home · Measurements · Large-fruited cypress indoor plants. Cypress is a mighty evergreen long-liver. Caring for large-fruited cypress

Large-fruited cypress indoor plants. Cypress is a mighty evergreen long-liver. Caring for large-fruited cypress

Ranetki jam differs from ordinary apple jam primarily in its taste. Ranetki are more sour and tart, but this is what makes heavenly apple jam so special.

Jam can be prepared in two ways. But this is more about preparatory stage. After all, the wounds are very small and it is very difficult to clean them. You can still suffer if there are not enough apples. But if you have a bucket of ranetki, then you will have to spend the night in the kitchen.

So, the apples need to be washed, peeled and cored with seeds. That is if you have enough time.

If not, you can simply place whole apples in a saucepan and add water so that the apples are lightly covered with water.

Bring the water to a boil, turn down the gas and cover the pan with a lid. Apples should be cooked for 15-20 minutes over very low heat.

If the apples are peeled, then all you have to do is chop them with a blender. If not, you will have to grind them through a sieve. This way you will get rid of both the seeds and the peel.

Add sugar to the resulting puree and stir.

If the puree is too thick, you should add a little water to it, otherwise the jam will be too thick. Cook the apple jam until it thickens and the original volume is reduced by about 1/3.

Prepare the jars. Wash them and sterilize them. Place the hot jam into jars and cover with lids. Apple jam can be stored for more than a year at room temperature.

But, as practice shows, there is always little of it and they eat it before the expiration date expires.

How to make jam from ranetki, watch the video:

is one of the plants of the family called cypressaceae, in Latin the name of this plant will be as follows: Cypressus macrocarpa. As for the name of the family itself, in Latin it will be: Cupressaceae.

Description of large-fruited cypress

This plant can develop favorably in sunny light conditions. Throughout the entire summer period, moderate watering should be provided for large-fruited cypress, and air humidity should remain at high level. The life form of this plant is an evergreen tree.
It is recommended to grow large-fruited cypress as in room conditions, and in cool and bright winter gardens. As for indoor conditions, you will need cool and bright rooms. In addition, it is also possible to grow large-fruited cypress in fairly cool greenhouses. Maximum dimensions in culture the height will be about one to fifteen meters.

Description of the features of care and cultivation of large-fruited cypress

It should be noted that the plant will need to be replanted immediately after its acquisition. Before transplanting, it is important to thoroughly rinse the roots with running water. After this, the large-fruited cypress should be replanted every year. As for the composition of the soil mixture, you will need to combine one part of sand and two parts leaf soil and turf land. A little peat and pine soil should be added to this mixture. The acidity of such soil can be either neutral or slightly acidic.
It should be noted that large-fruited cypress is characterized by fairly rapid growth, and when transshipping, it is recommended to trim the roots of this plant. Stagnation of water can have an extremely negative impact on the development of this plant, and it is important to water large-fruited cypress very rarely, only after the soil has completely dried out. It is important to remember that quite often this plant is attacked by spider mites.
Throughout the rest period, you should maintain optimal temperature in the range between five and fifteen degrees Celsius, and watering will be required quite infrequently. The dormant period begins in October and continues until the end of April. At this time, it is important to keep the large-fruited cypress in a bright but rather cool room, and after that the plant is returned to open ground.
Large-fruited cypress can be propagated either by cuttings or by seeds. As for propagation by seeds, then garden forms It shouldn't be propagated like that. When choosing cuttings, it is important to use rooting stimulants, and the soil temperature throughout the entire moment of rooting should be about twenty-five to thirty degrees Celsius.
As for the specific conditions for growing large-fruited cypress, then temperature regime above fifteen degrees, provided the plant is kept indoors, turns out to be extremely undesirable and can even lead to the death of the plant. It is important to place the large-fruited cypress in a lighted place, but it is important to protect it from direct contact with direct sun rays. Humidity should always be maintained at approximately sixty percent or higher. Among other things, it is also important to remember that large-fruited cypress requires regular ventilation, and the plant will very poorly tolerate stagnant air.
It should be noted that the needles of this plant are scale-like, they are pressed against the branches, and their color will be bright green. There is a beautiful pyramidal form of this plant, which is sometimes called golden cypress due to the fact that their needles are colored in golden tones.

Height up to 25 m.
The shape is wide-pyramidal, spreading.
The bark is light brown, with deep grooves.
The leaves are scaly, pressed to the branches.
Male flowers - yellow spikelets; female - greenish cones.
The fruits are shiny brown spherical or ellipsoidal cones.
This tree in the wild hardly grows up to 25 m, and in cultivation it grows to a maximum of 15 m. At first, the conical crown very quickly and randomly grows in width, turning into a wide pyramidal one, and in old trees it takes on a majestic umbrella-shaped shape; the branches form horizontal, flat, spaced legs. The trunk is straight at first, then begins to bend, twists, becomes knotty, expanding at the base. The bark has a characteristic grayish-white or light walnut color and is densely covered with vertical grooves. The shiny green leaves (needles) - tiny, scaly and triangular - are pressed against the branches. Small ovoid yellow male cones appear at the ends of the branches, and round greenish female cones appear at the tops of the side branches. The fruit is a round or ellipsoidal cone, after ripening it is shiny, dark brown and, despite the name of the cypress (macrocarpa, large-fruited), its fruit is slightly smaller than that of the evergreen cypress.
ORIGIN. California (Monterrey Bay).
Ecology. This tree is characteristic of the chapparral, "Mediterranean thicket"; Together with other evergreens, it grows in places where there are warm and rainy winters and hot and dry summers. On the inaccessible and rocky slopes facing the sea, large-fruited cypress grows together with evergreen oaks, Ceanothus, radiata pine and other trees.
APPLICATION. This tree is grown in South Africa, Australia and Asia for its fine-grained, yellowish, aromatic (like its needles, which, when crushed, give off a lemon scent) wood of excellent quality. The large-fruited cypress was introduced into Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century because it tolerates strong wind and salty spray, which is why it is planted on the Mediterranean coast.
SIMILAR SPECIES. Large-fruited cypress can be confused with ordinary cypress, which, however, has dark green needles, a columnar or wide and irregular crown, and a reddish-brown, slightly fibrous bark.

Young specimens of large-fruited cypress are well adapted to indoor growing conditions. It has bright green fern-like leaves and a very slender trunk. Mature plant It is recommended to prune regularly in the spring. This type of plant grows effectively in flower arrangements. In principle, this is a tub plant for unheated winter garden, but even in the rooms, if the conditions are met, it will please the eye. Flowering is rare in culture. Although large-fruited cypress is sold specifically as an indoor pot plant, outdoors it feels much better, although, unfortunately, it does not have winter hardiness for our latitudes. Since cypress can withstand temperatures down to -3–4 °C, it can be left in the garden until November–December, when real frosts set in in our area, and only then brought into the house to be exposed to the air again in March–April.

Cypress is a very attractive evergreen plant. It is unique in its centuries-old existence and unknown origin. Its needles contain healing aromatic oils that have been used by folk healers for many centuries. From the strong wood of this plant, craftsmen built ships and various pieces of furniture.

Some peoples consider cypress a symbol of sorrow and grief and plant it in cemeteries near graves. Others, on the contrary, argue that the cypress symbolizes eternal life. Even the Bible mentions this evergreen shrub as a representative of the Garden of Eden.

Cypress prefers tropical and subtropical climates. When favorable natural conditions its height reaches thirty meters. The crown of this plant can be spreading or shaped like a pyramid. Saturated cypress needles dark green. Its fruits are cones with a scaly surface and seeds inside.

With proper care, cypress can be grown at home. Many professional gardeners already consider it a houseplant. This evergreen plant delights the inhabitants of the house throughout the year and fills the room with a pleasant lemon aroma.

For home grown Both ordinary wild varieties (there are about twenty of them) and new bred ones are suitable. Before choosing one variety or cultivar, you need to get acquainted with the details of its cultivation and care.

Cypress Goldcrest Wilma is a popular houseplant. His individual feature is almost yellow pine needles UK breeders bred this “golden” pyramidal mini tree specifically for home care. Taking into account the peculiarities of care, at home you can grow Large-fruited cypress, Evergreen cypress, as well as smaller new species - Pisiform and Fruited cypress.


Cypress is a plant native to the subtropics. Indoors, he needs to find a place where it is always warm, light, there is no direct sunlight and there is a lot of free space.

IN summer time The plant does well at room temperature. The main thing for him is timely hydration. But in winter period will need to be changed familiar conditions and move the cypress to a room where there will be no heating devices and direct heating. At the same time, standard room temperature in winter is not desirable for the plant. Ideally, you need a temperature within 5-10 degrees Celsius. Watering in winter is reduced, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Taking into account all the temperature preferences of the cypress, in the summer place it on a window facing north or east. Well, it’s better for the plant to overwinter in the southern part of the apartment or on a glazed loggia.

Location and lighting

Since this plant is a light-loving plant, there should be a sufficient amount of light in the room. Just no direct sunlight. This will harm the plant. IN winter time natural light will not be enough, so artificial lighting will be required. Lack of lighting will immediately affect the external condition of the cypress - its crown and branches will take on an elongated shape.

In winter, place the cypress in the southern part of the house, and in the summer - in the northern part. The growing location can be a windowsill, floor or flower stand.

Watering rules

Watering is needed regularly and abundantly. It is necessary to find a middle ground, since excessive watering and drying out of the soil are equally destructive.

Spraying is carried out twice - in the morning and at evening time. Use only distilled water room temperature. This procedure should be done daily, especially on hot and dry days.

In winter, the watering and moistening schedules change. Spraying is canceled until spring, and watering is carried out once a week.

Air humidity

In the wild, cypress trees grow near lakes and reservoirs because they prefer high air humidity. In an apartment, maintaining the required level of humidity can only be done by watering or spraying.

Soil for planting

The soil for planting cypress must be loose. You can buy soil mixture for coniferous plants or cook it yourself. To do this, you will need coarse river sand, turf soil and peat in equal parts and two parts of leafy soil.

The flower pot must have holes for water drainage. A quarter of the height of the container should be occupied by the bottom drainage layer. These can be pieces of foam or broken brick, pebbles or expanded clay. The soil mixture is poured onto the drainage.

Feeding and fertilizers

Cypress is an exotic plant and ordinary fertilizers or complex fertilizers for indoor plants will not suit it. For example, humus can even be harmful. Therefore, experimenting in this case is not recommended.

The most suitable for cypress would be mineral fertilizer in liquid form, intended for coniferous plants. It must be applied once in each month - May, June, July, August. Not allowed as part of feeding high content nitrogen, but magnesium is required.


After about two years, the soil mixture loses its beneficial qualities and the plant lacks nutrients. In this case, replanting the plant in new soil can help. The most favorable time for this is spring. Since cypress has very sensitive roots, replant it better way transshipment.

You need to start by thoroughly watering the soil. It is easier to remove the plant from damp soil. The cypress is carefully removed from the pot along with a lump of earth. The soil, which is easily separated from the roots, must be carefully removed and the condition of the roots carefully examined.

If a young shoot is detected, it is necessary to carefully separate it from the main trunk along with part of the root system. The place where the cutting is separated must be lubricated with garden varnish. Then each plant is transplanted into a separate pot: an adult into a larger one, and a shoot into a small container. Young cypress covered glass jar for better rooting.

Be sure to add a drainage layer to the bottom of the pots before the soil layer.

Cypress propagation

Seed method

The seed method is used only in spring time. Freshly collected seeds, which can be taken from opened cypress fruits (from green cones), are planted in a separate container in moist soil. Seed germination is low, approximately 25 percent.

The box with the planted seeds should be placed where there is no direct sunlight (during the first 15-20 days after planting). As soon as the first shoots appear, take the box to a sunny place. After the soil dries out slightly, moderate watering will be required.

After a month, each cypress sprout will be ready to be transplanted into an individual container.

Cutting method

The cutting propagation method is used in early spring or early autumn. To do this, choose an already woody cutting.

Diseases and pests

This evergreen plant can resist pests and is resistant to various diseases. Its unique aroma does not allow anyone to approach it. harmful insects. They cannot stand the smell of pine needles.

Cypress wood contains chemical substances, which destroy various fungal diseases And harmful bacteria, and also prevent their development.

Lack of moisture in the soil and air

Characteristic signs are cobwebs on the needles and the appearance of spider mites.

The solution is treatment with a special chemical preparation, recovery proper watering and maintenance high humidity air.

Incorrectly selected soil or its poor quality

Characteristic signs are that the development and growth of the plant stops, the needles change color, a small coating appears on the shoots and needles, as well as small insects.

The solution is to treat the affected areas with a soap solution, spray with insecticidal preparations, and ventilate.

  • Cypress needs good lighting, but not direct sunlight, but diffused light.
  • The earthen ball in the plant pot should always remain moist.
  • The plant needs daily spraying and regular watering.
  • If parts of the plant dry out (due to exposure to sunlight or extreme heat), it is necessary to prune the damaged branches to a living bud.
  • The plant is easy to trim and quickly recovers; it can be given any shape.

The secret of the popularity of cypress trees

Cypress trees are very popular plants nowadays. They are quite common on garden plots, but are also widely distributed as houseplants. What is the secret of their popularity?

This majestic and noble-looking plant seems to require some unusual attention and care. But in fact, it is absolutely unpretentious and not capricious. The rules for caring for the plant are quite simple. The main thing is their exact observance.

This evergreen tree will thank you for good attitude to him and spent energy with his beauty. Cypress can decorate a yard, flower bed, garden, or any room.

A flower pot with cypress can be the main decor of a veranda or porch, closed gazebo and any room in the house. An adult coniferous tree can replace christmas tree, and several plants can become a hedge. Landscape designers and masters curly trimming can make a real masterpiece out of cypress.

Decorative qualities plus the unique aroma of pine needles are the secret to the popularity of cypress. We wish you success in growing cypress at home.

Many people love to walk through a coniferous forest, inhaling the fresh and pleasant aroma of pines, spruces and cedars. If only they could be grown at home! But, unfortunately, neither pine, nor fir-tree, nor cedar can be grown at home, since indoor conditions are too hot for them and the air is very dry.

However, there are quite a large number of species of conifers that can feel quite comfortable at home and in an ordinary flower pot.

Cypress branches dry only on one side. This is a sign that the plant is standing next to a radiator or heater, which produces too dry air. In this case, you need to move the cypress pot away from heat sources, lower the room temperature and increase the frequency of spraying.

Cypress needles turn yellow and fall off. Possible reason may be exposed to bright direct light. Move the plant to partial shade or shade.

The cypress is elongated, the crown is sparse from lack of lighting. Accordingly, the lighting intensity should be increased.

Cypress trees are rarely affected by pests.