home · On a note · Repairing soft roofs in winter is prohibited by SSN. Roof in winter. Restoration of soft roofs in winter

Repairing soft roofs in winter is prohibited by SSN. Roof in winter. Restoration of soft roofs in winter

Roll view Roof coverings are not sufficiently resistant to various damages: they are less resistant to mechanical stress than slates and tiles. Therefore the damage individual parts roofs for house construction or outbuildings appear at any time, regardless of the season. The causes of damage are different - the impact of various objects on the roof, wear of the coating and the formation of cracks. More often, the presence of coating problems is signaled by leaks that appear during or immediately after rain, as well as when the snow cap on the roof melts. If these problems occur in cold period, then you will have to carry out repairs soft roof in winter, without waiting for the warm season to arrive. It is possible to carry out such repairs, but certain conditions must be created for its implementation.

Types of repair work for soft roofing

Any roofing repair work is divided into 3 main types:

Emergency repair work is needed to quickly restore all the characteristics of a flexible roof that are important for the operation of the coating. For these purposes, most often, the roof covering is replaced in places with existing/suspected leaks. During emergency repair work, 5-20% of the total roof covering area is restored. Such repairs usually involve the installation of patches of the roof covering in particularly problematic areas; replacement of individual parts of the covering is rarely performed.

Current repair work can be carried out on 10-40% of the roof surface. It is recommended to perform them annually, immediately after completion scheduled inspection condition of the roofing surface of house construction. As in the case of emergency repairs, during the current one the roofing covering may be partially replaced or patches made.

Major repair work is needed if more than 40% of the total roof surface area is restored.

In order to fully restore all the characteristics of the roof covering, it is completely/partially replaced. The need for repairs is most often caused by the destruction of the bitumen layer, which reduces the vapor and waterproofing properties of these building materials, and atmospheric moisture penetrates into the interior of the building and living rooms.

Important: if you plan to independently repair a soft roof in winter, you need to thoroughly study the technology for performing all repair work - from checking the condition of the roof surface to the final stages of restoration.

Determining the need for repair and restoration work

Conducting a visual inspection of the soft roof for damage

To assess the required amount of repair work, you need to conduct a visual inspection of the roof surface. During the inspection, you need to pay attention Special attention such moments:

  1. Presence/absence of detachments of the flexible coating at the junction of its individual parts;
  2. The presence/absence of visual recesses and depressions on the roof surface, as moisture can accumulate in them;
  3. Determine the presence of swellings and bulges on the roofing: this is the first sign that moisture has gotten under it;
  4. Check the extent of damage to roof elements as a result of moisture accumulation - rotting of parts, the appearance of mold and fungi;
  5. Check the presence/absence of damage resulting from mechanical influences - ruptures, peeling, cracks.

Important: a visual inspection of the roofing surface made of soft bitumen-based building materials must be carried out every year, and not from time to time. The earlier defects are identified, the easier and cheaper it is to eliminate them. The first sign that the roofing surface is made of flexible materials repair is required, is the appearance of swelling on its surface.

Minor repair of flexible roof covering

Depending on the type of damage soft covering There are several ways to repair it:

  1. Applying patches to cover damage.
  2. Restoration of damaged joints of coating sheets.
  3. Repair, with laying a new coating on top of the old one.

Important: professional roofers prefer the last type of restoration work on the roof, and the first 2 types of restoration are considered temporary and low-quality measures.

For repair and restoration work on flexible roofing, certain skills will be required, and you also need to be able to handle special tools.

Overlay on leaky flexible roof represents local repair and restoration work and is carried out in the following order:

  • all damage identified during a visual inspection is pierced or cut off;
  • the roofing surface is cleaned of debris and dirt;
  • Damage areas are filled with special sealant or mastic based on bitumen. Then, a piece of roofing is applied to the area filled with base, large size than the area being restored;
  • On top of the patch, mastic is applied in one more layer, by spreading it with a roller with an increase in the mastic layer along the edges.

Important: this method of restoring the coating is not effective enough, because the flexible roof covering often has visually invisible defects that are not easy to identify.

If you only need to repair the joints, then it is enough to do the following repair work:

  • thoroughly dry the space under the roof covering;
  • Layer damaged joints with bitumen;
  • place the raised, dried roofing covering in its place;
  • Treat the top joint again with bitumen.

Performance overhaul roofing building

Repair and restoration work on a small area of ​​roof covering is carried out in this way: a new layer of roofing building material is placed on the old covering, cleaned of debris and dirt, used as a base. This method of restoring a covering made of flexible building materials is considered the highest quality and most reliable for performing minor roof repairs. As a result, the homeowner receives an updated roof covering with a full restoration of the required roofing characteristics. This method also has its limitations. Such repair and restoration work is not carried out on a heavily damaged roof covering, or if the number of layers of old material is already 8.

Major repair and restoration work

When the roof covering is in such a state of disrepair that local restoration work will no longer help, a complete replacement of the flexible roof covering is carried out. The cost of such work is quite high, so such repair and restoration work is called capital. Work on dismantling and laying new layers is carried out in a certain sequence, but the feasibility of such replacements is assessed on the spot by the craftsmen performing the repairs. If any of the layers of the roof pie have satisfactory condition, it will not be possible to change it.

Repair work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Removal of existing roof covering.
  2. Dismantling the heat-insulating layer and Portland cement screed.
  3. Restoration of the vapor barrier layer.
  4. Repair of internal drainage systems.
  5. Placement of a new thermal insulation layer.
  6. Installation of new Portland cement screed.
  7. Priming Portland cement screed.
  8. Laying flexible roofing.

Important: major restoration work involves a complete replacement of the flexible roof covering with partial/full restoration of the base, as well as inspection and replacement of individual roof parts.

Repair of soft roof in winter

Repairing a soft roof in winter is a complex separate topic for roof restoration work. It is not recommended to carry out any such repair work on the roof surface during the cold period, especially for flexible roofing building materials. However, situations arise when emergency work is required urgently.

Important: winter repairs must be carried out with increased safety measures.

Carrying out work on the repair and restoration of soft roofs in winter period time

Restoration and repair of a soft roof in winter is mandatory if:

  1. The roof covering is heavily damaged (for example, in the event of large and massive objects falling).
  2. The huge volume of falling snow caused the roof to sag.
  3. During the thaws, leaks appeared.

Any of the above situations can cause deformation of the roof, walls and even ceilings, as well as cause damage and short circuiting of wiring or a source of fire. To prevent such consequences, it is recommended to proceed with emergency roof restoration. Repair of a soft roof in winter should be carried out, like other work on the roof, in compliance with certain nuances.

Selection of building materials. Many flexible coatings do not tolerate negative temperatures well, so it is important to choose a coating that does not break in the cold. It is usually recommended to use for winter repairs flexible tile covering, metal tiles and profiled flooring. For installation, frost-resistant sealants are used that react neutrally to negative temperatures. In winter, daylight hours are limited, so it is necessary to think about lighting the roof repair site in advance, otherwise all activities will be interrupted after dismantling the roofing pie.

Safety. You should take care in advance about comfortable, warm and safe clothes and shoes for carrying out repair work. In addition, you need to prepare safety and safety devices to perform the work and protect you from changing weather conditions. Before starting roofing work, it is necessary to completely get rid of snow deposits on the roof. Flexible roofing material must be stored in a warm room until it is laid in the form of patches. Of course, you should carry out all winter repair work with a partner, or even better, hire professional roofers to perform such work.

Soft roof - modern material, which has good technological characteristics, is in demand on the market, work with which in practice is carried out all year round.

The Russian climate is characterized by a long cold period and there is often a need or desire to cover the roof at lower temperatures.

Won't this have serious consequences?

Soft tiles are a fiberglass canvas with a bitumen-polymer coating applied to both sides. It is this layer that is responsible for all the most important functions - it is both a waterproofing agent and an adhesive at the same time. IN pure form bitumen easily melts when the temperature rises and quickly hardens when it drops - for roofing this is more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

Technologists have found a way to neutralize this flaw: they add modified polymer compositions, which improve the properties of the material. As a result, it melts less, does not harden as much in the cold, and does not lose its properties under unfavorable conditions.

In practice, this means that it “does not float” under straight lines. sun rays and “does not tan” in the cold, and installation work can be done at any temperature. Flexible bitumen shingles can withstand temperatures from -55° C to + 110° C, and the strength adhesive connection withstands -35° C.

These are temperature limits that are most comfortable for humans and favorable for the manifestation of the best technological properties of the material.

From + 5° C and above, soft roofing and mastics are the most flexible and do not require additional softening with hair dryers - the installation process is carried out at optimal speed without involving aids. More information about installation soft tiles.

How low temperatures affect the coverage?

At subzero temperatures, the bitumen layer becomes less plastic, hardens, and the polymerization process slows down. Work can be carried out, but the material must be entered into warm room With optimal temperature, and then bring it to the installation site in batches of several packages.

If the frost is severe, then packages with roofing material should warm up well in a heated room for 1–2 days. During the installation process you will need to use construction hair dryer– warming up the tiles and mastics before laying will increase the plasticity of the materials and ensure better adhesion of the shingles to each other.

Working in the cold increases the number of procedures and manipulations, while simultaneously reducing the speed.

What to do if the base gets wet?

You cannot carry out work when it is raining, snowing or starting installation without waiting for the base to dry. The base must be dry - otherwise there will be damp under the sealed underlayment OSB sheets, plywood or boards (depending on what it is made of) will rot in 2-3 years, the roof will become unusable.

To be or not to be?

Whether or not to install a soft roof in winter is a matter for everyone to decide for themselves.

It makes more sense to plan roof installation in the spring, when more sunny days, higher air temperatures, less rain – ideal conditions for roofing work. And in winter, it is quite possible to carry out preparations so as not to waste time during the construction season, and to purchase building materials - during this period the price for them is usually reduced.

We are glad to welcome you to the site roofing company"Stroy-Alliance"
The main and priority activity of our organization is high-quality installation and repair of roofs flat type. We will reliably carry out the following work:

Laying of laying and built-up vapor barrier.

Each type of these plates has its own advantages and disadvantages. Call and we will offer the brand of insulation that is suitable specifically for your case.

We will carry out work on creating slopes from expanded clay or using wedge-shaped thermal insulation.

Installation of cement-sand and prefabricated screeds.

Reliable brands of roofing waterproofing. No fiberglass as a base for rolls. Only fiberglass and polyester. Traditional technology for repairing soft flat roofs includes fusing roofing roll materials using gas burners. This method of installing and repairing flat roofs is intuitive and has been used for over 30 years. Practical experience similar works The specialists of our organization are 17 years old. We use it as a roofing covering quality materials TechnoNikol company.

Polymer-bitumen grades with a thickness of more than 6 mm (with two-layer laying) The service life of the roll coating is from 15 years. Strict adherence to work technology.

Domestic and imported polymer membranes. All components for installation are available. Three automatic welding machines. Teams with 10 years of experience in installing roofs using PVC membranes.

Prompt visit to the site. Reliable elimination defects. Roofers of the Stroy-Alliance company are certified by TechnoNikol.

Let's compile according technical specifications or defective statement Commercial offer within 1 business day. If necessary, we will calculate the cost according to government rates.

In our activities we use only proven technologies and use materials that have undergone many years of testing under real operating conditions. As a matter of principle, we do not work with materials that have low technical indicators and short service life. We deliver basic materials to the site directly from manufacturing plants, avoiding intermediaries.
We offer to potential customers various methods performance of work. This also applies to the optimization of grades of materials and technologies used in the installation of roofing structures. We know how you can save without losing quality!

Do you want to repair or install a flat roll roofing were performed with high quality, without violations of technology and in a short time?
Call now or leave a request and our roofers will get to work!

Advantages of cooperation with the Stroy-Alliance company

The Stroy-Alliance company is proud of its team. Due to the fact that we have no “staff turnover”, over the years of our existence, the company’s employees have acquired invaluable experience and trained in Russian and foreign companies. All this guarantees that our specialists will prevent errors, take into account every nuance in the work and ultimately provide a high-quality product. Stroy-Alliance specialists strictly fulfill their obligations under the contract, so our company is considered a reliable partner. Dear modern equipment, which we use for installation, repair of flat, soft, built-up, bitumen roofing, installation of roll roofing, roof waterproofing - an advantage of Stroy-Alliance, as this allows minimizing work time without loss of quality.

  • We have more than ten years of experience working with PVC membranes. We provide our services at a wide variety of facilities: shopping malls, warehouse terminals, private homes;
  • Installation membrane roofing we produce in as soon as possible(from 500 square meters per day);
  • Quick preparation of estimates, preparation of a full package of documents upon commissioning of the facility for use (acts of acceptance of completed work, certificates hidden work and so on.);
  • Installation of roll roofing made of PVC membranes, repairs, installation of weld-on flat roof carried out by us throughout the Central Federal District Russia;
  • The work of the Stroy-Alliance company fully complies with tax legislation (VAT is deducted when concluding a contract);
  • Installation and repair of flat roofs is carried out using a variety of methods (modern and traditional);
  • The visit of a technical specialist is carried out with maximum efficiency and completely free of charge;
  • The brands of materials used are agreed upon with the Customer;
  • When providing services, we use the latest foreign equipment;
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation work in the brigade.

Place your roof repair worries on the shoulders of our specialists!

Builders practice two main replacement methods:

  • The previous coating is completely dismantled and a new one is installed;
  • The update is performed locally directly on the areas where there are defects.

Roof repair winter time must be carried out taking into account architectural features Houses. For example, for industrial buildings, the roof covering must be more durable and able to cope with vibration, large temperature changes and exposure to active chemicals.

When repairing residential roofs, in addition to durability, you need to pay attention to aesthetics. Flexible roofing materials are well suited for this. A soft roof in winter is quite repairable, although many experts are trying to challenge this opinion.

Local repair or complete replacement – ​​which is better?

Almost all customers strive to spend as little money as possible and believe that in winter they can do without a full renovation. They argue that partial repairs can save the situation.

It is not always so. Numerous patches compromise the integrity of the roof covering and contribute to the formation of new cracks and leaks. Deformation caused by temperature changes will do its job and create even more problems.

Let's add a constant here snow load, which can reach several hundred kilograms per square meter. For this reason, in most situations it is impossible to do without dismantling the old coating.

Local repairs are acceptable in the following cases:

  • The coating has no more than three damages;
  • The insulation did not begin to deteriorate due to exposure to moisture;
  • The damaged area can be dried locally;
  • A vapor barrier film was used during installation.

Our craftsmen work with the material at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees cold. During the company's work, we have completed many orders for roof repairs in winter, receiving positive reviews from clients.

We are ready to answer your questions and help in solving any problems with roofing materials, even if outdoors negative temperature and everything was covered with a thick layer of snow.

Time is merciless to everything, including roofing, which wears out over time. Even with a reed roof that can last for many years without repair, unforeseen situations are possible. Proper and timely care and repair of the roofing will increase its service life.

House roof repair

This necessary procedure will not only increase the service life of your roof, but will also help preserve long time The building itself is in good condition. Often in attic, If it is not mansard roof, there are quite a lot of communication nodes concentrated:

  • ventilation;
  • telephone wiring;
  • electrical wiring;
  • steam heating output;
  • chimneys and pipes.

To ensure the correct and uninterrupted functioning of all these “services”, it is necessary to pay certain attention to such a process as repairs.

Repair of the roof of a house can be either major or local. I think it would be redundant to describe this or that type of repair. For my part, I would like to give advice that local repair should be carried out annually and then for a long time you will not have to resort to major repairs. I consider the timing of repairs to be an important issue. It's no secret that the ideal time for renovation is warm time year, but sometimes it happens that repairs simply need to be carried out in the frosty winter. What to do in this case?

Roof repair in winter

The need is extremely rare (for example, tegola roofing is durable and resistant to significant temperature changes) and can only appear in in case of emergency or in emergency situations. But even at this moment you should not panic, but should approach this process with due caution and understanding of the complexity.

The first thing you need to do in order to carry out quality roof repairs in winter is to ensure that the entire roofing covering is completely dry. This can be done by covering sections of the roof with a tarpaulin. This will ensure moisture protection of the entire roof and subsequently there will be no problems with tightness, which is also important. If there is such a possibility, then you should create a certain temperature regime in a specific area where roofing repairs are required. This can be done using gas burner. Heat is necessary if you use for repairs bituminous materials, which require certain temperature conditions.

If possible, postpone roof repairs until the warmer months. And in winter, in case of emergency, you can make small local repairs, which will allow you to spend the winter and make high-quality repairs in the summer.