home · Other · How to do vertical planting of petunias. Designing flower beds of petunias in the garden: photos and examples. Features of growing petunias in small containers

How to do vertical planting of petunias. Designing flower beds of petunias in the garden: photos and examples. Features of growing petunias in small containers

Vertical flower beds are considered one of the most beautiful elements garden plot decor. They are often used to save space. They amaze with their unusualness and diversity. There are several types of such flower beds. The choice is determined by preferences, capabilities and availability necessary materials. It is important to remember that the vertical flower bed must support the chosen style of the site.

Types and design of vertical flower beds

For those who like to combine flowering plants with non-flowering ones, we can recommend the alpine slide. To build it you will need a small hill of earth and stones. The stones do not need to be placed according to size; it is important to maintain the pyramid shape when installing them. Plants are arranged chaotically. Low-growing flowers can easily coexist with tall ones. Of the low-growing flowering plants, the most common are viola, primrose, and forget-me-not. Look interesting options.

Varieties alpine slide consider cascade and pyramid. They consist of an odd number of tiers. Their difference is that upper layer must be completed with stones: for the cascade - flat, for the pyramid - sharp. Stones can be replaced with bricks (even not whole ones) and tree cuts.

One of the most common options is a flower bed in the form of a screen. It is decorated with climbing plants and decorates a fence, porch, gazebo.

A three-dimensional figure is a type of flower bed-screen. Using metal or wooden rods, any desired shape can be created. Planted at the base of the flower bed climbing plants, which then wrap around the entire figure.

Raised beds leave a lot of room for gardener creativity. They can be made from any available material. They consist of individual flower beds, each of which rises above the other, creating a multi-level space.

The materials you can use are tires, buckets, flowerpots, baskets, chairs. Flowering plants look very impressive in them different heights. The shape and size of a raised flower bed can be any size.

Hanging flowerpots are considered the easiest type to perform. They are attached to fences and walls. Only flowers intended specifically for flowerpots can grow in them (only they can bloom in a limited amount of soil).

The main advantage of vertical flower beds is that they do not need to select plants by color and height. It is not necessary to follow the rules for their placement. This means that all the favorite types of flowers will decorate them, delighting the owner of the plot.

How to create a petunia flower bed

The owners certainly decorate their private yard with flowering crops. According to aesthetic rules, the decoration of the farmstead is not even beds, but decorative ones. garden plants. To prevent them from spreading throughout the entire area and taking up too much space (it would be a shame to uproot the cherished beauty!), they are limited to flower beds. The result is bouquets that bloom from early spring until late autumn. It depends on what crops to plant them with.

To make the flower beds in front of the house look bright, it is worth using flowers from hot countries in their creation. That's where a real holiday colors! And it’s not for nothing that petunia, a native of South America (more precisely, Brazil), is so loved to be grown as an ornamental flower crop. Its flowers are painted in rich shades of red, pink, orange, lilac and spotted white... The cup size of the petals is small and there is also large. Why not suitable planting material?

So, having decided on the type of flower, select the floral range. The flowerbed can be one color, or maybe with a gradient transition from dark to lighter color. Which form of drawing should I choose? Concentric circles, contrasting stripes, “petals” big flower, geometric figures and in general fantasy patterns invented by you personally. The main thing is that the pattern is clearly visible from the side.

Although petunia is also perennial in nature, the annual form of the crop is common in floriculture. So even better. Each year you can create different patterns. In different colors.

Along with erect stems, some varieties of petunias have curly stems. It is also beneficial to use such mini-lianas in flower beds. For a multi-stage design in combination with straight stems, vines are very useful.

The root system of petunias is such that it does not require large spaces or containers. It will take root well in small flowerbed forms. Even in the hollow of an old tree or in a hollowed out stump. Landscape designers recommend unusual solutions! Petunia also feels great as a flowerpot.

Petunia goes well with other plants. Compositions in combination with gillyflowers, snapdragons, marigolds, and begonias will look impressive.

Petunias are not afraid of heat. They have immunity. But, like plants of a subtropical climate, they prefer abundant watering (in no case a swamp). Plant these flowers better seedlings and in sunny areas, but they will also accept partial shade.

Petunia is one of the most suitable and unpretentious plants for vertical flower beds.

A small plot often does not allow gardeners to develop luxurious flower beds. But everyone wants to decorate their plot so that it becomes the pride and decoration of the yard. In this case, it is recommended to build vertical flower beds.

Of course, if you contact a landscape designer, they will create for you chic multi-level compositions, often of bizarre shapes with the perfect combination of colors.

But you can create it yourself with very little effort.

1. The easiest way to create such a flower bed is as follows. Take two or three plastic or wooden pillar different heights. In the second case, the wood must be pre-treated with an anti-rotting agent.

You will also need old plastic buckets, the handles of which are removed and attached to posts in different places. Make sure they are fastened securely. The next step is extremely simple. Fill buckets with soil and plant flowers. As a rule, it is worth choosing climbing plants that will grow to cover the entire composition, creating a waterfall of color.

2. One more interesting way creating a flower bed involves using flower pots. If there is an old tree in your garden that does not bear fruit, do not rush to get rid of it. Treat its trunk, removing dry branches and bark. You should not touch the still living branches of the tree; they will also be useful in creating the composition.

To attach the pots we will need screws or special strips. You need to buy lightweight, plastic pots. They are placed in random order along the entire trunk of the tree and on its branches. After this, they are filled with earth or substrate and the most various plants. How closer friend The pots will be placed next to each other and the brighter the flowers in them, the more spectacular the composition itself will look.

3. An ordinary pipe, which is used for sewerage, can also become your assistant in creating an original flower bed. There are several options for using it. The first simple one involves cutting the pipe lengthwise, resulting in two equal parts with a gutter.

Restrictive elements are installed on the edges, which will not allow the earth to spill out of the structure, and our “bed” is suspended using ropes in any convenient location. For example, on the canopy of a threshold, on a horizontally located tree branch, at the entrance to the gazebo. In such a flowerbed you can plant both climbing flowers and small bright ones. It is possible to create several tiers by arranging such flower beds on hangers of different lengths.

4. Second way to use plastic pipes even simpler. You need to bury the pipe in the ground one third of its length in a place convenient for you. Next, small holes are made in the pipe, and its cavity is filled with a substrate into which plant seeds are pre-mixed. After a short period of time, the plants will grow through the holes, and you will get unique colorful vertical flower beds.

Vertical flower bed master class step by step

For this vertical flower bed we take plastic barrel and make these holes. Then we plant ready-made petunia seedlings, as shown in the photo.

The result is this multi-colored vertical flower bed.

Video tutorial - how to make a simple vertical flower bed from plastic bottles

Vertical flower bed photo gallery

Petunia is a very common and versatile flower. It is grown everywhere - in country houses, on balconies, in city gardens, etc. Petunia is often called the queen of flower beds.

Every gardener wants to create a beautiful petunia flower bed. Making beautiful petunia flower beds with your own hands is not that difficult. Just turn it on creative thinking and use your hands a little.

There are simply a huge number of varieties and varieties of petunias - this is a real treasure for drawing ideas for decorating your flower bed.

These plants belong to the genus of perennial herbaceous, semi-shrub flowers. The birthplace of petunia is considered South America. Despite the fact that petunia is perennial, in our country it is used as an annual plant. The height of the flower does not exceed one meter.

On this page you will learn how to make beautiful petunia flower beds with your own hands. We will tell you how to combine petunia with other flowers, such as marigolds and pansies, and show some patterns. The entire story will be accompanied by visual photos.

How to care for petunia?

Let's first talk briefly about how to care for petunia. This flower It is quite unpretentious and does not require any supernatural attention and care.

Petunia is a light-loving and heat-loving flower. Therefore, the place for the flower bed should be chosen on the south side of the site. At cold weather Petunia usually stops blooming.

Petunia must be watered at least once a week. You should not allow the soil to dry out completely, as well as frequent stagnation of water.

The flowers should be fed periodically (about 1-2 times a month). Special ones are suitable as feeding complex fertilizers for flowers.

Photo: Decorating a flower bed from petunia

When designing a petunia flower bed, you must follow several important rules.

When planting, you need to maintain a distance between plants and follow the pattern - at least 20 centimeters between plants.

Petunia looks very original and interesting in combination with other flowers, such as marigolds.

Constantly experiment and look for new options.

Let's show some visual examples of decorating a petunia flower bed with your own hands:

DIY flowerbeds of petunias and marigolds. Photo.

Marigolds go very well with petunias. Not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a plant care point of view. Marigolds and petunias are almost the same in care.

To create a flower garden, there are several varieties of marigolds - rejected, erect and orange snow. There are also double, chrysanthemum-shaped and semi-double marigolds. All these varieties and varieties go well with each other and with petunia.

A circular flower bed of marigolds and petunias.

Photo: DIY petunia and marigold flower beds

A flowerbed of marigolds and petunias looks very nice round shape. It is done simply - marigolds grow in the middle, and petunias grow along the edges. You can play a little with the colors of the plants.

Beautiful flowerbed with marigolds and petunias.

A flower bed like the one in the photo above also looks very nice. Petunia grows in the centers of the circles, and marigolds grow on the edges.

Petunia and marigolds are a great combination in a flower bed.

You can also simply randomly plant petunia and marigolds in the same flowerbed. It will look very beautiful.

An interesting design option for a flower bed.

Photo: flower bed - petunia and marigolds

You can go this way. Plant marigolds in the center of the flowerbed in the shape of a circle, and sow petunia along the rest of the perimeter. It looks very interesting and beautiful.

Beautiful flower beds of petunias and pansies.

Combinations of petunias and pansies look impressive. Below you will see photos of beautiful flower beds of petunias and pansies.

You can make such beautiful petunia flower beds with your own hands. Don't stop at one thing and constantly experiment.

Petunia is an unpretentious, frost-resistant, long-flowering plant. Gardeners love this flower very much, and breeders are constantly working on new hybrids and types of petunias.

Petunia – annual plant, but in Lately Perennial varieties have also appeared that do not require special care and annual spring sowing (read about perennial and annual petunia in). Any gardener or gardener can create a magnificent flower bed on his plot of these flowers, which will delight you with its magnificent blooms until late autumn. More details about this beautiful plant we wrote.

Petunia is an unpretentious plant, but for good growth And wild flowering you need to adhere to some rules of planting and agricultural technology:

Types of flower beds and their photos

Flower beds for flowering plants are divided into the following types:

  1. cascade;
  2. border;
  3. classic flower bed;
  4. vertical flower bed;
  5. rockery and others.

Many novice gardeners are wondering: how to build a vertical flower bed on their site for the queen of the garden - petunia?

Photo of a vertical flower bed:


This type of flower beds is very popular among landscape designers, as it can decorate not only country and garden plots, but also any city courtyard. You can build vertical flower beds from petunias with your own hands without resorting to the help of specialists.

There are several types of vertical flower beds, which differ in the type of supports and method of fastening - these are:

  • ground vertical structures;
  • hanging flower beds;
  • compositions supported on the wall - wall-mounted;
  • structures mounted on the wall - wall flower beds.

For vertical flower beds, an ampelous variety of petunia would be ideal.

Advantages and disadvantages

Vertical flower beds have many advantages, which explains their popularity:

  1. They take up little space - they are arranged on small areas, gazebos, terraces and courtyards where it is not possible to build a full-fledged flower bed.
  2. Quick and easy watering - no long water hose required.
  3. Ergonomic – they can be quickly disassembled for storage and do not take up much space.
  4. Multiple uses.
  5. Can be moved to another location if necessary.
  6. Beautiful and impressive look.

But in spite of a large number of positive sides These flower beds have disadvantages:

  • Quick drying of the earth clod.
  • A small amount of soil that quickly becomes depleted.

Important! when arranging a vertical flower bed, you need to water and feed the petunia twice as often as the one planted in a classic flower bed.

Installation instructions

Vertical flower beds look very impressive and attractive, Let's look at the most common options for these flower beds, which you can make yourself.

There are many ways to create mesh structures for planting petunias; let’s look at the most common and popular ones.

Plus stones

Application of mesh and natural stones to create a vertical flower bed for petunia will help decorate and emphasize harmony landscape design. To create a flower garden you will need:

  • Galvanized mesh.
  • Pebbles or stones - selected in accordance with the grid cells.
  • Soil for seedlings.

Execution of work:

  1. To create a vertical flowerbed in the shape of a snail, you need to bend the mesh and secure it with pegs driven into the ground.
  2. Then take another piece of stainless material and install a second wall made of chain-link at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  3. Pour stones into the gap between the grids so that in the middle there is a small depression under the ground.
  4. Fill in the soil and sow flower seeds. The flower garden is ready.

Add a flowerpot and geotextiles

This is a very impressive structure, the production of which does not require a lot of time and money. Materials you will need:

  • Large flowerpot.
  • Mesh with large cells.
  • Geotextile, or any other black material.
  • Mounting clamps.

A vertical flower bed is arranged as follows:

  1. Take a large flowerpot and build a pole from the mesh of the required height, connecting it with clamps.
  2. Stretch geotextiles inside the post and secure it to the top of the structure.
  3. Pour the prepared soil inside the vertical flower bed.
  4. In the places where petunias are planted, cut through the textiles, make a small depression in the soil with your finger and plant the seedlings.

Advice! For planting, you can use seeds, which are placed in pre-prepared holes, 2-4 pieces each.

Let's consider two options for constructing vertical flower beds from this material.

Option one:

Second option:

  1. Take two pipes - 100mm and 28mm.
  2. Make holes in the pipes, a small one for water, and a large one for planting petunias.
  3. Bury a large pipe in the ground so that it stands vertically.
  4. Insert a smaller pipe into the middle and fill the gap between them with earth.
  5. Plant ampelous petunia seedlings into the holes.

Before installation water pipe you need to wrap it with any cloth, this will prevent water from washing the soil during watering.

Flower pots

It's not complicated, but enough effective method creating a vertical flower bed. For the construction you will need a large metal rod, the length of which should be 10-20 cm greater than the height of the flowerbed and required quantity flower pots small to large.

  1. Make holes in the bottom of each pot exactly in the middle, equal to the diameter of the iron rod.
  2. Place the largest flowerpot in the place where you plan to plant a vertical flower bed.
  3. Drive a rod into the ground, which will serve as the basis for holding the entire structure.
  4. Pour pre-prepared soil into the flowerpot.
  5. Install a smaller pot by placing it on a metal spindle and filling it with soil.

This is how all prepared pots are installed. After this, seeds are sown in the soil or seedlings are planted. The vertical flower bed is ready.

Do-it-yourself from improvised means

To make such structures, you can use any available material:

  • bags;
  • old bags;
  • worn shoes;
  • plastic containers;
  • glass bottles;
  • old dishes or furniture;
  • car tires who have served their time.

Let's consider the most affordable and easiest way to create a vertical flower bed is car tires, for this:

  1. The material must be washed well, dried and painted. acrylic paints different colors.
  2. Build an impromptu pyramid or tower from tires.
  3. Fill the structure with special soil and plant flowers.

– the plant is not whimsical, but in order for it to grow well and delight with its flowering in a vertical flower bed, it needs to be properly cared for:

  1. Increase the number of feedings of the plant with various fertilizers, which should be diluted in water before watering.
  2. The flowerbed should be installed in an open sunny place.
  3. Frequent watering. Do not forget that there is little soil in the flowerbed, so it will dry out quickly.
  4. Form the bushes correctly by pinching.
  5. During heavy rainfall, protect the flowerbed from waterlogging the soil. This can be done by installing good drainage.

You will find all the details about caring for petunia in.

Watch a video on how to make a vertical flower bed for petunias with your own hands:


You can decorate your garden plot with vertical flower beds yourself. This doesn’t require much effort, and if you use available materials, you won’t have to spend any money. Petunia is a magnificent plant that will decorate your home area.

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Petunia represents beautiful flower, exuding a delicate honey aroma. Very often they are used when decorating decorative landscapes in the gardens, on summer cottages and in city parks. With this option, there is a large number due to the huge number of varieties of petunias.

Today we will tell you how you can use it to decorate a flower bed in the garden and not only, as well as what other plants petunia can be combined with. Some examples include photos so you can see the examples in person.

Features of petunia

Few people know that petunia belongs to the category of nightshade plants, which also includes potatoes. Long time petunia grew like wild plant and didn't have decorative effect , and only in the 19th century it was noticed by breeders who made hybrid ornamental varieties based on it.

There are more and more of them every year; gardeners love both old and new types of petunias. The most popular petunias for growing in gardens are ampelous varieties. In the photo you can see what they look like, their description is as follows:

The color range of petunias is striking in its diversity. So, their flowers are:

  • white;
  • red;
  • purple;
  • creamy;
  • coral.

Due to the presence of a huge number of varieties, many hobbyists often use them to decorate their gardens. For example, arrange beautiful flower beds based on them. In the photo you can see examples of creating such compositions.

How to choose planting material?

The flowerbed in the garden is a well-thought-out composition where each plant has its own place. It is best to plant in a flower bed ready seedlings according to the planned project. But we don’t always sow seeds in a flowerbed good decision, since many may not sprout and disappear during cultivation, accordingly, the design of the garden according to the plan may not work out.

Petunia seedlings can be grown independently or purchased from finished form. If there are difficulties with the purchase, then growing it with your own hands will not be easy:

  • strictly observe the temperature;
  • the humidity level must also be maintained;
  • carry out picking and pinching in a timely manner.

When growing petunia seedlings yourself, the process must begin in early spring. In this case the seedlings will be ready for transplanting into the ground at the beginning of summer. Also, a flower bed in the garden can be decorated faster with the help of petunias, but it is very expensive: buy large bushes and plant them where you need them.

Selection of location and soil

Petunia loves the sun very much and tolerates heat well. Therefore, in the garden you need to choose places for it in open sunny areas, which are darkened at noon with the help of young tree, picket fence or something else. Some worse plant will feel in places with a lot of darkness, where the sun breaks through only for half a day, or under the canopy of trees. But deep shadow is completely contraindicated for petunia; the branches will stretch out, and the flowering will be very weak, as a result of which the flowers will turn pale.

For petunias you need to choose neutral or fertile soil. It is best to have sandy or loamy soil. But if the soil is heavy and clayey, this will not be very good for the plant: growth and flowering will slow down. The soil can be improved by loosening. To do this, it is dug up and added to it fertile soil from another area or peat. Also, when planting in a hole, you can add a little baking powder, for example:

  • perlite;
  • vermiculite

How to plant petunias in the garden

Remember that petunias, especially ampelous ones, tend to grow. They have a developed root system, That's why To create a beautiful flower bed, you don’t need to plant densely. This can lead to plants fighting for space, as a result of which some will begin to oppress others. In addition, such planting density can provoke the appearance powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

To prevent this from happening, you need to maintain the following distances in collective plantings of petunias:

  • small-flowered bush specimens should be planted at a distance of about 15–20 cm from each other;
  • large-flowered – 20–25 cm, respectively;
  • hanging - by 25–30 cm, respectively.

In some cases, ampelous varieties require even greater distance from each other. For example, the “Typhoon” variety should be planted 40–70 cm apart to make a beautiful flowering.

What plants can be combined with planting petunia?

To create a beautiful and attractive garden composition, petunias can be combined with each other by variety, or with other plants.

When planting flower beds in gardens, you need to choose samples that throughout the summer they are able to maintain an attractive appearance and tolerate heat well. Excellent choice There will be flowers like:

And the background of the composition can be low-growing deciduous plants:

  • cineraria;
  • coleus;
  • chlorophytum;
  • irezine and others.

In the spring, petunias can be combined with bulbous flowers, which dry the leaves for the summer:

  • narcissus;
  • tulip;
  • crocus;
  • muscari;
  • grouse;
  • hyacinth and others.

In case of drought, they should be dug up and replaced with other flowers, or these areas should be temporarily covered with decorative leaves or ground cover plants.

A flower bed with petunias under a tree will look even better if it is decorated with plants such as:

  • hosts;
  • begonias;
  • daylilies;
  • decorative cereals.

Flower beds with petunias can be planted in containers, then plants can be combined with lobelia, balsam, verbena, viola, pelargonium and other flowers.

Petunias in the garden: flower bed design options

Design options for flower beds

We present to your attention several examples of designing compositions in gardens based on petunias. You can see some samples in the photo.


The monoflower is the simplest composition, but very attractive. In its most strict version it means planting petunias of one variety, such a flowerbed will look like a monochrome spot. But if you place petunias on it different forms and shades, despite its name, it will look varied.

Composition with a coniferous center

The monoflower can be supplemented with such an element as conifer tree in the center, characterized by clear geometry. As options:

  • juniper;
  • cypress

Raised flower bed

This composition gets its look due to the vertical walls. It has no bottom, but petunias are capable of developing, just like on open ground. Ampelous plants are planted inside. The soil for a raised bed can be improved depending on the type of flower. To do this, it can be fertilized with the following components:

  • baking powder;
  • hydrogel;
  • peat;
  • vermicompost.

Planting pocket or mini-flower bed

Such solutions are suitable for paved courtyards, where there are small landing pockets between the slabs. Large-flowered bush petunia is planted in them, which over time completely covers the earthen spaces. Instead, you can take seedlings of ampels and surfinias, which grow much faster bush plants and create ground cover color compositions. Small flower beds will decorate the paved area and add new shades to the garden composition as a whole.

Round flower bed

For a round flower bed, take two varieties of petunias: purple and dark pink. It turns out bright and is planted in a circle. In the center you need to place a bush of orange marigolds. We plant bushes of low-growing coleus as a border, which will help keep the shape of the composition.

The height of the flowerbed plants decreases from the center to the periphery; the composition itself has the shape of a dome and looks slightly raised above the ground.

Vertical flower bed based on petunias

Petunia is a crop that grows well not only in open but also in closed soils, so they can be grown in pots and containers. Thanks to this, they can be used to create vertical multi-tiered compositions that are assembled based on different elements.

A vertical flower bed is made from wooden screen, containers with flowers are attached vertically to it. Another variant - creating a flower tower, which consists of planting sections piled on top of each other. And the third method is to create an arched metal frame, which serves as the main one for attaching several large flowerpots with petunias.

For ampelous flower varieties, containers should be as spacious as possible and have drainage holes.

Growing petunias this way is much more difficult than in open ground. One of the problems is the limited volume of soil, which is not very good for the plant. For normal flower development, you need at least 2 liters of soil mixture, and for hanging plants - up to 4 liters, respectively.

How to properly care for the composition

Of course, a beautifully designed composition in the garden based on petunias is far from the end of the work on it. Naturally, it requires self-care in order to delight you with its flowering and beauty.

The first thing flowers need is regular watering and fertilizing. In the summer heat, you need to water the flowerbed at least once a day. It is better either in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not too scorching. At midday, watering is also possible, but only if the composition is shaded. When watering, it is very important that the sun does not scorch the bushes, otherwise the burns will be too noticeable.

Fertilizers for petunias are needed for lush flowering. Here you can use mullein, ash solution and other organics, as well as mineral fertilizers. But remember that at the seedling stage, petunias need more nitrogen, and during flowering - phosphorus and potassium. If you plan to use store-bought fertilizers, pay attention to the packaging, which indicates the ratio of all macroelements.

Petunias will become worthy decoration garden or plot, not only as part of a composition, but also separately. And if you follow simple rules care, they will certainly delight you all summer.

Place flowers on garden plot You can do it not only horizontally. Do-it-yourself vertical flower bed of petunias - this is interesting design solution, which will help decorate the space of your personal plot.

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    Main advantages

    Flower beds placed vertically in space have been known since the time of the famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Recently, the arrangement of flower beds placed perpendicular to the surface of the earth has become fashion trend in landscape design.

    The original form of placing flowers on personal plot has several features:

    • is unusual artistic decision when decorating a space;
    • Vertical flower beds for petunias can be used to divide the space into zones;
    • decorates architectural elements(windows, doors, balconies, terraces, etc.);
    • differs in a variety of models, allows you to give the area a unique look;
    • compactly placed in a small area;
    • Easily installed and does not require complex maintenance procedures;
    • protects plants from soil-dwelling pests.

    There are the most different variants How to make vertical flower beds with your own hands. Eat:

    • arched shape;
    • pyramidal option;
    • plant panel on the wall;
    • screen partition;
    • column flowerbed;
    • roofing of low buildings;
    • sculpture;
    • decorative composition of plants, etc.

    Let's look at how to make a vertical flowerbed with your own hands without much time and material costs.

    Materials for production

    You can independently make a vertical flower bed from petunias and create trendy and quite durable masterpieces from pots, flower containers, plant pots, flowerpots, special boxes, stands and other devices produced by industrially and offered in gardening stores or shopping centers for the sale of construction goods (Fig. 1).

    Having decided to make a vertical flowerbed with your own hands, each designer begins by selecting a model and starting materials or improvised means that will become the basis for the product. Let us name a few of the materials and means from which vertical flower beds are created:

    • plastic and metal pipes;
    • fence mesh, which is given a three-dimensional shape (cylindrical, cone-shaped);
    • various containers (containers, pallets, boxes);
    • wire that allows you to create a flower garden of any shape (spherical, cubic);
    • fabric bags or other types of packaging materials made from artificial raw materials;
    • waste material ( old furniture and shoes, broken umbrellas, empty bottles soft drink containers, food products, car tires, barrels).

    The list goes on and on. You can create flowerbeds with your own hands from almost any thing. Imagination will help you create different models of vertical flower beds for petunias from almost all available materials.

    Plant diversity

    When creating a vertical flower bed with your own hands, you can choose from a large number of flowering and non-flowering plants.

    The favorites of DIY vertical flower beds are hanging plants that have hanging or creeping branches and quickly form long curly shoots. These include indoor plants grown in greenhouses, as well as species that are planted in the ground. Flowering plant species, as well as herbaceous and shrub species, can be flowering.

    Easy to care for hanging plants are the following:

    • petunia;
    • nasturtium;
    • lobelia;
    • matthiol;
    • geranaceae;
    • begonia;
    • fuchsia, etc.

    To create a flowerbed with their own hands, which is a contrasting composition, gardeners-artists actively use different varieties ordinary marigolds, pansies, catharanthus, verbena, etc.

    Design options

    Petunia is a perennial plant in the form of a subshrub, popular in gardening and floriculture, with large bright colors. Petunia can be from 10 cm to 1 m in height. Petunia belongs to the nightshade family and includes a large number of species. Its homeland is the South American tropics. In the wild, petunia can be found in Brazilian, Argentine, Uruguayan, Paraguayan, and Bolivian forests.

    This plant is especially actively used in decoration. living rooms, urban buildings and gardens, in landscape design.

    You can quickly and easily build vertical flower beds from containers or flowerpots of the same shape, but of different sizes, placed on top of each other.

    For example, you can use 5 ordinary flower pots with a diameter of 20 to 80 cm. Moist soil prepared for plants is placed in the pots, which have holes in the bottom to allow excess moisture to escape, then they are placed in the shape of a pyramid on top of each other (Fig. 2). When creating a flowerbed with your own hands, to secure the structure you must use a rod made of wood or metal, installed in the holes in the bottom of the pots, which are strung on it so that the largest of them is at the bottom. Soil is added to the resulting vertical flower beds and petunias are planted with the addition of multi-colored marigolds.

    The second option can be made from pots of the same size, also strung on a metal rod, but located obliquely, at an angle of 45°. You can make such a flowerbed with your own hands within an hour.

    As they grow, green shoots and colorful flowers will cover the surface flower pot(Fig. 3).

    An interesting solution is to alternate petunias with other plants that have bright flowers(lobelia or matthiola).

    When watering, water should flow into each container. Watering is carried out as it dries.

    Blooming balls

    You can make a DIY hanging flowerbed from a small amount of materials using a few tools. A simple option Do-it-yourself petunia flowerbeds is an original, hanging spherical flowerbed made of mesh that is suitable for use for several seasons in a row. To complete this you will need the following materials:

    • wire different thicknesses or metal mesh;
    • polyethylene film;
    • epoxy resin;
    • pliers;
    • universal soil;
    • sphagnum;
    • petunia seedlings;
    • violet seedlings.

    The operating algorithm is simple:

    • the wire or mesh is bent with pliers, a sphere is formed;
    • the wire is covered epoxy resin to prevent corrosion phenomena;
    • A film is placed inside the ball in such a way that it remains possible to water the plants (or a tube is installed in the upper part of the ball through which watering will be carried out);
    • wet soil is placed into the cavity of the ball with the film;
    • holes are made in the film outside (every 7-10 cm) into which plants are planted;
    • the flowerbed-ball is hung in a well-lit area.

    You can plant flowers of the same color in a spherical flowerbed, but plants planted in tiers or chaotically mixed specimens of different colors will look more original.

    Pyramid of fence mesh

    Every gardener and florist is interested in knowing how to independently equip a flower garden for petunia and other flowers with your own hands from an ordinary mesh.

    The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

    • the base of the structure is a large-diameter flowerpot purchased in a store;
    • a mesh is fixed in the flowerpot, rolled up in the required way, inside of which there is geotextile;
    • from above the cavity is filled with peat mixed with universal soil and a small amount of sand;
    • After the structure is securely fastened, holes are made in the mesh cells at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, into which petunia seedlings are planted with the addition of marigolds along the lower tier.

    Such a pyramid can be from 1 to 4 m in height. It can easily fit into the space of any site.

    Wall planters

    An original and very easy to make option are wall paintings.

    Such vertical flower beds are placed near a plain, dim wall.

    There are several options for how to decorate a colorful flower pot on the wall with your own hands using available materials and get exclusive vertical flower beds.

    Ground cover and succulent plants, which have a powerful, rapidly growing root system and, thanks to this, are well fixed on the vertical surface of a DIY petunia bed.

    The following materials can serve as the basis for such a pot:

    • industrial pallets placed on edge vertically against the wall;
    • fabric bags attached to the wall, from which original pockets with soil and planted flowers are made;
    • mounted on the wall plastic bottles, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, etc.

    Do-it-yourself flower beds installed along the walls can be made from a homemade tray (knocked together in the shape of an industrial pallet), which has one wall covered with plywood, adjacent to the wall of the building.

    To prevent soil from spilling out of the structure made in the form of a flowerbed with your own hands, a mesh and geotextiles or plastic film are installed inside.

    Pipe structures

    If there are any left on the farm Construction Materials in the form of pipes or it is possible to specially purchase ordinary pipes made of plastic or metal, you can make a colorful unusual flower garden in the form of a vertical petunia flowerbed with your own hands.

    You need to have 2 pipes of different diameters. The wider one needs to be securely fastened in the desired position. This can be done vertically (like a column) or horizontally (along a wall). Then you should insert the narrow pipe into the wide one. IN outer pipe It is necessary to make holes for planting seedlings. The inner pipe also needs small holes to allow excess water to drain through after watering.

    Fine gravel is placed in the space between the pipes, then soil. Seedlings are planted through holes in the prepared soil.

    Vertical flower beds are a way to decorate a garden or city plot, allowing you to place color accents in the space, expand it and fill it with unusual content.

    Do-it-yourself flower beds are made from the simplest, often unnecessary materials. After that, they turn into real works of art.

    Create beauty with your own hands!