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Apple trees with double flowers. Decorative apple trees. Video "Features of caring for a red apple tree"

Dwarf forms of cypress

Coniferous plants are a favorite material for creating interesting garden compositions. And not only for landscape architects, but also for amateur gardeners. Among the conifers there is one very interesting plant - Cypress. Out of ignorance, it is often confused with cypress, because outwardly they are very similar. Only here, at the cypress, the branches located in the same plane are more flattened, and the cones that ripen in a year are small and have only two seeds each. In addition, cypress is more suitable for us in terms of climate, as it has much greater frost resistance than cypress, and it tolerates transplantation better.

Only 7 species of cypress are represented in the world, many of which under natural conditions can grow to truly gigantic sizes - about 70 m. Naturally, not everyone can settle such a giant in their garden. Yes, in fact, this is not necessary, because thanks to the efforts of breeders, cypress today comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There is something to choose from, the main thing before buying is to find out all the features of growing and agricultural technology of the acquired tree and its maximum height in order to avoid disappointments in the future.

It is customary to refer to dwarf trees and shrubs those specimens that in adulthood reach a maximum height of no more than 360 cm or grow very slowly.

A few decades ago, growing a coniferous tree in an apartment was out of the question, but today it is available to everyone. Dwarf and ornamental conifers are quite suitable for these purposes. Quite successfully at home they grow thuja, some varieties of cedar, cryptomeria, cypress. There is also a hamaekiparisovik plant on this list (indoor cypress, cypress, hamaekiparis). This plant not only decorates the house, but also benefits the health of its inhabitants, releasing beneficial substances into the air that kill bacteria and germs. In addition, indoor hamaekiparis will fill the house with subtle forest aromas.

Short description

The description of the hamaekiparisovik should begin with the fact that it is a representative of monoecious coniferous evergreen trees belonging to the Cypress family. And in appearance, this handsome man resembles a real cypress: a conical shape, the presence of cones, needles. In nature, wild cypress grows up to 70 meters, and at home, its height does not exceed two to three meters. Most often, ornamental species of this plant are grown: Dumb, Lavson, Nutkansky, Pea-fruited, Large-fruited. All these species have differences in appearance, but they are united by the shape of the crown, upright trunk, cones with downward and slightly protruding scales. An exception is the weeping species of the Kashmir cypress, whose branches hang down.

Features of care

To provide hamaekiparis with proper care at home, you need to know its biological characteristics. So, an ornamental tree loves light, but it also tolerates shade quite well. But drafts are extremely undesirable for him. The most favorable place for placing the pot is the north or east window. However, indoor cypress on these windows will still need shading in the summer. To "dilute" the greens, create a small flower group arrangement, including brightly flowering plants.

Caring for a hamaekiparisovik at home also includes regular light watering. In this case, the substrate in the pot should be fertile and very well drained. If the room has high humidity, then 2-3 moderate watering per month will be enough. Make sure that the earth ball never dries up! Spraying will not be superfluous, and in winter, hamaekiparis can be kept in a pan with water.

And now about how to care for a hamaekiparisovik in the winter. First, the plant needs a cool wintering. The optimum temperature is not higher than 10 and not lower than 7-8 degrees Celsius. Of course, such a temperature is unacceptable in an apartment, but an insulated balcony or loggia is a great option. But watering should be significantly reduced. You can even replace it with a tray filled with water and pebbles.

Hamaekiparis propagates both by cuttings and seeds. To propagate this tree using a cutting, in the spring it must be separated from mother plant lignified stalk. As for the germination of seeds, this process is very laborious, lengthy and not always justified.

And finally. How to care for a hamaekiparis so that a houseplant does not turn into a real tree? First, do not use a variety of coniferous top dressings unnecessarily so as not to provoke active growth. Secondly, in the autumn, you can trim the hamaekiparisovik, thereby adjusting its height.

By providing the indoor hamaekiparisovik with optimal conditions for growth and proper care, you will get a beautiful plant that will provide the house with clean and fresh air.

Hamaecyparis Elwoodi (plant)

Briefly: A living New Year's souvenir. The plant is as in the photo, height is about 30-40 cm. Description Hamaekiparis Elwoodi or Cypress belongs to the Cypress family. This species is specially bred for room culture. Looks very decorative.
Conical crown. The branches are green, shiny above, bluish below. With age, the needles acquire a bluish tint. Shade-tolerant, moisture-loving, unpretentious. Not damaged by pests and diseases. At a young age, the tree tolerates shade, later it becomes more light-loving. Grows best in light, moist soils.
Temperature: Moderate, cool in winter - at least + 5 ° С, optimal wintering at + 8-10 ° С. From the end of May to the end of August, cypress is best kept outdoors, in shade and protected from drafts. Hot air from central heating batteries is detrimental to cypress.
Lighting: Cypress needs bright diffused light, shading from direct sunlight, especially in summer. In winter, cypress needs a bright room. If in summer the content of cypress on an open windowsill (except for the northern windows) is not permissible, then in winter it will be necessary to rearrange the cypress as close to the light as possible, even to the southern window, but only until the hot spring sun. With a lack of light, the cypress stretches and loses its shape, on the contrary, with an excess of light, the leaves turn yellow and crumble.
Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. Moderate in winter. Cypress does not tolerate excess water and does not tolerate drying out of the earth. More precisely, the drying of an earthen coma is simply fatal for the conifer. Watering in winter depends on the temperature in the room, for example, when kept at a temperature of 8 ° C, watering will be about once every 10 days, and at a temperature of 12-14 ° C, once every 5-7 days.
Fertilizing: From May to August, potted plants are fed with liquid mineral fertilizer for indoor plants, fertilizer is taken at half the recommended dose. Top dressing is carried out once a month.
Humidity: Regular spraying in spring and summer. If in winter it is not possible to provide a cypress with a cool room, then it should also be sprayed with warm water in the morning and evening.
Transfer: Annually in the spring, in April - May. Cypress does not tolerate injury to the root system very well, therefore, a complete transplant with the replacement of the earth only when necessary, usually transshipment is used, with a partial replacement of the top layer of the earth. Simply put, potted plants replace only the soil that is easily separated from the roots by itself, if the conifer is taken out of the pot. Soil for cypress - 1 part sod land, 2 parts leaf, 1 part peat, 1 part sand. Cypress loves loose soil, when transplanting, make sure that the root collar is not buried in the ground, otherwise the plant may die. Good drainage is a must.
Reproduction: Lignified cuttings in spring and summer. Seeds in the spring.

Cypress (Chamaecyparis) cypress family

Cypress (Chamaecyparis) - the genus is represented by evergreen monoecious trees and shrubs. There are 6 species in the genus, native to North America in Japan and Taiwan. High types of cypress develop into a columnar tree with a regular crown shape and durable wood that resists pests and wood-destroying fungi for a very long time. Of the 6 species, only 4 species are cultivated in our Central European gardens. All of them are more or less cone-shaped trees with a straight trunk and hanging tops of shoots and branches.

The branches are flat, the needles are scaly, cross-shaped, often whitish on the underside. Male flowers appear in large numbers and are quite decorative. Female flowers are located one by one on the side branches and are hardly noticeable. Cones are small (up to 8 mm), spherical, hard, woody, with convex scales, with or without a point, ripen in the first year. Seed with two wings.

Propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Prefers moist soils, avoids lime. Shade-tolerant. Resistant to city conditions. Durable.

Since Chamaecyparis species mutate easily, horticulturists over the past 100 years have developed a huge number of variations in growth patterns and needle color. Cypress trees are a large and very diverse group of evergreen conifers; in city parks and gardens, cypress trees can create an interesting picture.

Consider the most decorative unpretentious frost-resistant cypress varieties and species that can be used in decorative gardening throughout Ukraine without any problems:

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress)

The area of ​​distribution of Lawson's cypress in nature in the mountains on the North American coast of the Pacific Ocean, climbs low into the mountains, where it settles in humid coastal valleys at an altitude of up to 1700 m above sea level. At home, a tree 30-40 m high with a trunk diameter of up to 3 m. In the middle zone in culture, its size is much smaller. The root system is superficial with a large number of fine roots, it is picky about soil composition, can grow on all cultivated not too dry garden soils, develops optimally on moderately nutritious garden soils, from fresh to moist, acidity can vary widely, ranging from acidic to ending with slightly alkaline. A great advantage is its resistance to pests and diseases, it is practically not susceptible to disease. Lawson's cypress is photophilous, but it can also grow in the shade, varieties in the color of which have a blue and yellow tone, in shady places the color saturation decreases, but in general the decorative effect is preserved. Lawson's cypress is one of the most beautiful representatives of coniferous plants, the richest variety of forms allows it to be used in any compositions, purposes and styles, as well as in a container version. Decorative garden varieties of Lavson's Cypress:

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress) ‘Columnaris’

A fast-growing densely branched tree in the form of a straight column, the crown branches from the ground itself, retains its shape even in old age. The annual increase in height is 20 cm, width is 5 cm, at 10 years old it reaches 3-4 m. adult plant about 6-10 m high. and 1-1.5 (2) m wide. The needles are gray-blue, later more bluish-green. Undemanding to soil and climate, resistant to industrial emissions, shade-tolerant. One of the most frost-resistant varieties of Lawson's cypress. It is recommended to plant separately and as an element of garden compositions. An excellent hedge plant. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's Cypress) ‘Dart’s Blue Ribbon’

Valuable fast-growing, columnar variety, reaches 3 m in height at the age of 10. The scales are bright blue. It is undemanding to soils and humidity, especially frost-resistant. It is used as a color and shape element in compositions. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress) ‘Ivonne’

Cypress with a conical densely closed crown, branches grow straight, fan-shaped branched, characterized by high frost resistance and rapid growth. At 10 years old, it reaches 2.5 m in height, an adult plant is about 5-7 m in height. and 2-3 m wide. very old specimens can be even higher. The needles are golden yellow or pure yellow, greenish yellow in the shade, retaining color in winter. Needs fertile, moist soils. Recommended as a bright element in garden compositions. It tolerates shearing well and is currently considered the best yellow form. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's Cypress) 'Pelt's Blue' - Van Pelts Blue

A small slender cone-shaped fast-growing tree, the branches grow strictly vertically. At the age of 10 reaches high. 3 m adult plant about 5-8 m high. and a width of 1.2-1.5 (1.8) m. Scales tightly adjacent to the branches of a bright steel color with a blue bloom. It is currently considered the bluest cypress with a columnar shape. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Frost hardy variety. Recommended for coloristic compositions. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Lawson's cypress) ‘Stardust’

A wide-cone variety, quite fast-growing, about 20-25 cm per year, reaches 2-2.5 m at the age of 10 years, an adult plant is about 8-10 m high. and 3.5-4 m wide. The shoots are pinnate, densely arranged, golden yellow, retain their color even inside the shrub. In Europe, he appeared only in 1965, and in 2002 he won the award of the English Royal Horticultural Society. Needs fertile and moist soil to grow. Frost hardy variety. Handles haircut well. Recommended for color garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Cypress nootkatensis or yellow)

The distribution area of ​​​​the nutkansky cypress in nature is the coast of North America, from Oregon to southern Alaska. It grows in the mountains, rises to a height of 2500 m, on deep, cool-moist, mostly acidic soils. Wild species in their homeland reach a height of 30-40 m, width 5-7 m. The root system is superficial, it is not picky about soils in general, only sufficiently moist soil and air are required, this is its native element. The amount of nutrients in the background after water supply. Light-loving, can grow in the shade, very winter-hardy. Nutkansky cypress is one of the most beautiful representatives of coniferous plants, especially attention should be paid to weeping forms.

Decorative garden varieties of nutkansky or yellow cypress:

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Aurea’

A fairly fast-growing tree with a symmetrical cone-shaped crown, annual growth is about 25-30 cm in height, 15 cm in width, with age with a strong straight trunk and strong dense raised or spreading branches, with slightly hanging shoot tips. At the age of 10 years, reaching 2.5 m in height, an adult plant is 15-20 m, very old specimens can be much higher. Wild species reach in their homeland 30-40 m in height, width 5 (7) m. The color of young growths is yellowish, then greenish-yellow, soft. Medium soil and moisture requirements, avoids calcareous soils. Frost-resistant. Due to the superficial, flat root system, young plants can suffer in winter in very dry places. Shade-tolerant. Recommended for planting in large gardens and parks. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Compacta’

Dwarf form of dense ovoid or spherical shape. The shrub grows relatively slowly, annually adding 5-7 cm in height and 8-10 cm in width, reaching approx. 1 m high The size of an adult plant does not exceed 1.5-1.8 m in height, the diameter of the bush is 2.5-2.8 m, sometimes up to 3.0 m. sides at different angles, grow unevenly, as a result, an asymmetric, irregular, at the same time attractive, very dense, compact, rounded crown is formed. The needles are tender, green with a bluish wax coating. Requirements for soil and humidity are average, loves open sunny places, although it can also grow in a penetrating shade. Winter hardiness is high. Recommended for growing in small areas, near houses, in a small mixed group of plants, for alpine slides. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Glauca’

A fast growing cultivar with a symmetrical cone shape. Annual growth in height is about 25-30 cm, 15 cm in width, reaching 3 m in height in 10 years. The size of an adult plant is 15-20 m tall, very old plants can be taller. Width 5-6 (7) m. The branches are very strong, dense, raised or spreading, the branches and shoots are thicker than in other varieties, often hanging strongly, the shoots are slightly hanging, heavy. The needles are greenish-blue. Medium soil and moisture requirements, avoids calcareous soils. Shade-tolerant. Frost-resistant. Removes harmful emissions. Recommended for planting in large gardens and parks. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Jubilee’

Beautiful weeping form. Fairly fast growing, with an extremely narrow pyramidal graceful tree shape, with a strong central leader. The annual growth is about 20-25 cm, at the age of 10 it reaches 2.5 m. Shoots are long, hanging, green. Soil and moisture requirements are average. An excellent form for single plantings in small gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Pendula’

Nutkan cypress Pendula is a fabulously beautiful variety, one of the most beautiful varieties among weeping conifers. Broad spreading, wide-conical weeping form of the tree. The needles are dark green, lateral shoots and top hanging down. A fast-growing variety, annual growth in height is 15-25 cm, at 10 years it reaches about 3 m., an adult plant reaches up to 10-15 m., crown diameter is about 3.5-5.5 m. Moderate requirements for soil and climate. A beautiful tree, recommended as a tapeworm, in a conspicuous place. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Nutka cypress) ‘Variegata’

One of the most elegant two-tone forms. Crown, symmetrical pyramidal. The trunk is even, the skeletal branches are long, slightly arcuate, the top and ends of the shoots are drooping. It grows slowly, at the age of 10 it reaches 1.5 m. The needles are colored very attractively, green with a lot of scattered white spots. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Looks effective in solitary plantings. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis obtusa (Obtuse cypress)

The area of ​​distribution of the wild species of blunt cypress in nature, the humid rainy mountain forests of Japan, rising to a height of 500 to 1500 m above sea level, on nutrient-rich moist well-drained non-calcareous soils. In nature, a rather large tall tree, reaching 35-40 m in height with a thick massive trunk. In culture, its size is incomparably smaller. Light-requiring, tolerates partial shade, prefers humus fresh, moist, well-drained fertile soils, from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.

Ornamental garden varieties of blunt cypress:

Chamaecyparis obtusa (Obtuse cypress) ‘Drath’

Cypress obtuse Dras is an interesting slow-growing narrow-conical shrub. At 10 years old, it reaches about 2 m. The needles are gray-green. The branches are straight, very thick (similar to the shoots of a club moss). Needs fertile and moist soil. Recommended for Japanese and rocky gardens, as well as mixed compositions, especially in small gardens. Grows in sunny and semi-shady places. Winter hardiness zone 6A

Chamaecyparis obtusa (Obtuse cypress) ‘Nana Gracilis’

Dwarf, very decorative, slow-growing shrub with an irregular, wide-conical crown. At 10 years old, it reaches about 0.5 m. The branching is dense, densely growing, the branches have the shape of a twisted shell and shiny dark green needles. Needs a fairly fertile and moist soil, a secluded place. Recommended for small, Japanese and rocky gardens. Grows in sunny and semi-shady places. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress)

The area of ​​distribution of the wild species of cypress pea is wet in summer in the mountainous regions of Japan, on moist rich soils. In nature, the pea-bearing cypress is a rather large tall tree, about 30-40 m, in culture, the size of the plant is about half that. Under culture conditions, it requires fertile soils and periodic watering. Poorly tolerates dry air, it is recommended to periodically sprinkle. Light-loving, but at the same time, shade-tolerant. A wide variety of garden forms and high frost resistance allow this beautiful species to be widely used in moderately cold, humid areas. Due to the abundance of forms, the use of pea cypress is diverse: containers, slides, single plantings.

Decorative garden varieties of pea cypress:

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Boulevard’

Pea-bearing cypress "Boulevard" is a cone-shaped dense compact shrub, grows very slowly in youth, moderately with age, reaching about 2 m in height at 10 years old, an adult plant reaches up to 5 m in height, and 1.2-2 m in width. The needles are soft, non-thorny, silver-blue in summer, gray-blue in winter, one of the bluest varieties among ornamental conifers. Hardy and undemanding, grows in all cultivated, well-drained garden soils, fairly resistant to industrial emissions, does not tolerate long periods of heat and drought. Grows best in fertile, moist soils in an open area. Recommended for small backyard gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Bady Blue’

The mutant of the popular ‘Boulevard’ variety differs from its progenitor in a denser compact crown. It is characterized by slow growth, initially oval with age, with a wide-conical shape of the crown. At the age of 10 years, it reaches about 0.6 m in height and 0.9 m in width. The needles are needle-shaped, tender, soft, silver-blue. Needs fairly fertile and moist soils. Recommended for small areas and color compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Curly Tops’

Mutant variety ‘Boulevard’. A very ornamental, slow-growing, dense, cone-shaped shrub. Reaches at the age of 10 years up to 1.5 m in height. The needles are needle-shaped, soft, with twisted ends, reminiscent of astrakhan, bright silver-blue. Needs fertile and moist soils. Recommended for small areas and color compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Filifera’

A tree with a wide spreading crown. Fast-growing, at 10 years old it reaches 2.5 m in height. The shoots are thin, long, decoratively hanging down, filiform at the ends of the branches. The needles are scaly, dark green. Needs fertile, moist soils. Recommended for parks and large gardens, in group and single plantings. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Filifera Aurea’

Wide-conical shrub, reaching 1.5 m in height in 10 years. Branching is atypical, rope-like branches, hanging down. The needles are golden yellow. It is undemanding to the soil and humidity. Photophilous, tolerates a slight shadow. Recommended for single plantings and garden compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Filifera Aurea Nana’

A dwarf slow-growing variety of a flat-spherical or rounded shrub, at the age of 10 years it reaches up to 0.4 m in height, a width of about 0.6 m, an adult plant reaches about 1.5 m in height and is twice as wide. Shoots hanging, cord-like. Color bright golden yellow, retains color in winter. Photophilous, brings a small shadow. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Soils fresh to moist, acidic to alkaline. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Filifera Nana’

Dwarf very slow-growing flat-spherical or rounded shrub, 0.5 m tall at the age of 10 years. Shoots thin rope-like hanging, green. Requires relatively moist and fertile soil. Grows in sunny and semi-shady places. Recommended for small and rocky gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Nana’

Cypress pea "Nana" dwarf variety, very slow growing, forms a cushion-shaped crown. Annual growth of 2.5 cm or less. Reaches at the age of 10 years up to 0.3 m in height and 0.5 m in diameter. Shoots densely arranged, curly, bright green. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Prefers sun to partial shade. Recommended for containers, rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Nana Aureovariegata’

Cushion-shaped, very slow-growing, annual growth less than 2.5 cm, at the age of 10 reaches only 0.2 m in height. with a diameter of 0.4 m. Shoots are short, curly, dense, dark green with small scattered yellow fragments. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Prefers sun to partial shade. Recommended for small gardens, alpine slides and rock gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Plumosa’

Cone-shaped fast-growing variety, annual growth in height is about 15-20 cm, width is 10-15 cm, reaches about 2 m in height at the age of 10 years, the growth rate weakens with age. Forms small trees with age. An adult plant reaches up to 10-12 m in height and about 4-5 m in crown diameter. The crown is wide-conical or pyramidal, symmetrical with a beautiful regular silhouette, with dense arcuately raised pinnate-curly shoots. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped, bright green in color. Needs fertile and moist soils, put up with a short stagnation of water in the upper layers of the soil. Shade-tolerant, resistant to industrial emissions. The variety is especially valuable for the formation and hedges. Planted in a row after 0.6-0.8 m. Winter hardiness zone 5B

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Plumosa Aurea’

Pea cypress ‘Plumosa Aurea’ is a cone-shaped rather fast-growing variety, the growth pattern is the same as that of ‘Plumosa’. At a young age, it has grown more actively, the tree adds 15-20 cm annually, then the growth rate slows down and the growth does not exceed 7-10 cm, reaching about 1.5 m in height at the age of 10 years. Forms a small tree with age. An adult plant reaches up to 8-9 m in height and about 3.0-3.5 m in crown diameter. A tree with a dense dense shape, broadly cone-shaped, symmetrical with a beautiful regular silhouette, with arcuately raised pinnate-curly shoots. The needles are scaly and needle-shaped bright yellow in color. Needs fertile and moist soils, from acidic to alkaline. Light-requiring, resistant to industrial emissions. Recommended for single landings, mixed color compositions. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Plumosa Aurea Compacta’

Dense slow-growing shrub, initially rounded then broadly cone-shaped. At the age of 10, it reaches about 1 m in height. Needles in the form of scales and needles of golden-green color. Grows best in fertile and moist soils. Sun-loving. Recommended for small gardens as a color accent. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Snow’

Pea-bearing cypress "Snow" is a very attractive snow-white low shrub, with a flat-spherical later cone-shaped crown. Shrub with bluish-green needles mottled with white tips, it seems covered with hoarfrost, this is especially pronounced in spring. Slow-growing, at the age of 10 years up to 0.5 m in height and 0.8 in width. An adult plant reaches up to 2 m in height and about 2 m in width. Shoots are small, tender, soft, densely spaced. The color of young shoots is creamy white, then bluish green. Somewhat sensitive to the open hot sun and dry winds, the needles burn. It is preferable to plant in a sheltered spot that is shaded from the hot afternoon sun. Needs fertile and moist soils, tolerant to air pollution. Recommended for small gardens, as a color element of arrangements, a container plant. Winter hardiness zone 5V

Chamaecyparis pisifera (Pea-bearing cypress) ‘Sungold’

A beautiful dwarf form with a hemispherical crown shape, at 10 years old 0.5 m in height, annual growth of 3-4 cm, an adult plant reaches a maximum height of up to 1 m and 2 m in diameter. The shoots are thin, filamentous, hanging beautifully to the ground, grow evenly. The needles are scaly, soft, yellow-green or golden. Soil and moisture requirements are average. It is recommended to plant in a sunny place, in rocky and heather gardens. Winter hardiness zone 5V

The richest variety of garden forms of cypress allows you to use it in any compositions, assigned styles, as well as in a container version. Cypress trees are beautiful as a single plant, and in various groups and hedges. It must be remembered that bright varieties with yellow and blue needles need a lot of light.

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What is the difference between thuja and cypress

Cypress is a tall, long-lived tree. Outwardly, it resembles a cypress, but it has thickened shoots and small cones with a diameter of 12 mm with 2 seeds. The crown is pyramidal with drooping branches. The leaves are green, pointed and tightly pressed. In young plants, the leaf plate is needle-shaped, in adults it becomes scaly.

Cypress is often confused with another evergreen tree - thuja. Plants belong to the same Cypress family and are very similar in appearance.

A comparison of the characteristics of these plants is given in the table:


Genus of evergreen monoecious trees

Shrub, rarely tree

large tree

Reaches 50 m

Grows up to 70 m

Average life span - 150 years

Life span 100–110 years

Scale-shaped cross lying needles

Scale-like opposite needles

oval cones

Rounded or elongated buds

Branches are horizontal or pointing up

Shoots drooping

Releases a strong ethereal fragrance

The smell is weak, has a sweetish notes

Found in the middle lane

Prefers subtropical climate

Cypress in landscape design

Cypress tolerates urban conditions, grows in shade and partial shade. In the heat, its growth slows down. The tree is sensitive to the lack of moisture in the soil and air, therefore, before planting, they think over the irrigation system. Cypress is suitable for decorating the recreation area of ​​country houses, sanatoriums, recreation centers, parks.

Cypress needles are highly decorative. The color depends on the variety, it can be from light green to rich dark. Plants with golden and bluish-smoky needles are especially valued.

Due to its high winter hardiness and unpretentiousness, cypress is successfully grown in the middle lane. Trees vary in size depending on the variety. Tall hybrids are more often used in single plantings. Primroses and perennial grasses grow well under them.

Cypress is used for single and group plantings. A gap of 1 to 2.5 m is maintained between plants. Trees are suitable for creating a hedge, then 0.5–1 m is maintained between them.

Advice! Low-growing varieties of cypress are used in flower beds, rocky gardens, alpine slides and on terraces.

In room conditions, Lavson's cypress and pea-bearing are grown. Plants are planted in small containers and pots. They are placed on windows or verandas on the north side. To prevent the tree from growing, it is grown using the bonsai technique.

Types and varieties of cypress

The genus Cypress combines 7 species. All of them grow in the subtropical zones of Asia and North America. They are also cultivated in warm temperate climates. All varieties are frost resistant.

Lawson's cypress

The species is named after the Swedish botanist P. Lavson, who became its discoverer. Lawson cypress wood is valued for its light weight, pleasant aroma and resistance to decay. It is used in furniture production, as well as for the manufacture of plywood, sleepers, finishing materials. In recent years, the distribution area of ​​this species has significantly decreased due to massive cuttings.

Lawson's cypress is a tree up to 50–60 m high. The trunk is straight, reaches 2 m in girth. The crown is pyramidal, the top is drooping, curved. The species is resistant to diseases and pests. In the spring it is prone to sunburn. Prefers sandy moist soils. It is recommended to plant it in the European part of Russia to create hedges.

Varieties of cypress species Lawson with names, photos and descriptions:

  1. Aurea. A tree of a cone-shaped form and average force of growth. Reaches a height of 2 m. The branches are dense, green. Young growths are beige in color.
  1. Fletchery. Columnar tree. For 5 years, the variety reaches a height of 1 m. The shoots are raised, greenish-blue, with needles and scales. Prefers fertile soils and lighted places.
  1. Alumigold. Compact cone-shaped variety. The tree grows rapidly, reaches 1.5 m in 5 years. The shoots are straight, young shoots are yellow, becoming bluish-gray with time. The variety is unpretentious to the quality of the soil and humidity.

Cypress obtuse

In nature, the tupolis cypress tree grows in Japan and on the island of Taiwan. It is planted next to temples and monasteries. The species has a wide conical crown. The tree grows up to 40 m, trunk diameter - up to 2 m. Decorative properties are preserved throughout the year. Frost resistance is above average, after a harsh winter it can freeze slightly. Decorativeness is preserved throughout the year. It does not tolerate urban conditions well, it grows better in a forest park strip.

Varieties of dull cypress:

  1. Coralliformis. Dwarf variety with a pyramidal crown. In 10 years it grows up to 70 cm. The branches are strong, dark green, twisted, reminiscent of corals. The variety prefers fertile soil with high humidity.
  1. Tatsumi Gold. The variety grows slowly, has a spherical, flat, openwork shape. The shoots are powerful, strong, twisted, greenish-golden in color. Demanding on moisture and soil fertility.
  1. Dras. An original variety with a narrow conical crown. Grows up to 1 m in 5 years. The needles are green-gray, the shoots are straight and thick. Suitable for Japanese gardens and small areas.

Cypress pea

Under natural conditions, the species grows in Japan at an altitude of 500 m. Pea-bearing cypress is considered by the Japanese to be the habitat of the gods. The tree has a wide pyramidal shape. It reaches a height of 50 m. The crown is openwork with horizontal shoots. The bark is brown-red, smooth. Prefers moist soils and air, as well as sunny areas protected from the wind.

Important! All varieties of pea-bearing cypress do not tolerate smoke and air pollution.

Popular varieties of pea cypress:

  1. Sangold. Dwarf variety with a hemispherical crown. For 5 years it reaches a height of 25 cm. The shoots are hanging, thin. The needles are green-yellow or golden. Soil quality requirements are moderate. Grows well in sunny and rocky areas.
  1. Filifer. A slow-growing variety up to 2.5 m high. The crown is spreading, in the form of a wide cone. The branches are thin, long, filiform at the ends. The needles are dark green with scales. The variety is demanding on the quality and moisture of the soil.
  1. Squarrose. The variety grows slowly, in 5 years it reaches a height of 60 cm. With age, it takes the form of a small tree. The crown is wide, conical in shape. The needles are soft, gray-blue. Grows best in rich, moist soil.

thuja-shaped cypress

The species was introduced to Europe from North America. In nature, it is found in wet swampy areas. The wood is durable and has a pleasant smell. It is used for the manufacture of furniture, ships, joinery.

The tree has a narrow cone-shaped crown and brown bark. It reaches a height of 25 m. The unusual shape of the crown, bright color and cones give the plant decorative qualities. Dwarf varieties are grown in containers. The species prefers sandy or peaty soils of high humidity. Worst of all develops in dry clay soil. Planting in shady places is allowed.

The main varieties of cypress thuja-shaped:

  1. Konika. A dwarf variety with a pin-shaped crown. The tree grows slowly. The shoots are straight, the needles are subulate, bent down.
  1. Endelaiensis. A dwarf plant, reaching a height of no more than 2.5 m. The shoots are short, straight, densely arranged. Green needles with a bluish undertone.
  1. Red Star. Hybrid 2 m high and 1.5 m wide. The crown is dense and compact, in the form of a pyramid or column. The color of the needles changes depending on the season. In spring and summer it is greenish-blue, with the onset of cold weather purple hues appear. Grows well in full sun, can tolerate light shade.

Formosan cypress

The species grows in the highlands on the island of Taiwan. Trees reach a height of 65 m, trunk girth - 6.5 m. The needles are green with a blue tint. Individual specimens live more than 2500 years.

The wood is durable, not susceptible to attack by insects, and emits a pleasant aroma. It is used for the construction of temples and houses. From this species, an essential oil with a relaxing aroma is obtained.

The Formosan species is characterized by poor winter hardiness. It is grown at home or in greenhouses.

Varieties of cypress for the Moscow region

Cypress is successfully grown in the Moscow region. The tree is planted in partial shade or in a sunny area. A fertile loamy or sandy loamy soil is prepared for the plant. Work is carried out in the fall before the onset of cold weather or in the spring after the snow melts.

Important! A young tree is covered for the winter with burlap or agrofibre. The branches are tied with twine so that they do not break under the weight of snow.

For successful cultivation, the plant is provided with care. It is regularly watered, especially in drought. Spray the needles every week. Mulching the soil with peat or wood chips helps prevent evaporation of moisture. Until mid-summer, the tree is fed 2 times a month with a complex fertilizer for coniferous trees. Dry, broken and frozen shoots are pruned.

Photos, types and varieties of cypress for the Moscow region:

  1. Cypress Lawson variety Yvonne. A variety with a conical crown. In 5 years it reaches a height of 180 cm. The needles are golden in color, which persists in winter. Grows in moist, humus soils. The needles are scaly, yellow in the sun, and green when growing this variety in the shade. The color stays through the winter. The intensity of the color depends on the moisture and fertility of the soil.
  1. Cypress Lavson cultivar Columnaris. Fast growing tree in the form of a tall column. At the age of 10 years, the variety reaches 3-4 m. The branches grow in a vertical direction. The needles are gray-blue. The variety is unpretentious to soil and weather conditions, able to grow in polluted areas. Differs in high winter hardiness.
  1. Lavson's cypress of the Elwoodi variety. Slow growing tree with a columnar crown. In 10 years it reaches a height of 1–1.5 m. The needles are thin, saturated blue in color. Shoots are upright. The variety is unpretentious in the soil, but requires constant watering. Ideal for small gardens, in winter it can be used instead of a Christmas tree.
  1. Lavson's cypress cultivar Romana. A hybrid with a narrow ovoid crown. Top with pronounced feathers. It develops slowly, in 5 years it reaches 50 cm. The shoots are erect, densely arranged. The color is bright, golden yellow, stored for the winter. The tree is characterized by increased winter hardiness, undemanding to irrigation and soil quality. Suitable for creating bright landscape compositions and solitary plantings.
  1. Pea varieties Boulevard. Cypress grows slowly and forms a narrow conical crown. For 5 years it grows up to 1 m. The needles are soft, not prickly, have a bluish-silver color. The tree is grown in open areas.
  1. Pea varieties Filifer Aurey. Shrub with a conical wide crown. It reaches a height of 1.5 m. The branches are hanging, rope-like. The needles are yellow. The variety is unpretentious, grows in any soil.

The considered photos, types and varieties of cypress will help you choose the right option for your garden. The plant is hardy and frost tolerant. It is used for single plantings, hedges and more complex compositions. The variety is selected taking into account the weather conditions of the region, the soil and the place for cultivation.

Ask experienced flower growers, and they will tell you that under the USSR no one even heard that coniferous trees can be grown on windowsills.

Today, you won’t surprise anyone with this, because dwarf conifers take root perfectly in the conditions of our apartments. Now many enthusiasts are growing thuja, cryptomeria, cypresses and even cedars in pots.

In this list there is also an interesting plant, which will be discussed today - hamaekiparisovik or cypress(chamaecyparis). Cypress is a miniature indoor coniferous tree. It is also called false cypress, chamecyparis or indoor cypress.

This coniferous handsome man can not only decorate his home, but also benefit the health of the owners, releasing substances into the atmosphere that can kill pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Of course, to grow a handsome conifer, you need a lot of attention and care. However, the beauty and benefits of chamecyparis are undoubtedly worth the effort.

And how nice to hear in the room fresh forest scent!

Brief description of the family and variety

Cypress - a bright representative of coniferous monoecious evergreen trees cypress family. With all its appearance, it resembles a cypress: in shape, the presence of needles, cones.

It differs from real cypress in flatter branches and small cones, in each scale of which two seeds are hidden. The needles of young cypress trees are needle-shaped, and adult plants are scaly. The tree bears fruit with small cones ranging in size from 0.5 to 1 cm.

In nature, it grows on the coast of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans of North America, in the subtropical regions of East Asia. Under natural conditions, chamecyparis grow in the form of cone-shaped trees up to 60 meters tall. In room conditions, the tree can grow up to only 2 meters in height.

About 200 varieties of cypress trees have been bred by breeders. The varietal diversity of plants is so great that among them you can see trees of weeping, pyramidal and dwarf forms with needles of yellow, gray, blue and variegated color.

In room conditions, the following types of cypress are most often grown:

  • Nootka cypress (Chamaecyparisnootkatensis)- grows on the Pacific coast, reaches a height of 40 meters. It has a grayish-brown bark and dark green needles with an unpleasant odor. Cones are spherical, brown with a purple tint. Can be grown at home.
  • Lawson's Cypress (Chamaecyparislawsoniana)- lives in North America, growing up to 60 meters in height. The bark and needles are scaly, the cones are spherical green. Well suited for indoor floriculture. Its most interesting varieties:
      • Aluminum(gray-blue needles);
      • Alumigold(yellow needles);
      • erecta vitidis(light green needles).
  • Cypress tree (Chamaecyparisthyoides)- common in eastern North America. It has soft green needles with a bluish tint, which changes to silver in spring and bronze in autumn. In nature, it grows up to 25 meters.
  • Pea Cypress (Chamaecyparispisifera)- the birthplace is Japan, where it reaches 30 meters in height. It has a smooth reddish bark with a blue or brown tint. The needles are dark green, covered with white stripes and spots on the inside. Cones are small, round, brown. Incredibly beautiful varieties derived from it:
      • Boulevard(silver-blue needles);
      • filifera aurea(golden needles);
      • Squarrosa dumosa(bluish-green needles).
  • Obtuse cypress (Chamaecyparisobtusa)- grows in the northern part of Japan. It features light brown smooth bark, shiny light green needles and small spherical buds.
  • Cypress mourning or in Latin Chamaecyparis funebris- This is a native of China with greyish-green needles and dark brown buds. The mourning cypress is the smallest of its kind and is great for growing in the bonsai style.

Despite the differences in the appearance of these species, they are united by common features: the shape of the crown, cones with scales turned down and slightly protruding, and a straight trunk. There is also an exception - weeping cashmere cypress, the branches of which are lowered down.

Secrets of caring for indoor cypress

Chameekiparisovik is considered a plant that is not very fastidious in its care. However, it requires certain conditions of detention. When caring for a coniferous tree, it is important not to forget that it is a forest dweller. Therefore, fresh air and coolness in the hot season - main condition presented by chamecyparis. And regular rain in the form of spraying is a guarantee of the health of the lush needles of an indoor tree.

When caring for a cypress, you should not forget about once or twice a month turn the plant 10 or 15 degrees around its axis. This procedure will provide him with a crown that grows evenly from all sides.


Coniferous cypress very loves bright light, somewhat shaded or diffused, without direct exposure to the sun, so you can keep it on the east and west windows, on the south side it should be located at some distance from the window.

In the summer you need especially watch closely so that the needles are not burned by hot rays. Cypress, being a real native of the forest, loves fresh air.

Ideal summer option plant placement is a balcony, veranda or garden. But even in outdoor conditions, cypress will need shading. However, this does not apply to plants with yellow needles - they, quite the opposite, adore the sun's rays.

If you have the opportunity to move the tree in the summer to the open air, where the sun does not penetrate and drafts do not reach, the hamaekiparisnik will develop and grow faster.

In winter, the tree should be as far away from heating appliances as possible. Too dry air is a threat to plant life. The best place for wintering this plant will become the southern window sill, and only with the advent of bright spring rays should it be removed away from bright light. Also in winter, you may need additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

You should know that in low light the hamaekiparisovik stretches out, loses its shape, and if it is excessive, the needles turn yellow and fall off. And we should not forget that chamecyparis does not tolerate drafts.


Indoor cypress, although it is a plant of southern latitudes, loves coolness at home. Optimum temperature content for it will be + 8-15 ° С. Do not place the tree next to radiators or other heating appliances. In winter, the plant is kept at low temperatures - no higher than 10 degrees. In summer, it does not tolerate heat well.

In winter, the plant needs more humidity, even if the temperature in the room is low. In case of serious violation temperature conditions, the needles can dry out and fall off, and new ones will no longer grow on these branches.

Low temperature is one of major health conditions coniferous tree.


Conifers love abundant watering- such that the soil always remains slightly moist. Water daily in summer and weekly in winter. Use water at room temperature, it should be soft and not calcareous. It is better to water often, but little by little, to prevent stagnation of water in the pan.

If for the winter period you arrange a tree in a tray with wet expanded clay, then water the cypress not necessary. It is enough just to make sure that there is always moisture in the pan. Evaporation of moisture from the soil surface is reduced by mulching. Experienced flower growers advise putting pieces of ice in the pot, which, slowly melting, moisten the soil and air around the plant at the same time.

Dry land - signal for soil moisture during the cold season. If in winter the hameciparis lives in a warm room, he needs a wet shower twice a day - in the evening and in the morning.

Try to use only settled water - this prevents the needles from turning yellow and falling off, especially if the plant is kept at an air temperature above the optimum. spray the plant vital at least once a day, especially at air temperatures above 15 degrees. It is enough not to spray the conifer for one day for his death.

The composition of the soil and top dressing

Slightly acidic soil (PH level - 5.5 - 6.5) - this is what conifers need for good growth. It is best to purchase a substrate for conifers in a specialized store. Before backfilling the soil in the pot, ensure good drainage, and thoroughly loosen the soil itself.

Feed cypress throughout the spring and summer seasons every 14 days, and then stop feeding. For hamaekiparisovik, ordinary liquid fertilizers for conifers need to be diluted with water, halving the concentration.

Before applying fertilizer, the soil must be loosened. As top dressing, complex mineral fertilizers for coniferous plants or highly diluted solutions of liquid organic fertilizers are used. Shouldn't be used various fertilizers indiscriminately, especially growth stimulants - they can turn your indoor tree into a huge tree under the ceiling with a thick trunk.

Transplant and reproduction

Indoor cypresses grow fast enough, so even adults plants are transplanted at least once every two years. Since its root system is quite developed, a spacious container is taken, the bottom is filled with drainage pebbles (pebbles, expanded clay, broken bricks).

Hamaekiparisoviki not very fond of transplants and endure them quite hard.

The soil can be bought ready-made - universal or for coniferous plants. If you will prepare the soil mixture yourself, take the following composition:

  • turf - 1 part;
  • leaf ground - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part.

Carefully, trying not to damage the root system, transfer the plant to another container with laid drainage, sprinkle with new soil, not deepening the trunk too much. After transplanting, it is necessary to place the cypress tree in the shade so that it retreated from severe stress.

As for the propagation of cypress at home, this is not an easy task. Experienced flower growers, trying to achieve the desired result, use powerful growth stimulants (such as Epin).

You can try to propagate the plant from apical cutting, process, and then planted in a greenhouse with high humidity. After the appearance of young plants, they are seated in separate containers.

You can try planting woody cuttings or seeds(this is done in the spring). This process is quite laborious, lengthy and not always justified. Seeds are pre-stratified - for this they are placed in a moistened substrate for 90 days at a temperature of 5-7 degrees. After this period, the seeds are placed in a warm place for germination. Subsequently, they are seated in individual pots.


In order for the tree to retain its magnificent and beautiful shape, in the spring you need to rid it of dry branches and too long shoots. In no case can you cut off excess processes partially or half ( only completely!). In autumn, if necessary, cypress tree pruning is done for the same purpose - so that it does not grow too high.

Growing features

When caring for indoor cypress, the following features should be considered:

  • In the early spring period, root pruning to reduce crown growth.
  • Cypress required keep turning by 10-15 degrees, with an interval of two weeks.
  • Can't bet conifer in a draft - both at home and on the street.
  • Plant does not love lighting changes.
  • Dry branches are deleted.
  • To form a crown, excess shoots are regularly cut off. Not recommended cut off part of the branch, especially after the formation of leaves. The branch is cut off entirely.
  • If cultivation is carried out in bonsai style- transplantation is carried out every 3-4 years.

Frequent problems of indoor cypresses

If you do not follow the basic rules for caring for indoor cypress at home, the following problems may appear:

  • If the tree is pulled, you need to add lighting to it;
  • at yellowing, drying And shedding of needles you need to move the plant to the shade;
  • another reason yellowing of needles there may be a lack of watering or fertilizer;
  • If twigs dry up in one place - find out if there is a heater nearby (spray and water the plant more often);
  • with excessively dry air in the apartment, insufficient watering and low temperature the tips of the needles are stained V Brown color(increase spray intensity);
  • If the plant wilts then this is possibly the influence of root rot (immediately transplant into another container and reduce watering).

Diseases and pests

Cypress is resistant to diseases. Only improper care can undermine his health, from which the plant develops rot. The root system of a coniferous tree can rot if the soil is waterlogged, there is no drainage, and the soil is not properly selected. If the plant is still sick root rot, you need to remove it from the pot, cut off the rotten roots and transplant it into a new container, changing the conditions of detention.

Cypress can be attacked and.

Shchitovka. The plant is covered with round tubercles of green, yellow or brown color, such bulges can appear on both sides of the leaves - these are scale insects. They suck the juice from the plant, gradually leading to the weakening of the conifer and inhibition of its development.

Used for destruction insecticides Actellik, Mospilan, Aktara, Intavir, Fitoverm, Arrivo, Permethrin. From folk remedies, onion and garlic infusions, a solution of potassium soap can help.

Spider mite. The plant is covered with a thin cobweb and white spots on the inside of the leaves. After a while, the color of the needles changes, it dries up and disappears. To get rid of the pest, insecticides Aldikarb, Temik, Karbofos, Intavir, Fitoverm, sulfuric and phosphorus agents, dandelion decoction, infusions of garlic and onions are used.

Useful properties of cypress

Cypress trees have been grown since ancient Greece. They say that these trees bring positive and strong energy to the house. "masculine" energy. Indeed, in an old myth it is said that Cypress is a beautiful young man whom the god Apollo turned into a tree for disobedience. Cypress trees, thanks to their amazing decorative qualities, have long become habitual inhabitants of our parks, gardens, squares.

Cypress is a plant with unique beneficial properties. :

  • Cypress needles have a pleasant aroma and fills the house with phytoncides extremely beneficial for the respiratory system.
  • Cypress phytoncides inhibit development microbes, E. coli and staphylococcus aureus.
  • The presence of a coniferous tree in the house improves the microclimate premises.
  • Inhaling the aroma of chamecyparis needles is an excellent bronchitis prevention And colds.

How to care for indoor cypress or cypress (hamaekiparisovik), see the video below:

What to do if indoor cypress (cypress) dries? Watch the professional advice on the video:

Needless to say, growing a homemade tree is not as easy as it seems. But a patient grower can do everything. A little more work and patience - and an elegant cypress tree will settle in you for a long time, delighting the eye with a dense crown of fluffy twigs and exuding a healthy coniferous aroma. And on New Year's Eve, the evergreen cypress tree will gladly try on the role holiday tree! And believe me, it will cope with it "perfectly"!

A garden can be not only useful, but also beautiful. This is not about flowering, because during this period all the trees stand like lovely brides in a snow-white veil. There are varieties of fruit trees that attract the eye throughout the season, and not just when they bloom. They are called decorative, and one of them is an apple tree with red leaves.

Type characteristic

Already from the name it becomes clear that the main difference between the decorative look and the others lies in the color of the leaves. If in classic species the leaf plate is green, then in hybrids it is red. Depending on the particular variety, its shade can vary from dark red to brownish, brick. The shape of the leaf blade itself is slightly more elongated and slightly curved. Interestingly, some varieties of apple trees with red leaves are able to change color from red to green at the end of the season.

The red-leaved apple tree is a hybrid obtained as a result of the work of breeders on the Blood-red and Nedzvetsky varieties.

In addition to leaflets, such decorative species also have rather modest sizes. The maximum height of the tree does not exceed 5 m, while the width of the crown reaches 4 m.

Another characteristic feature of the apple tree, which distinguishes it from other horticultural crops, is flowering. The inflorescences of most ornamental varieties are not white, but are painted in different shades of red, sometimes even purple. Such species also bear fruit in small, also dark red, edible fruits, which are most often used for.

It is noteworthy that the fruiting of an ornamental apple tree is plentiful, and the apples themselves can hang on branches until hard December frosts.

Growing such crops is a pleasure. In addition to the beautiful appearance, they also have increased winter hardiness and easily endure the most severe winters. But the bright color of the crown requires good lighting, and in order for flowering to be plentiful, it is better to plant trees in fertile soil.

Popular types

There are more than 50 varieties of apple trees with a red deciduous crown, and each of them has its own characteristics. Some have darker leaves, while others have a more saturated color of the inflorescence.

Among the bright decorative species, it is worth noting such varieties.

A decorative apple tree is a separate version of a kind of decoration for your garden. It is grown solely for its appearance. These plants are small in size and often produce inedible fruits. As representatives of ground cover plants, ornamental apple trees can look not only like trees, but also like deciduous shrubs. All of them have attractive white, pink, purple flowers. The fruits can be green, red, orange, do not exceed 4 cm in size. With their elegance, decorative apple trees delight the eye until the middle of winter, and sometimes longer. In this cold season, birds can also eat them.


The second name of this variety is riverside apple tree. It is distributed mainly in North America, but it also grows well on our continent, in this climate. Withstands even severe frosts, thanks to its thick bark. Able to stretch up to 12 m in height, subject to proper care.

It got its name due to the fact that under the weight of leaves and apples, its flexible branches are more and more inclined towards the ground in the course of their life.


This variety is the most common in our area. According to many gardeners, it has no equal among fruit trees. It has an oval crown, which reaches a maximum height of 3.5 m, while a width of about 2.5 m, which gives it an even more rounded cozy look. This beauty has purple flowers that attract the eye, crimson fruits about 4 cm in diameter. The only negative is that this variety can be damaged by severe frosts.

Apple tree with red leaves

Since this apple tree is a hybrid, it perfectly resists all adverse conditions that can only overtake it. Also one of her advantages can be called a clear resistance to scab and other diseases that affect her sisters.

An apple tree with red leaves grows up to 4 m in height and up to 3 m in width. Initially produces purple leaves, and when red apples ripen, it becomes emerald. A red decorative apple tree will delight its owner with a riot of colors. It tolerates frost very well.


It differs in that it grows very slowly - from 8 to 10 years. After this time, you can get a tall representative - up to 5 m in height and 4 m in crown diameter. It has unusual narrow leaves with a glossy purple tint. In autumn, they acquire a red tint, but at the same time they do not lose their brightness and attractiveness. It is also resistant to frost, but does not tolerate acidification of the soil and stagnation of moisture in it.


It looks like a low bush in the shape of an oval. It has a wide dense crown. It differs in that its buds have a rich red color, which attracts attention even before they bloom. As a result, the apple tree is covered with red flowers, which begin to emit a pleasant aroma of raspberries.


It differs in that it has edible fruits, from which jam and compotes are very often cooked. Perfectly adapted for development in our regions, as well as more northern ones. This wild variety is prone to very fast growth, approximately 20–30 cm each year. Able to grow up to 10 meters in height. She is the owner of pleasant emerald leaves and snow-white flowers, which, covering her during the flowering period, resemble a snowball.


Low representatives that are easy to form a crown, which makes it possible to make a hedge out of them. It is enough to correctly cut the young shoots, and you will get the hedge of your dreams. This representative of ornamental apple trees has bright flowering, which is why it is all red during this period.

Royal Beauty

Among many gardeners, they note that this is the most beautiful representative with a weeping crown. Therefore, it is widely used in landscape design. The foliage has a rich red color, but by autumn it is already with a green tint, gradually becoming emerald. Both flowers and fruits have a purple hue, which makes this Royal Beauty attractive.


In order to decorate gardens and plots in a relatively short time, hybrid varieties were bred. Rudolf is one of them. It is quite tall, reaches 5 m in height, has a fairly dense foliage of fresh green color. When all the necessary conditions are created, it can bloom for up to 1 month, which causes a great demand in the plant market for the design and decoration of various gardens and plots.

Her flowers are white, collected in beautiful umbrellas of inflorescences. After Rudolph fades, honey-yellow apples appear, about 3 cm in diameter. By the way, they can be preserved and consumed in the form of jam. Outwardly, saturated dense foliage with yellow apples looks very advantageous.

Landing and care

As a rule, these fruit trees are propagated by seeds.

One-year-old seedlings are planted in the ground in autumn or spring. Before planting an ornamental apple tree, place the root system in water for 1 hour.

It is necessary to ensure that the roots do not dry out, this will negatively affect the further development of the seedling in your garden. The first year should not be fertilized, and in subsequent years, competent systematic top dressing is mandatory. Most of all, sunny places or an area in a small shade are suitable for planting.

You should choose drained soils rich in the necessary substances. It is useful to use mulching with high-moor peat. Instead, you can use walnut shells, pine bark, or wood chips. These methods will help protect the soil from drying out. In addition, with a layer of mulch, it is easier to carry out weeding, loosening, watering.

These plants do not like pruning. Therefore, it must be done carefully, cutting off branches that have dried or frozen after winter. This should be done in early spring. It is also necessary to remove and unravel the branches growing deep into the crown, avoiding excessive thickening.

In order for the pollination process to take place, apple trees of a different variety are planted nearby. Best of all, these trees feel in single-species garden plots. The pear is suitable for the neighborhood, the compatibility with it is the most favorable. It can also be placed next to cherries, sweet cherries, quince, plums, raspberries. They do not get along at all with apricot, peach, walnut, barberry, lilac, viburnum. The root system of some neighbors produces a depressing effect. Therefore, carefully choose a landing site in your garden.

In the spring, be sure to spray with insecticides. Do not carry out chemical pest control during flowering and fruiting. Despite the fact that most often the fruits of this variety are not eaten, they are eaten by birds. As you know, birds rid the garden of unnecessary insect pests. Chemicals can harm birds. Do not forget that bright apples can attract the attention of a child who will pluck and eat an apple treated with insecticides.

Unfortunately, such varieties are susceptible to diseases such as scab, powdery mildew. One of the most dangerous enemies is the burn. It is caused by the bacteria Erwinia amylovora. It spreads very quickly throughout the garden and is incurable. The secret of success is the right care and attention. Then your garden will be the most beautiful!

Video "Overview of ornamental apple trees"

From this video you will learn about the variety of varieties of ornamental apple trees and hear tips for caring for them.