home · Tool · Treating the apartment with bleach. How to tidy up your apartment after an illness, methods of disinfection. When do you need professional disinfection of an apartment: cost and time of work

Treating the apartment with bleach. How to tidy up your apartment after an illness, methods of disinfection. When do you need professional disinfection of an apartment: cost and time of work

Appears at any time of the year. Largest number diseases - hot period, vacation time, holidays, holidays with children. It is difficult for patients who have contracted rotavirus; those around them often find themselves at risk of the virus due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

Rotavirus infection is an infectious disease that affects the intestinal mucosa. Symptoms of intestinal infection: vomiting, fever, diarrhea.

The disease leads to dehydration of the body, changes in acid-base balance with predominance of oxidation. The result is impaired blood circulation and kidney failure.

Key points:

  1. Isolation of the patient in a separate room, use of personal utensils, towels (wash daily). Observe the patient's rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Wet cleaning of premises, special bathrooms and toilet rooms. Treatment of door handles, taps, plumbing fixtures.
  3. Palaces, Stuffed Toys clean with a brush previously moistened with a disinfectant. The child is removed from the premises.
  4. Toys (twice a day) and dishes (when used) are disinfected. For washing - soap and soda solution.
  5. Change the patient's worn clothes and bedding daily. Before washing, it is placed in a sealed cellophane bag; if the laundry is contaminated with vomit or feces, mandatory disinfection by soaking or boiling.
  6. If vomit or feces gets on the flooring or furniture, use rags, wash and disinfect after disinfection, seal in a bag and throw away.
  7. Wipe the dining table with a cloth treated with a disinfectant. After sanitary cleaning, disinfect equipment; Using disposable wipes and rags would be a smart choice.

Duration of “residence” of rotavirus in an apartment

It is known how long rotavirus lives in an apartment: on various things - up to 14 days, on food in the refrigerator - up to 30 days. Quarantine measures are designed for 5 days: in the first 5 days, the infection is active in the microclimate of the house.

Later, the likelihood of infection is reduced to a minimum. There is a risk of infection from a carrier of stomach flu during the rehabilitation period.

Ammonia use in the kitchen: it will eliminate the smell of the patient’s vomit.

Do not combine alcoholic substances with chlorine-containing preparations.


Folk remedies will help you get rid of intestinal flu. Tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect. Using aroma lamps or a spray bottle, spray the substance into the airspace (dilute 200 ml of water with 2 tablespoons of tea oil).

We need to clean the apartment.

Special chemicals

Treat the room with chemicals:

  1. "Deactivate-chlor" is an antimicrobial drug against candidiasis and tuberculosis.
  2. "Aseptic Special" - has antimicrobial properties against hepatitis, tuberculosis, polio.
  3. “Deactiv Universal” is an antimicrobial agent for bird flu and SARS.

Disinfection for rotavirus infection is most effective with regular ventilation and sanitation with disinfectants, which will eliminate the possibility of the disease manifesting itself.

Strengthen your family's immunity with fortified fruits and vegetables.

Salt lamps

The essence of disinfection with a salt lamp: salt crystals form ions in the microclimate, destroy viruses and bacteria. The air is saturated with trace elements of sea salt. The device is capable of disinfecting a room for no more than 10 square meters.

Air recirculator

The infection cleaner disinfects a space of up to 50 square meters. Operating principle: air with infection passes through the device, ultraviolet rays cleanse bacteria. The recirculator is also used when there is a person in the room. Children and animals can play when the unit is turned on.


Quartz method: a powerful quartz lamp, the procedure lasts 40 minutes.

Does a quartz lamp kill infections? It’s clear. It is known for its disinfecting effects. The mechanism is used to clean the microclimate and objects of the house.

The device is used to irradiate the body.

The peculiarity of the work is simple: the device emits ultraviolet radiation, which has a negative effect on microbes. The lamp emits ozone, which is harmful to the body. It is important to handle the ultraviolet lamp carefully.

When quartzing the surface of the skin, consult a doctor. Rules:

  1. Wear safety glasses and cover areas not subject to sun exposure with a towel.
  2. Irradiate after loading the lamp for five minutes.
  3. Place the ultraviolet lamp at a distance of at least 50 cm from the patient’s body.
  4. Before use, rub sunscreen or oil onto your skin.
  5. The procedure time increases from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Each subsequent session is for 30 seconds.
  6. Irradiate the skin no more than 5 times a day.
  7. After rotavirus treatment of the skin, the lamp turns off and cools down for 40 minutes.

If the skin is dry, sensitive, cracks appear, dilated blood vessels, discard the lamp.

Damp, darkened corners of the walls and ceiling, traces of insect droppings in the bed and on the wallpaper, signs of rodents are good reasons to sanitize your apartment or house or office. The procedure is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microflora, insects and rodents in the area where a person lives or stays (food, things, etc.). Bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold, as well as cockroaches, fleas, mice and bedbugs, create an environment unfavorable for human life. Neighborhood with pests leads to frequent illnesses children and adults, decreased quality of life and the development of irreversible pathological processes in the body. If you sleep restlessly due to extraneous noise or discomfort in the bed, often get sick, or notice black deposits on the ceiling and walls, you need disinfection or disinfestation of your apartment.

Why are bacteria and mold, bedbugs and mice so dangerous?

As long as the human immune system is able to resist negative factors, the person feels normal. But the slightest weakening of it (illness, physical fatigue and even stress) will provoke the development of related problems if disinfection of the apartment or house has not been carried out. The presence of fungi, mice, mold, insects and bacteria will inevitably lead to:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • ailments of the cardiovascular system;
  • infection with encephalitis, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, or others;
  • dermatitis, severe allergic reactions, eczema;
  • bronchial asthma, body intoxication, etc.

Insects and rodents can cause infection with intractable diseases that do not go away without leaving a trace on the body. According to a number of them, in 76% of cases they give varying degrees of disability. Therefore, disinfection of an apartment or house is the first thing to do when moving to a new place or discovering the slightest traces of the presence of unwanted guests in the house.

When do you need professional disinfection of an apartment: cost and time of work

Execute with high quality sanitization premises can only be done by a professional who uses special means and tools. He knows where and how to treat the premises so that disinfection from insects and mold is successful and solves the problems of the residents. It is also worth remembering that direct work with insecticides may be unsafe for humans. That's why self-disinfection apartments often ends in poisoning.

The answer to the question of how much it costs to disinfect an apartment depends on the area being treated, the method used, and the severity of the problem. Companies perform all types of sanitation. Namely, disinfection, deratization and disinfestation - the price list will tell you the prices of procedures when treating premises of various sizes.

Methods for disinfecting apartments in Moscow and the region

The type of threat determines the method of disinfecting the apartment, the price of the procedure and its duration. Among the technologies:

  • Physical disinsection of an apartment or house.

The method involves the use of ultraviolet light sources, processing of things, furniture, tools, dishes and other things and objects in the zone of infection with hot steam. High-quality disinfection of an apartment begins with wet cleaning of the premises and boiling of objects. The method does not affect bacterial and some fungal spores, but it is effective when the living space is infected with intestinal infections.

Gases, powders and solutions created on the basis of chemicals different spectrum of action. Experienced specialist selects a disinfectant or disinfestation product - prices are listed on our company's website - based on the type of problem and the degree of infection of a person's comfort zone. Both drugs that are dangerous to humans and domestic animals, as well as low-hazard ones, can be used. Therefore, the procedure is carried out with mandatory protection. Deratization is also performed using chemicals - the price list will tell you the cost of the procedure.

  • Biological professional disinfection of apartments and houses.

The technology for destroying pathogenic microflora involves the use of bacteriophages that are safe for humans. Finding them is relatively difficult, which makes the price of the technology an order of magnitude higher than that of other methods. But you can find out how much it costs to disinfect an apartment biological method from our consultants. Bacteriophages actively devour spores, rods, viruses and other pathogens. The method is used quite rarely, but if there are people with allergies or small children in the house, then it is as justified as possible.

Professional deratization and disinfestation, prices for which can vary greatly depending on the contamination of the area where a person stays, is performed in 97% of cases using a combined method. The specialist examines the contaminated area, assesses the level of danger, and determines the routes and types of infection. In 7 out of 10 cases, in addition to the supposed problem, there are also hidden threats to the health of residents. Professional disinfection of an apartment from insects in Moscow in 92% of cases includes chemical and physical methods pest control.

Should you order home disinfection from professionals?

The maximum cost of deratization, disinfestation or disinfection will be about 7,500 -8,500 rubles. (the indicated prices are approximate, the average area of ​​4 rooms is taken into account). The specialist gives a guarantee of 1.5 to 2 years for the work performed. In this case, the procedure will be performed 100% efficiently and competently. According to estimates, professional disinfection will cost 15-45% less than doing it yourself.

Why? It's simple. When disinsection or deratization of rodents is carried out independently, the price of work will include the cost of:

Complete processing depends on the size of the infected object. On average, sanitation takes from 30 (1 room sq.) to 80 (4 room sq.) minutes. We also carry out work using hot and cold fog, and install barrier protection. Professional approach - one-time procedure. At independent decision Problems will have to be processed at least 2-4 times. Therefore, it will be more economically profitable to contact us for advice.

Disinfection disinfects the room, kills harmful microorganisms and eliminates toxins. This procedure is especially necessary during periods of exacerbation viral diseases.

Disinfection is also carried out when isolating the patient is not enough, and other people are at risk of disease. The procedure is also carried out after an illness to clean the room, kill harmful microbes and reduce the risk of relapse.

In addition, it is important to regularly disinfect if there are a large number of animals in the house. The procedure is performed not only in the listed cases, but also as a prevention of influenza, various infections and fungus. In this article we will look at how to disinfect an apartment and treat a room from viruses yourself.

How to properly disinfect an apartment

  1. Chemicals are the simplest and most reliable method. Choose products that contain bleach, chlorine or monochloramine, which are designed to fight bacteria, viruses and fungus. The classic “Whiteness” works well. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and follow the recommendations. In most cases, it is necessary to use protective equipment;
  2. Folk remedies. Instead of store-bought drugs, you can treat the room with hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, acetic acid, or even a saturated salt solution. These compositions also disinfect the apartment, eliminate dangerous bacteria after rotavirus, flu or any infection;
  3. Aromatizing the air with essential oils and aroma lamps - affordable and effective method disinfection. In addition, this procedure saturates the room with a pleasant aroma, promotes comfortable rest and relaxation, creates a cozy atmosphere in the house. The most effective is tea tree oil, which has antifungal and antibacterial effects. It cleans and refreshes the air in the apartment without chemical additives. In addition, essential oils of lavender, fir and pine needles, eucalyptus and lemon are suitable. For 20 square meters, two drops of any 100% essential oil are enough. Just add natural remedy into an aroma lamp;
  4. Ultraviolet lamp - reliable and cheap way, which is common in medical institutions. For home use You can purchase a portable ultraviolet device. This lamp can only be used in an empty room without people or animals. Large furniture and other immovable objects are covered with a thick dark blanket or blanket. The procedure is carried out for about twenty minutes, after which the room is thoroughly ventilated;
  5. A salt lamp disinfects the room and saturates the air in the apartment with beneficial substances of sea salt. Salt crystals form ions that reliably and quickly destroy various viruses, bacteria, and prevent diseases. However, the effect of one lamp is only sufficient for 10 square meters;
  6. A bactericidal air recirculator allows you to disinfect the air in a room up to 50 m2. For a separate room, choose a device with less power. The device takes in contaminated air, purifies it using ultraviolet light, and releases it back as clean air. At the same time, the recirculator is absolutely safe, so people and animals can be in the room without fear during the procedure;
  7. Humidifiers increase humidity and purify the air. In addition, they moisturize human skin and mucous membranes, which also reduces the risk of viral diseases. It is important to regularly refresh the water in your humidifier to get maximum performance. Read about the operation of the device and how to choose the right humidifier here.

Chemical and folk disinfectants

The safest among chemical compositions is considered to be a solution of monochloramine, which is taken at the rate of 50 grams per 10 liters of water. The product is used to treat walls, ceilings and floors, tiles and plastic, furniture, plumbing fixtures, and door handles.

Folk remedies are safer than chemical ones. In addition, they are more accessible and cheaper than various devices. Chemical composition will replace table vinegar 9%, which is diluted in the proportion of two tablespoons per liter of water. This composition is used to wash floors, walls and tiles. For children's toys, clothing and upholstered furniture, use a 7% vinegar solution.

Hydrogen peroxide is suitable for disinfecting linen and clothing, especially white items. To do this, dissolve one hundred grams of the product in ten liters of warm water, where the products are immersed. Then bring the water to a boil and boil the clothes for 15 minutes, stirring regularly.

Using washing machine One hundred grams of hydrogen peroxide is diluted in boiling water and poured into the drum. Place already washed laundry into the solution and wash for another 5-10 minutes. For colored items, pour 50 grams into the tank before rinsing. table vinegar per five liters of water.

How to properly disinfect a room

If you use chemical or folk remedies, it is important to follow the rules of the procedure. Be sure to use gloves; sometimes safety glasses and a respirator are required. Some compounds are dangerous and aggressive, which leads to burns on the skin, irritation of the eyes, mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

Children and animals should not be present in the room during the procedure. The disinfection process is like general cleaning. First, clean the corners with a cloth and detergent, and then wash each horizontal surface. After treatment with special compounds, the surfaces are washed clean water and wipe dry.

Don’t forget about disinfecting curtains and carpets, soft toys, souvenirs and various small items. It is important to treat not only the walls, floor and ceiling, but also every item in the room. For convenience, use a spray bottle when disinfecting small items.

It is advisable to wash soft toys, curtains, fabric covers in warm water with powder. Besides, small items you can disinfect separately using an ultraviolet lamp.

Pay special attention to the things you use daily. These are dishes, door handles and railings, a computer keyboard and mouse. These items require careful disinfection.

After finishing cleaning and using the ultraviolet lamp, be sure to ventilate the room. In addition to disinfection, you can use a number of other recommendations to avoid viral diseases.

Safety precautions against flu and colds

Proper nutrition, fresh fruits and vegetables, taking vitamins, exercising, physical exercise and hardening is the first thing that comes to mind. But in order to fully protect yourself from a possible cold, it is important to secure the premises. A suitable option there will be frequent ventilation. During the day, it is advisable to ventilate the premises every four hours, and at night, leave the window open.

Support comfortable temperature and moisture for the body. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees Celsius, and optimal humidity is 50-70%. Use air humidifiers indoors.

They maintain the necessary humidity and comfortable microclimate in the house, have a positive effect on health and well-being, and preserve for a long time upholstered furniture And wooden crafts in a good condition.

If someone in the house is sick, move the sick person to a separate room. He must eat from a separate container and use his own towel. Healthy people must always use protective gauze bandages when in contact with a sick person.

After the person has recovered, be sure to wash, or better yet, boil clothes and bedding, disinfect the toothbrush, or better yet, replace it with a new one.

To maintain a healthy and comfortable indoor microclimate, use houseplants, since many contain phytoncides. These useful material help protect your home from colds and flu. Cyperus, begonia and a coffee tree, geranium and azalea, ficus and various citrus plants.

Dust regularly and do wet cleaning. Viruses and bacteria settle on every surface. Their lifespan in dust increases to five weeks. Therefore, it is important to regularly remove dust from surfaces, clean and vacuum carpets, curtains and soft toys, because these are excellent “dust collectors”.

To prevent dust from settling on surfaces longer, take a special microfiber or regular wool cloth. When rubbing, add two to three drops of rose or lavender essential oil to the water. This is an excellent antistatic agent. How to wipe dust correctly and effectively so that it does not sit for a long time, read the link

Frequent ventilation

This is perhaps the most common advice you hear. Indeed, the vast majority of viruses reach us by airborne droplets through the nasopharynx.

Therefore, frequent ventilation of the room in which the virus is circulating is, of course, a way out, but it will not completely protect us from infection.

Because, to paraphrase a well-known proverb, you can’t open the window for every sneeze. In addition, viruses and bacteria are not only in the air, they settle literally everywhere. And even in dust they can maintain their vitality for up to 5 weeks! Therefore, you will have to roll up your sleeves and pick up a rag.

Wet cleaning and washing

First, let’s remove all the “dust collectors” – carpets and soft toys. Cleaning should be carried out at least twice a day with special disinfectants.

If someone in the family gets sick with the flu or an acute respiratory infection, ideally they should be moved to a separate room and given individual dishes and a towel. And those who care for him or communicate with him should wear a four-layer gauze bandage, which should be changed every four hours. Healthy people Those who are forced to stay in the same apartment with a sick person are recommended to take immunostimulating drugs to boost their immunity.

Monochloramine solution is suitable for wiping floors, walls, tiles, plastic, furniture, plumbing fixtures, door handles, painted surfaces oil paint. Just remember to protect your hands with latex gloves while cleaning.

If you absolutely do not want to use a chlorine-containing product, you can replace it with 9% table vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). You can fill a spray bottle with a 3–7% vinegar solution and use it on children’s toys, clothes, floors, and upholstered furniture. If you're concerned that vinegar will ruin things, try it on a small area first.

White linen can be disinfected by immersing it in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution; it has bleaching properties (100 g of the drug is dissolved in 10–12 liters of warm water, the laundry is immersed in it, brought to a boil and boiled, stirring, for 15 minutes).

When washing by machine, boiling water is poured into the drum, 100 g of hydrogen peroxide is added and pre-washed laundry is placed in the solution for 5-10 minutes. Colored items can be disinfected using the same vinegar. Immerse them in a weak vinegar solution before washing (50-100 g of table vinegar per 5 liters of water) or pour this solution into the washing machine tank before rinsing already washed clothes.

Ultraviolet irradiation

This great way kill all viruses and bacteria. Just keep in mind that irradiators open type are used indoors in the absence of people, otherwise you can seriously damage the cornea of ​​the eye or get a “sunburn” of the skin.

Germicidal ultraviolet lamps closed type able to work all day in the presence of people. If you have a regular household quartz tanning lamp in your house, then it can also be used for disinfection, including 10 minutes every one and a half to two hours.

Air aromatization

Essential oils containing a large number of phytoncides are also our allies in the fight against viruses and pathogenic bacteria. There are especially many of these useful volatile compounds in lavender, eucalyptus, monarda, basil, fennel, lemon balm oils coniferous plants. However, most aromatic oils have an antiseptic effect, so choose according to your taste. For a room of 20 sq. m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, just two drops of 100% essential oil are enough. You can saturate the atmosphere with them using an aroma lamp or an ultrasonic diffuser - the latter will also humidify the air in the room.

By the way, today there are also portable diffusers that connect to a personal computer via a USB socket; however, instead of this gadget, you can hang an amulet or aroma pendant filled with essential oil around your neck.

You can also place saucers with finely chopped onions or garlic throughout the house - they contain a lot of phytoncides.

Fumigation of the premises

This effective way fighting viruses has been known since ancient times. To repel viruses and bacteria, you can burn a handful of dried eucalyptus, sage, rosemary, lavender or juniper leaves. However, it is much more convenient to use incense or traditional incense sticks soaked in natural essential oils of jasmine, orange, rose, mandarin, clove, lemon, sandalwood, myrrh, ginger, eucalyptus, cedar, fir, juniper, and lavender. True, you should not get carried away with incense sticks: they can irritate the eyes or nasal mucosa and even provoke an asthma attack.


Many of them contain large amounts of phytoncides, which help protect the home from colds.

For example, cyperus reduces the bacteria content in the air by 59%, begonia and pelargonium by 43%, asparagus by 38%, and coffee tree by 30%. Geranium, azalea, asparagus, dieffenbachia spotted, ficus benjamina, and all citrus fruits are rich in these beneficial compounds. By the way, emitted by plants essential oils not only clean the air, but also improve the well-being of everyone living in the house, increasing their resistance to acute respiratory diseases. So if you haven't joined yet indoor floriculture, we advise you to quickly become a “green friend”.

By the way

Influenza viruses retain their viability in the air for about 4 hours in drops of saliva and sputum. When dry, they can live up to 2–5 weeks.

Adenoviruses feel great in water, including tap water, remaining alive for up to 4 months or more. But even in a dry environment - on furniture or clothing - they remain viable for up to 2 weeks at room temperature and up to 2 months at a temperature of + 4 °C.

Rhinoviruses, one of the main culprits of colds, are usually transmitted through direct contact rather than through airborne droplets. People with colds often mechanically touch their nose. Viruses remain alive on their hands for up to 4 hours. And it is through them that infection of other people occurs - through a handshake, through household items that the patient took, through door handles that he touched.

See also:

  • Milk, masks and essential oils. How to protect yourself from ARVI and influenza? →
  • Wash your hands and don't kiss. How to prevent your child from getting sick during the holidays →
  • Summer without colds. How to prevent illness →

How to disinfect an apartment? In the autumn-winter period, when every person runs the risk of catching a dangerous virus, this issue becomes especially relevant. Disinfection is especially important for families with children. Isolating a sick family member is not always effective, and only thorough cleaning of the room using special products will help prevent infection of everyone in the house. How to properly disinfect at home?

7 ways to disinfect an apartment

Disinfection is a method of disinfecting a room from harmful microorganisms and toxins. What ways are there to protect your apartment from the spread of viruses and bacteria?

  • Method No. 1. Chemicals.

Daily wet cleaning of all horizontal surfaces not only eliminates pathogenic bacteria, but makes the air in the apartment more breathable. For disinfection, you should purchase in the store one of the products that have a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria and fungi. This can be any composition based on monochloramine or bleach. “Whiteness”, “Shine”, “Sanita”, “Desaktin”. The choice is huge, and everyone can find a suitable disinfectant. Before use, read the composition on the product label and make sure that you are not allergic to its components.

  • Method No. 2. Folk remedies.

At home, disinfection can be carried out using long-known and proven methods. This can be hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, ammonia, and even a saturated solution of table salt. All these means allow you to quickly and efficiently disinfect your home, guaranteed to rid the room of pathogenic agents.

  • Method No. 3. Essential oils.

You can disinfect your apartment using oils poured into special lamps. Essential oils dispersed in the air reliably get rid of viruses and bacteria. For disinfection, you should use oils that have an antiseptic effect: tea tree, fir, pine needles, eucalyptus and lemon.

Before using essential oils, make sure that you and your family members are not allergic to such products.

  • Method No. 4. UV lamp.

Ultraviolet disinfection has long been known in medical institutions. This is a very effective and fairly cheap way to clean the air from viruses and bacteria. At home, you can use a portable ultraviolet lamp. Disinfection is carried out in an empty room. All family members and pets must during treatment ultraviolet rays be outside the room. The aquarium with fish and other stationary objects should be covered with a thick blanket. The room treatment time is 15-20 minutes, after which the room must be ventilated.

  • Method No. 5. Salt lamp.

Salt crystals forming ions in the air destroy most viruses and bacteria. At the same time, the air is saturated with the healthy elements of sea salt. This device allows you to disinfect any room with an area of ​​no more than 10 m2. For larger rooms, a salt lamp will be much less effective.

  • Method No. 6. Air recirculator.

A bactericidal recirculator makes it possible to disinfect an apartment with an area of ​​up to 50 m2. You can use a lower power device in a separate room. The recirculator passes contaminated air through itself, purifies it with ultraviolet rays and releases it back. Moreover, the entire device is securely hidden inside the device, so air purification can be carried out in a room filled with people. Children and animals can safely be in the same room with the recirculator turned on.

  • Method No. 7. Humidifier.

This useful device not only increases indoor air humidity, but also helps cleanse it of pathogens. It’s just important to remember to fill the humidifier with clean water from time to time. The device is very popular in families with small children.

How to disinfect?

If you decide to disinfect your apartment using chemicals or folk remedies, you should know about the rules of the procedure. First of all, you need to take care of protection for your eyes and hands. Many room cleaning products are very aggressive and can leave burns on unprotected skin and eyes.

Thick gloves and safety glasses are what you need to purchase before starting disinfection. Don’t forget about a respirator, because many chemicals for cleaning the room, they irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Small children and animals must leave the premises during disinfection.

Disinfecting an apartment is very similar to general cleaning. You should start with the living rooms, thoroughly cleaning all corners and wiping every horizontal surface. The cleaning of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet is completed. Water and cleaning products are changed as needed.

During disinfection, do not forget about curtains, carpets and tapestries. Upholstered furniture should also be treated with special solutions. Children's toys, souvenirs on shelves and other small items should also be disinfected. To make it easier to apply the product to various figurines, you can use a spray bottle.

Fungus on walls requires treatment by special means. Make sure to purchase them in advance.

When carrying out disinfection, not only the walls and floors are treated, but also all objects in the rooms. Soft toys are washed with powder in warm water, plastic ones are treated with special disinfectants. All toys, souvenirs and other small items can be treated with an ultraviolet lamp.

After finishing cleaning, you should thoroughly ventilate the room. It is better for children to leave the room while airing. In the future, all rooms in the house need to be ventilated every 4 hours. At night in good weather it makes sense to leave the window open.

Disinfection of the apartment should be carried out not only during epidemics of influenza and ARVI. Cleaning the premises with special disinfectants can be done every quarter, after sending the children for a walk or on a visit. This measure allows you to cleanse your home of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi and reduce the likelihood of getting sick at the most inopportune moment.

Disinfection of an apartment is a series of procedures aimed at destroying microorganisms that have bad influence on human health, can cause damage to property and be inaccessible to perception.

Timely implementation of this procedure helps prevent the penetration of viral and intestinal infections.

Apartment disinfection methods

There are three main methods:

  • Physical(specialized equipment and ultraviolet radiation properties are used).
  • Chemical(various solutions, vapors, chemicals are used).
  • Biological(Achievements are used genetic engineering and discoveries of microbiology).

The correct choice of method, mode and set of tools for organizing this procedure ensures its effectiveness.

Disinfection is required in the event of a change in the owner of the apartment, the presence of a seriously ill person or the death of one of the residents, as well as when fungus appears in the apartment.

Disinfection of fungus on surfaces

Treatment of a fungal infection should be accompanied by disinfection of everything that the fungus may have come into contact with. This is cleaning dishes, walls, floors, bathrooms, and personal belongings of the patient.

Disinfection against fungus can be done at home.

Bath disinfection

Treat the bottom and walls of the bathtub with a mixture that can be prepared as follows: dilute equal parts of washing powder and 5% chloramine solution to a creamy consistency.

Rinse off the product after 30 minutes.

Do you know that inner part Is the microwave oven covered with a special ray-reflecting coating? Therefore, to clean the inside of the microwave, never use iron mesh or hard substances.

Even frying pans with non-stick coating, With outside covered with soot. In this article you can read how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits.

Shoe disinfection

Treat your shoes with a solution acetic acid 40% or formaldehyde 25%. To do this, thoroughly wipe the sides of the shoes and insoles with a swab soaked in the solution.

Then place the tampon in a shoe sock, and place the shoes themselves in sealed cellophane for a day.

After this procedure, wipe your shoes with ammonia to get rid of the pungent odor of acetic acid or formaldehyde.

Disinfection of linen

The most effective and at the same time in a simple way disinfection of underwear, socks, stockings, tights is the usual boiling of things in a solution of soap and soda for 20 minutes.

After this, iron the laundry with a well-heated iron.

You can also use a solution of 100 g of hydrogen peroxide with water heated to 60? C (11-12 l). Immerse the laundry in the solution, bring it to a boil and boil the laundry for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

Fighting viruses and bacteria in the home

It is often necessary to disinfect a room in which there are people sick with the flu or infectious diseases children and other family members.

After cleaning, be sure to disinfect the air. Often, it is enough to ventilate the apartment well.

You can disinfect your apartment and air using quartz bactericidal lamp. The lamp should be turned on every 6 hours for 15 minutes. The device also helps destroy fungus.

When the lamp is on, all people in the room must be removed.

Of great importance water disinfection. Exactly drinking water is a distributor of hepatitis type A, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera and other infections.

Therefore, be sure to boil water before drinking. 10 minutes is enough for all living microorganisms in the water to die. Be sure to descale the kettle on time.

Your sink is clogged and your plunger or... plumbing cable not at hand? Use a folk remedy for blockages in the sink.

Need to clean your sheepskin coat, but don't trust dry cleaning? Here we describe how you can clean your sheepskin coat at home.

And if you have fur coat, you should be twice as careful when cleaning. Read the link on how to choose a fur cleaning product that is quite effective, but one that will not harm an expensive product.

Effective cleaning chemicals


This is a highly effective disinfectant with a specific odor.

A small amount of chlorine released into the air of an apartment during wet cleaning is absolutely harmless to human health.

Confirmation of the valuable disinfectant properties of this substance is the fact that workers in chlorine production workshops rarely get sick with the flu.


This is a white, finely crystalline substance. Effectively used for wet cleaning of premises and disinfection against bedbugs. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 200 g of monochloramine in 20 liters of water.

Then treat the surface of sinks, toilets, walls, floors painted with oil paint or covered with ceramic tiles with a sponge soaked in the solution.

Bleaching powder

This is a powdered product containing 25% active chlorine.

It is used for cleaning cesspools, outdoor latrines, and places with rotting waste.


Ferrous sulfate solution is used to treat wooden parts vegetable stores, greenhouses and other wooden buildings.

The solution is prepared as follows: dilute 250 g of the substance in 1 liter of water.

Suede shoes cannot be coated with good shoe paste and wax, so without special care, they quickly become wet in wet weather. Therefore, winter men's suede shoes should be impregnated with a special water-repellent agent.

The easiest way to remove burnt marks from the soleplate of the iron is to use a special pencil, but you can also use folk remedies; see the link for details.

Do you have a clog in your toilet, but you can’t call a plumber? Read here what products you should use to unclog your toilet.

Disinfection of ventilation in the house

Unsatisfactory operation of the ventilation system is manifested in the following signs: severe fogging of windows, stale air in the apartment, large accumulation of dust on surfaces.

This indicates that the ventilation needs to be cleaned.

To carry out this activity, a special brushing machine is used to help free ventilation passages removes dust and grease deposits, and also collects all dirt using a vacuum cleaner. Sometimes it is necessary to partially dismantle the ventilation system for better cleaning of hard-to-reach parts of the air ducts.

As a result of regularly conducting all necessary measures by disinfecting your apartment, you will be able to maintain your home in satisfactory conditions sanitary conditions, not exceeding acceptable standards number of pathogenic microorganisms.

Take care of your health!

Disinfection is important in the autumn-winter period, when there is a possibility of catching the flu or other viral infection.

You can learn how to properly carry out this process at home and how to disinfect your apartment from our tips. We will tell you what ways there are to protect your home from various viruses and toxins.

Before you start cleaning, you need to prepare thoroughly. To do this, buy in the store household chemicals special gloves, a respirator and safety glasses so that when working with chemicals do not damage:

  • eyes;
  • hands;
  • mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.


When purchasing for work, make sure that your loved ones are not allergic to this drug. Then remove children and animals from the premises during disinfection. Cleaning is best done in stages:

  • start your work from living rooms, carefully wiping all corners and horizontal surfaces;
  • then go to the kitchen;
  • then to the bathroom and toilet;
  • treat upholstered furniture with aerosols;
  • children's toys, souvenirs and figurines;
  • deal with carpets and tapestries - clean them using special products;
  • Soak curtains, drapes and drapes and wash them with added disinfectant.

For cleaning, products that contain bleach or monochloramine, which have a detrimental effect on various microbes and viruses, are suitable. Such substances include:

  • “Belizna” - a preparation for disinfecting plumbing equipment is used in the ratio to cold water 1: 10;
  • “Shine” – 1-2 tablespoons of the substance are needed for the bathtub, sink;
  • “Universal” is a powder mixture that is used to bleach and disinfect various fabrics. When used for 1 tablespoon of the drug, 1 liter of water heated to 50° C is required. Soaking time for laundry is 30 minutes;
  • “Surzha” is a mixture in the form of a paste for cleaning and disinfecting plumbing fixtures, the standard consumption of which is 1-2 tablespoons of the drug;
  • “Sanitary” and “Sanitary-2” (powders) are preparations for cleaning rust and destroying viruses in the toilet. You need 2 large spoons for one cleaning;
  • “Desinolis” is a liquid preparation for getting rid of infection and cleaning plumbing fixtures;
  • “Light” is a powder that is used for enamel products;
  • “Sanita” is a paste for washing and disinfecting dishes, sinks and bathtubs. Wipe the surface twice using a cloth with paste.


  1. "Monochloramine" (chloramine). There are two types - B and HB. Disinfects homes, white linen, sinks, dishes, children's toys.

Treatment of laundry involves soaking in the solution for 1 hour, then rinsing and drying. Dishes are disinfected in the solution for 1 hour, children’s toys - 30 minutes.

After fungal diseases and in the case of tuberculosis, concentrated solutions (100/20) are used - a package of the substance (100 g) is diluted in 20 liters. water. Using a rag soaked in the solution, carry out wet cleaning of the room and plumbing.

  1. “Dichlor and “Dichlor 2” are disinfectant mixtures for bleaching linen and cotton. Used for 10 l ordinary water almost 2 large spoons of the substance. The water should be heated to 60° C, and clean laundry should be soaked for 30 minutes.
  2. “Uralsky” is a disinfectant powder for bleaching linen and cotton linen, for cleaning and disinfecting plumbing fixtures. Dissolve the drug in 3 liters of 70°C water – 1 tbsp. spoon. Soak the laundry for 15 minutes.

Disinfectant mixtures for bleaching linen and cotton laundry

To disinfect plumbing fixtures, wipe the surface twice. When cleaning the sink, use a tablespoon of powder.

  1. “Belka” is a powder for high-quality bleaching of linen and cotton. Used in a proportion of about 2 tbsp per 10 liters of hot (70° C) water. spoons of mixture. The laundry should be in the solution for 15 minutes.
  2. Bleach is a whitish substance used for cleaning, disinfecting toilets and for bleaching. For 1 kg of lime (in process) 9 liters of water are needed.

For whitening different types tissues, 1 kg of the substance must be diluted in 40 liters of water. The solution must settle. You need to drain the light part from the top and immerse things for 2-3 hours. Then rinse and dry.

Whitish substance for cleaning, disinfecting toilets and for bleaching

Remember! Colored, woolen, and synthetic fabrics cannot be treated with bleach.

If someone in your family suffers from allergies and you cannot work with chemicals, then traditional methods will be more relevant for you. You can prepare the solution at home using:

  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • table salt;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide

  1. Vinegar is the most inexpensive and effective means in the fight against viruses and various microbes.

Using this product and water, prepare a solution that will help you get rid of the problem. An aerosol spray with a mixture of 1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water will be an effective assistant for sterilizing rooms.

If the smell of vinegar is unpleasant to you, add the juice of half a lemon and then you will solve all the inconveniences.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is another quality substance that is used in disinfection.

Having cooked special solution, which includes it, you will do perfect cleaning and disinfection. To do this, you need to stir hydrogen peroxide in 10 liters of water (1 glass in total).

  1. Ammonia also plays a big role in the treatment and sterilization of premises. You just need to add a few drops of ammonia to a glass of water and you will have an excellent solution for destroying fungal spores.
  2. Table salt will be a wonderful remedy, not causing allergies. It perfectly destroys pathogenic microbes and infections.

You need to prepare the solution as follows: take a pack of salt for 3 liters of water, stir thoroughly and so folk method sanitize the kitchen counters and sink.


Products containing bleach, thoroughly disinfect the bathtub and toilet.

One more effective way in the fight against harmful viruses and for the prevention of diseases, are essential oils. They are poured into special lamps that release antiseptic substances into the air. These drugs include:

  • tea tree;
  • fir;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lemon;
  • needles.

Essential oils are an effective way to fight harmful viruses

Remember! Precautionary rules must be followed. You should find out in advance if your loved ones are allergic to a certain essential oil.

IN Lately Various technical cleaning devices are used everywhere. Their advantages:

  • no odor is released;
  • no dirt or stains;
  • compactness.

Disadvantages of devices:

  • electrical connection;
  • increasing humidity (last device).

Recently, various technical devices for cleaning have been widely used.

An ultraviolet lamp will help in the fight against harmful viruses

One of the simplest and most successful methods for disinfecting housing is UV lamp. It is used both at home and in medical institutions. A portable UV lamp is perfect for your home.

Remember! It should only be used in an empty room.

Action time is 15-20 minutes. In this way, you will not only carry out preventative measures in your apartment during an epidemic, but also get rid of unwanted microbes and fungus. After treating the room with ultraviolet rays, it must be well ventilated.

A salt lamp will help in the fight against infections and spores. With the help of such a device, salt ions are formed in the air, which can destroy a lot of viruses and bacteria. The lamp also saturates the space with elements of sea salt that are beneficial for the human body.

The device disinfects a living space of no more than ten square meters. For large premises a salt lamp will be ineffective.

A salt lamp will help in the fight against infections and spores

Air recirculator as a safe method

The air recirculator is one of the most safe methods sterilization of the apartment. This bactericidal device does an excellent job of cleaning the space from pathogenic microbes. Its effect extends to an area within a radius of fifty square meters. You can use a smaller recirculator in a separate room.

Such a device passes contaminated air through itself, and after purification with ultraviolet light, releases it back. Its effect on people is completely safe and therefore even children and animals can be in the room where disinfection is taking place.

There is another wonderful way to carry out high-quality disinfection. One can confidently include a device such as an air humidifier. This device not only increases the humidity of the ozone, but also cleans it from various infections.

An air humidifier is a wonderful way to carry out high-quality disinfection.

From time to time the humidifier needs to be filled with clean water. This device is especially popular in families with small children.

Other operations carried out during disinfection

  1. During disinfection, do not forget about washing. Treat a basket or other container for dirty laundry with vinegar and water.

Prepare this solution. Take 200 gr. water and add a few drops of vinegar, then wipe the container in which you put the soiled items.

It is advisable to pre-soak clothes, towels and other materials in washing powder with the addition of “Whiteness”, then carry out the washing process, which will help get rid of germs and fungal spores.

In the latter case, a product containing chlorine must be used carefully so as not to damage the fabric. If a colored pattern is applied to the fabric, then it is better for you to use only washing powder.

  1. Use direct sunlight to disinfect your belongings. IN warm time years, take it out onto the balcony or into the yard:
  • pillows;
  • blankets;
  • carpets;
  • mattresses.

The heavenly body will become better protection from the spread of fungal spores and infections.

  1. Using a vacuum cleaner can also sterilize rooms. To do this, you need to take cotton wool and roll balls out of it, then sprinkle them with drops of tea tree ether and place them in a dust container. Then clean the contaminated area.

In order to avoid disinfection in the future, it is worth increasing your immunity. Exercise and exercise will help you develop your immune system. proper nutrition. The foods you eat must contain vitamins and microelements, and then your body will be able to successfully fight attacking viruses and bacteria.

With the onset of winter, there is a danger of contracting an infection or viral disease. No one is immune from disease. If one of the family members is sick, it is necessary to urgently disinfect the apartment so that other household members do not become infected. Exists a large number of ways to get rid of viruses and harmful bacteria. How and with what help is it more effective to disinfect your home?

The need for disinfection

There are many reasons that force a person carry out processing your home. The most common of them include:

  • viral epidemics occurring nearby, and at the same time weak immunity among household members;
  • contact with patients suffering from tuberculosis, scabies and other dangerous diseases;
  • the occurrence of allergies for no clear reason;
  • the appearance of a source of fungus in the house;
  • there is a person with a serious illness in the apartment;
  • there are insect pests in the room: bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas;
  • There are pets that are used to spending a lot of time outside.

In these cases you can disinfect do it yourself or entrust it to professionals. The premises are being processed by SES employees. They have special devices and necessary chemicals with low toxicity.

Work sequence

Regardless of the chosen method, cleaning should be carried out in several stages. So that the work done is not a burden, it is worth plan your actions and get ready.

It is recommended to protect yourself and wear a respirator, as well as protective equipment: goggles, a gown, rubber gloves. If the instructions on the use of the drug it is indicated that the animals need to be removed from the apartment, it is worth listening to this. After this you can proceed to processing:

  • disinfect floors, wash surfaces and corners in the house using purchased products;
  • clean the kitchen, bathroom and toilet;
  • the solution used to treat the room must be changed periodically by pouring a fresh portion;
  • apply a special liquid from an aerosol to upholstered furniture;
  • wash soft toys and treat plastic products with an aerosol;
  • clean carpets and coverings;
  • wash curtains and curtains by adding a disinfectant to the water used for this;
  • move away all the furniture, wash the floor and walls underneath;
  • treat items damaged by fungal growths;
  • Be sure to treat everything the patient has touched.

After the procedure it is necessary ventilate thoroughly living space. Disinfection can be repeated after 3 months.

Effective folk recipes

It is not necessary to purchase expensive means in order to disinfect the living space yourself. There are well-proven recipes that can be prepared at home:

  1. Ammonia is excellent at getting rid of germs. It is enough to add a couple of drops to 1 glass of water. You will get a good anti-fungal solution that allows you to disinfect surfaces.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide has similar properties. It must be added to water in a ratio of 1 glass per 10 liters.
  3. Simple food vinegar is a highly effective disinfectant. It perfectly gets rid of viruses and germs. If you have a little vinegar at home, then the housewife will no longer have a question about how to wash the floors for disinfection.
  4. You can prepare a solution from table salt. To do this, take a pack of salt and 3 liters of water. The mixture is applied to different surfaces, including kitchen counters and sink.
  5. To clean the bathroom, it is recommended to use regular bleach.

Technology to protect cleanliness

It is very convenient to sterilize an apartment using modern devices . They have small size, do not take up much space and do not cause odors. The most popular solutions:

  1. Humidifier. Very popular in families with small children. Used to increase humidity and disinfect indoor air. In order for the device to work, you just need to fill it with clean water.
  2. Air recirculator. There are similar devices with different power levels. They filter the air with ultraviolet rays.
  3. Salt lamp. The lamp contains salt crystals that produce ions that penetrate the airspace. This lamp is an excellent air disinfectant for the home. Air containing sea salt components is very beneficial for the human body. The only caveat: the lamp should only be used in a living room with an area of ​​up to 10 square meters. meters.
  4. UV lamp. This type of device is constantly used by doctors in hospitals. Only for sanitary purposes do they purchase stationary devices for offices, but for the home, a compact portable device is more suitable. The lamp should work in a room where at that moment there are no people, pets or flowers. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes, then the room is thoroughly ventilated.


In household chemical departments, pharmacies and home improvement stores you can find good domestic products for disinfecting premises. They are intended not only for cleaning surfaces, but also for laundry. The most famous of them:

  1. Monochloromine is used to sterilize rooms, as well as for white clothing, children's toys, and cleaning dishes and sinks. Toys are placed in the solution for half an hour, and linen and dishes for an hour. Then you need to thoroughly rinse and dry the items.
  2. Sanita is a paste-like product that is used for sinks, bathtubs and dishes. It is necessary to sterilize with paste twice.
  3. Light - disinfectant powder for stoves, refrigerators, enameled items and dishes.
  4. Desinolis is a ready-made solution used to disinfect plumbing fixtures. According to the instructions, you need to wash surfaces with the product twice.
  5. Surzha is a very economical paste for plumbing fixtures. For one sink you only need 1-2 tablespoons of product.
  6. Whiteness is one of the most popular means for sterilizing a bathroom. They also use it to clean laundry. For plumbing use a solution prepared at a ratio of 1:10. Linen is disinfected in a solution of 2 tablespoons of the product and 1 liter of water for 30 minutes.
  7. Squirrel - laundry powder. The solution is prepared from 2 tablespoons of powder and 10 liters clean water, soak for 15 minutes.
  8. Chloride of lime is a white powder for bleaching fabrics and cleaning plumbing fixtures. It is not recommended to use it on synthetic, woolen and colored fabrics. When using the powder, be sure to read the instructions for use.

For disinfection you can use any from the above methods. Timely sterilization can protect against viral diseases and influenza epidemics, because any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.