home · Appliances · Silencer car alarm. Jammer car alarm - how not to get caught by scammers. Jamming the alarm is the cheapest way to annoy you

Silencer car alarm. Jammer car alarm - how not to get caught by scammers. Jamming the alarm is the cheapest way to annoy you

All serious protected enterprises have monitoring stations - centralized monitoring points that control the protected object. Depending on the technologies, monitoring stations can communicate with the facility via radio or cable. Now radio transmitters are common. And the attackers are sure that if the radio is, then it can be jammed.

You can mute it, but there's no point. Most amateurs think that it is the transmitter that needs to be jammed. Since the signals do not pass, it means that the monitoring station will not understand anything. But the laws of physics work a little differently. A portable jammer simply does not have enough power to jam or somehow suppress the transmitter.

But the receiver can be jammed. How is it explained. Let's measure signal power in abstract units. From the course of physics, we know that as the distance increases, the quality of signal reception deteriorates. That is, if the transmitter has a power of 1000 units and is 1000 meters away from the receiver, then the receiver will receive a signal of 1 unit.

If the jammer has a power of 100 units, and an attacker approaches the transmitter with it at 20 meters, then the receiver will receive 5 signal units. Everything, the signal is stronger creates interference. The receiver hears nothing but noise. It seems to be. In fact, transmitters send out a radio signal over a fairly large range of frequencies. If your jammer does not have a running range (from low to high frequencies and vice versa), then some transmitter signals will still be perceived by the monitoring station.

If the monitoring station consisted only of a receiver and a signal processing unit, everything would be fine. But in 100 cases out of 100, guards are on duty at the monitoring station. Even a person who is very inexperienced and unfamiliar with the principles of operation of radio transmitters will understand that interference does not occur just like that in clear weather. And at least invite more experienced employees to join him. Or send someone to view the object's perimeter. This time.

If the monitoring station was installed for one object, then everything would be fine. But it picks up signals from several thousand subscribers, and each transmitter sends a test signal every few hours. Therefore, the personnel on duty will immediately see that the test signals are no longer recorded, which means that something has happened to the receiver. And again, the guards are combing the perimeter and calling for specialists. This is two.

Even if you have already managed to get to the protected object, take a pie for yourself there and calmly leave - this will not work the second time. After all, the directed temporary disablement of the monitoring station for quite long time and with the help technical means, is always very interested in the FSB. If only because a person who can jam a receiver that controls several thousand objects represents real threat. And he must be caught as soon as possible.

The barrage jammer (people from radio engineering call jammers that way) has a very characteristic running frequency. And they can take you with this generator even before your signal becomes stronger than the signal of the transmitter. The FSB does not like those who have brains and means, but use them for bad purposes. It's three.

All that remains is:

  1. find a small transmitter to put in an empty cigarette pack
  2. throw under the monitoring station.

Yes, the search will take a little longer. Maybe you can give the guards something to do for half an hour or an hour. But after they find your jammer, they will definitely call the FSB, and they will already strengthen the security of all monitoring stations for at least six months. Any attempts to interfere with the receiver's radio broadcast will be suppressed.

If you once again try to jam the receiver and manage to escape, then now specialists from the FSB will be on duty at each monitoring station. Their tricks always work. So any idea with a jammer is doomed to failure even at the stage of preparation and development of a plan.

We draw a conclusion

As you understand, in order for the security system not to work, you just need to prevent the receiver from receiving signals. The easiest way is to shield the receiver. Radio waves are extinguished by concrete, brick walls and sheets of iron. And since the test signals pass 3-4 times a day, you just need to select right time to put the screen.

The transmitter (namely the transmitter!) Always be placed as close to the window as possible so that the radio waves do not lose their power when passing through the walls. If you throw a special screen on this window, then not a single signal will pass to the receiver. And for obvious reasons, we will not describe how to make a screen.

Deputy Director for Development Kerimov Rostislav.

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Hello. I studied in detail all the information on your site, reviewed all the products you presented, and I had questions.
Also, I read your article (http://www..html) in detail and as the owner of a GSM alarm, I am shocked and puzzled. I want to clarify, for myself, some points, I hope you can help me?!

You claim that with the help of a signal suppressor, you can bypass the alarm.

In your article, you write: -(Most amateurs think that it is the transmitter that needs to be jammed. If the signals do not pass, then the monitoring station will not understand anything. But the laws of physics work a little differently. A portable jammer simply does not have enough power to jam or somehow suppress the transmitter.)

The power of the gsm transmitter, which is installed in the control panel of the security system of the object, is 2 W, like in any mobile. Yes, a portable one will not be able to drown out, but there are also more powerful jammers, from 3W to 10W for each frequency, they can handle this task.

As far as I know, each frequency range has two channels: Uplink and Downlink.
Uplink - a communication channel from a subscriber (phone or modem) to a base station of a mobile operator. Downlink - communication channel from the base station to the subscriber. Example: GSM 1800 , its frequencies are ---> Uplink 1710-1785 MHz and Downlink 1805-1880 MHz.

That is, in order to mute the alarm, you need to use a suppressor that interferes with the Uplink channel so that the control panel cannot transmit an alarm signal to the central security console ...

And all the signal suppressors presented by you emit interference only on the Downlink - the communication channel from the base station to the subscriber, without affecting the Uplink frequencies. yes, while suppressing this range of each frequency. The signal disappears, there is no reception or transmission.

But again, there are very important nuance. You write: - (As you understand, in order for the security system not to work, you just need to prevent the receiver from receiving signals.)

Modern GSM alarms have an auto-dial function, where the number and frequency of calls is determined at the request of the owner (For example, I have an auto-dial every 30 seconds). If the call fails, an alarm is triggered. And this means that using a jammer, we will only provoke an alarm.

Khachatryan A.A.


All large quantity security devices have GSM module communication, capable of working with one or two SIM-cards. With the help of this module, reliable communication between the car and the owner is carried out by means of calls, SMS messages or mobile internet. Management through a program on a smartphone or using special commands, determining the location of the car and controlling movement, informing about the operation of sensors is now happening via GSM networks.

All this becomes impossible in the event of a loss of communication signal during malfunctions. mobile operators or the impossibility of passing the signal due to the use of special equipment that allows you to jam the radio signal coming from the security device.

What is a "GSM jammer"?

When the jammer is turned on, intense white noise is broadcast on the air at a frequency of 900/1800 MHz. As a result, there are failures in the operation of all communication channels (GSM, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi).

Such a device consists of a white noise generator - a source of interference, an amplification unit and a transmitting antenna. Its dimensions vary depending on the output power, range and functionality. Every year, jammers become more compact, efficient and affordable. modern device signal suppressor can fit into a case the size of Matchbox and therefore very difficult to detect.

Attackers actively use this opportunity in car theft. By making it difficult or impossible to attempt to communicate the alarm and the vehicle's location to the owner, they quietly do their job.

Buying a radio signal suppression device is not a problem for attackers(for example, freely via the Internet). Currently price professional apparatus- "jammers" is about 500 USD.

At the same time, the law such devices are not prohibited. For official use, you just need to register them with the State Commission on Radio Frequencies. Use of an unregistered jammer individual entails a fine of only 500 rubles. Malefactors, of course, such punishment will not stop.

A simple way to protect against "jammers"

To protect against jamming of the GSM signal, there is a fairly simple and effective method currently used by leading manufacturers of car alarms.

It is based on constant control of the communication channel. With the help of a special server, a special request is sent to the signaling after a certain period of time. That, in turn, sends a control signal to the server. If no response is received, a communication loss notification is automatically sent to the owner. He, in turn, can respond in a timely manner to the threat that has arisen. A forewarned is forearmed.

  • You can read about other ways to hack GSM alarms
  • And also you can find out how you can quickly detect a GSM alarm in a car?

Modern car alarms are complex electronic devices. Exchange between the system control unit and the key fob remote control takes place over the radio. Thus, it is convenient for the car owner to open and close the car remotely, as well as start the engine if necessary and warm up the car. However, it is the radio transmission channel that is the most vulnerable point of the security system, in Lately there were so-called jammers car alarm, which made life very difficult for some motorists.

Each manufacturer of car security systems assures customers that it is their device that has a powerful and persistent radio communication method that is practically not subject to interception. Indeed, the latest models from some manufacturers have improved radio transmission methods, signal encryption options have appeared, and even multi-channel transmission between devices in the chain. However, most models can be easily hacked using a common code grabber, a device that intercepts a signal. Buying a code grabber on the Internet for a low price is not easy and hassle-free. Therefore, if you want to reliably protect your car, electronic alarms will not be enough. Also needed mechanical protection, for example, an electromechanical lock of the engine compartment with a secret button in the cabin, blocking the gearbox, gas pedals, etc.

Thus, signaling with radio channel transmission is nothing more than a simple device with the function remote opening and closing the car, so you should not treat it as a serious way of protection, because it can be easily disabled with a jammer.

What is an alarm jammer? This device is an interference generator at a certain frequency of the car alarm. As a rule, standard devices operate at a frequency of 433-450 MHz.

Silencer of a radio call of the alarm

Unlike a code grabber, a jammer will not allow you to open or break into a car, but only blocks the communication channel between the control unit and the key fob and causes serious malfunctions in the system. The jammer costs ridiculous money, and the manufacturing scheme is extremely simple and understandable. Thus, the owner of such a device can easily steal a car, in the absence of modern system blocking and protection.

2 What to do if the alarm is blocked by a jammer?

If you encounter signal blocking and the car does not close, you need to be careful if there are any suspicious people or cars nearby. If the signal is blocked “tightly”, the car can be closed with a key or rearranged to another place. Each alarm system has a special “Vallet” service button in the installation diagram, which activates the alarm without using a key fob and is located in some hidden place in the car.

Special service button "Vallet"

If the car does not open, then most likely there is a “hooligan jammer” in the area, and the risk of car theft in this case is maximum. In this case, you can open the car with the key and try to start the engine to get out of the range of the jammer. However, many security systems when activated, the siren has the function of blocking the engine, so that it is not always possible to start the car. In order to start the engine and try to fight the jammer on your own, in this case it is necessary to make a protective “screen” from interference around the car alarm antenna.

Device "hooligan jammer"

As a rule, the alarm antenna is installed in the area of ​​​​the side pillar under the windshield or in the upper part of the glass. material for protective screen a regular foil can serve, or a foil sun visor that most motorists have. With this material it is necessary to cover the antenna from the outside. Further from the passenger compartment, you can bring the key fob as close to the antenna as possible and try to remove the car from the siren. If this does not help, wrap the antenna from the side of the passenger compartment, while you can also wrap the alarm key fob with foil. In 80% of cases, such protection allows you to remove the siren and start the engine in order to retire to a safe distance.

3 Do-it-yourself car alarm silencer

Sometimes, decent people also need a jammer, for example, to fight unscrupulous neighbors who put cars on playgrounds, block the entrance, etc. You can easily make such a device with your own hands, the main thing is to have the simplest wiring diagram. The easiest way is to use simple walkie-talkies with wireless call channels. A microassembly of the RT4 or RT5 type, which will consist of an AM chip, for example, 10 MW, will turn out to be more efficient. You can use a transmitter-receiver from any alarm, two kt360 transistors, two pairs of resistance wires and two capacitors.

Walkie-talkies with wireless call channels

Suitable as battery simple battery type "Krona" for 12 volts, which can be purchased at any store. A small antenna will serve to increase the signal.

A simple battery type "Krona" for 12 volts

It is worth saying that there are a lot of schemes and devices from which it is easy to make a jammer with your own hands, but their principle of operation is the same. Some of the newer alarms use encrypted transmission codes. Thus, the alarm does not lend itself to the “provocation” of a simple jammer, in this case, a special button with a wire to the battery and the IN1 input from the standard circuit can be added to the electrical circuit.

Video: Car alarm jammer - a homemade device for blocking the signal

One fine day you arrived at the parking lot of a store, office or home, and your car categorically refuses to be armed from the car alarm key fob ...
Or you come to your car in the parking lot, but he does not want to disarm and open. It is especially sad if you desperately need to go somewhere, for example, to work ...
What to do in such cases? How to get out of such situations with minimal loss of time and nerves?
Unfortunately, in the case when the car is not armed, there is no definite answer.
In the second case, when the car is not disarmed, there are several reliable solutions.

To begin with, a little about the design and functionality of modern car alarms:

Modern car alarms are quite advanced electronic products. The exchange between the alarm unit in the car and the key fob occurs via a radio channel, usually at a frequency of 433 MHz. It is very convenient to remotely lock / unlock the car from the alarm key fob without using a key.
More advanced alarms allow remote start engine, which allows you to come in winter in an already warm car.
There have been many alarms feedback, which allow the owner, being at a relatively small distance from the car (usually hundreds of meters), to control its condition. This feature will allow you to know in time that someone has hooked your car in the parking lot of the store or near the house.

False sense of calm
Probably 99% of motorists have one or another version of the radio car alarm. It may not even be an alarm as such, but simply a regular key with remote opening / closing buttons. Although such a key is technically not an alarm, everything said below also applies to the owners of such systems.

Remote control of a car has brought many conveniences, but you always have to pay for convenience ... The radio channel is the most vulnerable point of any remote control system, because. An attacker can act remotely from a hiding place, without showing himself or drawing attention to himself.

Manufacturers of car alarms tell us that the alarms of their production have the most resistant to interception and hacking method of radio exchange. Indeed, the methods of radio transmission in car alarms have greatly improved recently, encryption has appeared and even attempts to combat radio interference (the introduction of multichannel exchange).
But, unfortunately, car alarm manufacturers are always in the role of catching up with hijackers. Now on the Internet you can safely buy specials. equipment (code grabbers) for hacking almost any car alarms - the whole point here is the price of the issue. A code grabber for hacking alarms 2-3 years ago is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, in addition to the car alarm, it is desirable to have mechanical interlocks (you can block the pedals, steering block, gearbox, etc.). It is very important to ensure the protection of the engine compartment - electromechanical lock controlled from a secret button or a separate immobilizer.

Competent protection of the car from theft is a separate issue, you can talk about it and argue for a very long time. On any automotive forum on the Internet rage " holy wars” about the “correct” protection of a car from theft. Any car protection is overcome by car thieves, it's only a matter of time. The main purpose of the installation protective devices per car is an increase in the time required for the hijacker to overcome the protection. The idea is simple: why would a car thief bother with your stuffed car, if there is the same car nearby in the parking lot (in the neighboring yard), and breaking it is a matter of several tens of seconds?
The radio alarm should be perceived by the owner as nothing more than a remote opening / closing of the car, which also provides minimal protection from the "pioneers", but not from the "serious" people with the necessary equipment!

Silencer car alarm - ultra cheap way ruin your life
Jammer (interference generator) - electronic device, which generates interference at the frequency of the car alarm.

Silencer car alarm (range 100m)

The device completely blocks the communication channel between the key fob and the alarm unit in the car. Unlike code grabbers, it costs a penny. Depending on the range, from several hundred rubles (range ~ 10m) to several thousand (range ~ 100m). It can also be assembled by any radio amateur from a bunch of ready-made circuits from the Internet in a day.

The availability of the device leads to a sharp increase in the likelihood of being exposed to it in the most unexpected place.
Panic in Auchan on Altufievskoye highway: car alarms were silenced!//KP.ru
Moreover, the purpose of jamming the alarm may be not only the desire to steal your car, but banal hooliganism or the desire to annoy you.
Returning to the topic of the post, let's figure out what to do if your alarm is muffled?

Case 1. The machine does not close.
As mentioned above, there is no definitive answer here. The main thing you have to do is to be alert. Check if there are any suspicious people or cars in the area. The best decision in this case, it is to move the car to another place - to where the alarm works. If this is not possible, then there is nothing left but to close the car with just a key.
In this case, it is necessary seriously assess the risk of theft of your car, as well as activate all possible mechanical interlocks, if any. It is also advisable to turn on the alarm manually. Typically, alarms have the ability to turn on without a key fob.
To do this, the alarms have a special service button VALET, which is discreetly installed in the car.

VALET button options

Manual activation of the alarm requires some mandatory knowledge from the owner. You must know in advance:

  • where is the VALET button installed and is it installed at all? Often alarm installers save their time and don't install this very important button.
  • you need to know the sequence of pressing to turn on the alarm. Usually, a small memo is given along with the alarm - find it and carry it with you in the driver's wallet.

But still, the best option- do not leave the car in this place. Case 2. The machine does not open.
In this case, the risk of theft is minimal, but there is a very high risk of losing a lot of precious time and nerves.
Now your alarm is working against you! You can open the car with a key, and try to start the car to the sound of a screaming siren. Most likely, you will not succeed, because. any alarm usually has one or more engine factory interlocks.
There is nothing left but to close the car and stand under the door of your car waiting for help ...

This is exactly the situation I encountered in the parking lot of the Gorod shopping center (there are AUCHAN, Leroy-Merlin, Decathlon hypermarkets) last week. On the parking area of ​​approximately 100 * 100 meters, not a single person's car was removed from the alarm. In desperation, people opened the cars with a key in order to at least lay out the purchased products from the carts. A dozen simultaneously screaming alarms in a closed underground parking lot - it's tough!
The most amazing thing is that until we called security officers to call a tow truck and drag the cars outside, away from the working jammer, they didn’t even know about the traffic in the parking lot and about a dozen screaming cars :).
For me, the purpose of the organizers of this circus is not very clear. Either it was just hooliganism, or the hijackers on the sly wanted to steal some car ...

Wait until the tow truck arrives, and then I really didn’t want to wait in line for the evacuation of the car.
It was necessary to turn off the alarm manually using the special service button VALET described above. Although I knew about the location of this button (unlike other comrades in misfortune) - this did not help me, because. I didn't have the same memo on the alarm. Naturally, I did not remember the sequence of clicks by memory.

After a short stupor, a simple thought came to mind - to isolate the signaling antenna in the car from the impact of the jammer.
Those. it is necessary to create an area shielded from interference around the antenna, insert the alarm key fob into this area and press the disarm button. The screen for electromagnetic waves, as you know, is metal.
I was about to go back to AUCHAN for aluminum foil, but then I remembered the sunscreen on the windshield, lying in the trunk since the summer.
In my opinion this perfect solution to create a screen - it is foil, large and cheap!

Further, a photo instruction on opening the car with a jammer working nearby.
First you need to find the alarm antenna in the car. There are few places for its installation in a car due to the fact that electromagnetic waves do not pass through metal, i.e. the installation site must be sufficiently open. Most likely, the antenna is installed in the area windshield(on inside windshield, in the side pillars or under the dashboard). Further, the option is considered with installation on the windshield, behind the rear-view mirror.

1. This is what the sun screen looks like after cutting it. I had to cut it because of the location of the alarm antenna in the car. You may not need to do this.

2. We close the antenna from the outside with a half of the screen. (For starters, you can try not to cut the screen, but cover the entire surface of the windshield from the outside).

3. We open the car with a key. To the sounds of a siren, we get into the car, bring the key fob to the antenna and try to disarm the car. If it doesn't work, then move on to the next step.

4. That's why I had to cut the screen into two parts. We bring the hand with the key fob to the antenna, and with the other hand we take the second part of the screen and try to wrap the antenna and the key fob from all sides. We remove the car from protection.
If you can’t wrap the keychain tightly with your hand, then you can try to put only the keychain under the screen and press the button through the screen.

All! We start and leave this godforsaken place!)

7 comments to the article: How to deal with a car alarm jammer?

    And I drew instructions for using the "Jack" button in pictures for the main functions: arming / disarming; programming new key fobs, brands, etc. Printed 2 copies. in the car and pocket.

    IgorT, you will please the hijackers so much. He is in your screaming car ... looking for what he can take away (navigator, phone, well, or what is in the glove compartment ...) .... and here is the OPA instruction on how to turn off the signaling)))).

    Such a smart guy with a jammer wound up in the yard, and the yard is quiet, I don’t remember that the signaling bothered someone .. Pliz advise which direction finder to find this unfinished silencer to discourage the desire to make fun like that. P.s. There are small children, sometimes they really interfere with jammers ... If you have info on direction finders, please write to arty-dog-bk.ru

    Thank you for good advice, rescued!!! The husband got into the car, and the engine would not start because of the alarm jammer, but he had to go to work. Well, the sun-protection blind “was lying around” in the car. Still, Russian thinking causes pride and a smile =).

    Yesterday (04/10/13) I wanted to pick up the car from the parking lot at the store (I put it there the day before), it opened normally but didn’t want to start up and of course didn’t want to close back ... I called my brother, from him I learned about jammers (his specialty is Computer Security), says tow your car to another location. We were towed to a guarded parking lot, 1.5-2 km away. In the morning I wanted to take it to the electricians, but the car at that time was completely in order (it was much more difficult for the hijackers to drive and jam further from the guarded parking lot more difficult than to pick up the car than from the shops). they saw a “tail” (a white Subaru) behind us, crawling after us, even when we deliberately drove along meaningless routes (did circles). In general, people are more attentive to their cars and look around more often, otherwise they will take your “beauty” for spare parts in front of your nose, protect yourself as much as possible ...

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Car alarm systems are modern electronic devices that operate at a certain frequency. Drivers are accustomed to opening and closing cars without using a key. The latest alarms allow you to remotely turn on the engine, control your car from several hundred meters. People don't think about what electronic systems fragile and vulnerable. They function properly only if everyone observes certain rules games.

If you want to disrupt the communication channel, it is quite easy to do so. The attacker is invisible, so he feels unpunished.

You can even hack the alarm High Quality. Especially for this, code grabbers are created. Car alarms are constantly improving, but code grabbers are improving a little faster. In the hands of a criminal, this is a powerful weapon that must be able to resist. A reliable way of protection in this case would be a mechanical lock of the pedals or gearbox. You can protect the space under the hood with an electromechanical lock. You can control such a lock through a secret button. You can and should competently protect your own car from theft.

Alarm silencers disrupt the communication between the key fob and the corresponding device in the car. In Russia, cases of the use of such silencers have become more frequent.

The purpose of jamming an alarm can be:

  • auto theft;
  • elementary bullying.

What can the owner of the car do in a difficult situation?

1. If the machine does not close, you need to try to put it in another place where the signal will work. Otherwise - just close the key. It is recommended to anticipate the organization of the theft. If possible, the inclusion of a mechanical interlock is mandatory.

For the forced functioning of the alarm without a key fob, the VALET button, hidden in the cab, is used.

For your own safety, the owner of the car must know:

  • is there such a button and where exactly is it located;
  • the alarm is activated through a specific code specified in the memo. You must always have it with you.

2. If the machine does not open, the risk of theft is low. The trouble in this case is the inability to start the car. It remains only to wait for the help of a tow truck.

In failure situations electronic appliances, brains and hands are used. You need to act primitively and reliably: close the signaling antenna from the effects of the jammer waves. This requires a metal screen, that is, a simple foil or sunscreen sheet.

The owner of a four-wheeled girlfriend must know where the signaling antenna is located. Usually it is arranged near the windshield. Having protected the antenna with foil, you need to bring the key fob to it and disarm the car.

So all motorists should know how the alarm works, know the location of the antenna and the Valet buttons. It is strongly recommended to carry a roll of food foil in the glove compartment. It can come in handy in a difficult situation.