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How to make paste for seeds. Paste for seeds. An interesting way to stick seeds on a napkin

Today, buying seeds already glued to special tapes is not a problem. True, they are a little expensive, but the process of sowing seeds is significantly accelerated. You just need to lay the tapes in the grooves and cover them with soil.

We took a roll toilet paper, carrot seeds, and for fertilizer - Agricola

Your well-being depends on how quickly you sow seeds in the spring. After all, sowing has to be done when the weather is cold or stormy and you don’t want to spend extra time in the garden. And tapes will help you speed up this process.

Rolled out the roll on the table

If you don't want to buy, you can make the ribbons yourself. For this you will need seeds, paste and... toilet paper. Just glue the seeds onto toilet paper with paste.

Use a match to measure the distances between drops of paste

Paste recipe
A paste made from flour and starch adheres well to both paper and drying oil with paint, and only moisture quickly destroys it. This is exactly what we need when sowing seeds in the ground.
A properly welded and filtered paste is not inferior in adhesion strength to modern adhesive compositions. You can use any flour to cook it. But coarsely ground wheat or rye is best. To prepare it, it is better to use enamel or stainless steel utensils.

Apply paste to length of paper

Flour will be required for approximately 1/3 of the volume, and water for 2/3. First, pour in water and bring to a boil, then add flour evenly, stirring constantly. The solution is brought to the consistency of a very liquid dough. Then remove from the heat and allow to cool to about 30-40 C. After which the paste is filtered through cheesecloth and used for its intended purpose.

One carrot seed was applied to each drop of paste

How to improve paste
To increase the beneficial effect of taking it, add a little ash or nitrophoska to the paste. Only the fertilizers must first be properly crushed. Then dilute it in a paste, stirring until the fertilizers are evenly dissolved. For 1 liter of solution it will take no more than 5 g of nitrophoska or 50 g of ash. You can (like us) add Agricola.

Use a match to drown the seed deeper into the paste

How to store tapes
Ribbons with evenly sown seeds can be prepared in winter and, wound into rolls, left until spring sowing. You can sow seeds either with the grains up or down: the paper will very quickly collapse under the influence of moisture and not a trace will remain of it.

After the paste has dried, roll the paper and put it in a dry place until spring

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Kira Stoletova

In order for carrots to reach large sizes, they have to be thinned when shoots appear. This is a difficult procedure. To avoid it, breeders use alternative way cultivation, for which you need to stick carrot seeds for planting on paper tape.

  • Characteristics of the method

    Planting carrots on tape is a convenient and time-saving way to grow. It is characterized by:

    • saving space;
    • maintaining humidity;
    • good germination result.

    Among the advantages it is noted that:

    • it does not require thinning;
    • all vegetables are at the same depth;
    • all seeds will sprout at the same time;
    • sowing is carried out in any weather conditions.

    During the first 10 days, plantings do not require care. Watering is carried out 14 days after sowing. The plant is fed 2 times a year. The first fertilizer is applied 30 days after emergence, the second - after 40-50 days.

    How to glue carrot seeds onto paper

    They start planting carrots on tape in the spring, so they prepare for sowing in winter. For tape germination you will need several components:

    • glue or paste prepared independently;
    • toilet paper, newspaper, napkins;
    • capacity;
    • scissors;
    • tweezers.

    To begin, cut out strips from paper, newspapers, or take toilet paper. It is important that the material is loose. The width of the stripes is about 3 cm. Dots are placed on the tape with a marker at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other. Seeds are later placed on these marks.

    Before gluing, the seeds are poured into small capacity. Then a special paste is prepared from flour or starch. Or they buy office glue. It is applied in a 1.5 cm layer or in drops to the marks on the cut paper.

    Using tweezers or a toothpick, carefully glue the seeds onto the tape in the marked areas. After this, the paper with planting material is dried, rolled, and tied with an elastic band. A ball of paper with seeds is placed in a cool, dry place.

    In the spring, they make beds and unfold rolled paper along the entire length of the groove. Water, sprinkle with soil and mulch. This method of planting vegetables reduces the number of seeds used.

    Preparation of starch paste

    To prepare 1 liter of homemade paste from potato starch, several steps go through:

    • 800 ml of water is brought to a boil. You can use either tap water, rain water or melt water.
    • Separately mix 4 tbsp. l. starch and 200 ml of water at room temperature.
    • Pour the starch mixture into boiled water, stirring constantly.

    The composition of the paste should be thin. IN warm mixture mineral fertilizers are added according to the instructions. The glue is used only after it has cooled.

    Making a paste using flour

    To obtain 0.5 liters of paste at home, pour 400 ml of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. It is advisable to choose an enameled container. Pour flour into the water in small portions at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. Mineral fertilizers are also added to it in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. fertilizing per 1 liter of water.

    Stir the mixture until it reaches a consistency similar to liquid soap. Afterwards, remove the pan from the heat and leave in a cool room.

    Seed preparation

    Carrot seeds on the tape undergo calibration and selection before gluing. This is done to select only a few seeds that will give good harvest. To do this they are soaked in saline solution. The planting material remaining at the bottom is considered high-quality, and the material that floats up is thrown away.

    Before use, the seeds are soaked in the solution for 12 hours. boric acid. To do this, mix:

    • 1 tsp. drug;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • a few drops of liquid nitrogen fertilizer.

    An alternative to boric acid is a solution wood ash. For the mixture use 2 tbsp. l. ash and 2 liters of water.

    Carrot seeds have a specific aroma due to the essential oils enveloping the seed shell. Before planting carrots, remove excess amounts essential oil. To do this, the seeds are placed in gauze or any loose fabric and placed in a small container. She's getting flooded hot water and keep for about 2 hours.

    After processing, the seeds are washed under running water. Before boarding open ground They are dried and then glued according to the diagram. They are not processed if they were purchased in a special store and went through all disinfection processes in production.

    Preparing the soil for planting

    Planting carrots on tape begins in the spring. For good germination, appropriate soil preparation is carried out. It is prepared 14 days before sowing.

    Preparation begins with loosening the soil 10 cm deep. Afterwards, the ground level is leveled with a rake. Manure should not be added to the beds: it will spoil the quality planting material. They are made 2-3 cm deep. To plant the ribbons, the soil is moistened.

    Planting carrots on tape

    Paper strips are placed at the bottom of the moistened beds so that the seeds are directed upward, and the empty side is directed downward, towards the ground. Afterwards it is dug in and sprinkled with earth and sand.

    There is also the option of not sticking the seeds, but simply placing them on paper. To do this, place a strip on the beds, where several seeds are placed at intervals of 3-4 cm, and cover the top with another strip. Sprinkle with soil and water.

    Also, the beds are covered with polyethylene and removed after 2-3 weeks. Before sowing, a little compost is placed at the bottom of the beds for germination.

    Many gardeners are waiting for the arrival of spring with great impatience to open summer season and start planting vegetables. In the fall, they begin to prepare the site, purchase seeds in the winter, prepare seedlings in order to plant everything in the ground in the spring, and in the fall reap a rich harvest and enjoy natural vegetables all winter. How to plant carrots on toilet paper, what does planting and caring for them require? — these are the main questions summer residents ask.

    Before planting carrots in open ground, it is better to germinate the seeds at home. As a rule, carrot seeds are planted on toilet paper. This proven method has become increasingly popular over the years. This germination method can be used for all types of seeds. Every amateur gardener has tried this method at least once and appreciated its main advantages. Of course, in gardening stores you can buy ready-made seeds for special tape, but this pleasure costs much more than a regular bag of seeds. That is why, in order to reduce costs, you can prepare such a tape yourself.

    There are many ways to plant seeds. For germination, you can place the seeds in a regular box with soil or in a saucer, or even on a damp napkin. But planting seeds on toilet paper is especially popular among summer residents. It is much more convenient to germinate seeds on toilet paper.

    Carrots on toilet paper - the main advantages of this method

    • Space saving. You can plant seeds from many bags and do not need to allocate a lot of space for this.
    • Moisture retention. There is no need to constantly monitor seed moisture.
    • Visibility of the result. You can easily verify the quality of seed germination and calmly transfer the seedlings into the ground.
    • Comfortable cooking conditions.
    • The seeds are distributed evenly over the entire surface.
    • All seeds will be at the same depth.
    • Shoots will be simultaneous.
    • When sowing, no weather conditions are scary.
    • An economical way of sowing, because everything is done with your own hands.
    • In the first weeks no care is required. There is no need to water, weed and even the carrot fly will not be able to lay its larvae.

    All these benefits prove that sticking seeds on toilet paper is the most good way planting carrots, and everything else, does not cause any harm to humans.

    How to germinate carrot seeds on toilet paper

    It is very easy to germinate carrot seeds on toilet paper. All this is done independently with your own hands.

    Before planting carrots on toilet paper, you will need the following materials:

    • toilet paper (preferably three-ply);
    • dense polyethylene;
    • sprayer;
    • special glue;
    • small capacity.

    First, the polyethylene is cut into strips 7-8 centimeters wide. The length is determined by you, depending on the amount of product planted. For convenience, at the beginning of each strip you can write the type of vegetable so as not to get confused in the future. Toilet paper is placed on top of the plastic strips. Now, before planting carrots on toilet paper, use a sprayer to thoroughly moisten the paper.

    To improve germination, you can add any mineral growth preparations to the sprayer with water. Now you can spread the carrot grains on the prepared tape. To do this, it is better to retreat 1 centimeter from the top edge. When planting seeds, some distance must be maintained. This is so that the carrot seedlings on the toilet paper do not get tangled with each other. After completing the procedures, you need to roll the tape. The roll is placed in a container, filled with a small amount of water and covered with film. Now the improvised greenhouse can be placed in a warm place. Check from time to time whether the seeds have sprouted or not. If sprouts appear, you can transfer them to open ground, but if not, you will have to redo the whole procedure again. By planting carrots with ready-made seedlings, you can get the maximum amount of harvest. Planting carrots on toilet paper is very simple and convenient. It is very important to see how many seeds have sprouted.

    How to glue carrot seeds onto toilet paper yourself

    A ready-made tape with carrot seeds bought in a store is, of course, very convenient, but why overpay if you can do everything yourself. In the store, the tape is made from paper with a loose texture and toilet paper is a wonderful alternative. Of course, you can also use newspaper waste paper, but it has printing ink applied to it, and it obviously will not add useful qualities to the future harvest. So it's better to use regular toilet paper. The width of the roll is of course very large and it will be necessary to cut it into strips 2 centimeters wide. It is better to cut the paper lengthwise, this will allow you to make a long ribbon.

    After preparing the paper, you can begin sowing carrot seeds. No need to glue very close to each other. The approximate placement of seeds on the tape is 2.5 centimeters. In order for the seeds to stay on the homemade tape, they must be glued. Regular PVA glue is clearly not suitable here; you can prepare the glue yourself. Below is the fastest and easiest recipe for making glue.

    Making homemade glue for sowing carrots on toilet paper

    The glue is very easy to prepare. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

    • water;
    • flour or potato starch.

    The preparation procedure is quite simple. Take 1 glass of water, 1 teaspoon of flour or starch. The pre-prepared dry mixture is poured into boiling water. You can also add any kind of glue to this glue. mineral fertilizer, it will not be superfluous. When the paste mixture is ready, it must be cooled, applied to paper and you can start planting the seeds. Planting carrot seeds on toilet paper with glue is done using tweezers or a cotton swab dipped in water.

    Before you start rolling the roll with the planted carrot seeds, you need to wait until the paste has completely dried to avoid the layers of paper sticking together. Now you can put the roll in a bag, first make an inscription about the variety of carrots.

    Preparing the soil for planting carrots grown on toilet paper

    To make it easier for grains to germinate through the soil, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil before planting. It is best to dig up the soil in the fall, this way the soil can rest over the winter. Before starting seasonal work, two weeks before, you need to go through the beds with a rake. We must not forget that carrots on toilet paper are planted a little earlier, because the glued seeds will take a little longer to germinate than directly into the ground. Even with the highest seed germination, this period increases by several weeks.

    There is no need to delay planting seeds, because the autumn root crop simply will not have time to ripen during the season.


    After complete preparation of the soil and seeds, you can begin planting in open ground. Immediately before planting, you need to fluff up the soil again using a rake. Then grooves are made and soaked generously with warm water. Strips of toilet paper with seeds are laid out along the grooves made. Be sure to place the seeds facing the soil. All that is required of the gardener is to lay the tape in the grooves and cover them with soil. After this, you need to cover the beds with black polyethylene and leave them like that for a couple of weeks.


    This method can be used to germinate not only carrot seeds, but can also be used for planting other vegetable crops, such as lettuce, greens and many others that have small seeds.

    Sowing carrot seeds on toilet paper is very convenient. In the future, there will be no need to walk through the beds and thin out very dense seedlings. In addition, thinning can damage already sprouted “embryos” of carrots. Therefore, it is better to start planting seeds on toilet paper in winter, when there is a lot of free time. And as practice shows, this is very easy to do, the main thing is desire.

    Detailed instructions on how to grow carrots on toilet paper in the video:

    ​Similar articles​​I sow almost all plants with small seeds this way. Dill, parsley, I even made marigolds, then just laid them in a circle around the tree. It's very comfortable when it's cold winter evenings stick it a little and put it in a box. ​ ​I “played” in the 90s. Germination is never 100%.​ ​I take thick toilet paper, cut pieces 1 m long, and draw them along a ruler into 4 lines.​​Starch paste and with distance.​


    Proper sowing of carrots on tape and planting on toilet paper | Country Design - fresh ideas from all over the world

    ​Thank you Marina for an interesting way! And for me easier in winter stick it on little by little, but in the spring there’s a lot of trouble with other crops, strawberries take up almost all the time, and the little one is hanging around in the garden, and you also need to go for a walk with him, he’ll probably be my agronomist anyway, he already knows all the names, all the preparations which I use at work, today he helped me straighten the droppers and collected the leaves in a bucket))). A vegetable garden, of course, is good, but I also want to take it to the sea and take the children for a walk, so I save time and effort with sowing and thinning.​


    ​Spring... We all know this hot time of year for summer residents. You need to put your garden in order, sow seeds, plant seedlings, potatoes, and carry out preventive procedures. In general, there is enough work.​

    ​When it dries, I roll up the paper and leave it until spring.​

    ​Why is this torment, the seeds can come off, everything will be in vain.​

    Preliminary soil preparation

    ​Already in the garden, I make ditches, water them with water, if the soil is dry, I put the prepared ribbons with seeds, sprinkle them with earth. That's all. I'm waiting for the harvest.​

    ​How to glue carrot seeds to paper tape?​

    Laying a ribbon with seeds

    ​I found another one interesting option planting carrots on napkins. The principle is similar to tapes, with the only difference being that you immediately form a bed by gluing the seeds in the same way as your root crops will grow.​

    ​Very important carrots require properly prepared soil for germination. And our beds will have to be prepared two weeks before planting, and not according to the principle of coming to the dacha, digging, loosening, planting, and all this in two weekends.​ ​Also keep in mind that such a distance can only be done for full-bodied, high-quality seeds. If you doubt their completeness, then the distance between

    Glue the seeds onto paper yourself

    ​It should depend on the culture.​


    ​Oksana, it’s so great when children from an early age get used to gardening chores - and most importantly, when they enjoy it! Although Alenka is familiar with many village works (from sowing and weeding to collecting firewood), she does everything only as long as she is interested (and this is a very short time :)))) Taking me out for a walk around the neighborhood is yes , this is always welcome :) And for some reason I don’t have enough time in the winter just as much as in the summer :) I’m still waiting for this to change - but not in this life, probably))​

    ​In my opinion, the most difficult and energy-intensive process is the process of sowing and then thinning crops with small seeds such as carrots. There is an option to mix the seeds of carrots and radishes with sand and sow them like that, the radishes will ripen and be removed from the garden, the carrots will be thinned out, but still not enough. Often the results are dense in places and empty in others. Perfect solution Such a problem is sowing seeds on paper with a string of paste. I do this in winter and early spring, but now is not too late to involve the family in preparing such planting strips.​

    ​Before planting, I cut the meter strips into 4 strips, put everything in a basin and lay it out in well-drained grooves in the garden bed.​

    ​Cook the Paste - This is Flour+Water Boiling Water+5 Minutes on Fire+Stir well so that there are no lumps.​

    ​in order to glue carrot seeds onto paper, you need to take a roll of toilet paper, it is perfect for these purposes, as over time it will dissolve in the soil, thanks to which the soil will improve its composition. cut the paper into strips and stick carrot seeds on them using ordinary paste made from flour and water. You can immediately glue the seeds at the required distance to avoid weeding later.​

    Planting carrots on napkins

    ​How to store seed ribbons so that the seeds do not fall off?​

    ​At home, prepare napkins by sticking carrot seeds in 5 cm increments in the row and between the rows.​

    ​A week before planting, or better yet two weeks, you need to loosen the soil to a depth of 10 cm, after which you must immediately take a rake and level the bed. Of course, this means the earth dug up in the fall using a spade.​

    What seeds to take

    ​To carry out pre-plant gluing, cook a thick paste from wheat flour or starch and cool it. If you don’t want to cook the paste, then stick


    ​. This will make it possible to use precious time more efficiently in the spring, when every minute counts and it is necessary to have time to plant all the crops in a timely manner. With tape, seeding takes just minutes, leaving time for more important things.​

    ​Oh, Marina, how right you are! The kids will never let us get bored, neither in winter nor in summer! But they bring us so much joy that we completely forget about fatigue! Health to your entire family! And your Alenka is simply a miracle!!!​

    ​For this we need ordinary toilet paper, scissors, seeds, a brush, paste, which we prepare like this: stir 1 level tablespoon of flour in 1 glass cold water until the lumps are completely dissolved, then put on the fire and bring to a boil with constant stirring. Remove from heat and cool, stirring occasionally to prevent a crust from forming.​

    ​Everything is done very quickly when there is free time. Seeds do not fall off, germination rate is 100%, no need to thin out.​

    Leave the paste to cool. Take Toilet Paper and drip the paste drop by drop with paste in between and then place the same seeds on the drops of paste. Let dry and roll into a roll carefully. In the spring, roll out the roll and bury it in the garden bed + water it abundantly = After a while they will hatch... .​

    ​Gluing carrot seeds onto paper is a very tedious and time-consuming job. Not everyone undertakes this. This work should be done in winter, when there is more free time. We usually took either toilet paper or newspaper. Such paper gets wet faster in the soil. The seeds were glued at a distance of 3-5 centimeters with a paste made of flour or starch. But that was before. Now we use carrot seeds in granules.​


    How to glue carrot seeds onto paper?

    ​Place vertically in a corner, as sheaves were placed before. And stick with flour diluted in water. Just keep away from mice.​

    Well, you already lay out your napkins on the garden bed and sprinkle it with a layer of soil. The result is an immediately formed bed that does not need to be thinned.

    ​Immediately before sowing, we loosen the bed again, make shallow furrows - about two centimeters, and place a seed tape in the furrow. Then carefully pour in a small amount of water and cover with soil. We very easily level the ground and water it again - carefully so as not to wash off the soil from the tape.​


    Reduce all crops by two or three times. After planting and germination, simply thin out the plants.​


    - paste or office glue;

    ​Thank you, Oksana! :)​

    ​Tear off or cut the paper to a convenient length for working. I take about 2-3 meters. Cut lengthwise into 3 strips. In the middle of the strip, brush a line about 20 cm long (if the paste has time to dry and the seeds do not stick well) and place the seeds on it at a distance. ​


    ​on glue

    ​The method is Good and Ecological....Paper, Paste Decomposes in the Earth and No Chemicals....​

    ​I pasted it on toilet paper. I dripped drops of paste and stuck the seed on. Then I left it all to dry and then rolled it into a roll. I would like to note that this is a very troublesome task and not particularly necessary. I thought something like this about two years ago and started planting again in the old fashioned way.​

    ​It is recommended to stick carrot seeds on paper like this. Toilet paper is used as a base, since it decomposes well and quickly in the ground when wet and does not interfere with seed germination. The width of the roll is cut into two or three parts.​


    ​For gluing, it is better to take high-quality, varietal seeds, their germination will be better, and the result in the fall will please you. And this method of gluing seeds onto paper will save them from going to waste, so to speak.

    ​The gardener's secret:​


    ​All tapes with pasted​


    ​Can be used with stationery glue.​

    Tata all red

    - toilet paper or paper towels;​


    ​In general, you can buy something like this ready-made. Here are the carrot seeds on the ribbon on the right

    Stepan BV

    ​Then we dry the ribbons with seeds and roll them into a loose roll.​


    ​What about buying ready-made tapes? It's on sale...


    ​toilet paper in the ground (when it is not humid enough) dries out and the roots cannot break through it, so it is easier to stand over the bed longer than to glue it onto the paper, spending more time and the result is worse!​


    ​My grandparents spent their entire lives gluing carrot seeds onto paper in the following way: they took toilet paper, unrolled the roll, took glue, and glued each seed onto the paper, then left it for the paper to dry, then took it to the dacha and buried it there.​


    How to glue seeds onto toilet paper to plant?


    ​Cook paste or use jam as glue. Droplets of adhesive drip onto the paper at a certain interval (several centimeters). To apply droplets, it is convenient to use a very thick needle (drip with the side where the eye is), or some kind of stick. Or you can take a bottle of office glue and pour glue into it.​


    There are also coated carrot seeds on sale, they are easier to stick, but they require more watering at first, since the seed is, as it were, inside a pea made of fertilizers and filler. They need some time to swell and give moisture to the seed inside. But the plus is that the sprout will immediately have nutrition and the growth of the seedling will be optimal.​


    ​with the help of ripe compost, laid in a layer of half a centimeter, you can significantly increase germination!​


    Queen Rose.

    ​Cut the toilet
    - scissors;

    ​Up close it looks like this​

    Elena Ivanova

    ​Now all we have to do is put the straightened tapes into the prepared grooves, sprinkle them with earth and, if necessary, cover them with film to retain moisture.​

    Elena Rzhemovskaya

    ​Paste, but I don’t recommend doing this. because the seeds do not have 100% germination. Once we stuck carrot seeds like this and ended up with a “bald” bed; very few sprouted.
    ​In my opinion, this will take longer than if you then thin out the seedlings.​
    ​Hello, for this you need to use the paper that is the thinnest, you need to glue it with saliva, the best way is to stick it right away, also instead of glue you can use starch and water, or you can buy paper with the seeds glued on it right away!​

    Anna Malchikova

    ​After drops of glue are applied, the ribbons are sprinkled with carrot seeds and carefully shaken off. The achenes remain only where the glue is.
    ​In the same way, you can make a sowing tape with seeds of other vegetable crops and herbs with small seeds, for example lettuce, dill, celery. Instead of doing thinning in a kneeling position in the summer, it’s better to make a paper tape with seeds in advance and not know grief. The winter is long, what else to do if not preparing for the sowing season.​
    ​Another great recipe is that you can make a sowing tape with carrot seeds yourself! To do this, take paper with a loose texture (toilet or newspaper works well), cut it lengthwise into strips 2 cm wide.
    Dry it thoroughly, twist it, tie it with an elastic band, sign it, put it in a canvas bag and store it in a dry, dark, cool place until sowing. In the spring you will make beds, furrows and simply spread ribbons with
    - brushes for applying the adhesive base;
    ​Upon closer examination, I didn’t understand what crop the manufacturer of this product had in mind)) The distance between the seeds suggests giant root crops; and if you take into account that even standard carrot seeds have a relatively low germination rate, I would be careful about using such a tape - you may be left without a harvest. So my opinion: ready-made is good, but your own is more reliable :)​

    Dasha Leonova

    ​Thanks to this method, energy and time are significantly saved, because easier at home in the warmth, sitting in a chair, slowly sowing seeds than in the garden, standing on all fours. ​


    ​It’s easier to plant small piles of several seeds every 3-4 cm, and then thin out.​


    ​Or is this for the purpose of saving?​
    Use newspapers as paper. The dressing room is not suitable, it is very thin.​

    Marina Karaseva

    ​To be honest, the work is dreary. Fortunately, you can now buy ready-made “carrot ribbons” in stores. Well, or still, maybe it’s easier to sow carrots in the usual way, and then thin out.​

    Luda Vysotskaya

    ​These are the tricks I learned about planting carrots on paper. As you can see, there are options that are both more expensive and more economical, with more labor (which, of course, will pay off later) and with less! Let's approach the garden creatively, comrades! Let's enjoy the process, so to speak!​

    ​We make a seeding tape from each half as follows: make a paste of starch or flour, drop it onto paper and place carrot seeds in increments of 2.5 cm.​


    ​or paper towels into strips 2.5-3 centimeters wide. Make marks with a pencil or marker at the distance where the seeds will be glued. Apply a thick layer of paste or office glue to the resulting tape and begin gluing the seeds. To do this, pour

    Save energy in the garden: do-it-yourself seed tape

    - toothpick or tweezers.

    ​I agree 100% with Marina!​

    ​Whatever method of sowing seeds we choose, the main thing is to do everything with pleasure and love, then Mother Earth will generously reward us with an excellent harvest!​

    I do this with radishes and carrots. I cook closter better than flour. I use a syringe to drop drops at the required distance. Radishes are 4 x 6. Carrots are in two rows per roll along the edges. When I plant, so as not to dry out the bed, I water it three times with an interval of 10 minutes. and cover with old film for two days.

    ​Just wet the small seeds. They will simply dry to the paper.​

    ​I glued the seeds onto starch paste. I cooked it myself so that the consistency was quite thick, thicker than jelly. When gluing, you don’t need to spare the paste, but you need to dry it for a long time. I glued it onto toilet paper, but it’s better to use coarser, thicker paper.​

    The method of planting carrots using seed tape allows you to optimize seed consumption. In addition to significant savings, this method gives gardeners the opportunity to grow carrots without tedious thinning of seedlings. Despite the fact that it is currently on sale big choice factory-made ribbons of the “Lazy Bed” type, many gardeners prefer to make such ribbons themselves the old fashioned way. In this article you will find a video that shows in detail the process of making seed tape, as well as tips on how and what you can use to glue seeds to paper.

    Materials for production

    Prepare for work:

    • a roll of high-quality (not multi-layer) toilet paper;
    • half a liter jar of water;
    • a teaspoon of mineral complex fertilizers;
    • two teaspoons of flour
    • saucer;
    • scissors;
    • Matchbox;
    • disposable syringe with a volume of 2 cubes;
    • an old metal bowl and spoon;
    • a bag of carrot seeds;
    • long ruler.

    Seeds on a tape can be bought ready-made or made by yourself

    The procedure for making the tape

    1. Pour fertilizer into a jar of water, stir the liquid so that the crystals of the drug dissolve.

    2. Place flour in a bowl and fill it with fertilizer solution. Add liquid in small portions and stir the dough all the time. When it acquires the consistency of kefir, place the bowl on low heat and, with intense continuous stirring, bring its contents to a boil, then immediately turn off the burner and let the paste cool.

    3. Meanwhile, cut a meter-long piece of toilet paper and place it on the table. Pour the carrot seeds into a saucer and place it next to a piece of paper.

    You can glue the seeds onto toilet paper

    4. Fill the syringe (without a needle) with the cooled paste.

    5. Stepping 1 cm from the edge of the long edge of the paper, place a ruler on the tape and, in accordance with its divisions, use a syringe to apply a series of glue drops to the paper, placing them at intervals of 5 cm.

    Advice. To prevent the paste from hardening prematurely, do not make this row too long.

    6. Using a clean match tip dipped in water, pick up one seed at a time from the saucer and transfer it to a drop of glue. Having filled the entire prepared row with seeds, continue working in the same way.

    The interval between seeds is about 5 cm

    7. In total, on a piece of paper you should have five rows of seeds, spaced about 2 cm from each other.

    8. Having finished work, lay out the seeding tape blank near the battery, and when the paste has completely hardened, roll it into a neat roll and cut it crosswise into 5 “tablets”.

    Advice. If you are afraid that the seeds may fall off during the cutting process, glue them in the same way onto pre-cut narrow ribbons.

    Carrots planted on tape do not need to be thinned

    In the spring, when it’s time to plant carrots, all you have to do is lay the seed strips in the grooves in the beds, mulch them and water them with settled water.

    Do-it-yourself carrots on a ribbon - video

    Carrot seeds on a ribbon - photo