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Dream interpretation of swimming in a pool with clean water. Why do you dream about a swimming pool?

A dream where you see yourself swimming in a pool foreshadows a quick change in your relationship with your friend, which can turn into a whirlwind romance. The way you plunged into the water of the pool will be transferred to real life, and you will plunge headlong into new love feelings. It will seem to you that the most important events are happening in your life. But interpreters regard a dream with a swimming pool as a warning; it carries information about the short duration of a new relationship, its transience. You can understand why you dream about a pool if you carefully track the entire dream scenario. You need to know its beginning, analyze your feelings during sleep and at the moment of awakening.

A pool with or without water is a separate thing, set apart from the general circle of your life. Therefore, when thinking about a dream, you need to know that it carries information about your relationships with colleagues or loved ones. A pool or bath is a place where we take water treatments, cleanse and wash our body. Such procedures are most often carried out with a minimum of clothing, that is, a person appears unprotected in a dream. He is open, which means he is vulnerable.

The vulnerability of your body and soul in a certain social circle should alert you. In real life, it is better not to get into such a situation, which means that your dream warns and requires you to understand your life situation and understand why you are dreaming about a swimming pool. Any dream can bring you the necessary information that can be used to analyze your past life and make plans for the future.

The empty one you can see is the emptiness that can settle in your lonely soul after a person. Your experiences in this situation and your confusion do not give you the opportunity to soberly assess the situation. Your life was completely focused on one person. Perhaps your adoration and immeasurable love caused the breakup. Try to look at the situation from the other side, analyze and draw conclusions, because you deserve better treatment.

For a lonely girl, it promises a quick interesting acquaintance with a young man. It is this person who can meet her ideal and enter her social circle.

If you had to swim in the pool while sleeping without clothes, then soon you will enter into an intimate relationship, which can ruin your relationships with others and disrupt the usual rhythm of life. If in a pool you swim in a group with naked young men, then this indicates that you will have a large number of fans.

If the water in the pool is clean, then your life will not be complicated by the actions of strangers, and luck depends only on you. If the pool is full, then an obstacle awaits you in life; you will not be able to really analyze the situation. Knowing why you dream of a pool with muddy water can prevent you from taking wrong actions in life.

A dream in which you begin to drown means imminent misfortune or illness. Scuba diving symbolizes the struggle for life, for survival. This dream is worth thinking about, because if you have a struggle in the future, it is better to prepare for it in advance.

Seeing in a dream a pool in which there are a huge number of people and where there is no room left for you, means that strangers are invading your privacy, they talk a lot about you, which can ruin your reputation. A dream in which you swim in a pool with friends or girlfriends and at the same time feel calm and comfortable promises you a promotion and taking a worthy place in society. The meaning of the dream and the understanding of what the pool is dreaming of may not come immediately, but after some period of time, when your life begins to change, and you can compare what you saw in your dreams and real life.

Swimming in a pool with clean water often has a positive meaning in a dream. The dream book promises: success at work, on the personal front, meetings with old friends, as well as new acquaintances are ahead. However, sometimes you need to be careful. The details of the dreamed vision will allow you to correctly interpret what it is about.

What they were doing?

  • swam - meeting with old friends, positive emotions;
  • jumped from a tower - there are dramatic changes ahead, the quality of which depends on your decisions;
  • dived - you will show excellent results in the professional field, management will appreciate it;
  • drowned - a whirlwind romance will soon begin, but emotions can affect your judgment.

Seeing yourself drowning there in a dream, even if the water was clean, means: difficulties will arise when moving towards your intended professional goals. We must show maximum vigilance, determination, and caution.

Miller's Dream Book: You will gain a true friend

Why does a young girl dream of swimming in a pool? Decency and self-esteem will help her not only strengthen her social position, but also acquire a true friend.

Good changes await you, success at work

Did you dream about swimming in the pool? The dream book states: if you happen to swim in clear, clean water, this is an excellent sign. Positive changes are coming in a variety of areas, and they will bring joy and happiness.

Swimming in a pool with clean water is a sign in a dream of success in your professional activities in reality. You will successfully complete the assigned tasks, so you can get a more prestigious position. The increase will have a positive impact on your financial situation.

A vision in a dream where a large artificial reservoir appeared promises victory over competitors and enemies at work. The dreamer will successfully complete previously started business and profitable deals.

Love sphere

Why do unmarried or single people dream of a pool filled with clear water? If they not only saw it, but also swam there, the dream book promises the beginning of a passionate romance. It will bring a lot of bright emotions and leave wonderful memories. There is a possibility that this connection will be more serious than planned.

For a girl to swim there in a dream, foretells attention from men towards her. She may soon meet someone who will change her life for the better.

Did you dream of swimming in a deep pool? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: big changes are coming (in the business sphere, on the personal front) for the better. However, you should not take rash or hasty actions, because the cost of a mistake can be high.

Luck, harmony in relationships

To dream that the water where you swim is clear and blue means, according to the dream book: capricious Fortune will help you realize your cherished desire. The dreamer will implement the most daring projects, promising ideas, thanks to which it will be possible to achieve financial independence and prosperity.

For many people in a dream, the subconscious gives hints. For example, a thirsty person dreams that there is a glass or mug of water in front of him, but during the dream he cannot get drunk.

The influence of the Moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the Moon we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent 26 billion dollars to fly to this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect it at all?

How to learn to remember your dreams

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, but the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

How are external stimuli reflected in our dreams?

The human brain is a unique link in the human subconscious. Scientists still say that the brain is an unsolved mystery. The secret of the relationship between the subconscious and conscious links is revealed in the reflections of dreams, which clearly demonstrate the connection between external stimuli and a person who has entered the sleep stage. This is an amazing mechanism that has attracted, attracts and will always attract the attention of an inquisitive person.

Why do you dream about a swimming pool?

Swimming pool in a modern dream book

If you dreamed of yourself swimming in a huge pool, then there is an extremely important date ahead that awaits you in the very near future. Most likely, you will see your old friend, for whom you had tender feelings in the past. If you swam, demonstrating the skills of a professional swimmer, you will soon receive a financially advantageous offer and accept it with gratitude. Just be as careful as possible, try to find out in advance whether it is trustworthy, because there is a possibility of deception. In the dream, you felt completely happy while swimming in the pool - such a dream prophesies that you are overly carried away by work responsibilities and cannot find at least one day to rest. Slow down, otherwise you will exhaust your body and get sick. If you saw in a dream that a friend is trying to drag you into the Pool against your will, you will have a trip to another city, during which you will really miss your friend. Don't be upset, the separation will pass quickly and you will be together again. If you jump from a tower, you will have to make a fateful decision that will have a positive impact on your worldview. If you watch someone close to you swim, the time for big changes is approaching. It will radically change you and you will become a completely different person.

Swimming pool in Miller's dream book

If a young woman dreams that she is swimming gracefully in a pool, this is a good sign: she will find a true friend and, thanks to dignity and decency, will strengthen her position.

Swimming pool in Freud's dream book

Swimming in a pool - such a dream predicts a new love feeling for you, and it will be so all-consuming and strong that you will completely lose your head and abandon your responsibilities. You will sincerely think that you have never experienced more vivid emotions. Alas, after sex with this person, you will become sober quite quickly and you will feel deceived. An empty pool symbolizes the emptiness that has settled in your soul after a painful breakup with your partner. Apparently, your whole life was in it and now you suffer greatly from loneliness. It's time to stop grieving the loss, think better about yourself and start a new life.

It is not the dream that is scary, but its interpretation.

Alexander Klimov

Why dream of swimming in a pool is a question that does not lose its relevance. Dream books will help you interpret such a dream. The interpretations presented in them describe probable future events.

Why do you dream of swimming in a pool - a question that does not lose its relevance

If you yourself swam in a dream, then a strong feeling of love will soon arise. It will make you forget about all your existing affairs and responsibilities. However, you won’t have to keep your head in the clouds for long. The dreamer will very quickly be disappointed in his new chosen one - immediately after he enters into an intimate relationship with him. If your loved ones have been involved in water procedures, then know that there are ill-wishers in your environment. They are waiting for you to give in and do the wrong thing so they can drag you down and tarnish your reputation.

Swimming in the pool with your friends means receiving a promotion unexpectedly for the dreamer. However, you won’t be able to work in your new position for long. Due to the machinations of your colleagues, you will soon lose your job. Finding a new place won't be easy. Only with the help of close friends can you get the desired position with a good salary.

Swimming with strangers is a sign that the dreamer is fixated on one thing. Perhaps he constantly thinks about some kind of loss. He should be out in public more and find some interesting things to do. Then his life will change, there will be a place in it for happiness, fun and good acquaintances.

Why do you dream about a swimming pool (video)

Vanga's Dream Book

Swimming in a pool with clean water means monetary gains. They will be received from sources that previously could not be hoped for. If the water was dirty, then expect financial losses. They will be associated with unsuccessful affairs in which the dreamer's friends will involve him.

Swimming in a big pool means making money out of nothing. The dreamer has the gift of creating favorable financial situations for himself. He should be used to the fullest, then he will be able to improve not only his financial situation, but also his close relatives. If the artificial reservoir was small, then you may miss your luck if you are not more enterprising.

Swimming in a pool with a lot of people means trouble. They will arise due to your addiction to alcoholic beverages. But you have the power to avoid unpleasant situations. Be more restrained with alcohol or give it up. If there were several people in the artificial reservoir, then you need to be patient, your dreams will come true. But this requires a lot of effort. Belief in your dreams must be strong, it will serve you well.

If you yourself swam in a dream, then a strong feeling of love will soon arise

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing yourself swimming in a pool in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in the near future you will plunge headlong into a feeling of love. It will seem to you that you have never experienced anything like this before. However, then you will understand that a new romance is just a passing hobby, you need a stronger and more sensual partner.

If you were with another person in an artificial pond, then this indicates that your current love partner does not suit you. Too many claims and grievances have accumulated towards each other. Perhaps you will soon decide to break ties with him, and this will be the right thing to do. In the future, you will be able to meet a more worthy person who will ultimately propose marriage. The created family will be strong and happy.

Swimming in the pool with three of you is a sign of temptation. On your way you will meet a person to whom you will experience a strong sexual attraction. However, at this moment you will already have a permanent partner. If you don't give in to temptation, you will regret it in the future. However, if you agree to an affair, you will be disappointed. In intimate relationships, the new partner will not be what you expected.

Seeing yourself swimming in a pool in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in the near future you will plunge headlong into a feeling of love

Dream book of the 21st century

Swimming in a pool with mud means your most cherished desire will come true. An important person will help in its implementation. If you drowned in an artificial pond, you will be able to achieve a great goal, which will subsequently give rise to unforeseen difficulties. If someone drowned you in it on purpose, then in real life you lack the inner strength to achieve success. You need to become more motivated, otherwise you will fail.

Swimming in clean water is a sign of interesting acquaintances. One of your close relatives will invite you to the holiday. There you can have a good time and meet people whose interests are similar to yours. If there was little water in the artificial reservoir, then you will find a true friend and strengthen your position in society.

Autumn dream book

Enjoying swimming in a pool in a dream means meeting a person whose help you are counting on. However, it will turn out to be unfavorable for you. He will refuse to support you. As a result, you will have to do everything yourself, but you will still succeed. If you didn’t like swimming, then expect an unpleasant meeting with your enemies. They will try to humiliate you, but if you behave with dignity and do not react to their barbs, you will be able to defeat them in the future.

Having fun in the pool with friends means meeting an old acquaintance to whom you were previously partial. You will again have strong feelings for him. But he will not reciprocate, and disappointment will follow. But you shouldn’t be too upset; fate will present you with a gift in the form of a sensual and sensitive person who will adore you.

Trying to get out of the pool in a dream means receiving an offer of cooperation. Someone you know will decide to open a new business where you can manage one of the projects. It will seem to you that such work is beyond your strength, but then the first successes will appear, as a result you will believe in yourself and will work with even greater strength.

Why do you dream of swimming in a dream (video)

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Swimming in a pool with azure water is an important meeting for which you have to seriously prepare. Your financial well-being will depend on its results. If you swam in red water, then in reality they will propose to you. At first it will seem very beneficial, but in the future it will turn out to be harmful to your well-being. For this reason, it is advisable to exercise discernment when entering into transactions. Find out exactly whether offers and the people making them are trustworthy.

Swimming with your parents in an artificial pond means big changes. They will captivate you so much that after a while you will realize that you have become a completely different person. Such changes will affect all areas of your life - from personal relationships to work. Frolicking in the pool with your kids is a sign that you are exhausting yourself too much, both mentally and physically. You should take more care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, take leisurely walks, eat right, and try to remain calm when problems arise.

Swimming in a pool with azure water is an important meeting for which you have to seriously prepare

English dream book

If, while swimming in the pool, you suddenly find yourself among sharks, then you should be careful in financial matters. Some people may try to scam you. This is why you should not sign any documents or checks without first checking them, even if they are brought to signature by authorized persons. Competing in swimming with other people in an artificial pond is a sign that in life you are not doing what you dreamed of. Think about how you can change the situation. If you do not have sufficient skills in the direction you like, then sign up for courses or take online training. Then feel free to quit activities that you don’t like and start realizing your dreams.

Swimming in the pool with your childhood friends means a long business trip to another country. There you can make some great deals. If you were in an artificial reservoir with your parents, then you should work on your character. You are too cruel and unrestrained. Behave more softly, try to win over those around you, and not turn them away from you, then you will be able to benefit in the future. If you do not listen to advice, then you will be left completely alone.

Swimming in an artificial pond with your enemies means the beginning of a new stage of life. It is possible that you decide to move to another city. There you can find a new job, make useful contacts and make friends. If there were strangers in the pond, then expect news from distant relatives. Some of them may become seriously ill.

Swimming and choking in the pool means big expenses. But they will fail. That's why it's better not to make expensive purchases for a while. If someone wanted to drown you in a pond, then in real life you should be more careful on the roads, there is a risk of getting into an accident.

Of course, swimming in a pool in a dream can be either a good or a bad sign. Having interpreted such a dream correctly, you will be able to understand what awaits you in the future. This means you can prepare for future events.

Attention, TODAY only!

Seeing a pool with crystal clear water in a dream is great luck. The dream book promises that everything in the dreamer’s life will turn out extremely well, and a streak of luck and achievements is coming. But what else could you dream of about an artificial pond for swimming with clean water? We will look for the answer in different sources, remembering how important even small details are for a correct interpretation.

Be careful!

Despite the fact that most predictions regarding the dreamed pool of clean water are positive, there are also less encouraging comments. So, if in your nightly fantasy you were swimming in a man-made pond, then in reality a stormy love affair is coming. However, it will end as quickly as it began. But the trouble is that the memories of this amorous affair will remain sad, even bitter. In a word, feelings and passions are good, but don’t lose your head.

You have to mobilize all resources in order to resolve the problems that have befallen you and one of your loved ones - this is why you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends was swimming in the pool.

But if you withstand the tests sent by fate, then the worldly experience and knowledge you gain will literally turn you into a different person, the dream book suggests.

What were your impressions?

Did you see an indoor pool? If you didn’t like swimming in it, then the dream book predicts separation from a loved one.

When in a dream you swim in clean but cool, even cold water of a pool, then get ready for a challenge. It will not be easy to withstand them, but they will help change your destiny for the better. Yes, and you will change, acquire spiritual strength, purity of thoughts, wisdom.

Miller's version

The prediction of the American psychologist and author of the popular dream book Gustav Miller will certainly please the young lady who in her dream swam in a pool with the purest water. Such a plot promises her a meeting with a wonderful person in reality. He will become a true friend, ready to help in difficult times.

Secrets of the near future

If you happened to swim in a luxurious, beautiful pool while dozing at night, then in reality tempting prospects open up before you, and all future innovations will delight you. While enjoying swimming in a night dream, in reality you can expect good profits. But if in a night vision you moved in the water with obvious reluctance, then the dream book warns: a person on whom you had high hopes may let you down, betray you.

Everything will work out!

Romantic feelings and passion will take over you - this is what you dream of diving into a pool of clean water. But there is another interpretation to this plot: in reality, you have to cope with a complex and responsible task.

Did you dive into clear water in a dream? Then impress everyone with a brilliant idea that will help you get out of a difficult situation. While you were sleeping, did you watch other people jumping into the pool? Nothing, this vision prophesies you a trip with cheerful fellow travelers.

For dreamers in love, such a plot promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Multi-valued details

Now let’s turn to the details of the dream, which play an important role for its correct interpretation.

If in a dream you were just getting ready to jump into a man-made pond, in reality you must morally prepare yourself to participate in a risky enterprise or be prepared for temptations and temptations.

But if in your sleep at night you took a chance and dived from a tower, then know that in reality even the most desperate adventure will turn out to be a success for you! If the dreamed jump was made from a low height, then safely complete the job you started. Dive into the water from the side? Great, the dream book promises that your partners will not let you down. And if you dived and choked, then your plan will lead to negative consequences, warns the dream interpreter.

Fear has big eyes!

Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will have to make an important, fateful decision - this is why you still dream of jumping into a clean pool. But the dream book explains: the interpretation of the vision largely depends on the emotions experienced by the sleeper.

If fear prevailed in the night's sleep, then in reality the dreamer will need to overcome difficulties. And if in a dream you bravely rushed into the water, then in reality you will be able to enjoy triumph. Were you pushed into the pool? This vision is a hint: you will have to do something against your will.