home · On a note · When to harvest onions. When to remove onions from the garden for storage Favorable days for harvesting onions in

When to harvest onions. When to remove onions from the garden for storage Favorable days for harvesting onions in

July is the hottest period of summer. The main work in the garden and vegetable garden at this time is timely watering, weeding, fertilizing vegetables and flowers, and, of course, harvesting summer berries: currants, gooseberries, plums and raspberries. Much attention In July, you need to pay attention to caring for plants in greenhouses and greenhouses: water them in the morning or evening, do not forget to open the greenhouses and greenhouses during the day, harvest vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Favorable days for work in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden in July 2016 Lunar time sowing calendar will be on July 5–14, 17–19, 26, 27.

Work in the garden in July according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2016

In July in the garden full swing The harvest is underway. Place under productive branches of apple, pear and plum trees strong supports. Collect carrion regularly. To stimulate the formation of new fruit buds, apply foliar fertilizing with a urea solution (50 g per 10 liters of water). July is usually the hottest month of the year: do not forget to water and sprinkle the crowns fruit trees: apple, pear and plum trees in the evening or morning hours. The best days according to the 2016 Lunar calendar for water procedures orchard- from 3 to 21, 24–27, 30-31 July.

In July, the second period of sap flow begins and fruit crops can be grafted by budding. Young plants will tolerate grafting better if it is carried out on favorable days according to the lunar calendar - these are 5–7, 13–14 years.

Deadlines in July for gardening according to the 2016 gardener’s lunar calendar:

planting trees and shrubs - 17–19, 26–27;

deposit complex fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium - 20–21;

application of dry fertilizers under fruit trees and shrubs - 1–2, 28–30;

sanitary pruning ornamental trees and shrubs: removal of diseased, dried branches, removal of overgrowth - 3–4, 13–16, 24, 16–27.

cutting hedges - 26–27;

vaccination - 5–7, 13–14;

harvesting - apples early varieties, raspberries, serviceberry, gooseberries, currants - 17–19, 22–23; forest berries - 1–2, 28–29.

Is it possible to spray apple trees, pears and other fruit crops during the ripening period?

In July they spend time in the garden additional processing against caterpillars of codling moths, leaf rollers, and scab. Treatments against pests and diseases should be stopped at least a week before the start of harvest. The most favorable days in July for treating diseases and pests with drugs according to the 2016 gardener’s lunar calendar will be July 1–7, 24–31.

Work in the garden according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2016

In July, most of the time in the garden is spent on weeding, loosening and watering. But the time has come for something pleasant: harvesting early varieties of cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, zucchini, early ripening vegetables and salads. Don’t delay harvesting early ripening varieties white cabbage, heads of early varieties crack easily if left standing. Harvest cucumbers about every other day to prevent them from overgrowing and early aging of the vines. IN cloudy weather cucumbers can be picked less frequently. Water cucumbers after each harvest, but reduce watering of onions to a minimum.

Deadlines for work in the garden in July 2016 according to the Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener and florist

pinching, pinching tops, rationing bushes of tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and forming vines - 3–4, 8–9, 13–16, 20–22, 24;

watering the garden in July - on any day except 1–2, 22–23 and 28–29;

lawn sowing - 5, 8–9, 10–12;

What to do with strawberries in July according to the Lunar calendar 2016?

Immediately after fruiting ends garden strawberries remove all the mustache, loosen the rows, water it generously and feed its bushes. The best way to propagate strawberries is with a mustache. lunar days month - July 10-12.

When is the best time to harvest according to the 2016 Lunar calendar?

harvesting beans, peas, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, greens - 17–19, 22–23.

Unfavorable day - 4, the crop will not be stored;

harvesting early varieties of potatoes, onions, garlic, radishes - 24–25;

harvesting greens for the winter - 10–12;

preparation of juices and wines, compotes, jams - 22–23 and 31.

When is the best time to collect medicinal plants according to the 2016 Lunar calendar?

To collect medicinal plants: mint, thyme, plantain, rose hips, linden, chamomile, fireweed, St. John's wort, the best days according to the Lunar calendar are 5–7, 20–23. On the Waxing Moon in Leo, you need to collect medicinal herbs that help reduce blood pressure and to treat heart disease. For a walk in the forest to pick berries, it is best to choose days when the Waning Moon falls under the sign of Cancer.

Work in July in the flower garden according to the Lunar sowing calendar in 2016

In the middle of summer, there is enough work in the flower garden: you need to collect and preserve seeds and bulbs of faded plants, provide the flowers with sufficient watering and fertilizing, and tie up tall varieties of gladioli and dahlias. At the beginning and in the middle of the month, it is advisable to feed clematis, honeysuckle honeysuckle and others blooming vines mullein infusion with the addition of complex mineral fertilizer. Feed dahlias and annual flowers with a long flowering period with a complex fertilizer: ageratums, asters, petunia, sage, carnations and verbena. After flowering has finished, feed the peonies with a complete mineral fertilizer with a high potassium content and water thoroughly.

Throughout the month, roses and phlox can be propagated by cuttings. On July 11-13, you can plant climbing crops (lianas) - grapes, virgin grapes or parthenocissus and climbing roses, purchased with a closed root system. Plant plants in the ground only if the daytime temperature is not higher than +25°C, and always in evening time.

For abundant flowering throughout the summer, do not forget to remove faded flowers from petunias, verbena, bluebells, roses and others. You can pinch the flower stalks of phloxes for more abundant and longer flowering.

Deadlines for work in July 2016 according to the florist’s Lunar calendar

pinching, pinching the tops - 3–4, 8–9, 13–16, 20–22, 24;

watering - on any day except 1–2, 22–23 and 28–29;

weeding and mulching - 1–2, 13–14, 20, 24–25, 28–31;

application of complex fertilizing - 3–4, 20–21;

fertilizing with dry fertilizers - 1–2, 28–30;

treatments against pests and diseases - 1–7, 24–31;

planting biennials - 8–9, 10–12;

digging up bulbs - 8–9, 10–12, 26–27;

cuttings of roses - 8–9;

cannot be planted, sowed or replanted - 1–2, 5, 20, 22–23, 28–30.

When is it time to dig up tulip and daffodil bulbs?

After the above-ground parts die, dig up the bulbs of daffodils, hyacinths and tulips (if they haven’t been dug up yet, they are removed in June). Dry the bulbs on fresh air and put it away for storage. For lilies after flowering, cut off a third of the peduncle.

When to dig up and plant bulbs of tulips, daffodils and other bulbous plants according to the Lunar calendar >>>.

When to mow the lawn according to the 2016 Lunar Sowing Calendar

In July the grass is actively growing. It requires systematic watering, fertilizing and mowing. The best days for mowing the lawn in July according to the Lunar calendar will be July 1–2, 4, 20–23, 28–30, 2016. You can water on any day except July 1–2, 22–23 and 28–29; it is better to fertilize on July 1–2, 28–30. If the lawn requires restoration, then the most painless reseeding of fresh grass can be done on July 5, 8-12, 2016.

Work in July with indoor plants according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2016

In summer, indoor plants need attentive owners, even more than in winter. Indoor flowers need to be frequently watered, fed, sprayed with water to increase humidity, and sprayed against diseases and pests. Wipe decorative leaf crops with smooth leaves with a damp soft cloth (ficus, oleander, aspidistra, hibiscus, aglaonema, stromanthus, dieffenbachia and others); flowers with fluffy leaves are best washed under a warm shower (gloxinia, pelargonium, saintpaulia), however, this will not harm any one plant. Take care only of the soil in the pot, cover it with a plastic bag in advance.

On hot days, move indoor plants outside if possible. Move plants from southern windows deeper into the room or shade them in any other way from the hot midday rays.

In summer, pelargonium, hibiscus, oleander, and pelargonium can be propagated by cuttings. The best days for cuttings are July 8-9.

Deadlines for working with indoor plants in July 2016 according to the florist’s Lunar calendar

watering - on any day except 1–2, 22–23 and 28–29;

reproduction - 8–9, 15–16;

application of complex root and foliar fertilizers - 1–4, 20–21; fertilizing with dry fertilizers - 1–2, 28–30;

treatment against diseases and pests - 1–7, 24–31;

replanting, transshipment and replacement of the top layer of soil in dracaenas, ficuses and other large trees - 13–14, 24–27;

pruning indoor flowers - 3–4, 13–16, 24;

Onions are usually dug up at the end of July or in August. This is decided based on the condition of its top scale - it is necessary that it dries well, and that the tops are completely dry, yellowed and fallen to the surface of the earth. The time during which the process of full ripening of onions occurs is approximately 68-83 days. If in doubt, you need to make a calculation using the arithmetic method: it is enough to add the ripening period to the date when planting was made.
When making such calculations, it is necessary to take into account exactly what this summer was like: sunny and hot, or cold and very rainy. After all, if cool temperatures have been observed throughout the season, then the ripening time should be extended, and in the opposite case, it should be slightly reduced. Experts advise to be guided by visual signs that onion matured Harvesting onions should be carried out in sunny and clear weather.

Pulling bulbs from the garden better in the morning, and then it should be dried in the open sun throughout the day. After removing the onions, you should not get rid of their tops at the same time. After lunch, the bulbs need to be trimmed from various damages, cleaned of leaves and roots. In this case, it is better not to cut the tails of the tops, leaving about five centimeters, which will then be braided, and the roots should be left about two centimeters long.
If the onion turns out to be raw, you will first need to dry it well at medium temperature. Then the bulbs are dried at a temperature of forty degrees, and then dried at a temperature of thirty degrees. The drying process, as a rule, lasts until the bulbs are dressed in “shirts”.
Onions can be carefully laid out, for example, on a well-lit balcony. You should straighten a sheet of cardboard on which to place the onion heads in one layer. It needs to be turned over from time to time. This way it will dry much better, which will help good storage vegetables throughout the season. For storage, you need to choose a room in which there are no signs of dampness, and the air is constantly dry and warm.

Ripened onions, which have dried outer scales and well-dried necks, are stored for a long time. When the bulbs are not fully ripe, they may experience rot in the neck area. First of all, you should determine the consumption of those bulbs that have been damaged and have a non-dry neck.
A few weeks before the start of the time when you dig up onions, you need to stop watering them. This must be done to prevent additional shoots from appearing on the bulbs. In addition, this way the onions will be stored much better throughout the winter season.

When to dig up onions according to the lunar calendar

Deciding on the time to start harvesting onions from the garden is quite simple. This is done after the onions gradually turn yellow and then lie on the surface of the ground. Important signs that onions are ripe can be seen in the photo. This is evidenced by the feathers turning yellow and starting to dry out a little. In addition, the tops should lie on the ground, while not absolutely the entire bed with onions, but only some planting areas.
As a rule, there is no need to create special conditions for the area where onions will be planted, and it will only take a couple of months to grow them. For areas with a temperate climate, the time when it is necessary to start harvesting onions from the beds is in last days July, namely after the twentieth of July. It can continue until mid-August, if weather conditions permit. If the weather is predominantly rainy in August, the bulbs should be removed from the garden beds without waiting for heavy and prolonged downpours. If the summer season is typical enough cold weather, then it is better to start digging onions from the garden in August, not earlier than the tenth, during the period when the moon is waning.

It is necessary to dig, or rather, pull out the bulbs in good and sunny weather. It's better to do this in morning time to allow it to dry thoroughly. After this, it should be brought into the attic or into the barn. IN as a last resort, the bulbs can be placed on the balcony, where it will dry out. The main thing is that the place must be dry and well ventilated. It is worth keeping the dug up onions in such a room for several days.
In sunny and dry weather, if possible, onions can also be dried by leaving them in the garden. This period should last approximately seven to twelve days. In the evening it must be covered with film or a special covering material, which must be removed in the morning.
What is the best time to dry onions? The duration of this period is determined by the condition of the neck of the bulbs. Vegetables can be removed for further storage only when they are well dried. It is necessary to remember that the shelf life of onions depends on how the onions are dried. In addition, it will rot much less when in boxes or bags.

Of course, in order to reap a large harvest of onions, you need to take good care of them and deal with them in a timely manner. various diseases. Signs of a particular onion disease can be seen in the photo. The most common pest of this vegetable is considered onion fly, the white larvae of which are deposited in the bulbs. Therefore, it is necessary to cover the beds or grow carrots nearby.
No less harmful are various fungal diseases, such as downy mildew with rust or gray rot. Infection of the latter is typical for poorly dried onions. Rust threatens in the second half of the summer season. Small yellowish spots begin to appear on the green feathers. It spreads quite quickly if the weather is humid and warm outside.
Downy mildew can persist in cold weather in the bulbs themselves, as well as in infected seeds. With this disease, spots appear on the leaves gray, which gradually increase and have a detrimental effect on the entire plant. Prevention of such diseases in onions involves following the rules of alternating the cultivation of different plant crops. In addition, harvested onions should be stored in a dry and ventilated room.

Onions are demanding on soil fertility. It should be neutral or slightly alkaline, the soil should be filled with rotted (but not fresh!) manure, and mineral fertilizers should be added. You cannot grow onions in the same place year after year. Return the bow to old place no earlier than in 3-4 years. Then you can avoid diseases and damage by pests.

The best predecessors. It is not advisable to place onions after potatoes and cabbage. The best predecessors are pumpkin vegetables - cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin, as well as vegetable peas, tomatoes, and green ones.

Preparing the soil for onions in the fall.

It is better to prepare the soil in the fall - immediately after harvesting the previous crop. Before digging, add rotted manure or compost aged for a year up to 5-7 kg per 1 sq. m. m, phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers at the rate of 15-20 g each per 1 sq. m.

Preparing seeds for sowing. Onion seeds in field conditions have low germination; before sowing, they must be soaked for 18-24 hours in running water or changed water 2-3 times room temperature. After this procedure, seedlings appear on the 7-8th day. Dry seeds germinate in about 20 days.

Sowing dates for onions.

Sowing is best done in early dates as soon as soil conditions allow. When sown early, seedlings use the moisture reserve more efficiently and grow faster. Plants will take full advantage of the long day's light and grow better. high yield. Sow the seeds in rows, the distance between them is 15-20 cm, the sowing depth is 2-3 cm, the seed consumption is 7-8 g per 1 sq. m. m. The surface is lightly rolled with a light roller.

The seedlings must have constant moisture. Therefore, if the weather is dry, the crops are systematically watered at the rate of 10 liters per 1 square meter. m and after that they must be loosened to a depth of 4-5 cm. Weeds should not be allowed. They take away moisture, food and light from the onion. 3-4 weeks before harvesting the onions, stop watering.

Caring for crops.

Consists of systematic watering, loosening and feeding twice (the first - 2 weeks after germination with nitrophoska in a dose of 12-15 g per 10 liters of water, the second - a week after the first - 40-50 g of nitrophoska or 200-300 g of ash per 1 sq. . m). The most important thing when growing bulbs from seeds is thinning, since dense placement of plants accelerates the formation of the bulb, as a result, few leaves develop and the plant quickly dries out.

Harvesting onions.

A sign of onion readiness is the massive lodging of leaves, when the bulbs have formed and the outer scales have acquired a color characteristic of the variety. Dried onions are trimmed, leaving a thin dry neck 3-5 cm long. Dried ripe onions will be stored well in winter.

Without cutting the leaves, you can use twine to weave beautiful onion braids. They are stored under the same conditions in a dry room with an air temperature of about 0-1 C.

Onions can be grown from seeds in one season. It begins in March - at the very beginning of the month, onion seeds are sown in small boxes. After a month, you can already plant it in the garden - certainly in a sunny place. The soil should be light and fertile.

Before planting, you must make a full deposit. mineral fertilizer. Onion seedlings are planted to a depth of about 10 cm. And after two weeks the onions stand in ranks - like soldiers in formation.

Mullein, bird droppings, and rotted compost are used for fertilizer. But everything is exclusively in liquid form. They spend it twice more per season foliar feeding with the drug Rastvorin.

  • And now main secret. When the onion grows to 10-15 cm, it needs to be... salted. Dissolve 100 g of salt in a bucket of water and pour it over onion beds. This must be done three times per season with an interval of 10 days.

Tested in practice: a salty shower increases yield by about a quarter, onions become much tastier, and are also less affected by pests. To prevent peronosporosis, copper-containing preparations are used. They must also be used to treat the crops if downy mildew has begun. In July, I rake the soil away from the bulbs - this way they ripen better.

The harvest should be harvested no later than August 10. Usually by this time the feather has already fallen down, and the bulbs acquire a color characteristic of the variety.

Growing onions in two years (seed crop)

The essence of the method is that in the first year small bulbs with a diameter of 1-3 cm, weighing 1-4 g, called sets, are grown from seeds. This method is widely used in the Non-Black Earth zone and in the Central Black Earth region due to the fact that with this method the bulbs ripen earlier. Ripening is accelerated by 30-45 days compared to sowing seeds in a permanent place.

To grow onion sets, prepare the soil and fertilize it in the same way as when growing onions from seeds in one year.

To obtain well-ripened sets, sowing is carried out with greater thickening, sowing 70-100 g of seeds per 10 square meters. m. Sowing scheme with two-line (50+20) or five-line tape (20+20+20+20+60 cm).

During the period of growing onion sets, the seedlings are weeded 2-3 times, and 4 loosenings are carried out between the rows. Thinning of seedlings is not carried out.

As the bulbs mature, the leaves die off. Harvesting begins in July. Onion sets are dug up, selected by hand, dried for 5-7 days open place, then finally dried under canopies or in a dry room at 30-35 "C. Next, the sets are sorted into small ones with a diameter of up to 1 cm, which in practice vegetable growers call "oatmeal". It is difficult to preserve such bulbs until spring - they dry out if kept in room conditions. It is best to plant “oatmeal” before winter. This is done in late October - early November so that the bulbs can take root before the onset of frost, but do not germinate.

Seedling method of growing onions

Sweet, mildly pungent, low-lying varieties are grown by seedling method: Krasnodar G-35, Kaba, Stimul, Yalta. Seedlings begin to be grown in early March for 60 days. IN open ground it is planted in early May in grooves cut at a distance of 20 cm and a depth of 5-7 cm. Humus is added to the grooves in a layer of 1-1.5 cm, watered abundantly and the seedlings are laid out at a distance of 5-7 cm. After laying out, the soil is pressed. You can plant onion seedlings in a bunch of 4-5 pieces. in the nest and increase the distance between nests to 20 cm. This makes care easier and the onion yield increases. Caring for onion seedlings is the same as with other methods of growing onions.

Growing green onions

Multi-germ varieties are used to produce greens. Green onions can be obtained not only in the garden, but also in greenhouses, and in the room in pots and boxes. As planting material They mainly use selections and sowings of large fractions of multi-primordial varieties: Krasnodar G-35, Yurzhek, Stimul. To do this, the onions are planted tightly, deepened to the middle of the bulb, and watered. Growing leafy greens from bulbs requires a lot of light, so it fails during the darkest months (December, January). However, with improved lighting in February-March, 1.2-1.5 kg of green onions can be obtained from 1 kg of onions.

Onions per leaf can be grown from perennial onions, why in early spring cover the bed with onions transparent film. The air and soil under the film warm up. This stimulates green growth. This is how you can grow shallots and onions.

Onion sets are planted in early spring. This vegetable is well adapted to the cold. The smallest bulb sets are planted at the end of April, and larger bulbs are planted at the beginning of May . Onions sprout well and grow at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. The bulbs should be planted at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from each other. There should be a distance of at least 20-25 centimeters between the rows. Optimal depth- 3-4 centimeters.

Planting shallots according to the 2016 Lunar Sowing Calendar
Shallots are grown from seeds or bulbs: the seeds are sown in the ground in the fall, the bulbs in the spring.
IN middle lane and in the northern regions of Russia, bulbs are planted in the spring at the end of April - early May. In the southern regions, bulbs are usually planted in the fall, at the end of October. Planting depth - 4-6 cm.

Caring for shallot plantings is standard: watering, weeding. It can grow in one place for up to 5 years.

Favorable days for planting and caring for onions according to the 2016 lunar sowing calendar:
planting onions May 19–20; June 15–19; July 13–16; August 10–13; still possible on April 25–26, May 23; July 3, 31; August 1, 27–28;
forcing onions into feathers January 14–27; February 1, 2, 5–6, 13–14, 22–24; 11–13, 24 March; April 8–9;
watering on any day except February 15–16, 25–26; 14–15, 23 and 24, with caution – March 9; April 10–11 and 19–21, May 1–2, 7–8, 16–18, 29–30; June 4–5, 13–14, 25–26; July 1–2, 22–23, 28–29; August 6–8, 18–19, 25–26.
application of complex fertilizing February 4, 5–7, 8–10, 14, 22–24; March 1–4, 6, 28–31; April 1, 6, 24–30; May 3–5, 22–26, 31; June 4–5, 23–24, 27–28; July 3–4, 20–21; August 1, 2, 4, 21–31.
Fertilizing carried out will have a particularly positive effect June 29–30; July 26–27; August 23–24; feeding with dry fertilizer February 15–16, 25–26; March 14–15; April 10–11; May 7–8; July 1–2, 28–30; August 25–26.

Onions are a cold-resistant plant: onion seeds can germinate at temperatures of +1...+2 °C, but seedlings appear most quickly at +18...+20 °C. Young onion plants can withstand frosts down to –6 °C. Optimal temperature+20…+25 °С.

In the Moscow region and throughout central Russia Onion sets are planted in open ground from April 25 to May 5. After planting, the onions are watered and covered with film or lutrasil. When planting at an earlier date, the onion may shoot. To make onions germinate and take root faster, they can be soaked in solutions of growth stimulants. At first, onions grow slowly: it takes up to a month before sprouting occurs in unfavorable conditions, and 2 weeks in favorable conditions.

Landing by folk calendar: Onions begin to be planted in open ground when the leaves on the bird cherry tree begin to unfurl.

July is the hottest and driest month of the year. Thanks to the light and warmth that this summer period is so rich in, crops in the garden are actively growing and ripening. But without regular watering and care, plants may die.

In addition to watering, the main tasks of a gardener remain weeding and mowing the grass. Dry grass should not be burned: firstly, in dry summers there is a high risk of fires, and secondly, burning straw leads to a decrease in the fertility of the land. Straw, grass and weeds should be stored in compost heap, and humus will be useful next season to enrich the soil.

If July is not rich in rain, watering must be increased several times. This is especially important for vegetables, but we shouldn’t forget about bushes and trees in the garden. In severe drought, unripe fruits and berries may fall off. On particularly dry days, you can moisten the plants and reduce the temperature of the leaves by spraying with warm water from a spray bottle.

In July, tomatoes are regularly planted. Hot sunny weather leads to the fact that the bushes begin to actively branch, and this can have a bad effect on the harvest. Also, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and Brussels sprouts, and pumpkin are pinched so that the plants spend less energy on the growth of stems and leaves.

Depending on the region and on how competently you followed the rules of agricultural technology different cultures in the spring, many plants can already begin to bear fruit: early cucumbers and carrots, greens, cabbage, tomatoes. Onion sets and winter garlic can be harvested at the end of the month.

In early July, greens and root crops are re-sown. The lunar calendar of the work of a gardener, gardener and florist will help you choose optimal dates for sowing dill, lettuce, turnips and other crops. Also on these days, carry out the final thinning of root crops.

In the garden Regular and abundant watering, loosening and disease and pest control continue. The first harvest of berries is being harvested - red and black currant, raspberries, gooseberries. Supports are made for heavy branches.

Morning, before the heat sets in or in the evening - best hours for picking berries. Harvest harvested in rainy or hot weather does not store well. Overripe, fermented, and fallen berries must be removed so that they do not become a source of infection.

After crops bloom, pest control can be carried out using folk remedies. An infusion of mustard and ash helps against sawflies, and a solution of garlic helps against aphids and mites. From powdery mildew Soap and ash irrigation helps.

Each work in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden must be carried out on a certain day in order to achieve the best result. And ours will help you navigate:

Lunar calendar of gardening work for July 2019

Favorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

Unfavorable days for sowing, planting and transplanting

The calendar shows Moscow time.

July 1 2019, Mon, Waning Moon in Gemini, IV quarter Flower Days. Transplantation of strawberry tendrils and other hanging and climbing plants, requiring support. Pinching and shaping vegetable crops. In the garden and vegetable garden, measures to combat diseases and pests, weeding and watering.
July 2 2019, Tue, New Moon at 10:17 p.m., Moon in Cancer from 4:22 Leaf days. The new moon is the most unfavorable days for working with plants - your pets are extremely vulnerable and defenseless. You can only remove unnecessary growth from trees and shrubs, weed and mulch tree trunk circles and garden beds. Watering is excluded.
No one forbade cooking preserves, syrups, jams and other sweet preparations)
3 July 2019, Wed, New Moon days, Moon in Cancer
4th of July 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon, 1st quarter, in Leo from 6:19 Fruit Days. Barren days Lunar calendar. But it’s an excellent time for harvesting, storing it, processing and storing it for future use, as well as collecting seeds and cutting flowers. Digging up bulbs and tubers ornamental plants, final thinning of root crops. In the morning, collect herbs for heart disease and to normalize blood pressure, as well as other medicinal plants. You can carry out standard measures to care for the soil and plantings. You can lay a new lawn.
5'th of July 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon in Leo, 1st quarter
July 6 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Virgo from 7:26 Root Days. Sow green and spice crops, radishes and radishes, as well as biennial herbs and flowers. The gardener's calendar advises taking time to plant and replant ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers, as well as container plants. Summer vaccinations and budding. Pruning shrubs and trees after flowering - plants will quickly recover from wounds. Rooting cuttings. Strawberry mustache transplantation. Cutting raspberry bushes after picking berries. Chemical processing drugs against diseases and pests of those crops from which you will harvest no earlier than in a week. Harvesting hay.
July 7 is Ivan Kupala Day, I advise you to put aside all your affairs and start collecting and preparing medicinal and tea plants - on this day they acquire maximum healing power.
July 7 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon in Virgo, 1st quarter
July 8 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon, first quarter, in Libra from 9:10 Flower Days. Libra is a sign of average fertility. Sowing radishes and greens for autumn consumption. Sow green manure in the vacant spaces in the garden or prepare beds for planting strawberries. It is good to divide and replant plants, since root system will quickly take root. Pest and disease control, mineral supplements and watering. Harvesting root vegetables in the garden is only for quick consumption. Propagation by green cuttings, division and transplantation of garden and indoor plants. Harvesting hay.
July 9 2019, Tue, Waxing Moon in Libra, 2nd quarter from 13:56 On the day when the Moon changes quarters, you should not disturb the plants again. You can only carry out the minor care measures described the day before.
July 10 2019, Wed, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Scorpio from 12:32 Leaf days. Scorpion - best sign for summer replanting in the garden. The seeds sprout quickly healthy plants They produce a tasty harvest that can be stored for a long time and is suitable for seeds. The gardener's lunar calendar recommends planting any planned crops or green manure in the vacant spaces. Feed fruit trees and shrubs, treat them against pests and diseases. Just refrain from using chemicals and any manipulations that injure the plants.
Harvesting potatoes, onions, garlic. Lawn mowing. Do not water or prune. Collection and drying medicinal herbs.
Have time to finish everything before 18 pm, until the Earth’s satellite moves into the constellation Sagittarius.
July 11 2019, Thu, Waxing Moon in Scorpio, 2nd quarter
July, 12 2019, Fri, Waxing Moon, II quarter, in Sagittarius from 18:08
July 13 2019, Sat, Waxing Moon in Sagittarius, 2nd quarter Fruit Days. The planted plants will grow quickly and give very high quality seeds, although the yield will be small. The lunar calendar advises these days to engage in harvesting and processing of crops, as well as collecting seeds for planting next year. Pay special attention to harvesting onions, garlic and digging up ornamental bulbs and preparing them for long-term storage. Strawberry propagation by mustache. Weeding, thinning, loosening, mulching.
Procurement of medicinal herbs and hay for livestock farming.
14 July 2019, Sun, Waxing Moon in Sagittarius, 2nd quarter
July 15 2019, Mon, Waxing Moon, 2nd quarter, in Capricorn from 2:06 Root Days Ideal for those who have plans to plant something else in their garden. Capricorn will provide for you good harvest. Sow green, spicy, medicinal crops, strawberries, green manure, radishes, rutabaga and radishes. Excellent days for planting biennial flowers and perennial plants with a closed root system. All activities for caring for the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden are favorable.
July 16 2019, Tue, Full Moon days, Moon in Capricorn Try not to disturb the plants during the full moon and refrain from working in the garden with the exception of certain events. Weeding, mulching, watering, harvesting medicinal plants and hay will work well.
July 17th 2019, Wed, Full moon at 0:39, Moon in Aquarius from 12:21
July 18 2019, Thu, Waning Moon in Aquarius, III quarter Flower Days. In days barren Aquarius You can’t sow, plant or replant anything. You shouldn't even germinate the seeds. But this great days experiments for breeders. Carry out weeding, thinning, pinching, treatment against diseases and pests of the garden and vegetable garden. Harvesting hay. Harvesting root crops, collecting berries and medicinal herbs on the site and in the forest, canning. Digging up bulbous flowers. Watering, fertilizing and sampling are prohibited.
July 19 2019, Fri, Waning Moon in Aquarius, III quarter
July 20 2019, Sat, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Pisces from 0:19 Leaf days. Pisces is a very fertile sign, but only if you are not going to store the crop for a long time and store seeds. The planted plants will delight you with tasty and abundant fruits. Sowing, planting and replanting all necessary crops and lawn grass. Pisces is especially good for nightshade, vegetable and pumpkin plants. Eggplants, tomatoes, peppers - forming vines, pinching, pinching. Activities for caring for plantings, especially watering and organic fertilizing. Summer pruning roses Collection and preparation of green, spicy, medicinal crops.
The use of any chemicals is prohibited both on site and in everyday life.
You can continue all of the above work the next morning until 13:00.
21 July 2019, Sun, Waning Moon in Pisces, III quarter
July 22 2019, Mon, Waning Moon, III quarter, in Aries from 13:01 Fruit Days. Barren days of the Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners. There is no need to sow or plant anything. Carry out sanitary pruning ornamental shrubs and trees, removal of growth. Pinching and feeding cucumbers, removing strawberry tendrils. In the garden and vegetable garden, treating plants against diseases and pests. Special attention Pay attention to treating potatoes and tomatoes against late blight. Loosening the soil, removing weeds, hilling. Start cleaning as needed winter garlic and onions. Collection of herbs and medicinal plants, drying for winter use. Preparing brooms for baths and hay.
During fruit days, pay maximum attention to harvesting and processing. Everything collected these days will be stored better and longer.
July 23 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Aries, III quarter
July 24 2019, Wed, Waning Moon in Aries, III quarter
July 25 2019, Thu, Waning Moon, IV quarter at 4:19, in Taurus from 0:42 Root Days. Starting from the evening of the previous day, the Lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners advises planting and sowing low-growing crops that have a short growing season. Plants sprout slowly, although they will bring excellent harvest or they will reward you with beautiful flowers. Digging up garlic and early potatoes in the garden, bulbs in flower beds. Planting trees and shrubs. Any work on caring for garden plants is favorable. Replanting and loosening the soil near the roots are not recommended.
26 July 2019, Fri, Waning Moon in Taurus, IV quarter
July 27 2019, Sat, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Gemini from 9:24 Flower Days. An infertile sign, but good for planting climbing and hanging plants. Replant strawberry and strawberry tendrils. Application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, hilling, loosening, mulching, watering. Forming bushes of tomatoes, cucumbers, feathers and eggplants. Engage in collecting and preparing mushrooms and medicinal herbs. Selective digging of potatoes, harvesting of winter garlic and onions, digging of decorative bulbs.
July 28th 2019, Sun, Waning Moon in Gemini, IV quarter
July 29 2019, Mon, Waning Moon, IV quarter, in Cancer from 14:26 The most fertile sign of the Lunar calendar, but the harvest will be unsuitable for storage. Plant and sow all the planned crops and green manures, but keep in mind that everything will sprout slowly, although the plants will delight you with an abundant and tasty crop. Application of complex fertilizers, measures against diseases and pests in the vegetable garden. Adding compost. Do not harvest root vegetables or collect medicinal roots today - they will not be stored. Do not use chemicals both in the garden and at home.
July 30 2019, Tue, Waning Moon in Cancer, IV quarter
July 31 2019, Wed, New Moon Day, Moon in Leo from 14:26 On new moon days, you should not disturb the plants, only lightly care for the plantings.