home · electrical safety · Facial expressions in psychology. However, when the carrier of the anal vector experiences severe stress or lack of development and realization, we see a completely different picture. Exercises for beautiful and controlled facial expressions

Facial expressions in psychology. However, when the carrier of the anal vector experiences severe stress or lack of development and realization, we see a completely different picture. Exercises for beautiful and controlled facial expressions


« facial expressions human face»

1st year student

Group 131

specialties: General Medicine

Fedin A.D.


Panasenkova T.S.


Types of facial expressions…………………………………………………………….6

Emotional facial expression as a subject of facial expressions…….7

Determining facial expression……………………………..8

Methods for diagnosing emotions by facial expression…..9-10

Facial changes in the faces of patients……………………..11


List of sources used……………………….13


People often say one thing and think something completely different. Therefore, it is important to learn to understand their true state. When transmitting information, only 7% is communicated in words, 30% is expressed by the sound of the voice, and more than 60% goes through other non-verbal channels: gaze, facial expressions, etc.

People tend to say one thing and think something completely different, so it is very important to understand their true state. When transmitting information, only 7% of it is communicated through words (verbally), 30 percent is expressed by the sound of the voice (tones, intonation) and more than 60% goes through other non-verbal (looks, gestures, facial expressions, etc.) channels.

To correctly understand the speaker, it is advisable to evaluate what is being said in the inextricable connection of words, speech, pantomime and other “accompanying” communication, bringing your perception to some completeness.

People usually express the emotions they experience in their souls:

conventionally (standardly accepted in a given communication environment);

spontaneously (involuntarily).

When a partner tries not to reveal how he feels about what is being communicated, everything can be limited to a simple conventional non-verbal hint, which is sometimes true, but more often misleading.

People often weigh their words and control their facial expressions, but a person is able to simultaneously monitor no more than two or three of all reactions born within. Thanks to this “information leakage”, if you have the appropriate knowledge and experience, it is possible to identify those feelings and aspirations that the target would prefer to hide.

The reactions that arise involuntarily in people are purely individual and can be clearly read only with excellent knowledge of the partner. Failure to understand this point can lead to fatal self-deception in understanding another person.

When assessing personal expression, not only innate differences are taken into account, but also the influence of traditions, upbringing, environment and general life culture. It is desirable to be aware of both the background state (mood) of the individual and his reaction to some emerging stimulus (probe, action, situation).

Much more clearly than in men, the emotions present in women are visible, which are usually (though not always) easy to read. Success in hiding one’s feelings depends on the person’s nature (it is more difficult for a choleric person than for a phlegmatic person), accompanying circumstances (affectedness, surprise) and the experience of the perceiver.

When stimulating personal feelings, all expressive means are usually used in excess for greater persuasiveness. Don't forget this fact when assessing the sincerity of other people and trying to portray your experiences.

The experiences that arise in the soul of a person are highlighted in his appearance and movements in a very definite way - this is probably the simplest and least contradictory zone. We have found that many people do not understand at all that facial expressions can communicate. They never tried to understand how this happens.

During business negotiations, one can observe a wide range of facial expressions: at one extreme is the aggressively tough person who views negotiations as a place where it is necessary to “do or die.” This one usually looks you straight in the eyes, his eyes are wide open, his lips are firmly compressed, his eyebrows are furrowed, and he even sometimes speaks through his teeth, almost without moving his lips. At the other end of the spectrum is someone with impeccable manners, a childish gaze from under closed eyelids, a slight veiled smile, peacefully arched eyebrows, single fold on the forehead. He is likely to be a capable and communicative person who believes that collaboration is a dynamic process.

Under the influence of the feelings experienced by the individual, coordinated contractions and relaxations of various facial muscles are born, which determine the facial expression that perfectly reflects the emotions being experienced. Since it is not difficult to learn to control the state of the facial muscles, they often try to mask or even imitate the display of emotions on the face.

The sincerity of a human emotion is usually indicated by symmetry in the display of feelings on the face, while the stronger the falsehood, the more different are the facial expressions of the right and left half. Even easily recognizable facial expressions are sometimes very short-lived (fractions of a second) and often go unnoticed; To be able to intercept it, you need practice or special training. At the same time, positive emotions (joy, pleasure) are recognized more easily than negative ones (sadness, shame, disgust).

A person’s lips are particularly emotional, and they are not difficult to read (increased facial expressions or biting of lips, for example, indicate anxiety, while a mouth bent to one side indicates skepticism or ridicule).

A smile on the face usually shows friendliness or a need for approval. A smile for a man is a good opportunity to show that he is in control of himself in any situation. A woman's smile is much more truthful and more often corresponds to her actual mood. Since smiles display different motives, it is advisable not to rely too much on their standard interpretation:

excessive smiling - the need for approval;

a crooked smile is a sign of controlled nervousness;

a smile with raised eyebrows - readiness to obey;

smiling with lowered eyebrows - showing superiority;

a smile without lifting the lower eyelids is insincerity;

a smile with constant widening of the eyes without closing them is a threat.

Typical facial expressions that communicate emotions are:

joy: the lips are curved and their corners are pulled back, small wrinkles have formed around the eyes;

interest: eyebrows slightly raised or lowered, while eyelids slightly widened or narrowed;

happiness: the outer corners of the lips are raised and usually pulled back, the eyes are calm;

surprise: raised eyebrows form wrinkles on the forehead, the eyes are widened, and the slightly open mouth has a rounded shape;

disgust: eyebrows are lowered, the nose is wrinkled, the lower lip is protruded or raised and closed with the upper lip, the eyes seem to be squinting; the person seems to be choking or spitting;

contempt: eyebrows are raised, your face is drawn, your head is elevated, as if a person is looking down at someone; he seems to distance himself from the interlocutor;

fear: eyebrows are slightly raised, but have a straight shape, their internal corners shifted, horizontal wrinkles running across the forehead, eyes widened, the lower eyelid tense and the upper eyelid slightly raised, the mouth may be open and its corners pulled back (an indicator of the intensity of the emotion); when only the mentioned position of the eyebrows is present, then this is controlled fear;

anger: the muscles of the forehead are moved inward and downward, organizing a threatening or frowning expression in the eyes, the nostrils are widened, the wings of the nose are raised, the lips are either tightly compressed or pulled back, accepting rectangular shape and revealing clenched teeth, the face often turns red;

shame: the head is lowered, the face is turned away, the gaze is averted, the eyes are directed downwards or “run” from side to side, the eyelids are covered and sometimes closed; the face is flushed, the pulse is rapid, breathing is intermittent;

grief: eyebrows are drawn together, eyes are dull, and external corners lips are sometimes slightly lowered.

Knowing facial expressions during various emotions is useful not only for understanding others, but also for carefully practicing (usually in front of a mirror) your working imitations.

Thus, if facial expressions are the movement of facial muscles, reflecting the internal emotional state of a communication partner, then the mastery of facial expressions is necessary, in fact, for any person, but especially for those who, by the nature of their activities, have numerous contacts with people.

Facial expressions(from another - Greek μῑμέομαι - imitate) - “expressive movements of the facial muscles, which are one of the forms of manifestation of certain human feelings” or “movements of muscles in coordinated complexes, reflecting various mental states of a person.” “Approximately the same formulation of the latter is given in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, but instead of “reflecting” it is used “corresponding to various mental states.” It should be noted that these definitions place emphasis on the reflective function of facial expressions, on its correspondence to the state of the psyche. The physical state of the body, apparently, is combined with the mental state, which can hardly be considered fair<...>Besides important element facial expression is a gaze, depending on the size of the pupil, the color of the iris, the shine of the cornea, which are not controlled by somatic muscles.” In the definition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, only “feelings” are indicated as part of emotional processes, whereas it would be more correct to indicate many forms of experiences in the form of “emotional states of a person,” which explains the meaning of the term from a psychophysiological point of view. Among other things, from a pathological point of view, in the definition of the word “facial expressions” it is important to take into account somatic processes, since the face, according to Hippocrates, is the first indicator of the patient’s condition, by which one can judge the state of health and identify “a number of diseases of internal organs, which causes the appearance of quite unique mimes<...>". From artistic and theatrical points of view, facial expressions are the skill or ability to voluntarily use such muscle movements, which can be called “the art of expressing feelings and moods.”<...>", "through gestures, postures and various facial expressions (min)." For example, in the term of the beginning of the 20th century. from the dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language, edited by Pavlenkov, there was an approximate and incomplete unification of today's definitions of facial expressions, which was as follows:

“Muscle movement corresponding to the work of the brain. But this movement can be made artificially, both to achieve resemblance to someone, and for greater expressiveness of the expressed thought (theatrical facial expressions).”

In general, “as can be seen, the most precise definition there are no facial expressions yet.” Facial expressions refer to expressive movements and are one of the links in the chain various forms and methods of communication between people and between representatives of the animal world during biocommunication. At the same time, facial expressions, including physical ones, are usually called emotional expression, which are considered as the main defining components of emotions. In everyday life, facial expressions are called the “language of feelings”, facial expression or expression, expression of emotions or simply expressiveness.

Types of facial expressions

1 . According to I.A. Sikorsky, “facial facial expressions are conveniently divided into three groups that correspond to three main mental functions”:

· mind - the muscles surrounding the eyes are witnesses or exponents of mental acts;

· will - muscles surrounding the areas of the mouth that are associated with acts of will;

· feelings are, in general, the muscles of the face that are capable of expressing feelings.

2 . There are:

· involuntary (reflex) everyday facial expressions;

· voluntary (conscious) facial expressions as an element of acting, which consists of conveying the character’s state of mind through expressive movements of the facial muscles. She helps the actor in creating a stage image, in determining psychological characteristics, physical and mental state of the character.

Facial expressions, just like speech, can be used by a person to convey false information (that is, in order to show emotions that are not those that a person actually feels at one time or another).
3 . Forms of facial complexes

· Amimia, which means the absence of visible facial expressions; with low mobility, facial expressions speak of hypomimia;

· Tense facial expressions, accompanied by motor skills of a tightly closed mouth with corresponding tension in the upper part of the face;

· Facial expressions of interest, characterized by a slight raising or lowering of the eyebrows, slight expansion and narrowing of the eyelids, as if to increase the field of vision or sharpen the focusing of the eyes. Facial expressions of interest are found quite often, since they are determined by positive emotion and are a type of motivation in the development of skills, knowledge and intelligence;

· Smiling facial expressions. Despite its apparent simplicity, the facial expression of a smile is very polymorphic; it occurs infrequently during normal contact. A smile serves to pacify or distract from aggressive behavior; it appears when greeting.

Emotional facial expression as a subject of facial expressions

From the point of view of nonverbal psychology, facial expressions of a person are a very valuable source of information. From it we can determine what emotions a person experiences (anger, fear, sadness, grief, disgust, joy, satisfaction, surprise, contempt), as well as the strength of their manifestation. But despite the expressiveness of a person’s face, it is precisely this that often misleads us. However, expressiveness, facial expression or facial expressions and a person’s inner experiences are very difficult to separate from each other, which is why its concept includes the following components:

· denoted (designatum) - the main characteristic of the perceived personality;

· designation - a visual configuration that represents this characteristic;

· facilities - physical basis and manifestations (skin, muscles, wrinkles, lines, spots, etc.);

· interpretation - individual characteristics of perception, with which you need to be careful and attentive, since from birth we get used to patterns and stereotypes of behavior, where a formal smile or, conversely, an expression of sadness becomes part of everyday life.

Our facial expressions and gestures tell the world around us every day about what mood we are in and what our character is. Very often we would like to hide our true attitude to the subject under discussion, but facial expressions betray our thoughts. How to recognize if your business partner is lying to you or close friend and how to learn to control facial expressions yourself in order to remain a mystery to

those around you? Let's try to answer these questions and figure out what facial expressions mean.

Facial physiognomy is not as simple a science as it seems. Only professional psychologists can “read” 90% of a person’s true thoughts using the meaning of a person’s facial expressions. But it is enough for us to know a few simple secrets. To begin with, let's highlight a number of emotions that are easy to distinguish on the face of the interlocutor.

Astonishment. It can often be confused with fear. What these two emotions have in common are raised eyebrows and dilated pupils. Then the differences appear. When surprised, folds appear on the forehead. The mouth either straightens or the corners of the mouth lift upward, forming a smile. But if a person is scared, then his smile will become unnatural.

Pain or sadness. In pain, the lips are slightly raised, the face is almost the same as during physical pain. The eyebrows of the face are raised or brought closer to each other, creating a fold between the eyebrows. If a person is sad, his eyebrows will be drawn down so that his eyes are almost invisible. The shoulders will be compressed and the head will be lowered.

Disdain, distrust. A person with similar facial expressions will have a raised chin. It can be complemented by one raised eyebrow, as a symbol of insincere surprise or skepticism. Pursed corners of the mouth, pulled inward, also indicate mistrust.

Joy. This emotion is manifested in facial expressions human lung tension of all muscles. Wrinkles may form around the eyes. The lips are stretched into a smile.

Anger. Most often accompanied by aggression. The eyebrows are shifted towards the bridge of the nose and the muscles between the eyebrows are tense. When angry, the gaze will be directed directly at the interlocutor, and the corners of the lips will be lowered down.

Facial expressions - eyes

When reading a person's facial expressions, the eyes are the main assistant. You can only get confused if the person you are studying is left-handed. In this case, you need to study his facial expressions in a mirror manner.

  1. If a person looks to the left and up, he imagines some kind of visual image in his head.
  2. To the right and up - the interlocutor is trying to remember a familiar visual image from the past.
  3. If the interlocutor looks to the left, it means he is creating a sound image in his mind.
  4. If the interlocutor looks to the right, this indicates that he is trying to remember some kind of melody or sound line.
  5. If you see the position of the eyes to the left and down, it means the person is trying to remember a kinetic image (taste, smell or sensation). (exceptions are sounds or pictures)
  6. If a person looks to the right and down, this indicates an internal dialogue occurring at the moment. Or your interlocutor is thinking deeply about something.

Facial expressions - lips

Using the mouth and lips area different times interpreted the character of a person and his state of health. There are 7 types of lips based on shape and size:

  1. Plump, juicy lips are found in talkative people with a lively and open character who are distinguished by their easy temperament and friendliness.
  2. Thin small lips with soft outlines are found in generous, intelligent and honest people.
  3. Bow lips show such character traits as coquetry, frivolity, and sometimes insincerity.
  4. Thin but long lips are characteristic of gentle people, as well as eloquent and witty people.
  5. Lips that are harmonious in all respects speak of a harmonious personality that combines different character traits.
  6. A large upper lip is characteristic of a powerful and restrained person, subordinate to reason and rationality at the expense of emotions.
  7. People with thick lips have strong character, self-controlled, but sensual and pleasure-loving.

Facial expressions when lying

If you do not want to be deceived by your interlocutor, then when reading the facial expressions of his face, it is important to remember: insincerity of feelings is always asymmetry of the face. A person trying to deceive you will force their facial muscles to work differently than they want. This struggle with your own facial expressions is unlikely to go unnoticed by you. The hardest thing for a potential liar to do is fake his gaze. In practice, this turns out to be impossible. Therefore, when talking with your interlocutor, it is important to look into his eyes. If the glance is cursory, or the person looks from under his brows, they are trying to deceive you. True, if a quick glance is not directed at you from under the eyebrows, then this person is simply a coward. If your interlocutor looks directly at you, does not try to avert his gaze and hide his eyes, you can hardly doubt his sincerity.

To remain a mystery to your interlocutor and be able to maintain composure, a few exercises a day are enough. The main thing is to always keep a small mirror with you and remember a few simple techniques.

And finally. Don't try to characterize someone you don't know. The likelihood that you will make a mistake and misinterpret the person's character and emotions in this case is too great.

And if you want to remain invisible, try not to experience visible emotions. Don't look anyone in the eye, be calm and they won't notice you.

Under the influence of different emotions, facial muscles give the face a certain expression - facial expressions. The ability to distinguish basic facial expressions is acquired in children from an early age. Although small children cannot tell, they definitely feel the mood and facial expressions of the person who approaches them, and react accordingly - laugh cheerfully or cry.

In communication between teenagers and adults, more diverse facial expressions are used. Sometimes she is deliberately minimal to hide her emotions, but this is very difficult to do. Managing facial expressions to hide feelings is much more difficult than using gestures. But it’s very easy to emphasize emotions with facial expressions - smile wider or raise your eyebrows even more in surprise. Some people overexpress their emotions, which attracts undue attention to themselves. It tires those around you.

Each person experiences different emotions in life, they flow into one another and, when spontaneously expressed, are expressed naturally. There is no need to emphasize them at all. The predominance of certain emotions in a certain person is an integral part of his character.

During communication, the interlocutor’s face involuntarily attracts attention. It allows us to receive feedback - whether we were understood, how they reacted to our message, etc. Universal emotions that can be displayed facially are joy, surprise, fear, sadness, disgust, anger, contempt. They appear on the face as follows:

1) surprise- an instant facial reaction to something unexpected or new. It is very difficult to capture surprise on your face, however, there are people whose faces seem to be smiling all the time. Facial expressions of surprise: raised eyebrows, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, eyes wide open but without tension, mouth slightly open;

2) fear- anticipation of imminent pain or trouble that cannot be prevented. In a state of fear, a person's eyebrows are raised, but differently than when surprised. They are stretched and brought together at the bridge of the nose. Short wrinkles appear on the forehead. The eyes are tense and wide open, the lips are tensely stretched;

3) anger— arises as a physical threat. It may be an intention to cause some harm. Anger makes a person feel high arterial pressure, so the face turns red, veins swell on the temples and neck with strong anger. Breathing becomes more frequent, the face is distorted with a tense grimace. The eyebrows move at the bridge of the nose. There are vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. The outer ends of the eyebrows rise upward. Tense lips are compressed or can depict a grin - teeth are visible through the tensely open lips;

4) disgust- response facial reaction to bad smell, taste, sound, touch, etc. The eyebrows are lowered, and no special wrinkles appear. The eye slits narrow, the eyelids almost close. The corners of the mouth droop, and the mouth itself may be slightly open. The lips are tense. The tongue may stick out a little. Wrinkles appear on the nose;

5) joy- a pleasant feeling, corresponding to high spirits. Often combined with surprise, but not fixed on the face. Joy can be a mask under which negative emotions (anger, fear) are hidden. But false emotions are always quite easy to recognize by other signs (voice, breathing, gestures). When there is joy, there is no excessive tension on the face, eyebrows are almost not involved in facial expressions. The palpebral slits narrow slightly, the eyes shine. The corners of the lips are raised upward, stretched into a half-smile. It's a pleasant expression;

6) sadness- a facial reaction that is often associated with losses and failures. Normally, it does not appear for long and then a person’s usual facial expression appears. In a saddened person, the outer ends of the eyebrows are lowered down. Vertical wrinkles appear between the knitted eyebrows. Short wrinkles form in the middle of the forehead. The eyes are slightly open. The upper and lower eyelids form a triangle. The corners of the mouth are downturned.

Gaze is part of nonverbal communication. Looking at the interlocutor, you can notice all the changes in his face and posture, as well as gestures. During a conversation, people usually make eye contact periodically. You should refrain from constant or stare in the eyes, otherwise it will interfere with communication. When rivals or warring people are talking, they will avoid looking each other directly in the eyes. In ordinary communication, periodically glancing at the interlocutor, you maintain contact with each other, make it clear that you are friendly, give the impression of sociability, help you understand what was said, and you yourself better understand the interlocutor.

What is facial expression? Everyone knows general meaning this word, but not everyone knows complete information. Young children begin to understand the meaning of facial expressions at less than a year old, long before they begin to speak. They react very clearly to a person’s emotional state by his face and gaze.

Facial expressions, also known as facial expression, are movements of the facial muscles that occur under the influence of a person’s emotional state. What is the primary meaning of the word “facial expressions”? It is of Greek origin, from a root meaning “imitation.” Most of When talking, people focus their attention on the face of the interlocutor.

Facial expression analysis

Analysis of facial expressions is carried out:

  1. According to voluntary and involuntary aspects.
  2. According to physiological aspects, such as tone, strength, symmetry (or asymmetry).
  3. From sociocultural and psychological positions (connection of facial expressions with cultures, groups of various types).

Taken together, the information obtained through such analysis characterizes a person, his gender and age, profession, ethnic and social parameters, and emotional state during speech. Any complex of facial movements is characteristic of certain states and sets individual parameters, and at the same time uncharacteristic for others. When analyzing human facial expressions, it is important to take into account its fundamental characteristics: harmony, dynamics, variability. This means that changing any of these parameters can radically change the meaning of the entire facial picture.


The harmony of facial expressions is checked by analyzing the correspondence of the facial pattern different parts faces. The discrepancy between facial movements, for example, the upper and lower parts, may indicate that the subject is not speaking sincerely or is hiding his real attitude towards others.

Facial expressions are interconnected with other psychophysical aspects, for example, with physiognomic parameters and gaze characteristics. K. S. Stanislavsky characterized the latter as unmediated communication from soul to soul. Dynamic aspects of the gaze (direction towards the interlocutor or in the other direction, the time the gaze is held on the interlocutor, the rate of change of the above aspects) contain information about the attitude towards the interlocutor: “shooting with the eyes”, “making eyes”, “flirting with the eyes”, “measuring with the eyes” ”, “look down”, “watch out of the corner of the eye”, “catch the eye”, “call with the eyes”, “follow with the eyes”. People tend to identify eye movements with the moral and ethical characteristics and character of a person (a shifting gaze is a thief).

The importance of eye contact

When people come into contact with each other, they subconsciously choose various means communication, facial expressions are one of them. When analyzing the relationship between interlocutors, not only the proportion of time of eye contact, but also its breaking and restoration, as well as specific moments when it occurs and when it does not, is of decisive importance.

On average, in normal relationships, eye contact is maintained for 30 to 60% of the conversation. In positive relationship dynamics, the interlocutor prefers to maintain eye contact when listening rather than when speaking. The opposite happens with aggressive communication, and the frequency and activity of contact also increases. In favorable relationships, people are more likely to fix their gaze on their interlocutor when positive statements than with negative ones.

Visual dominance

The opposite situation may indicate an attempt by the interlocutor to dominate, to aggressively take the situation into his own hands. The visual dominance index (VID) is calculated using the formula “frequency of eye contact during listening/frequency of eye contact during speech” and characterizes the interlocutor’s desire to fight for dominance in communication. The lower this parameter, the stronger a person’s desire to dominate.

Often, the frequency of eye contact can characterize the inequality of interlocutors. It is believed that an interlocutor whose status is higher is less inclined to maintain visual contact. If there are several interlocutors and most often the views of the others are fixed on one of them, this characterizes his supreme position. Visual contact is understood as the mutual penetration of people into each other's personal space. Avoiding contact is a withdrawal from interaction, a desire to free up one’s personal space.

Can facial expressions be controlled?

Gaze analysis in order to identify personal characteristics and interpersonal relationships of subjects is characterized by both the above-mentioned temporal parameters and spatial ones, such as eye movement up, down, right, left; direction of gaze to the side or at the interlocutor, intensity of visual contact; psychophysical parameters. What is facial expression and can it be controlled? Of all types of expression, it is facial expression (facial expressions) that is most amenable to human control.

Facial expressions are a means of non-verbal information leakage

The concept of “non-verbal information leakage” takes this into account and ranks various elements expression depending on information content. Three aspects are fundamental to this characteristic:

  • average transfer time;
  • a variety of non-verbal reaction complexes characteristic of the corresponding part of the body;
  • opportunity for the interlocutor to observe them.

The human face takes first place in these parameters; moreover, what facial expressions are can be said by studying the peculiarities of the manifestation of emotions on the face. For this reason, many people, while controlling their facial expressions, pay less attention to controlling other aspects of expression, which makes the analysis of facial reactions more difficult. However, there are quite common involuntary reactions. Thus, when describing an event, fact, or person insincerely, people tend to smile less often, and nervous people When conveying information that does not correspond to reality, they try to look very calm.

The eyes don't deceive

It is difficult to analyze and control the eyes’ own reactions to the emotional state, and this allows us to rightly call the eyes a real mirror in which the soul is reflected. But in some cases, the development of facial expressions occurs over time.

Well-controlled facial muscles may not move at all, but the eyes are more likely to convey the necessary information. The look characterizes both the state of a person - he can be frightened, joyful, sad, and his attitude towards the people around him and the situation - he can be dissatisfied, expressing respect or contempt.

The meaning of facial expressions

Characteristic for specific person Features of facial expressions and gaze may also indicate personality characteristics. Thus, a sideways glance combined with an incredulous facial expression can indicate an appropriate attitude towards people in general, a constant fear of making a mistake or being deceived. During communication, the face in any case attracts attention, because it can tell about the above-mentioned aspects, and whether the interlocutor understood us, whether he wants to continue the conversation, and much more. The importance of facial expressions in communication is difficult to overestimate. Below are the characteristics of the most frequently and obviously expressed emotions and states by facial expressions.

Facial expressions as a means of expressing emotions

  1. Surprise is an immediate reaction to a new or unexpected event. Most often, the eyebrows are raised, resulting in wrinkles on the forehead. The eyes open wide, but are not tense. The mouth often opens slightly.
  2. Fear is the fear of the possibility of an unfavorable, traumatic event. The eyebrows in this condition may also be raised, but not in the same way as in the previous case. They are more stretched to the sides than upwards, since the eyes are opened more widely and intensely. The forehead also wrinkles. The mouth stretches with tension.
  3. Anger. Manifestation of threat or intent to cause harm. Because this condition increases blood pressure, the face turns red, and veins may swell. Breathing quickens. The face as a whole is tense. The eyebrows meet at the nose, forming a downward-pointing angle. The lips are tense and may even be bared. Often they are slightly open so that the teeth are visible.
  4. Disgust is a reaction to any form of contact with an object that causes emotional rejection. The eyebrows are directed downwards without wrinkling the forehead. The eyes become narrower as they are covered by eyelids. The mouth may open slightly, its corners point up or down, sometimes the mouth opens a little, and the lips tense. Wrinkles in this condition may appear on the nose.
  5. Joy. Occurs when the mood rises. When combined with surprise, joy can be supplanted by the latter in terms of display on the face. Often used to mask other emotions, including rage and fear. However, the true emotional state can be recognized by voice, breathing, gestures and other parameters. Joy causes almost no tension in the facial muscles. The participation of eyebrows in the reaction is minimal. The eyes narrow a little and may “shine.” A characteristic half-smile appears on the lips. The expression as a whole is pleasant for the interlocutor.
  6. Sadness is a reaction to grief and loss. As a rule, it appears briefly, after which it is replaced by the usual expression of a person’s face. Eyebrows droop, especially theirs external sides. The forehead wrinkles vertically, forming corresponding wrinkles in the middle. The eyes are half-closed, the corners of the lips are slightly lowered.

It is necessary to understand that gaze is an element of nonverbal communication without words. Facial expressions can more accurately convey a person’s state than voice and words. When looking too closely and frequently, tension can arise between interlocutors. However, when contacting friendly people, it is necessary to maintain periodic visual contact, since its absence can be interpreted as aloofness and avoidance of communication.

The very expression of all these emotions on a person’s face gives the answer to the question of what facial expressions are.

How to learn to understand people based on their gestures and facial expressions? The psychology of facial expressions and gestures provides the answer to this question. By studying and understanding this topic, you can ensure that there are no secrets and hidden meanings in conversations with others and learn to read people like an open book. Do you agree that this ability is very useful?

Psychology of facial expressions and gestures. What it is?

Facial expressions and gestures play a huge role in communicating with others. They help to strengthen and fully reveal feelings. With the help of facial expressions we express emotions that we do not talk about. Our body is very insidious; we may not notice how we say one thing, but our body language shows something completely different.

Without noticing it ourselves, we give away our hidden intentions and unspoken words. Our body is more eloquent than any speeches and tirades.

It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to figure out where and how his interlocutor lied. But those who are familiar with the topic of facial expressions and gestures are provided with an understanding of the situation and the opportunity to take control of it.

Facial expressions and gestures are very intertwined with each other, so they are always considered in one bundle.

He who lies in the language of words betrays himself in the language of gestures, to which he does not pay attention.

Oswald Spengler

We will do the same and in this article we will answer the most common questions on the topic of facial expressions and gestures.

Human facial expressions and gestures, psychology of influence! Read it, it will be interesting 😉

Terms and concepts of the section on facial expressions and gestures

Gesticulation refrain, dictionary of symbols of psychoanatomy, ergonomics of gestures. What it is?

These phrases are difficult to understand for people who are encountering the topic of gestures and facial expressions for the first time. Simply put, these are the components of this branch of psychology, which allow us to understand facial expressions and gestures at a more detailed level than “his ears are burning, which means he’s lying.” Everything is much deeper and more serious than it might seem at first glance.

Gestural refrain it is a repeated gesture that always has the same meaning.

Here's an example. Crossed arms. If the right one lies on top of the left one, it means resentment. If it’s the other way around, it’s a defensive position.

Dictionary of symbolism of psychoanatomy - This is a kind of decoding of sign language. Based on it, you can find out what certain gestures mean in the current situation. This section is considered purely on specific examples, since in different situations, the same gesture can be interpreted differently.
Ergonomics of facial expressions and gestures – this is the section that describes the ability to adapt body language to solve specific tasks. For example, influence the human psyche with the help of positive beliefs transmitted through gestures.

Studying gesture ergonomics - great way learn to communicate more productively and effectively. It makes it possible to influence a person with gestures and facial expressions, which subconsciously evoke positive emotions in that person.

Fraudsters take advantage of this. For example, in order to win a person over, a fraudster may, while telling a joke or some pleasant and funny story touch his hand. Thus, the human brain begins to react positively to this gesture.

Then, when it comes to “turning off” the scam itself, the scammer accidentally touches the person’s hand again, awakening relaxation and positivity in his mind. This makes it easier to commit fraud, because a relaxed person will not begin to suspect something. His brain is deceived by psychology.

What does understanding facial expressions and gestures provide?

A short list of benefits:

  • Active brain function.

You need to remember a bunch of gestures and movements that indicate a specific meaning. For example, if during a dialogue the interlocutor scratches the back of his head, this means that he is not confident in your words and is questioning them. There are many such examples that can be given, and most of them need to be kept in mind at all times.

  • Ability to adapt and change the situation.

When you know more than you are told, you can find more often right decisions V different situations, lead the interlocutor to something or get answers where he doesn’t even say them.

  • Understanding a person's negative motivations.

Knowledge of this topic will give you the opportunity to protect yourself from lies, envy, unfriendliness, etc.

We cannot boast of the wisdom of our eyes and skillful gestures of our hands...

Victor Tsoi

The correct interpretation of facial expressions and gestures not only makes it possible to look into the soul, finding out all the secrets of the interlocutor, but also to understand that he needs help, even though he is trying to hide it. In this case, you can try to find the right words and try to figure out the problem together.

  • Developing the ability to notice the smallest details.

Without this ability, it is impossible to interpret the current picture from facial expressions and gestures. One unnoticed gesture can radically change the entire meaning of the signals given by the body. Therefore, if we want to correctly interpret another person's body language, we need to be more attentive and sensitive to little things.

  • Self-development.

Self-development is an additional bonus when studying the psychology of facial expressions and gestures. A person learns to know both himself and those around him, learns something deep, and draws something useful for himself.

The language of facial expressions and gestures. Where to start learning?

Let's consider all sources of knowledge on the psychology of facial expressions and gestures:

  • Literature.

The first assistant in studying this topic. In addition to printed books, many specialists in this section of psychology publish magazines, open websites and maintain blogs on the Internet.

  • Courses on studying the psychology of facial expressions and gestures.

A person who understands the topic will be able to personally show and explain how everything works and how to apply the acquired knowledge in life.

Great article about the fear of communicating with people! 23 ways to get away from her:

Oddly enough, a very large amount of information can be gleaned from there. Plus, everything is shown in practice, which makes it much easier to understand and learn the “lessons” in your head.

  • Practice.

Gestures and facial expressions. Their meaning with specific examples

Theoretical knowledge must be examined in specific, simulated situations. This is the only way Right understand what the interlocutor is “silent” about. Let's figure out how the interlocutor's feelings are connected with movements various parts his body.


Most often, self-confidence is associated with lip mobility.

Example 1.

The interlocutor, leaning his elbow on the armrest of the chair, rubs his lips with his index finger, without making a single sound.

This means that the person is confused and does not know what decision to make. The interlocutor thinks that they are trying to manipulate him, and his gesture is tantamount to uncertainty. This example is not frequent, but very eloquent.

Example 2.

The interlocutor’s tightly pressed lips ceased to be visible at all.

There are two options here:

  • This shows the person as virtuous, quite experienced, wise.
  • Disgust. Moreover, it is close to complete rejection. This is a more common option.

In this case, the context of the conversation is important. If during a conversation you mentioned something unpleasant or touched on some topic that was painful for the interlocutor, then this can be seen in his pursed lips. In this case, it is worth taking the conversation aside and changing the topic to a neutral one.

Example 3.

The interlocutor bites his upper or lower lip.

This means a person's dissatisfaction. Perhaps your interlocutor is exhausted and emotionally overloaded. If a woman bites her upper lip, she is usually afraid of something.

Also, this gesture can be considered as seduction, then it indicates amorous excitement.


The back is the center of sensuality, also responsible for the ability to put maximum effort into something.

Example 1.

The interlocutor gave his friend a friendly slap on the back.

Is this a direct expression of sympathy or just Have a good mood. They say it's a shortened version of hugging.

It is worth noting that this gesture does not always mean something good. Read part of the article about the ergonomics of gestures.

Example 2.

The interlocutor communicates with you with his back turned.

If men take this position, it indicates their inability to make decisions. This also indicates the absence leadership qualities, because the one to whom they are inherent will openly meet any turn of the situation and resolve issues while facing the interlocutors.


The hands are the most active and mobile part of the body; they can tell a lot.

Example 1.

If your interlocutor holds his hands in a “prayer” pose, then this means an irreconcilable gesture rather than a condescending one. You should be prepared for the fact that your interlocutor will object to what you said.

Example 2.

The interlocutor closes his hand, as if holding something small in it.

This gesture means that the person is only taking, not giving. This is a symbol of selfishness.


The jaw is associated with anger in all its negative manifestations.

Example 1.

Does it happen that a person starts grinding his teeth in the middle of the night? So, this is not a habit or a feature of the body at all, it is nothing more than anger. Most often, a person who has experienced a very angry and dark situation during the day involuntarily manifests this at night through a dream.

Example 2.

The interlocutor's jaws are constantly in a hidden chewing process. This indicates a very changeable personality.

Example 3.

The veins seem to be pulsating under the skin, and tears are about to flow from the eyes. This is a sign that the interlocutor is clearly losing his composure, he is greatly shocked by something and is keeping his emotions to himself with all his might.

In the article we consider only basic examples; in addition to them, the psychology of facial expressions and gestures examines many situations and contexts.

Thanks to this knowledge, everyone has the opportunity to feel the essence of their interlocutor’s behavior, to understand what they are actually experiencing and feeling.

It’s unfortunate, but people tend to lie, hide something, or omit something. The psychology of facial expressions and gestures will help shed light and clarity on many situations; such serious knowledge can save you from trouble.

How to use knowledge about facial expressions and gestures?

You can use such knowledge very actively.

  • If it was noticed by certain gestures or facial expressions that the interlocutor does not want to continue the conversation, you can tactfully end the conversation and leave.
  • Watching how a new acquaintance is disingenuous or hiding the truth, you can remove such a person from your social circle, depriving yourself of eternal secrets and omissions.
  • You can save yourself from deceivers.

Professional liars and manipulators are well versed in psychology. In order to hide secret manifestations of facial expressions or gestures, they learn to control the smallest movements.
They're hard, but that's it It’s possible to figure it out. It is enough to observe their behavior for some time, somewhere their body will malfunction and then everything will become clear.

Advice : If you are not sure of the veracity of a person's speech, ask him more questions and observe his body movements.

Such deep knowledge makes it possible to see the true face of people. Not everyone is who they say they are. So why not “split” a person before he could do something not very pleasant in your direction.

  • On the positive side, the ability to use gestures and facial expressions can subconsciously endear a person to you, relax him and make him very accommodating.

You will be able to positively influence him, his well-being. So why not endow a person’s emotions with positivity using facial expressions and gestures?

Psychology of facial expressions and gestures in society

Knowledge of facial expressions and gestures is widely used in investigations and investigations.

When interrogating a suspect or witness, a specialist can track certain facial characteristics that can easily be used to determine whether a person is lying or telling the truth. Our body will not allow itself to be deceived. A person can, without knowing it, give himself away through gestures and facial expressions.

Also, the psychology of facial expressions and gestures finds its application in politics. It is known that almost all politicians do not say something. Find out what exactly this section of psychology will help you with.

Interesting Facts

  • Eat interesting way To find out if a person is lying: you need to shake his hand. If she lies, she will be cold, because when a person lies, the body understands this and takes action. The blood goes down to the legs, so that if something happens, you can run as fast as you can.
  • A sincere smile lasts no more than four seconds. Little of, additional factor sincerity are the wrinkles around the eyes. If a person “pulls up” a smile, then the facial expressions of the eyes will not be affected.

  • If a man turns his toe towards her while talking to a woman, this means that he feels sympathy. This great way for girls to check young men for interest in them.
  • Itching. Oddly enough, itching can tell you a lot, you just have to pay attention to where it occurs. Is the back of your head itchy? This indicates lack of self-confidence. If it is the chin, then the subconscious pushes the person to challenge. If the itching begins in the area of ​​the back of the left hand, you need to “close yourself.” Right hand (also backside) – the subconscious says that you need to cheat.

  • In some cases, facial expressions and gestures of men have a completely different meaning than the same facial expressions and gestures of women.

Psychology of facial expressions and gestures. conclusion

The psychology of facial expressions and gestures is not an easy topic to study and master. But how interesting and exciting it is! Just think, the interpretation of simple elements of behavior helps to literally read a person like a book. This is a very valuable ability.

First of all, she comes with the ability to observe. It is not necessary to be a certified specialist or have extensive work experience in this field. It’s enough just to learn to see, notice all the little things and analyze them, scroll through the facts in your head, compare information and draw conclusions.

The psychology of facial expressions and gestures can teach you to see right through people. This is a real superpower that can only be possessed by a person with great perseverance and a desire to understand the secrets of human psychology.

At the end - Top video: psychology of facial expressions and gestures! Let's see;)