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Bush aster planting and care. Shrub aster: planting and caring for bush plants. Video about varieties of perennial aster

The foliage of Amur and Sakhalin velvet serves as food for deer. The medicinal properties of velvet berries, which resemble black pearls in appearance, are also great.

Genus Velvet - Rutaceae family. Contains 10 species that are very similar in biological characteristics, growing in East Asia. Dioecious trees with a beautiful openwork crown, complex leaves with specific smell, which is especially pronounced in fruits.

The wood is light, does not dry out much, is moderately strong, resists rot well, and has a decorative color and texture. Used in the form of decorative plywood for carpentry work.

As you can see in the photo, the trunk of the velvet tree is covered with soft, corky, velvety to the touch, gray, deeply pitted bark:

This bark is used to make technical cork. Demanding on fertility, aeration and soil moisture. They achieve best development in open locations, but need protection from drying winds.

Amur (black) velvet: planting seeds and caring for a cork tree

Trees Amur velvet found singly or in small groups in deciduous and mixed forests of the Khabarovsk and Primorsky territories, Korea and China. Slender, beautiful tree up to 26 m tall and 50 cm in trunk diameter, with a wide-oval semi-openwork crown.

The bark on the trunks is light gray, in young trees it often has a silver tint, 2-layer: the outer layer is velvety, corky; the inner layer is bright yellow, bast. The leaves are large, odd-pinnate, reminiscent of ash leaves (up to 25–35 cm in length), when rubbed they have a specific odor. In spring they are light green, in summer they are dark green with a lighter lower part, in autumn they are yellow-orange, pale copper. The flowers are small, inconspicuous yellowish-green in paniculate inflorescences, inconspicuous among the leaves.

The fruits of the Amur velvet cork tree are inedible, spherical, slightly shiny drupes, with a pungent resinous odor. Clusters of berries often remain on the plant until spring.

Look at the photo - the Amur velvet berries are painted black:

Because of this, the Chinese call these trees “black velvet” or “black pearl”. If you look closely, the fruits actually look like pearls.

The main method of propagation of Amur velvet is by seeds; when sowing in spring, a 3-month stratification is required. The seed sowing rate is 3 g, the planting depth is 1–2 cm. The following method is also used: before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 3 days in hot (+ 50°) water, changing it three times a day. After planting, when caring for Amur velvet, the crops must be mulched, loosening and weeding are done more often than with other species, since the seedlings react very painfully to soil compaction. Velvets cannot be sown on heavy, easily floating and crusty soils.

Grown-up seedlings become more hardy - they are winter-hardy and tolerate transplantation well. Gradually, young plants develop a powerful and deep root system, quite resistant to drought and winds, urban conditions, haircuts and pruning. Growing an adult tree is not difficult - the plant requires almost no care.

Sometimes they are propagated by root cuttings and suckers.

In sparse plantings they tend to bush. In the absence of an apical bud on the leader shoot, many lateral shoots are produced. In this case, a leader shoot is artificially raised from one shoot, which is tied to a stake, and the rest are cut off at the same time. In green building they are good in single and loose group plantings.

It grows from the beginning of May; leafing occurs later than other tree species. It blooms in June, the fruits ripen at the end of September. Leaf fall occurs at the first frost. It is light-loving, demanding on the soil, quite drought-resistant, wind-resistant, the root system is relatively powerful and deep. It is winter-hardy, the shoots become lignified completely, the growth in height is annual, the growth form is preserved. Relatively gas and smoke resistant, tolerates replanting, cutting and pruning well.

Thanks to its beautiful crown, graceful leaves and peculiar bark, velvet deserves wide use in landscaping.

Pay attention to the photo - Amur velvet trees are decorative throughout the year, they look impressive in combination with birches, maples, oaks, apricots, conifers in the form of single and group plantings, alleys:

Amur velvet- the only domestic cork bottle of industrial significance. Its bark, up to 7 cm thick, does not differ in thermal conductivity from the bark of a cork oak and is therefore suitable for the manufacture of thermal insulation boards, floats, life-saving devices, etc. The secondary bark, formed after the first collection, grows faster than the primary one and is better in quality, but Secondary removal is carried out no earlier than 10–15 years after the first. A good summer honey plant, its flowering precedes the honey harvest from.

Medicinal properties of Amur velvet berries

It's valuable medicinal plant, which is widely used in folk medicine. Eating fruits leads to a decrease in human blood sugar levels. The fruits contain about 8% essential oils. Their use normalizes metabolism and normalizes the functioning of the pancreas. Also used in the treatment of flu and colds.

Medicinal properties The fruits of the Amur velvet tree are also very effective for diabetes mellitus. They are taken 3-4 pieces daily in the morning, on an empty stomach. When you take the fruits, do not wash them down with water or other liquid. The fruits only need to be bitten and chewed. Taking berries daily is mandatory, otherwise the expected effect will not occur. If you take the fruits daily for six months, your blood sugar level will drop to normal.

For flu and colds, the fruits are used as follows: before bed, you need to take 1-2 velvet fruits. The fruits must be chewed and even just held in the mouth for a few minutes. When you have accepted the fruits, you are prohibited from drinking water for 6 hours. This one technique will be sufficient only if the disease has just begun, and if the disease has been going on for a long time, then this technique must be repeated several more times.

The fruits will also help with increased blood pressure. Half an hour before meals, you need to take 1-2 Amur velvet fruits daily.

Sakhalin velvet tree (Japanese)

Sakhalin velvet– decorative culture. Comes from the island of Honshu. Used in ornamental gardening. Grows on Sakhalin, Japan, Korea. Also known as Japanese velvet, it is a deciduous tree 5-15 m tall. The crown is wide, openwork, semicircular. The bark is dense, thin, slightly furrowed, not corky, dark brown. The branches are red-brown. Leaves up to 30 cm in length, compound, odd-pinnate, on petioles, leaflets including 7-11 pieces, 6-12 cm in length, ovate to oblong-ovate, with a broadly wedge-shaped base, pointed and drawn into a pointed, long, thin apex, along wavy edge, dull green above, glabrous, bluish below, pubescent along the midrib.

The flowers are inconspicuous, small, yellowish-green, collected in paniculate inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter with tomentose-pubescent axes. The fruits are spherical, black, shiny, have an unpleasant odor, are not suitable for food, and have a bitter taste. It blooms in June, the fruits ripen in October, sometimes earlier, which completely depends on climatic conditions. The species is durable, undemanding, relatively winter-hardy and resistant to smoke and gas, suitable for urban landscaping. Good for transplanting, cutting and pruning. Life expectancy is about three hundred years.

It begins to bear fruit 5-6 years after planting. It grows from the second ten days of April to the first ten days of October. It doesn't grow fast. By the age of fifty it reaches 9-10 m with a trunk diameter of up to 10-12 cm. It is propagated mainly by seed, less often by cuttings. Cuttings do not always give positive results, since the rooting of cuttings is weak. Seeds remain viable for only 12 months, so sowing must be done with freshly harvested seeds. Spring sowing is also possible, but in this case cold stratification is required at a temperature of 3-5C for three months.

What could be more beautiful than flowers in your garden? They give us so many positive emotions, but it’s such a pity to part with them with the arrival of the gray days of autumn. So, there is no need to do this, because there are flowers that will delight the eye until frost. Yes, not all plants can surprise you with such qualities. Especially in our country with its harsh climate, but perennial asters go against natural cycles and make us happier both in summer and late autumn. And today we will tell you about the best varieties for your garden, which will become its highlight.

Queen of the autumn garden - aster

Just imagine that there are currently more than 600 species of asters. They include a huge variety of varieties that amaze even the most fastidious person with their beauty. landscape designer. Asters are unusual in that their inflorescences are all different; bushes can often be confused with chrysanthemums and peonies, but there is another unique feature - shades, among which there is a variety of blue. This is quite rare among flowers of all species.

Asters are unpretentious, beautiful, accessible to everyone, and can be grown both with and without seedlings in all regions of our country. big country. What else is needed? Yes, but it’s just a little better to understand the varieties, because it’s difficult for a beginner not to get confused in such an assortment. We will help you with this, of course, we cannot describe all 600 species, but we will tell you about those varieties that gardeners most often plant - the best and most beautiful. And as you can understand, today we will talk mainly about perennial asters.

Floral variety

Asters are unique flowers, because there are so many of them - tall, low-growing, perennial, annual. In turn, the latter are divided into three main classes, which were formed according to decorativeness and structure - reed, tubular, transitional. These three classes are further divided into 10 according to the type of flower and its shape. Each group has its own varieties that can surprise the most fastidious gardeners; look at the photo - this is a pompom aster. The charm of these balls is amazing, and they can also have different shades, but these are the same year. Today we are talking about perennial species, and we will consider them further.

Perennial asters and their different flowering times

With the onset of spring, every gardener waits for his favorite flowers to bloom, but not all plants are pleasing throughout the season. Some decorate with their appearance only in April and May, others only in the first half of summer, and still others will delight you in the fall. But perennial asters are ideal in every way - there is such a variety of varieties that your flower beds will be charming from May to October and even more. This is because there are early flowers, summer flowers and autumn flowers. The first bloom in May and delight until June, the second throughout the second and third ten days of summer, and the third bloom in autumn. Each group has its own species, which, in turn, are varieties.

For information! Asters differ not only in flowering time and height, but also in the structure of the flowers - rose-shaped, peony-shaped, chrysanthemum-shaped. There are also differences in shape - asters are needle-shaped, spherical and radiant.

Early alpine aster

The most frequently used and widespread type. These flowers are small in height - up to 30 cm, which makes them ideal for creating compositions, planting along paths, decorating rock gardens, and flower beds. Do you know why this species is so beloved by gardeners? Because asters are beautiful and very unpretentious - any beginner can create the perfect garden.

The bushes bloom in different shades and they delight us from May to June. And, of course, we will name the most popular varieties of aster of this species. See photos and names below. Inflorescences of this species are most often up to 5-6 cm in diameter, of a single type. Asters are not afraid of frost, they tolerate even harsh winters in our country, they love higher areas and the sun.

Alpine aster varieties:

  • "Alba". It blooms with delicate white inflorescences and a yellow center, and has a thick green mass. The leaves have an elongated shape and can grow up to 30-40 cm. The bushes grow crowded. If you look at the photo, you can see the similarity of this aster with a chamomile;
  • "Gloria". These flowers are similar to the previous ones in shape, but just look at this azure shade of the petals, which are diluted by a rich yellow-orange center. Flowers are up to 4 cm in diameter. They go well in a flowerbed with the Alba variety. Bushes can be planted alternately or in strips;
  • "Dunkle Schone." An excellent option for combining flowers and natural stones, decorating a rock garden. The flowers have a pleasant blue-violet hue and are stuffed. The variety is very unpretentious, does not freeze, is not afraid of return frosts in May, and is undemanding to soil. Flowers are about 3 cm in diameter;
  • "Rosea." This variety blooms in the first month of summer, but its beauty is that it will delight with its flowering for three whole months. The tubular petals have a rich pink color, up to 5 cm in diameter. They go well with blue and white asters;
  • "Goliath". Amazing soft color has this variety - lavender. It is also often used to decorate rock gardens, alpine slides, and paths in the garden. Loves sun and partial shade, flowers are 3-5 cm in diameter.

Early Anderson Aster

It blooms and pleases us in spring and early summer. This species is very small, one might say, a ground cover species, it loves well-ventilated soils, moderately moist soil and sunlight. The bushes are notable for the fact that they have lilac shade petals. Very delicate and beautiful inflorescences that resemble a delicate lilac chamomile with a yellow-orange center. The diameter is only 2 cm, and the height of the entire bush is no more than 5 cm.

Early Himalayan aster

These bushes grow compactly - up to 25-30 cm in height. How can you understand that the native places of these flowers are the most high mountains in the world. It is very common in Asian countries, both near houses and at an altitude of more than 4 thousand meters. The flowers have a delicate purple hue, they are medium-sized - up to 3 cm. In the wild they do not grow more than 15 cm, they delight with flowering in May.

Summer Italian asters

As you understand, we have now moved on to the following colors that will delight you with their flowering from July to August. This species is taller than early rasters and can grow up to 60-70 cm. Most often, such tall flowers are planted along fences; they can cover unsightly outbuildings. It is also important to plant such bushes near supports and where there are no strong winds in bad weather. Can be planted in rows or individually.

Inflorescences have an average diameter of 4-5 cm, collected in corymbs. The colors are often closer to blue-blue shades and purple; there may be pink flowers. The shape of the bush itself is spherical. This species is divided in early April to propagate; its favorite soils are alkaline. They bloom best where there is plenty of sun.

This is interesting! This type of asters was bred in Europe. There are drawings of Italian asters that date back to 1596.

Varieties of Italian aster:

  • "Violet Queen" It is considered a sought-after variety of this species, but it is not so easy to find. This is a beautiful purple aster, the diameter of the flower is about 4 cm;
  • "Rudolf Goethe". Unusual name, but gardeners trust this summer variety, as it always blooms, even if the season is not the most favorable. The flowers have pale purple petals, about 4 cm in diameter. You can buy seeds without any problems;
  • "Rosea". This is a pink aster, there is also a tubular variety, where the color of the flower can be beige. Very long flowering - from June to September. Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter.

    For information! The Italian aster has other varieties, but they are quite rare and difficult to buy “Lady Hindlip”, “Veilchenkoenigin”, “Ultramarine”, “Mira”, “Gnom”, “Herman Lens”, “Henrich Seibert”, “Kobold” , "Coerulea", "King George".

Separately, we would like to tell you that tall varieties are good to combine with short ones. You can also plant a number of perennials and annuals, the overall picture will be beautiful, and next year You can exchange annual asters for new varieties or new flowers in general. So, the flowerbed will be new every year. Magnificent varieties of annual asters are the “Milady” aster, she is in the photo, “Scarlet”, “Crimson”, “Crestella”, “Erfurt Dwarf”.

Summer sedum aster

Its homeland is Asia, where the flower began to be planted in gardens around 1686. The bushes have a round shape, they are quite tall - up to 80 cm; again, tall species are best planted near fences in a quiet place. Very thermophilic and cannot tolerate excess moisture. The flowers are collected in beautiful umbrella baskets and have a delicate lavender color, closer to heavenly. Diameter - 2 cm, blooms towards the end of summer. It grows very well in soil rich in humus and permeable to a lot of air. On such soil the bushes bloom profusely and for a long time.

Bessarabian summer aster

This species is not independent, but a variety of Italian. The characteristics are quite similar, but the flowers on the bushes have a larger diameter. Inside, the inflorescence is not yellow or orange, but brown. May be purple, pink and white. The bushes are quite powerful, as is their root system. Height can reach up to 75 cm.

Blue summer aster

Her homeland is also the Himalayas. Quite tall plants - up to 120 cm, they can definitely hide all the imperfections of the site. The flowers are sky blue, the bushes are powerful, the roots creep to the sides. It likes fertile soil, the area should be sunny, and is not afraid of cold weather. Divides the bush, blooms in the first two summer months, rather unpretentious species.

Autumn perennial New England aster

All autumn species are popular, because their beauty is that they delight us when other flowers are already fading. They are unpretentious, there are many varieties, and they are easy to plant. Bushes can be of different heights, colors - pink asters, lilac, blue, white, and violet. Moreover, everything is of different shape.

We start with the New England species. These bushes are difficult for a beginner to imagine for those who love tall plants, but asters can be taller than a person - up to 2 meters. Of course, with such bushes you need to plan in advance what will be planted and where. They should be either separately, or along the walls, or on background flower beds. Flowers are arranged in racemes in large quantities, and the diameter of one inflorescence is up to 4 cm.

These asters will delight you with their blooms by the first ten days of September. You can combine them with other perennial species, or with annuals. For example, with pompom asters, an excellent variety is “Princess Mix” - it’s in the photo below. These are annuals that always luxuriously decorate the garden. There are also popular varieties of annual flowers - these are “Ostrich Feather”, “Princess Bouquet”, “Victoria”, “Gigantic”, “Duchess”, “American Beauty”. All these asters are worthy of your attention.

Varieties of New England aster:

  • "Bars Pink". Pink flowers bushes of this variety are covered with a carpet. They winter well and can grow in the most unfavorable conditions, even along roads. They bloom in autumn and are not afraid of light frosts;
  • "Browmann". Tall purple bushes. They grow in moderately moist areas with fertile soil and are unpretentious. Great for fall flowers.

New Belgian autumn varieties

An interesting species, where there can be bushes that are both low - up to 40 cm, and high - 150 cm tall. Flowers are arranged in panicles. These asters are very beautiful, because when they bloom, the greenery and stems are not even visible. The latter, by the way, become woody over time. The beauty of these asters is that they bloom in bad weather, in the evening, in fog and on rainy days. May be burgundy, blue, lilac and white. Due to abundant flowering You can plant this species even in the center of a flower bed.

Varieties of Novobelgian aster:

  • "Amethyst". This variety is often compared to daisies and has dark shade lilac color. The branches are located next to each other, abundantly covered with flowers, but the bushes do not need to be tied up. Height - up to 130 cm. Large flowers - up to 4 cm;
  • "Marie-Ballard." Like the previous variety, it is very popular. It can also do without support and is not afraid of frost. It has a magnificent lavender color of petals, while the inflorescences are huge - up to 8 cm in diameter. They begin to bloom at the end of August, and flowering continues for 60 days. Named after the man who brought her out. Height - up to a meter;
  • "White Lady" The beauty of this perennial aster is that it is the most frost-resistant. It has a beautiful white color with a yellow center. Unpretentious and does not require special care. Flowers - 3-5 cm;
  • "Sunset". Just look at it, these bushes really look like pink shades sunset stripes over the horizon. Their diameter is up to 4 cm; during flowering the foliage is not visible. The shade is pink; the variety begins to bloom from September to November.

Perennial bush aster

This aster completes today's selection of flowers for your garden. Usually the bushes are low - up to half a meter high. They bloom from the first days of autumn until the coldest weather. Most often, the flowers have a light, delicate color - pink, sky, white, purple, but can also be burgundy and yellow. Bushes can be formed. To make asters bloom better, they are rejuvenated by dividing the bush every 3-4 years.

Varieties of bush asters:

  • "Blue Bird" A very compact bush - up to 25 cm. Excellent asters to decorate garden paths. The color of the flowers changes unusually - from delicate lilac to rich tones of lilac;
  • "Venus". Another low variety - up to 20 cm. You can perfectly decorate your veranda by planting the variety in pots and hanging planters. Asters bloom for a month - from September, color - blue, pink;
  • "Royal Ruby" Luxurious purple asters. Great for bouquets, for pots and for decorating rock gardens. Blooms from September until cold weather;
  • "Dwarf Nancy." It grows up to 25-30 cm, the flowers have a lilac hue. Very beautiful asters, they will delight you around borders and are perfect for composition.

This is the variety of flowers we described to you today. You can plant both perennial and annual flowers. Only for the first ones, immediately choose suitable places.

The bush aster is a traditional decorative element personal plot. The riot of colors and long flowering of these plants allows you to maintain good mood even on the cloudiest autumn days, when nature begins to prepare for bed.

Varieties of perennial asters, in addition to their beauty, are valued for their unpretentiousness, which allows them to withstand the most unfavorable climatic conditions. Drought, low temperatures, poor soil - none of this is an obstacle to the growth of asters. But their unpretentiousness does not mean opportunity complete failure from proper care. Needs to be organized proper watering and feeding.

This variety of the Asteraceae family is a lush medium-sized bush up to 90 cm high. Aster has a branched root system with thin roots. This crop is characterized by the presence of a voluminous branched structure, giving it a spherical shape, as well as oblong, toothed, dense leaves along the edges, densely covering numerous branches. Their distinctive feature is a rich green tint, rough on the outside and smooth on the inside. From the buds of this culture, star-shaped inflorescences up to 5-7 cm in size develop in various colors: from traditional white to deep purple.

Shrub asters are perennial plants with a long flowering period. They are characterized by the appearance of the first inflorescences at the end of spring, which persist until the onset of frost.

Main varieties of flowers

Bush aster is represented by many varieties. A popular type of this crop, actively used by gardeners for landscaping, is the Jenny variety. It is a bush reaching a height of up to 50 cm and consisting of many erect branched stems. Thanks to this, during the flowering period, Jenny resembles a hemisphere of dark green leaves and rich raspberry inflorescences with a medium-sized yellow core. Despite being thermophilic, the variety does not tolerate drought and elevated temperatures. It is required to plant it in well-lit and drained areas. Proper maintenance conditions allow it to actively bloom during August-September.

The Apollo aster variety is characterized by the development of bushes from 20 to 50 cm, which is why they are divided into low- and tall-growing species. The former are used to create compositions along paths, the latter - as natural hedges in the garden. Appolos are voluminous hemispherical bushes with dark green sessile leaves and white inflorescences with yellow cores. This variety is highly frost-resistant and can easily tolerate the first morning frosts.

To decorate a personal plot in soft lilac tones, use the Starlight variety. During the flowering period, it is a bush up to 50 cm high with a branched branched structure, abundantly covered with many lanceolate leaves, not noticeable behind the huge number of inflorescences. Thanks to this, the Starlight aster bush resembles a terry ball or oval. They are characterized by the beginning of flowering in early autumn and its end during the first frost.

In decoration garden plot The Christina variety is often used. It combines the main qualities of aster crops: unpretentiousness, frost resistance, long flowering. But the difference between Christina and other varieties is the onset of peak blooming of inflorescences in October. It is in this month that low bushes (up to 30 cm) of a round shape are abundantly covered with a scattering of small flowers of white or pale pink.

Another variety of asters is the Kassel variety, which is a bush up to 50 cm high with a developed branched structure. Thanks to the abundance of lanceolate leaves of an emerald hue and a scattering of numerous flowers, it resembles a terry semicircle. The Kassel variety is characterized by a wide variety of inflorescence tones, making them an ideal decoration for the autumn garden. This variety of asters comes in a variety of colors: from pink to dark blue or a combination of two tones.

Growing bush aster

To grow this crop, it is necessary to choose areas where there is enough sunlight, and at the same time there is shade from trees. It is unacceptable to grow asters in swampy soil. Stagnant moisture causes premature death of the bush. Before planting the plant directly, it is necessary to prepare the soil for its adaptation and further growth. Light, breathable soil is optimal for growing asters. It is necessary to first dig up and fertilize the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers. For elimination high acidity liming is necessary. To reduce excessive soil moisture, additional sand is added to it.

Perennial aster reproduces in the following ways:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the root system of the bush;
  • reproduction by vertical layering;
  • cuttings.

The first method of growing a flower is rarely used due to the poor development of the bushes and incomplete inheritance of maternal characteristics. Autumn is the best time to plant seeds in the soil. With the onset of the warm period of the year, the emergence of seedlings is observed, which must be watered and fed throughout the season, and then transplanted to permanent place.

To propagate flowers by dividing the root system, adult plants at least 4 years old are used. It is recommended to carry out this procedure in the spring before the kidneys swell. Transplantation is carried out by digging and dividing the root system of the bush. It is necessary to carefully clean it from the soil, and then separate the old roots from it. The plant is separated so that the new bush contains a developed root system and at least 3 healthy stems. Optimal time An aster's stay in one place is 5-6 years, and therefore, after separation, both flowers need to be transplanted to new areas.

For propagation of asters by vertical layering, adult healthy plants are used. The use of this method is permissible for bushes growing on properly maintained and fertilized soil. At the end of the aster's growing season, it is necessary to remove all the shoots, leaving a bush up to 10 cm high. With the onset of spring, you need to hill it up so that it is completely under the soil layer. The manipulation is carried out until the flower reaches a height of 25 cm, after which it is cared for until the end of the warm period of the year. in a standard way. In late autumn, before the onset of cold weather, you should dig up the plant and separate the resulting cuttings and roots from it. After this, they are transplanted to a permanent place, and in the next spring-summer period the procedure of hilling and care is repeated. Flowering of asters grown in this way should be expected no earlier than 2 years after transplantation.

The most used method of propagating shrub asters is cuttings. This method involves separating the upper shoots of the plant and planting them in the ground. It is necessary to carefully cut the cutting from the bush at an angle, and then separate the upper part from it, which is higher than the first bud. The resulting shoot is placed in a solution to stimulate growth and better adaptation for 15 hours. After this, it is kept in a container with water until it is added to the soil. Cuttings of asters are carried out in greenhouses or under a film stretched over a frame. The place for planting the plant should be a layer of soil and drainage. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a composition of turf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 1:2:2, which is covered with perlite or a mixture of sand and vermiculite. The cuttings are introduced into the soil at an angle up to 10 cm deep at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other. The formation of a strong root system with this method of breeding asters occurs within a month.

Rules of care

Planting and caring for this representative of the flora must combine a balance of living conditions. For the harmonious development of this plant, it is necessary to avoid excess moisture and excessive enrichment of the soil with acids or alkalis. The main need of flowers is an abundance of sunlight, under the influence of which they acquire a branched branched structure and many buds. Its deficiency leads to the withering of the aster, weakening of the stems, which is why support may be required to support the bush. Proper care for asters is accompanied by regular watering and fertilization.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bush, periodically inspect it for thinning stems and changes in leaf color. These violations indicate the development of diseases or damage to the flower by a pest. So, characteristic feature its infection with the Fusarium fungus results in yellowing and drying of leaves, wilting of buds and stems. To combat this disease, it is recommended to treat the bush with a solution of Fundazol.

Another cause of yellowing leaves is aster jaundice. In this case, the main symptom is complemented by chlorosis, a halt in the development of buds and the entire plant. This disease is caused by cicadas and aphids. Useless for pest control chemicals. The main condition reliable protection aster for jaundice is its prevention. At the first appearance of these symptoms, it is necessary to immediately remove the diseased plant so as not to infect other bushes.

The appearance of white-gray spots on aster leaves indicates powdery mildew. To treat a plant, it is necessary to treat it with mullein infusion. It is necessary to dilute the drug with water in a ratio of 1:3, then spray the bush with it until the characteristic signs disappear.

Caring for shrub aster special issue is the advisability of pruning the bush before the onset of cold weather. This flower is resistant to low temperatures crops and does not require special training to frost. To protect the plant during this period, it is enough to mulch the soil.

Proper feeding

To maintain shrub asters in a healthy state, it is necessary to periodically feed them. Can be used to feed flowers organic fertilizers, and phosphates. To support the plant and prepare it for long flowering, the soil should be limed in the spring and autumn.

The action of this procedure is aimed at reducing the acidity of the soil, which is common cause weakening of the plant. Primary liming is carried out before planting asters, and secondary liming is carried out before and after the end of the flowering period. It is necessary to prepare a solution in the ratio of 100 g of powder to 3-4 buckets of water. The resulting mixture is introduced into the soil to the depth of the treated formation.

To maintain the health of asters, a 3-stage feeding system is recommended: in the first weeks after planting the flower in the soil, after the buds appear and before they open. In subsequent periods, replenishment should be carried out in the spring. To feed asters, use a standard recipe, according to which it is necessary to mix potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate in a ratio of 1: 2: 3. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to apply the additive in dry form and then water the soil. In case of drought, only liquid fertilizing is carried out.

Shrub asters are ideal garden decorations. Due to their late flowering, they are often used for composition. landscape compositions. They are distinguished by their beauty, brightness, aroma, and unpretentiousness, which allows them to be grown in any climatic conditions.