home · Tool · How to sew a heart-shaped pillow. No stitch heart pillow (gift or home decor idea). Volumetric heart made of roses

How to sew a heart-shaped pillow. No stitch heart pillow (gift or home decor idea). Volumetric heart made of roses

A heart pillow made by yourself is beautiful original gift, which everyone will like. This model does not require complex sewing skills, and even a teenager can handle it.

What are there

A homemade heart-shaped pillow can be sewn or knitted. Made from fabric, it will fit well into the interior of a city apartment. While knitted heart pillows are appropriate in country house with its simple, cozy atmosphere, where all objects should give a feeling of warmth and peace. Heart pillows different sizes, will create a romantic atmosphere and can become a decoration in a girl’s room.

Such a thing, given as a valentine, will show all the warmth of feelings. Making a heart takes some time, and this indicates that the recipient is not indifferent to the donor. This valentine is not formal: it is charged with positive energy, like all things self made, which are made with special warmth for dear people.

What you need to prepare

Sewing a heart-shaped pillow is not difficult, you just need to prepare the materials for work.

  1. It’s more convenient to take pins with colored heads so that they are better visible on the material, and if they fall, they’re easier to find.
  2. A sheet of paper - a pattern will be made on it. The size of the paper depends on how large the pillow needs to be made. It is not necessary to use thick sheets - you can take newspaper.
  3. Sharp scissors with thin tips for cutting threads.
  4. Sewing threads to match the color of the fabric.
  5. Material for the product - you can buy new or use old thing(for example, a sweater) with an interesting knit. In the second case, the edges of the fragments will need to be additionally secured with fabric glue.
  6. Tailor's chalk - for transferring the pattern.
  7. Sewing machine.
  8. Needle.
  9. Filling – if the pillow is only decorative, then synthetic padding is suitable (it is cheap and bulky). When the item will be placed under the back or under the head, it is better to fill it with holofiber.

The heart pillow pattern is simple and easy to make yourself by simply drawing beautiful shape figure of the desired size. The shape can be classic or elongated - there are no restrictions.

DIY master class

The drawn heart is cut out of paper in order to transfer it to the material, which is laid out on the table for this purpose. The pattern is pinned and outlined with chalk.

If both sides of the heart are made from a single piece of the same fabric, then the canvas is folded in half before transferring the template onto it front side inside. Having traced the outline of the heart, the material must be pinned together. This is necessary so that its upper and lower layers do not move in relation to each other, then the pattern will be located equally on them. For an item from two types of fabric (or two pieces), prepare 2 parts separately, cutting them out taking into account a seam allowance of 1-2 cm. Do-it-yourself heart pillows, strictly maintaining the dimensions of the front and back parts of the pillowcase: the parts must match exactly.

When the pillow is sewn from one piece, then using a machine along the pattern line you just need to stitch the pillowcase, leaving a small hole for filling. Afterwards it is cut out, making sure to step back from the seam: leaving an allowance for loose fabrics of 15 mm wide, and for non-loose fabrics – 5 mm.

When sewing a pillowcase from 2 separately cut fragments, they are first accurately combined and pinned together with several pins. The right side of the fabric should be on the inside, as the seams should be on the wrong side.

The sewn pillowcase is turned right side out, then filled with holofiber or padding polyester, which must first be fluffed.

To ensure that the filler is evenly distributed, it is convenient to help yourself when filling with a long wooden stick, which can easily push it through.

After filling, the seam allowances along the edge of the pillowcase opening are tucked inward. It is then carefully stitched by hand. The seam should be invisible and not stand out next to the machine one.

After this, your DIY heart-shaped pillow is ready.

If desired, it can be further decorated. To do this, even before stuffing, embroider the finished pillowcase with beads or seed beads. You can also use fairly large decorative items, which are attached with a glue gun to an already stuffed item.

You can give a pillow to a loved one, in this way confessing to him your most tender feelings.

We once created something, today I will tell you how to make a heart pillow with your own hands, as well as what is the correct pattern and what is needed to sew all the details of the craft. For sewing lovers, this homemade project will seem very simple, but I advise you to practice anyway and make it perfectly even, without angularities or scars. If you have experience in this matter, then in a relaxed state you will spend about 30 minutes.

Here's what you need to create your own heart pillow:

- Any fabric, red or Pink colour.
- Sintepon.
- Scissors.
- Needle and thread.
- Sewing machine.
— Paper and pencil for the pattern.

We immediately made a pattern out of paper and laid it on the fabric. We will also prepare the necessary material.

The fabric one must be a centimeter larger than the paper one. This is done so that the two halves can be sewn together.

We connect the two parts of the fabric heart and sew them together using a sewing machine. We do not sew up 10 centimeters to fill the pillow with padding polyester.

Be sure to make cuts along the entire perimeter. This is necessary so that the edges do not puff up and nothing is pulled anywhere.

We stuff the product with padding polyester. Distribute it evenly.

And carefully sew together the part that was left for filling.

These are the heart pillows we will make with our own hands.

Today the Decorol website will show you how to make a heart-shaped pillow with your own hands. This product is ideal as a gift for a holiday, and will also look wonderful in year-round home decor. Moreover, making such a product is as easy as shelling pears; this pillow doesn’t even need to be sewn!

DIY heart pillow without stitching

Required material:

  • Red and pink felt;
  • Scissors;
  • Heart template;
  • Sintepon for stuffing;
  • Pencil or pen.

Let's start creating a pillow

On a layer of pink and red felt we transfer the heart template along the contour (template below). Please note - the inner part of the heart on the template is cut out, outline and inner part. Cut out hearts along the outside.

We leave slits with scissors up to the inside of the heart - cut the fringe. Attention! The fringe should not be too wide, 7 mm will be enough, otherwise the knots will be difficult to tie.

Cut out hearts from felt. Heart template.

Let's start tying knots, take the red stripe and simply tie it into a knot along with the pink stripe, and so on. When more than half of the knots are fixed, fill the pillow with padding polyester and tie the last strips.

We tie knots.
This is what the pillow looks like from both sides. Heart pillow without stitching.

This wonderful way will allow you to quickly prepare a large number of heart pillows that will fit wonderfully into home interior. Moreover, they look so interesting products You won’t be ashamed to give it as a gift! We definitely recommend repeating!

A heart-shaped pillow is not only great. It can be a personal talisman, which, of course, will hasten to attract love into your life, as well as decorating the interior of a girl’s or baby’s bedroom.

Sewing a heart pillow with your own hands is not at all difficult. Even if you don't have sewing machine, all the work can be easily done by hand, and if you have a machine, making such a pillow will take very little time.

So, for the heart pillow you will need:

heart-shaped pattern - you can draw it by hand;

textile - perfect choice there will be pink plush on a knitted base, the main thing is that it is not very stretchy;

red acrylic paint for writing;

sewing threads to match the fabric;

filler - silicone granules, silicone or synthetic padding.

Description of making a heart pillow with your own hands

Fold the fabric in half, right side down, and pin the heart template to it using pins with beads at the ends - they are the safest. Just don’t make the heart pillow too small - after all, it’s a pillow, and it’s quite possible that the person for whom it’s intended will want to put it under their head while resting.

Trace the outline of the heart and cut it out, leaving a small seam allowance.

Write an inscription on one of the cut out hearts acrylic paint. To make it smooth and neat, you can use a stencil - make a drawing or inscription you like the right size in a visual editor, then print it on a printer and cut out the inner contour - you get a stencil:

Leave the part to dry completely, this may take several hours.

Using a measuring tape, measure the perimeter of the resulting heart (from the lower tip to the upper cavity). Add 3 cm to the resulting figure and cut two strips from the same fabric. Estimate the width yourself - in our case it was 13 cm.

Applying the strip with the front side to the outer part of the heart pillow, pin it around the perimeter with pins, leaving a tail of the strip about a centimeter and a half from the beginning. If you did everything correctly, then in the recess of the heart there will be about one and a half centimeters of allowance at the end of the strip. Sew on.

Attach and then sew the second strip in the same way (sew the joints of the strips together, sew the second part. Don’t forget to leave an opening for turning and stuffing the heart pillow:

And if the gift is made independently, its value increases many times over. I suggest you do decorative pillow in the shape of a heart, as a recognition of your brightest feelings to your soulmate.

In order to sew such a pillow, you will need:
1. Thick fabric for the base
2. Red cotton fabric
3. Threads, 2 colors: pink, blue.
4. Filling (sintepon or down)
5. Scissors
6. Sequins, 2 colors: pink, blue
7. Colored tinsel
8. Needle
9. Simple pencil

In the version presented to you, down was used as a filler, but if you suffer from allergies, you can replace it with padding polyester. The edge of the pillow is edged with tinsel, but you can do without it or replace it with another material.
The execution process is ridiculously simple:
Step 1. Draw a heart on paper, cut it out and place it on thick fabric folded in half - this will be a bedside table. Then you stitch most leaving it open small area, through which you fill it with down or padding polyester. The base is ready.

Step 2. Using the same paper template, cut out a heart from red material, it is desirable that the color be as bright as possible, since the color of the sparkles will look better.
Step 3. With a simple pencil Make an inscription on the case and draw hearts. Here you can fantasize as you like, the inscription “I love” can be replaced with the name of the recipient of your gift, instead of hearts you can embroider butterflies - in general, appearance pillows at your discretion.

The photo shows how the embroidery process goes: pink sequins with pink threads, blue sequins with blue threads. Each sequin is sewn separately, then a loop is made in the place where the next one will be sewn.
It is not recommended to use fishing line instead of thread, as strong ties will wrinkle the cotton. If desired, glitter can be replaced with glass beads or medium-sized beads. But beads are not suitable for such work, since you are sewing only the outline and the pattern will not be even.
Below is the finished case

Step 4. Place the finished cover on the base pillow and sew up the edges. Since you will sew on front side, because it is more comfortable, you should cover the seams with piping. In my case, it's tinsel that perfectly harmonizes with the rest of the elements.

The tinsel can be replaced with Angora yarn - just stitch it along the edges of the finished pillow using a gypsy needle. Such a pillow can be sewn not only for a loved one, but also for one of your relatives or friends, the main thing is to choose a thematic inscription. Following this step by step instructions you can easily do this job. Your masterpiece is ready! You can also sew a loop in the middle of the top of the pillow so it can be hung on the wall.