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Peonies, in comparison with other decorative garden flowers, are considered quite resistant to diseases and pests. But they can also get sick. Those who are going to or are already growing these beautiful flowers definitely need to know what difficulties may arise and how to overcome them. The main problems are peony diseases and pest damage. Each case has its own features and methods of struggle.

Did you know? When it rains, peony flowers fold their petals so that a vault is formed above the stamens. At night the flower closes to protect its pollen.

How to deal with peony pests

Not many pests attack peonies. But still they exist, and they must be dealt with, since the damage they cause can ruin both the decorative effect and the life of the flower.

Root-knot nematodes

Root-knot nematodes settle and damage root system peonies. These are worms that cause the appearance of knotty swellings in the roots. After the disintegration of such swellings, the nematodes go into the soil and penetrate the roots of another plant. Plants whose roots are damaged by root-knot nematodes die. To avoid infecting a large number of plants, the peony bush affected by nematodes must be removed from the plantation and burned. And the soil where it grew must be disinfected.

Another pest that affects peonies is cutworm butterfly caterpillars. These insects chew out the buds of the plant. Appear on flower bushes that grow in shade or partial shade.

To protect your flower garden from these caterpillars, Weeds need to be destroyed, especially flowering ones. This deprives the cutworm butterflies of the nectar they feed on and depletes them.

Turf ant

The sod ant infects peony buds and eats flower petals. He also likes the release of buds. With its vital activity the insect disrupts appearance flower.

The turf ant has an elongated body (4-7 mm long) red- yellow color. They live in the soil and form nests in the form of mounds.

To get rid of turf ants, you need to spray the plant with a 0.1-0.2% solution of Karbofos and water the nest with it. You can also water the nest with an insecticidal solution and cover it with soil.

Did you know? If a strongly blooming peony is lowered for 10 minutes hot water, and then in the cold - the flower will close.

Bronze beetles very often infect peony flowers. These pests are clearly visible if they appear on a plant. Beetles feed on the petals, pistils and stamens of flowers. They are attracted light shades flower and strong smell.

Bronze beetles live and breed in soils rich in manure and plant debris. To combat them, a plant you need to spray it with hellebore infusion or a preparation to combat insects.


Aphids are small green insects. They accumulate around the flower buds, on the tops of the shoots. If a plant is heavily affected by aphids, it noticeably weakens, because the aphids absorb all the juices.

If the plant is slightly affected, pests can be collected by hand and washed off with water pressure. Treatment with a soapy solution may also be effective.

If there are a large number of aphids, peonies need to be treated with a systemic insecticide - "Aktellik", "Fitoverm". Also, plants affected by aphids are treated iron sulfate, "Karbofos", "Chlorophos".

The fine hop worm develops from spring to August. In the initial stage of development (in the form of a caterpillar), this pest gnaws the roots. Externally, the caterpillar is yellow in color with black hairs and has a brown head.

Female and male of different colors. The male's forewings are silvery-greenish on top and fade to black. The female has yellow wings above and gray below. Thin weaver lays eggs on the fly. Pupation occurs in the soil in a light cocoon.

A peony damaged by hop weed grows slowly. Therefore it is worth prevent damage by this pest by loosening the soil and destroying weeds.


During the growing season, you can often find thrips on peonies. They are especially harmful during the budding period, as they suck the juice from the petals.

Thrips are very small, and traces of eating the petals from them are visually invisible. They can overwinter under the soil, so to combat them you need to use a 0.2% solution of Karbofos, tincture of yarrow or dandelion. Peonies need to be treated periodically with these products.

The rapeseed flower beetle is a small dark blue bug. Its larvae and adults damage the stamens and pistils of peonies. You can fight it by spraying the flower bush with hellebore infusion and insect repellent preparations.

The main diseases of peonies, methods of their treatment

Peony diseases are divided into viral and fungal. Any of them significantly affect the decorative effect of the flower and its vital activity. Many symptoms of the disease are similar, and often only specialists can correctly identify them.

More common fungal diseases peonies. But there are often cases viral diseases. In addition, it was noticed that peonies can be simultaneously affected by both pathogens. Gardeners need to protect the plant from diseases throughout the summer season and take action immediately if any troubles arise.

Important! When planting peonies, you need to pay attention to the depth of the stem. The buds of the plant should be buried no more than 3-5 cm, otherwise the peony will not bloom.

Brown spot

This disease has a second name – cladosporiosis. When it infects peonies, the leaves of the plant become covered with shapeless brown spots, which gradually cover the entire surface. From the outside it looks like the leaves are burned. At high humidity, dark gray accumulations are visible on the inside of the leaves - spores of the fungus that causes this disease.

This disease usually affects the plant in early spring and June. Not only the leaves are infected, but also the buds and stems of the peony. Spores of the fungus that causes cladosporiosis overwinter on the cut leaves of the plant.

Root rotting

When transplanting, it is sometimes discovered that the peony root system is affected by rot. Roots affected by rotting turn brown and die.

On the surface of infected roots high humidity a whitish, pinkish or grayish coating appears. The infection can be picked up from contaminated soil, as well as when planting a plant with a diseased rhizome.

Peony diseases and their treatment require special attention flower growers, because the manifestations of many ailments are very similar, and often the same treatment methods are used for them, but are not always effective. We often see that leaves curl, turn black, buds dry out, and spots appear. The fight should be carried out immediately, but first you need to know the main signs, and then the drugs and remedies, how to treat the bushes and how to treat them...

Fungal diseases of peonies

Gray mold (botrytis)
Spreads in rainy days cold weather, usually in spring or closer to autumn. Young shoots are affected by rot at the very roots and fall. If the stems are already strong, dark rings appear on them. They literally eat away healthy tissue and the stem breaks. Leaves, buds, sepals, and flower petals at the very base are also affected by gray-brown spots.

Treatment is to treat peonies against diseases, and above all against gray rot, using fungicidal preparations, these are copper-containing agents, foundationazole, colloidal sulfur. Spraying is carried out at the very beginning of spring, and then two more times with an interval of 10-12 days. You can treat in turn with different preparations: Bordeaux mixture (100 g each copper sulfate and lime per bucket of water), then a solution of copper oxychloride (40 g per bucket of water) or colloidal sulfur (100 g per 10 liters of water).

Root rot
The disease manifests itself unexpectedly - the leaves of peonies turn black, starting from the tips, and then the stems. The roots rot, decompose, and the plant gradually dies.

Treatment: dig up the roots of peonies and thoroughly clean them of rot, immerse them briefly in a solution of the drug Maxim. Powder the cut areas with ash mixed with foundation in a ratio of 2:1. Then plant the bush in a new place according to all the rules, in a hole measuring 60x60 cm, mix compost or humus with ash and bone meal, fill the hole with fertile soil and not acidic soil, deepen the rhizome by 4-5 cm. Treat the remaining bushes with fungicidal preparations for prevention.

Rust of peonies usually appears after flowering. Brown spots with a purple border appear on the upper part of the leaf blade; red seals appear on the underside, in which spores ripen. Peonies' leaves curl, the affected bushes weaken, have difficulty withstanding frost, and bloom poorly. Rust is treated in the same way as gray mold - with fungicides, only the interval between sprayings is shorter - 7-10 days. Diseased leaves must be removed and burned.
Peony spotting - pictured Peony spotting - cladosporiosis, phyllosticosis, septoria
This different types spotting, but all of them are caused by fungi. Cladosporiosis is also called brown spotting, and septoria blight is brown - brown or yellowish spots appear on peony leaves, they can have a purple or dark border. The leaves dry, followed by the shoots. Spore carriers are attached to the leaves on the inside, which can overwinter even on a cut plant.

Treatment: peonies are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride or phytosprorin-M. Affected leaves and stems are cut off and burned.

Powdery mildew
This disease is also caused by a fungus that affects adult peonies. A white, untidy coating on the leaves is a mycelium with spores.

Treatment: this soap scum is also treated with soap. To do this, prepare a 0.5% solution soda ash, to which laundry soap is added. Spray in two doses, the second treatment is carried out after 7-10 days.

Viral diseases of peonies

Ring mosaic– the most common viral disease peonies. Scientists have found that it can be caused by five types of viruses: tobacco rattle, latent strawberry ringspot, raspberry ringspot, cucumber mosaic and alfalfa mosaic. The virus can be transmitted through planting material, soil, garden tools and even through insects - aphids and nematodes.

Signs of a ring mosaic are spots on peony leaves, rings, lines that form a variegated pattern of light green and yellow. Appears after flowering. Mosaic leaves look painful and spoil the decorative appearance of the bush. Whether it will interfere with the development of the plant depends on the variety. Some varieties of peonies do not suffer at all from the presence of a ring mosaic. Sometimes it disappears for several years and then flares up again.

Treatment: at the first signs of peony ring mosaic, tear off the affected leaves and remove them along with the stems. Some gardeners believe that the entire bush needs to be eliminated, others believe that there is no need to touch the peony; sooner or later it will cope with the virus on its own.

Pests of peonies

ants on a peony – in the photo

Aphid. Large concentrations of aphids weaken the plant. In addition, aphids, like nematodes, are also carriers of viruses. To combat aphids there is folk remedies– you can sprinkle the bush with ash, spray it with a solution of laundry soap. If there are too many insects, treat the peony with karbofos, chlorophos or iron sulfate.

Ants- frequent inhabitants of peony bushes, which bring aphids with them, so getting rid of ants means preventing aphids from beautiful bushes. The remedies listed above can be used if the peony is attacked by turf ants, thrips or rapeseed flower beetle.

Preventive measures:

Peony diseases and their treatment may never complicate the life of a gardener if you take preventive measures. Promotes the development of diseases high acidity soil and excess nitrogen in it, heavy soil, proximity groundwater, thickened plantings. Therefore, the soil must be deoxidized and loosened, and the area drained if necessary. TO clay soil add sand. Plant plants at a considerable distance from each other.

In autumn it is necessary to cut the stems and burn them. Particular care should be taken to destroy the affected parts of the plant. As a preventive measure, spray peonies with fungicidal preparations starting in early spring. Feed the bushes with microelements and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Sometimes gardeners ask why peony buds dry out if the plants do not show any signs of disease? The reason may be poor care: the soil is overdried and poor in microelements. Therefore, regularly feed and water the bushes. If they weaken, then peony diseases and their treatment will cause you much more trouble than all preventive measures.

Peonies, when compared with other garden flowers, are quite resistant to various ailments. But they can also get sick and be attacked. harmful insects. Among insect pests, peonies do not have many enemies. But there are quite a lot of diseases that can affect these luxurious flowers.

Diseases that can harm a flower can be divided into the following categories: fungal and viral.

The main reason for the development of fungal diseases of peonies is high humidity air. Thus, crops are affected by gray mold in cold, rainy weather in spring and summer. But humid, warm weather promotes the development of rust. Factors that increase the risk of fungal diseases are also excess nitrogen in the soil and significant shading of plantings.

Viral diseases affect peonies regardless of weather conditions. They can be transmitted from other vegetable and fruit crops, such as tobacco, cucumber, raspberry through common garden tools, contact through the soil and spread by insects.

Gray rot of peonies

Or botrytis. This disease is one of the most dangerous because it affects all parts of the plant: stems, leaves, buds. If young shoots on peonies wither in the spring, the cause is most often gray rot. As the disease develops, a gray coating (mold) can be detected on the plant.

The disease can also be identified by brown spots around the stem near the root collar. A sick peony eventually withers and dies. Gray rot spreads especially quickly in damp, cloudy weather.

Fighting gray rot of peonies

Diseased areas should be immediately cut off and destroyed. For winter, the stems of the plant should be cut short. In spring, it is advisable to spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Also, one of the methods of prevention is the fight against ants that can carry diseases. If gray rot has already manifested itself, it is necessary to water the peonies with a 0.6% Tirama suspension and first cut off all the affected parts of the plant.

Rust of peonies

Rust on peonies is very easy to distinguish from many other diseases characteristic of this plant. The leaves of a diseased specimen become covered with brown, orange or reddish pad spots consisting of fungal spores. If measures to eliminate the disease are not taken in time, the spores will be carried by the wind, and the disease will be transmitted to other plants.

Fighting peony rust

To save peonies and prevent the spread of rust, it is necessary to promptly remove diseased leaves and burn them. The plant should also be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Mosaic of peony leaves

This viral disease manifests itself as spots on the leaves of peonies. With ring mosaic, the leaf blades of plants are covered with light green stripes, alternating with dark green, which thereby create a mosaic pattern. Also, with this disease, small necrotic spots may appear on peony leaves.

Fighting mosaic of peony leaves

The disease cannot be cured. Diseased specimens must be urgently removed from the flower garden and destroyed.

Peony powdery mildew

More often powdery mildew Adult peonies are already getting sick. The disease can be identified by a whitish coating on the upper part of the leaves. Fortunately, the disease does not cause too much harm, but it still needs to be dealt with.

Fighting powdery mildew on peonies

Peonies infected with powdery mildew must be sprayed with a 0.5% solution of soda ash with the addition of laundry soap. 8-10 days after the first treatment, you need to carry out a second one. Also, spraying with a 0.2% Figon solution helps in the fight against powdery mildew on peony.

Lemoine's disease

The causes of this disease in peonies are unknown. It can be identified by the following signs: the plants become smaller, the shoots develop poorly, there is no flowering, and swelling may occur on the roots (which also grow poorly). Lemoine's disease is easily confused with damage to peony by root-knot nematode. Because of this, there is even an opinion that the pest may be the cause of the disease.

Fighting Lemoine's disease of peonies

A plant affected by Lemoine's disease cannot be cured. It must be removed from the flower garden and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.

Verticillium wilt of peonies

Most often, this disease makes itself felt during the flowering of peonies. If the plants look healthy, but for some unknown reason their leaves and stems begin to wilt, the flowers are most likely withering from verticillium wilt.

The pathogen penetrates inside the plant. Wilting can be determined by darkened vessels on a cross section of the shoot. It is difficult to get rid of the disease, since the pathogen can overwinter in the roots or root collar.

Controlling verticillium wilt of peonies

It is impossible to save the plant; it must be dug up along with the earthen lump and burned. The hole formed after digging up a diseased specimen should be shed bleach or formaldehyde.

Peony leaf spot

On bottom side leaves, fungal spores are visible along the edges and tips, and blue, purple or light brown spots form on the upper side in these places.

Fighting leaf spot on peonies

Sick plants must be destroyed. Sparse planting of bushes and moderate application helps prevent the disease. nitrogen fertilizers. In damp weather, if there is a threat of mass infection, peonies should be treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Peony root rot

Peonies are also affected by pathogenic fungi from the genera Fusarium, Sclerotinia, Rhizoctonia, and Phytophtora. The disease is rare and it is quite difficult to distinguish between different rots. Externally, the disease manifests itself in the sudden blackening of the stems and their wilting in the middle of summer. The dug up roots look brown, softened to mucus, and produce bad smell. The affected bush is dug up and destroyed.

Fighting root rot of peonies

Preventive measures include: using healthy planting material, correct execution planting, the use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and microelements, the use, if necessary, of fungicidal preparations: copper sulfate, "Homa", "Fundazol" (0.2%) and others indicated in the table below.

If peonies do not receive proper attention, the bushes may suffer from an invasion of insect pests. Let's look at the most common of them.

Ants on peonies

Ants are considered pests of peonies, citing the fact that they suck the juice from the buds and, settling under the peony, destroy the plant. But experienced gardeners They believe that if there is any harm from ants, it is very small. During the budding period, ants feast on the nectar that is on the bud. If this irritates you, wash the buds with warm water. IN last years a new population of ants has appeared, which settle on the buds and greatly deplete them, interfering with flowering.

Fighting ants on peonies

To get rid of ants on peonies as quickly as possible, you need to spray the buds with a Fufanon solution. As for the settlement of ants under a peony, this means that the plant is seriously sick and severely rotten. And ants are not the reason, but a clear signal of trouble. Ants do not settle under a healthy peony. You will have to dig up such a plant and sort it out on the spot.

Aphids on peonies

These small greenish insects accumulate on the tops of shoots, around buds, flowers and drink juices from the plant. With a large concentration of aphids, the plant quickly weakens.

Fighting aphids on peonies

If the number of aphids is small, it is enough to collect the pests by hand or remove them with strong pressure of water (you can use a soap solution). If there are a lot of insects, you need to treat the peonies with “Fitoverm” or “Aktellik” (according to the instructions).

Root-knot nematodes on peonies

These pests primarily damage the roots of peonies, causing the formation of galls on them, shaped like balls with a diameter of 3-5 mm. They are especially noticeable at the ends of the roots. Nematodes, microscopic worms, reproduce inside the galls and then penetrate the soil and infect other roots. Plants are stunted and stop blooming. Nematodes can be recognized by their nodular swellings. These little worms are localized in them.

Fighting nematodes on peonies

Unfortunately, there is nothing left to do but remove the affected plants from the area and burn them so that the nematodes do not spoil other bushes. After this, the soil should be disinfected with a 1% Formalin solution. To prevent this from occurring dangerous pest, it is necessary to carefully select planting material, dig the soil deeply before planting and dispose of all plant residues when cleaning the site.

Bronze on peonies

This golden-yellow-backed beetle is especially dangerous from May to August. It eats petals, stems and leaves of peonies.

Fighting bronco on peonies

To get rid of bronze, loosen the soil more often at the end of summer (during the period of pupation of the pest). Pick up beetles by hand every morning. During budding, you can spray the bushes with infusion of tomato tops or chemical insecticides.

Fine hop strands on peonies

The caterpillars of this insect pose a danger to peonies. They eat the roots of the plant. As a result, peonies stop growing and bloom poorly.

Fighting hop borer on peonies

You should regularly loosen the soil under the plants and remove weeds. If pests are detected, it is necessary to spray the bushes with the preparation "Iskra" (according to the instructions).

Thrips on peonies

These small black insects and their larvae are quite often found on peonies during their growing season. But thrips cause more damage during budding, as they suck the juice from the petals. Moreover, often no traces of thrips are visible on the flowers, because these insects are very small.

Fighting thrips on peonies

To combat thrips, it is necessary to spray peonies several times a season with a 0.2% solution of Karbofos, tincture of dandelion or yarrow.

From the table below you can find out how and when to treat peonies against diseases and pests.

A drug Diseases and pests Processing condition/term Processing method Application rate
copper (HOM)
Root rot
Watering under
base of the bush
0.5% solution
with repeat treatment after 10 days
Botrytis When symptoms of the disease appear Watering under
base of the bush.
the plant itself
0.5% solution
with repetition of processing
after 10 days
Alirin Root and basal rot
Late blight
Before boarding Entering into landing hole and twice watering during the growing season 1 tablet/1 liter of water
Powdery mildew
Late blight
Gray rot
During the growing season Spraying (2-3 times) until the symptoms of the disease disappear 2-3 tablets/1 liter of water.
Effective at temperatures above 7°C
Maksim Gray rot
Root rot
Before boarding Soaking the cuttings (for 30 minutes) 2 ml/2 l water
During the growing season Watering the soil 2 ml/1 l water
Fitosporin M Mushrooms and
Before boarding Soaking the cuttings
10 drops / 200 ml water
Powdery mildew
During the growing season Spraying 20 drops / 200 ml water
Agat-25K Powdery mildew
Before boarding Tillage 3-5 g/1 l water
During the growing season Spraying 1 -3 g/1 l water
Alirin B Root and basal rot
Late blight
Before boarding Tillage 1 tablet/l liter of water
Gamair Bacterial spots
Late blight
Powdery mildew
During the growing season Watering 2 tablets/10 liters of water
Preventive spraying before and after flowering 2 tablets/1 liter of water
Topaz Fungal diseases At the beginning of the growing season Preventive
2-4 ml/10 l water
In case of severe damage Spraying 10 ml/10 l water
Falcon Rust
Powdery mildew
Black spot
During the growing season Spraying Prevention
5 ml/10 l water
Leaf treatment
at both sides
10 ml/10 l water
Fufanol Insect pests When pests appear Spraying 10 ml/l water
Spark Ants, beetles,
When pests appear Spraying According to instructions
Karbofos Insect pests When pests appear Spraying 30 g/5 l water
Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) Preventative treatment
planting material
Before boarding Spraying cuttings 2-3 g/10 l water


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The most common diseases of peonies are gray mold (botrytis), rust and ring mosaic of leaves.
Gray rot(causative agent - Botrytis paeonie, B. cinerea). This is one of the most dangerous and most common diseases of peonies. In our floriculture zone, gray rot affects stems, buds, leaves, underground part plants. Young shoots are most often affected in the spring during the regrowth period. A gray coating appears at the base of the stem, then the stem here darkens, breaks and falls. Large brown spreading spots appear at the tips of the leaves. The leaves become deformed and dry out. Small buds turn black and also dry out. Larger buds open halfway, only on one side, the edges of the blossoming petals turn brown and dry out, and the flowers turn out disfigured. The disease develops especially actively in damp and cold spring. During the budding period, gray rot often affects top part stems, buds and leaves.
Fungal spores overwinter on plant debris, peony rhizomes, top layer soil near the bush. The disease develops more intensely in severe, clay soils and in areas with close groundwater, in dense, poorly ventilated plantings, as well as in places flooded by spring melt water. The development of the disease is promoted by excess nitrogen fertilizers. Early-flowering forms of officinalis peony and many hybrids are especially strongly affected. If the infection is severe, the entire plant may die.
The fight against the disease is carried out in two directions. The first direction involves proper agricultural technology: unthickened plantings; regular loosening of the soil; avoiding overfeeding with mineral fertilizers; removal and burning in the fall, immediately after pruning, of all plant residues and above-ground parts of peony bushes on the site; drainage of the site in case of close groundwater. Another direction is preventive measures to destroy fungal spores using chemical antifungal drugs - fungicides. The use of fungicides does not replace the complex agrotechnical activities, but only complements it. With poor agricultural practices, fungicides do not protect against the disease, since weakened plants, as a rule, are not able to resist the disease.
Exists a large number of fungicidal drugs. Most of them are toxic and require great care when used. On personal plots Only the least toxic drugs can be used. At the time of germination, fungal spores are quite easily vulnerable even to non-toxic fungicides - copper oxychloride, copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, etc. The only condition their successful application - compliance with exact processing times.
Usually two or three times preventive treatment with an interval of 10-12 days: first - watering the bushes with one of the fungicide solutions at the beginning of the growing season when buds appear above the ground (2-ZL solution per bush); the second and third - spraying the plants with one of the fungicide solutions. Subsequently, when gray rot appears on the stems, they are immediately cut out to the rhizome and the affected area is filled with one of the fungicides (1 liter of solution per bush).
Least toxic fungicides:
copper sulfate (50-70 g per 10 liters of water);
copper oxychloride (60-70 g per 10 liters of water);
colloidal sulfur (60-100 g per 10 liters of water);
Bordeaux mixture (100 g of copper sulfate and 75 g of quicklime); the components are dissolved separately, then a solution of copper sulfate is poured into the lime solution and the mixture is topped up with water to 10 liters;
Burgundy liquid - prepared in the same way as Bordeaux liquid, but instead of lime, soda is taken in the same amount;
potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - 3 g per 10 liters of water;
lime-sulfur decoction (200 g of sulfur and 100 g of lime per 10 liters of water); quicklime quench in a small amount of water and then add sulfur powder. Add water to 10 liters and boil for 1 hour; the resulting mother solution is diluted before use in the ratio of 200 g of solution per 10 liters of water.
Good results in preventing the fight against gray mold are obtained by spraying peonies in the fall with a solution of nitrafen in a concentration of 200 g per 10 liters of water after pruning and burning the above-ground parts of the plants. Of the methods of plant protection that are harmless to humans and animals, amateurs most often use treatment with garlic infusion (3-5 g of ground garlic per 1 liter of water).
Rust. A dangerous fungal disease, very common in some years. After flowering (in conditions middle zone- first half of July) yellowish-brown spots with a purple tint appear on the leaves. Fungal spore pads are visible on the back of the leaves. The spores are carried by the wind and infect new plants.
The disease spreads quickly - in two to three days, especially in humid, warm weather, peony bushes can be affected over large areas. The leaves curl and dry out. Savings stop nutrients in old roots and the growth of new ones, which negatively affects the formation and development of renewal buds, and, consequently, the flowering of the next year. Plants are weakened, and the likelihood of them being affected by other fungal diseases, in particular gray rot, increases.
The fungus, the causative agent of rust, develops in the second half of summer on pine trees, in the branches of which the mycelium persists and overwinters. To prevent rust, as well as other fungal diseases, great importance has a set of agrotechnical measures given above. Plants are sprayed prophylactically with fungicides after flowering at intervals of seven to ten days, as well as immediately when signs of disease appear. You can use the fungicides listed above to prevent gray mold. Such preventive spraying in combination with a set of agrotechnical measures can minimize plant damage. At the first sign of disease, leaves should be cut off and burned.
According to many years of observations, various varieties peonies are affected differently by rust. All varieties can be divided into three groups according to their tendency to be affected by this disease:
severely affected by rust (massive damage to leaves, wilting of the entire bush - Albatre, Graziella, Duchess de Nemours, Marcella, Cornelia Shaylor, Phase Top, all forms of officinalis;
moderately affected varieties (presence of heel, damage to a small number of leaves) - Argentina, Anchantress, Iceberg, Akron, Blush Queen, White Sail, Gladys Hodson, Dr. Bretour, Inspector Lavsrn, Lady Kate, Le Signe, Mazere Choice, Nadezhda, Nick Shaylor , Torch Song, Felix Supreme;
not affected - A. E. Kundred, Amalia Olson, Arkady Gaidar, Alice, Anne Cousins, Ballerina, Belle Doisier, Beat Red, Boomer Sooner, Bowl of Cream, Beat Ben, Varenka, Vechernyaya Moscow, Gardenia, Glory Hallelujah, J.C. , Dixie, John G. Widgell, Dandy Dan, Ensign Mariarty, Ze Fleece, Kansas, Carl Rosenfield, Casablanca, Lillian Gumm, Linnaeus, Lady Orchid, Marilla Beauty, Margaret Clark, Mont Blanc, Myrtle Gentry, Miss America, Monsieur Jules Ely, Mary Brand, Neon, Opost Desser, Orlando Robert, Otens Red, Memory of Paustovsky, Memory of Gagarin, Peppermint, Pink Lemonade, Victory, Princess Margaret, Rayona Line, Red Red Rose, Red Kapit, Red Dandy, Raspberry Sunday, Sarah Bernhardt, Seedling. 310/59, Sinbad, Solange, Sir John Franklin, Solveig, Walter Msins, Felix Crusse, Festiva Maxima, Philippe Rivoire, Florence Ellis, Evangein Newhall, Helen Cowley, Edwin C. Bills.
Using the above list, amateur flower growers may not carry out preventive rust spraying of all peony plantings, but select only those varieties that are susceptible to this disease, or exclude such varieties from the collection. Most varieties of domestic selection are not affected by rust or are affected to an insignificant extent.
Ring mosaic of leaves(causative agent - Paeonia virus). Viral disease. Light green and yellowish stripes, rings, and half-rings form on the leaves between the veins, which reduces the decorativeness of the bushes, but does not reduce the growth and abundance of flowering. The disease can be spread by using the same knife to cut flowers or trim stems from diseased and healthy plants without intermediate thermal disinfection of instruments. Both diseased and healthy shoots grow on the bushes at the same time. During the period of bud dissolution, diseased shoots should be cut down to the rhizome and burned. In case of severe damage or repeated manifestation of the disease, the plant is destroyed entirely.
Brown spot or septoria(causative agent - Septoria macrospora). The disease appears on leaves in June - July as bilateral brown-brown rounded or elongated spots with a darker rim. At first, single spots appear, then they merge. First of all, the lower, older leaves are affected, then the disease spreads higher up the stem, and all the leaves can dry out. The disease weakens the plant, affecting its winter hardiness and flowering next year.

Brown spot, or cladosparia.(causative agent - Cladosporium paeoniae). The disease manifests itself in the form of large brown spots, growing, they merge and cover the entire leaf, which looks like it is burned. Elongated red-brown spots form on young shoots. The entire stem darkens and becomes covered with smoky sporulation of the fungus.
CONTROL MEASURES: spraying with one of the preparations: 0.6-0.7% solution of copper oxychloride, 1-2% solution of Bordeaux mixture or 0.2-0.3% foundationazole. The first spraying is immediately after flowering. As needed - every 10-12 days.
Powdery mildew. Peonies are affected by it in late summer. A rare cobweb coating forms on the upper part of the leaves. Fortunately, this disease occurs on peonies. great harm does not bring and does not occur too often. CONTROL MEASURES: it is possible to spray plants when the first signs of disease appear with a solution of soda ash and soap.
Phyllosticosis. Initially, small brown spots with a dark purple rim form on the leaves. Later, the spots increase in size, become round or oblong, become lighter in the center and become covered with numerous convex dark dots. Illness with strong development causes premature drying of leaves.
COMBAT MEASURES: the main measure has always been prevention - eliminating the causes, causing disease. Therefore, do not plant peonies on too heavy, overly moist soils with increased acidity; do not allow dense plantings that impede air circulation; cut out diseased parts of the plant in a timely manner and trim off faded flowers, preventing them from falling onto the leaves; in winter, cut peonies to ground level and remove any plant debris; systematically carry out preventive spraying of plants at least three times - at the beginning of shoot growth and the appearance of leaves, during budding and after flowering with one of the preparations: 0.6-0.7% copper oxychloride solution, 1-2% Bordeaux solution liquids or 0.2-0.3% foundationazole.

The showy flowers and lush foliage of peonies make these flowers one of the most popular flowers for amateur gardeners and landscapers. Unfortunately, like everyone else garden plants, peonies are threatened by diseases and pests, and without taking any measures to combat them, you can easily deprive your area of ​​these beautiful flowers.

This material is devoted to how to protect flower beds from various misfortunes.

Peony diseases: rust, powdery mildew, gray rot and brown spot

Here you will learn about the most common diseases of peonies and how to combat them in your garden.

Rust. Peony rust disease is fungal disease, which affects peony leaves. They are covered on both sides with yellow-brown spots. Moreover inner side The leaves are covered with yellow-orange spots, which are clusters of spores.

Control measures. To avoid damage to plants by this disease, it is necessary to promptly collect and burn plant debris and dig up the area. In addition, in the spring, peonies should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. It is important to know that a potential catalyst for the development of rust is proximity to garden plot pine trees To avoid having to treat peonies for this disease, do not plant plants next to conifers.

Powdery mildew. Peony leaves are susceptible to this disease. Look at the photo of this disease of peonies: leaves affected by powdery mildew look as if they are covered with a coating, under which they first turn yellow and then die completely.

Control measures. Plant debris should not be left on the site. For spraying, use a soap-copper solution at the rate of 200 g of green soap and 20 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.

Gray rot. Peonies suffer from this disease most often. Gray rot affects stems, foliage, buds, and underground parts of the plant. As a rule, this disease affects the young generation of shoots, especially during the period of their active regrowth, i.e. with the onset of spring. The disease can be identified by a grayish coating that covers the base of the stem, after which it begins to darken.

If measures are not taken in time, the stem will break and fall. Damp and cold weather is favorable for this disease.

Gray rot affects plants throughout the growing season.

Control measures. First of all, agricultural practices must be observed. Peonies need to ensure timely loosening of the soil and watering, regular weeding, and the introduction of high-quality fertilizers.

With the onset of autumn, the stems of the plants are cut down to the ground, after which the cut stems are immediately burned. In early spring Peony plantings are treated with fungicides to prevent the disease.

Brown spot. This disease often affects peony leaves. Moreover, the likelihood of its development depends on air humidity. The higher the humidity, the higher the possibility of plant damage. Uneven brown or dark purple spots appear on the leaves. At the beginning of the disease, the size of the spots is insignificant, but after some time they cover the entire leaf, moving to the buds. The affected buds begin to fall off.

Control measures. You can fight brown spot with the same means as rust.

Peony pests: caterpillars, butterflies, ants and beetles

In addition to diseases, peonies are also threatened by pests; photos and measures to combat them are presented below.

Root-knot nematodes. Almost every gardener has heard about these pests of peonies, as they are the most common. As a habitat, root-knot nematodes choose the root system of peonies, which under their influence becomes covered with nodular formations. As soon as the affected part of the plant's rhizome disintegrates, the pests move to the next undamaged root.

Control measures. It is quite difficult to combat this pest, so it is recommended to carry out preventive measures. It is important to regularly inspect the root system of peonies. Before planting a new seedling on the site, it needs to be checked to make sure that the pest has not affected the roots. It is also recommended to add complete mineral fertilizer, after which it needs to be dug up. At the end of the growing season, all plant debris must be removed and destroyed.

Caterpillar of the moth and hop moth. Look at the photo: this pest of peonies gnaws out the buds of plants that grow in a completely shaded or shaded place. The root system of peonies can be endangered by the hop moth caterpillar.

Control measures. As a control measure, pheromone traps or containers with fermented kvass are hung at a height of 1 m. They destroy weeds, especially flowering ones, in order to deprive cutworm butterflies of nectar for nutrition and lead to their exhaustion.

Turf ant. This pest attacks the buds, eating the petals. In addition, it feeds on the secretions of the buds.

Control measures. To combat this pest of peonies, plants and the soil around them should be treated special drugs deterrent effect. You can prepare the products yourself or use ready-made ones.

Bronze beetle. The pest feeds on petals, stamens, and pistils of almost all plantings. Bronze beetle larvae live in manure or on plant debris.