home · Lighting · How to make your own toy boxes. We make a toy rack with our own hands. Fabric bag or decorated ottoman

How to make your own toy boxes. We make a toy rack with our own hands. Fabric bag or decorated ottoman

- a task of increased complexity. After all, small family members sometimes have a larger arsenal of household belongings than other household members combined. Educational toys, blocks, books, construction sets, dolls - all this tends to be piled up in a child's room in a chaotic disorder.

But modern, prepared parents will not be intimidated by either the abundance of play “props” or the activity of their children - ergonomic drawers, shelves and containers for toys , as well as other thoughtful options for storing children's toys, which we will discuss in detail below.

Toy box

The easiest and most obvious way to use it is for orderly storage of “game stuff” boxes. And it doesn’t have to be specially purchased, you can do it without any problems DIY toy box . Containers made of natural or artificial rattan, utility boxes, painted in cheerful colors and decorated with simple decor: ribbons, beads, fabric frills, flowers and sequins are appropriate in children's rooms decorated in modern styles.

Toy storage baskets

Baskets for toys various forms and sizes also perfectly complement and accommodate a sufficient amount of game “props”. Choose baskets different colors that match the interior of the room, place them one on one to save space.

Involve your child in the creation process DIY toy baskets : a shoebox covered with colored paper or a painted wicker one garden basket will become inexpensive, but a worthy alternative purchased options.

Are you interested in how sew a basket for toys? Take a bright printed fabric and cover it with a pre-prepared frame made of strong wire or wooden beams.

DIY toy basket: video

Organizers for children's rooms

With minimal sewing skills and a bit of imagination, you can please your child with functional and ergonomic organizers for toys hanging fabric “containers”, divided into several sections, or simply small bags of colored felt, sewn together if necessary.

The advantage of this storage method is its compactness: organizers hang on the wall, the side wall of a cabinet or bookcase. They are convenient for storing not only toys, but also socks or handkerchiefs. By the way, we recommend choosing shelves or toy shelves open type, without doors, with which children do not always get along.

But not only baskets, drawers and organizers are used for storing toys in . Chests, hanging bags, colored buckets, ottomans with pockets, trunks, stylized suitcases will certainly interest the little family member and awaken his interest in order. Besides, toy bags or toy nets due to its soft shape, it is easy to “hide” in closets, pull-out shelves, under the beds, which is convenient when there is a shortage of free space.

  1. Remove everything that is not interesting for the child - measure the number of toys by choosing several different types of fun: everything that is not suitable for its age or is broken, give it as a gift or send it to waste. Otherwise, the child will have problems with concentration and perseverance, and children's toy chest will be overwhelmed with unnecessary “good”.
  2. Subscribe and sort toy storage boxes : separately for dolls, cars, puzzles, development toys, cubes, books. This will make it easier for the child to clean up the room and find the right thing.
  3. Decorate containers and toy storage boxes bright ribbons, felt, dried flowers and involve the child in this process - he should like the “tools” that help keep his favorite room clean.

To save space, place the boxes on top of each other, you can hang toy basket to the wall or ceiling, hide it in a niche or under. If the child’s space allows it, select a separate toy cabinet , and place trunks or boxes on its shelves, taking into account the height of the shelves and the height of the child - in the nursery everything should obey the needs and desires of the little owner.

If you usetoy rack, put the most popular amusements on the lower shelves, and those that are used less frequently on the higher shelves. Children's toy rack - in general, an irreplaceable thing; on its shelves you can place everything related to the leisure time and life of a child: not only toys, but also Board games, books, some things and hygiene items.

By the way, the task toy storage It becomes more complicated if there is not just one baby living in the room, but a couple at once. In this case, everyone is allocated a personal corner for games and storage of game “props” - his own territory. Sign the boxes To avoid confusion and unnecessary quarrels, teach children to respect each other’s personal space and together maintain order in the room.

But even the presence of functional furniture for toys , wardrobe trunks and organizers will not save the nursery from chaos if the child is not accustomed to returning everything to its place at the end of the day. The cleaning process should be part of it exciting game, well, colorful design and creativity toy boxes designed to attract the attention of the baby and develop a sense of housekeeping in him, with your help, of course.

Every parent knows the situation when the child’s toys are scattered throughout the house, and there is simply no place to store them and they are put away in closets or large bags. But you can avoid this development of events if you use a special box for storing toys. They are sold in stores, but are quite expensive. You can always make a box for storing toys with your own hands, and the child will be able to provide all possible help. This article will present several ideas for creating a toy box with your own hands. All of them are simple and quite doable at home.

Using a Box to Create a Toy Box

After parents see prices for cute baskets or boxes for storing children's toys in stores, they want to create them themselves. This idea is not so bad, especially since it can be implemented different ways. To create a box you will need a box made of thick, non-corrugated cardboard. Packaging from household appliances suitable size. If there is no such container at home, then it is likely that it will end up with friends or relatives, since many people, after purchase, store the boxes throughout the entire warranty period.

Advice! If none of your loved ones have the box, then you can ask the seller at the department store for it. Usually there the goods are received in exactly this packaging.

Covering a box with paper

The found box must be freed from the lid by simply cutting it off on all sides. We cut holes on the sides that will later serve as drawer handles. For reliability and greater strength in the future, all joints inside the box are covered with tape.

To decorate the box you need to take multi-colored paper. This role is best performed by wrapping paper, since it is quite durable and has many bright patterns on the surface that can be matched to overall design children's room. If paper is used in combination, it is cut into strips of equal width and length corresponding to the height of the box.

Advice! To simplify the work, you can use self-adhesive paper.

Using a brush, lubricate the area of ​​the box to be pasted and begin to carefully apply the paper. You must try to glue carefully to avoid bubbles and wrinkles on the surface of the box. To do this, a piece of paper is ironed carefully from edge to edge. The next sheet is placed with a slight overlap on the previous one. Thus, the box is glued on all sides.

Using scissors, carefully cut out the places where the handles of the box were previously decorated. We decorate the edge of the cut with a thin strip of the same paper. The design of the top cut of the box is created in the same way. The box is ready to use!

Covering the box with fabric

In this case, all corners and joints of the box on both sides are taped to make the finished box last longer. Next, you need to take fabric of one or more colors and cut out 2 sets of blanks from them in accordance with the size of the box. One should be exactly the same size, the other should be a little smaller.

Important! If the cutting is carried out in the shape of a cross, then the fabric consumption is greater than if the blanks are made in separate parts.

The blanks are sewn together to make 2 bags. One is pulled onto the box from the outside, the second is placed inside. Using universal glue, the blank is glued along the entire perimeter of the bottom of the box so that the bags are securely fixed to the box. Be sure to glue at the corners to prevent the fabric from moving. Hot melt adhesive works well as a fixing agent.

After the glue has dried, the upper parts of the blanks need to be folded inward and the box carefully sheathed on top. Using scissors, handles are cut in the planned places. It is only worth noting that too big pieces There is no need to cut fabric. It is necessary to leave about 1 cm for a neat edge design. The remaining fabric is folded inward and hemmed. After the handles are decorated, the box is considered ready. You can leave it as is or decorate it as you wish.

Making a box with handles

In order to make a toy box with handles using a box, you must follow the following algorithm:

Using wood as a material for a box

To create a wooden box you will need male power, since it is more difficult to complete than the analogue out of the box. But it will also last longer long time than a box. The resulting box can become an independent piece of furniture in the interior of a children's room if it is appropriately decorated. For example, if you put on top of the box sofa cushions and a plaid, then it can turn into comfortable spot for sitting.

The instructions for making a wooden toy box are as follows:

This toy storage box will decorate the nursery and help teach your child to put toys back in their place.

Box of planks

Original wooden boxes for storing toys are made from separate boards. To create this version of the box, you can follow two algorithms. The first involves making the bottom from plywood, attaching 4 bars to it in the corners and connecting them together with separate, pre-treated boards. During installation, thin nails are used, and gaps are left between the elements to improve ventilation.

The second way to create such an interior item for storage also involves creating a bottom from plywood, but also nailing it on both sides. At the same time, the decoration with planks also goes along the perimeter. This will create a box with solid edges on both sides and ventilation on opposite sides.

Soft toy box

Such a product can be created using a spiral-shaped frame. You can purchase a ready-made basket for storing toys and remove this frame from there. It is better not to use such store-bought baskets as a place to store toys, since they are covered with synthetic material, which is not beneficial for the child.

The process of making this box is as follows:

  • The synthetic fabric is carefully removed from the frame and a pattern from natural material is created using its template.
  • For the interior space, a pattern is made from a different fabric.
  • The bottom is cut out of the densest material and sewn to the frame.
  • The outer and inner bags are put on and inserted into the frame, respectively, and sewn together.

Thus, it turns out harmless to the baby’s health. soft box for toys, which can always be tilted if desired. Small child will not hit it due to its softness, and there will be enough space in it to accommodate all the toys.

If the material used to create a toy storage box is cardboard box, then it’s worth checking its bottom and walls for strength. If they are soft, then such a box will not last long.

If fulfilled wooden box, then it is necessary to make holes in its walls or leave gaps so that the toys can be ventilated. For the same purpose, cardboard boxes with filling are not closed.

To attract the attention of a child, a toy box made using any technology should be brightly decorated. For example, you can use the patchwork technique, which involves gluing narrow strips of bright paper onto the entire surface of the box in a chaotic manner. Or square pieces of paper can be used for this purpose. You can go further and purchase ready-made decorative elements, for example, animal figurines or other images, bows, which are glued in random order to the surface of the box.

Advice! If there is no space in the nursery to place a box, then you can make several low boxes that can be easily placed under the bed or table.


Making a toy box - creative process, which requires knowledge of some nuances. In this article, readers were introduced to some options for creating a box with your own hands. Each of them can be modified and made to suit certain requirements and conditions. The process of making the box will take a long time not only for parents, but will also interest children, who will be delighted with the homemade piece of furniture for the children's room.

A child in the house is not only joy, but also additional worries, especially when the child begins to walk and play with toys. After all, quite often toys are scattered throughout the house and they have to be removed more than once a day. That is why you need to organize their storage and a do-it-yourself toy basket is one of the best solutions.

Both for the mother of a small child and for him, a basket or box for dolls, cars is the most suitable option proven by more than one generation. Most importantly, it’s easy for mom to simply collect and put them in the basket, at the same time early age You can teach your child to collect his own things by helping his mother with this.

For a child who has just started walking, a basket is the most The best decision, since he can easily find the toy he wants without any extra effort. Boxes with lids in this case are not so practical; not all children will be able to open them, and in addition, the lid can often cause pinched fingers in small children, even if shock absorbers are used on it. Therefore, it is not advisable to use containers with lids.

Of course, you can just use a cardboard box or basket, but you will have to store the toys for more than one day. Therefore, it is best to put in a little effort and make a toy box with your own hands, and guarantee their use for several years. After all, a cardboard box will not be durable, since most children prefer it as a toy and you will have to change it almost every month. Therefore, it is best to make a box from wood or plywood; it will be reliable and will serve you for many years.

Plywood box

The easiest way to make a toy box is to simply make it yourself from plywood. Plywood is durable, inexpensive and durable material, which will serve you for decades. It is easy to work with and does not require any special tools.

For a child, as for any adult, a room has the meaning of personal space, where he feels like a little master. Accordingly, this tiny world must fulfill the individual needs of the baby. In the understanding of adults, it should be light, clean and spacious. For the baby, the most important thing is the atmosphere of the room, where he feels comfortable, first of all, with his favorite things. And each of them should have its own place. An option for storing toys, in addition to regular boxes, is a rack. Making it yourself means being able to provide all the child’s preferences.

Accordingly, this tiny world must fulfill the individual needs of the baby.

Furniture made in a factory is devoid of individuality due to mass production. Production is on stream. Making your own items for storing toys has a number of advantages:

  • ability to satisfy the most demanding requests;
  • combination with the overall interior of the room;
  • originality of execution;
  • confidence in the quality of the materials used;
  • convenience and functionality.

Making it yourself means being able to provide all the child’s preferences.

Toy rack design and construction

It's hard to imagine a children's room without a shelving unit. From birth, it is able to perform the function of storing personal hygiene items. As the baby grows up, it begins to be used for its intended purpose. Toys, books, and construction sets appear on it.

For the baby, the most important thing is the atmosphere of the room, where he feels comfortable, first of all, with his favorite things.

The design and construction of a toy storage rack must be selected based on personal needs, as well as taking into account the following requirements:

  • stability - the structure must have good support;
  • security - lack sharp corners and protruding parts will reduce the risk of injury to a minimum.

The simplest option for making children's furniture for storing toys is from fabric stretched over a frame, or thick cardboard.

Depending on the age of the child, the toy storage system can be classified as follows.

  1. Up to 1 year - as a rule, at this age the baby minimum set toys that can fit into one box or section with several shelves.
  2. From one to 6 years is the most active and inquisitive age, which is why the functionality of the children's room and the storage system for children's toys increases. There are a lot of items to play with and more space is needed to accommodate them to maintain order. In this case it is necessary A complex approach to the question: creating several boxes for storing toys, interconnected.
  3. From 6 to 10 years is a transitional age for games. Some children continue to actively play with toys, others devote more and more time to studying and reading books. Accordingly, the role of furniture is changing. This can be a separate drawer or box for storing toys, or shelves that combine several tasks.
  4. After 10 years, there are usually a few favorite toys left that don’t take up much space. Functionality is directed to the placement of school supplies. It is most convenient to store them in a hanging cabinet, with open or closed shelves.

Depending on the type of rack, the materials and tools used in production will vary.

Depending on the gender of the children, the design of the children's toy rack will vary. For boys, it is preferable to choose more restrained tones in the design and keep decorations to a minimum. Furniture for girls should be more romantic, in bright colors, with a variety of decorations. However, the toy storage item must fit organically into the overall interior of the room.

Depending on the skills and abilities, it is possible to create an object from wood or rods, chipboards, plastic.

It is optimal to place niches along the free wall, which can gradually increase in number.

Among the variety of types of furniture, with certain functions, for a children's room there are single boxes, drawers, groups of boxes, ottomans, hanging shelves for storing children's toys and much more. It is optimal to place niches along the free wall, which can gradually increase in number.

For convenience, the toy rack is equipped with wheels and lids.

Necessary materials

Depending on the type of rack, the materials and tools used in production will vary. Everything depends only on imagination. The simplest option for making children's furniture for storing toys is from fabric stretched over a frame or thick cardboard. This task will be feasible even for the mother of a baby. The choice of the fabric itself should be based on its ability to be durable and wear-resistant, i.e. have a tight weave of threads. These types include poplin, calico, satin, denim, and faux leather and fur. Depending on the skills and abilities, it is possible to create an object from wood or rods, chipboards, plastic. For convenience, the toy rack is equipped with wheels and lids.

You can initially make a shelving unit for a children's room with your own hands in such a way that, as the child grows up, it will grow with him.

In addition to the basic materials you will need:

  • glue – stationery, PVA, for gluing parts made of wood and plastic;
  • colored paper and cardboard - for decorating the product;
  • frame wire - for making fabric items;
  • plywood - for the back walls.

Having decided on the type, design and construction of the toy storage rack, you need to make a sketch of it.

Step-by-step production

Having decided on the type, design and construction of the toy storage rack, you need to make a sketch of it. Great artistic abilities are not required in this case. This can be simply a sketch on which the dimensions and overall dimensions will be noted. From these data it is calculated required amount materials.

For an item consisting of three vertical shelves, you will need 1.3 m of fabric with a width of 1.5.

The production of a fabric variation does not involve the construction of special patterns and patterns; as a rule, markings, taking into account future sizes, are applied directly to the fabric.

Furniture for girls should be more romantic, in bright colors, with a variety of decorations.

For an item consisting of three vertical shelves, you will need 1.3 m of fabric with a width of 1.5. From the specified quantity, cut out and cut, taking into account seam allowances of 1.5-2 cm, elements of the following sizes:

  • shelves – 4 pieces measuring 30*60 cm;
  • side parts - 6 pieces measuring 30*30 cm;
  • cardboard inserts – 4 pieces, size 28*28 cm;
  • braid – 1 m.

The parts of the shelves are folded in half and stitched with a pocket, similar to a pillowcase.

The parts of the shelves are folded in half and stitched with a pocket, similar to a pillowcase. Then they are connected to each other by the side parts. Cardboard is inserted into the pockets to strengthen the bases. A braid is sewn onto the top of the finished structure and tied for hanging in the right place.

For boys, it is preferable to choose more restrained tones in the design and keep decorations to a minimum.

This type of rack is convenient because it is completely mobile, and the soft side walls, devoid of frame support, allow it to be folded like an accordion. The shelf is ideally placed in a closet if its purpose is to store children's supplies. Equipping the design with side pockets will provide additional storage space. This type will serve as a good alternative to a regular box.

A braid is sewn onto the top of the finished structure and tied for hanging in the right place.

This type of rack is convenient because it is completely mobile, and the soft side walls, devoid of frame support, allow it to be folded like an accordion.

The manufacture of the frame begins with the walls: side, top and bottom. They are cut from laminated chipboard with a thickness of approximately 16 mm, according to the dimensions. Ordinary plywood is also perfect for the back wall.

Depending on the gender of the children, the design of the children's toy rack will vary.

The next step is making shelves with dividers. Rebates are cut out on finished parts and in the right places grooves are made. The joints are glued special glue on wood and dry well. For structural reliability, the elements are tightened from the inside metal corner. The boards must be provided with a good corner connection, which can be equipped with additional spikes and eyes. The sampling is performed with a chisel or chisel.

Making a version from wooden planks or laminated chipboard will require more significant skills, such as metalworking.

Now you need to connect the shelves and vertical walls with nails and additionally glue them. The intermediate shelves are connected to each other with wooden pins. To do this you need to do through hole in the frame board, and in the shelves drill sockets two-thirds the length of the stud. They sit on glue. Back wall made of plywood and nailed into place.

The design and construction of a toy storage rack must be chosen based on personal needs.

To equip a structure with drawers, it is important to accurately determine their dimensions. Installation takes place on special furniture casters.

According to psychologists, with early childhood The child must be taught order.

In conclusion, finished design processed with sandpaper, existing holes are filled with putty, excess glue is removed.

And the evening collection of toys can be turned into a kind of ritual.

The wooden model is quite heavy, and therefore, in order to prevent falling and injury, it must be attached to the wall with a metal corner. In this way, sustainability will be ensured.

As the baby grows up, it begins to be used for its intended purpose.


Depending on who the children's toy storage rack is intended for - a boy or a girl, as well as the interior of the room, its decor is also carried out. But, despite all the strict rules, it should give the baby a feeling of joy and comfort. Any option can be played with such decorative elements as butterflies, flowers, bows, cars or fairy-tale heroes. They can be made of fabric or special paper and glued to the finished product. It can also be a ready-made decorative element purchased in a store.

  • Ready wooden product, after completing the work, it can be painted in the required color and varnished in the desired shade.
  • Drawer fronts can be made directly using colored chipboard.
  • The installation of melamine edging works well as a decoration. To do this, it must be applied to the end parts and ironed with a hot iron. After it is firmly fixed, the residues are removed with a knife. Another type of design is installing a baguette. This will make the rack look neater and more interesting.
  • An interesting option would be to invite your child to decorate his children's bookcase himself.

It's hard to imagine a children's room without a shelving unit.

According to psychologists, from early childhood a child must be taught order. And this, in turn, is the baby’s personal belongings and toys, laid out and placed in their places, forming unified system storage Having a separate place will also be useful if a small family member does not have his own children's room. And the evening collection of toys can be turned into a kind of ritual.

Furniture made in a factory is devoid of individuality due to mass production.

Having a separate place will also be useful if a small family member does not have his own children's room.

VIDEO: Toy rack

As a rule, we buy a lot of different toys for our children (dolls, cars, soft toys, educational toys, and so on). As a result, they are all scattered in different corners of the apartment. To prevent this from happening, we suggest you find out how and from what you can make a box. At the same time, you can teach your child to be in order.

We use an unnecessary cardboard box

Large boxes from shoes, household appliances, etc. can be reused. Just decorate them - and you will have a convenient place to store children's dolls and cars.

A master class on how to make a toy box with your own hands is described below.

  1. You will need a cardboard box and a large piece of fabric.
  2. Coat the bottom of the box around the perimeter with glue from a gun.
  3. Unfold the fabric and cover the bottom of the box with the middle, carefully straightening the flap and pressing it against the glue.
  4. Coat all the walls from the inside, stretch the fabric and glue it to the sides.
  5. Wrap the fabric over outside boxes and glue it to the bottom of the walls.
  6. Turn the box over and fold the fabric over the bottom. The flap should be pressed evenly against the wall. Glue the fabric and cut off the excess.
  7. To strengthen the bottom, coat the fabric with glue around the perimeter of the box and glue the cardboard on top.
  8. Turn the box over.
  9. Pin clothespins on top, and put something heavy inside so that the fabric sticks well to the box.

The box is ready!

Boxes with handles

Instructions on how to make a box for children's toys with handles will help you in this matter.

  1. Take two types of fabric, thick tape or rope, glue, and a glue gun.
  2. Cut a strip of fabric. Its width should be greater than the height of the box (it is necessary that the flap can cover the bottom and wrap slightly inside the box). The length of the fabric should completely cover the perimeter of the box.
  3. Glue the cut rectangle of fabric to the sides of the box.
  4. Wrap the excess fabric inside the box on one side and glue it to the bottom on the other.
  5. Measure out a piece of fabric of a different color. It should cover the bottom and walls inside the box.
  6. Coat the inside of the bottom with glue and glue the fabric.
  7. Coat the inside walls and also glue the fabric. Make folds along the edges.
  8. Glue the folds at the intersection of the two types of fabric.
  9. Measure the tape and glue it at the bottom, around the perimeter of the box, using a glue gun.
  10. Measure out two identical pieces of tape. Handles will be made from them.
  11. Glue two strips to the sides of the box.
  12. Glue another tape around the perimeter of the box on top. It should overlap the bottom of the handles.

The toy box is ready!

Pasted box

The easiest way for this purpose is to take self-adhesive wallpaper. Then you don’t have to fuss with glue and wait until all the walls are dry.

But, regardless of whether you cover the future toy box with self-adhesive or paper wallpaper, the operating principle is the same:

  1. Cut a piece of wallpaper long enough to fit around the perimeter of the box.
  2. If necessary, coat the walls with PVA glue.
  3. Glue wallpaper around the perimeter of the box.
  4. Make cuts at the top and bottom of the protruding parts of the wallpaper.
  5. Fold any protruding pieces inside and onto the bottom.

The box is ready!

We use wood

Making a wooden toy box with your own hands is quite difficult. But such an item turns out to be very reliable and will last much longer than a cardboard box.

Also, it can not only be used in the interior as decorative element. Such a box can become a functional part of the room.

For example, if you put a box under the wall, put a blanket on top and sofa cushions, then it will appear extra bed for sitting.

How to make a box?

For convenience, here is a guide on how to make a wooden box for storing toys with your own hands.

  1. Create a sketch of the future box (picture 1). Think about its dimensions, what the height, depth and width will be. Will it be on legs or with its bottom on the floor? Will there be handles and where should they be located?
  2. Prepare everything necessary materials and tools (picture 2). To start, you will need plywood or MDF board. They are sold at a hardware store. But if you have old furniture(for example, a table, chest of drawers, closet), then you can disassemble it and get the necessary materials. You will also need screws and corners, hinges, PVA or wood glue. The tools you need are a simple saw or a circular saw.
  3. If you buy materials in a store, you can ask them to cut the boards for you. required sizes. If this is not possible or you use improvised material, then do everything yourself (picture 3). To do this, cut the board into pieces and saw it. As a result, you should have the following number of parts: four walls (all the same or two different), a bottom and a lid.
  4. Start assembling the box. For this purpose, coat the wall joints with glue (picture 4).
  5. Then connect the two parts with corners (picture 5).
  6. Attach the lid to the box using hinges (picture 6).
  7. Wipe off excess glue with a cloth and leave the box to dry.
  8. Decorate the box. For example, sand it and paint it (picture 7).
  9. Attach a handle and legs as desired (picture 8).

The storage box is ready!

Box of planks

A wooden toy box can be made from planks. There are two collection methods.

  1. Take plywood for the bottom and nail four pieces of wood in the corners. Then nail the boards to them with thin nails. You can make gaps between the wood for better ventilation.
  2. Nail plywood to the bottom of the box on both sides. And nail planks to it. Thus, the sides of the box will be solid, and the sides will have slots.