. Check the supports for fruit trees and, if necessary, install additional supports.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

August 2, 2019. Friday

Day of the Russian Airborne Forces.

Waxing Moon from 16:19 in the sign of Virgo. Phase 1.

2nd lunar day. Sunrise 5:52. Sunset 21:35.

Sunrise 4:36. Sunset 20:35.

The length of the day is 15:59.

They don’t plant or sow. They do pinching and pinching. From the tomato (tomato), brushes with unblown flowers and yellowed leaves and shoots are removed, and the apical buds are pinched off.

A favorable day for weeding and cutting out shoots. Weeding winter shoots. When there is a drought, water the plants. Fight against pests and plant diseases. Dried and diseased branches are removed from the garden. Clean trapping belts from insects. Check the supports for fruit trees and, if necessary, install additional supports.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

August 3, 2019. Saturday

If in summer the rays from the sun go down in bunches, it means rain.

Waxing Moon in the sign of Virgo. Phase 1.

3rd lunar day. Sunrise 7:23. Sunset 21:58.

Sunrise 4:37. Sunset 20:33.

The length of the day is 15:56.

Ornamental plants are sown and planted. Divide and plant overgrown bushes of perennials: aquilegia, helenium, swimsuit, lupine, peretrum, phlox.

Water the plants abundantly, apply mineral fertilizers, make foliar feeding. They loosen, mulch the soil to cover moisture, dig up the beds, and hill up the plants. Thin out the seedlings. Fight against pests and plant diseases. On this day, budding of fruit and vegetable crops. Clean trapping belts from insects.

Sow lawn grass. Mow the lawn to enhance its growth.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

August 4, 2019. Sunday

Railwayman's Day.

Dry summer means nut harvest fails.

Waxing Moon from 16:29 in the sign of Libra. Phase 1.

4th lunar day. Sunrise 8:53. Sunset 22:16.

Sunrise 4:39. Sunset 20:31.

Day length 15:52.

A favorable sign for sowing and planting ornamental plants. Vegetable, berry, and fruit crops are sown and planted. Sowing of winter grains begins. They plant raspberries, blackberries, wild strawberries, and strawberries.

In the flower garden, bushes of perennials are divided and planted: aquilegia, aruncus, delphinium, doronicum, helenium, swimsuit, lupine, peretrum; and biennials: campanula, daisy.

Water the plants abundantly, apply mineral fertilizers, and do foliar feeding. They dig up the beds, loosen them, mulch the soil to cover moisture, and hill up the plants. Thin out winter crops. Sow and plant crops for long-term storage and for seeds.

In the garden, you can prune to form a lush crown. Sow lawn grass. Mow the lawn to enhance its growth.

Lunar calendar of sowing and planting

A few words about the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for each day of the year.

About the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for every day of the year

The daily lunar calendar of sowing and planting contains a list of work for every day in the garden, flower garden and vegetable garden. The lunar calendar was compiled for those who are passionate about gardening, floriculture, and vegetable gardening. Sowing and planting days on the calendar different cultures recommended based on the lunar phases and the Moon’s passage through the zodiac constellation, as well as agricultural dates.

The lunar calendar gives recommendations on what seeds are favorable to sow, what plants to plant, how best to care for plants under the influence of the Moon. Fertile zodiac signs Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio favor sowing, planting, and a bountiful harvest. During the days of low-fertility signs Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, you can sow and plant certain types of plants, mainly decorative ones. Under a favorable zodiac sign, root crops are planted and sown on the waning Moon, and other vegetable crops, berries, fruits, and ornamental plants are planted and sown on the waxing Moon. During the full moon and new moon, the lunar calendar does not recommend sowing and planting; on these days they fight against plant diseases and pests.

Also in the lunar calendar for each day the necessary daily work in the garden and vegetable garden is listed, the results of which are not influenced by the Moon; these works are determined by the agricultural conditions of the given area and the weather. In the lunar sowing calendar, for these works we recommend days free from sowing and planting work.

The lunar calendar shows the dates for sowing and planting many plants. These are fruit and ornamental trees, berry and ornamental shrubs, annual and perennial flower and berry crops. Our lunar calendar tells us about the favorable times for sowing and planting almost all vegetable crops grown in the Middle Zone, with in different ways cultivation: planting, forcing, sowing, through seedlings, including in a greenhouse, on a windowsill and in open ground.

The lunar sowing and planting calendar for each day contains astronomical information indicating the exact time of the Moon's entry into each zodiac sign, the hours of the full moon and new moon are indicated, the time of moonrise and sunset, the time of sunrise and sunset and the length of daylight are given. If the Moon enters a certain zodiac sign during the day, then in the lunar calendar, in the sowing and planting recommendations column, a note is given before the specified hour to sow, plant and care for plants according to the recommendations of the previous day of the lunar calendar.

In addition, the lunar calendar of sowing and planting for each day contains folk signs for the Moon and signs for the harvest from the folk agricultural calendar.

Astronomical information about the Sun in our calendar

If you observe the position of the Sun for a long enough time, for example, throughout the year, you will notice that its height above the horizon on different days will be different - the highest on June 21-22, and the lowest on December 21-22. IN different years these events fall on different days. These days are called the summer and winter solstices. Twice a year, on March 20-21 and September 22-23, the Sun rises exactly at the east point and sets exactly at the west point. These days it is below and above the horizon same time(that is, day is equal to night), and therefore they are called the days of the spring and autumn equinox. Between March 21 and September 22, the Sun rises north of the east point and, conversely, between September 23 and March 21 south of it.

Traditionally, March 21, June 22, September 23 and December 22 are considered the beginning of the seasons in the northern hemisphere of the Earth: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

We publish information on which days the listed astronomical events fall this year in the daily lunar calendar, which is given above.

How to grow plants in the rhythm of the lunar phases

The topic itself is interesting about the influence on the growth and development of plants of the position of the planets in the zodiac circle, in particular the closest companion of our planet - the Moon, about the interaction of the phases of the Moon and the growth, development of plants, the activity of microbiological processes in the soil.

The influence of the Moon on earthly affairs has been known since ancient times. It is with this planet that the tidal phenomena of oceanic and sea ​​waters, as well as fluctuations in electromagnetic fields that affect the weather. It is believed that on a full moon, the above-ground parts of plants are filled with juice to a greater extent, and on a new moon, it seems to tend to flow back to the roots. In the first case, there is a stronger hydration of the tissues, in the second - some dryness. From here comes research into the influence of the moon on plants, and based on the knowledge gained, a lunar calendar is compiled for each day of the current year.

Plants are influenced not only by the phases of the moon, but also by its position in the zodiac signs. It is better to plant when our companion is in the constellations of Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. Fight weeds when she is in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius. The presence of the Moon in the constellation Aries is conducive to collecting fruits - they are better stored. Moving to the constellation Libra is favorable for watering and grafting, to the constellation Leo - for mowing and weeding, Sagittarius - for digging up root crops, Aquarius - for exterminating pests.

If you believe the experience of astrological observations, then the zodiac signs are divided into productive (fertile): Taurus, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces, and unproductive (infertile): Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. Planting and sowing of fruit and ornamental plants according to the lunar calendar is best done when the Moon is in a productive zodiac sign.

How the lunar calendar of sowing and planting is compiled for each day

From a practical perspective, the recommendations of the lunar calendar will be valid if they correspond to the local calendar dates for sowing and planting crops. Due to dissimilarity climatic conditions, landscape, soil in different areas it is impossible to develop a single lunar calendar. If we calculate the timing of sowing crops in another specific area, we will get significant differences. In one case it will be late, in the other it will be too early (compare the south of Russia and the Urals). Agricultural work, as well as care and cleaning work, are also related to the length of daylight hours.

Local folk calendar, traditional experience, accumulated knowledge is the main support in practical activities gardener, florist and gardener. For neighboring regions, any lunar calendar needs corrections regarding deadlines sowing and planting taking into account the conditions of a specific area. Data on the exact time of the Moon’s entry into the zodiacal constellation can be obtained from a chisel (tear-off calendar) for gardeners or an astrological calendar.

The weather also does not vary from year to year - there are early and late springs, which is also taken into account when compiling the lunar calendar.

The timing of the moon phases does not coincide from year to year. In almost a month, the Moon passes through 12 constellations, called the signs of the Zodiac. The following year, the lunar calendar shifts by 10 days. The timing of the moon phases repeats itself every 19 years. Every year, amendments are made to the daily sowing and planting calendar for the specific shape of the season and for the lunar phase.