home · On a note · Tomato Larisa characteristics and description of the variety. The best varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. What kind of soil is needed

Tomato Larisa characteristics and description of the variety. The best varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. What kind of soil is needed


Once upon a time in Rus', the main vegetable in dishes was turnip, until it was almost completely replaced by more delicious potatoes, beneficial features which are insignificant, but today the benefits and harms of turnips are again arousing interest. Let's find out what the turnip will share with those who make room for it on their table.

What’s interesting is that this plant is a close relative, being united with it in one family, and they have a common genus. Otherwise, cultures vary greatly. To begin with, cabbage has edible tops, and turnips have edible roots, that is, it is a root vegetable. Externally, the vegetable we are interested in is very similar to a radish or vaguely like a radish, but the above-ground part has a wide rosette. , but the one that is planted later, in the summer, can be stored for a long time.

Turnips picked from the garden

When grown for seed, turnips are left in the ground until a tall stem with many leaves appears, usually on next year after sowing and only occasionally in the same year, which means unsuccessful planting. The fruit itself is a thickening of the root with a fleshy structure.

But the most valuable thing in turnips, of course, is not the shape or color, and not the nourishing pulp, from which, however, you can prepare a lot of nutritious and delicious dishes. The beneficial substances in this vegetable are most valued. First of all, it should be noted that the root vegetable is rich in calcium, which is perhaps why in Rus' even old people often had strong teeth and bones. Other mineral elements are also present, such as potassium, phosphorus, zinc (in very small quantities), iron, sodium and magnesium. Turnips also contain sugar. It also contains many vitamins, in particular PP, A, C and B1. The largest share in this list is accounted for by C - about 20 milligrams, vitamin B1 is less - 0.11, as for A - it is the least in the vegetable, up to 0.04 milligrams. Found in this root vegetable and having extremely beneficial properties succinic acid.

Despite the fact that earlier, when turnips were one of the main products, vegetable dishes and porridges, often with mushrooms and fish, were present on the table, people in what is now Russia were distinguished by good health. It's all thanks to its cabbage cousin, Brassica rapa. Let's find out what they are medicinal properties this culture as a whole for the body and first of all we will touch on microelements. We previously mentioned potassium, of which the root vegetable contains at least 325 milligrams, it is thanks to it that the body maintains a stable water balance, it also strengthens nervous system. Magnesium regulates the natural process of calcium accumulation in bones.

Brassica rapa culture

The most valuable thing in turnips is the very rare element glucoraphanin, which is absent in most vegetables. This substance, thanks to certain enzymes, is converted into sulforaphane in the human body, which provides protection against cancer and diabetes. Among other things, table varieties of Brassica rapa also contain mustard. essential oil, which prevents the appearance of harmful bacteria in the body. It also promotes stable functioning of the digestive tract and improves immunity. Also for digestion beneficial influence Nitrogenous substances also have an effect. Cellulose, which is rich in turnip pulp, also improves the functioning of the intestines and stomach, cleansing them of toxins. Cellulose is also useful for the liver, as well as for the gallbladder.

What other good properties do turnips have for adults and children? What are their benefits and do they have any contraindications? This root vegetable was used in the past by our ancestors as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent, helping to fight colds and various inflammations. Various skin diseases, including boils, ulcers and eczema, were treated with the pulp of Brassica rapa. It also helps with pulmonary diseases. Perhaps it was precisely thanks to this vegetable, which was popular even among noble people, that there were almost no consumptive patients in Rus', while in European countries there were plenty of them. But when Brassica rapa has contraindications - this is in case of acute inflammation of the intestines, stomach or liver, as well as in case of certain lesions of the central nervous system.

Turnip has always been considered an excellent remedy for toothache, since it is nothing more than an inflammatory process.

The main thing that worries the fair half of humanity is appearance (which means elastic, smooth skin) and weight. Therefore, the first thing we will talk about is the use of turnips in the form of cosmetic products. Most of the elements contained in turnips perfectly tone the skin, and therefore, from the pulp and juice of the vegetable, you can make effective masks and lotions even at home. It is very useful to apply crushed or simply scalded and slightly mashed tops to the skin of the face and hands; it both nourishes and has a refreshing effect. Young shoots that have not been sprayed or fumigated against pests and diseases help especially well.

Young turnip with tops

Women who do not have gastritis or colitis are recommended to simply consume turnips in the form of slices for fresh salads to combat acne and other inflammations on the skin. Also, thin plastics of the pulp of this vegetable can be applied to the face in order to combat external signs aging, this will be facilitated by vitamin B, which will saturate the skin cells. If you finely grate the turnip and squeeze the juice out of it, you can rinse your hair with it after washing, the effect will be better than any lotion: split ends will disappear, fragility will disappear, and this is also a sure way to get rid of dandruff. This juice is also best for washing off masks made from crushed Brassica rapa.

As for excess weight, with which women constantly struggle, then turnips can provide significant help here too. Let's remember that this root vegetable improves performance digestive system. And this means that nutrients will be better absorbed, processed into energy, and not stored as fat reserves. It is impossible not to mention another positive property of the vegetable, which is that it is low in calories, and at the same time the pulp is quite satisfying. Best option– give up potatoes in favor of turnips, using them for preparing everyday dishes, and also making them fresh salads, if contraindications do not apply to you.

Any work associated with heavy workload, constant stress and other difficult conditions usually leads to disorders in the cardiovascular system. Well, since hard labour most often falls on men, then the corresponding diseases threaten them. Turnip, thanks to the succinic acid it contains, greatly contributes to the stabilization of heart function. In addition, it strengthens blood vessels, which greatly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and circulatory disorders in the brain.

Treatment knee joints using turnips

Other troubles that can occur during hard work are joint diseases, and in some cases, various work-related injuries, including those associated with inflammation or open wounds. In the first case, turnips can help if you constantly eat them. The fact is that the substances contained in it contribute to the restoration and strengthening of connective tissues in the human skeleton, including joints. If pain in the latter already occurs, it is enough to make compresses with a paste of pounded pulp, and then difficult cases Decoctions of this root vegetable, in the form of baths, will help. And with inflammation and damage to the surface of the skin, turnip will help as an antiseptic, as was already mentioned earlier.

How will Brassica rapa be useful for men? The same succinic acid contained in the root vegetables of this crop strengthens the immune system. It also helps to avoid vitamin deficiency, which significantly affects labor productivity: a feeling of fatigue quickly appears, and a general depression of the body is felt. These properties are especially valuable in the difficult conditions of the northern regions. And finally, a significant benefit of turnip roots for men is that the elements they contain have a beneficial effect on potency. That is, regular consumption of this vegetable can maintain male strength.

Interestingly, many doctors today recognize the medicinal properties of folk recipes from turnips, including decoctions and compresses. However, in most cases, it plays a role similar to the well-known radish, that is, used with honey to treat inflammatory processes in the throat and vegetable juice as an expectorant. Sometimes knowledgeable experts prescribe turnip decoctions, which are good for coughs and also for insomnia, depending on the serving size. In particular, the following helps very well: chop the root vegetable, pour 2 tablespoons of the slices into a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, strain, then drink 50 grams 4 times a day for a cough or the entire portion at once before bed.

Turnips for making decoction

Among other things, the use of table varieties and turnips (forage turnips) can help when a mild laxative effect is needed. White turnip perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins and helps with poisoning. Other table varieties are often used as a diuretic, drinking their freshly squeezed juice in pure form. In small quantities (2 tablespoons 4 times a day) it helps to stabilize cardiac activity during arrhythmia, for which decoctions of young turnip tops also help. But moderation must be observed, since the benefits and harms of turnips for the body depend on the quantity in which it is consumed, and you need to remember all the contraindications in advance.

Basal leaves and fleshy edible root. In the second year (and if sowings are unsuccessful, even in the same year), an elongated, leafy stem with flowers grows from the tuber.

Chemical composition

The plant contains nitrogen-free substances (6.5%), nitrogenous substances (1.1%), fats (0.2%), mineral salts (it has a very high calcium content), vitamins (A - 0.04 mg, C - 8-20 mg, Bi - 0.08-0.11 mg), a significant amount of sugars and vitamin PP.


Sow turnips in early spring as soon as the soil dries out. Light loamy soils and a sunny location are best suited for this crop. During the summer you can get two harvests. For the winter it is better to store turnips from summer sowing.

Pests: cruciferous flea beetles and cabbage fly.

Turnip as a vegetable and medicinal plant has been known since ancient times. Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, casseroles and stews are prepared from it, and it is suitable for making salads. It can be stored for a long time in a cool place without losing its healing qualities; is easily absorbed by the body and is recommended for baby food. In Russia, the expression “simpler than steamed turnips” has long been known, indicating long-term and frequent use of turnips.

Thanks to high content calcium, turnip served as the main preventive remedy, saving peasant children from rickets, diseases of the bones and blood. The plant has a diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic effect. A decoction of the root vegetable and boiled turnip juice mixed with honey is taken for acute laryngitis, which causes a sharp cough, hoarseness, asthma and colds. Fresh turnip juice is used as a diuretic and mild laxative and as a cardiac stimulant. Boiled mashed turnips and an ointment made from turnips and goose fat are applied to sore spots for gout. To reduce gouty pain, turnip decoction is used for baths. For toothache, rinse the mouth with warm turnip decoction. Turnip stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, enhances intestinal motility, and improves food absorption. Turnips are not recommended for use when acute diseases gastrointestinal tract and chronic liver and kidney diseases.



Within the species there are 10 subspecies:

  • Brassica rapa subsp. campestris (L.) A.R.Clapham - Field cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis (L.) Hanelt - Chinese cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. dichotoma (Roxb.) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. japonica Shebalina
  • Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa (L.H. Bailey) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. nipposinica (L.H. Bailey) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera (DC.) Metzg.) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt - Peking cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. rapa
  • Brassica rapa subsp. trilocularis (Roxb.) Hanelt

Turnip varieties

There are yellow-meat and white-meat varieties. The shape of the turnip root is flat, round and elongated. Flat and some round varieties are used as table varieties, and elongated varieties are used as fodder varieties, called turnips. The most common variety is “Petrovskaya”, a mid-early and high-yielding variety; among the early ripening varieties are “White Nochka” and “Mayskaya Belaya”.



  • Everything about medicinal plants in your beds / Ed. Radelova S. Yu.. - St. Petersburg: SZKEO LLC, 2010. - P. 62-65. - 224 s. - ISBN 978-5-9603-0124-4
  • Sinskaya E. N. Genus 649. Cabbage - Brassica // Flora of the USSR. In 30 t / Ch. ed. acad. V. L. Komarov; Ed. volumes N. A. Bush. - M.-L. : Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1939. - T. VIII. - pp. 462-464. - 696 + XXX p. - 5200 copies.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional ones). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • Plants in alphabetical order
  • Brassicas
  • Roots
  • Vegetables
  • Forage plants
  • Medicinal plants
  • Russian folk life

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what "Turnip" is in other dictionaries:

    Women root vegetable Brassica napus (rapa); turnip, one turnip. Cabbage and turnips are not good for the belly. The girl is as round as a turnip. Turnip, Umbilicus plant. decomposition; | a breed of small, flat apple trees. | archan., sib. skull-skinned marine animal, marine... Dictionary Dahl

    TURNIP- biennial vegetable root plant. The most common varieties are: “Petrovskaya”, “Milanskaya white”, “Milanskaya blue-headed”, “Mayskaya”. “Petrovskaya” (“voschanka”) root vegetable has a flat, rounded shape (it is convex at the top, depressed at the bottom),... ... Concise encyclopedia household

I select varieties for my collection, guided by several criteria at once, but the main ones, perhaps, always remain: productivity, appearance fruits (I prefer varieties with smooth, uniform fruits that are quite resistant to cracking) and their taste. Of course, at different varieties These qualities are combined in different ways.

In the group of early ripening low-growing varieties with standard type bush, first of all I would like to highlight the varieties that I have long lovedWatercolor And Supermodel . Both varieties, in addition to a fairly high yield (as for standard varieties), can please you with the excellent quality of the harvest: the fruits are very attractive - even, with smooth surface, there are practically no defective tomatoes, and cracked fruits only happen as an inevitable tribute to bad weather. In addition, a significant plus is the excellent taste of the fruit, and the variety can especially boast of thisSupermodel , which I prefer to eat fresh. And here are the varieties of tomatoesWatercolor - very well suited for various types of preservation.

Among determinant varieties with a spreading type of bush, I will highlight a variety that is loved by many gardenersFat Jack . The weighty, dense and even fruits of this variety are already a usual delight to the eye in my beds. But among the newer varieties, in my opinion, you should take a closer look at such varieties asVisible-invisible , Queen of the North , Snowdrop . And first of all - because of their high productivity. And if the Snowdrop variety can be recommended as one of the best tomato varieties for obtaining early and very early tomato production typically for salad purposes, then the fruits of the varietiesVisible-invisible And Queen of the North They have a rather universal purpose and are well suited for all types of processing. And of the newest varieties that I tested on my site, I definitely want to highlight the Siberian varietiesPani Yana And Japanese rose , as well as Ukrainian varietyKapelushok . The variety deserves special praisePani Yana- this variety pleased me with painfully beautiful, dense, shelf-stable and tasty tomatoes. Just look at these beauties!

Those who like to grow larger and heavier fruits will probably be interested in this varietyVasya-Vasilyok . Last season it exceeded all my expectations and pleased me with large, thick and tasty fruits weighing up to 550 grams. Which, you see, is a very remarkable feature for a determinate variety!

Here is my favorite group of indeterminate tomatoes.
It is in this group of varieties that there is great scope for any, even the most intricate, fantasies of both the novice gardener and the sophisticated collector. But in this review I will try to limit myself only to traditional and familiar varieties of tomatoes. I’ll write about unusual and exotic varieties some other time.

It is no secret that among gardeners, varieties with pink (or, alternatively, crimson) fruit color are in particular demand and popularity, which is usually explained by their highest taste. But here, not everything is so simple - after all, the amount of dry matter and the relative percentage of sugar content in fruits play an important role different varieties, their ripening period (and this is how much solar energy the fruits received - and the more, the better, in theory), as well as specific growing conditions.

IN last years I give preferencevarieties of Siberian selection , as the most adapted to various (and sometimes unfavorable) growing conditions. Unfortunately, not all Siberian varieties are as good as we would like, but there are some really great ones among them. The varieties made a very good impressionMy family And Lady Luck . And if I really liked the first one due to the excellent taste of the fruits and the high overall yield of the variety, then the second one was, first of all, unexpected high quality fruits

And how many varieties have appeared withheart-shaped fruits ! And here, it’s really difficult to make a choice. However, I have long been convinced that these varieties are similar in many respects, and it will be quite sufficient to choose those varieties that have taken root well on your site. For me these are the varieties Dad And Pudovik . True, here, but somewhat separately, we must include one of my most favorite varieties -Abakan pink . And separately, because although it is slightly inferior to the above-mentioned varieties in terms of fruit weight, it can give them a certain head start in terms of yield, and especially in the quality and beauty of the fruit.

Perhaps another unusual thing should be mentioned here. beautiful variety - Korean long-fruited (I want to thank D. Terentyev for his seeds). Graceful, crimson, elongated fruits with a dashingly curved “nose” at the top are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. In addition, this variety is very productive, and the tomatoes are dense and resistant to cracking and can delight you with excellent taste.

By the way, not only large-fruited varieties tomatoes, but also the most seemingly ordinary “cream”. For these purposes, I always have two high-yielding and similar varieties in stock -French grape And Pickling delicacy . Frankly, as soon as the fruits of these varieties begin to ripen, I regularly visit the beds occupied by them and with great pleasure collect tasty, moderately dense and sweet tomatoes. And thanks to the high content of dry substances, tomatoes of these varieties are ideal for all kinds of home canning. To the advantages already listed, you can also add their fairly good resistance to a number of diseases and a long fruiting period.

Another one of my favorites high-yielding variety - Garden sorcerer . In addition to the yield, I value this variety for its high taste and commercial qualities of very attractive and uniform fruits. Like previous varieties, it the best way combines a whole range positive qualities: long fruiting, unpretentiousness in cultivation, good keeping quality and high resistance of fruits to cracking, as well as the possibility of their universal use.

In the group of yellow indeterminate tomatoes I usually give preference to varieties with orange colored fruits - in my opinion, most of of these varieties is superior to purely yellow varieties in terms of taste qualities. Although, it doesn’t happen all the time, and a lot depends both on the characteristics of a particular variety and on the specific growing conditions, and, as you know, tastes are different.

Among my favorites in this group for several years now are varieties such asHoney Spas , Monastic meal , Dusya yellow (although the latter can be successfully replaced by varietiesOlesya , Radunitsa ). First of all, I would like to highlight these varieties for their excellent marketable condition fruits, as well as for their excellent taste and valuable technical features(this includes the very good keeping quality of fruits, their high resistance to cracking, as well as the relative unpretentiousness of the varieties to growing conditions).

And of the new products that have only recently joined my collection, the most remarkable, perhaps, is the varietyAltai orange - a clear candidate for permanent registration among my favorite varieties (special thanks to Alexey Kulik for its seeds). I especially liked the bright orange, rich color of the fruits of this variety, the large weight and beautiful, thickened, rounded-flattened shape, as well as the wonderful taste of the moderately dense pulp. To the advantages of the variety, I believe, one should add its high yield.

What summer resident doesn’t want to grow the largest, juiciest and most productive tomato?! Who doesn't want to brag about their achievements to their neighbors?! Unfortunately, large fruit and taste are often the only advantages of such varieties. For the most part, they are not suitable for transportation and are not characterized by high yield and disease resistance.

However, it is too early to be upset; new large-fruited hybrids are much more productive, more disease-resistant, and denser than varieties. The “fat” tomatoes that will be discussed can be transported and stored.

New generation hybrids - Openwork F 1 , Bourgeois F 1 , Fatty F 1 . The names speak better than any description: very “fat”, meaty, juicy fruits, "sumoists" among tomatoes - thick, but not soft, but very dense and powerful. The weight of the fruit can reach 400 grams or more, the yield from each bush can be up to 5-8 kg.

If you want to make a splash and grow super-large tomato fruits, leave a small number of bunches on the plant, and 2-3 fruits on each bunch. Then the weight of each fruit can reach 600-700 g.

These hybrids always look beautiful in a greenhouse. The fruits do not shrink from the first cluster to the last, do not crack, and always look like in the picture. Besides, Openwork F 1,Bourgeois F 1 And Fatty F 1 - disease-resistant, flexible, perform equally well both in the black soil and in the zone of unsustainable agriculture.

The same can be said about a couple of other “fat girls” - Merchant's wife F 1 And Curvy merchant F 1 . They are equally large-fruited, dense, very tasty, but A curvaceous merchant Can be grown by those with taller greenhouses, as it is an indeterminate tomato. With proper care, a tall plant (up to 1.8 m) can produce a yield of up to 9 kg/sq.m. Merchant's wife F 1 - determinate tomato, which is well suited for short film greenhouses. The fruits of these varieties make excellent tomato juices and pastes - they are very meaty and juicy. But at the same time, they can be safely stored and transported over long distances, which is almost impossible to do with most large-fruited tomatoes.

Royal tomatoes

Do you always manage to prepare delicious canned tomatoes!? The fruits burst in the jar!? They lose color and then their taste!? It's not about your culinary skills. The point is that you just need to choose the right varieties!

No matter how much you love large-fruited, very juicy “beefs,” they definitely will not decorate your preparations: they will crack and spread throughout the jar. Truly “royal” hybrids have appeared especially for connoisseurs of high-quality preparations: Empire F1, Empress F 1, Russian Empire F 1, Peter the Great F 1 . Seeing them in a greenhouse, you will understand why they have “royal” names - tall (2-2.2 m) plants are literally hung with fruits.

5 benefits of royal tomatoes:

  1. Attractive appearance of tomatoes. Plum-shaped, elongated, shiny, equal in weight and shape. In addition, such a harvest significantly increases your professional level in the eyes of the neighbors.
  2. Plastic. These hybrids set fruit well even in low light conditions or in conditions of temperature changes.
  3. Environmental friendliness of the tomato harvest. Due to their very high disease resistance, these hybrids require only easy care: watering, tying up the main stem, removing stepsons, etc.
  4. Not a single tomato goes to waste. They produce large yields, even if you are not a frequent visitor to the site. By the time you arrive, there will be a “bunch” of bright red fruits hanging on the fourth cluster, and the fruits on the lower cluster will not yet be overripe.
  5. These tomatoes are ideal for harvesting. Hybrids are well preserved. Unlike many varieties, they can be transported over long distances, and not just carried from the greenhouse to the house. They can also be safely stored for up to 1.5 months. And it’s best to preserve in barrels, along with dill umbrellas and grape leaves. This is delicious!

For reference

If you do not have a high greenhouse, but you still want to get quality tomatoes for quality preparations, then you can give preference to determinate tomatoes with similar characteristics. This Rich F 1, Princess F 1, Larisa F 1, Katenka F 1, The Iron Lady F 1 . These are super tomatoes that perform well both in small film shelters and in open ground.

Get more tips on choosing the right varieties of tomatoes and other crops!