home · Lighting · Replacing interior doors: do it yourself in an apartment, video on how to change it yourself and remove the trim, dismantling. Tips for housewives: decorating a doorway with curtains How can you replace a kitchen door

Replacing interior doors: do it yourself in an apartment, video on how to change it yourself and remove the trim, dismantling. Tips for housewives: decorating a doorway with curtains How can you replace a kitchen door

The usual swinging interior doors are already quite boring. Therefore, when changing the interior, many people want to replace them with something new.

How to replace an interior door, what ideas come to mind? There are several ways to replace the decor of an interior design. These include:

  • use of curtains;
  • sliding systems;
  • arch;
  • vertical blinds.

Let's study each interior decor option separately.

Interior curtains

The use of curtains in the interior has become an alternative to walk-through doors. This decor option is suitable for dividing rooms or entering the kitchen. At the same time, the impression of demarcation of space is created. There is a kind of screen. There is no need to open and close the door.

Thick fabric curtains

Thanks to modern fabrics and their diversity colors You can use any decor for interior decoration. The design of the room is limited only by a flight of fancy, and if you try, the result will be non-standard and unique.

The design solution for the fabric option for curtains depends on the choice of decorative material, the size of the doorway and preferences for interior design. If you successfully combine the color of the walls and interior curtains can be achieved visual increase interior space of the room.

Replace interior doors original decor We can easily make fabric curtains ourselves. If there is no time or desire for this, then order everything you need from the studio, having previously provided required dimensions. Decorating the interior of a room depends solely on your individual imagination.

The choice of fabric material and color for curtains largely depends on the purpose of the room. Thick fabrics are used in the doorway leading to the bedroom light color. This room should remain intimate and should not be freely looked into. Thick fabric is also hung in the kitchen, but in this case to prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

The choice of fabric material and color for curtains largely depends on the purpose of the room. In the doorway leading to the bedroom, it is necessary to use dense, light-colored fabrics. This room is an intimate zone and cannot be freely looked into. Thick fabric should also be hung in the kitchen, but in this case to prevent the penetration of foreign odors.

Thread curtains

One of the varieties of curtains are products made from threads for decoration. Thanks to the use of this option, you can achieve a feeling of lightness in the interior. Such curtains are almost weightless and do not interfere with the passage.

Such curtains fit perfectly into the interior of the premises. Such curtains will be an excellent alternative to conventional doors. They harmoniously combine with furniture and other interior items.

Wooden curtains

Roller blinds, bamboo curtains, string curtains made of wooden beads and other decor options. They differ in color solutions and design features. The choice depends on the combination with the interior decor and interior of the room.

The most widespread are bamboo curtains. Bamboo decor is practical and easy to maintain.

Thread curtains are made from nylon threads on which various wooden elements, beads, cardboard parts. The result is an exclusive design option for the door opening.

Replacing a door with an arch

Modern design solution– decorating the interior of a room using an arch. This option is used in various variations and forms. In each individual case, the arched design adds decorative elements to the interior of the room. To decorate the arches, fabric, plastic, decorative rock and other materials having a variety of colors and shapes.

If you are thoroughly tired of the doors between rooms, you should get rid of them and redesign the room. In this case, use an arched design. With its help, you can divide the room into separate parts, giving it uniqueness and originality. The decor of the arch depends only on your preferences.

Sliding structures

IN small apartments The use of this type of door replacement is the most common. Sliding structures increase the interior space of the room. Due to their diversity, they suit any interior. The model, color and even decorative material are selected individually. Even fabric can be used in this design.

There are several models of sliding structures:

  • The design of the pencil case door fits perfectly into the interior of a small room. The only negative is the complexity of installation. For such a design, you will have to specially make a hidden compartment in the wall into which the door leaf will slide;
  • The sliding door differs from the previous version in its ease of installation. There is no need to redo the wall for it, but the space along it will have to be left free so that the doors have room to move apart.

Many people prefer sliding systems. They blend with the interior of the room and bring fresh colors to the design of the room. Such models are already long time maintain leading positions in Russian market. Thanks to the material they are made of, they are suitable for any consumer, from wood lovers to fabric lovers.

The advantages of sliding structures include the following characteristics:

  • elements for moving door leaves are located in the upper part of the structure and hidden under the decorative panel;
  • are made from various materials;
  • They have an attractive appearance and are practical to use. Thanks to the application quality elements the design ensures smooth, silent operation;
  • combine with any interior design.

Produce self-installation This design will not be a problem, especially for patient people.

Folding structures

The accordion door is becoming popular. Since many apartments have narrow passages, it becomes the only worthy option for replacing an interior door. The operating principle is similar to an accordion. The doors, fixed in the upper part of the structure, fold left and right when opened. As a result, a lot free space on the sides of the opening is not required.

Accordion doors are made from various materials. To lighten the weight of the structure, glass or fabric inserts are used. The advantages of such designs include ease of operation, space saving and low price. Disadvantage: poor sound insulation. An accordion will be an ideal decorative element for any room, the main thing is to choose the desired color and structure.

In order to save internal space, the developers came up with this option for replacing an interior door. The advantages of such designs include:

  • a variety of models that are made from both cheap and expensive materials;
  • you can choose any color that matches the interior;
  • ease and simplicity of control;
  • reasonable price of the structure.

Disadvantages include poor noise insulation and a low degree of reliability.

If you decide to replace the door to the room, then there are plenty of choices to change the interior. You just need to decide on your desires and financial capabilities.

The traditional swing door system on hinges is not the only solution to equip a doorway to a room. Today, there are other more functional and extraordinary options for replacing an interior door.

Curtains on the doorway veil the interior of the room from prying eyes.

We list the main options that are suitable as a replacement for an interior door:

Curtain; sliding system; arch; vertical blinds.

Let's consider all the options for arranging a doorway in order.

Curtaining a doorway

The curtain can be made of any materials and have any design. The main thing is that it does not go against the general stylistic direction in room. Why not hang a thread curtain, for example.

Naturally, one cannot expect at least some kind of sound insulation from such barriers. The only reason they are hung is to veil the inner...

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In this article we will talk about how to replace interior doors: what needs to be done and what tool to use. We will also touch upon the issue of types and installation methods: sliding, swing.

Interior door

The entire replacement process can be divided into several stages:

First, we remove the old door, trim, and frame. We prepare the opening for the right way opening a new door. We assemble the timber elements of the opening: frame, canopy, extension. We fasten the hardware: hinges. We fix the timber elements in the opening. We hang the door leaf and foam the cracks in the opening. We cut the lock or door handles. We frame it with platband.

So, replacement is not a difficult matter, you just have to be patient and put our instructions into practice.

How to dismantle an interior door and its components

To do this, first remove the door leaf from its hinges. Now you need to remove the old trim, box and extensions (if any). If these components are nailed...

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If you have started a major renovation in your apartment, then first of all you should pay attention to the interior doors. Creaking, dried out, sagging, covered with several layers oil paint– these doors are unlikely to add an aesthetic appearance to the new design. There is only one solution - replace it interior doors.

Preparatory stage installation of interior doors De installation work Assembling the door frame Hang the door leaf Foam it polyurethane foam The final stage door installation Replacing glass in an interior door Preparing glass Cutting glass Installing glass

Preparatory stage for installing interior doors

From how much Money If you want to invest in door repairs, the price of replacing interior doors will also depend. When buying an expensive solid wood door without help qualified specialist you simply can't get by with the installation. And if you decide to purchase a door made of veneer or MDF and want to save money...

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Sliding door from an ordinary interior door [Archive] - Forum home handyman

View full version: Sliding door from a regular interior door

04.12.2007, 23:51

Dear master! Tell me how to make a non-hung sliding door from an ordinary interior door

How do you imagine a non-hung sliding door?

I understand so. There is already an opening, the frame and door are made according to the opening, and you want to remove the door from its hinges and make it sliding, i.e. so that it moves to one side.

In principle, this is doable. There are retractable interanisms for easy sliding


Unfortunately this best photo what I could find. :confused:

This mechanism consists of 3-4 metal strips extending from one another. They are used mainly for pulling out drawers, when there is a need for the drawer to slide out all the way.
You will need 3 of these mechanisms.

This is the best I can...

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To replace glass in an interior door, you first need to determine how it is installed. Glass can be installed through a slot, using glazing beads or by factory fixation.

First of all, in any of the options, you need to remove the remaining glass and cut out a new piece, which should always be slightly smaller than the opening itself. If the glass is not regular form, it is advisable to make a template from cardboard, transfer the dimensions of the opening onto it and cut a new one from it.

But first you need to prepare the glass, let it warm up to ambient temperature, Rinse soapy water and wipe with a clean cotton rag, this will make cutting easier and will prevent the glass from crumbling and breaking. The place where the glass is fixed must be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining putty and paint.

How to replace glass in an interior door secured with glazing beads

First you need to get rid of the glazing beads themselves. This is done quite simply, under the glazing bead in its place fastening with a nail a cloth is placed...

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Self-replacement interior doors

If there is a need to replace an interior door with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with this process in advance so that all the subtleties and, in principle, the entire process of work become more clear. The task at hand requires a certain skill and accuracy, otherwise it will not be possible to achieve a high-quality result.

How to install a door at home?

Dismantling the old structure

Replacement should begin with getting rid of old door. First of all, you need to remove the old trim using a chisel and hammer. Then remove old design from the hinges, supporting it with a nail puller and, slightly swinging, lift it up. Now all that remains is to get rid of the door frame. This can be done as follows: saw the side planks in the middle with a hacksaw, and then use a pry bar to press the halves away from the opening and remove them. You need to be especially careful when getting rid of the box so as not to damage the opening with tools.


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How to replace interior doors

Interior doors are usually installed when the interior is changed, that is, during an apartment renovation. In addition, they are used for zoning living space, when it is necessary to separate a living room or children's room from the rest of the area. Currently, two types of interior doors are used: panel and panel.

As a rule, paneled doors have a more attractive appearance. However, they are characterized by low resistance to high humidity and to significant temperature changes. The panel door has practically no these shortcomings, so it does not jam or knock.

You can buy interior doors at your nearest store. building materials. But before you go shopping, you need to measure the door frame. Sometimes when choosing a new door there are difficulties associated with non-standard size doorway. As a rule, this applies to older houses. Therefore, experts recommend buying doors as a set...

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Interior door design

Interior doors are an important part of the interior of the room and the entire home as a whole. Doors make us feel protected. Interior doors perform important functions - they isolate residents from the smells, sounds and other people present in the apartment. Today, there are two main types of interior doors - panel and panel. The designs of these doors differ from each other. Panel type doors consist of a frame, panels inserted into it and glass. The area that is distinguished by profiled thin frames and a shield made of plastic or plywood, and which covers the frame, is called a panel.

Paneled doors are characterized by excellent sound insulation and light weight. A paneled door is not suitable for making with your own hands, because it has a complex structure, and just watching a video about making an interior door is not enough. Interior panel doors are primarily used for independent...

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However, during operation they lose their attractiveness and sometimes fail. Of course, you can replace the door, but what if the woman does not have the opportunity to do this? Then you need to take on the repair of the interior door yourself, and perhaps such a repair will change the door beyond recognition - it will become better than it was originally.

Replacement of platbands

Complete replacement of a door is not cheap, so it is worth replacing the trim so that the door looks new and does not bear the imprint of long-term use. Moreover, this is much easier to do than it seems at first glance. The platbands are hooked up with a screwdriver or a pry bar. Of course, here you will need to use force, and it is better if someone helps the woman at this moment. Most likely they are attached using furniture nails, these nails should be removed using pliers. The platbands must be fixed, starting from any (of the long parts), at a distance of 3-5 mm from the inner edge of the box. One edge...

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It is known that when renovating an apartment, it is advisable to replace door partitions. Any major renovation loses its appearance without a modern door. There are two known ways to replace doors:

Invite craftsmen; Install it yourself.

The preference for one method or another depends solely on the financial capabilities of the owner. Let's dwell in detail on the second option. So, how to replace an interior door with your own hands?

Statistics show that MDF or plastic panels are often installed by the owners themselves, while solid wood doors are entrusted to craftsmen. First of all, you will need special tools, approximately what is in the box (see picture).


The process starts with dismantling works, that is, as carefully as possible, using a chisel, you should tear off the old platbands. We remove the canvas and remove the box.

Attention! It is advisable to cut the box with a hacksaw, then pull it out in parts.

If possible, we make the opening even, everything...

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Despite the fact that the majority of people always strive for their own kind, and communication plays a significant role in his life, the desire to be alone and collect his thoughts comes to him constantly.

For this reason, the presence of interior doors in the house is mandatory and necessary. Besides practical side, interior doors have a large percentage of participation in shaping the interior of a home, and even with insignificant external content, they complement the overall picture interior decoration Houses.

During housing construction, the doors that are initially installed do not have a very attractive appearance, and the process of their operation, associated with the loads they experience, makes this factor even sadder. Therefore, over time, replacing interior doors is simply necessary.

The process of replacing doors itself is quite complex and requires certain skills and abilities. But if the desire to save money in the family budget is higher than the danger...

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Replacing interior doors is quite a labor-intensive task. You will need carpentry skills, tools and a competent assistant. But, nevertheless, you are quite capable of doing it yourself.

Tools you will need when replacing interior doors:

Hacksaw for wood or metal; - miter box; - hammer; - chisels for the width of the loop; - screwdrivers or screwdriver; - building level; - drill (drills of different diameters); - wooden blocks and wedges different thicknesses; - polyurethane foam.

If all the tools are available, we write down the dimensions of the old door and frame and go to the store for a new one. The seller is a consultant; based on your measurements, he will help you with your choice (during consultation, be sure to specify which direction the doors will open), and we pay for the purchase. In the kit, purchase fittings (door handles and hinges, usually fasteners are included with them), dowels with screws of suitable size for the door frame.

Feel free at home...

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After changes exterior design premises or purchasing new furniture, a regular hinged interior door may not fit into general interior or interfere with the installation of a wall or wardrobe. In this case, the question arises - how to replace the interior door so as not to disrupt the overall design.

In practice, the most popular method is used - retractable doors on rollerskates. They save significant space when correct installation They do not make noise while moving, they open and close easily. Any materials can be used as a door leaf: plastic, MDF, door glass.

Some craftsmen install accordion doors. This type is suitable for the kitchen, hallway section, but is not entirely suitable for the bathroom or toilet. When purchasing ready-made accordions, you need to take into account the style of the room and the width of the doorway. Standard openings are: 60, 80, 90 cm.

For a bedroom doorway, installing roller blinds may be suitable. This type of door is especially suitable...

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Over time, even the most quality doors fall into disrepair. The material dries out or becomes deformed, the coatings wear off and fade. In this case, it is necessary to replace the old doors with new ones, or to give the old doors the new kind, restore them. And what happens even more often is that the look of the doors may simply become boring or not suit your taste. In such a situation, replacing with new ones is not at all advisable. It’s better to update the doors yourself and think about creating a new design for it.

Stage 1: removing the old coating and processing the door

If there are deep scratches or cracks on the surface of the door, or the door is slightly askew, then it is best to remove it and put it in complete order. And before any subsequent finishing, it is worth getting rid of the old coating. For similar works It is advisable to have at least basic knowledge of working with wood and a set of tools.

In order to update wooden door, remove it from its hinges. Remove all fittings (handles, locks,...

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Replacing glass in an interior door

What spoils the mood and the entire interior of the house? That's right, that's broken glass in the interior door. What can we say about the fact that you can cut yourself on broken glass. Considering the current sad situation, the apartment owners are faced with the question: what to do? There is only one answer in this situation: collect all the fragments and replace the glass in the interior door.

Many will say that glass replacement should only be done by professionals, and they will be right. After all, now the construction and design of doors is made so complex that it is difficult for an untrained person to understand how to fix glass.

But professional approach Only needed for expensive doors that are made to order. After all, now, for a fee, you can create such a piece of art that even a first-class master will throw up his hands. On modern doors you can find glass baguettes, mirrors and other decorative elements.

Replacing rectangular glass


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A modern interior door is not only about sound and heat insulation of a room. This is a full-fledged element of the interior, playing an important decorative role. This is probably what manufacturers of building materials are guided by when setting prices for doors. No, it’s not that they are too high, but they are not low at all. But you really want all the details in the interior to match each other. For those who do not have extra material resources, but have good taste, imagination and a great desire to decorate their home, we will tell you how to decorate interior doors with your own hands. Please note that, most likely, in addition to the doors themselves, the door slopes and, of course, the doorway will also require your attention.

Preparing interior doors for finishing Methods for finishing interior doors Painting doors Opening with varnish Staining Veneering Applying vinyl stickers Decoupage of interior doors Craquelure Inlaying doors Stained glass painting Sandblasting pattern Finishing...

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The contractor offered a price of 7,500 rubles.

Alexey, good afternoon! I am ready to help you with your question. The process will look like this: I come to you, get the exact dimensions of the required doors, guides and fittings. Next, I receive an advance from you for the purchase of everything necessary (against a receipt, of course) or you and I or your representative go to the store, where we purchase everything we need, come back and I install the doors in place. The price is for the entire range of services, taking into account possible difficulties. Tools and skills available. you need to be prepared for some changes in appearance Your closet (maximum door height, color, fittings, nuances). It depends on some details and the state of what is there, which can only be determined unambiguously with direct...

Installing an interior door in an apartment or country house- not the only way to delimit interior space. There are a few more practical and available options. Among them are sliding partitions, doors with a rotary mechanism, etc. Let’s talk about each of them in more detail.

Wall panels

Option with wall panels can hardly be considered an alternative to doors in the full sense of the word. After all, the panels are more of a decorative element of the interior. Therefore, there are few options for using them: 1) on the entire wall without doorway; 2) panels + door.

Whichever option you choose, the advantages of the panels will not be diminished. One of the advantages is the ability to choose the coating material: from budget PVC to MDF and natural veneer. Let's look at the advantages of veneer panels using VOLUME from RADA DOORS as an example:

    panels can be used in different types rooms: in the kitchen, bedroom, living room or hallway.

    easy to install. The principle is the following - on pre-assembled metal profiles wall panels are hung.

    environmental friendliness. The veneer for the panels is made from natural wood - there is no glue, no harmful paint, no plaster.

    easy to care for. Simply wipe with a damp cloth.

    good heat and sound insulation properties.

Sliding partitions

Among the alternatives to interior doors, we would classify sliding partitions as the most versatile. They combine both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Such solutions are suitable for both small apartments and apartments. Restrictions for sliding partitions No. They are usually installed for the following purposes:

    zoning of bedroom and living room. Installing a partition between them solves several problems: 1) visually expands the room and visibility; 2) instead of narrow passages and interior doors, you get almost free passage.

    zoning of small apartments. Installed to separate work areas from the rest of the space, children's corner etc.

    For country house With large kitchen when it is necessary to separate it from the living room. But remember that in this case you will have to use partitions that are not made of natural wood/veneer. Due to the sensitivity of veneer to high humidity and temperature changes, we do not recommend using sliding veneer partitions instead of doors for these types of rooms. In a country house, veneer panels are ideal for zoning a study, bedroom, or living room.

03.09.2016 11998

Replacing doors is quite a troublesome task. The entire installation process consists of step-by-step actions, as a result of which the work will be done efficiently. Having decided to install the door yourself, you need to realize that it will take time and effort to implement your plan. However, subject to certain rules, you will do it relatively quickly and efficiently, and your family will rejoice at the results of your work. New door It will decorate your interior and add coziness to your home.

Correct door installation. Please note that replacing interior doors on our own involves several stages. After selection, installation work is carried out, adhering to a certain order.

Necessary requirements for finishing of premises

Installation can only be done after rough Finishing work. That is, the walls need to be leveled, putty applied to them, and the doorway also needs to be plastered. Wet work must be completed and the wall surfaces must be dried. This is done so that moisture does not lead to it. Draft flooring must also be laid. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the height of the finishing floor and the size of the threshold. If the doors are being repaired, all these nuances can be omitted, since they will not affect final result, and get to work right away, that is, install a new one.

Selecting doors and components

On construction market range door designs wide enough. Manufacturers offer models made from various materials. Most often you can find doors made of fiberboard, MDF and natural wood.

  1. The frame of the door is made of fiberboard and is covered with laminated fibreboard. The advantages of such a product are: affordable price and lightness, which allows for effortless delivery and installation. The only disadvantage of such a design for a doorway is the fragility of the slab itself, as well as poor resistance to moisture. Doors made of fiberboard are recommended for installation in rooms with low humidity.
  1. Doors made from finely dispersed fraction (MDF) are more durable and moisture resistant. In addition, they are soundproofed, and the quality of the slab corresponds to the cost.
  1. The most durable and reliable structures made from natural wood. The cost of such interior doors depends on the wood from which they are made. Canvases from valuable species wood is great for rooms with a sophisticated interior.

In addition to the most popular models, there are doors made of solid glass, metal-plastic and steel. Regardless of the material, the width of the interior door must correspond to the size of the doorway.

How durable the door frame is determines how long the installed structure will last. Door frames are:

  • made of fiberboard (look aesthetically pleasing, but not too durable);
  • from wood that could not be processed (high-strength dry timber);
  • made of wood laminated with paper (the quality of the lamination plays an important role).

It is best to buy ready-made ones with embedded fittings and a sawed-off box. However, for installation you will need platbands, and in some cases, an additional strip.

When purchasing doors, you need to make sure that the necessary fittings are available ( door hinges, locks, etc.), as well as select components. You also need to take care of purchasing door handles. , and also choose quality awnings for interior doors.

Some models are supplied with a box. This is convenient because the manufacturer puts markings for the hinges taking into account the size of the door leaf. However, you can make the box yourself. In fact, a structure in the shape of the letter “P” is constructed from timber (two posts and a cross member). The only thing you need to take into account: the thickness of the timber for the box should be equal to the thickness of the canvas.

In most cases, the width of the door leaf is 60 centimeters, but sometimes narrow doors are required, their width is no more than 40 cm. Often, narrow interior doors are installed:

  • in bathrooms (toilet, bath);
  • in utility rooms and storerooms;
  • in the kitchen.

Necessary equipment

In order for the work to be of high quality and the replacement of old doors to be carried out successfully, you need to ensure that you have special tools. They can be bought or rented. From electric tools you will need:

  • a circular saw,
  • drill-driver,
  • miter saw,
  • hammer drill,
  • electric router.

Hand-held tools such as chisels different sizes, hammer, screwdrivers, tape measure, level, hacksaw, as well as a hand router for inserting a lock.

You will also need items such as screws, nails and foam for installation.


When you need to replace an interior door in an apartment, you must first dismantle the old one. To do this, do the following:

  1. the fabric is removed from the loops;
  2. the cash is removed (the plugs on the screws are removed; the screws are unscrewed with a screwdriver);
  3. dismantle the door frame (unscrew the fasteners, cut off the foam, remove the frame from the opening, flat surface take it apart).

Installation of racks

The installation of the door frame requires special attention when installing the door. . They begin to install it from vertical racks. To do this, use a miter saw to cut top part stands at an angle of 45°. This can be done with a hacksaw or a miter box. Then we measure the length of the stand with inside(the gap at the top should be 0.4 cm, and at the bottom – 1 cm + the height of the door leaf). We perform similar actions with the second rack. Then we make the cross member. Again we measure from the inside desired length lintels (take into account the gap on both sides of 0.4 cm and the width of the door leaf). After this, you need to strengthen the doorway with self-tapping screws.

Fastening the hinges

At the stage of installing door hinges, care is also required. When making calculations you need to make precise measurements from the top and bottom edge door leaf, and also determine the seating depth of the hinges. On the inside of the stand, measure 20 cm from the top edge of the canvas, attach a loop, the contours of which we outline with a pencil. The gap from the canvas to the edge of the stand when the loop is folded should be 0.4 cm. The installation depth depends on the thickness of the loop. Manual router or using a chisel we prepare a place for planting the lower loop. Its installation differs only in the gap, which is 1 cm at the bottom. After the hinges are attached, we attach the stand to the canvas and mark the places for the hinges. Afterwards we prepare the seats for the loops on door leaf just like on the door post.

Box installation

Installation of the box provides the following:

  1. fasten perpendicularly vertical racks to the horizontal crossbar;
  2. we install the door frame in the opening and strengthen it with spacers;
  3. level the box and secure it with self-tapping screws;
  4. install the hinges and hang the canvas on them to check how the door opens (the hung door should not spring);
  5. we eliminate possible flaws;
  6. We fill the cracks with polyurethane foam, after it dries, we remove the spacers;
  7. after this the opening should be cashed.

That's all a novice master needs to know about installing a door. Installing new or replacing interior doors with your own hands will allow you to save money and enjoy the results of your work.