home · electrical safety · Design of a bedroom in apartment 4 3. Design of a narrow bedroom - how to make it more comfortable, layout options. Always meticulous in detail and stylishly modern

Design of a bedroom in apartment 4 3. Design of a narrow bedroom - how to make it more comfortable, layout options. Always meticulous in detail and stylishly modern

A layout with detailed dimensions helps speed up repairs and select suitable furniture. When drawing up a plan, you need to take into account the configuration and dimensions of the room. Also, before starting the renovation, you need to choose the design of the room, because the arrangement of the furniture will depend on it. If the room is large, then you can install specialized partitions that will help zone the space.

In new buildings, bedrooms often have a circular configuration. As a result, making a plan is a little more difficult. If the room non-standard shape, then first you need to select suitable bed. Into the interior round bedrooms fit best folding beds. It is advisable to choose a model with a slightly concave headboard. This bed will allow you to make the most of your space.

Also when planning for custom bedroom consider the following nuances:

  1. Arrange furniture so that the aisles are more than 70 centimeters wide.
  2. If the room is large enough, you can install a set near the bed or bedside tables.
  3. Give preference to built-in wardrobes. They may have a non-standard configuration. In addition, built-in wardrobes take up little space.
  4. The dressing table should be positioned perpendicular to the incident light.

For visual increase In the bedroom, you can install mirrors on the closet doors. If you want to zone a room, then it is not advisable to use mirrors.

Bedroom layout 3 by 3 meters

If you have a small apartment and the bedroom area is only 9 square meters, then making a plan is quite difficult. The main thing when creating a layout for a small bedroom is to choose functional furniture.

When choosing furniture, follow these recommendations:

  • In a small bedroom, it is logical to refuse to install bedside tables.
  • Instead of a closet, it is better to purchase a special chest of drawers that can serve as a shelf or table.
  • If in the bedroom high ceilings, then instead of a chest of drawers you can install a shelving unit.
  • It is best to place the bed in close proximity to the window.
  • If you are planning to install a dressing table in the bedroom, then it is best to purchase transparent chairs. They look discreet and do not clutter up the space.

Achieve visual expansion The space of the room will be helped by unusual accessories. For example, you can install beautiful hanging lamps or small bookshelves.

Design as an integral part of the bedroom layout

Used to decorate the bedroom various designs. When drawing up the layout, you must take into account the style in which the room will be designed. To compose good plan, you can use special programs. If you don’t have special software, you can combine design and layout yourself.

To create a plan, you need to consider the following design elements:

  1. Lighting. The arrangement of the furniture will depend on their location. If you plan to zone a room, you can install a small plasterboard partition. This element must be included in your plan.
  2. Furniture arrangement.
  3. Presence of slopes on the ceiling. This is true if you are setting up a bedroom in the attic of a house.
  4. Availability of accessories and small fittings.

If you want to install a TV in the bedroom, it is best to purchase a product that is mounted on a bracket. This technique will fit harmoniously into the design of the room and will not take up much space.

How to plan bedroom furniture

Arranging furniture is the most important stage when creating layouts for a bedroom. In order to arrange pieces of furniture correctly, you need to draw up a sketch and mark on it the place where the sleeping place will be installed. Based on this, you need to select optimal location other items in the furniture.

When choosing an arrangement, consider a number of rules:

  • If the bedroom is small, then it is best to place the bed so that one side fits tightly against the wall.
  • Using hinged wardrobes Please note that the distance between it and other pieces of furniture should be more than 90 centimeters.
  • Arrange furniture so that the space in front of the window remains free.

When settling in large room you can make a special relaxation area. It should be placed in a corner. The main furniture for arranging a recreation area is an armchair and soft ottomans. You can also resort to installing a floor lamp or coffee table.

Bedroom plan with dimensions 3 by 4 meters

When decorating a bedroom with an area of ​​12 square meters, it is recommended to use the Art Nouveau style. It provides installation multifunctional furniture and beautiful lighting fixtures. In addition, when using this style direction, you can radically change the geometry of the room.

When arranging a 3 by 4 meter room, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Use a bed without legs. For example, you can choose a model with a podium and built-in drawers.
  2. In the room, install exclusively built-in wardrobes with mirrored doors.
  3. If you decide to give preference to the modern style, install a light shelving unit.
  4. Instead of a cabinet, a transparent one is perfect dressing table. It should be placed near the bed.

When arranging a bedroom small size please pay attention Special attention for accessories. For example, you can hang photographs or paintings made in soothing colors on the walls. Decorate your dressing table with ikebana or small figurines.

DIY layouts for a large bedroom

If you have a large rectangular or square room, making a plan yourself is very simple. Correct form allows you to bring almost any design idea to life.

Arrangement rules large bedroom :

  • Don't neglect accessories. Designers recommend including large figurines or hanging lamps in your layout.
  • Place the bed strictly in the center of the room.
  • If the room has an area of ​​more than 30 square meters, you can zone the space using lighting and plasterboard partitions.
  • IN large room It is best to install a massive headset. It will allow you to create a unified concept for the room.
  • The bed should be positioned in such a way that sunlight fell on her side.

If the bedroom area is over 30 square meters, then you can install a dressing room. When designing it, it is best to use sliding doors. To build a dressing room, use plasterboard or MDF sheets.

Small bedroom interior (video)

Creating a detailed bedroom layout is not difficult, provided that you follow all the rules and regulations. If the room is large, it is recommended to divide the bedroom into a relaxation area and work area. When drawing up a plan, take into account the number of lighting fixtures, the location of sockets and the dimensions of the furniture. Also an important factor is the design in which the bedroom is designed.

Bedroom 3 by 4 - design, as well as the option of arranging furniture in the room, poses a challenge to the owner of the apartment not an easy task: create stylish interior so as to use furniture to a minimum. To visually enlarge the space of a small bedroom, you can apply a mass design techniques. These are what we will talk about in this article.

Thanks to new technologies and building materials, you can perfectly decorate a room yourself and on a small budget.

Decorating a small bedroom, a few tips:

  • One option is to change the geometry of the room using structures of several tiers.
  • Furniture built into walls is perfect, or hanging shelves.

Advice. Diffused soft light or dark, muted tones should be avoided, as in this case the bedroom will be significantly smaller.

  • To increase the area of ​​the room, can be used .
  • Reception with a mirror surface, will also allow you to “enlarge” the space.
  • The design of a small bedroom is recommended to be done in light color scheme . Spectrum of cold light shades will add volume, and warm ones will reduce the boundaries of the room.

Advice. If the bedroom windows face southeast, then soft green, ash, white and soft blue tones will do. A bedroom with windows on the north side dictates the use of pink, yellow or orange.

Choosing a style direction for a small bedroom

In general, it is recommended to decorate a bedroom that is modest in size, but there are exceptions, like the classics, as in the photo. If you decorate your bedroom succinctly, the end result will be an extravagant style.

Let's consider one of the styles " new wave»:

  • This direction provides details classic interior. Cool colors on the walls with mirrored cabinet surfaces create an atmosphere of taste and sophistication.
  • Characteristic features are combinations of colors and geometric shapes of furniture and walls.
  • Presence chrome parts in accessories, decor, on the ceiling.
  • Interior decoration using cool shades: light blue, light green and dark blue.
  • By choosing the “new wave” style for your small bedroom, you will get modern interior With unusual chandelier And furniture set"whatnot".
  • If you use fancy-shaped glass decorative elements in your interior, your bedroom will become more harmonious (see).

Advice. Some high-tech accessories will be in good harmony with the “new wave” style. This style direction is perfect for people who love a fast pace of life.

Art Nouveau style for a 3 by 4 bedroom

This direction is acceptable for people who prefer respectability and rigor. Modernism will allow you to rationally and functionally place all items.

Instructions for applying modernism to a small room:

  • The interior should be designed in a maximum of 3 tones.
  • best used in contrast, so you can visually increase space and change geometric shapes premises.
  • Smooth lines in combination with an arch will also help to visually increase the space.
  • Adding lighting from lower corners directed toward the center of the room will help expand the room.
  • The use of such a style as modern dictates the use of only natural materials. The bedroom is often decorated with fabrics, wood and natural stone.

Advice. Should not be used brickwork, especially in large volumes. A stained glass window or mirror with hints of purple or blue is perfect for decorating one wall.

Bedroom in ethnic style

The most common and simple way to decorate the interior and the price is reasonable. Without limiting yourself to imagination, you can create an original and cozy interior.

Advice. Here you can choose Asian style with elements of minimalism. Elements from natural wood with bright accessories will add spice to the interior.

Suitable for accessories:

  • A large bright fan covering the entire wall.
  • Paintings in a simple graphic style.
  • Accessories or symbols that symbolize prosperity and love.

Note. For small footage, the Greek style is also suitable.

In order to emphasize the originality of this style, it is enough to add some stylistic details:

  • For example, the location of the bed on the podium.
  • Decorate the room with several narrow columns located in the corners, decorating with mosaics.
  • Walls and ceilings are often decorated in cream and sand tones, which is what we see in the photo above.

How to choose and arrange furniture correctly

A small bedroom provides functional use space. Furniture items should be compact and not clutter up the room.

The most necessary elements of furniture for a sleeping area:

In this case, the best option there will be a bed without legs. In some cases, it is recommended to even organize a podium bed with drawers below, where you can hide pastels and other things.

The bed itself can be placed either on the podium or pushed into it, as shown in the photo.

It is advisable to arrange mirrored doors here. The design will allow you to keep all the necessary things at hand.
For a small bedroom, a small dressing table is quite suitable. There is also always a place for a cabinet or chest of drawers.
Racks and shelves can be used only as needed, if the interior provides. It is advisable to choose a lightweight through design.

But in some cases, a rack will not only solve the storage issue, but will also become in a great way dividing space into zones - as, for example, in a studio apartment

It is advisable to use chairs or armchairs only when necessary and in small quantities, without clutter.

What accessories can you use in a small bedroom?

Even for such a small bedroom it is necessary to use various accessories for decoration. Mirrors, pillows, paintings, photos, rugs and other decorative elements are suitable for this purpose.

Today, numerous publications specializing in design topics offer a lot interesting options For country houses, spacious apartments. When it comes to small homes, owners often rack their brains over the details of creating a beautiful and convenient design interior It is very difficult to organize a functional and user-friendly space in a tiny area. But don't be upset. Many designers involved in the development of interior design projects have several good ideas that will help you decorate a tiny apartment.

If the apartment layout is created in such a way that the bedroom is located on 4 sq.m. or 5 sq.m., for decoration it is recommended to use only light colors color palette on the picture. This definition implies the use of not only white, but also other light colors. For example, such as:

  • creamy,
  • coffee,
  • yellow, blue, pink,
  • light green color.

Therefore, to prevent the room from acquiring the atmosphere of a hospital sterile room, in the process of organizing the space, it is necessary to use bright color accents. For example, on a white background of walls, furniture can be beige, and textiles can be coffee. The combination of different shades of brown will create a cozy, homely atmosphere.

If milk color is taken as a basis, bright accent in the room maybe flooring natural, woody shades in a warm temperature range. Accents can be a bedspread, curtains, or bedside rug. Even the headboard sleeping place, issued in brown color, can play the role of an accent in a bedroom of 4 sq.m. Against a light background of the walls, a painting, mirror or clock in an unusual frame will look bright and original.


If you wish, arrange a comfortable and functional bedroom with an area of ​​5 sq.m. physically will not allow the implementation of planning ideas. The only type of furniture that will decorate the room is the bed. The drawers with which the equipment will be equipped will help add functionality. Bottom part this piece of furniture.

If you want to diversify the design of a 4 sq.m. bedroom. In the photo, you can install shelves on the wall near the headboard. They can be used for a night light or for an alarm clock, mobile phone, necessary medications that should be taken at night.

Creating lighting

Except mandatory use light colors when decorating a small bedroom of 5 sq.m., it is recommended to create enough bright lighting. Miniature square meters will look a little more spacious if there are spot or LED sources Sveta. Lamps should be mounted in the wall near the head of the bed, as well as in the ceiling structure.

When the lamps are turned on at the same time, a room of 4 square meters will seem more comfortable to the inhabitants. If the bedroom has a window, daytime It is not recommended to hang it up for a day thick curtains. Natural sunlight filling the room will create the illusion of space.

Comfortable room design 4 sq.m. or 5 sq.m. assumes that special design techniques will be used in the design process.

In order for a small 4x4 bedroom to be transformed, you need to pay close attention to every little detail. Bedside table, wardrobe, curtains and front door - each element present in the room should complement all those nearby. Only in this case, every centimeter usable area will be used. You need to start not with selecting and purchasing furniture, but with setting up the lighting design.

Many people mistakenly perceive oversized premises solely as a punishment. It is impossible to carry out any significant changes in it, so the residents do not even try to change the situation. In fact, a small cubic room opens up enormous scope for flight of fancy. The main thing is to approach this issue wisely.

You need to start by understanding the advantages of a room with dimensions of 4x4 m:

  • Ease of zoning;
  • A wardrobe or closet can be installed along the entire wall;
  • Possibility to set up a work office;
  • Various possible options furniture arrangement.

The visual perception of space largely depends on the correct choice of lighting method (insolation). Designers never tire of repeating that an excess of light accents, like a shortage, is not in the best possible way will affect the level of comfort in the room. That is why it is necessary to start with an analysis of the existing situation. It's easier to work with rooms that are evenly lit throughout the day. If there is none, then emphasis is placed on the following recommendations.

The winning option is considered to be located opposite front door window. In this case, the bedroom receives uniform lighting. The process of arranging furniture and visual accents is simplified. In this case, you will need light curtains for the windows that allow you to regulate the level of insolation. It is more difficult when you have to work with a room with non-standard geometry or layout, which often happens in the bedrooms of private houses.

3 common problems:

  1. A window located on the side, creating a shadow area on one side, will help balance corner cupboard with a mirrored door. It is placed opposite the front door, allowing you to solve several planning problems at once. Firstly, the boundaries of the room visually expand. Secondly, the light coming from one side spreads evenly throughout the room;
  2. Low ceilings are a common problem small rooms. In this case, it is necessary to abandon bright decorative elements and interior items in the upper part of the room. Attention must be focused on visualizing the space. 2 mirrors located opposite the door and window will help with this;
  3. You shouldn’t give up on small-sized paintings that create a sense of space. Images with a good perspective will help with this.

To summarize what has been said, we can say that the light in the room must literally be directed in the right direction. If it's enough, then it's enough small curtains, performing the function of a regulator. When the degree of illumination leaves much to be desired, then use mirror surfaces, allowing you to literally control the luminous flux.

4x4 bedroom design

Having adjusted the degree of illumination of the room, it is advisable to move on to choosing furniture. First of all, you should decide on the style you are interested in. From a practical point of view, it is not advisable in the classical direction. Massive wardrobes and a sofa will not physically fit in small room. It would be wiser to focus on modernity. This advice It is advisory in nature, but it is better not to neglect it.

If you don’t yet have options in your head for arranging furniture in a small room, then thematic catalogs and photos of ready-made sets will always come to the rescue.

It is important to remember that you need to review the material thoughtfully:

  • The less furniture the better. The emphasis is on functional options, characterized by the presence of retractable sections and the possibility of transformation;
  • It is imperative to check that the mechanisms responsible for changing the parameters of the furniture are reliable;
  • Furniture for the room where the child will stay for a long time is selected from environmentally friendly materials;
  • The maximum height of furniture in the room should not exceed the level of the middle of the window. An exception is made only for the closet.

The choice between a ready-made and prefabricated option is determined by the geometry of the room and the desire of the owner of the living space to spend time developing a sketch.

How to decorate a 4x4 bedroom

16 square meters will seem like an insignificant amount of space for many, but for others it will be an opportunity for creativity. The main thing is to think in advance about exactly how the room will be used. A study, a nursery or a bedroom - each option requires careful consideration. If 4x4 meters will be used only for sleep and relaxation, then a small bed and a chest of drawers for storing bedding will be optimal.

Additionally, you can pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • The use of a bed with a pronounced canopy is allowed only in the absence of other visually large pieces of furniture;
  • You can replace the bed with a high podium, on top of which a mattress is installed;
  • A small room, used not only for relaxation, but also for receiving guests or working, needs a screen. Thanks to this, both zones are visually separated;
  • An ottoman with a folding seat is a great place to store sleeping accessories.

Modern design of spacious bedrooms (video)

Arranging sixteen square meters is a simple task, although at first glance it does not seem so. The coincidence of the parameters of all walls allows you to install furniture in the room in any way, which creates unique conditions for the implementation of design projects. That is why it is recommended to think in advance about what will stand and where. In this case, you won’t have to regret that a few centimeters are still missing from the room.

Spacious bedroom (interior photo)

The layout of a 3 by 3 meter room is a popular question among home owners with a small living space. If the sleeping room only has a small area, then it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail so that the room is comfortable and suitable for relaxation.

Room layout option 3 by 3 meters

To properly and conveniently equip a 3x3 bedroom, you need to think about important points. These are:

  1. Room style. The issue of renovation and bedroom style directly affects whether people will be able to visually expand the space and feel comfortable in it or not. Due to the fact that for people of modern times there is a mass interesting ideas Regarding the renovation solution for the premises, everyone will be able to choose the option that suits them.
  2. . When it comes to equipping a small room for sleeping, you should carefully consider the issue of the headset in this space. Of course, you should rely on a minimalist style, this will allow you to fill the space as much as possible necessary items furniture and not clutter up the already small area.

    Example of furnishing a room 3x3 meters

  3. Accessories. It is worth paying special attention to decorative items when designing the layout of a small bedroom. Sometimes accessories that are thought out correctly help to significantly expand the space visually.
  4. Side of the world. In general, it is best to arrange a bedroom on the sunny side of the house. And when we are talking about a small room for sleeping, this nuance is especially important. Mirror coatings will help to visually increase the size of the room, light wallpaper or paint. You can also visually make the space larger by giving preference to stretch ceilings.
  5. Location. Considering that the sleeping room is small, most likely the area of ​​the entire house is also small. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail the question of where the bedroom will be located. Ideally, if you can arrange the room as far as possible from and.

    Room layout option 3 by 4 meters

    If this is not possible, then you should give preference soundproof materials, which will help maintain silence in the bedroom while one of the family members is preparing food or taking a bath.

  6. Curtains. When choosing curtains for, you should consider two factors. First of all, they should not be massive, because thick curtains visually reduce the space. Secondly, you must take into account the nuance that the curtains should cover the window, preventing sunlight from entering the space. Thus, a person will sleep much more comfortably. Therefore, you need to give preference to flowing, thin curtains that can hide sunlight in morning time while the residents of the house are resting.

All of the above factors are important to ensure that a small bedroom is as comfortable and cozy as possible.

Interior design option for a small bedroom

How to equip a bedroom

The ideal size of a sleeping room is ten square meters. And this is 3x4 meters. That is, it is quite possible to adequately equip and arrange a bedroom, the footage of which is 3x3, the main thing is to approach the issue responsibly and carefully. You can organize the space in a standard way, or you can approach it unconventionally. at this moment. In any case, it is worth knowing what essential pieces of furniture should find their place in the bedroom. Important headset items for comfort:

  • Bed;
  • Closet;
  • Bedside tables;
  • TV.

These are those pieces of furniture that, despite the small size of the space, you need to try to fit into the room. It’s worth finding out which ones are best to choose for each of the above headset items.


For quality arrangement Rooms most often choose a solid double bed. It is clear that this headset will take most bedroom area.

If you don’t want to clutter up the space, then it’s suitable folding sofa. However, to make the bedroom look like a bedroom, it is better to rely on a double bed.

To make the room seem larger, you should pay attention to natural materials. A bed made from natural raw materials is not only beautiful, reliable and beneficial for the health of the inhabitants of the space, but also allows you to visually increase the space.


Of course, if the house has a dressing room where all family members store clothes, you don’t have to choose a large one, large cabinet. In principle, when it comes to a small bedroom, there can be no talk of large closets.

Options for arranging a closet in a 3 by 3 meter room

Therefore, if you decide to install wardrobe in the bedroom, you should give preference to mobile, compact headset items. If you still have a dressing room in the house, then you can choose a chest of drawers for compact bedroom equipment. Despite the small size of the bedroom, there should be a place where the owners can put pajamas and bed linen.

Bedside tables

In the room for sleeping and resting, there should be a place where you can put mobile phone, cosmetics and put on a lamp. Therefore, bedside tables are a significant piece of furniture. It is better to choose this set that will harmoniously combine with the bed or sofa. Most often, bedside tables are offered to be purchased complete with a sleeping place.


The concept of a bedroom is different for everyone. Some people prefer that this place is intended purely for sleeping. And some people like to watch their favorite TV series or show before bed.

Therefore, the question of arranging a TV in the bedroom is quite individual. If you decide that there should be a TV in the bedroom, then for a small room it is better to give preference to a wall-mounted plasma screen. This solution will help save space and create the illusion of visual enlargement of the room.
Of course, every owner can place anything in a bedroom of a fairly modest size.