home · Appliances · Decorative apple tree of different varieties, its description and characteristics. Beautiful varieties of ornamental apple trees Apple tree with red leaves and flowers

Decorative apple tree of different varieties, its description and characteristics. Beautiful varieties of ornamental apple trees Apple tree with red leaves and flowers

The flowering of ornamental apple trees will not leave anyone indifferent, but until recently ornamental varieties and species were very rare in garden plots. Only in recent years has everything begun to change - this crop has appeared on sale, but there is still a lack of information about the varieties and suitability for the conditions of our country.

Ornamental apple trees, in the spring, during flowering, and it depends on the variety and certain conditions and can last about 2 weeks. But even before that, the trees covered with buds are very beautiful. Therefore, ornamental apple trees have been delighting us with their spring beauty for almost a month.

Ornamental apple tree flowers

From August the trees look attractive thanks to their ripening fruits. The fruits of varieties of ornamental apple trees are elegant and plentiful, but, as a rule, small and almost inedible.

But there are varieties with pleasant-tasting and slightly large fruits, for example, apple tree “Ola”, “Golden Hornet”, “Makamik”. Decorative apples sometimes retain their decorative properties until frost, or better yet, until the thaw follows.

Some fruits are beautiful even in winter. They entice birds and, together with the fruits of hawthorn and rowan, form the basis of the diet of waxwings and bullfinches that decorate the winter garden. Often, florists use branches with apple fruits in arrangements.

The decorative apple tree is beautiful in a single planting, or in groups planted in an alley. Some, such as apple berry, can be used for hedges. Very interesting are decorative apple trees grown in the form of cordons, trellises, and garden bonsai.

The apple tree includes 50 species, common in subtropical and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. There are currently more than 190 decorative varieties. They differ in the shape and size of the crown, coloring of foliage, shape, size of fruits and flowers.

Cultivation of ornamental apple trees is almost no different from traditional cultivation, but unlike fruit apple trees, they will forgive you some sins when planting and caring for them. But it's better to do everything right.

Caring for ornamental apple trees

When buying a seedling with an open root system, make sure there are no signs of overdrying. Bare root seedlings should be placed in water for 1 hour before planting. Gently spread the roots of the seedling in the planting hole, compact the soil and water. The root collar should not be allowed to deepen.

Mulching is useful, for example with pine bark, high-moor peat, walnut shells, and wood chips. A layer of mulch protects the soil from drying out and reduces the effort of loosening, watering, and weeding.

For ornamental apple trees, rich, well-drained soils in sunny or slightly shaded areas are preferred. After planting in the first year, there is no need to feed the seedling.

In the future, if you want to have a well-developed, lushly flowering and fruit-bearing tree, you need to apply plant fertilizers with the same content of basic substances.

Unfortunately, ornamental apple trees are subject to the same diseases as fruit apple trees, but to a lesser extent. Of these, the most common are scab, burn and powdery mildew.

Pay attention to the disease - burn, caused by the bacteria Erwinia amylovora. Apple trees affected by fruit blight cannot be cured and must be destroyed. The causative agent of the disease is a quarantine object. There is a whole system for controlling the spread of this disease. Plants should not be removed from areas where manifestations of this disease have been observed.

The most effective fight against fruit tree blight and powdery mildew is the use of varieties that are not susceptible to these diseases.

Decorative apple tree "Adirondack"

The vertical crown is similar in structure to columnar apple trees. Abundant flowering. The buds are pink, the flowers of this apple tree are white and large. The foliage is green. The fruits are orange-red.

Decorative apple tree Golden Hornet

Rounded crown. The buds of this decorative apple tree are purple-pink, the flowers are pink with a snow-white edge. The foliage is green. The fruits are rich yellow, abundant and tasty. Stored until frost. A very popular variety.

Decorative apple tree Makamik

Rounded crown. Dark red buds, dark pink flowers, large, single or semi-double. The fruits of the Makamik apple tree are purple-red. Young leaves are red, then become dark green.

Decorative apple tree “Ola”

Round-vertical crown. The flowers are pink and large. The foliage is bronze-red in spring and bronze-green in summer. The fruits of this apple tree are purple-pink. It is one of the most beautiful modern varieties.

Decorative apple tree “Royal Beauty”

Weeping crown. The flowers are dark pink. The foliage is bronze-red. The fruits of this apple tree are red and do not fall for a long time. The most beautiful variety with a weeping crown.

Decorative apple tree Royalty

Wide oval crown. Purple flowers. The fruits are also purple, 1.5 cm in diameter. The leaves are purple-red in spring and red-green in summer. The most common variety.

Decorative apple tree Liset

The crown of the Liset apple tree is rounded. Brownish buds. The flowers are purple-pinkish with a light edge. The fruits are small, purple-brown. Throughout the summer, the leaves are purple with a bronze tint.

Decorative apple tree Professor Sprenger

The crown is broadly pyramidal or rounded. Dark pink buds, snow-white flowers. The fruits are orange-yellow and remain on the branches for a long time. The leaves are green, with a yellow edge in autumn.

Decorative apple tree berry

Unpretentious species, used as a rootstock. Rounded crown or slightly vertical. The fragrant flowers are white. The foliage is green. The fruits are bright red. Sometimes it grows as a bush.

Ornamental fruit trees are becoming increasingly widespread in Russia. Beautiful flowering plants decorate summer cottages and garden plots and add originality to front gardens and house facades.

Decorative apple trees occupy a special place in the design of parks, alleys, gardens, and administrative territories. Unpretentiousness in care, luxury of flowering, picturesque appearance of fruits and delicate fragrance explain the growing popularity of these trees in landscape design.

Description of the red-leaved apple tree

The apple tree is a popular garden tree that is grown not only for its healthy and tasty fruits. As a result of breeding work, decorative species have been developed that perfectly decorate gardens and personal plots. The varieties of red-leafed ornamental apple trees are especially chic, bringing life to the landscape of parks and gardens.

An apple tree with red leaves will look spectacular on a bright green lawn or against a wall. It will also harmoniously fit into the composition with other ornamental plants in the garden, both trees and shrubs.

The fruits of the decorative apple tree are suitable for creating bouquets, floral and plant arrangements. The nutritional quality of the fruit is low, so ornamental apples have not found wide use in cooking. Although they can be used to decorate dishes and prepare confitures, jams, and compotes.

Use in landscape design

Using red-leaved apple trees in garden design, it is easy to create a corner or an entire garden in the Japanese style. The lush, delicate pink blossoms of red-leaved apple trees in the spring are not inferior in grace to the blossoms of the famous sakura. Japanese azaleas, rhododendrons, and decorative types of bamboo will complement the composition.

A combination of red-leaved apple and beech trees will help to decorate the landscape in a European style; planting lilies, geraniums, and ground cover roses at the foot of the trees will complete the composition.

Special sophistication The landscape will be enhanced by tulips planted between herbaceous perennials and blooming at the same time as the apple tree.

Ornamental apple trees not only decorate the landscape, but are also effective pollinators. If fruit apple trees grow next to ornamental ones, then the yield of fruit trees will be high as a result of good pollination.

Red-leaved varieties are mainly hybrids bred from the Niedzwiecki apple tree.

Niedzvetsky apple tree

Niedzvetsky apple tree- decorative apple tree with red leaves. In the wild, the original species is endangered and is found in Central Asia. Description of the variety:

  • The height of the tree is 2−6 meters.
  • A distinctive feature is the presence of red pigment (anthocyanin) in all plant cells: seeds, foliage, flowers, pulp and skin of fruits, bark and even wood, which also has a reddish tint.
  • The trunks of young trees and the branches of mature plants are dark purple in color.
  • The leaves are oval, 8 cm long and 4 cm wide. Young foliage has pubescence, which also covers the petioles. Subsequently, the edge is retained only on the petioles. The color of the leaves is dense green with a red tint, sometimes dark purple with a purple tint. The leaf petioles are crimson.
  • The crown is spherical.
  • Large flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm grow on white stalks. Dark purple buds open to form flowers with bright pink, raspberry and purple petals.
  • Flowering period - 2 weeks in the second half of May. Trees begin to bloom in the 5th year of life.
  • The fruits are apples of paradise, they can be small or large, weighing up to 200 grams, the spherical shape tapers slightly towards the top. The skin of the apple is dark purple-red and covered with a waxy coating. The flesh of the fruit is sweet, pink with a purple tint, and very dense.

Tree undemanding to soil, but growth in nutrient-rich soil will be more successful. Groundwater located close to the surface shortens the life of the plant. The method of reproduction is grafting. They are transplanted into the nursery in the third year after grafting. Grows well in the south and southwest of Russia.

In central Russia it is cold for the Nedzvetsky variety. But on its basis, hybrids have been bred that perfectly tolerate frosts of the temperate climate zone and have retained the decorative advantages of the original plant.

  • Royalty.
  • Royal Bewley.
  • Rudolf.
  • Makovetsky.

Variety "Royalty". The decorative apple tree “Royalty”, even among the red-leaved varieties, stands out for its original foliage. The leaf blades of the tree are shiny and of such a rich dark red color that they seem almost purple. Flowering is lush and abundant, begins in May and covers the first week of June. The flowers have pink-red petals that densely cover the crown.

"Royalty" reaches a height of 4-5 meters, has a short trunk with a crown with a diameter of about 4 meters. The tree will have the characteristic leaf color of the variety only if it grows in a sunny area with some shade. The soil should be fertile and moderately moist, although the plant can easily tolerate prolonged drought. Pruning is recommended to maintain the shape of the crown. The tree grows slowly, bears fruit with small red apples, and is frost-resistant.

The “weak points” of the variety include susceptibility to infection by diseases and pests: scab, powdery mildew and late blight.

The plant withstands industrial air pollution, so it is often used for landscaping city squares, parks, squares, and courtyards. The tree looks great alone or in a group with other ornamental plants.

Variety "Ola". Large flowers up to 4 cm in diameter have pink or pink-red petals. Lush flowering occurs in May. The height of the tree reaches 4-5 meters, the crown is round. Spring leaves have a light red color; in the summer season the foliage acquires a slight shine and green color. In winter and autumn, the decorative appearance of the plant is maintained thanks to the many red fruits that remain on the branches of the tree.

Ornamental apple trees of the “Ola” variety grow well on medium-fertile soils, which is explained by their undemanding nature in terms of soil composition. The tree calmly tolerates the gas pollution of the urban atmosphere and is little susceptible to scab infection, so the variety is readily grown in the parks of megacities. When composing a landscape composition, designers usually place the red-leaved apple tree “Ola” in the center of the plant ensemble.

Variety "Royal Beauty". A tree 3-4 meters high has high decorative qualities:

Red-leaved apple tree "Royal Beauty" is a low weeping apple tree, therefore suitable for small cozy gardens. The variety has an advantage over other weeping trees due to its frost resistance.

It is recommended to choose a planting site in a sunny area with sandy soil rich in minerals. During the flowering period, the apple tree does not tolerate a lack of moisture; during the rest of the growing season, the tree is not sensitive to the degree of soil moisture.

Exceptional decorative qualities And small sizes allow you to plant a tree separately from other plants in the garden. The apple tree itself is beautiful even outside of compositions. However, a plant ensemble of an apple tree with other dwarf trees and shrubs will be no less impressive.

Variety "Rudolph". Bred by Canadian breeders. Young plants have a pyramid-shaped crown; with age, the tree crown becomes spreading. The height of the apple tree is about 6 meters. The leaves are brown with a red tint in spring, then turn brown-green. The buds are red, the blooming flowers have pink-red petals.

Fruiting is abundant, decorative apples ripen red-orange. The tree loves sunny places, fertile and well-drained soil. The "Rudolph" variety enriches the landscape design of parks, gardens, and personal plots.

Variety "Makovetsky". The height of the tree is about 5 meters. Semicircular, dense crown of almost spherical shape. Red leaves, pink lush flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. The tree has high frost resistance.

Red-leaved ornamental apple trees in landscape design are a great opportunity to enrich the palette of gardens and parks. Rich flowering, frost resistance, and bright foliage color explain the constant popularity of trees among gardeners.

The decorativeness of an apple tree is determined by the beauty of the crown, the spring, summer and autumn color of the foliage, the color, intensity and duration of flowering and the beauty of fruiting.

Apple tree crown shape

The natural crown shape of an ornamental apple tree varies over a very wide range. An apple tree can have a tall, spreading, round or, for example, umbrella-shaped crown. The crown can be pyramidal in shape (for example, the domestic decorative variety selected by S.I. Isaev “Cypress”). The varieties “Golden Hornet”, “Hillieri” (in this variety with age the crown becomes more rounded and drooping), “Street Parade”, “Red Obelisk”, “Apollo”, “Maypole” (a columnar dwarf no more than 2 in height) have a columnar shape. m), “Van Eseltine” (the crown of the tree becomes vase-shaped with age). Tent-shaped crown (when the width of the crown exceeds its height) - in the varieties “Profution”, “Tina”. The decorative apple tree “Tina” is interesting because its height does not exceed 2 m, and the width of the crown reaches 3-4 m. When formed in a bush form, the apple tree “spreads” in width, and when grafted onto a standard, it forms a tent-shaped crown. The following varieties have a weeping crown: “Royal Beauty”, domestic winter-hardy varieties “Gazonnaya”, “Sibirka weeping hybrid”, “Alaya Weeping”. The umbrella-shaped crown of the winter-hardy varieties “Umbrella Red Flower” and “Umbrella White Flower” bred in Yekaterinburg. Some wild Far Eastern apple trees have branches that extend from the trunk at an angle of 90 degrees. Such apple trees easily form an interesting terraced crown shape.

Apple tree leaf color

The ornamental apple tree is also valued for its different summer leaf colors. The foliage can be olive in color (cultivar 'Street Parade') and intense green. In some varieties, the leaves have a dark green color with a reddish-purple “wash” along the veins and edge of the leaf (clones of the Niedzvetsky apple tree, variety “Eleyi”, etc.). The foliage can be red-lilac (as if “beetroot-eggplant”) color. These are the varieties “Royalty”, “Royal Beauty”, and the winter-hardy Siberian variety “Carmen”. In addition, ornamental apple trees have wonderful leaf color in the fall. Foliage colors range from golden tones ("Tina", "Everest", "Eleyi"), orange ("Hillieri", "Brandy Magic", "Liset", "Rudolf") to reds ("Maypole") and bright red ( American apple tree coronaria "Charlotta"). In autumn, a brownish-reddish tint appears on the leaves of apple trees of the domestic varieties “Pionerka” and “Komsomolets”.

Ornamental apple tree blossoming

The ornamental apple tree, which is a good honey plant, is characterized by abundant flowering. Its flowering tree, like some stone fruits (thorn, cherry, apricot tree), is covered in spring with many delicate fragrant flowers. Flowers can be white (for example, variety "Tina"), pink and purple-pink (varieties "Ola", "Rudolf", "Lizet", "Apollo", "Maypole", "Red Obelisk", "Hopa", clones Nedzvetsky apple trees, etc.), carmine-red (varieties “Royalty”, “Makamik”, “Carmen” (photo 5), “Royal Beauty”, “Scarlet Weeping”, “Boskop”).

Some varieties of ornamental apple trees have brightly colored buds (red or bright pink), which, when opened, turn into soft pink or snow-white flowers. The flowering tree slowly changes color. In some varieties, with flowers collected in large, gradually opening umbrella-shaped clusters, fading occurs gradually, and the apple tree acquires a “watercolor” color wash. There are varieties with double flowers (“Van Eseltine”, “Brendy Wine”, coronaria “Charlotta”).

The flowers of many ornamental apple trees have a strong, delicate aroma. During mass flowering, the smell of flowers, spreading over a considerable distance, attracts insects. Ornamental and wild apple trees are good pollinators. In the North-West region, flowering, depending on the variety, lasts 2-3 weeks (from approximately the second week of May to the first week of June). The flowering itself, like that of ordinary apple trees, under optimal weather conditions lasts on average 10-12 days, but the budding phase significantly lengthens the decorative time of the trees.

Decorative apple fruits

The size of the fruit, depending on the variety of ornamental apple tree, ranges from the size of a large pea to a small apricot. The fruits of most varieties are edible and suitable for processing (compotes, candied fruits, jam), although apples, as a rule, are not distinguished by high taste. There are varieties that keep the fruit on the tree all winter. They look good on branches in late autumn and winter and are a good food source for birds.

The Nedzvetsky apple tree became the ancestor of domestic ornamental varieties and domestic varieties of apple trees with red flesh. This is not a very tall tree, 2-6 m (in nature, old specimens can reach 18 m). It often grows in a bush form, and its leaf, due to the anthocyanin it contains, has a watercolor beet-colored wash along the veins and edge of the leaf. The apple tree blooms with intense pink or bright raspberry-purple flowers 3-4 cm in diameter, has round edible fruits 2.5-3 cm in diameter weighing (20-30 g), which are mainly used for processing.

At the Pavlovsk experimental station of VIR in the 30s of the 20th century, the decorative variety “Pioneer” was bred. At the same time, I.V. Michurin obtained red-flowered varieties: “Pepin crimson”, “Red Standard”, “Komsomolets”, “Bellefleurs: trilobed, rugosa, purple, red”, in the breeding of which the Nedzvetsky apple tree and the wild Ranetka Purpurovaya apple tree were used.

The varieties of ornamental apple trees “Pionerka” and “Komsomolets” are winter-hardy and suitable for growing in the North-Western region. Like most descendants of the wild Niedzwiecki apple tree, they bloom with rather large purple-pink flowers similar to it and differ from each other in the size of the crown and the shape of the fruit. “Pioneer” is taller and has round, onion-shaped fruits (20-40 g). “Komsomolets” has larger fruits (80 g), a beautiful elongated goblet shape, completely covered with smooth pink-red skin, brighter on the sunny side. At the same time, new varieties of winter-hardy Chinese and Ranet apple trees were obtained. These are the Michurin varieties that are still popular in the gardens of the North-West: “Kitaika anise”, “Kitaika dessert”, “Kitaika golden early”, as well as the variety “Apricot”.

We must not forget the varieties of apple trees that produce “paradise” apples and are recommended for cultivation in the North-West region. These are, for example, the Chinese “Dolgo” and “Kerr”, the semi-cultural “Gorno-Altaiskoe”. They bloom profusely with delicate flowers and produce a high yield of “paradise” apples. The varieties “Dolgo” and “Kerr” have small (12-25 g) fruits of red color, elongated oval shape, and good taste. “Gornoaltaiskoe” has fruits weighing 30-50 g of a beautiful round-conical shape, the color of the fruit is yellow with a bright red tan on the sunny side, and has a good sweet and sour taste.

In the North-West, for landscape design you can use highly winter-hardy dwarf red-leaved rootstocks 62396 and Serdyukov's paradise, winter-hardy semi-dwarf red-leaved rootstock 54118 variety "Pionerka", Siberian variety "Carmen". Michurin apple trees “Komsomolets” and “Bellefleur red”, which resemble large azaleas during flowering, survive in our region.

Any large-fruited variety with colored blooms can decorate your garden. The following varieties of apple trees have painted flowers: “Northern Sinap” (red buds, large pink flowers); “Start” (white-pink buds, pale pink flowers); “Sun” (white-pink buds, faint pink flowers); low-growing apple tree “Skala” (pinkish flowers, dessert variety); "Sinap Orlovsky" (white-pink buds, pink flowers); “Freshness” (light pink buds, pink flowers); “Rtishchevskaya beauty” (medium, pink flowers); dwarf apple tree "Rossa" (dark pink bud, light pink flower, dessert variety); “Rozhdestvenskoe” (white-pink buds, pale pink flowers, winter dessert variety); “Early Aloe” (medium-sized light pink flowers, summer variety); “Minusinsk red” (“Minusinka”) (medium flowers, pink, fragrant, summer variety); “Minusinsk dessert” (“Nadezhda”) (medium-sized flowers, creamy, very fragrant, summer variety); “Robin” (white-light red bud, large, light pink flowers, autumn variety).

Many winter-hardy Siberian semi-cultures, which have different growth vigor, crown shape, beautiful flower coloring and good-tasting apples, can also decorate the garden. These are the varieties “Baganyonok”, “Palmetta”, “Siberian Souvenir”, “Veselovka”. Thus, the descendants of the “Urozhainoe” variety – semi-cultures “Scarlet Sails”, “Autumn Joy of Altai”, “Zavetnoe”, “Firebird” - are characterized by abundant flowering with light pink flowers, opening from bright pink buds, collected in bunch-shaped inflorescences of 5 -7 pieces, and a large number of fruits (30-50 g) of a beautiful appearance and good taste.

It is known that the apple tree tolerates artificial crown formation well. On the lawn, you can form an elegant mini tree from a beautifully flowering Chinese or semi-cultivated plant grafted onto a winter-hardy dwarf rootstock, with low vigor and small, beautiful fruits. Such a large bonsai will decorate your garden. A medium-sized, small-fruited ornamental apple tree looks good as a hedge or a sealing element of a coniferous fence.

Choosing a variety of ornamental apple tree

The main negative factors affecting the cultivation of ornamental apple trees in the North-West region are possible severe frosts, prolonged thaws, strong winds and spring return cold. Therefore, you need to choose varieties of ornamental apple trees with good winter hardiness.

The decorative apple tree grows well in a “front”, sunny place. Some varieties tolerate partial shade, but for normal life, the apple tree must be illuminated by the sun for some time during the day. Varieties with colored foliage require a sunny planting location, because... in the shade the color intensity of the leaves decreases. When planting varieties with anthocyanin “washing” of the leaf in the shade, the burgundy tint on the leaves may disappear completely.
To create green hedges with apple trees, choose the eastern, south-eastern, and southern sides of the site, protected from the north, northwest winds that dominate in our region. It is necessary to avoid planting apple trees on northern slopes, in frost-prone areas, and lowlands. In the lowlands, fruit trees do not tolerate winters well, because... cold air “flows” there. In trees, fruit formations, cambium, wood or bark are often damaged. Outwardly, this may manifest itself in weak flowering. Deformed, partially darkened petals, unexpectedly blackened stamens and pistils, drying out and falling of hatched buds (without visible signs of damage by insects) are characteristic damage from spring cold. “Good breed” varieties are best planted in a sheltered, sunny location. The landing site must initially be chosen well.
When choosing a foreign variety, the main attention should be paid to its winter hardiness. In the gardens of the North-West you can find varieties of apple trees: “Royalty”, “Makamik”, “Rudolf”, “Lizet”, “Eleyi”, “Hopa”, “Golden Hornet”, “Everest”. However, such luxurious flowering, which we see in photographs from Europe, is difficult to achieve due to the climatic characteristics of our region.

In the North-Western region, it is reasonable to grow zoned ornamental varieties and varieties that grow well in more severe climatic conditions (in the Urals, Siberia).

Unfortunately, varieties of tall ornamental wild apple trees are now practically not grown. Also, varieties of winter-hardy, useful Siberian semi-cultivated apple trees are not available to gardeners in the North-Western region. But demand must generate supply. Winter-hardy, healthy and highly decorative varieties of apple trees exist. Cuttings of varieties are probably available in Michurinsk, in the nursery of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, at the Research Institute named after. Lisavenko, in the nursery of the Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. We look forward to the appearance of these varieties on the North-West market of ornamental and fruit plants.

Text: Larisa Semenova, member of the gardening section of the House of Scientists named after. Gorky

Photo: Larisa Semenova, Yulia Smirnova, PosSad nursery

Gardening matters No. 5(67), 2013

– apples of paradise – apple trees with small decorative fruits that make excellent jam. In our gardens, hybrids and varieties of domestic apple trees with Chinese, Siberian, Ranetka and other apple trees are most often found.

Apple tree "Evereste"

During flowering (which lasts about 2 weeks), it is impossible to take your eyes off the apple tree, and the aroma from the white or pink flowers is simply dizzying. And when the fruits are formed, the trees are no less decorative. Apples on many varieties remain hanging until mid-winter, providing food for birds. Decorative apple trees reach a height of 3 to 10 meters depending on the variety, but can be easily shaped by pruning.

Chinese plum apple tree(Malusprunifolia), which comes from China, gets its name from its leaf shape, which resembles that of the Chinese plum tree. These are tall, unpretentious, drought-resistant trees (up to 10 m) with abundant fruiting even after harsh winters. In addition, they bloom very beautifully and profusely. Breeders have developed many forms with different sizes, crown shapes and fruit colors. The most common varieties are “Kitayka apricot” and “Kitayka Saninskaya”.

There are well-known frost-resistant varieties bred by Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin: “Dessert Chinese”, “Aniseed Chinese” and “Early golden Chinese”.

In the gardens of the Moscow region you can find winter-hardy Canadian variety "Kerr" with a good crown that does not require formative pruning. The variety has beautiful, non-shattering dark red fruits that can be used to decorate the New Year's table. Apples are delicious both fresh and in preparations: compotes, preserves, jams, marmalade, juices, wine, cider.

Quite often you can find them on sale now. variety "Royalty" with pink flowers and purple fruits up to 2 cm in diameter. Only the blossoming leaves with a purple tint are very beautiful in this variety.

Variety "Ola" Delights with bronze-red foliage, pink flowers and pink-purple apples.

Extraordinarily beautiful Niedzwiedzki apple tree during flowering: the buds are red-violet, and the flowers are bright raspberry-purple. The apples of this apple tree are dark red-violet and up to 2 cm in diameter.

Variety "Transitional" the latest blooming has creamy white flowers and yellow apples with a reddish side.

Scab resistant variety "Long", brought from the USA, will annually delight you with an abundance of bright red small apples.

The most frost-resistant ornamental apple trees are apple tree varieties th (Malusbaccata), Siberian. They can withstand frosts down to -50 degrees. But the fruits of the varieties are very small, like currants, yellow, red and orange. All varieties are simply amazing when flowering. U varieties "Hopa" the flowers are purple-pink with a lilac tint, while the variety “StreetParade” has pink buds and white flowers.

Highly winter-hardy, medium-sized ranetki apple trees were obtained by crossing Siberian apple trees with large-fruited varieties. The most famous are “Ranetka Ermolaeva” and “Ranetka purple”.

Good winter-hardy, well-fruiting varieties have been bred from crossing Ranetki with domestic apple varieties (“Melba”, “Papirovka”, “Pepin saffron”, etc.): “Winter Saffron”, “Altai Dove”, “Scarlet Flower”, “Malinka”, etc. .

Location, soil

Ornamental apple trees grow well in sunny or semi-shaded places. In the lowlands, where cold air accumulates, they can freeze in the first years. Groundwater on the site should be located no higher than 2 meters to the soil level.

The soil for ornamental apple trees is prepared in the same way as for ordinary ones. Recommended composition: garden soil, peat, humus (compost), sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5. For one tree, 100-120 g of any granular complex fertilizer is added to this mixture.


Ornamental apple trees with an open root system in the Moscow region are recommended to be planted in the spring: March-April or in the fall: from September 15 to October 10-15. Before planting, seedlings are soaked for 6-12 hours in a solution of any root stimulant (, humate, etc.), or you can use folk remedies. Before planting, you need to carefully examine the roots: broken and diseased ones are cut off to healthy tissue, and the sections are sprinkled with charcoal. Plant the apple tree in pre-prepared soil. The pit for planting is prepared in advance, at least 2 weeks in advance. When planting in spring, it is better to dig a hole in the fall. The recommended size of the planting hole is 50x60 cm. Please note that the soil will settle a little after planting, pulling the seedling with it. Therefore, we plant the apple tree so that the root collar (who doesn’t know what it is, look at it) is 4-5 cm above ground level, making a mound of soil. The roots need to be carefully straightened and completely covered with soil, compacting it. After planting, water the seedling thoroughly; you can use the root stimulator solution in which the apple tree was soaked, diluting it with water. Then the soil will definitely be added.

If an ornamental apple tree is purchased in a container, then it can be planted throughout the entire gardening period. Before planting, the container with the seedling should also be soaked in a solution of any stimulant or simply in water until air bubbles appear on the surface of the water (about 20-30 minutes).


Ornamental apple trees, although they are less demanding on growing conditions than garden apple trees, require mandatory watering in dry summers. (2-3 buckets per tree).

Application in landscape design

The decorative apple tree looks great as a tapeworm on the lawn. However, ornamental apple trees can be used to form a hedge.

Aesthetic design of personal plots, parks, city alleys and public gardens is the main task of landscape designers and decorative artists. A green composition of well-chosen plants can decorate any recreation area. In order to decorate your garden plot, it is not necessary to purchase expensive ornamental plants. An apple tree with red leaves can be the highlight of any landscape project.

The popularity of this type of plant has led to the emergence of new varieties with improved aesthetics and taste of the fruit. Breeders have developed universal varieties of apple trees that not only decorate gardens and parks, but also delight owners with a stable harvest of fragrant fruits.

Overview of varieties with a brief description

The red-leaved apple tree is a type of ornamental fruit tree. For green compositions, this plant can be planted either one tree at a time or several plants together. Most of the varieties are used only for decorating the site due to the fact that the fruits are small in size and have unusual taste characteristics. Small apples become a delicacy for wild birds in winter. As a result of the long and painstaking work of professional breeders, new varieties of apple trees have appeared, the aromatic fruits of which have juicy pulp and are used not only for fresh consumption, but also for winter harvesting.

Small fruits contain large amounts of vitamins and nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the body. After laboratory studies, it was proven that the vitamin content in small apples is greater than in large ones.

Useful material:

  • pectin;
  • cellulose;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins and microelements (zinc, copper, iron, iodine, nickel);
  • polyphenol.

Medicinal properties of apples:

  • cleansing the digestive system;
  • removal of toxins;
  • strengthening the vascular system;
  • slowing down the aging of the body;
  • prevention of the development of tumors and cancer;
  • treatment of dysentery and colitis;
  • saturating the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • normalization of blood pressure and stabilization of the body’s water balance.

On the modern agricultural market you can see more than 200 varieties of this plant. All varieties differ from each other in the following parameters:

  • crown shape and size;
  • color scheme of leaves;
  • size, shape and color of apples;
  • flowering period and inflorescence color.

Plants of this type are universal pollinators that will have a beneficial effect on the amount of yield on neighboring trees.

The most popular and sought-after varieties of ornamental apple trees:

  • "Nedzvetsky";
  • "Helena"
  • "Profusion";
  • "Rudolf";
  • "Robin";
  • "Ola";
  • "Royal Beauty".




"Royal Beauty"


  • resistance to the negative effects of low temperatures;
  • undemanding to soil type and watering;
  • high aesthetic indicators;
  • minimal care;
  • preservation of decorative properties in unfavorable conditions of polluted cities.


The Niedzwiecki apple tree was named after the Russian breeder who, in the 19th century, drew attention to this tree. The shape of the tree has rounded features, and the size ranges from 2.5 to 5 meters. Young shoots grow in different directions and independently give the apple tree the shape of a ball. The color of the branches is purple and the bark is red. The leaves are dark red in spring and purple in summer. Large crimson flowers grow on long stalks. Flowering occurs in mid-May, and harvesting begins in mid-August.

Stable harvests are produced by mature trees more than 10 years old. The color of the fruit ranges from purple to red. The flesh is pink and tasty. The harvested crop can be used in home cooking.


  • resistance to low temperatures and drought;
  • resistance to the most common types of diseases;
  • unpretentiousness.

This variety was taken as the basis for the development of such hybrids as “Nikoline”, “Lemoine”, “Ellie”.

To implement design projects, you can trim the crown in any direction. After proper removal of young branches and shoots, you can give the plant even the most unusual shape and unique appearance.


The Helena variety apple tree is a low and compact fruit tree, the height of which does not exceed 3.5-4 meters. The size of burgundy leaves is up to 10 cm. The flowering period begins at the end of April. The flowers are large in size and purple in color. The fruits are very small, but tasty and aromatic, which are often used for food.

This variety can be found in regions with cold climates. Advantages:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to low temperatures and drought.


The tree of the “Profusion” variety is a tall and powerful red-leaved plant, the height of which can reach 6 meters, and the crown diameter is more than 4.5 meters. The main feature of this species is the change in color of the foliage throughout the year from red to brown. The color scheme of flowers will also surprise the owners of their plots. During the flowering period, pink, red and purple inflorescences with a rich and pleasant smell can be seen on the tree. Very small fruits with a diameter of no more than 15 mm can be seen on the tree even at the end of winter.

The plant is planted in well-lit places. This variety is universal for urban gardens and parks. For the growth and development of a tree, fertile and moist soil is necessary.


This variety grows and develops well in different climatic conditions, so it is widely used not only on private plots, but also for decorating city alleys and parks. The apple tree variety "Rudolph" has a rounded crown shape. The standard tree height is 5 to 6 meters. The flowers are pink and the fruits are yellow. Ripe fruits are used to make jam and compote. Young plants must be planted in sunny areas with nutritious and fertile soil.


  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to negative environmental influences;
  • undemanding to soil type;
  • quick set of green mass.

To get a beautiful tree, you need to carry out sanitary and formative pruning of the crown every year after winter. If branches and young shoots are not removed, the plant takes on the appearance of a shrub that has several trunks. The location of the branches is vertical, with drooping tips. The decorative properties of the variety are maintained throughout the year.


The decorative variety "Malinovka" is a Baltic hybrid of two types of apple trees - "Siberian berry" and "Nedzvetsky". Apple trees of this variety belong to the autumn species of fruit trees. The plant was obtained through natural pollination. The tree reaches a height of more than 6 meters and has a ball-shaped crown. The name of the variety comes from the raspberry color of juicy and aromatic apples. The leaves are purple in spring and summer and green in autumn. The Malinovka variety is a high-yielding species with medium-sized fruits that taste like raspberries.

Apples have a universal purpose and are widely used for preparing winter preserves. You can enjoy the fragrant fruits not only in autumn, but throughout the entire winter season.

A bountiful harvest can be obtained already in the fourth year of growing the plant in any climatic conditions.


The maximum height of the “Ola” apple tree is no more than 5 meters. The period of abundant flowering begins in May. The diameter of ripe apples is no more than 30 mm. Ripe fruits are used not only for homemade preparations, but also for feeding wild animals and birds, since the berries hang on the tree until late winter.

For planting, you need to choose a partially shaded place with light and nutritious soil. In sunny areas, the apple tree must be additionally watered during the hot period. Timely pruning, proper care and treatment against diseases and pests will improve the quality and quantity of the harvest.

The main advantage of Ola apple trees is the preservation of decorative properties in the polluted atmosphere of large cities and near highways. Designers plant flowering trees in city parks, alleys and on roadsides. A tree planted in the center of a green composition looks most successful.

"Royal Beauty"

The variety "Royal Beauty" is a hybrid of fast-growing red-leaved apple trees. This variety is an analogue of Japanese sakura and is used to decorate green recreation areas in the Japanese style. The tree is very compact and miniature, the height of which is up to 3 meters, and the diameter of the crown is no more than 2 meters and resembles the appearance of an open umbrella. The flowering period lasts no more than 14 days and begins in early May. At the end of April, red buds appear on the tree, from which crimson flowers bloom. The appearance of the plant resembles a weeping willow, the branches of which droop. This feature makes the variety in demand and popular in the projects of landscape designers. Advantages:

  • low price;
  • umbrella shape;
  • self-pollinating;
  • changes in the color scheme of foliage throughout the year;
  • resistance to frost and sudden temperature changes;
  • The shape of the crown without regular pruning resembles a ball or oval.

The fruits of the ornamental plant are prohibited from being eaten. Apples have a bitter and unpleasant taste.

The “Royal Beauty” variety is based on the properties and characteristics of the “Nedzvetsky” apple tree. Later, breeders began to use this type of apple tree to develop new hybrids with improved properties and characteristics.

The unique properties of this species allow it to be planted in regions with unfavorable climates and low temperatures.

Despite the unpretentiousness of ornamental apple trees, owners of personal plots need to create the most comfortable conditions for the growth and fruiting of plants. If you choose a shaded place with marshy and infertile soil, the flowering period and the richness of the color palette will be significantly reduced.

Planting material must be purchased and planted in early spring or early autumn. Late planting will not allow the tree to take root and overwinter without damage.

You can grow a new plant from seeds, or propagation by cuttings is possible.

To plant seeds, it is necessary to prepare in advance a planting container with fertile and nutritious soil, into which the planting material should be placed at the beginning of winter. If favorable conditions are created, the first shoots can be seen in 30-40 days. After the weather becomes comfortable and favorable for plant growth, you can begin transplanting seedlings into open ground.

Young cuttings are rarely planted due to their poor survival rate. To obtain a new and healthy plant, it is necessary to use special preparations and stimulants to build immunity and the root system.

  • The distance between apple trees should not be less than 5 meters.
  • Young seedlings require additional watering and the application of mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • The main condition for the growth and development of strong and healthy trees is the timely removal of weeds and fallen leaves.
  • Only young plants require additional watering; mature trees need natural moisture.
  • In order to remove dry, damaged and diseased branches, it is necessary to carry out preventive pruning of the crown. Formative pruning is carried out only if desired and necessary.
  • Before harvesting, you must make sure that the fruits on the planted tree are edible and will not harm your health. Ripe apples are harvested in late autumn.

Ornamental varieties of apple trees are highly resistant to various types of diseases, but if the first signs of any infection appear, the damaged branches must be immediately removed, and the tree must also be treated with special chemicals.

In specialized stores you can see a large number of medicinal compounds, and experienced consultants will help you make the right choice and purchase the right drug.

Application in landscape design

Fruit trees on a personal plot always become a source of tasty and healthy fruits and a decoration for the entire garden, especially in the spring. Decorative apple trees with red leaves not only decorate the garden during the flowering period, but also become the highlight of the garden plot throughout the year. The bright colors of foliage and fragrant flowers will emphasize the individuality of the site and the aesthetic taste of the owners of the house.

During the period of abundant flowering, trees turn into multi-colored clouds, on which even the leaves become invisible, so designers advise planting them near evergreen conifers. In mid-summer, the flowering ball will change its color to red, purple or violet and will last until late winter. No less aesthetic pleasure awaits you in winter, when against the background of white snow you can see small apples of rich and bright colors. Tasty and aromatic fruits will become a favorite treat for birds and animals, and watching them will delight not only adults, but also children.

Among modern design projects you can find a large number of works made in the Japanese style. This direction is popular and in demand, but the climate of Japan has its own characteristics that favorably influence the growth and development of sakura. Sakura is a symbol of Japan, carrying the style and beauty of the country. The harsh climatic conditions of the country do not allow designers to use this plant. Unpretentious ornamental apple trees of such varieties as “Everest”, “Golden Hornet”, and “Purple” have become a unique analogue to the Japanese tree. Blooming apple trees have completely replaced sakura and saved owners from painstaking care for the capricious imported plant.

Professional gardeners advise plant red-leaved apple trees next to cherries, apricots and plums, then the garden will turn into a fragrant white sea of ​​aesthetic pleasure and beauty.

To create unusual shapes, experienced gardeners recommend using formative pruning. This variety of apple trees easily tolerates the removal of branches and shoots and holds its shape for a long time. It should be noted that the shape of the crown of ornamental apple trees initially has an unusual shape, so there is no need to resort to special adjustments.

The most successful placement of trees is on hills and near bodies of water. A recreation area near the river with blooming apple trees will become a favorite place for all family members.

Shrubs, all types of flowers and a well-groomed lawn look advantageous against the backdrop of unique apple trees. Plants with different flowering periods will create the feeling of an ever-blooming composition.

Strawberries planted under a tree will not only decorate the space, but also provide an opportunity to harvest a delicious harvest in the shade of a colorful apple tree.

A hedge composition of ornamental apple trees, quinces, blackberries and grapes will not only decorate the area near the fence, but will also protect the area from dust and drafts.

To get a beautiful and healthy tree, it is necessary to provide the plant with decent care. Experienced consultants from specialized stores and nurseries will help you choose the right seedling, and professional landscape designers will tell you how to create a unique composition.

This type of apple tree will also provide an opportunity for independent experiments in creating green recreation areas, which will not take a lot of financial costs and physical effort.

For information on decorative apple trees, see the following video.