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Devices for collecting cherry plum, cherry and cherry fruits. Cherry orchard is a good option for a family business. How to optimally trim a branch with juicy cherry fruits

Alyssum (alyssum) is a perennial (some use it as an annual) plant that can decorate any terrace, balcony, garden and vegetable garden. Suitable for planting in open ground, and in pots, to create various landscape displays.

General information

This lovely flower can be seen on windows and balconies when walking past high-rise buildings. They are full of a wide variety of shades. Everyone can choose according to their taste. It reaches a height of 0.4 m, there are a lot of flowers, they are small and collected in racemes.

In the garden it is very beautiful to plant them in round or oval flower beds, to create compositions in the form of a smooth transition from more saturated colors to delicate ones. It blooms in May and pleases the eye until late autumn. Has a strong honey aroma.

White ones are considered the most fragrant, so they are best planted in parks, squares and city flower beds, as the smell spreads over a long distance.

Types and varieties of alyssum

quite resistant to frost, but only up to a temperature not lower than – 15 °C. If the winters are milder, then the bush will easily overwinter if you sprinkle it with dried leaves and sprinkle snow on top in the form of a snowdrift. Pruning alyssum before frost is not recommended; the one done after the end of flowering will suffice, but in the spring it is necessary.

branched perennial, up to 0.3 m high. It grows in the form of a hemisphere with a diameter of up to 0.4 m. The leaves on the bush are preserved even in winter. It blooms with yellow flowers collected in dense clusters.

There are such varieties of it:

  • « Citrinum » – lemon-yellow alyssum, low-growing.

  • « Compactum "- very fragrant, only 18 cm in height with small inflorescences.

  • « golden wave "- low, blooms only two years after planting with yellow flowers.

  • « Plenum "- a very unusual bush with double flowers. It reaches a height of 0.4 m.

This species grows only in places with warm climates. It grows from 8 to 40 cm, the branches grow and spread along the ground, forming fluffy shrubs with small bright inflorescences. In the wild, only white and lilac alyssums of this species are found, but a huge number of shades have been artificially bred, the flowering of which is observed from spring to autumn.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  • « Tiny Tim " is a miniature ground cover plant, about 8 cm high. It blooms so densely that not a single leaf or stem is visible. You can safely experiment by combining it with tall shrubs. There are no limits to imagination.

  • « Esther Bonnet Deep Rose » – blooms profusely, saturated pink flowers. Loves moderately moist soil. If there is a lot of moisture, it will rot, if there is little, it will stop blooming.

  • « Wonderland Blue » – compact with small purple inflorescences. Loves well-drained soil. Height 8-10cm, width up to 30cm.

A frost-resistant perennial with twenty-centimeter densely planted stems with yellow flowers.

It is an annual, it has white flowers and stems 10-15cm high. Photophilous, frost-resistant and drought-resistant, but in hot summers it requires moisture. If there is not enough fertilizer in the soil, fertilizing may be necessary. Otherwise abundant flowering will be under threat.

In addition to the varieties and types of alyssum listed above, there are others. Breeders are coming up with more and more different forms and the palettes of this marvelous plant.

Alyssum planting and care in open ground

Planting work begins at the end of May. Select a light area with sufficiently warm, dry, well-drained soil, which must be fertilized with humus. Alyssum blooms well next to heated stones (this may be stone path in the garden, or decorative tiles around the flower bed, anything) and slabs.

When planting flowers in open ground, their expansion in width is taken into account, so you should maintain a distance of about 40 cm between each bush. The holes should be slightly larger size rhizomes so that they can be planted freely in the hole. After planting, the plant is watered abundantly.

Watering alyssum

Caring for alyssum involves abundant watering, but only in well-drained soil, otherwise, if water lingers too long in the roots, the plant will disappear, and in case of drought, on the contrary, without water, the flowers will wither and fall off.

We need balance, so how do we determine right time? To do this, it is enough to dig the soil with a shovel to a depth of 4-5 cm; if it is dry there, you need to water it.

Feeding alyssum

For good growth and flowering, do not forget about fertilizers. Perennial plants are fed before flowering, and annual alyssum, in order to enjoy its flowering several times, increases the amount of feeding.

Pruning alyssum

Pruning is very important for good growth and flowering. Last year's flowers, wilted leaves and missing stems are removed from perennial bushes in the spring.

In the summer, when the flowers have withered, the procedure is repeated, in addition, the shoots are pruned by 8-10 cm, which stimulates re-blooming. Plus it'll be refreshing. appearance bush, since alyssum has grown in breadth over the summer. He doesn't need a transplant. It grows well in one place for several years.

Alyssum growing from seeds

There are two ways to propagate alyssum by seeds: seedlings and without seedlings.

Sowing in open ground is carried out in early May, by immersing the seeds to a depth of no more than 2 cm. After the emergence of seedlings, they need to be seeded. Plants planted in this way will bloom late. You can sow in November; the shoots will grow over the winter. natural selection and the strongest ones will bloom on time.

If you use the second, seedling method, then before sowing, light soil soaked in fertilizers is selected, placed in seedling boxes, seeds are scattered on top of it and sprinkled with the same soil mixture.

After that, greenhouse conditions are created (cover with film) and placed in a dry, warm and well-lit place. The room temperature should be between 10-15 °C. Shoots will appear within a week.

Collection of alyssum seeds

As for seed collection, it is carried out at the end of September. To do this, lay an awning (or blanket) under the bush and grind the inflorescences in your hands. As a result, seeds are obtained (garbage is removed). If you are late in collecting, the seeds will fall off, but they can be swept out from under the bushes with a broom and cleared of soil and other debris.

Propagation of alyssum by cuttings

Dividing a bush is one of the types of propagation. It differs in that it not only allows you to unload a heavy overgrown bush, but also guarantees 100% survival rate, since cuttings are separated only from healthy bushes of middle age (for example, after two years). Planting in the ground is no different from seedlings.

Today there are opportunities for decorating the garden and landscape design practically unlimited.

New varieties of plants are constantly being developed that have the highest decorative qualities.

Today we’ll talk about the perennial allissum flower. It can be used as a border crop, to decorate the perimeter of a terrace, or even as a balcony decoration.

Alyssum is a genus of flowering plants that contains up to 170 species of the cruciferous family.

The biggest species diversity flowers can be seen in Europe, Asia and North Africa (scientists especially highlight this territory; they believe that the most a large number of most varieties of alyssum).

This one genus also contains perennial herbaceous plants, and annuals and small shrubs.

The perennial alyssum flower has a close relationship with two more genera of flowering plants - Lobularia and Aurinia; at one time they were even considered representatives of this genus. For example, Lobularia maritima is also known as "sweet alyssum". This is the only exception to the genus - the remaining flowers have references to alyssum in their generic name.

Description of alyssum flowers and their photos

We offer a description of alyssum flowers, which includes the botanical characteristics of the culture.

It can be a small plant or shrub (from 10 centimeters to one meter in height).

One of its main decorations is oval leaves and flowers in yellow and white shades (there are several types with pink and purple petals).

Look at the alyssum flowers in the photo, which illustrate the richness of the shades of the petals:

Alyssum flowers are often used for landscaping in the Mediterranean region.

Some varieties have a characteristic pleasant aroma and fast-growing flowers. They are often planted in large blocks to provide both fragrance and abundance of flowers in your garden.

This species is also characterized by tight clusters of flowers and seemingly folded branches.

It is allowed to grow alyssum flowers in hanging pots or boxes - they will develop and hang with tendrils with flowers, which will need to be given a beautiful look from time to time.

Growing alyssum from seeds: planting and care

Alyssum is planted in harsh climates seedling method at the beginning of February. When growing alyssum from seeds, it is possible to obtain magnificent bushes with buds already in bloom at the time of planting. permanent place development.

The plant does not tolerate frosts well, so planting alyssum in open ground should be done at a time when the danger has completely passed - late May and early summer are best for this.

The process of growing alyssum from seeds is very simple, even a novice amateur gardener can handle it.

To obtain seedlings, it is necessary to distribute alyssum seeds over the surface of the soil in a prepared container and lightly press them down with your hand.

You should not cover it with an additional layer of soil, since the flower is very heat-loving and constantly needs sun and warmth.

When planting alyssum, do not forget that over time the bush grows in width, not length - therefore it is necessary to maintain a distance, otherwise they will simply suffocate with each other (there is also a high probability of powdery mildew, which is not so easy to get rid of).

Also, if the seeds have sprouted very densely, then you can thin them out - leave a distance of at least 10 centimeters between them. This is what growing alyssum from seeds at home looks like.

If you have chosen seedlings, then first you need to prepare them - prepare the soil with moist, loose soil, which is placed in a special container (it can be a box or any other device).

Sow seeds at the end of winter - late February or early March is quite suitable. The procedure is exactly the same as in the first case - the seeds are lightly poured onto the soil, crushed a little and watered.

Then the container with the seeds must be covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place for two months (growing season).

If you did everything correctly, you will notice the first shoots after one or two weeks. At this time, it is very important to give the still immature sprouts a light source and bring the temperature to 12 degrees.

They need to be watered regularly, but very sparingly - make sure that water does not accumulate in the soil - this can lead to rot and other various problems with the flower.

After your seedlings get stronger and grow, they can be planted in open ground, remembering to keep a distance of at least 10 centimeters.

The flower grows best in natural conditions in regions with a warm climate, so your task in indoor or home conditions is to provide it with the most similar temperatures and conditions.

As long as the plant retains its beautiful appearance, it can be grown as a permanent bloomer perennial. As it grows, the alyssum bush has the habit of rapidly branching closer to the ground, so it can be used as a ground cover plant, and can also be used for edging flower beds in the garden.

Alyssum requires almost constant care when growing from seeds. Along with other plants in this family, alyssum is drought-resistant and will grow in almost any environment, although it suffers a little in frost.

If a bush with flowers is regularly pruned, it will still for a long time will save blooming species. And in the end, you will be pleased with a large number of seeds that you can use when planting. In warmer regions, pruning allows alyssum to bloom throughout the year.

The preferred environment for alyssum is sun or partial shade. Subject to these conditions, it will grow well in absolutely any soil, but with the condition of drainage.

We've already mentioned that it can be used as a ground cover - so it can be used as a weed control and to keep the soil healthy in your yard.

Caring for alyssum includes regular pruning - do not forget to remove old flowers, dried branches and broken trunks from the bush in the spring. This procedure will allow the alyssum to bloom next season with renewed vigor.

We have already talked about how important it is not to overdo it with watering a flower. But gardeners advise not to forget about watering means: using a hose will allow you to evenly distribute moisture on the soil without breaking the flowers.

There are special watering systems that are built into the flower garden in advance - it’s worth thinking about purchasing such a tool, perhaps it will be useful to you more than once in your garden work.

Alyssum varieties

Rocky Alyssum or Mountain Alyssum

Alyssum rock was first described by the famous scientist Carl Linn in 1753. This is perennial evergreen, which can reach 20 centimeters in height. Its leaves are simple and smooth. It produces cross-shaped inflorescences yellow color(flowering time is from March to June). The birthplace of the flower is the entire territory of Europe, with the exception of the British Isles and Sicily.

Mountain alyssum prefers to grow in a sunny place with moderate wet soil. Externally, the bush resembles a golden basket, but is more compact. Leaves at the beginning of flowering dark green However, closer to autumn they turn yellow (take on a golden hue).

Look at the photo of rock or mountain alyssum:

Alyssum rocky "Gold placers"

Like other species, rock alyssum “Golden placers” have recumbent branches - it is not for nothing that it is often used as a ground cover plant.

The flowers are collected in a brush-shaped inflorescence of a radiant golden hue. They will look impressive on garden buildings (for example, a rock garden), they can cover your cracks in a concrete fence or any other walls. This variety of alyssum blooms very profusely.

A flower is planted using seeds in the spring at a distance of at least 20 centimeters - so that the bush has room to turn around, as they say.

In order for the seeds to begin to germinate, the air temperature should not fall below 18 degrees, and then within a week the first shoots will appear. After this, it is advisable to transplant the bushes to a greater distance - 30-40 centimeters.

Do not forget about fertilizing and regular watering; it is also worth loosening the soil around the bush from time to time.

Alyssum marine

Alyssum marine is one of the varieties of this flower culture. His name comes from Greek word, which means “little pod” (a reference to the shape of the fruit). The name of the species - marine - implies a habitat: privileged, coastal zones.

This annual plant can grow up to 20 centimeters in length and the same in width. The stem is very branched with dense clusters of small flowers. The leaves are wide, with a hairy surface.

The fragrant flowers are five millimeters in diameter - four white petals in pink, purple, lilac and rose-red shades and four sepals. Six stamens with yellow anthers.

Flowers grow during the growing season and, in warmer regions, throughout the year. Pollination occurs with the help of insects. As a result, fruits are formed oval shape containing two seeds. The seeds themselves spread only with the help of wind.

Alyssum marine is native to the Mediterranean territories, and is also common in Macaronesia (Canary and Azov Islands) and France (specifically in the Bay of Biscay). It has also taken root in other temperate regions. Endemic species of alyssum marine are found on the territory of the island of Columbretes.

Typically this variety grows on sandy soils (beaches and dunes), but it can also grow on cultivated fields, steppes, slopes and wastelands (but in this case it is desirable to have calcareous soil). They can also grow at 300 meters above sea level.

Look at the photo of marine alyssum in various variations of use:

It is best to plant the plant in late spring, and it requires virtually no care. If you prune, the alyssum will bloom much more actively.

Allisum (lobularia) is a very convenient flower for gardeners. A wide range of colors of varieties on the market, long and abundant flowering, easy care - these qualities have made the flower an indispensable element in the design of gardens of any scale. Its popularity is also evidenced by the fact that the seeds are among the first to be sold in flower shops. New varieties are popular among seedling growers. Alyssum is one of the 20 top industrial species.

Main types

Alyssum grows in southern Europe and Siberia, Asia and northern Africa. More than 100 species have been found and described in natural conditions. Only 6 of them are used in ornamental gardening:

  • A. mountain (A. Montanum);
  • A. marine (A. Maritium);
  • A. rocky (A. Saxatile);
  • A. Pyrenaicum (A. Pyrenaicum);
  • A. creeping (A. repens);
  • A. silver (A. Argenteum).

The first three forms are widely in demand among amateur gardeners.

Mountain alyssum

The species is common in Europe. A low-growing perennial (10-20 cm), which tolerates frost well, forms low, creeping bushes covered with small leaves. The leaf blades are dark green with pubescence.

The flowers are small, yellow, collected in dense inflorescences. The flowering period is not very long. In the south it begins to bloom in April and ends in May. In temperate latitudes it blooms from May to June.

Rock alyssum

Plants of this species live in Eastern and Central Europe, in the Western part of the Black Sea region. They form low, highly branched bushes (20-30 cm), shaped like a ball.

The leaves are elongated, light green with a white or gray tint and clearly visible pubescence. It blooms from April to May with golden-yellow flowers collected in inflorescences. Flowering is abundant. Inflorescences form at the tops of rising shoots.

Sea alyssum

This is a common species in our country and is popular not only among European gardeners. Its varieties are successfully grown in Siberia as annual plants. In its homeland in the Mediterranean, it is a perennial, heat-loving plant.

Height depends on the variety (8-40 cm) and growing conditions. The stems form compact or spreading rosettes. The leaves and stems are green, with silvery pubescence. Long flowering: June – September (October). Typical colors of inflorescences are white, purple, cream, pink.

Popular varieties

A wide variety of varieties, differing in height and color scheme, make alyssum an indispensable element of floral decoration of gardens, terraces and balconies. The plant grows back well after pruning and produces long-blooming, neat borders.

For lovers alpine slides this flower is irreplaceable; it is planted on upper tier and he decorates decorative design early and lush flowering. Ampel forms look great in stationary flowerpots and hanging planters. Let's look at several varieties that have been in demand among gardeners for a number of years.

Variety "Pink Queen". Height up to 20 cm. Bushes are small, compact. The leaves are small, silvery, and practically invisible during flowering, which lasts from June to August. From the blooming “Pink Queen” you can create a continuous carpet in lilac and purple shades. The plant tolerates drought well. Blooms profusely and for a long time in well-lit flower beds. The beauty of a flower can be appreciated from the photo. And the unique honey aroma can only be felt when walking in a garden decorated with this excellent flower.

The Snow Karpet variety is very popular. Its characteristics are similar to the Pink Queen. It differs only in the color of the inflorescences. He has them dazzlingly white and very fragrant. The photo cannot fully capture the beauty of floral lace.

You should definitely pay attention to the Esther Bonnet series. These are early flowering varieties of alyssum:

  • Deep Rose – pink inflorescences;
  • Lavender - flowers of a beautiful lilac color;
  • Lemonade – bright yellow bloom;
  • Mix – a mixture of colors;
  • Snow Crystals - white, large flowers.

Plants of this series are low (10-15 cm). Requires a small area for development. They bush well. For long and abundant flowering, timely feeding and watering are needed. On heavy soils, drainage is necessary. When moisture stagnates, the roots rot. During the season, the stems are shortened, this prolongs flowering. It lasts from May to October. It is easy to form from plants of the same series beautiful flower bed with a multi-colored pattern. Same height and big choice colors allow you to do this.

Reproduction methods

For successful cultivation alyssum on your site you need to master at least one method of reproduction. There are three in total:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Cuttings.
  3. Delenki.

Let's start with the first, the most common among flower lovers.

Propagation by seeds

Early flowering is achieved using the seedling method seed propagation. If the weather allows seedlings to be planted in the ground at the beginning of May, then seedlings should be sown at the end of March. Within a month, viable plants will form that can be planted in the ground. By the time of planting, the soil should warm up to a sufficient depth.

Treat the soil with a fungicide before sowing. Sow first in boxes. The seeds are very small and do not require deepening. They just need to be scattered over a well-moistened surface. When real leaves appear, pick them out into separate cassettes or small containers. To get a fluffy bush, pinch the top of the head. At the age of 25 days, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Seedlings are usually grown for sale, and amateur gardeners sow the seeds directly into the ground. The soil should warm up to 13° C. The seeds germinate quickly. The first shoots appear within a week, and by the end of the second week they all sprout.

To sow, make shallow furrows, water them and let them stand until the soil settles completely. The distance between the rows is 20-30 cm. Sow on the surface. Sprinkle the grooves thin layer humus mixed with river sand. The seedlings are usually dense and require thinning.

Learning to propagate by cuttings

Cuttings are not difficult. This method is practiced by avid flower growers for propagation. rare varieties alyssum. Cuttings take root faster at the beginning of summer, although this method can be used throughout the summer season.

It is easier to root in a container filled with good quality substrate:

  • loose;
  • fertile;
  • permeable;
  • breathable.

Make a greenhouse for the cuttings using the trimmed plastic bottle. Place the pot in a bright place. Avoid direct sunlight. Monitor soil moisture. Drying out is unacceptable.

We propagate by divisions

Perennials are propagated by divisions. In April, a well-developed bush is selected and divided into several parts. The minimum number of shoots is five. Plant in a prepared place, maintaining a 30 cm interval. Water the flower bed well.

Rules of care

There should be no difficulties when growing alyssum. It is very easy to care for it:

  • water;
  • fertilize;
  • weed;
  • trim.

The soil should be moderately moist. There is no need to flood the plant. Watering should be carried out in the evening on the ground, using a shallow diffuser. In hot, sunny weather, sprinkling watering can lead to loss of decorativeness.

Fertilize 4 times per season. The first time before flowering. The next feedings are once a month throughout the summer. Fertilizers performed well:

  • Agricola-7;
  • Effecton;
  • Rossa.

Weeding is especially important in the first weeks after emergence. The seedlings are very tender and weeds can choke them. When the plants come into force, weeding is less important, since alyssum covers the soil well and prevents weeds from growing.

Trimming faded inflorescences prolongs the flowering period, improves the decorative appearance of bushes, and stimulates the appearance of new shoots. After pruning, it is recommended to fertilize.

Diseases and pests

The main diseases to be wary of are fungal in nature. Most often, alyssum affects:

  • powdery mildew;
  • brown rot of roots;
  • white rust.

When brown spots Spray the bushes on the stems and leaves in the evening with a fungicide solution. Use it to water the soil around the plants. At the first signs of root rot, reduce watering, loosen the soil and sprinkle it with ash.

The flower suffers from pests at the beginning of summer, until it gains strength. It could be an aphid or cruciferous flea beetle. You need to have an insecticide on hand:

  • Aktar;
  • Aktellik;
  • Aktofit;
  • Tanrek.

A large number of drugs for pests and diseases make it easier to combat them.


When autumn days arrive, perennials begin to prepare for winter. Perennial alyssum is no exception. It survives the winter if frosts do not drop below -15° C. But even when mild winters It is better to cover the plant with mulch (fallen leaves, spruce branches, straw).

In winter, throw snow on the flowerbed. It provides the best protection against frost. In spring, plants may swell when warm weather sets in, so remove the mulch as soon as the snow melts.

In the northern regions it is easier to grow the flower as an annual plant. In the fall, after the first frost, the flowers are removed from the flower beds. The soil is dug up, fertilizers are added, and the garden is prepared for the new spring.

, the cultivation of which we will talk about in our material, will become central element your flowerbed.

We will tell you in more detail about the rules of caring for the ageratum flower.

In order for the grapes to grow strong and tasty, you need to use special fertilizers, which you will learn about.


If your garden has not yet been decorated with lovely alyssum, correct your mistake and plant it along garden paths, make an openwork snow-white border around the flowerbed. If there are roses, phlox or tulips in the garden, alyssum will be a wonderful addition to them and will enhance their aroma with its aroma. Relaxing in your garden will be truly healing.

If you don't have a garden, decorate your balcony. A pot with colorful flowers will make your loggia stand out from the gray mass. Care delicate flowers will be a moment of relaxation in the hectic rhythm of city everyday life.

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