home · electrical safety · Queen Victoria succulent. The Queen Victoria Agave is the prima succulent of houseplants. Soil requirements

Queen Victoria succulent. The Queen Victoria Agave is the prima succulent of houseplants. Soil requirements

Treasures are often found where you wouldn't expect to find them. I found this beautiful succulent on a shelf in... a supermarket. And she placed it on her windowsill. It turned out to be rare Queen Victoria Agave(Agave victoriae reginae). I cover caring for her in this post.

It is considered one of the most compact desert phyto-inhabitants of the genus. At home, its rosette reaches an average of 30 cm. Although it can grow up to 70 cm.

This exotic fully lives up to its name. "Agave" in Greek means "stately, excellent." And, indeed, this is a flower of incredible beauty! UAgave victoriae reginae has conventionally small dark green triangular leaves with light stripes. A young lady with character. Its leaves are very hard and sharp. Therefore, you need to be careful when working with such a succulent.

This plant also has a very powerful root system. When replanting, you need to take this into account and take a larger pot. The soil, as for all agave plants, needs poor soil. Ideally, turfy leaf soil mixed in half with sand. I always advocate for ready-made soil mixtures for cacti and succulents. Like all desert spirits, they need good drainage. Preferably from expanded clay.

In general, care is the same as for other representatives of this genus.

My green namesake loves a lot of light. It can be placed in direct sun without shading. Ideally, a south-facing window sill is suitable for such a succulent. But it can also be grown on windows of western and eastern orientation.

In winter, it is better to keep this phyto-resident at a low temperature of 6-8 degrees Celsius. However, it feels quite good at room temperature.

This Mexican plant rarely needs to be watered. I use the irrigation mode - 1 time per week. You can use both top watering (directly into the soil from a watering can) and lower the plant for half an hour in a container of water. Since the rosette of leaves is quite dense, bottom watering is much more convenient.

Important. When transplanting the basal neck of this indoor flower can't be buried!

This succulent tolerates the dry air of apartments perfectly. There is no need to spray it. But, of course, it is necessary to periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust - to keep this green exotic clean.

Agaves usually bloom once in their life, after which they die. But rest assured: in room conditions Flowering of this plant is observed extremely rarely.

In general, all representatives of this genus are considered unpretentious indoor plants, and they are extremely easy to care for.

Queen Victoria Agave is the most suitable agave for home care. It is compact, unlike some of its relatives. She is also quite unpretentious. Not many people know, but agave is actually a flowering plant. However, when kept indoors, agave almost never blooms. But after flowering, which occurs in the wild, many new plants appear from the mother agave. However, the flower itself soon dies. This one is also used in folk medicine.

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This compact agave variety is quite unpretentious. With minimal but proper care this succulent has every chance of becoming a long-liver and even passed on from generation to generation. After all, their life expectancy can easily reach 50–100 years.


Providing sufficient lighting is one of the most important points to consider when caring for agave. In the wild, this plant is native to desert climates.

Therefore, it is not surprising that, like the house pet, the Queen Victoria agave is not easily afraid of direct sunlight. She needs them vitally.

Growing on windows facing the southern sunny side, this plant will feel the best way, which will be noticeable in his appearance. Although, while agave is still a young, fragile plant, it still needs to be shaded. But adult representatives of this genus do not need such care. The scorching sun will not harm them.

Although it must be borne in mind that this agave may need fresh air in hot conditions.

Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the room where the indoor plant lives, or, if possible, move it to fresh air open space, for example, a balcony or terrace.

Air temperature

In summer, agave is very thermophilic. It is advisable that the temperature external environment did not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperature is 20 degrees and above.

This plant tolerates very sultry heat very well.

It would be a good idea to provide the agave with differences in night and day temperatures. After all, this is exactly what happens in her natural environment habitat - in the desert.

But with the arrival of autumn, she needs to be helped to enter a period of rest. To do this, it is enough to place the plant in a bright, cool room, maintaining its temperature from 0 to 10 degrees Celsius.

Soil requirements

The soil must certainly not be heavy in order to provide the necessary level of air and moisture penetration. Also, since agave comes from the Mexican desert, soil with high content nutrients.

Queen Victoria agave will positively appreciate care in a substrate prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Turf soil (0.5 parts).
  2. Clay soil (0.5 parts).
  3. Leaf soil (1 part).
  4. Coarse sand (1 part).

You can also replace leaf soil with peat. But in this case, this plant will also need more frequent feeding with minerals.

Regarding acidity, agave needs slightly acidic or neutral soil.

Watering mode

When it comes to watering, we must not forget that agave is drought-resistant. This indoor succulent accumulates liquid in its fleshy leaves and can live for a long time on the stored moisture.

At the stage active growth Water the agave approximately once every 5-6 days. When watering, moisture should never get on the outlet itself. You can water it either by irrigation or by immersing it in a container of water for half an hour.

IN winter period Two watering modes are possible:

  1. Complete lack of watering. It should be abandoned when the plant goes into dormancy while maintaining a low ambient temperature.
  2. Very infrequent watering. If this plant is not supported for the autumn-winter period low temperature, and it remains under normal conditions, then watering still needs to be reduced to a minimum. It is worth watering only to protect the earthen ball from completely drying out.


When it comes to caring for agave, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is worth fertilizing only during the period of active growth every 3-4 weeks. Use better special means for cacti. The main thing is that the nutrient mixture does not contain a lot of nitrogen.


Young specimens will have to be replanted annually. Then, as the growth rate slows down, transplantation can be carried out once every 2–3 years.

Further, Queen Victoria agave rarely needs to be replanted. A well-sized pot may need to be replaced after 5 years. This is because this agave variety has a very slow growth rate. And therefore it is ideal as a houseplant.

Very an important condition When carrying out the transplantation procedure, it is important not to deepen the root collar into the soil.


Agave can be propagated by seeds and children.


The most suitable period for starting propagation by seeds is early spring. The soil intended for sowing agave must be loose. It should be planted to a depth of 1–2 centimeters.

Cover the container with seedlings with film. The most important thing is to create suitable temperature conditions. Most important point- presence of differences between day and night temperatures.

Daytime – no lower than 25 degrees, night – no higher than 15. Under such conditions, sprouts should appear in less than a month.


Provide the future plant with powerful root system, it is possible in the process of reproduction by cut off children. For this purpose, separated planting material You shouldn’t plant it right away, it should be kept out of the soil and moisture for 2-3 hours.

Diseases and pests

Agave can be affected by scale insects and gray mold. You can get rid of pests by washing them off with a swab dipped in an alcohol solution. The fungus is combated using copper-based fungicides.

Also dangerous insects for agave are thrips.

Preventive measures can also be carried out. One method is to rub the agave leaves using a mixture of water, soap and garlic.

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- spectacular succulent plant with large fleshy leaves collected in a rosette. Agaves grow in hot desert and tropical regions of South America. For residents of Mexico, agave is a source of water in desert areas, and its juice is used to make the famous alcoholic drink - tequila.

In total, the Agave genus unites about 300 species of succulent plants, of which only 50 species are grown in cultivation. Only agaves are grown indoors dwarf forms or while the plants are still young and have not reached large sizes. In the greenhouses winter gardens and in countries with warm climates, agaves are grown in flower beds as large ornamental plant. For example, agave americana (AgaveAmericana) forms a rosette of leaves up to three meters in diameter, its large fleshy leaves can reach one and a half meters in length. The edges of the leaves are serrated with sharp spines for protection against animals, and the tip of each leaf has a sharp brown spine. There are several varieties of American agave with bluish-green monochromatic leaves and brightly striped ones. yellow stripe along the edges of the sheet or in the center.

There is an opinion that agave plant blooms once every hundred years, in fact, large agaves bloom after 30 years of life, and more miniature species Agaves bloom at the age of two to three years. During flowering in summer or autumn, a long, spike-shaped inflorescence appears.

IN indoor floriculture Compact species of plants from the genus Agave are common, which grow slowly, maintaining their shape and size for a long time - these are very impressive and interesting plants.

Popular for indoor growing Queen Victoria Agave(Agave Victoriae Reginae) its spherical rosette consists of hard lanceolate leaves, along the edges of which there is a thin white stripe. This plant grows very slowly and reaches a height of only 15-20 cm.

No less original agave filamentosa(Agave filifera) in which the edges of the leaves are covered with thin white threads, this plant can grow up to 50-60 cm in height.

Agaves are succulent plants, perfectly adapted to living in hot, dry deserts, they store moisture in thick, fleshy leaves and are resistant to its evaporation. In regions with warm climates and mild winter Agave is often grown in open ground, but in areas with cold winters, agaves are grown only in pots or containers, which in the fall, when the temperature drops below +4 0 C, are transferred to a cool, bright room. Winter maintenance of agave should be at a temperature of +4...+10 0 C. These plants can also tolerate warm wintering in an apartment with more frequent watering.

In summer, temperatures of +18 0 C and above are favorable for these plants. Agaves easily tolerate heat and dry air. Spray these plants and specially create around high humidity no air required.

Agaves need bright lighting in direct sunlight, so feel free to place these plants on a south-facing windowsill, and in the summer take them outside into the open sun.

Water these succulent plants sparingly after the soil in the pot dries out. In winter, plants are watered even less often; when kept in cool conditions below +10 0 C, they are watered once a month, and when kept in warm conditions, they are watered more often, so that the soil in the pot dries out, but does not dry out completely.

With the onset of spring, agaves begin to grow, water the plants more often and begin to fertilize once a month. To fertilize, use fertilizers for cacti and succulent plants.

Agaves are replanted as the rosette grows, gradually increasing the capacity of the pot. Young plants are replanted in the spring every year, and adults after two to three years. For replanting, you can purchase soil for cacti and succulents or make your own light sandy soil mixture from 1 part leaf soil, 1 part humus and 1 part coarse sand. Be sure to place drainage made of expanded clay or broken bricks at the bottom of the pot.

Agaves are propagated by seeds or root suckers. Growing agave from seeds is a very long process, but root suckers can be separated and planted in a separate pot when transplanting, after which they will quickly begin to develop.

When we hear the word agave, our imagination conjures up a plant with long, hard leaves with teeth along the edges and a spine at the end. This is due to the fact that mainly American agave (Agave atnericana) and its variegated forms are grown indoors. And not only because she is beautiful and has healing properties- it can be relatively easily propagated by offspring. But this agave also has one significant “disadvantage”: it grows quickly and becomes so large that it is simply impossible to keep it on the windowsill.

Fortunately, agave americana many relatives who are not inferior to her in decorative qualities. Among them, perhaps the most spectacular is Queen Victoria Agave(Agave Victoriae-reginae). She is so magnificent that without exaggeration she can be called the queen among agaves.

The beauty, which constantly (regardless of the time of year) pleases the eye, becoming more and more beautiful every year, of course, the breeders could not ignore. As a result of many years of selection work, they succeeded, using it as raw material, get some great varieties and cultural forms.

IN natural conditions Queen Victoria Agave grows on the rocky slopes of the lower mountain belt in the arid regions of northeastern Mexico. In their homeland, typical plants with leaves located very close to each other and collected in a dense spherical rosette reach 60 cm in diameter. Compact forms no more than 35-40 cm in diameter are grown indoors.

Summer care

very beautiful, but not at all capricious, only needs minimal care. If you are a houseplant lover who is often away from home, this agave is the perfect plant for you.

To Queen Victoria Agave has retained its decorative properties for many years, it needs a lot of sun. It grows best on south-eastern and southern windows. Young specimens, unlike adults, are sunny windowsill need light shading.

The Mexican also loves fresh air and the coolness of the night. In the spring, if possible, take it out to the balcony or garden, and since it can withstand short-term frosts down to -7 degrees, feel free to leave it outdoors until mid-autumn.

Does not apply to plants with high level water consumption. Water it moderately from spring to autumn, so that the substrate dries well before the next watering. Do not overuse fertilizing or watering. During the active growing season, feed with fertilizers for cacti no more than once or twice a month.

Winter care

Autumn and winter Queen Victoria Agave needs a period of rest. During this time, find her a bright, cool place with a temperature of 0-10 degrees. In a cool place, it calmly goes into a state of rest, its growth stops, and food reserves are consumed more evenly and economically.

Do not water Mexicana overwintering in cool temperatures at all. Keeping it dry does not harm it, since it is an exceptionally drought-resistant plant, capable of storing moisture in its juicy, fleshy leaves and going without water for a long time.

If it is not possible to keep it in a room with a low temperature, continue to water it, but rarely - only so that the substrate in the pot does not dry out completely.

Which substrate is better

It grows very slowly, so it can remain in an old pot for a long time (up to 5 years). It is not demanding on the composition of the substrate, but do not plant it in soil taken from the garden. Garden soil (especially heavy clay soil) cannot provide normal water-air regime. It creates conditions unfavorable for root respiration, which causes oxygen starvation, leading to weakening, disease and, ultimately, the death of the plant.

When choosing a substrate for a Mexican, remember that it should not only be not too fertile and porous, but also durable. Practice shows that Queen Victoria Agave grows and develops well in a mixture of equal parts of leaf, clay-turf soil and coarse sand. Instead of leaf soil, you can use peat. However, when adding it, you must keep in mind that it is poor nutrients and the plant will have to be fed more often.

On a note:

The double trunk style (“From one root we strive for the light”) refers to multiple trunks, but is isolated into a free independent form.

Agave is a succulent plant of the agave family. There are about 300 species in his genus. Of these, the following varieties are best known to flower growers:

Agave Americana - Agave Americana

It got its name because of its wide distribution in South America, from where it was brought to Europe in the 16th century.

This is a large plant with a grayish-bluish tint of belt-shaped leaves with sharp spines along the edges. American agave can grow up to 10 m in height or more. The length of its leaves is 1-1.5 m.

There are the following varieties of agave americana: yellow-edged agave, which has yellow stripes along the edges of the leaves, and agave americana, which has white and yellowish stripes running down the middle of the leaves.

Agave americana

Agave refined – Attenuata

A very beautiful large plant with lanceolate-shaped leaves, devoid of spines. The inflorescences can reach 3 m in length, while they hang to the ground, taking the shape of an arc.

Agave refined

Agave "Queen Victoria" - Victoriae-reginae

It has small sizes and spherical shape. Leaves triangular shape with a white stripe along the edge. The plant grows only 20 cm during its life, as a result of which it has become widespread in the homes of amateur gardeners.

Agave "Queen Victoria"

Agave filamentosa – Filifer a

Also suitable for indoor cultivation, as it grows to a height of no more than 30 cm. Its name this type Agave was obtained due to the thin dry fibers along the edges of the leaf, resembling threads.

Agave filamentosa

Agave Toumey – Toumeyana

Another compact plant of the agave family. The leaves reach a length of 25 cm and are lanceolate with filamentous hairs along the edges and white stripes. At the end of the leaves there is a spine 1 cm long.

Agave Tumi

Growing and care at home

The plant is unpretentious in its maintenance and can tolerate direct Sun rays and periods of drought. In summer, it is advisable to expose the flower to fresh air, and in winter to keep it in a cool room where the temperature does not rise above 30 degrees Celsius, otherwise the plant will stretch in length.

Watering agave should be moderate, as the plant does not tolerate excess moisture. The soil in the pot should have time to dry between waterings. In winter, the plant is watered less frequently, no more than 2 times a month. When watering, you must ensure that water does not get into the axils of the leaves, otherwise unsightly dark spots will form on them.

Feeding is carried out every 3-4 weeks, from March to August. For feeding, use fertilizers for succulents or cacti.

Every year, young plants are transplanted into larger pots. Adults – after 2 years or less. When replanting, use soil for succulents. You can make your own mixture of turf soil, peat and sand in equal quantities. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot.


Agave can be propagated using lateral shoots - children, cuttings and rooting leaves.

The lateral processes are carefully cut with a knife. Then the cut is allowed to dry for 24 hours and the young plants are planted in pots. Watering until the seedlings are completely rooted should be moderate. Subsequently, increase the amount of water. Rooting of cuttings and leaves is carried out in the same way.

Queen Victoria agave reproduces by seed. Seeds are germinated at a temperature of 22-240C, periodically moistening the soil. IN favorable conditions Germination occurs on 6-7 days.

Pest protection

Agave is not only a beautiful and spectacular plant that can perfectly decorate an interior, it is also a natural healer: agave rightfully occupies a leading position in the list of medicinal house plants