home · Installation · Step-by-step sewing of Roman blinds. Beautiful DIY Roman and roller blinds. Lining fabric sizes

Step-by-step sewing of Roman blinds. Beautiful DIY Roman and roller blinds. Lining fabric sizes

Simple, graceful, strict and elegant Roman blinds will become wonderful decoration for any interior style and absolutely any room, be it a living room, bedroom, dining room, children's room or kitchen. The laconic and compact design of Roman blinds fits especially organically into the interior of the kitchen, where everything should be as convenient and functional as possible. Have you long dreamed of sewing Roman blinds with your own hands, but doubted your abilities? Step-by-step instructions to help you! Indeed, Roman blinds are not as simple as they seem. They have their own small ones, but very important secrets. To achieve impeccable quality of execution, it is important to know a couple of tricks that we will be happy to share with you. But still, there is nothing supernatural or mega-complicated in this matter, so go ahead and sing!

Sewing Roman blinds with your own hands is easy if you follow the instructions exactly.

Choosing fabrics for sewing Roman blinds

Roman blinds can be sewn from absolutely any fabric, from heavy curtains to light transparent tulle. But it is still preferable to use dense, rigid materials that hold their shape well, emphasizing the beauty of the folds when assembled. When the curtain is lowered, a perfectly straight cut without draperies demonstrates in all its splendor the beauty of the ornament and the texture of the material, so when sewing Roman blinds it makes sense to choose something truly special that will delight the eye and lift your spirits day after day. Considering the modest size of the Roman blind and minimum consumption fabrics, you can easily pamper yourself with exclusive designer textiles. After all, this is not a curtain, but one of the most economical curtain models, so don’t go broke! From time to time you just need to give yourself gifts!

We choose fabrics for sewing Roman blinds so that they fit harmoniously into the kitchen decor

If you want your frame to protect the room from prying eyes, but at the same time let in as much sunlight as possible, choose translucent fabrics. On the contrary, if your goal is to block sunlight, pay attention to light-proof black out fabrics, which are treated with a special impregnation on the reverse side. Lightproof fabrics not only do not fade themselves, but also reliably protect wallpaper, furniture and other interior items from fading.

Roman blinds made of translucent fabric with a bright floral print will become a real window decoration

If you decide to sew Roman blinds specifically for the kitchen, you should approach the selection of fabric with all responsibility, because even if your kitchen is equipped with the most powerful and modern hood, you still won’t be able to completely protect yourself from steam, soot and odors of cooking food. Kitchen curtains must have dirt-repellent properties, absorb a minimum of odors, and remain attractive for a long time appearance, suitable for frequent washing and washes well. Synthetic fabrics meet all these characteristics. Adherents of everything natural should pay attention to modern combined and mixed fabrics, in which a small percentage of synthetic threads is added to cotton, linen or silk. Thanks to the admixture of synthetics, curtains made from mixed fabrics do not require careful care and look like new for a long time, while maintaining all the charm and spiritual aesthetics natural materials.

The mixed fabric chosen for Roman blinds has its own decorative advantages, which will be demonstrated when proper lighting

Please note that according to the sewing method, Roman blinds can be either double or single. Double is suitable for thick colored fabrics to protect them from fading in the sun. The second option is preferable for light fabrics with a print and a white reverse side, as well as for thin translucent fabrics such as patterned organza or linen voile.

Single Roman shades made of translucent fabric on this window became part of an interesting combination of different patterns

And, of course, when choosing fabric for curtains, do not forget to take into account the correspondence of the pattern, color and texture to the overall style decision interior and design ideas. Plain fabrics are the most versatile; they “work” perfectly in any style. Cheerful floral and gastronomic motifs, as well as checkered patterns, will be a great addition to country, Provence or simple rustic style. Geometric figures and abstractions will look natural in a modern or avant-garde kitchen.

Roman curtains in the kitchen interior look modest, but with dignity, performing not only practical, but also decorative functions

Determining the size of a Roman blind

Regardless of whether you sew a Roman blind yourself or to order, it should have ideal proportions and “sit” on the window like a glove. To cope with this extremely important task, you need to take correct measurements and calculate the fabric consumption, and for this you need to decide on the method of attaching the Roman blind.

Options for attaching Roman blinds:

The curtain fabric is located right next to the glass. This mounting option is mainly used when near a window. large window sill- in this case, even with the curtain lowered, access to it will remain and it can be used without hindrance. Also, a Roman blind is “run across glass” when it does not go alone, but is used in conjunction with drapes, curtains, lambrequins and other curtain designs. When placing a Roman blind in a window opening, its dimensions must match the dimensions of the opening.

We determine the dimensions of the Roman blind depending on the method of fastening, so as not to make mistakes when cutting and sewing

  • On the wall above the window opening

The curtain fabric is not attached inside the opening, but along its outer side. This method is preferable when there are vents and opening sashes for ventilation, or when the window opens into the room along its entire height. In this case, the Roman blind should be 5-10 cm wider than the window opening and 10-15 cm longer at both ends. The allowances on the sides will cover the slopes with a curtain so that there are no gaps. And the allowance at the bottom will allow you to secure the cornice above the window opening so that the curtain, when assembled, does not interfere with opening window frame.

Master class: how to sew Roman blinds with your own hands

Roman blinds can be solid or consist of several panels. If several curtains are provided, each curtain must be attached to a separate curtain rod. For beginners, in order to understand the essence of sewing, understand the fastening and operating principle of the curtain rod structure of a Roman blind, it is recommended to start with sewing a single piece of fabric.

An interesting pattern on the fabric is often an important decorative element of Roman blinds

Necessary materials:

  • Curtain fabric and lining material if necessary
  • Velcro tape along the width of the curtain
  • 7-8 pieces of metal, wood or plastic pins/rods with a diameter of 4-5 mm, length 3 cm shorter than the width of the curtain
  • Small plastic rings with a diameter of 10-12 mm for each drawstring, into which cords will be threaded to lift the curtains
  • Three pieces of nylon cord: the length of each is equal to two lengths of the curtain and one width of the curtain
  • Weight bar
  • Wood plank or a block for hanging a frame with a cross-section of 2.5 x 5 cm across the width of the canvas
  • Nails, screws, hooks on a screw leg

How to make Roman blinds step by step

1. We measure the window opening. We add 5-7 cm to the side seams and 10-15 cm to the top and bottom allowances. The height allowance for curtains is usually about 20% of the frame. Before cutting the fabric, in order not to make mistakes with the calculations and to prevent the material from shrinking during the sewing process, it is advisable to decate the fabric: soak it in warm water for a few minutes, dry it and iron it. The number and size of folds are determined by the height of the window and the length of the future curtain. The following table will help determine the optimal distance between folds:

Calculating the number and size of folds for a Roman blind will help you decide the best option

The ability to correctly calculate the size of each “fold pocket” is one of the main secrets of sewing Roman blinds.

Cutting a Roman blind: fabric calculation diagram

2. On the wrong side, we outline the lines of the hem and future folds, as well as the installation locations for the rings for the cord according to the diagram shown. In order for a Roman blind to drape beautifully, the lines of future folds must be at the same distance from each other, and also be identical in width.

3. Side edges processed with a double hem. Be sure to adjust the thread tension so that the stitching does not pull at the sides.

4. Using nails or a furniture stapler, we nail Velcro to the underside of the wooden block to which the curtain will be attached. We process the top section of the curtain and sew the remaining part of the Velcro onto it, which will allow us to easily remove the frame for washing as the need arises. Wooden beam ok, which you will use as a cornice, it is advisable to pre-paint it in a suitable color. Instead of a wooden block, you can use a lambrequin strip with Velcro, which is sold together with ceiling brackets.

5. At the bottom of the curtain we make a fold and create a drawstring, the width of which should allow us to insert a weight bar into the resulting “pocket”. As a weighting material for curtains, you can use a flat aluminum profile 1-2 cm shorter than the cornice. For transparent or white fabrics, it is advisable to dye it in White color or to match the color of the fabric. You can purchase such a profile at a building materials store.

6. We attach a finishing border along the wrong side of the curtain and insert the prepared pins into the resulting pockets. Seal the holes. So that you can wash the curtain in the future, we sew the edge of the drawstrings on only one side so that you can remove the pins before washing, and put them back after washing and ironing. The edges of the pins should not cling to the curtain fabric. Perfect option– use special plastic rods, which can be purchased from a private textile designer. You can also use corset inserts, which are sold by the meter in sewing supply stores. Since corset inserts are stored rolled into a roll, we first cut them into the required lengths with a small margin, heat them through the fabric with an iron and steam, and then place them warm under a press for several days until they are completely straightened. As an alternative, you can use wire, but only if we are talking about a smooth stainless steel rod.

Roman blind elements

7. Having marked the position of the rings, guided by the diagram, we sew them on manually. TO wooden block We fasten the rings with nails. Here they are necessary to fix the lifting mechanism. The cord rings should be located symmetrically relative to the middle of the curtain. In this case, the outer rings should be placed at a distance of 5-10 cm from the edge of the curtain.

8. Using Velcro, fix the curtain to the beam. We fix the cord fastener on the window frame and wrap the cord around it to secure the curtain. From the bottom edge we begin to thread the cord into the rings. We tie a knot on the bottom ring and additionally fasten it with glue for strength.

9. We pass the cord through all the rings to the very top edge of the frame. We perform a similar operation with all rows of rings. Please note that when all the cords are threaded, they should be brought out through the top rings to one side of the curtain. We pull all the cords tightly so that the folds are distributed evenly across the entire width of the frame. Using ribbons, we secure the folds in this position.

When all the cords are threaded, we bring them out through the upper rings to one side of the curtain

10. We fix the wooden beam above the window opening or attach it to the window frame. Remove the ribbons holding the curtain folded. The rim will go down. We equalize the tension of all cords. Having collected all the cords together, we tie them with a knot behind the last ring. Then we pass the cords through the handle for lifting the curtains and tie another knot at a distance of about 45-50 cm from the first knot. Carefully cut off the ends of the cords below the second knot. DIY Roman blind is ready!

Good afternoon friends!

Recently I accidentally saw a video on how to sew a Roman blind. I didn’t even realize that it was easy to make with your own hands and quite quickly.

I suddenly wanted to hang curtains like these at home. I really got excited and became interested in this issue. I began to study the material in detail, find out all the nuances and secrets, and looked at the reviews. As a result, I had a clear idea of ​​how to sew a Roman blind with my own hands: detailed guide I decided to describe it right away before I forgot.

What are Roman blinds

Roman blind - canvas small size, which closes the window within the frame. It has a lifting mechanism, so the curtain can be raised or lowered as needed: to cover the window from the hot sun or, conversely, to let sunlight into the room.

When raised, the curtain lies in horizontal folds.

According to one of the legends under construction Ancient Rome They came up with such curtains made of heavy, dense and wet fabric to cover the windows from the dust that flew from building material and stone, and then they were useful for protection from scorching rays. But at the same time, it became necessary to lift them to let air in and ventilate the room.

According to another legend, the idea of ​​curtains came from Roman sailors; sails were then made using the same principle of raising and lowering.

Nowadays, Roman blinds are a very fashionable interior element. This is a combination of the softness of the fabric and the functionality of the blinds. Fashionable curtains hang not only in the kitchen and bathroom, small rooms with narrow windows, but also in spacious living rooms with large windows made of plastic. In the latter case, use either one wide curtain or several small ones. Personally, I prefer the option of several curtains.

Roman blinds are made from different fabrics - plain and patterned, floral and striped, thick and translucent, with complex weaving. Sometimes bottom edge additionally decorated.

Curtains can be attached both inside the window opening close to the glass and along outside window. You can see samples in the photo.

They are hung separately on their own or together with classic curtains and tulle.

It is believed that everything that is fashionable is expensive. But for us, needlewomen, nothing is impossible. And it’s quite possible to sew Roman blinds yourself.

Do-it-yourself Roman blinds for windows or for doorways are made in the same way.

Materials for making Roman blinds

We need the fabric itself first of all. In terms of quality, for a Roman blind it is better to use a fabric that is not very heavy so that it can drape easily. At the same time, the fabric should be dense; do not use knitwear that will stretch under the weight of the inserted slats.

You won’t need much fabric for one curtain; we determine its consumption based on the length and width of the window, taking into account seam allowances. Plus, a little more fabric is needed for the pockets into which the slats will be inserted.

For lifting mechanism:

  1. Sticky double-sided tape for attaching the curtain to the curtain rod, 2.5 cm wide. These are sold in sewing supply stores.
  2. Metal or plastic rings and screws with a hook through which the cord will be threaded.
    For a narrow curtain you will need three hooks.
    Number of rings = number of folds on the curtain multiplied by 3.
  3. Nylon cord. You can use any other one, and for better glide, connect it with a fishing line (4mm).
  4. The slats along which the folds will be formed. The width of the slats is approximately 1.5 cm. Can be used plastic profile, glazing beads, cable channels, pins, bamboo sticks.
  5. A weighting agent is a strip that is inserted along the bottom of the curtain. You can buy some cash at a repair supply store.
  6. A block at least 2.5 cm wide, on which our curtain will be attached to the window, is essentially a homemade cornice.
    We prepare slats, weighting material and a block one centimeter less than the width of the finished curtain.
  7. Fastenings for cornices.
  8. Hot glue, furniture stapler or nails with decorative heads.

We will also need a needle, thread, scissors, sewing machine and iron.

Making a Roman blind pattern with your own hands

We don’t need a universal Roman blind pattern, since you can make it yourself for each individual case.

You just need to know the size of the window. I will use a window size of 120 x 220 cm as an example.

Curtain width

The width of the curtain inside the window is equal to the width of the window - 1 cm. Add to this value 1.5 cm for allowances on each side:


If the curtain will be located on the outside of the window, then 5 cm must be added to its width:


Curtain length

Here our calculation will be more complicated.

A Roman blind can be sewn double, with drawstrings made of braid or strips of fabric sewn on the reverse side to insert slats. But I propose another option, simpler and neater, it seems to me. I like everything to look beautiful from the reverse side.

The length of the curtain is equal to the height of the window - 1 cm (for an internal curtain, for an external curtain - an arbitrary size).

Add 7.5 cm to the bottom hem and 3 cm to the top hem:


And we also need to add fabric to the pockets for the slats.

The width of one pocket is 1.8 cm (for a rack 1.5 cm wide, taking into account the thickness). Multiply it by 2 = 3.6 cm.

Divide the length of the curtain by the width of the fold chosen at your discretion:

Based on the integer number, we get 7 folds, therefore the number of pockets: 7-1=6.

We multiply the width of the pockets by their number: 3.6x6 = 21.6.

It turns out that for the length of the curtain you need:

229.5+21.6=251.1 cm.

We put the width and length dimensions on the wrong side of the fabric and cut out the curtain blank.

Sewing Roman blinds

Now let's start sewing Roman blinds with our own hands.

Step by step description:

Step 1. Hem the side seams and iron them.

Keep the seams small and neat.

Step 2. Set aside 3 cm on top, fold it to the wrong side, turn the edge 0.5 cm inward, iron and hem.

Step 3. Set aside 7.5 cm from the bottom and hem the bottom edge at a distance of 5 cm, also ironing it first.

Step 4. On the wrong side, mark with a pencil the lines for the location of the pockets, starting from the bottom, at the following distances:

30 cm (fold width) –3.6 cm (pocket width) -30 -3.6-30-3.6-30 –3.6 -30 -3.6-30-3.6

There will be a little more than 30 cm left at the top, but that’s not a big deal.

After all, a Roman blind is not raised to the very top, so the size of its upper part can be arbitrary and not necessarily equal to the width of all the folds.

Step 5. Fold the fabric in the pocket places, connecting two lines, front side inside. We get small folds, sweep them away, and sew them on a machine.

Iron it, always pointing all the pockets down.

This important condition, if not followed, the folds will not fit well.

Step 6. Sew adhesive tape to the top edge of the curtain using two lines (along the top and bottom edges of the tape).

That's all, our Roman blind is ready. Iron it again with an iron.

DIY cornice for Roman blinds

In principle, it would be easier to buy a ready-made cornice for Roman blinds. But if we completely do everything with our own hands, then we proceed as follows.

We take the prepared block and wrap it in fabric. We use the same one as for sewing curtains. Secure with a stapler or decorative nails.

We nail adhesive tape to the block from the front side; you can try gluing it with a hot gun.

On the reverse side, at the ends, we screw the corners to the bar, on which we will hang the cornice from the wall.

At the bottom of the block, screw in self-tapping screws with hooks from the edges and in the center.

How to make a lifting mechanism for a Roman blind

Well, finally, we got to the main thing and final stage in the manufacture of Roman blinds.

Carefully sew rings along the edges (preferably as close to the edge as possible) and in the center on all pockets for slats using a needle and thread.

We attach the curtain to the curtain rod with Velcro.

We lay out the entire structure on the floor.

We determine on which side the cord will hang, by which we will pull the curtain and thread it through the rings.

We burn the edge of the cord with matches so that it does not unravel.

The wrong side of the curtain is facing us:

  1. We pass the cord through the hook on the bar on the left, then through the hook in the middle, then through the hook on the right and go down along the right edge of the curtain, pulling the cord through the rings.
  2. We tie the cord with a knot on the last ring.
  3. We straighten the curtain, pull the cord and cut it on the left side approximately at the height of the middle of the curtain.
  4. We take a new rope, thread it through the left and middle hooks of the curtain rod and then through the rings along the middle part of the curtain. We tie the end of the cord to the bottom ring. We align the beginning of the cord with the first cord and cut it at the same level.
  5. We thread the third rope through the first hook and go down the rings on the left side of the curtain. We tie it on the last ring. We cut the beginning of the cord in the same way as the first and second.
  6. We tighten the threads again, checking that the tension of all three is even. Otherwise, when lifting the curtain, the folds may become distorted.
    We braid the three free ends of the cord and tie them beautifully.

If you decide to run the ropes some distance away from the edges, then you may need to screw in another hook on the block to secure the rope.

If the curtain is wide, then the threads for lifting can be passed not along three, but along five vertical lines.

We insert slats into the pockets; it is better to leave the edges unsewn. Then it will be easier to wash the curtains: take out the slats and wash them without any problems.

At the bottom of the curtain we insert a weight strip.

All that remains is to hang the curtain on the window. A man's help may be needed here.

They pulled the cord and the curtain gathered into folds and rose.

We loosened the cord, pulled the curtain down - it fell.

I hope how to sew a Roman blind with your own hands, from my detailed step-by-step description you understand.

And here is the video that inspired me, but I made my own changes to this master class, which I wrote about:

When you hang the curtain, spray it with water from a spray bottle, lift it, straighten the folds and leave it like that until dry. In this way, the folds will remember the position they need and will always be placed easily and correctly when lifted.

Wrap the free edge of the cord around a decorative hook that can be attached to the wall.

I wish you creative success!

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  • Patchwork blanket made from old jeans. Master class in diagrams
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  • How to sew a fashionable plaid with sleeves
  • Beautiful pillow made of ribbons in patchwork style
  • Comfort in the house is created with the help of many details and accessories, including curtains. Thanks to them you can give your interior a unique style and elegance. Roman blinds, both strict and elegant, are becoming increasingly popular in home decor. And although their design seems complex due to some technical features, making them yourself is very simple.

    Roman blinds in the interior: features and differences

    Although the design of Roman blinds was invented in ancient times and has remained unchanged to this day, it still looks modern and appropriate in any interior. In a room with small, narrow windows, such curtains look laconic, successfully playing out the space. On a large window, a Roman blind can become a visual continuation of the wall or an element of its decor; it will not overload the interior.

    Roman blinds will fit perfectly into the interior of any room, especially the kitchen.

    Note! Thanks to their design, Roman blinds are perfect for the living room, bedroom, nursery, bathroom, and especially the kitchen, where functionality, convenience and ease of use are very important.

    The simplicity of making a Roman blind is based on the fact that it is made according to the principle of a sail on ancient ships: a straight piece of fabric without draperies rises and falls, gathering like an accordion. That is, you will need very little fabric, and its design will be completely visible. Even buying expensive designer textiles for Roman blinds will cost you relatively little, compared to, for example, curtains.

    You can hang a finished Roman blind either in the window opening or on a wall or ceiling cornice. The most important thing is to choose the right color and pattern that matches the style of the room's interior. And the design mechanism will allow you to create twilight in the room or fill it with sunlight.

    Photo gallery of Roman blinds

    Combination different types curtains and types of fabrics - option for the dining room Decorating a window with a bay window with a Roman blind Translucent Roman blinds to match the color of the furniture and accessories in the kitchen Roman blinds in the bathroom interior Roman blind as a decorative element in country style Floral motifs

    Manufacturing from A to Z

    Although sewing Roman blinds is a relatively simple task, it also has its own characteristics and secrets. The result directly depends on how you prepare for work. In particular, it is very important to choose the right fabric for both aesthetic and practical reasons.

    Choosing fabrics

    Almost any fabric is suitable for Roman blinds - from curtains to tulle. But most often they use dense material: it holds its shape well, emphasizes the folds when assembled, and when the curtain is lowered, it fully demonstrates the texture and pattern.

    1. If you want the rooms to be protected from prying eyes from the outside, and at the same time filled sunlight, translucent fabrics are suitable for Roman blinds.
    2. Dense light-proof black out materials will help create complete shading in the room. They are treated on the reverse side with a special impregnation that prevents the fabric from fading in the light. Such curtains will also protect your furniture, wallpaper and interior items from sun exposure.
    3. When choosing fabric for Roman blinds in the kitchen, keep in mind that in this room even a powerful hood will not protect against soot, steam and odors. Choose a material with moisture-resistant and dirt-repellent properties. Such fabric should be easy to clean, resistant to frequent washing, and retain its attractive appearance for a long time. The best option is synthetic fabrics.
    4. If naturalness and naturalness are fundamentally important to you, pay attention to mixed and combined fabrics. Adding a small amount of synthetic thread to silk, linen or cotton makes the material practical, easy to care for and durable.
    5. There are two ways to sew Roman blinds: double and single. In the first case, dense colored fabrics are used: this way they almost do not fade in the sun. For the second option, light fabrics with a white backing and prints or thin translucent materials (patterned organza, linen veil) are suitable.
    6. Select texture, pattern and color with special care. Plain fabrics are considered universal: they are perfect for any interior. Gastronomic or floral motifs suit a rustic or country style. Decoration in avant-garde or modern style complemented by geometric shapes or abstract images.

    Required materials and tools

    So, you have chosen the right fabric. Now let's start sewing. Let's look at the process using the example of a very simple design, the components for which you can easily find in any hardware store. You will need:

    • a piece of thick fabric;
    • wooden beam 2.5 cm thick, 5 cm wide (length equal to the width of the curtain);
    • metal or wooden slats(length is 3 cm less than the width of the curtain);
    • a block of wood equal in length to the width of the curtain (for pulling the bottom of the product);
    • braid for finishing;
    • a piece of Velcro tape along the width of the curtain;
    • small nails (wallpaper);
    • rings made of plastic or metal with a diameter of about 12 mm;
    • cord fastener;
    • three nylon cords.

    Correctly calculate the length of the nylon cords. It should be equal to two lengths and one width of the curtain.

    Method of fixing the finished product

    Before you start working, you need to calculate the fabric consumption. It may depend on which mounting method you choose.

    First option: the curtain is attached inside window opening, almost close to the glass. This method is suitable for windows with large window sills that can be used when closed curtain. Or a Roman blind is installed in combination with curtains. In this case, it appears on the wrong side.

    Securing a Roman shade inside a window opening

    Second option: the product is mounted on the outside of the opening. This method is suitable when the window opens its entire height or has hinged sashes. Such a curtain extends beyond the slopes by 5–10 cm in both directions.

    Attaching curtains outside the opening


    In order to create correct drawing Roman blinds, you need to measure the window opening.

    Sewing and assembly

    1. Hem the edges of the curtain on the sides.
    2. Take the piece of wood that will hold the curtain on it and nail one side of the Velcro strip with wallpaper nails.
    3. On the top edge of the curtain, make an edging from a strip of fabric. Sew the second part of the Velcro to the top edge of the future curtain.
    4. Iron the bottom edge of the curtain to the wrong side. Sew a double hem (5 cm). Its width should be such that you can insert a weight bar. From the inside, sew the finishing border along the marked lines. Insert slats there: they will form and maintain even folds correct form. Hand sew the rings as shown.

      The rings must be sewn on with a dense double thread of 4 stitches, secured with a double knot

    5. Do lifting mechanism: Attach the rings to the surface of a wooden beam. Attach a curtain to it.
    6. Attach the fastener for the cord to the window frame. wrap the cord around it - this will help fix the curtain.
    7. Thread the cord through the rings, starting from the bottom edge. Tie a knot on the bottom ring. Secure it with glue for extra strength. Pass the cord to the top edge along all the rings, stretch along the width of the curtain through the top rings on the beam in one direction. This must be done with all rows of rings: all cords must be routed through the top rings to one side of the product.

      Attaching cords to a Roman blind

    8. Pull the extended cords tightly. The folds will be evenly distributed across the width of the curtain. Secure them in this position with ribbons. Attach the wooden beam to the window frame. The ribbons holding the product folded can be removed. When the curtain is lowered, equalize the tension on the cords. Tie them in a knot behind the last ring.

      Curtain fixed to the window

    9. Pass the cords through the handle that regulates the rise of the curtain. Tie a second knot at a distance of approximately 45–50 cm from the first. Cut off the ends of the cords below the knot. Install the cord fastener on the window frame, wrap the cord around it and secure the curtain.

    Video: sewing a Roman blind

    We hope our master class will help you transform your apartment using your imagination and skill. The Roman blind will become a real work of art, and you will create it, with my own hands! Good luck and comfort to your home!

    Everyone wants their interior to change from time to time. The simplest and cheapest method is replacing curtains. Buying new curtains is not difficult, because the range on the market is huge. But those curtains that are sewn yourself will look interesting. Anyone can sew Roman blinds with their own hands, even those who have never done it before.

    Previously, only sailors had Roman blinds. They are a piece of fabric resembling a rectangle that covers the window. The advantage of such curtains is that they do not require a lot of fabric. Therefore, to sew them, you can even purchase higher quality and more expensive fabric.

    Roman blinds differ from each other:

    1. By fastening. It can be located either in the window opening, above the window or on the frame.
    2. For tailoring. There are single curtains made of transparent fabric and double curtains made of thick fabric.
    3. Depending on the fastening of the rods. This could be a drawstring, tucks or a special braid.
    4. From finishing: fringe, lace.
    5. By mechanism. It can be factory-made or home-made.

    Preparation of materials and sewing instructions

    Before you start sewing curtains yourself, you need to accurately measure the size of your window. Then calculate how many folds there will be on the product.

    What you will need:

    • Material for a future product.
    • Tape for drawstrings or braid will also work.
    • Seven or eight wooden (metal) slats.
    • Weight bar.
    • Hanging bar.
    • Elements for decoration.
    • Duct tape.
    • Cord.
    • Rings of your choice (metal or wood).
    • Nails and hook.

    Master class on sewing curtains:

    1. Prepare the material and cut out a rectangle from it, focusing on the size of the window. But don't forget to leave an allowance of about two centimeters.
    2. The future curtain needs to be ironed, folded in the margin on the sides and stitched using a sewing machine.
    3. Then sew on the prepared ribbon.
    4. Then you need to sew on the rings, calculating the fold lines. The rings should be located relative to the midline.
    5. Sew the bottom side and insert the prepared strip for weighting.
    6. Now you need to hem the top of the product and insert the strip. Insert the tube (rail) between the tape and the curtain.
    7. Using sewn rings, secure the curtain to the curtain rod.
    8. Prepared cords must be pulled through the rings.
    9. Now you can pull the cords together, distribute the folds evenly and tie them into a knot.
    10. Attach the hook on which you will hang the curtains.
    11. Decorate the product to your liking.

    If something is not clear, you can watch the video.

    But some housewives have difficulties when sewing their first such product:

    1. Crooked curtains. This can happen if the cutting is done incorrectly.
    2. The product is too tight on the sides. This may occur due to an incorrect tension mechanism.
    3. The lining of the product is too tight. To prevent this from happening, it must be pre-treated with steam.

    How to calculate the number of folds

    Every novice craftswoman is interested in this question. Typically, such a product has from 5 to 9 folds. The calculation is very simple:

    • The length of the curtain minus the space at the top.
    • Then the resulting number must be divided by an odd number from 3 to 9.
    • The resulting result will indicate how many centimeters one fold will be.

    Let's look at an example:

    • Length – 120 centimeters.
    • The top margin is 5 centimeters.
    • 120–5=115 centimeters.

    Next, divide this number by the number of desired folds. Let there be 5 of them. 115/5 = 23 centimeters - the width of one fold. Don't forget about the number of rods. To calculate their number, you need to perform the following operation: o t the selected number of folds must be subtracted by one and divided by two. The resulting answer will indicate the number of rods.

    Let's continue our example: how many rods will be needed for five folds? We calculate: (5–1)/2= 2 rods. Everything is easy and simple. Every housewife can cope with this task.

    Mechanism diagram

    Let's figure out how to properly make a lifting mechanism. For it you will need:

    • Beam.
    • Wooden slats.
    • Weighting bar.

    Manufacturing instructions:

    1. Take an electric jigsaw and use it to cut pieces one centimeter smaller than the width of the curtain.
    2. If you decide to make a cornice yourself, then take a block and cover it with fabric.
    3. Attach adhesive tape to the bottom edge of the beam using a glue gun.
    4. Now on the back side of the beam you need to make fastenings, due to which the cornice itself will be attached.
    5. Insert the cross slats and weight bar into the prepared product.
    6. Place the curtain rod on flat surface and attach the product to it.
    7. Screw four hooks into the back of the curtain rod.
    8. Tie all the cords and bring them out through the eyes.
    9. Now all that remains is to align everything and secure it with a knot.

    Fabric selection

    Choose correct fabric, it should be:

    • Antibacterial..
    • Repel dust.
    • Repel moisture.
    • Reflect light.

    For such a product you can use either a plain fabric or with a different pattern. This will depend on your interior. If the windows get a lot of light and sun, then it is better to use them for sewing cool shades, and if there is little light, then warmer shades.

    The size of the curtains will depend on where they are attached. If they are attached to the frame, then it is necessary to measure the glass itself. If the curtain will be attached to the window opening, then you need to measure the opening itself.

    After this you need to move on to cutting the fabric:

    1. First measure the width and do not forget to leave an allowance of 2 centimeters.
    2. Then the length of the product, the allowance should be about 15 centimeters.

    Required measurements

    For one window you will need two such identical segments. Then you need to pick up the ribbons. They should be twice as long as the product itself, plus 23 centimeters.

    What you will need:

    • Two slats, the length of which must match the length of the opening and glass.
    • Screws.
    • Screwdriver or screwdriver.
    • Sewing machine.
    • Double-sided tape.
    • Ribbons.
    • Stapler.
    • Iron.
    • Scissors.
    • Two cords.
    • Two rings.

    Fixing and fastening roller blinds. How to make a curtain with a garter ribbon:

    1. Cut out what you need tightly and sew it on three sides. You should get a bag. Turn the workpiece inside out front side and iron all the seams.
    2. Then we take the prepared strip and insert it into the unstitched side. We make a pocket for the strip and sew up this side. This will be the bottom of the product.
    3. We attach the upper part to the block using a stapler.
    4. Now we also attach the ribbons to the block. It should hang from both the outside and the inside.
    5. The product is ready. All that remains is to attach it to the window and make desired length, securing it with ribbons.

    Roller blinds with tape. How to sew a curtain with a side cord:

    1. Prepared pieces of fabric need to be sewn only along their length.
    2. IN bottom part you need to insert the rail and secure it, and you need to sew rings on top. But do not forget to retreat 15 centimeters and each ring must be sewn at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other.
    3. Attach the resulting product to the hooks to the window.
    4. The smaller cord needs to be tied to the hook, pulled through the rail and threaded through the ring.
    5. With the second cord, do the same operation, but you will need to thread it through two rings.
    6. Collect the inserted cords, fasten them and secure them to the wall.
    7. Secure the cords to the wall.

    Hanging such a product is very simple using tape or screws. You can watch a video on making such curtains.

    Pros and cons of roller blinds

    1. They close the window very tightly from prying eyes and light.
    2. Can be attached anywhere.
    3. They take up little space.
    4. Do not interfere with fresh air entering the room.
    5. Suitable for any interior.
    6. They can be used in different ways, both independently and in addition to decorative elements.
    7. The range of such curtains is huge.
    1. Unpleasant odor can easily be absorbed.
    2. They need regular care.
    3. Over time it may become warped.
    4. The lifting mechanism often fails.

    Making from scrap materials

    Curtains can be sewn from the material that is at hand. This version of the product will be an excellent experience for beginning craftswomen. You don’t need much for this, the main thing is desire, diligence and accuracy.

    There are the easiest options for such products:

    • Roman.
    • English.
    • Simple curtains with ties.
    • Lambrequin.

    What you will need for this:

    • Threads.
    • Needles.
    • Pins.
    • Material.
    • Sewing machine.
    • Centimeter.
    • A piece of soap or chalk.
    • Scissors.

    You can start with simple curtains with ties:

    1. Purchase fabric in advance. The best option will be monochromatic. And also don't forget about satin ribbon. It must be a different color to be visible.
    2. Measure the fabric according to the width of the window, the length is at your discretion. Cut off excess material
    3. Now hem the top of the curtains.
    4. Then hem the sides of the curtain and gather them together.
    5. Now you need to hang the curtains on the curtain rod to make sure they are the right length.
    6. Hem the bottom.
    7. Simple curtains are ready. Make ribbon bows and tie them however you like.

    Curtains with lambrequin. A novice craftswoman can easily handle such curtains:

    1. Choose the material to suit your taste. Color and fabric may vary.
    2. Calculate how much fabric you will need.
    3. The width should match the width of the window, but if you decide to add folds to the product, the width will be larger. Don't forget about a margin of one and a half centimeters.
    4. First you need to hem the top, don't forget to leave a pocket for the cornice.
    5. Hem the sides.
    6. If there are folds on the product, they must be secured with threads and then ironed.
    7. Now all that remains is to hem the bottom.
    8. If desired, the finished curtains can be decorated with ribbons, beads, etc. at your discretion.

    Well, everything is ready, you can admire your work.

    To quickly update your interior without special expenses, it is enough to replace the curtains on the windows. To do this, you don’t have to go to the store to buy a finished product. You can sew Roman blinds yourself.

    In order for the canvas on the windows to look flawless, the calculations must be made correctly. The fabric must match the style of the room. DIY curtains will decorate any home.

    Soft cascading curtains have been popular since ancient times, and they have not lost their relevance today. The Roman galleys used rectangular canvas as sails. The product attached to the mast was lowered and raised using a special device.

    Modern Roman blinds are made using the same principle. The design of the product consists of the following elements:

    • fabrics;
    • drawstring;
    • weighting agent;
    • rack

    Roman blinds are popular today. They are a flat canvas when unfolded, and when it is lifted, folds are obtained. Decorative elements emphasize the dignity of the interior and go well with different materials. They can act as the main product, in addition to other window drapes.

    Advantages of Roman blinds

    Beautiful and elegant products create coziness and comfort in the room. They are used to adjust room lighting and are easy to operate due to their short length. The main advantages of Roman blinds:

    • multifunctionality;
    • practicality;
    • beautiful appearance;
    • suitable for various style solutions;
    • minimum consumption of materials.

    They are used in small kitchens and spacious living rooms. These curtains are suitable for skylights, balconies and standard openings. Products make it possible to realize any design idea into reality.

    Disadvantages of Roman blinds

    There are also disadvantages to these products. If the canvas is lowered, then there is no way to look out the window for a minute. To do this, the Roman blind needs to be raised and then lowered. Those who like to admire the surroundings through the window will have to keep it raised at all times. The curtain should be positioned no lower than eye level.

    You can open the window completely if the curtain is attached above the window opening. Using thin material Even folds are not always obtained. The curtains on the windows have to be adjusted.

    We sew Roman blinds with our own hands

    Such products are often in demand in places where it is not possible to place standard curtains. Canvases are used when it is necessary to completely darken windows. They look great in interiors with different style design. Curtains decorate decorative elements: ribbons, cord, braid, etc.

    You can sew the products yourself. To do this, you will need to first purchase the necessary materials and perform calculations. With the help of such a product it is easy to add uniqueness and elegance to the interior.

    What will you need for sewing?

    Before starting work, you need to purchase all the components of the structure.

    For sewing you will need the following:

    • fabric slightly larger than the window;
    • lining (you can do without it);
    • Velcro;
    • 7–8 slats;
    • rings;
    • 3 cords;
    • wooden block;
    • weight bar;
    • metal hooks;
    • stapler;
    • scissors;
    • tape measure;
    • sewing machine.

    In specialized retail outlets purchase a special cornice, as well as materials and accessories. Calculations are made in advance to buy required quantity material and fastening elements.

    Choosing fabric

    Curtains can be made from any fabric, but preference is given to dense materials. They keep their shape perfectly. When the canvas is lowered, the pattern is clearly visible.

    Important! Before cutting the fabric, it must be decatted by soaking it in warm water. After this, the fabric needs to be dried and ironed.

    Products made of translucent material will help protect the room from prying glances from the street and fill it with light. For shading, purchase black out fabric, which does not allow sunlight to pass through. Its reverse side is impregnated with a certain composition that prevents fading.

    For the kitchen choose synthetic fabric, which is easy to clean. The color and pattern are carefully selected. Plain fabric is considered a universal option. For country style, choose a material with flowers, in a checkered pattern. Geometric shapes are suitable for modern and avant-garde styles.

    Determining the size of a Roman blind

    It is important to accurately measure the window parameters. There are 2 methods of fastening the product. The size of the canvas will depend on the type chosen. The first option is to mount the curtain inside the window opening.

    It is used if it is combined with other types of curtains, as well as when the window is deep. In this case, the window sill is used even with the curtain down.

    The second type provides fastening along the outer perimeter of the opening. It is chosen if the translucent structure is opened along its entire height. The width of the finished product is made greater than the size of the window opening. The number and size of folds are determined taking into account the dimensions of the window. These values ​​affect the appearance of the finished product.

    The height of the opening must be divided by the number of folds (usually 7 or more). The resulting result will be equal to the size of one part. Let's consider sewing curtains using the first fastening option. First of all, you need to cut the fabric.

    Using the obtained parameters, we calculate the dimensions of the main fabric:

    • workpiece width = finished product width + 7.5 cm;

    Lining fabric sizes:

    • workpiece width = finished product width – 2.5 cm;
    • length of the workpiece = length of the finished product + 20 cm.

    Attention! The secret of sewing these curtains lies in the ability to correctly calculate the size of the folds.

    If fabric with repeating pattern elements is used, then when cutting this feature should be considered. This is true if you need to sew several curtains that will be located side by side. We cut out the main and lining fabrics according to the calculated sizes.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    You can purchase a special cord clamp in the store. Ready-made curtain rods for Roman blinds are also available for sale. The set may include slats and a weighting bar. When sewing fabrics, after each operation it is necessary to carefully smooth the seams so that the finished product has a flawless appearance.

    For curtains, you can use lining fabric or do without it. Wooden slats can be attached to fabric using glue, but this option will complicate the care of the product. The curtain is easy to wash; all the slats can be easily pulled out of it. To achieve a sliding effect, you can use fishing line instead of a cord.

    Common mistakes

    By carefully analyzing other people's mistakes and drawing appropriate conclusions, a person will be able to avoid mistakes when working on the first product. If inaccuracies were made during cutting, the blade may become skewed.

    It is necessary to cut strictly along the grain thread. The tightness on the sides of the curtain indicates that sewing machine The thread tension is incorrectly adjusted. The same defect can be observed if the fabric chosen for sewing is too dense.

    Concave lines appear on the side seams between the rods, which indicates that the braid was not tensioned correctly when sewing. If you do not carry out special treatment of the material before work, the lining may become stretched. Tightness along the transverse seams occurs if the braid has not been steamed and has not been previously secured with pins.


    Roman blinds will become a simple and practical decoration for any window. It is not difficult to sew such a product, just follow the instructions. Careful completion of each step will be the key to obtaining a high-quality result.

    To complete the work, you need to take care in advance of purchasing all necessary materials. Sewing a Roman blind requires a certain investment of time. A handmade product will fit perfectly into the window opening and will match the design of the room.