home · Appliances · What plants are planted as seedlings in February. Flower crops - what flowers to sow for seedlings in February? We sow in January

What plants are planted as seedlings in February. Flower crops - what flowers to sow for seedlings in February? We sow in January

Many summer residents grow flower seedlings in apartments and houses, preferring not to buy them at the market or in a flower shop. It's convenient, pleasant and profitable. Many flower crops are grown by seedlings - buying them as seedlings, at least 10-20 plants of each variety, is expensive, but growing them from seeds is easy. In addition, a small seed planted in the soil gives life big plant, which, growing up, makes the world more beautiful - isn’t this a joy for a gardener?

What quality should the soil be for production? flower seedlings? Nothing special is required to sow seeds. The seeds contain enough energy for germination, therefore, especially if you pre-treat the seeds with growth stimulants, ordinary store-bought soil is sufficient for sowing. Neutral slightly acidic peat must be mixed in equal proportions with clean river sand (also bought in the store). You will definitely need drainage at the bottom of the seedling containers.


It is best to use agloporite artificial pebbles, designed specifically to create a drainage layer.

You can make up seeding soil from three components - peat, leaf soil, sand (1:1:1).

Pots or boxes

The second item on the list of things without which it is impossible to grow seedlings is containers. The range of containers, boxes, pots, plastic cassettes, peat pots and tablets for flower seedlings is huge. Any container can have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the material of manufacture, size, and stage of application.

Another thing is important - different stages The “maturation” of plants and the need for picking or replanting them require their own different containers. To grow flower seedlings at the first stage - sowing seeds - it is best to use seedling boxes, but not the largest ones - medium or small in size. After picking, it is better to move the seedlings into personal pots, cups, containers - it depends on the size of the future plant.

Seed selection

In addition to choosing from a list of ornamental crops, which are preferably propagated by seedlings, you need to know how to choose seeds. Here the main parameter that is worth paying attention to is germination.

Flower seeds, and indeed any other seeds, do not have an expiration date. These are not food products, and in the generally accepted sense, seeds cannot spoil. But there is such a thing as germination period. And if it is expired, then there is really no point in planting seeds - they will sprout poorly and weakly.

Video - what flowers to sow in February

What flower crops are sown for seedlings in February

The last month of winter is the time for sowing almost all flowers that reproduce through seedlings. Not worth it middle lane propagate flowers with seedlings, which can be sown directly into the ground (this is done only for more early flowering). It is advisable to produce seedlings of the following crops: ageratum, aster, azarina, marigold, brachycoma, verbena, gazania, carnation, heliotrope, wendium, annual dahlia, delphinium, sweet tobacco, Iberis, cleome, coleus, gillyflower, lobelia, snapdragon, nasturtium, petunia , salvia, annual phlox, celosia, cineraria, osteospermum, zinnia.

When to start sowing

Flowers that have a long germination period are grown by seedlings. When sowing seeds in the ground, they do not have enough time to properly develop and please lush flowering. Such flower seeds are sown in February for seedlings, so that before planting in open ground– from the end of April to the end of May – 2-3 months passed.

Today, when the florist has at his disposal Newest technologies and methods, seedlings can be grown much faster, and the quality can be achieved better. Soil preparation, seed preparation, temperature, water, light conditions (read the article about ), timely fertilizing - provide your seedlings with all the conditions, and start sowing seeds starting from February 15th.

How to sow seeds

1. Before sowing, it is a good idea to disinfect flower seeds. Soaking in traditional potassium permanganate, which is usually done with vegetable seeds, is not always a method, because some flowers (petunia, lobelia) have very small seeds. It is easier and more effective to carry out disinfectant dusting with a fungicide. How to do it? Pour a pinch of powder into a bag with dry seeds placed in it, close and shake.

2. The soil in the seed containers has already been prepared, moderately moist, with grooves or holes. For petunia and lobelia, no grooves or depressions are needed - only Smooth surface soil on which the seeds are scattered without covering them with anything. You can mix small seeds with sand or snow. Medium and large seeds are sown to a depth of 1 to 5 cm and sprinkled with peat. The depth of planting seeds is usually 3-5 times greater than the height of the seed.

3. Until the seedlings hatch, containers with seeds should be protected with film or glass. Maintenance before germination – at +18°С…22°С. The contents of the containers must be ventilated every day, and the soil must be moistened by spraying. There is no need to additionally illuminate the containers at this stage.

4. After detecting the seedlings, the protection and containers are immediately moved to the light, and the room temperature is provided at +22°C...25°C. Water (very carefully) and spray regularly. In low light, add additional illumination with lamps.

After the sprouts appear, expose them to sunlight or artificial light

5. The time to feed flower seedlings for the first time is two weeks later. When the seedlings are one month old, the next feeding is done. Next, you need to fertilize weekly, alternating humic preparations and mineral complexes. In the phase of two leaves, picking is carried out into personal pots for planting.

February sowing of popular flowers

The most common ornamental flowering crops are petunia, lobelia, and marigolds.

Features of sowing Petunia

If you want to see colorful fragrant gramophones on your balcony or flowerbed already in June, you can start sowing petunias starting on February 15th. - smaller than a poppy seed, but it takes quite a long time to sprout. You can sow petunia only superficially. Crops must be covered with protective glass or thick film, creating a greenhouse effect.

Before planting in the garden or permanent flower pots it is necessary to make at least one transplant into a large container, ideally two - every month. Don't worry if the plant blooms right on the windowsill. Petunia seedlings tolerate replanting well when in bloom. The main thing is that the seedlings do not stretch out and become thin. To do this, when growing, it is necessary to use artificial lighting.

Flower - ampelous petunia

Features of sowing Lobelia

The second favorite of flower growers. The exact opposite of petunia appearance- graceful, with small blue and pink or white buds. Its seeds are also small. Therefore, sowing is carried out in the same way as petunias.
The difference is that lobelia does not really like transplanting, so it is better to sow several (no more than four) seeds in one small pot. Then the lobelia bushes will turn out stronger and more lush.

Flower - lobelia


Tagetes are also grown by sowing directly into the ground, but obtaining seedlings allows you to have flowers a month earlier, so most gardeners prefer to propagate these cheerful and cheerful yellow-orange-red flowers with seedlings.

It is better to sow in boxes. Furrows are made in them and seeds are sown in increments of three centimeters. The depth of the furrows is 1-1.5 cm. The crops are covered with a mixture of peat and sand.

Marigolds are very beautiful flowers

Marigolds sprout quickly - sprouts will appear within 5-6 days. Sprouts immediately after their appearance require additional lighting for at least 12 hours. You can also plant marigolds in boxes, but bigger size and in increments of 7 cm. This is done when two true leaves appear on the plant. After a month, you can re-pick. They pick up perfectly, even with blooming flowers. In the flowerbed, these unpretentious and not capricious flowers also take root well. That is why they gained fame and love from flower growers.

Video - what can be sown in February and early March

Growing flower seedlings is a low-cost way to obtain a wide variety of flower crops, from which you can create stunningly beautiful compositions for summer cottage. Try to grow seedlings of your favorite flowers yourself, following the recommendations for choosing soil, containers, seeds, varieties, preparing seeds, sowing rules, and caring for seedlings. You will definitely like the result.

Now almost everything can be bought in stores: from seedlings of varying degrees of maturity to ready-made vegetables, fruits and herbs. But every year, closer to February, all avid gardeners begin to experience “fever” in in a good way words, hands reach out to the treasured bags. The time has come to sow seeds for seedlings. Experienced gardeners they know absolutely everything about this, but we advise beginners to familiarize themselves with information about what, how and when to plant, because all vegetable, berry and flower crops are completely different. They need different temperature conditions and soil mixtures, and caring for seedlings is significantly different.

We suggest you start with planning; the best way to do this is to create your own planting calendar. The table for sowing seeds for seedlings will help you figure out the approximate timing.

Main planting dates

You need to focus on how old the seedlings should be by the time they are planted in the ground. It is different for all cultures. If you are the happy owner of a good greenhouse with heating, then you can start sowing seeds for seedlings in February or even at the end of January. This is also true for cold regions, when summer is not very long, but you really want to pamper yourself with vegetables and herbs.

CultureApproximate time for sowing (ten days)Age of seedlings (days) at the time of planting in the ground
Early tomato varieties and hybridsMarch (3)45-60
Medium and late varieties tomatoesMarch (1-2)55-60
Bulgarian peppermid-February - early March60-75
EggplantMarch (3)60
White cabbageend of March45-50
CauliflowerApril (1)45-50
Zucchini, squash, pumpkinApril (2-3)25-30
cucumbersApril (3)25-30
Celery (root)February (2)75-85
Black onion (for turnips), leekMarch (1-2)45-55

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings

This crop can be grown both on the sunny side and on the shady side, the main factor is sun at least 3-4 hours a day. The choice of varieties and hybrids matters. The first thing to do is soak the seeds in a nutrient solution. Here are several options for preparing it:

  • 2 g of growth preparation “Bud” per liter of water;
  • 1 tsp. nitrophoska, Agricola-Start or Ideal products per liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. "Barrier" or wood ash per liter of water.

Place the seeds, previously placed in fabric bags, in any of the solutions for one day. Then take them out and put them in plastic bag, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days to harden.

Experts recommend a soil mixture that contains: equal parts include turf soil, good humus, peat (1:1:1). The soil should be moist and at room temperature. Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings in small bowls measuring approximately 8 by 8 cm, to a depth not exceeding 1 cm, leaving a distance of 1.5-2 cm. After this, put on a plastic cap and place the containers in a warm and, importantly, bright place . For germination, a temperature of 20-25°C is needed. Water the seedlings no more than once every eight or ten days. Use water for this room temperature, defended. Optimal mode for tomato seedlings - 18-22°C during the day, and at night - 15-16°C.

The first feeding of young plants should be done after the first true leaf appears. For this, use Agricola-Forward (1 tsp per 2 liters of water). After 2 or 3 true leaves have grown, it is necessary to plant the seedlings into separate cups 7-10 cm in size. Water them a little more often - once a week, until the earthen clod is completely wet. When the daytime temperature remains at 12°C and above, you can begin hardening off the seedlings. To do this, take it, for example, to the balcony for a couple of hours over several days.

Sowing seeds for seedlings in February is too early for tomatoes; it is best to do this on March 10-20. By the time it is planted in open ground or a greenhouse, the plant should have from 8 to 12 healthy and well-developed leaves, one or two inflorescences.

Bell peppers and eggplants: seedlings

The seeds are soaked in solutions, as is the case with tomatoes. Then they must be kept at 25°C for a day or two, after which the seeds are sown in prepared boxes with soil. Eggplant seedlings are obtained in a similar way. The following soil mixture is recommended:

  • with humus (1:2);
  • humus, peat, fine wood sawdust (2:2:1);
  • peat and humus (2:2);
  • turf land with good humus without fresh organic matter (2:3).

The boxes should be about 10 cm deep and the eggplants are sown in the grooves to a depth of about 1 cm and leave a distance of 2 cm between them. Sprinkle them with earth on top and lightly compact them. Germination temperature - 24-26°C. As soon as the seedlings appear, the boxes should be placed in the sunniest place for 6-7 days, so the seedlings will not stretch. After 2 leaves (real ones) grow, the plants should be planted in separate pots (10 by 10 cm). When planting, it is necessary to deepen to the cotyledon leaves. A couple of hours before picking, be sure to water the plants. Fill the pots with soil and lightly sprinkle with a nutrient solution (Agricola-Forward, Ideal, wood ash, humate or potassium sulfate).

The first days should be protected from direct sun. Watering should be regular, every 6 days, preferably combined with fertilizing. Hardening off plants should begin a month before planting in the ground. By this time, the plants should have at least eight leaves.

It is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in February, between the 10th and 25th, no later. In this case, grown plants can be planted in the greenhouse around the tenth of May, and in open ground - already at the beginning of June. In the second option, it is necessary to use a film cover.

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings

Initially, prevention must be carried out possible diseases. To do this, the seeds are soaked in hot water(40-50°C) for 15 minutes. Then dipped in cold water, after which they are soaked again, but in a solution with (1 tsp of nitrophoska per 1 liter of water) for 12 hours.

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings begins in the first ten days of March (8th-10th). This is optimal for early varieties. After soaking, the seeds should be slightly dried. Prepare a soil mixture from equal parts of sand and peat, turf soil. Mix everything thoroughly, pour it into boxes and pour over a solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection. The seeds are sown in shallow (1 cm) grooves, between which a distance of 3 cm must be left. As soon as the seedlings appear, the boxes must be moved to a room with a temperature of 7-8 ° C. Picking seedlings is required after 9-10 days in small cups, such as yogurt. By the time of planting, good seedlings should have 2-3 true leaves.

All information provided concerns varieties white cabbage, other types (kohlrabi, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Beijing sprouts) require slightly different planting technology. Let's focus on just two.

Brussels sprouts are a more demanding crop and should only be grown seedling method, since it has a very long growing season - 150-180 days. Sowing time: March (first and second half). Planting seedlings in the ground, as a rule, is from May 1 to May 20. Brussels sprouts do not tolerate fresh organic matter. Compost is best. When the plants reach about 70 cm in height, the top must be pinched.

Very popular cauliflower. There are many varieties, late and early. Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings begins in mid-March and continues until early April. Small boxes are used, the distance between rows should be 10 cm, and between individual plants - about 5 cm. At the stage of formation of 2-3 leaves (real ones), fertilizing should be done. To do this, use “Ideal”, sodium humate or urea (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water). Solution consumption - 5 l per 1 square meter. When the cauliflower seedlings have 4 true leaves, they are planted in the ground on permanent place.

Cucumber seedlings: timing and basic rules

Most varieties of this vegetable will do well in open ground, but to get the harvest early, greenhouses are often used. Cucumber seeds are sown for seedlings a month before planting in the ground (all of April). Use the soil next line-up: humus, peat, small sawdust(2:2:1). It is advisable to add nitrophoska and ash to it (1 and 2 tablespoons, respectively). The seeds are sown in cups (8 by 8 cm), one at a time, to a depth of approximately 1.5 cm. It is advisable to first soak them for a couple of days before pecking. Weak and pale seedlings are fed with fertilizers every 10 days. You can use complex preparations, such as “Breadwinner”, “Fertility”, “Ideal”, etc.

Sowing cucumber seeds for seedlings will allow you to get a harvest in the shortest possible time; in addition, there are special varieties suitable for growing on window sills and balconies.

Zucchini, pumpkins and squash: seedlings

The seeds of all three crops can be sown directly into the ground. But to get an early harvest, it is best to use the seedling method.

Zucchini seeds must first be soaked in a jar of nutrient solution for one day. For one liter of water, use 1 g of “Bud” or 1 tsp. "Ideal". Seedlings can be grown on a balcony, in a greenhouse or on a windowsill. Sowing is carried out in the 10-25th of April or in the first days of May (1-10). Use small pots measuring 10 by 10 cm (for example, peat). The depth at which the seeds are sown is 2-3 cm, germination temperature is 18-22°C. Plants ready for planting in open ground or a greenhouse should be 25-30 days old.

Squash and pumpkin seedlings are grown in a similar way, only the soaking time of the seeds is increased to two or three days.

Leeks: growing seedlings

Its most common varieties are Mercury, Karatan and Bulgarian late ripening. In short summer conditions, it is necessary to sow onion seeds for seedlings. Dates - mid-March (15-20th). First you need to soak the seeds wrapped in cloth for 5-7 days. It is best to sow in small bowls to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. In approximately 1.5-2 months, the seedlings will be ready. Before planting, the leaves and roots of the plant must be shortened by 1/3 of their length. Leeks prefer loose soil rich in organic matter. Leave a distance of 20 cm between plants.

Root celery seedlings

It is valued for its unique taste and specific smell. There are several varieties: petiole, leaf and root. Celery has a fairly long growing season (170-180 days). Therefore, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings in February (5-10th). It is grown in shallow boxes, which are filled with a mixture of humus and turf soil in equal quantities and with the addition of river sand. A layer of soil is required 3-4 cm thick. The seeds are not buried, only lightly sprinkled thin layer earth on top (0.2 cm). If the seedlings turn out to be very dense, then it is necessary to thin them out, so the seedlings will be stronger and not stretched out. Best Temperature for growth - 15-18°C. Plants should be picked at the stage of 1-2 leaves into very small pots (6 by 6 cm). 10 days after this, you should feed the seedlings with complex mineral fertilizer. Plants are planted in a permanent location in early May.

Sowing celery seeds for seedlings is The best way get a full harvest on time, and this is possible even in cool summer conditions.

Petunia: sowing dates

These flowers are loved by many gardeners due to the abundance of colors and shapes, as well as their high survival rate. Sowing petunia seeds for seedlings is necessary, since it will most likely be lost in open ground. To do this, you will need small bowls with loose soil, or use peat tablets. The seeds are very small, they do not need to be covered with soil mixture on top, just lightly press them. Sometimes snow is used for this - just put it on the surface. As it gradually melts, it will slightly bury the seeds. It is better to cover them with glass on top. Seedlings necessarily dive as soon as two leaves (real ones) grow. Petunia seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-March, and adult plants are planted in the ground at the end of May. During the summer season it is necessary to feed them 2-3 times, the intermediate interval is twenty days. For example, use the drugs “Breadwinner”, “Rainbow”, “Ideal”.

Astra: growing seedlings

It is beautifully flowering, spectacular annual plant, which has many different varieties, differing in the shape of the flower, its color, and the size of the bush. Aster seeds are sown for seedlings in March-April. Prepare low boxes or bowls for this. It is recommended to include peat, turf soil and sand in the soil mixture (2:1:0.5). It is also advisable to add (2-3 tablespoons) or wood ash(0.5 cups). Water the soil with a weak solution of manganese. It is recommended to mix aster seeds with any dry antifungal drug before sowing. For example, use "Fundazol". There is no need to bury the seeds when planting, just sprinkle with earth or washed dry sand. Germination temperature - 15°C. Young plants emerge three or four weeks after seedlings appear. Asters are planted in their permanent location in May. They need loose soil, rich nutrients. Remember that asters should not be planted in one place for two years in a row, as this contributes to the occurrence of fusarium.

There is no need to sow aster seeds for seedlings. Sometimes they germinate well in open ground. Choose a permanent place right away. Sowing does not need to be done too thickly; when the seedlings grow up, choose the strongest and healthiest ones, pinch the rest so that they do not interfere with each other.

Strawberries and strawberries: sowing seeds for seedlings

The first thing to say is that there is a fundamental difference between these types. Strawberries can be forest or garden, large, or varietal (pictured below). Strawberries are what we used to call them wild berries. It can be propagated by seeds or layering. The second method is easier, but with the first you can get better varieties.

Sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings should be done in March. Buy several varieties, very popular now remontant species, they require less maintenance. For sowing, use a soil mixture including turf soil and coarse sand (2:1). Prepare small containers and film to cover them with. The seeds are not buried or covered with soil. You need to put snow on top, cover it with film and put it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. The process is called stratification. After this, the container with the seeds should be placed on the windowsill. Shoots usually appear within a couple of weeks. There is no need to remove the film immediately; poke holes in it and gradually accustom the plants to new conditions. If the strawberry seedlings are too dense, then it is better to thin them out, so they will not stretch out. Seedlings should be picked after a couple of true leaves appear.

Sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings is not an easy task, but if successful, you will get excellent varietal bushes fragrant berries. The choice of location in the garden matters. Gentle slopes on the southwest side are best suited. The place should be protected from winds and accumulations of cold air. You can grow strawberries in one place for no more than 4 years, after which you need to change it.

Sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings occurs in a similar way. Planting material you can prepare it yourself. To do this, choose the healthiest bush with large berries. Take seeds from the middle or those closer to the base. Cut off a layer of pulp and place on a napkin, let dry. Grind the finished seeds in your palms, freeing them from the husks. It is best to store them in glass containers.

Breeding seedlings is a fascinating and interesting business, and in some regions it is simply necessary. The main thing is to do everything on time. If the time has not yet come, but you already want to plant something or just get busy gardening chores, then start by preparing the soil for seedlings, tools, cups, boxes and, in general, all the equipment that you may need. Or, for example, plant a vegetable garden on the windowsill, plant aromatic herbs, onions, and herbs.

February is the middle of winter. Everything that was planted in the fall is dormant. There is still at least a month before sowing and planting in open ground. However, February is the time to start preparing for spring activity. So that flowers have time to bloom before the cold weather, and vegetable crops bear fruit, it’s time to start growing seedlings.
We will tell you what to sow for seedlings in February and how best to do it in our article.

Sowing vegetable seedlings

Many vegetables in the middle climate do not have time to grow, get stronger and bear fruit. Late warming in spring and early autumn frosts prevent this. They especially suffer heat-loving plants. But many vegetable crops beloved by gardeners and gardeners are just that. The most difficult thing in growing vegetables in seedlings is choosing right time sowing The seedlings must grow and become stronger by the time they are planted in open ground. Also, the calculation must be correct in terms of air and soil temperatures, so that the seedlings do not suffer from the sudden return of cold weather.


This culture is especially picky about its maintenance conditions: watering, air humidity, temperature conditions etc. Pepper seedlings are afraid of even minimal frosts, and sowing pepper directly into open ground with seeds is out of the question.
Deadlines. Sowing pepper seedlings in February will depend on weather and climatic conditions your region. Make the calculation based on such data. Pepper begins to bear fruit 90-140 days after sowing the seeds (the growing season of the variety is indicated on the package with the seeds). Plant it in open ground a little earlier, when it reaches the age of 60-80 days. Landing is carried out when there is a risk return frosts will finally disappear. In regions with cold winters, this time usually occurs in late May - early June. Based on this, sow pepper seedlings with last decade February (20th) and until the first ten days of March (until the 10th).
Sowing. Before sowing, disinfect pepper seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide. Fill a suitable container with drainage holes with soil substrate, leaving a couple of centimeters at the top free space. The substrate is prepared as follows: humus, peat and sand are mixed in proportions 2:2:1. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle. Place the seeds on its surface at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Cover them with a thin layer of soil. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle. Cover the crops cling film and place in a warm place. Required temperature+25ºС. Ventilate the seeds periodically. When the first shoots appear, remove the film and place the seedlings in a lighted place. Reduce the temperature to +17ºС. Moisten the soil periodically with warm water. When the seedlings have a pair of true leaves, plant them (along with a lump of earth) into separate containers. Be careful not to hurt root system peppers Fertilize during the first month after the first picking. The first feeding - after 14 days, the second - after another 14 days. A week before planting seedlings in the ground, harden the seedlings. Do it gradually. First, take it out for an hour, then increase the time the pepper stays outside until it stays there all day.


Eggplants, like peppers, are a heat-loving crop. At temperatures below +20ºС they do not bear fruit. Even a small minus is contraindicated when growing eggplants; the plants die. For this reason, they are grown exclusively by seedlings.
Deadlines. So that the eggplants have time to grow, get stronger and produce a harvest, choose early varieties. The growing season of eggplant lasts 100-150 days, depending on the variety. At the age of approximately 90 days, if the weather is suitable, the seedlings are planted in open ground. Based on this, sow eggplant seedlings in February (from the 20th) - early March (until the 10th).
Sowing. Before planting, disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides. It is best to grow eggplant seedlings in peat pots, since this crop does not tolerate transplantation well. However, if this is not possible, then grow them in separate cups. Take suitable containers for sowing and fill them with soil substrate. The substrate is prepared as follows: mix 5 parts of turf soil, 3 parts of humus and 1 part of sand. For better growth add plants to the soil mineral fertilizers. Moisten the soil with warm water. Press lightly. Make holes 1.5 cm deep in it, for example, using a pencil. Place the seeds in the holes. Seal them with soil. Moisten the soil with warm water from a spray bottle so as not to wash out the seeds. Cover the crops with cling film and place in a warm place where the temperature is at least +25ºС. Ventilate them periodically and moisten the soil if necessary. When the first sprouts appear, remove the cling film completely. Move the seedlings to a sunny place. At the age of 2-3 true leaves, pick the eggplants.
Plant eggplant seedlings in the ground if the weather outside is suitable and the seedlings are already strong and have 5-7 true leaves. A week before planting, begin to gradually harden off the plants. Leave them on at first outdoors in a shaded place for an hour. Increase this time each day until the plants are left outside all day.

What flowers can be planted as seedlings in February?

If you want your garden and flowerbed to please you with an abundance of colors and a variety of shapes, then take care of sowing flowers in February for seedlings. Decide what you want to plant and check what the plant's growing season is. Also focus on the time of planting seedlings in the ground. The calculation should be such that when the weather is suitable, the seedlings should be strong, but not overgrown.


This plant loves warmth and light. Petunia seedlings are planted in open ground when the risk of return frosts completely disappears. In regions with harsh winters, this time occurs at the end of May - beginning of June. In regions with a mild climate - already in April.
Deadlines. Petunias begin to bloom 2-3 months after sowing.
Sowing. To grow petunia seedlings, use loose and well-aerated soil in which water will not stagnate. You can make a soil substrate like this: mix 2 parts peat, 1 part garden soil and 1 part sand. Disinfect the seeds before planting weak solution potassium permanganate. Place the soil in suitable containers, leaving a few centimeters to the top. Flatten, flatten. Place a 1 cm layer of snow. Level it. Spread the petunia seeds evenly over the surface. There is no need to cover the seeds with soil. Cover the crops with cling film. Place the container in a bright and warm place (required temperature +25ºС). Ventilate the seeds from time to time by opening the film. Please note that when sowing in February, petunia requires additional lighting. Use a lamp for this daylight. When the first shoots hatch, remove the film completely. Make sure the soil always remains moist. At the age of several true leaves, plant the seedlings in separate cups. For convenience, use a picking peg or toothpick. If necessary, if the seedlings have long roots, pinch them back. Pay attention to ensure that the roots do not break or bend when transplanting. At the end of the procedure, moisten the soil. To prevent the sprouts from stretching, reduce the temperature to +17ºС.


To fully enjoy the flowering of delphinium, it is also initially sown as seedlings.
Deadlines. You can sow delphinium for seedlings at the end of February (after the 15th).
Sowing. Remember that those delphinium seeds that were collected recently germinate better. The longer the seeds are stored, the less likely they are to germinate. Disinfect before planting seed material. To do this, place the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate (for 20 minutes) or fungicide. After this, rinse them under running water and dry. Sow the seeds into the soil substrate. You can do it like this: mix garden soil, peat and humus in proportions 1:1:1. The soil should be loose, allow air to pass through and not allow water to stagnate. Fill a suitable container with soil substrate. Place the delphinium seeds on the surface at a distance of a few centimeters from each other. Seal with a very thin layer of soil. Lightly compact it. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle so as not to wash away the seeds. Cover the top of the crops with cling film and place in a warm but dark place. Ventilate periodically by folding back the edge of the film. If necessary, additionally moisten the soil. When the first seedlings hatch, remove the film completely and place the seedlings in a bright place. Maintain the temperature no more than +20ºС. When the seedlings have several true leaves, pick. Place them in individual containers. A week before planting in open ground, harden the seedlings. First, take the seedlings to Fresh air only for an hour in partial shade. Then gradually increase this time until the seedlings stay outside all day.

Many flower crops are grown by seedlings - buying them as seedlings, at least 10-20 plants of each variety, is expensive, but growing them from seeds is easy. In addition, a small seed planted in the soil gives life to a large plant, which, as it grows, makes the world more beautiful - isn’t this a joy for a gardener?

First - the ground

What quality should the soil be for producing flower seedlings? Nothing special is required to sow seeds. The seeds contain enough energy for germination, therefore, especially if you pre-treat the seeds with growth stimulants, ordinary store-bought soil is sufficient for sowing. Neutral slightly acidic peat must be mixed in equal proportions with clean river sand (also bought in the store). You will definitely need drainage at the bottom of the seedling containers.

Advice! It is best to use agloporite artificial pebbles, designed specifically to create a drainage layer.

You can make up seed soil from three components - peat, leaf soil, sand (1: 1: 1).

Pots or boxes

The second item on the list of things without which it is impossible to grow seedlings is containers. The range of containers, boxes, pots, plastic cassettes, peat pots and tablets for flower seedlings is huge. Any container can have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the material of manufacture, size, and stage of application.

Another thing is important - the different stages of “growing up” of plants and the need for picking or replanting them require their own, different containers. To grow flower seedlings at the first stage - sowing seeds - it is best to use seedling boxes, but not the largest ones - medium or small in size. After picking, it is better to move the seedlings into personal pots, cups, containers - it depends on the size of the future plant.

Seed selection

In addition to choosing from a list of ornamental crops, which are preferably propagated by seedlings, you need to know how to choose seeds. Here the main parameter that is worth paying attention to is germination.

Flower seeds, and indeed any other seeds, do not have an expiration date. These are not food products, and in the generally accepted sense, seeds cannot spoil. But there is such a thing as germination period. And if it is expired, then there is really no point in planting seeds - they will sprout poorly and weakly.

What flower crops are sown for seedlings in February

The last month of winter is the time for sowing almost all flowers that reproduce through seedlings. In the middle zone, you should not propagate flowers with seedlings, which can be sown directly into the ground (this is done only for earlier flowering). It is advisable to produce seedlings of the following crops: ageratum, aster, azarina, marigold, brachycoma, verbena, gazania, carnation, heliotrope, wendium, annual dahlia, delphinium, sweet tobacco, Iberis, cleome, coleus, gillyflower, lobelia, snapdragon, nasturtium, petunia , salvia, annual phlox, celosia, cineraria, osteospermum, zinnia.

When to start sowing

Flowers that have a long germination period are grown by seedlings. When sowing seeds in the ground, they do not have enough time to develop properly and delight with lush flowering. Such flower seeds are sown in February for seedlings, so that 2-3 months pass before planting in open ground - from the end of April to the end of May.

Today, when the florist has the latest technologies and methods at his disposal, seedlings can be grown much faster and the quality achieved better. Soil preparation, seed preparation, temperature, water, light conditions (read the article about phytolamps LED bulbs for plants), timely fertilizing - provide all the conditions for your seedlings, and start sowing seeds starting from February 15.

How to sow seeds

1. Before sowing, it is a good idea to disinfect flower seeds. Soaking in traditional potassium permanganate, which is usually done with vegetable seeds, is not always the method, because some flowers (petunia, lobelia) have very small seeds. It is easier and more effective to carry out disinfectant dusting with a fungicide. How to do it? Pour a pinch of powder into a bag with dry seeds placed in it, close and shake.

2. The soil in the seed containers has already been prepared, moderately moist, with grooves or holes. For petunia and lobelia, no grooves or depressions are needed - only a flat surface of the soil on which the seeds are scattered, without covering them with anything. You can mix small seeds with sand or snow. Medium and large seeds are sown to a depth of 1 to 5 cm and sprinkled with peat. The depth of planting seeds is usually 3-5 times greater than the height of the seed.

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