home · Appliances · Pear brown spots on leaves and fruits. Methods of combating diseases and pests of pears. How to process pears from pests: photos and control measures

Pear brown spots on leaves and fruits. Methods of combating diseases and pests of pears. How to process pears from pests: photos and control measures

Pear is one of the most common and is highly valued by gardeners because of its delicious and useful fruits. However, this cultivated plant, like all others, is subject to the most various diseases. One of the most formidable is bacterial burn pears. Treatment can be quite lengthy and not give the desired result, especially if you use universal remedies against Gardeners often lose a lot of time on these useless manipulations, and when they understand what they are dealing with, it is already too late to save the tree.

What is a bacterial burn

Many gardeners do not know how to recognize this formidable disease, which is why they lose a lot of time, and meanwhile there is less and less chance to save the tree. Among these ailments, the most dangerous is precisely the bacterial burn of the pear. Treatment depends on how quickly a correct diagnosis is made and whether there are other trees in the immediate area that could be infested. To date, experts are working hard to find effective remedy to combat it, however, despite this, the disease continues to actively destroy the gardens.

The first time a bacterial burn was recorded in the eighteenth century. Approximately 150 years later, the disease spread throughout the continent. Now she is found all over the world, regularly devastating gardens. All terrestrial parts of the plant are affected by pear bacterial burn. Treatment must be started at the earliest stages, otherwise it may be ineffective.


What does a bacterial burn look like? fruit crops? The process begins in the inflorescences and quickly covers the entire tree. There is a defeat of branches and shoots. In the spring, you will observe how the disease slows down the opening of the buds, which turn black, dry up, but do not fall off, but continue to stick to the branches. If the disease hit the tree at the time of flowering, then the flowers will also darken and wither. Slowly, young twigs and leaves will begin to turn black, they crowd together, but remain in their place. That is why the disease is called "Anton's fire." The pear stands as if burnt, black, lifeless, but with all the flowers, fruits and leaves.

Further, the infection moves along the trunk. It may be too late at this stage to wonder how to treat pear blight, but it is worth trying to save the rest of the garden so that other trees do not suffer the same fate. At this stage, you can observe how the bark softens. Drops of milky white color appear on it, they are called exudate. The bark around the place of excretion acquires a characteristic pattern, red-brown stains appear on it. Those tissues that are already affected by the infection begin to exfoliate, become covered with blisters. Ulcers form on the tree.


So what causes pear blight? Treatment can only be successful when we know exactly what we are dealing with. The causative agent of the infection is the bacterium Erwinia amylovora. They spread from a diseased tree to a healthy one, and high humidity and moderate air temperature are the most favorable factors for the development of infection. There is no age range for the spread of the disease.

Diseases of young pears are as common as diseases of old fruit trees. The exudate mentioned above forms thin threads that are easily carried by the wind. It is he who transmits the causative agents of the disease, which means that the disease quickly affects everything around. The most convenient for the development of infection are flowers, in which it develops and continues its journey throughout the tree. That is, spring is the time when the risk of infection is greatest.

Less often, the infection enters the plant with the help of rain. Bacteria survive the winter inside the pear, and with the advent of spring, they resume their development. By the middle of summer, you will see milky white drops coming out. That is, the cycle repeats again. Very rarely, infection occurs during grafting or through pruning tools. The infection can also be transmitted by insects, aphids, bees, flies and wasps.


To protect the pear from a bacterial burn, you must follow some rules. First of all, you need to maintain cleanliness on the site, pull out all wild plants. This is especially true of hawthorn, which is often the focus of infection. It is very important to process fruit crops in time, as pests are very fond of a tree like a pear. Leaf diseases are not the only problem they suffer. On their bristles, they will easily bring pathogens of a bacterial burn into your garden.


Experts offer several methods that can be used to combat this disease. Each of them has been tested countless times and is quite effective. At the same time, they all have their pros and cons, so you need to weigh the perceived risks and benefits well. We bring to your attention three ways that help cure a bacterial burn.

Radical method of dealing with the disease

If you have a lot of fruit trees growing on your site, and you notice rapidly developing symptoms of the disease in one of them, then it would be best to get rid of it quickly. So you secure the rest of the garden. Moreover, if the area of ​​the lesion is less than 30%, then you can try to remove all the affected areas, cut even healthy tissue 20-40 cm below the lesion. After that, it is imperative to process the tools with 70% alcohol or 10% copper sulphate.

Be sure, if you notice signs of a bacterial burn in your garden, remove all wild plants and shrubs, and treat the garden for pests to avoid further spread of the infection.

Treatment with antibiotics

This is the most effective method, which is most often recommended by experts. In order to get rid of this scourge, the most common "Streptomycin" is used. Moreover, the most effective is the use of antibiotics during the growing season. This drug can be bought at a regular veterinary pharmacy, while large bottles of 500 thousand units. very accessible.

With a slight lesion, you can use "Streptomycin". Dosage - one ampoule per 5 liters, it is enough to process a dozen young trees. Best time for this procedure - May, June. At this time, shoots grow rapidly, and such treatment will be an excellent prevention. It is worth repeating the procedure after 2-3 weeks, as well as after each heavy rain, especially with hail.

It is not recommended to use "Streptomycin" more than 3 times in a row. Therefore, after several treatments, they switch to immunity stimulants - these are Fitosporin, Immunocytofit, Silk, Zircon and many other drugs. In addition, you can take 2 tablets of any tetracycline from a veterinary pharmacy for the next treatment. It should also be dissolved in 5 liters of water.

With a strong lesion, you can try injections of "Streptomycin" under the cortex. To do this, choose the most affected place, cut it out, and then perform ordinary injections around.

Chemical treatments

Today in stores you can be offered a large selection of universal, antibacterial drugs that can most often help if a pear is infected. Diseases of leaves, fruits, various pests - all these are problems that are solved quite easily. However, bacterial burn is a slightly different case.

Modern fungicides, except for copper-containing ones, have practically no effect on its pathogens, which means that such treatment will do little. Many gardeners use Processing done after leaf fall, then in early spring and several more times until the fruit is poured. However, this tool can only be used for prevention. If the infection has already spread, then it remains only to cut out the affected areas and try to save the rest of the tree. Dead plants or individual branches must be burned.

Other common diseases

However, bacterial burn is not the only problem for gardeners. Now let's look at what other diseases of pear leaves exist and the fight against them. A common ailment is scab. This is what affects the leaves, flowers and fruits. The leaves fall off, the fruits crack. The disease can also lead to damage to the shoots, but then it is better to remove them. Scab, fruit rot are diseases of pear fruits that respond well to treatment. Rot appears on fruits as brownish spots on the surface.

To combat scab, multiple spraying with Bordeaux mixture and copper chloride is used. You need to start processing before flowering. The second time to carry out this procedure is recommended during the ovary of the buds, then after flowering and two weeks after it. Against fruit rot, more strong remedy- universal fungicide "Inta-Vir".

For prevention and use "Fundazol" or "Sulfite". It should be borne in mind that the fungus spreads well in wet weather, so it is better to carry out several treatments. A mixture of antibiotics helps well against powdery mildew: "Penicillin", "Streptomycin" and "Terramycin" in a ratio of 1: 1. Often on pears you can see rust, bright brown spots on leaves and fruits. Against this disease, it is necessary to use a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Major pests

When choosing how to process a pear, it is good to include an insect repellent in the mixture at the same time. They also cause considerable damage, in addition, they are carriers of various bacterial diseases. This is a hawthorn butterfly and a brown fruit mite, and a gall mite, a pear itch, a pear sawfly and a pear trumpeter, as well as many others. In order to protect yourself from all these misfortunes, it is enough to treat the garden with a systemic insecticide, such as Decis, Calypso or Biscay.

Summing up

Diseases such as fire blight, powdery mildew, fruit rot, rust can quickly negate all your work in the garden. Preventive treatment should be carried out regularly, and if necessary, measures should be taken to quickly and effective treatment. All the above means and methods have been tested many times, their effectiveness has been proven, so you can use them on your own without a doubt. suburban area. The universal schema is preventive treatment in autumn, after leaf fall, then in spring, immediately after waking up, then after flowering. This is usually enough to keep you happy all year round.

Pear in southern regions and in the middle lane - one of the most beloved fruit trees by gardeners. Juicy ripe fruits of this tree perfectly "go" fresh, and are also suitable for conservation, making delicious tinctures. However, when growing a pear, sometimes one has to face some diseases: for example, it is especially common to see how the leaves, fruits, and even the trunk turn black on a tree. In the article we will find out what diseases cause these symptoms, and how you can deal with the problem.

Why do the leaves turn black, dry up and curl up - reasons

Of all the possible types of blackening, this is the most common. Various factors can cause a symptom: to cope with the problem, you need to carefully study them. Let us further consider what causes blackness on the leaves, why they begin to dry out and curl up.

Nutrient deficiency

This is one of the most common causes of browning of pear leaves. For example, calcium deficiency leads to the fact that the leaves begin to darken from the edge of the plate, and gradually the process reaches the top of the leaf. This problem can be solved by adding calcium nitrate during every second watering.

The leaves and fruits of the pear turn black, if you ignore the problem, you can lose the fruit.

The lack of boron manifests itself as a darkening of the foliage with simultaneous deformation of the young shoots. At the same time, the growth of seedlings is significantly inhibited. In this case, the problem must be solved by spraying the plant with a solution of boric acid.


A pear of any variety, including and, as well as at any age, can be affected by some kind of pest: and if measures are not taken in time, this can lead to blackening of the foliage of the tree, and then to its fall. Most often, the pear is affected by aphids. This insect sucks the nutritious juices from the leaves, as a result of which the latter gradually dry out, darken, and twist into tubules.

In addition to aphids, tinsel is also dangerous for a tree. This insect settles on the leaves, and in the course of its life activity covers them with a black sticky coating. The insect prefers foliage that is still young; at the end of summer, you can no longer be afraid of it.

Pear gall mite

This pest settles on young buds, and is hardly noticeable until the leaves bloom. Appears as black marks on foliage.

To avoid damage to the tree by this pest, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying even before the buds open. Herbicides can also be used during this time.

Well, if the foliage has already blossomed, it is undesirable to use chemistry, therefore, gardeners usually use a decoction when this pest is affected onion peel or garlic infusion.

On the video - the fight against blackening pear leaves:


The pear is often sick with this disease, and black spots and dots on the leaves are its symptoms.

There are several reasons for this disease. First, too much precipitation creates important environment favorable for this fungus. In addition, there are pear varieties that have a genetic instability to scab: these are, for example, Marianna, Phelps, Forest Beauty.

Scab can affect both leaves, flowers, shoots, and even fruits.

Therefore, when choosing another seedling in the nursery, pay attention Special attention on the characteristics of the variety. The high-risk zone also includes too young and too old trees: their immunity is the weakest.

I must say that the spores of the disease nest in fallen leaves, as well as in broken / cut branches. Therefore, it is advisable not to leave any bio-residues under the snow for the winter: in the spring, the scab will come to life and again be able to hit your garden. It is worth knowing that if the disease has already affected the tree significantly, it is extremely difficult to get rid of it. If the scab is started, it will destroy most of the crop, and those fruits that still survive will be impossible to eat because of their unpleasant taste and very hard pulp.

On the video - treatment of scab in a pear:

To avoid this disease, it is necessary to carry out preventive pear spraying in a timely manner. Moreover, the procedures must be carried out on a regular basis, and throughout the growing season. If the climate is humid, then in the spring it is advisable to spray the tree with Bordeaux liquid, and before flowering and the formation of ovaries, it is better to use less “thermonuclear” preparations: for example, Topaz or Horus.

Bacterial burn

This cause of blackening of foliage is one of the most dangerous. Bacterial burn - infection, affects the vascular system of the plant.

Symptoms of the disease are the following external signs:

  • blackening of leaves and shoots (black spots resemble burns);
  • tissue death (necrosis);
  • the tree gets rid of foliage, flowers, ovaries and fruits.

This disease can completely destroy the tree.

For treatment, watering and spraying the pear with antibiotics is most often used. Therapeutic procedures must be carried out every five days, using a solution of the following drugs:

  • penicillin;
  • agrimycin;
  • thiomycin.

On the video - a bacterial pear burn:

In addition, it is important to thoroughly disinfect all gardening Tools, as well as carry out spring preventive spraying of pears with iron and copper sulfate.

If the fruits turn black

We will find out for what reasons pear fruits turn black, and how this pathology eliminate.

How to treat Scab

Most often, the problem also occurs due to scab. Because of this disease, all the fruits on the tree can turn black and rot, and those that have not rotted lose much of their taste.

The disease develops due to strong and prolonged waterlogging of the pear at high temperatures.

Scab is a fungus. At first, the disease manifests itself as yellow spots on all external parts of the tree, including the fruits. Gradually, these spots darken, blacken, tissue dies in these areas. The pulp of affected fruits becomes lignified (especially directly under the spots), cracks appear on the skin, some fruits rot entirely.

On the video - why pear fruits turn black:

The fight against scab is complex. Those parts of the tree that are already affected must be removed, in the fall all the leaves under the pear should be removed and burned, in addition, it is necessary to dig up the soil under the tree. If the crown of the pear is too dense, it must be thinned out to reduce moisture and allow more light.

Young pear disease - fruit rot

This disease is called moniliosis, and most often affects fruit trees - apple and pear. The first signs can be seen when the fruits begin to pour: at this time, small spots appear on them. Brown. These spots grow rapidly, and in a week they can “eat” the entire fetus completely. At the same time, the pear pulp becomes inedible: tasteless and loose in structure. Rot, in addition to fruits, can also spread to branches, causing them to dry out. But what early columnar varieties exist will help to understand.

I must say that fruit rot is very contagious and is easily transmitted from plant to plant, from fruit to fruit. If among harvested crop there will be at least one fruit with spores of the disease, then during storage the crop may rot completely.

To prevent this disease, it is necessary to immediately remove the affected fruits: not only those that have fallen to the ground, but also those that hang on a tree. In addition, it is necessary to deal with pests, since it is the fruits affected by them that are the first to become rotten. What are the most the best varieties for the middle band, and how they look can be seen.

On the video - the fight against the fruit pear:

The measures for treating a tree from fruit rot are the same as in the case of scab disease. In spring and autumn, spraying with Bordeaux mixture is effective, and during the growing season - with fungicides (Topsin, Fitosporin, Folicur).

sooty fungus

This disease affects the pear either at the end of flowering, or at the time of fruit ripening. The disease manifests itself as a dark coating on the leaves and fruits, while the taste qualities the latter.

Distinguishing soot fungus from other diseases is simple: its spots are easily erased from the affected parts, unlike the manifestations of scab or rot.

The reasons for the infection of a pear with this disease are as follows:

  • too dense crown, poorly transmitting light and air;
  • the location of the tree in the lowland;
  • lack of light;
  • harmful insects.

To cope with soot fungus, you need to constantly fight pests: especially with sucker and aphids. In addition, spraying trees with fungicides containing copper saves from infection.

What sweet varieties exist for the Moscow region, what they are called, and how they look, you can see by.

If you have already treated the pear for other diseases, then you do not need to specially spray the tree from the soot fungus.

If the trunk turned black

This type of blackening of the pear is less common than the others, and most often the cause of it is black cancer. This disease spreads to the bark of branches and trunk.

Initially, small black spots of a depressed shape appear on the bark, some of which then begin to secrete a liquid - gum. Wounds form, sometimes extensive, the bark may soon become completely brown. In addition to the damage to the trunk, black cancer spreads to the leaves and fruits, covering them with reddish spots. If the disease spreads strongly, the tree will die.

Preventive measures

We will find out what preventive measures will help to avoid blackening of the pear.

First, it is important to initially acquire high-quality and healthy planting material. It is not recommended to purchase seedlings in the markets without certificates and documents - in this case, an infected specimen may well come across.

When pruning the affected parts of the tree, thoroughly disinfect the entire tool after the procedure.

It is important to remove fallen leaves and fallen fruits in time. And if they fell from a diseased tree, then they must be burned.

Clean the barrel, whiten it, treat it for damage in time. You can see what self-pollinating varieties exist for the northwestern region, what they are called, and what they look like.

Loosening the soil under the pear gives the roots more air. You need to try to avoid thickening the crown by cutting off old, diseased branches.

On the video - pear pest control:

Spray the pear in spring and autumn with a solution of Bordeaux liquid, as well as fungicides during the growing season. Destroy harmful insects in a timely manner.

So, we found out why the leaves, fruits and trunk of a pear turn black, and also found out what can be done with this scourge. As you can see, there can be many reasons for these phenomena - therefore, before embarking on treatment, it is first necessary to accurately establish this cause. Our tips will help you decide on this issue, as well as tell you how to fix a dangerous problem.

big and beautiful garden is the dream of many. After all, the taste of fruits personally collected on their site cannot be confused with the taste of fruits bought in a nearby supermarket. And the nutritional quality of home-made preparations from them is completely beyond praise! This is especially true of pears, whose delicate and tart taste will not leave anyone indifferent!

Unfortunately, there are some pear diseases that can leave you not only without a crop, but even without a garden! Let's deal with some of them, along the way discussing the methods of their treatment. Note that we will mainly describe diseases of pears and apple trees, since all the pathogens we have characterized equally easily affect both of these species.


If we talk about the frequency of distribution, then it is scab that is included in a kind of TOP-10. Alas, the prevalence of this pathology does not make it less dangerous. Scab is called the most dangerous fungal disease, in some regions taking the form of a real epidemic that mows down gardens. Leaf blades and petioles, fruits and their petioles are affected. Especially often this kind of pear diseases (fungal type) appear in warm and humid years, when the maximum amount of precipitation falls in several days in summer. Note that the first symptoms can be seen immediately after bud break in the spring.

External signs of the disease

First, slightly yellowish, slightly translucent spots appear on the fruits. Gradually they become brownish, velvety to the touch. This is especially pronounced on the thin peel of pears.

As in other cases, when pear fungal diseases are “involved” in the case, the leaves turn red. After that, they turn black and fall off. Let's make a small digression. What are the symptoms of almost all pear diseases? "Rust" on leaves and fruits - that's what should immediately alert you! As a rule, such an unusual color change indicates the appearance of an infection in your garden.

At the same time, the disease develops rapidly on the fruits. They appear grayish-black rounded spots with a sharply defined rim, which appears due to a rupture of the peel of the fruit. Subsequently, these areas are also covered with a velvety coating, which coarsens and acquires the structure of a cork. You should know that with early scab damage, the fetus becomes very ugly, does not grow even to half its normal size.

Much more dangerous is the situation when, at an early stage of development, sepals are affected, which serve as a source of infection for fruits and leaves. As a result, the gardener may lose the entire crop even at the stage of ovary formation. This situation is especially threatening to those gardens where the trees are planted close to each other, where there is no normal ventilation between rows: there pear diseases “feel” especially at ease.

Cause of the disease, predisposing factors

The causative agent is a fungus. Fallen leaves serve as a reservoir of infection. In spring, small dark tubercles can be seen on such foliage - these are receptacles for ripening spores. Their release (and infection of trees, respectively) occurs during the budding and flowering of apple trees.

The most suitable temperature for this is from 19 to 25°C. The higher the humidity, the faster the spores begin to germinate inside the leaf. If the spring is protracted, and the buds bloom extremely slowly, then the probability of scab damage is almost 100%. However, other diseases of pears also spread particularly quickly in such conditions, so that prevention and treatment measures should be given the closest attention.

Scab treatment

  1. First, you need to start with prevention. All fallen leaves in the fall are either burned or composted. The duration of composting should be at least two to three years.
  2. The thickened crowns must be cut without fail, and the trunk circles must be dug up (at least a meter in diameter).
  3. In autumn (by dormant buds), trees are treated with a 5% urea solution. For trunk circles use a solution with a concentration active ingredient 7%.
  4. When the kidneys begin to open, a solution of 3-4% Bordeaux mixture is made for spraying. If time is lost, during the extension and isolation of the buds, the trees are treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid. In the event that it is not possible to manufacture it, ten liters of water are taken: 30 grams of azophos, 40 grams of copper chloride, two milliliters of SCOR (an excellent fungicide), and six grams of bayleton. All these substances (except for the copper compound) are completely safe for leaves, and the composition itself as a whole does not cause even insignificant chemical burns of tree tissues.
  5. After flowering is completed, spraying is carried out again. If the season contributes to the development of scab (high humidity, low temperature), then the number of treatments can be increased to six. It is necessary to take into account the need for breaks of two to three weeks. In addition, the drugs used should be alternated. Please note that at least 20 days must pass from the moment of the last spraying to harvesting.

What else can a pear be affected by? Diseases of leaves and fruits, unfortunately, are quite common, and therefore the list will not be too short.

Fruit rot (moniliosis)

This disease causes great damage to horticultural farms around the world. The damage is much greater even compared to scab, since the affected fruits cannot be used for processing or fresh consumption. Therefore, the fight against pear diseases in this case should be especially persistent in order to achieve better results.

Source of disease

As in the previous case, the causative agent of the disease is a fungus. Preserved in last year's mummified fruits. In the spring, such apples are easily recognizable, as they quickly become covered with white, rounded spots, which are the external manifestation of the mycelium growing in the fruit.

Important! Affected, hardened fruits can remain on the tree for a long time, which is why the disease can affect even young pears that have just formed from the ovaries. Last year's fruits themselves may no longer remain on the branches, but the mycelium from them quickly passes to the bark, where it remains for a very long time. By the way, this explains the mass death and drying of ovaries in many old gardens.

Symptoms of the disease

The mass manifestation of the disease begins approximately in the second half of summer, and this is especially facilitated by humid and hot weather. First, a small brown spot appears on the pear, which grows very quickly, gradually capturing the entire fruit. The pear quickly loses all its nutritional qualities. Especially quickly, the fungal mycelium begins to grow in those places where at least some damage to the peel is observed. Various insect pests strongly “help” the pathogen.

In addition, it is often possible to see a real symbiosis of scab and rot, when the causative agent of the latter enters the fruit precisely through the places where the scab mycelium is localized. On the affected areas, round and oblong brown circles appear with incredible speed, on which a concentric pattern of white spots forms. These are the sites of spore formation that will infect still healthy fruits. Rain, wind and insects are the best way to increase the speed of this process.

In total, during the summer period, the fungus manages to develop several of its generations at once. At the end of summer most of fruits fall off, but many become mummified, acquire a blue-black tint, and in this form can be on the tree for up to two years. Of course, they are an excellent reservoir of infection.

It is generally accepted that the development of rot in fruit storages can be stopped by lowering the temperature. But this helps little, since the pathogen develops well even at a temperature of two degrees Celsius. To secure the harvest, you need to constantly sort out the fruits, ruthlessly rejecting those affected by rot. In this case, the pear, whose diseases and pests have an extremely unfavorable effect on the nutritional value of the product, has every chance of “surviving” before processing or fresh consumption.

About prevention and treatment

As in the previous case, it all starts with prevention. At the end of the season, you need to carefully collect all the fruits, fallen leaves and branches, and then burn them or compost them. Throughout the summer, you need to organize a constant collection of fruits so as not to create favorable conditions for the rapid spread of infection. In addition, during harvesting, one should strive at all costs to avoid mechanical damage fetus, as dents and tears are excellent gateways for infection.

Phyllosticosis (brown leaf spot)

This disease is in no way inferior to the pathologies described above in terms of frequency and geography of manifestation. It usually manifests itself starting from July, more often it affects apple trees, but in some regions there is a mass disease of pears. The causative agent is another pathogenic fungus.

Symptoms of the disease

First, small brown dots appear on the leaf blade. Subsequently, they turn black, covered with areas of ripening spores. At first, the spots have a pronounced brown color, often along their perimeter there is a rather thick rim of degenerated leaf tissue. Often, with this disease, pears turn black leaves that have previously been exposed to pesticides or have been damaged by some kind of pests.

The reservoir of infection is the same fallen leaves, in which the fungus is perfectly preserved for several years. The higher the air humidity, the faster it spreads.


Very often, this pathology develops on those trees that have been treated with excessively strong pesticides or herbicides, as a result of which their foliage has received chemical burns.

The treatment of brown leaf spot is no different from scab control measures. Since the leaves turn black during pear disease, it can be detected quickly enough, and therefore treatment should begin immediately!

Black cancer (Antonov fire)

A fairly common infection of fruit trees. As in the previous case, it often affects apple trees, although pears are not so rarely affected by it. Like any fungus, it has the widest geography of distribution. The most dangerous type of this pathology is the defeat of the cortex at the fork. Note that all other diseases of the pear and their treatment were not described in such detail, but an exception should be made for cancer. The fact is that it can easily lead to the death of a tree.


First, brown-violet spots appear on the bark of the tree, the localization of which grows rapidly. The cortical layer in these places darkens extremely quickly. The tree in this place looks like it was scorched by fire. Actually, it was this circumstance that served as the basis for the appearance of the name of the disease.

The affected bark quickly begins to crack and soon flakes off completely. The wood under it also turns out to be very darkened. A remarkable symptom is that the wood in this place is covered with small tubercles, which appear as a result of the massive growth of the fungus in its thickness. The wetter and hotter the weather, the faster the fire spreads. If the vaccination site is affected, then mature tree dies within two or three years.

Leaves and fruits

Note that black cancer also affects the branches. With this disease, pear fruits may also not remain, since the pathogen is not averse to settling on them. So, in this case, reddish-brown spots quickly appear on the fruit, which become somewhat grayish in the center.

By the way, this is precisely what many pear diseases are dangerous for: “rust”, that is, the characteristic color of the damaged areas, appears with many of them. But in the case of cancer, as we have already said, the real pathology should be found out quickly, since the life of the tree is at stake.

hallmark is the shape of this pattern, which most of all resembles blades. Affected foliage quickly dries up and falls off. In other years, a picture was often observed when, a month before the ripening of the fruits, the pears stood naked, since most of the leaves had already fallen off, being affected by cancer. In general, this disease on pear leaves progresses at an alarming rate, so the risk of being left without a normal crop (and without the tree itself) is very high.

The fruits themselves are affected by black rot. First, a black-brown spot appears under the skin, which grows rapidly, soon occupying the entire surface of the fruit. The pear quickly mummifies. In contrast to the fruit rot described above, the fruit in this case becomes blue-black, often its surface is noticeably rough. As with moniliosis, cases of damage to small fruits that have just emerged from the state of ovaries are not so rare. Most likely, last year's fruits remaining on the tree are also to blame for this, from which the pathogen migrates to flowers.

A distinctive sign of cancer in all cases is the presence of tiny sores on the affected tissues of the fruit or wood, from which small tubercles diverge in concentric circles. This is especially noticeable with a 10x magnifier. As you might guess, the tubercles are reservoirs for maturing spores.

Note that black cancer most often affects the most weakened trees. In varietal, strong pears, self-healing is often observed. Very susceptible to cancer are those pears that have grown on heavy, wet soils. They can die from this disease in just one and a half to two years.

In general, almost all pear diseases can boast of rapid progress, and their treatment should be started as soon as possible. Of course, properly organized prevention plays a huge role.

Treatment Method

Strict observance of agricultural technology - the best remedy treatment and prevention of black cancer. Proper tillage between rows, regular cleaning of various debris from them, as well as timely whitewashing of trunks and skeletal branches, which protects them from damage by pests, is very important. If we talk about grafting work, then in their case it is extremely important to choose the appropriate graft. If it is taken from a not too strong tree, it is better to graft it onto a dense one, strong plant, which can provide sufficient vitality and immunity.

By the way, a wild pear tree, whose diseases are practically unknown, can become an excellent stock in our climate zone!

Tools used

All trees that do not respond to treatment must be sawn and burned without fail. The land in this place should be treated with 7% Bordeaux liquid. All fruits, foliage and branches must also be burned. These materials are not subject to composting, as there is a high risk that the pathogen will remain fully viable.

Treatment of already affected trees should begin in the spring, when the ambient temperature has not yet risen to 15 degrees Celsius. Sanitation is quite simple, as it consists in removing diseased parts. With a sharp knife the wood affected by the fungus should be removed, taking at least one and a half to two centimeters of healthy tissue. After that, a fresh 1-2% solution of copper sulfate is taken, and the sections are carefully treated with it. After giving them time to dry slightly, they are treated with garden pitch, carefully closing all the cut out places as carefully as possible.

During the season itself, the affected areas of the tree should be treated with any fungicides that significantly inhibit the development of the disease. In the spring, these places are cut out in the manner described above.

Here we have described the main diseases of the pear and their treatment. We hope that the information we provided was useful to you.

Pear is a fruit tree with very tasty, juicy and fragrant fruits, which is widely grown by Russian gardeners. This tree is long-lived and high-yielding. However, the pear does not have a strong resistance to various viral, fungal and bacterial infections and insect pests.

In order for the pear crop to be consistently rich, you need to monitor the health of the pear and the entire garden.


When examining the garden, it is necessary to pay attention to various changes in the condition of the leaves, fruits and bark.

Signs of the emerging disease are the following symptoms:

  • fruits and leaves change their shape;
  • the presence of spots on the leaves, fruits;
  • the appearance of any lesions on the shoots and bark;
  • change in taste and hardening of fruits;
  • leaves, ovaries or fruits fall off;
  • tree and branches dry.

A blackened, yellowed or curled leaf warns of a possible infection. Leaves, like roots, are the source of nutrition for the tree, leaf disease leads to the fact that the tree does not receive enough nutrients. Any disease primarily affects the leaves, which change color, dry and may fall off. We present a description of some diseases of pear leaves.


One of the most dangerous ailments of a pear is a fungal disease of rust. The first symptoms of the disease appear after the pear has faded. Spots appear on the leaves, which can range in color from yellow to rusty brown. This rust gradually passes to the petioles.

The disease progresses, and in summer rust spreads throughout the crown, covering a large number of leaves. Rusty spots can cover the entire surface of the leaf, it dries and even falls off in summer. Subsequently, dark dots form on the spots. The peak of the development of the disease occurs in the fall. On the inner surface of the leaf, outgrowths-bloatings are formed with processes in which the spores of the fungus are located.

The source of the disease is most often juniper, on which the mycelium hibernates, and in spring the spores of the fungus are transferred to the pear, causing its disease. In diseased trees, immunity and the ability to tolerate frost are reduced.

Others no less dangerous disease pear leaves is powdery mildew, which is carried by marsupial fungus. The signs of this disease are so obvious and characteristic that they cannot be overlooked. The main symptom of powdery mildew is white coating, which covers the leaves and inflorescences. The leaves curl up, the inflorescences dry up and fall off, and the remaining inflorescences do not form ovaries.

Most often, powdery mildew affects young shoots.

sooty fungus

If the leaves turn black on the pear, then there is a high probability of infection of the tree with soot fungus. It usually affects weakened or young pears. The cause of the disease is the excretion of harmful insects that the fungus feeds on. The disease occurs after flowering and falling petals or when the fruits are pouring. In the first phase of the disease, a black or gray color resembling soot.

First, the plaque forms separate spots, gradually increasing in size, and then, connecting, they cover a large surface, and the foliage turns black. The fungus, settling under the bark or in fallen leaves, winters well, and with the onset of spring, it revives vital activity again.


Moniliosis is an infection that affects not only pear trees, but also neighboring seedlings. It has a particular danger when the fruits ripen. This disease can manifest itself in 2 types: fruit rot and monilial burn.

Fruit rot is a fungal disease that affects the entire fruit, after which it can not be consumed. Signs of infection appear only in the middle of the growing season, by the time the fruits are filled. The first symptoms of rot are the appearance of brown spots on the fruits, which quickly affect the entire fruit. Then fungal spores form on the rot in the form of light spots. Rain, wind and insects contribute to the rapid spread of the disease, which turns moniliosis into a dangerous threat to all fruit trees.

The incubation period is short and after a few days the spores can spread to other trees. Small cracks and other damage can become the site of damage to trees, and warm (up to +30) and humid weather contributes to the development of rot. In dry and very hot (above +30) or cool (below +16) weather, spores lose their ability to spread, become bluish in color and shrink. Fruits that have fallen from trees must be removed, as the infection persists until next year and may reappear.

Monilial burn. Signs of this disease are the defeat of inflorescences, flowers, small shoots and branches. Its causative agent is a fungus that has been preserved in the mycelium of the affected branches. In the spring, already at a temperature of +14 degrees, it wakes up and develops. The place of penetration of the pathogen is the pistil of the flower. He then strikes and shoots.

The flower, leaves and small shoots turn brown and dry up, the tree sheds flowers and fruit ovaries. Development is promoted frequent rains that increase atmospheric humidity.


The first signs of scab disease are the appearance of dark green spots on the back of the leaves. The spots have a velvety coating, which is a colony of the fungus. As the fruits grow, the scab also affects them. Blurred spots appear on the skin, the peel cracks, the pear flesh becomes hard, and the fruit itself changes its shape.

With a large damage to the tree, the number of fruits decreases, and they themselves become small.

Pear stonyness is another fruit disease. This viral infection, in which the fruits do not grow, remain small, deformed. Solid formations form in the pulp, pears lose their taste.

It is very difficult to detect diseases of the bark and root system in time, since the true cause of the appearance of signs of the disease is in the ground.

The disease black cancer, or "Anton's fire", can occur not only on the bark, but also on branches, leaves and even fruits. The development of the disease is slow and can take 2-3 years. Initially, cracks form in the bark, gradually increasing in size. The stem layers are destroyed to the cambium.

Along the edges of the cracks, wounds form in the form of brown spots, where spores of fungi, viruses and other infections enter. The disease can lead to the death of the tree.

Cytosporosis or stem rot. The cause of cytosporosis may be sunburn or frostbite. In addition to the trunk, annual shoots can also become ill, on which black tubercles form. As a result, the shoots die. On thick affected branches, the bark becomes red with a pronounced brown tint. There may be a release of a sticky and thick liquid - gum disease, and subsequently the bark will dry out.

Root cancer is bacterial in nature and affects young seedlings. Root cancer is characterized by the formation of growths on the root system and the neck of the roots. At first they are small and soft, but as the disease progresses, they become hard and stiff, increase in size. After planting infected seedlings, cancer growths rot, break down and release bacteria that live in the ground for several years.

Insects and pests are no less a danger to a pear than diseases, and can bring death not only to the crop, but to the entire tree.

leaf roller

A leaf roller is a small insect whose caterpillar has a yellow-green or brown color. When falling from a leaf, they release a thin cobweb, hanging on it. A butterfly is an adult organism with gray wings with a white stripe in the middle.

Very often healthy-looking pear leaves are twisted into a tube. This is a sign of the vital activity of the leafworm, which has laid larvae and caterpillars have already hatched from them. The poison released by them enters the juice of the leaves, as a result of which changes occur in them at the cellular level and they collapse. Then the leaves turn black and fall off.

The leaf roller can destroy up to 80% of the leaves.


This is a small greenish insect. Already in early spring, the process of birth of larvae takes place, which feed on the juice of blossoming buds. Aphid colonies attack young blossoming leaves and shoots. Aphids settle on the back surface of the leaves, feed on their juice, which negatively affects growth and causes a change in their shape. The leaves are folded in half lengthwise, thus covering the aphids where they accumulate.

Here the process of breeding new larvae takes place. The aphid has a great ability to reproduce and during the summer period can bring from 10 to 15 offspring. And only in autumn it lays larvae, wintering in cracks in the bark. With a large defeat of aphids, the shoots stop growing, the formation of fruit buds does not occur. The waste products of aphids have a sweet taste and are bait for ants - carriers of infection, and contribute to the emergence of the disease - soot fungus.

Another dangerous pest pears is a pear sucker or leaf blotch.

This insect is about 3 mm in size, with a gray or yellowish body, having two pairs of transparent wings. An adult sucker spends the winter in the bark or in the ground. In the spring, her food is the juice that she sucks from the kidneys. Before the leaves bloom, the sucker first lays larvae on the branches, and then on the leaves, placing them next to the central vein.

The larvae also feed on the juice of leaves, stems of flowers and fruits. Abundant sweet foods life activity insects are called honeydew. This dew then covers the entire larva and protects it from exposure. external environment. During the summer, the sucker can bring up to 5 offspring.

The harm of the sucker that affects the fruits lies in the fact that the pears, having changed their shape, then fall off, and the rest become tasteless. In trees infected with tinnitus, growth is inhibited, the ability to bear fruit and resistance to frost are reduced.

Pear tube runner

This is a weevil. Quite large, reaching a length of 17 mm, bright red in color, with a shiny body. The beetle spends the winter in the ground, and in the spring, during the flowering of the pear, it gets out of the ground, feeds on unblown flower buds, flowers and even fruits. In the middle of summer, female beetles lay only one larva in a pear fruit, gnawing at its leg.

The seeds of the fruit are food for the larvae.


Ants are red and black. Red ants do no harm to the pear. On the contrary, they are beneficial in that they destroy pests: larvae, caterpillars, including black ants, thereby protecting the tree from various infections. They are not carriers of aphids.

Black ants harm the pear. They are carriers of aphids, scale insects, as they feed on the sweetish secretions of these insects. Aphids can very soon appear after the ants. Ants usually attack a pear in the spring, when the movement of juices begins in the tree, or during the ripening of fruits. Black ants eat the buds, causing damage to the top of the shoot, ripening pears, which leads to crop loss.

The habitat of black ants is sand mounds, rotten trees, their hollows and stumps. Having settled on a tree, ants can make a rotten mass out of it in the future.

What to process?

Timely treatment of pear diseases and the destruction of harmful insects is a guarantee of preserving not only the crop, but the entire garden. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease are detected, it is urgent to treat the trees. Common in the treatment of diseases of a fungal nature in pears is the treatment with fungicides - drugs that suppress the development of the fungus.

Basic rules for the use of fungicides:

  • with three sprayings, the first is done before the foliage blooms, before flowering and the last time after it;
  • with four sprayings, the first is done when the buds swell, then at the time of bud formation, the third at the end of flowering, and the last during the formation of fruits and two months before they ripen.

You need to start fighting rust immediately, until the disease is widespread. by the most effective method there will be pruning of the affected parts of the tree with their subsequent burning. The next step in the treatment of rust is the use of fungicidal preparations 4-5 times a season. In spring, it is effective to use copper oxychloride, a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid, and a 5% solution of urea in stable dry weather.

Effective rust removers:

  1. copper sulfate (kuproksat) - it is used 4 times a year in a proportion of 50 ml per 10 liters of water;
  2. "Polyram" - this tool also processes the tree 4 times;
  3. Bayleton is a systemic fungicide that can be used up to 6 times, starting from the first moment of detection of the disease with an interval of 2-4 weeks;
  4. "Skor" - they process a pear three times.

Rust can also be treated with folk remedies: autumn spraying with infusion of ash, or mullein, or slurry.

Treatment of moniliosis:

  • all detected diseased branches are cut off;
  • the incision site is disinfected with copper sulfate (1%), then garden pitch or paint is applied;
  • three times spring spraying with Bordeaux liquid, copper chloride or other similar preparations;
  • if the infection is large, then the pear should be treated in the summer.

Such fungicides "Fitosporin", "Folicur" are effective. When using them, you must follow the instructions.

The treatment of a monilial burn is the same as that of moniliosis.

Powdery mildew treatment:

  • at the first sign of the disease, the affected parts of the tree are urgently removed;
  • spraying with colloidal sulfur is carried out (spring, autumn);
  • use for spraying fungicides - "Ditan M-45", "Rovral", "Thiovit Jet" according to the instructions.

Scab treatment:

  • in the spring, spray (3 times) with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride;
  • for further treatment, the means "HOM", "Abiga-Peak", "Skor", "Dnok", "Nitrafen" are used according to the instructions;
  • during the autumn fall of the leaves, a solution of ammonium sulfate -10-20%, a 0.1% solution of silite, an 8% solution of urea are used.

Pear fruit stonyness is a very difficult disease to treat. When affected by this disease a large number It is more expedient to dig up trees and burn them than to treat them. New trees cannot be planted in this place.

Black cancer is treated as follows:

  • the diseased part of the cortex is cut off, capturing healthy tissue as well (about 2 cm);
  • the cut place of the bark must be treated with copper sulphate or clay with the addition of mullein.

Treatment of cytosporosis:

  • the infected branch is cut so that the cut falls on its healthy part, retreating about 20 cm from the site of the lesion;
  • subsequent processing is done with copper or iron vitriol (1%);
  • before the leaves appear, spraying with Bordeaux liquid or other similar means should be carried out.

Soot fungus is treated like this.

  • On initial stage the disease will be helped by simple removal of plaque from the affected areas of the pear, followed by treatment with Fitoverm, while dry branches and foliage must be collected and burned.
  • With a large defeat, you need to resort to the help of copper-containing fungicides - "Skor", "Strobi", "Horus". Effectively three times the use of drugs "Decis", "Fury", "Shepra" (according to instructions).

Widely used by gardeners folk remedies soot fungus control:

  • rubbing infected leaves and fruits with homemade beer;
  • rubbing with an alcohol solution consisting of equal parts 60% alcohol and filtered water;
  • treatment with a solution consisting of soap (150 g) and copper sulfate (5 g) dissolved in water (10 l).

Treatment of pears for diseases does not yet guarantee the safety of the crop, if you do not fight harmful insects.

Their diversity and quantity is so wide that it is necessary to fight against them in a complex, using and biological methods:

  • attracting birds that eat a large number of insects to the garden using houses and feeders;
  • planting plants that repel insects, such as onions, garlic, tomatoes, marigolds, wormwood, tobacco and others.

Common to combat various pests is the use of insecticides.

It is necessary to start prevention and control of the leafworm already in the spring from whitewashing the trunk and the areas of connection with the shoots with lime mortar, and before the buds open, spray with "Preparation-30".

If, nevertheless, the insect started up, then you need:

  • remove fallen leaves and affected fruits;
  • get rid of caterpillars with the help of traps with sour bait and sticky belts on the trunk;
  • such drugs are effective - Kinmiks, Iskra, Inta-Vir.

With aphids, gardeners usually fight with folk remedies:

  • normal rinsing with a stream of water helps at an early stage of the appearance of aphids, until the leaves spin;
  • repel aphids garlic and herbal infusions celandine and dandelion, as well as soapy water.

In the later stages of the lesion, chemical means of protection - Fufanon, Lightning, Aktellik and others will help to get rid of. It is effective to place a sticky trap in the form of a belt on the trunk, and the whitewash will destroy the aphid larvae.

To prevent the appearance of suckers on pears, they are sprayed with Karbofos, Iskra or Agravertin before bud break, and again after flowering.

Popular like this folk method, like spraying with herbal decoctions of medicinal chamomile, yarrow, dandelion and tobacco dust.

When you first find a tube-roller, you must collect it and destroy it, as well as the fruits affected by it. The next stage is the treatment with insecticides "Decis", "Karbfos", "Inta-Vir".

Ants can also cause a lot of trouble to the gardener. There are many ways to deal with them. There are many preparations for ants, here are some - "Anti-ant", "Anteater", "Thunder 2", "Absolute".

Except chemicals, there are also such methods:

  • ants will disappear if you scatter anise leaves near the anthill, sawdust with the addition of garlic or doused with kerosene, put a rag soaked in kerosene under a tree;
  • wormwood, parsley, sown nearby, or calendula will also scare away ants;
  • grease the trunk of the pear with hemp oil, which will become an obstacle for them;
  • water barriers in the form of small ditches (3-5 cm) made of clay under a tree will protect against ants;
  • tie cotton wool or a rag moistened with a carbolic solution to the trunk, or apply soot to the trunk with the addition of flax oil;
  • if lime is poured onto an anthill and poured with water, you can also use a carbolic solution (20%).

Biological products such as Aktofit (Akarin) and Bitoxibacillin will help to effectively protect the pear from insect pests. These products kill insects, but are safe for humans.


Getting rid of the disease is much more difficult than preventing it. That is why preventive measures are so important.

The general and main way to prevent all diseases and damage by harmful insects is strict adherence to the rules of agricultural technology.

  1. It is important to choose and prepare the right place for planting seedlings.
  2. When buying, choose healthy and disease-resistant young trees.
  3. When planting, observe the required distance between trees that have the same pests.
  4. Carry out proper tillage.
  5. It is important to maintain the cleanliness of the garden: regular cleaning of fallen dry branches, carrion, foliage, remove dried fruits from the tree throughout the summer, and in autumn collect and burn leaves, branches, fruits from under the tree.

  6. There are also additional means of preventing certain diseases.

    For the prevention of scab, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with Bordeaux liquid three times in the spring:

  • after leafing out;
  • after the buds turn pink;
  • after the pear blossoms;
  • tillage near the trunk with a solution of urea (7%).

Planting seedlings that are immune to scab - "Rusanovskaya", "January", "Muratovskaya" will reduce the risk of the disease.

To prevent moniliosis, you must:

  • carry out prophylaxis against scab, which contributes to the formation of cracks in the bark;
  • do not allow birds to pear, because, pecking at the fruits, they contribute to the penetration of infections into them;
  • do the spring treatment with Bordeaux liquid (1%) or milk of lime– Dilute 1 kg of lime in 10 liters of water. The same spraying is useful to do in the fall.

Prevention of rust in a pear begins:

  • from the processing of juniper, if any; if diseased branches are found on it, they must be urgently removed and burned;
  • it is also effective to carry out preventive spraying of pears with colloidal sulfur in spring and autumn.

Rust-resistant varieties - Gordzala, Gulabi, Chizhovka.



To avoid such a disease as sooty fungus, preventive treatment of the tree with insecticidal agents is done to prevent the appearance of insects that carry the infection.

Measures for additional prevention of powdery mildew - periodic spraying of the pear with Fundazol and Sulfite according to the instructions.

To prevent root cancer, you need to carefully examine root system seedlings when buying, so that there are no growths on it. Prevention consists of spraying with insecticides and contact fungicides.

Proper control of diseases and pests, preventive measures, including agrotechnical, chemical and biological methods, will allow not only to grow a large pear crop, but also to maintain the health of the entire garden.

For information on how to prevent and cure rust on a pear, see the following video.

Due to diseases of the leaves, root or bark, the pear may completely cease to bear fruit. The causative agents are various fungi, viruses, bacteria.

Various pear diseases can very quickly destroy even an adult tree, leaving the gardener not only without a crop, but sometimes without a plant at all.

It is best to plant pear varieties resistant to various diseases and pests on the site. In addition, you need to know how and with what you can save a tree from diseases.

Fungal and viral diseases can affect not only the leaves and fruits of the plant, but also the trunk and root system.

The main ways to combat diseases are the right way to care for regular spraying for prevention. Correct and timely treatment if symptoms of the disease are detected, it will help prevent the death of the fetus.

And in order to correctly diagnose the disease, you need to know the symptoms - this will help in treating the plant and saving the crop.

Most often, one infected tree in the garden becomes a breeding ground for the disease for other trees. Having found a pathogen on any tree, all trees will have to be treated for preventive purposes.

Scab, or the fungus Fusicladium pirinum, can equally affect pear and other fruit plants.

The leaf plate on the reverse side becomes stained with scab damage. They have dark green color, and are coated on top.

This raid is a colony of mushrooms. Developing, the disease spreads to ripening fruits. Scab-affected pears are dotted with black spots. Over time, the peel on them begins to crack, and the flesh in the affected areas becomes hard.

The best prevention is treatment with Bordeaux liquid. For this purpose, the pear is processed three times. The first time - with the appearance of the first greenery on the tree. The next time - as soon as the buds turn pink, and the third time - spray the plant after flowering.

Fresh air, getting to the trunk, is also the prevention of such a disease in trees. Too dense crown at the pear prevents the flow of air. It is necessary to regularly thin out the crown, cutting off excess branches. Places of cut after thinning must be treated with garden pitch.

Roots also need air. To do this, carefully loosen the soil near the trunk circle. Do not neglect sanitary cleaning, regularly collect fallen fruits and leaves.

At the end of the season, it is better to burn all the collected garbage away from the trees. Scab-infected trees with the advent of autumn should be treated with Nitrafen or Dnok paste.

Scab-resistant varieties of pears: Muratovskaya, Yanvarskaya.

If the pear leaves turn black, then this is most likely a plant damage by a sooty fungus. The black coating that may appear on the leaves in mid-summer looks like soot.

The sooty fungus waits out the winter under the bark of a plant or among fallen leaves, and with the advent of spring it begins to look for new victims.

Leaves turn black on a pear, video:

Control and prevention:

Insecticide "Calypso" - used to prevent blackening of pear leaves, it destroys insects and vectors. To curb the spread of the fungus in the complex, the Fitover fungicide is used.

Resistant variety: "Cathedral".

Powdery mildew is carried by marsupials. The manifestations of the disease are very characteristic, not similar to other diseases. The appearance of powdery mildew in the form of a white powdery coating can be seen with the appearance of young leaves on the trees.

Then the white bloom begins to acquire a red color, and soon the diseased leaves and inflorescences dry up and fall off.

For young shoots, this is a real disaster, they are attacked by entire colonies of these mushrooms.

Prevention and methods of struggle:

Dried and diseased branches and leaves are immediately removed and then burned so as not to spread the infection. It is very effective to periodically use the preparations "Fundazol" and "Sulfite".

There are also folk ways fight against powdery mildew on a pear.

For the treatment of trees from powdery mildew, prepare special solution. For 10 liters of water add 50 grams of soda ash and 10 grams of liquid soap.

It is also possible to use a weak, 1% solution of potassium permanganate, which is sprayed on trees.

Pear varieties "Moskvichka" and "Duhmyanaya" are considered resistant to powdery mildew disease. The variety "January" is also good.

Leaf rust is a disease so serious that it can even kill a pear. Rust is caused by the fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae.

It is very curious that this mushroom uses two plants for life and reproduction: a pear and a juniper. Mushrooms wait out the winter in a juniper bush, and with the advent of spring they settle on a pear tree.

Colonies of these mushrooms will easily destroy the entire pear crop. Rust must be dealt with immediately.

Symptoms of the disease:

Settling on juniper, rust affects literally all parts of the plant. Most often, this disease for juniper is chronic. Lesions on the bush appear in the form of wounds and swellings. And the large jelly-like orange shoots are the mycelium that has settled on the plant.

With coming spring warmth, in wet weather, the spores of this fungus move to the pear. The infection spreads quite quickly and infects foliage and fruits.

On pear leaves, rust appears as rounded red spots. Spots appear shortly after pear blossoms, usually in late April.

Gradually spreading, by mid-summer the disease can affect almost all foliage. Then black dots appear on the spots themselves. The disease reaches its greatest development by autumn, when the red spots swell, and processes crawl out on them.

It is in these processes that spores of fungi live, which then look for another juniper bush for themselves in order to repeat the whole circle again with the beginning of spring.


The main way to prevent this disease on a pear is to eliminate the source of infection. To do this, cut and destroy the diseased parts of the juniper.

How to deal with rust

First, all infected parts of the plant must be removed. It is necessary to cut the branches alive, 10 centimeters below the sore spot.

The affected areas must be cleaned with a knife to healthy wood.

Wounds are carefully treated with a 5% solution of copper sulphate for disinfection.

After that, the cutting site is treated with garden pitch.

Secondly, with the beginning of spring, spraying with Bordeaux liquid, a 1% solution, is carried out. Copper chloride can be used instead.

The second spraying is carried out at the beginning of flowering, and after a week the spraying is repeated. Ten days later, the last, fourth spraying is carried out.

You can also spray with a solution of copper sulfate instead of Bordeaux liquid. Count on 10 liters of water 50 milliliters of the drug.

Rust-resistant pear varieties: Nanasiri, Sunyani, Chizhovka.

Bacterial pear blight

Most often, the cause of the formation of black leaves in pears is a bacterial burn of pome fruits. The disease is very dangerous for such trees.

You can get rid of the disease only when integrated approach. The pathogenic bacterium is carried by insects, spreads with gusts of wind and rain through the air.

Symptoms of the disease:

The first signs of the disease can be seen when the pear begins to bloom. The flowers wither, change their color, and the leaves turn black and curl.

Then the inflorescences rapidly lose their appearance, become brown and shriveled. The tree's bark begins to flake and die.

Bacterial burn is spreading rapidly. Weakened and young trees can quickly die. Stronger and healthier

plants will not be able to bear fruit for several years, and only then their functions will be restored.

How to treat

Affected branches should be amputated immediately. You will have to cut it off alive, taking about another 20 centimeters of living tissue.

Folk recipes

Some gardeners use the following treatment method: lubricate the wounds on the pear with an antibiotic solution. To do this, 2.5 tablets of rifampicin or gentamicin are diluted in a liter of water and the wounds are carefully treated.

The remaining medicine is used to spray the entire plant. In the spring, all the trees in the garden are treated with Bordeaux liquid.

For the entire growing season, 8-9 sprays should be carried out.

Tree cuts can be treated with fungicides. For this, 1% is suitable blue vitriol and 0.7% iron sulfate.