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Mistakes of subordinates. The soul and its structure by Seklitov and Strelnikov. Seklitova L. A. Do not give feedback


1. Different ways to improve.

What is the improvement of the soul?
- At the everyday level, it consists of acquiring life experience, new knowledge, developing feelings and intellect, and on the energetic level, it is building up one’s own energy potential.
- What causes the evolutionary growth of the soul?
- By developing it through life situations.
- Is it possible to accelerate the progression of the soul?
- The evolution of the soul cannot be accelerated. This must be understood this way: as it is given, so it will develop. For this purpose, programs are drawn up that determine fate.
- Is every soul given the right to evolve?
- No, not everyone. There are also degradation programs.
- Why are people given such programs?
- To test the strength of qualities acquired in the past or to develop missing ones.
- But can degradation be encouraged, and shouldn’t a person fight it?
- Of course, we have to fight. This is the meaning of the test: they determine to what level a particular soul is capable of sinking under unfavorable conditions. She may not go down, but simply stop developing at one level, if her internal qualities are strong: such a person will neither drink nor use drugs. He will simply isolate himself in a narrow circle and begin to automatically carry out the assigned task. If the degradation program is focused on acquiring missing qualities, then the soul follows a negative path and acquires the necessary energies. At the same time, it is not necessary for a person to become a villain; some forms of activity contribute to the development of negative qualities. For example, calculators, programmers, and military personnel can generate negative energies through activities necessary for society.

If a personality has risen high in development, does it not fall again or does it begin to move down again at some point?
- Why did you decide that involution is possible?
- People have a theory that a personality first rises in development, and then begins to turn in the opposite direction. Falls back into matter. It's like a pendulum oscillating - first in one direction, and then in the other.
- No, this is absolutely not true: How can a person, having risen very high, fall again! His consciousness becomes completely different, and most importantly, this becomes energetically impossible. He will experience a repulsion of low-plane energies. But if we talk about the average level of a person, then he can go down if he takes up drugs or alcohol, because alcohol, like a drug, turns off consciousness and the person acts mechanically, destroying himself, burning the accumulated energy, and since its volume decreases, it falls the energy potential of the soul and it descends. But this applies only to the average level of development. High souls are not capable of this, so they do not go down.

People build a pattern about the pendulum development of souls, confusing some facts. For example, the soul of a person can move into the body of an animal, dropping one step lower, but this is a punishment, and this happens very rarely. Secondly, the souls of high-profile individuals are brought down to perform special missions. But this is required not for their development, but in order to lift others up. Of course, these are also isolated cases.

How highly do you value the righteous?

Righteous people, like alcoholics, are different, so sometimes the activities of an alcoholic can be regarded higher than those of a righteous person. There are such righteous people who do not notice the desire for
the rightness of their actions and the harm they cause to others. They seem to be doing everything right and fighting for the truth, but this only brings evil to others. A person should be judged by his results, by what he gives to others. So are alcoholics. There are low, rude individuals, and there are also completely harmless ones who only sleep and do not cause much harm to others. There are also alcoholics whose programs are strongly intertwined with the programs of other people and
allow us to identify their negative properties. Alcoholics create situations in which other people's qualities come out. Therefore, such low individuals have to be valued not for their personal qualities, but for the negativity that they show in others.

Why does human development occur only through difficulties?
- Because, as practice has shown, a person is not able to sympathize with anyone without experiencing difficulties himself. And I need to develop positive qualities in his soul, therefore, the more
a person overcomes obstacles, the higher his level of consciousness becomes. Good things only corrupt the soul. An easy and calm life does not contribute to the acquisition of high spiritual qualities and the necessary energy potential of the soul.
- Does each nation have its own ways of improvement?
- Yes. Each has features of improvement, but not any separate routes. Everyone's paths on Earth are the same, everyone goes through difficulties.

Can the cultivation of the soul take place without difficulties?
- Options for development programs can be very different.
For high personalities, life can proceed calmly. They see a higher goal and strive for it. They no longer need difficulties, since the necessary qualities of character have been acquired, energy potential
Al is collected, and all that remains is to consistently move towards the goal. And low individuals do not know where to go, they rush from side to side, because the intellect does not allow one to find the desired orientation and must be developed forcibly. Difficulties help you gain life experience and develop your thinking. A high personality will make every effort to accelerate its development, so difficulties can, on the contrary, slow down its progression.
- Is it possible, by changing the material from which the soul is created, to change its nature and method of improvement?
- Can. But another method will no longer be for your Earth, but for other worlds and planets, since it is the matter of the world, its energy, that sets the method of improvement.

What is the point of constant suffering?
- In improving the soul, in developing such qualities as empathy, compassion for one’s neighbor, kindness, selflessness. Only by suffering, a person is able to come to such spiritual properties,
and therefore to Me. Satiety and wealth develop qualities in a person, that is, the type of energies that lead him to the Devil.

What is the meaning of human existence? Many people claim that only in love.
- Love is one of the stages of development of the earthly Hierarchy. It is divided into various stages, of which the lowest level of love is love for a man, the middle - for all humanity, and the highest -
to God. But above love there is a sense of duty and higher consciousness, which do not allow wrong actions and always know what to choose. In My Hierarchy, the Essences change their scale of values ​​in relation to the earthly one. But everywhere the progression of the individual is paramount, therefore:
The meaning of life and any existence in any world is the improvement of the soul. Every moment should bring knowledge, feeling, and understanding of something new. Each individual must develop to My State in order to become a strong support for Me and a faithful assistant in my affairs.

For a person, there are only two directions of development: towards you and towards the Devil?
- There are two main directions, but there are several paths leading to Me and the Devil. I will name the main ones.
Positive paths leading to God:
1) The path of virtue: love, selflessness, helping others;
2) The path of creativity;
3) The path of development through medicine;
4) The path of calculation and programming related to creativity.

Negative paths leading to the Devil:
1) The path of evil: murder, deception, money-grubbing, hatred, aggression;
2) The path of calculation and programming without creativity;
3) The path of automation.
4) Path of degradation.

How many lives on Earth must a person live in order to move to the first Level of the Divine Hierarchy?
- There are one hundred Levels for the earthly plane. But the soul does not always pass exactly this number. There are souls that develop slowly and can remain at the same level for several incarnations or programs, and there are those that develop rapidly and are able to go through two or three Levels in one life, so they quickly move into the Hierarchy. One hundred Levels of the earthly plane are one hundred Levels of the earthly Hierarchy.
- What structure is the Earthly Hierarchy included in?
- This design belongs to Me (God), but I work within its boundaries together with the Devil. The Earthly Hierarchy is intended for the improvement of initial souls, that is, newly created ones, beginning their development from the physical world.
- After passing one hundred Levels on Earth, a person gets to the first Level of your Hierarchy?
- Yes. But there are souls who, even on Earth, sharply leap forward in development, so they can immediately get to the second Level of the Hierarchy.

* * * * *
- Why does the soul acquire negative qualities? Isn't it possible to put restrictions on this?
- This happens only due to the law of freedom of choice. Every person has the right to choose, and no one dares to limit her desires or interfere with her choice. Everything happens on the basis of laws.
- Some souls absorb a lot of negative things. Isn't it possible to somehow prevent this?
- Do you want to say that We control those souls who then go to the devil, and We do not prevent this?
- Yes. After all, it would be possible to use some artificial measures to prevent them from going in a negative direction. -
- I have freedom of choice. Everything depends on her. I need highly conscious souls, a quality achieved through high consciousness. And any artificial restrictions give the wrong result
quality. Moreover, if degenerating individuals are not allowed to go in a negative direction, then who will work for the Devil? He also needs personnel to do menial work, and in large numbers. The fact is that they do menial work under His control, but for Me, for My purposes.
- It's clear.
“Both I and He need power,” God continued, “in order to carry out the amount of work that I will provide Him with.” Therefore He must expand together with Me. We also manage the development of individuals and look at the choice of the soul. To some extent, she still chooses where to go; in the direction of good or evil. But all this choice goes to the limit, after which either a given soul goes to Me in the positive beginning, or to the devil - in the negative beginning. A similar job of choosing between plus and minus is carried out by the Management part of any soul. She dictates the laws. And their implementation is a matter of choice.
- Is the management part neutral?
- It also consists of a plus and a minus, that is, all the best from the positive part passes into it, maintaining the positive pole. And also from the negative part. For this reason, both are present in it, and, in addition, the energy of spiritualization along with the Divine principle enters into this Management structure.
* * * * *

What is the perfection of the soul?
It is also necessary to concentrate the reader’s attention on this and at least briefly make some explanations, since a person still cannot understand why he lives and why he suffers. Of course, we can talk endlessly about the purpose of life, but let’s be brief.
The meaning of human life, like any other creature, is to improve one’s soul and the souls of those below.
Each individual must develop, and this includes:
increasing the level of intelligence, consciousness, refinement of one’s feelings and perceptions, expansion of consciousness. Every minute of life should bring a person new life experience, enrich him with new knowledge and information. A person is obliged to grow morally, spiritually, aesthetically, and creatively, to learn everything that has been created by humanity, to move from material knowledge to the comprehension of the “subtle” and Higher worlds.
Each individual must not only develop himself, but also directly pull those below him upward or create conditions for their development.

Man on Earth is perfected through suffering and trials. This is the method of education with God. Tests help to identify human weaknesses and vices, increase the energy potential and power of the soul, and suffering has the goal of teaching a person to sympathize with others, sympathize with their failures, feel their pain and grievances. If you feel bad, don’t do the same to others - the consciousness of the sufferer should come to this conclusion. Having experienced bad things, a person is obliged to strive for good, for nobility, for high morality, for those higher spiritual foundations that give rise to the highest qualities of human character, allowing him to move into the Hierarchy of God. Whoever develops opposite qualities from suffering and trials, becoming embittered and hating others, passes into the Hierarchy of the Devil.

The main meaning of life is to develop to the present Level of God. And this is not a mystical task, but the real goal of every person. You just need to feel with your heart which paths and goals lead to God and which lead to the Devil. Don't make a mistake in your choice.

Through the line of Larisa’s father, that is, the Strelnikovs, earthly energies were carried out, through the line of her mother, or rather grandfather - Levon Arutyunovich Martirosov - cosmic energies were carried out (their family gave psychics and people with unusual properties), and the line of creativity was also carried out, endowing people with musical abilities. , poetic abilities. Through the line of the Dobrolyubovs, the construction of human artistic abilities went, that is, the line of creativity necessary for the construction of the Souls of the messengers was also carried out. So what at first glance seems to be a simple historical formality, in fact has not only social significance, but also a qualitative one, manifested in a special energy structure. Previously, for example, they studied the family of princes, nobles, and counts. People have always perceived the historical side of the clan, the social position of its members and the participation in the events of a certain circle of people. But it is more interesting to study the genus of artists and poets, since there was already a qualitative change in biological matter, their DNA. And the race of witches, sorcerers, and people with magical properties was built in a special way. First of all, matter differed qualitatively, in its ability to conduct certain types of cosmic energies. This trend has not yet been explored by humans, but everything is ahead.

When we talk about certain personalities, we always have to mention others nearby, because they also participate in the same events as our main characters and together with them form pictures of life in a given place and at a certain time . The main characters always come into contact with many other people in life, so it is impossible to forget about those who were nearby.

Many people who come into contact with them are so-called minor characters who help build situations in their lives, help them or, conversely, hinder them, without completely understanding what processes they are involved in, and why this or that action occurs, called fate, chance or the finger of Fate. Therefore, we cannot help but touch upon the fate of many other people who participate together with the main characters of this book in the life of society, and we willingly tell about them.

This book provides answers to the questions asked by the authors’ ancestors. It just so happens that grandchildren and great-grandchildren answer grandfathers’ questions. But we hope that the souls of those who asked questions, appearing before the court of God, learned the answers to them before their grandchildren gave them.

The book “The Fire of Prometheus” can be called almost autobiographical. But usually no one ever includes unusual mystical events that accompany the life of authors on Earth in books of this genre. We consider them the basis of our existence, therefore they are the main outline on which our everyday, social and creative aspects of life were built.

It is impossible not to say a few words about the title of this book. We called it “The Fire of Prometheus,” because just as Prometheus gave people fire, which allowed them to rise above the animal world, we bring people in our series “Beyond the Unknown” the light of new knowledge. Information, as we have written in many of our books, is energy, it is fire, only Divine fire. But he is capable of burning, just like a physical one. Fire in certain doses brings light and heat, and in large doses it burns. God's fire brings people the light of knowledge and the enlightenment of their souls, which means it allows these souls themselves to rise to the Higher worlds.


In 2000 (arbitrary date) the era of Pisces ends and the era of Aquarius begins, the fifth race changes to the sixth, humanity changes qualitatively in its structure without being noticed. But so that humanity as a whole rises from one Level of Development to another. The Supreme Teachers have to carry out enormous work to implement this step. For people, it remains invisible or perceived as some catastrophic or tragic events in their lives. But they are necessary, since often, in order to introduce something new, you have to destroy the old.

That is why, by the end of the 20th century, continuous cataclysms, natural disasters, and mass migrations of people began on Earth. The landscape of the planet and its climate were changing, and humanity itself was inevitably going to change, both in its outer shell and in its subtle structure. The number of his subtle bodies was supposed to increase from seven to nine, which indicated his participation in the future in new energy processes of the Earth. This, in turn, spoke of the need to expand his cosmic consciousness, a new understanding and comprehension of everything that was happening around him. And the latter required new knowledge, new information. It is always supplied to the lower world by the Upper world, which patronizes it.

A change in a person’s consciousness occurs through the development of new concepts, and they appear in him only when learning new knowledge. And thus we come to the point that explains why God’s messengers are periodically sent to the world.

Special souls, possessing in their matrix a certain set of cosmic concepts, descend from the Higher world to the earthly one to carry out certain work related to raising the Level of a person. Some conduct practical work: they engage in extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, predictions of all kinds, magic, etc.; others are conduits of new knowledge. We were transformers of new knowledge, that is, we transformed the energy sent by the Higher Ones into new knowledge accessible to the understanding of humanity, being a kind of translators from the Higher to the Lower, human. Since we had to work with powerful energies, we had to have a certain structure.

The preparation of our physical matter took place long before the infusion of our souls into material bodies.

First, in heaven, or rather in the Higher spheres, a grandiose project was developed to rebuild the Earth and transfer it to a new, higher Level of development, and this meant transferring the planet to the range of higher energy frequencies. Bringing new energies into the human environment and transferring souls from the fifth race to the sixth is just a small part of this project. But we will not talk about its full scale, but will dwell on what directly concerns the messengers, whose goal is to pull up those lagging behind and those who want to move to the next race and open the way for human consciousness to the Higher worlds.

Before we, the messengers, appeared on Earth in physical form, it was necessary to qualitatively select biological matter according to special indicators. Their material bodies, unlike the bodies of ordinary people, were to be subjected to high energy overloads in the future. The matter of their bodies had to withstand Divine fire, and also equally normally perceive earthly frosts of forty degrees and physical heat of forty degrees. It was supposed to have superconductivity of subtle energies and at the same time serve as protection for subtle energy souls.

It is clear that Divine fire and physical fire cannot be compared, since their nature is different, although they have one common property - they are able to burn coarse matter. But the potential of the Divine fire far exceeds the power of physical fire, therefore special subtle structures are required to pass it through the structure of the human body. The messengers had to be under the powerful influence of the energies of the higher world during the period of work associated with receiving new information, therefore the matter of their physical and subtle shells had to withstand all the loads and overloads.

This is a small prelude to the technical and physical requirements placed on the material bodies of future envoys. Therefore, roots were of particular importance here. To obtain the required quality of organic matter through the female line Strelnikova L.L. and Seklitov L.A. united the Armenian family of the Martirosovs. who lived in the South Caucasus, and the Siberian family of the Dobrolyubovs, who lived in eastern Siberia (Irkutsk near Lake Baikal). This, as it were, reunited hot blood with cold, the ability to endure extreme heat and severe frost.

But the energy roots that bestow unusual properties on descendants came from the family of Larisa Alexandrovna’s grandfather, Levon Arutyunovich Martirosov, born on June 15, 1903 in the South Caucasus.

He had a father Harutyun, mother Anush and a younger brother when the tragic events of 1915 occurred. Levon was 12 years old at the time, by the way, this is the age (11-12 years old) when children’s fates change dramatically or they move with their family to another place of residence. (In rare cases, death occurs if the child had karmic debts), Levon’s fate and place of residence have changed.

During this period they lived in an Armenian village. His parents sent Levon to the mountains to herd sheep, of which there were only three. And it saved his life. He went far from the village, choosing a small mountain pasture. Like any child, while the sheep were grazing, he began to play among the piles of stones. Either a lizard will run, then a beetle will crawl, or a butterfly will fly by - everything is interesting and you want to watch everything.

And at this time, hordes of Turks, having crossed the border, were already trampling his homeland. They, like a black tornado, swept through the Armenian villages, killing everyone they got in their way. This event is described quite reliably and in detail in historical documents, and we heard about this tragedy from the words of our father. He did not like to remember her and only when we urgently asked him to sadly talk about what remained in the impressions of the twelve-year-old boy.

While he was tending sheep and admiring nature, a bloody drama unfolded in his village. A crowd of Turks galloping on horses with drawn swords, whooping and screaming, fell upon the residents like a deadly cloud. They swept through the village like a bloody hurricane, killing old people and children who got in their way and looking for those hiding. But the latter were few, because the Turks attacked napalm so suddenly that people did not have time to take even three steps towards their salvation.

All the time while the bloody massacre was going on, Levon, by the will of fate, was kept in the mountains. And this revealed the first mysticism in his life: the boy was isolated from a terrible situation, although, it must be said, his parents did not want to send him to herd sheep, but his uncle, his mother’s brother, insisted that it was time for him to get used to adult life and study independence. The uncle's persistence saved his nephew's life.

When Levon came down from the mountains to the village late in the evening, he was greeted by extraordinary silence. The usual human talk, the barking of dogs, and the bleating of sheep could not be heard. A terrible sight opened up to the boy’s eyes: dead bodies lay around, on the streets, in the courtyards: children, men, women - all in unnatural poses here and there, doomedly sprawled on the ground. There were dogs and sheep lying nearby. Everyone was dead and bloody. The sight was terrible. The child's soul was filled with cold and fear. It was scary to see such a familiar, but now unrecognizable world look. Before this, his acquaintances and neighbors, who greeted the boy with a smile and a kind word, lay dead with their faces twisted in horror.

With a sinking heart, completely numb from what he saw, Levon approached his house. In a small stone courtyard lay a motionless mother, hugging her dead little brother, and a father. Levon rushed towards them and triedfind signs of life in them, but the terrible wounds that he found on their bodies were incompatible with life. The boy realized that they were all dead. Tears flowed from his eyes. In bitter sadness and confusion, he stood in the middle of the yard, tears rolling down his cheeks in an inexhaustible stream. In an instant, he realized that he was left an orphan and completely defenseless in this terrible world. He also realized that he had nothing more to do in his native village, it had becometo the den of death. He entered the house, took a portrait of his mother that was hanging on the wall (his father and brother did not have a photo, sincephotography was rare at that time) and walked away in the hope of finding someone alive.

Of the entire village, three remained: a shepherd, who was tending a common herd of villagers far in the mountains during the attack, and another man, who went to the mountains on his own business. Nowwe understand that it was not an accident that saved three people from this village, but this was their life program.Therefore, at the right time, they were taken from Above from this terrible massacre. In one night, as history says, more people were killed.e million Armenians, including my (Lyudmila Leonovna) grandparents (and the Larisins’ great-grandmother and great-grandfather), as well as almost all relatives on the Armenian line. His father was left an orphan, but he always carried his mother’s portrait with him, wherever fate subsequently took him. And when he started his own family, his mother’s portrait always hung in his room above his bed.

The surviving boy and two men went to other villages to seek help. They passed through the same dead villages, all around they were met by dead and bloody people lying around, mutilated bodies. A terrible mortal horror wafted from everywhere, it was impossible to look at it. And for the first time, a burning protest against death arose in the child’s chest.

They wandered for a long time from village to village until they came to living people.

How his father’s fate developed after this, he did not tell in detail, he only briefly said that he went through an orphanage, wandered, then ended up with a distant relative with the same last name and stayed to live with him. He and his wife had no children, so he stayed with them for more than three years. And in his autobiography for the personnel department, he subsequently indicated their names as parents, hiding the fact that he was an orphan and that his true parents were killed. Such an autobiography was pleasing to the KGB supervisory authorities. This helped to avoid repression, because it would take a long time for the controlling authorities to explain why he was the only one alive in the entire village, and whether he had been recruited by Turkish intelligence. But over my father’s bed, until the last day of his life, there was always a portrait of his real mother. Unfortunately, in those days, few could understand and sympathize with him, when Stalin’s henchmen were looking for enemies of the people everywhere.

The adoptive parents lived a difficult life, so the father, not wanting to burden them, volunteered for the army at the age of sixteen. He ended up in the border garrison guarding Armenia from the Turks. More than once he was sent on reconnaissance with other fellow soldiers to the Turks. He knew how to obtain a lot of interesting information, since he had learned the Turkish language well. He was appreciated. Here he served for some time, until tragic events occurred again.

Levon stood on guard, or rather, hid in the recess of the mountains. Posts in the garrison were made like small caves in the rocks, invisible to the enemy's eye.

At night, the Turks carried out an unexpected attack by the border guards: first they threw grenades at everyone, then they began to finish off the living. They outnumbered the garrison several times. Several grenades exploded not far from where my father was standing. The explosion of the grenade stunned him and he lost consciousness. And at the same time a large stone fell from above the cliff, which blocked the exit from the cave in which he was located.

When Levon woke up, everything was quiet. He tried to get out of the trap, but the stone could not be moved. He had to sit in this captivity until since then until voices and familiar Armenian speech were heard. However, help came late, the entire garrison was destroyed, and dead bodies were collected.

Levon began to call for help. They heard him. Several people, piling on, moved the stone from its place, freeing the prisoner. After this, he spent a month in the hospital; Levon was the only one left alive in the entire garrison. And in this the second mysticism, or the fate of Fate, which guarded him, manifested itself. Isn’t it a miracle that out of the entire garrison he was the only one left alive? And wasn’t it mysteriously covered with a heavy stone, which even two people could not move, at a time when the Turks were once again finishing off the Armenians?

But from the first terrible day in his life, when the Turks slaughtered the entire village, Levon decided to save people from death, so after a series of wanderings, having passed the workers' faculty, he entered the Baku Medical Institute, which he graduated from in 1932 and received the title of doctor and the right to carry out medical work . But this was not enough for him: after some time, Levon became not a simple therapist or surgeon,Aplague doctor. In those pre-war years, plague, cholera and other epidemic diseases killed thousands of people. My father constantly had a picture before his eyes - tens and hundreds of dead bodies lying on the ground during epidemics, and no one was able to resurrect them. My father wanted to save, and he began to fulfill his dream.


Meanwhile, the general devastation in the country continued to ruin small businesses. The cafe will soon be forced to closeYes, and our club moved to the central library. We have becomeand gather in one of its empty rooms (photo 43). It was provided for meetings of various clubs. including ours. By this time, the founders of the Contact club had already left it for various reasons: one fell ill, the other left for Moscow. The entire organization of the meetings fell on my shoulders.

To make people feel comfortable, I decided to hold meetings with tea drinking (photo 44), especially since the team the library had cups and teapots. About 20-30 people came to the club. Two women volunteered to help me organize the tea party. I bought tea leaves, sweets and cookies with my own money, although I said that it was a sponsor’s money. In this case, the sponsor was Alexander Ivanovich. Even then, our life was difficult, since wages during the perestroika period were paid meagerly and rarely. I had to carve out small sums from the family budget and use them to buy everything needed for tea. In this way I hoped to attract people to our meetings, since after each change of location by the club we lost many of its members.

But tea parties, unfortunately, attracted old women and pensioners who had nothing to do at home, while young people came rarely and did not stay long: one or two meetings and they disappeared. I came up with “enticements”: on March 8 and February 23, I handed out books and souvenirs from the arsenal of things that were boring at home. They took it willingly and were happy with the gifts, but this did not attract the right audience. The young people stubbornly refused to be interested in space from the perspective in which we presented it. I wanted to attract as many people as possible, but people were more pleased to sit in front of the TV in the evenings.

But let’s return to what the Higher Hierarchs told us about the number of visitors to our Contact club.

Once, during one of Larisa’s dialogue contacts, we asked Them why people were coming to our club so few people. They have replyed:

- Your city is very small. There are very few people of high level in such places. The majority of people do not have a sufficient level of development to listen to you. It is impossible to recruit more than thirty to forty people from the entire city.

- Why does it happen that people come several times and then become uninteresting?

- It all depends on the level of development. It only seems to a person that he is of a high level of development, that he is smart and is able to understand everything. Actually this is not true. Every ordinary person has his own information, or rather, level limit. The lower the Level, the fewer peopleable to absorb new knowledge and the faster he leaves the distance. They reach their limit and can no longer perceive Us. Their shells are fed up with new energy and are unable to absorb it. So they stop coming to the club. From your perspective, this looks like a loss of interest. For this reason, you will not be perceived by a wide circle of people for a long time.

We were interested in those invisible processes that remained outside the field of human visibility, so I asked:

- What happens to people in the club from an energetic point of view?

- Together with Our information, you bring clean energy to the club. And the people who came to you brought with them different energies. Therefore, you create an imbalance in their group. They have to level it out for a while. Then they begin to absorb new energy due to the perception of Our information. But not every person is able to stay at high energies for a long time. This requires a lot of work on yourself, but people are usually lazy. In addition, now, due to the general devastation, there is a strong degradation of the population. And this also affects to some extent those who are trying to rise spiritually. Many people do not notice how they are beginning to degrade, they do not feel it. But degradation is underway. They begin to be repelled by extraneous information, everything becomes uninteresting. That is, degradation tion is the non-perception of new knowledge aniy and especially those given by the Highest.

- But are you satisfied with our work among the masses?

At the initial stage - yes. But any oral information is weaker than written information, and people do not perceive it at a high enough level. We are interested in people of high levels. And they can only be attracted by complex information, and that is written information. A person of a low Level will not be interested in her, but a person of a high Level will try to understand her. And this is how people are tested, dividing them through information and levels of knowledge into low, medium and high. We are interested in attracting high souls to Our knowledge in order to be able to raise them even higher in a short time and take them to work for Ourselves. You are already subordinate to the Higher Hierarchy of the Cosmos, because you have reached a higher consciousness. And this is assessed not only by moral qualities, but also by the work that you have done both on the earthly plane and on the racing plane. You have risen to the Level that created you and sent you here for a great experiment. Your next task is to raise to the same Level everyone who thirsts for knowledge and is not afraid of difficulties, everyone who longs to be with Us.

- Now you are giving us both simple information and complex written information,” I turned to Them again. - We convey to people only dialogue contacts. Should I also issue a written one?

- Any material must be tested on an audience. Why do We need this? To understand how the consciousness of the average person perceives what We give. This is important to us. If they accepted the information, then the work has begun: We are already beginning to correct the state of the neural field of human consciousness. If it doesn’t go into human biology through words, We change everything. You don’t know how many times We have already changed the Earth’s information field! We lower knowledge to the average level of a person, but he does not perceive it, it does not flow. We have to change positions. That is, We also always go through trial and error. And the point here is not the miscalculations of Our calculations and programmers. The reason is that each person is built individually both biologically and in his own subtle structures, so it is necessary to select information that would be suitable for the maximum number of the population. So the descent of new knowledge to Earth is not as simple as people think. This is a big calculation and recalculation, these are changes in the types of energies released, this is a technical restructuring of channel communications and much more.

Such a conversation revealed a lot to us, and we were amazed at the complexity and richness of technical means of contact between the Higher Ones and people. Man has always believed that the Highest Ones send a beam of energy down, and it immediately hits the right point on the Earth and the right person; but he doesn’t know what the structures and calculations are behind this.

Club work, therefore, was a testing ground, so I tried to stretch its work over several years, although this was very difficult in the absence of permanent premises, funds for its maintenance and a permanent composition of its members.

The club closed for summer agricultural work, and began its work again in September. To expand the membership of our club, I tried to use another enticing moment.

Among the members of our club there were also talents: singers, musicians. On holidays, in addition to tea drinking, we began to organize small concerts at the end of the meeting. The influx of people into the club increased, but again these were older people, and young people continued to persistently bypass our meetings. We were often visited by representatives of the department of internal affairs - the FSB service (federal security service). We were constantly monitored. At the same time, a working group of enthusiasts actively continued to chase “flying saucers” and their landing sites. But the “plates” were not shown to us. We usually walked in a large group, and they preferred to appear in front of lonely pedestrians. One day (this happened at the end of February 1992) we were informed that not far from the village of Rykulino they had seen a “plate” hovering over a field. And although it was fifteen degrees below zero, we went to explore the indicated place the following Sunday (photo 33, 34).

First we rode the train, then we walked. Our group included: me with my husband and daughter Larisa, Gromov V.N., Fadeev M., Golubim S., Dmitriev A. (photo 34). From the railway station we walked about three kilometers on skis among snow-covered trees. We were guided by the map of the area, which M. Fadeev grabbed, and by the signs indicated by eyewitnesses. When we found a similar place and began to explore it with dowsing frames, we discovered fields of a ring structure in the area. But the frames did not show particularly powerful radiation. We tried to film the area from different sides in order to identify subtle radiations, as in the case of research together with Yu.A. Shishkin. (photo 28), but nothing interesting was found in the photo later. The mistake was that we filmed the landscape no higher than six meters from the Earth and did not film the sky, but the object could hover at a height of one hundred or two hundred meters. For this reason, all the pictures subsequently did not show anything interesting.

Then Gromov turned on his third eye and, having looked at the area in a different range of energy frequencies, reported that he saw the clearing itself in orange-red tones and some clumps of fog hovering at a height of about thirty meters above the ground. But then we didn’t pay attention to them, deciding that these were ordinary vapor accumulations. Having found nothing interesting, we tried to get in touch with the aliens through Dmitriev, right here in the clearing, and began sending them telepathic signals. But no one responded.

However, we were not disappointed that we did not see anything interesting, because the very walk through the beautiful snowy places filled our souls with optimism. Having made a stop (photo 33), we decided to go back. They were walking along a snowy path, and suddenly M. Fadeev wanted to close his eyes and walk blindly. That is, he seemed to accidentally close his eyes and see a green ball. I tried to follow him, and he started to succeed.

Look, I can walk with my eyes closed without colliding with trees,” he announced to us.

Gromov joked:

You will return home with two headlights on your forehead. - (He meant two cones). - Will appear from collisions with forest inhabitants.

But Fadeev, not paying attention to his friend’s teasing, closed his eyes and, without slowing down, moved along the path. To our surprise, his skis glided exactly along the path, without deviating from it and going around the trees at the right moments. We were surprised:

How do you do it? - I asked. Fadeev explained:

I see a green light before my eyes, and when an obstacle appears, it turns red, just like a traffic light. Now I see a green light... - He boldly walked ahead of me, I followed him. A tree appeared ahead. Everyone froze in anticipation of the collision. But Fadeev immediately said: “A red light appeared,” and he deviated a step to the side and drove around a tree. At the time it seemed like a miracle to us. We didn’t understand why there was a traffic light looming in front of his closed eyes. And only now can I explain it this way. Fadeev’s desire to walk with his eyes closed was not without reason. It did not belong to him, but was the result of someone’s otherworldly suggestion. Perhaps it was an alien, because Gromov saw some kind of glow above the earth. For his experiment, the alien chose Fadeev, since he could also periodically see something in the subtle world, but in his own range. Gromov and Fadeev had different visibility ranges: what Fadeev saw, Gromov did not see, and what Gromov saw, Fadeev did not see. The same alien controlled Fadeev’s movement, showing first green and then red color.

After taking a short break and resting, we returned to the city. We went to visit Fadeev to discuss our impressions. Having warmed up with tea, we again tried to make contact with the aliens at Fadeev’s house, deciding that if they were not in the forest, then perhaps they were flying somewhere above the city, since there were many witnesses to their flights in these places. And unexpectedly, thanks to our persistence, contact took place. The space system contacted, calling itself a certain numerical code. In the book I call it System “X”.

And although She has long been in a different form of existence than man, she carries out all material work on making adjustments to the structure of the planet with the help of Beings close to physical matter and capable of influencing its matter. For this purpose, the System, as the governing body, sends alien ships to Earth for specific purposes. According to her instructions, the aliens carry out the work that is assigned to them from Above in accordance with the development program of our planet. Therefore, above the ground, Gromov saw not fog, but an alien aircraft covered by a protective field, and when we came to Fadeev, Dmitriev got in touch with the System itself, which sent this ship to Earth. An interesting conversation took place between us and Them, which is described in detail in our book “The Creation of Forms, or Experiments of the Higher Mind” (Chapter 4).

The funny thing about this situation was that while we were wandering through the forest and trying to see what was forbidden. They watched us and, probably, laughed at us, as if at blind kittens.

I then said:

Was it worth going so far to come home and meet them in your room?

But for the Highest, our impulse was important, our desire to seek the truth without being afraid of the frost, to wander through snow-covered fields in search of it and meet difficulties with a joke. Obviously, it was as a reward that They decided to contact us. About themselves They reported that they were “in another Level space,” which means in another dimension.

“We are a higher degree of organization of intelligent matter,” They explained. In comparison with them, human society “is the evolution of the primitive herd into a higher form of consciousness... In our country, a similar evolutionary process took place a very long time ago.”

They reported the following about their activities in space:

- “We control the energy state of many objects in the Universe, including planets, and in particular, your entire Solar System. We come into contact with planetary Levels of consciousness and thus carry out our work in space. The fact that We contacted you is Our decision. But we have always controlled your Earth. Human life is a moment compared to ours...”

We talked with Them for a long time. Everything was recorded by a tape recorder. In this book I skip a lot of their conversation so as not to repeat myself. (The reader can read a detailed description of the dialogue with System “X” in the book “Creation of Forms, or Experiments of the Higher Mind”, in the fourth chapter).

But, seeing how events are unfolding in our country and how humanity is catastrophically rushing into the abyss with the joyful whooping of the blind, I cannot help but repeat here their following message.

In it, They gave all of humanity a serious warning back in 1992, which, however, went unnoticed by anyone. Perhaps the reason for this is the small circulation of our books. For this reason, the information does not reach those who are intended for subsequent actions, and perhaps these people have also embarked on the path of degradation, which only indicates that the fifth race expresses its complete inability to accept new information and correctly use it for the benefit of all humanity . This is what makes me once again fix a person’s attention on the next address of the Higher Systems of the cosmos.

I repeat it 15 years after receiving it, hoping that a person will not remain indifferent to his fate and the fate of his children.

Appeal of the Supreme Mind to humanity

“What you call Russia is a very problematic geopolitical point on the planet, which also haunts us,” says System “X”. - Due to the fact that man does not know much about the actual structure of his planet, about the interaction of various levels of conscious matter and their interpenetration, he treats many of his actions so frivolously. For example, even an ordinary argument or scolding carries such an energy charge that it will be enough for us to last ten years of our existence. But it's not that. The important thing is that it destroys your planet as such. Huge energy waves of negativity and the scale of manifestation of human emotions can destroy your planet much faster and irreversibly than even the nuclear weapons that you invented. What you see happening on the material plane: the division of your former state into many groups, structures, substates, autonomies - is, as it were, a reflection of the destruction on the subtle planes of the Earth.

In the structure of your tectonic plate, on which your continent, Europe and, in particular, Russia rest, very serious geological processes are taking place, which your scientists, naturally, cannot record due to the limitations of their instrumentation. Your emotional activity of separation is a reflection of the processes that lead to the destruction of this platform. Unfortunately, each time it becomes more and more difficult for us to keep all these processes started by man and gaining momentum in a state of balance. But we can say this: as soon as you see that not only your Soviet Union, but also individual states will begin to collapse, you can consider this a signal that soon your continent will begin to sink into the water due to the fact that the platform on which he is at rest, he will not be able to withstand such pressure of emotional activity. We were counting on some emotions, but the person shows others, and they go off scale.

This is one of the reasons. But it is complex. That is, the Slavic nation itself and those nations or nationalities that inhabit Europe have realized all the possibilities inherent in them, but, unfortunately, they cannot find anything else. On your platform there are third world countries that are at a low level of consciousness development compared to many representatives of Europe and America. Therefore, the gap, which every year became more and more significant between Europe and Asia, is increasing. Moreover, Europe and America themselves have given these people weapons and technology, which they basically cannot use, or rather, they have not yet matured enough to do so, and therefore pose a great threat to the planet. We are making adjustments to humanity's situation. We can say that all the earthquakes that occur in these areas of your planet, where they live, are a consequence of Our influence on them and Our intervention. Although we take great responsibility for all these events, we nevertheless try to preserve your planet as a whole.

Russia's prospects are clear. She must raise her spiritual potential and help revive spirituality in other countries. But the future of humanity remains uncertain, because we cannot guarantee that it will make the right choice. The future of the Earth depends on the choice of humanity..."

You said that Europe and Russia could go under water due to the movement of tectonic plates. So their entire population will drown?

- Yes. - (Frequent floods following each other after 2000 in Germany and France confirm their words. In Europe, what they warned about 15 years ago is beginning to happen).

- But there was a question about creating a new, sixth civilization on Earth. Who will create it if everyone drowns? - We are trying to figure out the situation.

- Depending on a person's behavior, there are several options for the future. The first option: the new race will originate from the population of America, Australia, and Japan. There is an option - to leave only America and Australia. And the other is to leave only America. There is an option that suits you - leave Russia so that the sixth race can come from it. It all depends on choice and ratio.But we don't choose. You have been given paths, and what humanity chooses depends only on itself. But people themselves don’t want to understand this.

- And how close are the deadlines for implementing these plans?

- We can also say that the control point is events in your country. They must show whether the world will remain the same or whether it will change.

But this could take another hundred years?

No, it will happen soon. Such deadlines are unacceptable to us. In a hundred years, the planet will become impoverished, and irreversible processes in the environment will begin, then people will destroy everything.

This warning should make the reader think about the paths of his development, about the decisions made and their consequences. However, the main reason for the degradation of society lies in human morality, in the refusal to accept Higher knowledge and the replacement of spiritual values ​​with material ones. People fight for material wealth, but spiritual values ​​in the form of new knowledge are trampled underfoot. They are attracted by the shine of diamonds, but they remain indifferent to the knowledge of the Supreme Teachers and even the information of God. People remain indifferent to what is written in our books, believing that these are just another thriller by ordinary writers. They do not want to understand the seriousness and responsibility of accepting higher information. But if our books also remain in oblivion, as now, reaching only a few readers due to their meager circulation, then spiritual revival will not come from Russia, for it rejects the knowledge given by God, but one of the following options will win. Here it is - a choice that can destroy or save.

And life with its catastrophic events every day confirms the truth and relevance of our information. And only the spiritually blind and those who have entered the negative path can not notice its focus on the salvation of humanity.

There was only one contact with this System. Subsequently, no matter how hard we tried to get in touch with them, we could not.

Be that as it may, we continued our work to obtain new knowledge and expand the radius of personal concepts about the Upper World. We received interesting information, and work at the club proceeded as usual.


However, the devastation in our city continued, the central library was forced to sell the vacant premises in which we settled for a store. Therefore, we were asked to leave the hall, or rather, we were indelicately kicked out under the pretext that we were attracting some dark forces, so the librarians were not paid their salaries and everything was falling into disrepair. That is, what happened throughout the country and reached a small public organization in our city, the manager wrote off to our account. People always try to blame their troubles on someone else, find the culprit and punish him. Although the reason usually lies in themselves, in the inability to adapt to something new, make timely transformations or correctly resolve situations, as well as in their karma.

After wandering around in several small rooms, we began to gather in the library on the outskirts of the city, where the director graciously invited us.

I mention these two libraries in order to talk about two mystical events that followed. I must say that I was very worried about the expulsion, because it was done in a rude manner. We were accused of something that was not typical of us: we tried to bring good and guide people on the path of salvation, but we were accused of bringing evil and misfortune. After such an expulsion, my heart ached for a long time, and for some time I wondered whether it was worth continuing to lead the club further if people were turning everything inside out. But after being invited by the new head of the library, she decided to continue the work of the club. Although the manager had her own interest in this: she tried to attract as many new readers to the library as possible with the help of the club - but she treated us very kindly and this endeared us to her. Therefore, I decided to take advantage of this offer.

A year later, the head of the central library suffered a misfortune. She had a hooligan son who loved drinking and gambling. He lost a large sum of money to someone and was shot at. As a result of the wound, the son suffered complications in his eyes and remained blind for six months. Then the doctors finally restored his vision. However, how much worry this cost the mother!

When we found out about what happened, I just told my husband:

It’s good that we no longer gather in this library, otherwise she would have attributed it to us, and we would never have washed ourselves of the dirt.

The librarian's son fully recovered, but continued to lead his previous lifestyle. Two years later he lost again and after that disappeared from the city forever. There were rumors that he and a friend were running away somewhere.

The head of the library, where we continued our meetings, also had a son who belonged to the category of difficult teenagers. But she, having listened to what we were talking about at the club and learned that Alexander Ivanovich is a bachelor of astrology, asked him to draw up a horoscope for her son and, if possible, recommend something. The husband examined the teenager’s horoscope and explained to the mother that her son liked extreme situations. This has been ingrained in him throughout his life. But if he is left to his own devices, he will direct all his energy to hooliganism and end up in prison. Therefore, he advised him to enroll him in a sports school while he was at school, and then enroll him in a military school. There are always extreme situations there, but their solution will bring good, not evil, to the people and to the son.

Mother did just that. Six years later, she met us on a city street, recognized us and rushed to her husband with words of gratitude.

Oh, thank you for your son. You gave me the right advice. He is studying with me at a military school, as you recommended. Such a good guy became, responsible, disciplined. I am truly overjoyed and I remember you all with gratitude. As then you correctly advised me to choose the right path for him. Well, thank you. You saved both me and him.

When we were alone, I compared the facts out loud:

The librarian who kicked us out is punished; and the one who turned to us kindly received kindness herself.

“You’re exaggerating,” the husband objected.

However, the punishments for us came from Above. More precisely, the Highest protected us not so much as they punished those who interfered with our work, and therefore interfered with the implementation of Their great plans on Earth. What was happening could not be attributed to mere chance or coincidence. At the same time, as we were told at one of the contacts, punishment, like reward, can follow a year after the crime. Therefore, you should always talk carefully with people who carry strong energy potential, because they are controlled from Above. And when these people are offended in life, their activities are interfered with, then retribution will certainly overtake the offenders and those who interfere with their work.

A similar punishment happened, for example, to the offenders of our son-in-law. During perestroika, when all production collapsed, it was difficult to find work. Therefore, the young boy got a job with an entrepreneur at the market to sell products. It was winter, snow, frost above twenty degrees. Without the habit of standing in the market for six hours, it was hard. He was freezing. Larisa brought him a thermos of hot tea and lunch to his workplace.

He suffered in the cold for ten days, and then he was told that they didn’t sell his goods well, he didn’t know how to attract customers, and therefore he was fired. For the same reason, he will not be paid anything, since he did not earn anything, although there were buyers. But they did not give the profit that the entrepreneur planned to receive.

The son-in-law came home extremely upset, almost in tears from resentment that for all his torment he was not given a penny. I felt sorry for him, I found out where this merchant’s office was and went to appeal to his conscience. The merchant turned out to be an acquaintance; we worked at the same factory until it collapsed, and every day we met in his corridor on the way to different departments. And although we never greeted each other, we knew each other well by sight.

I explained why I came and began to convince him to pay the amount due for ten days for the sake of justice, because when my son-in-law was getting a job, he promised to pay him so much for one day, and then decided to deceive his employee. I gave some reasons, he gave others. Irritated, he began to convince me that this would ruin him and let him go around the world. I was amazed at what a money-grubber he turned out to be. It was as if such a modest worker went to the factory and suddenly such a monster of trade grew up. I realized that without paying the young people, he makes money from the workers, and there is nowhere to look for justice for him.

It became clear that no matter how much you appeal to his conscience, he will not pay a penny. However, as I left, I said almost prophetically:

Anyone who does not want to lose a hundred rubles can lose millions.

A year later, my husband came home and told Larisa and me about what had happened in the city.

- You know, the mafia attacked K* (he named the entrepreneur). They burned his office, destroyed all the bottles of alcohol in the warehouse and demanded some fabulous sum from him.

- Isn't this the one for whom our son-in-law worked? - I clarified.

- He is.

- So karma worked. What he stole from others, he lost.

But the showdown did not end there. With K*... they also demanded an apartment, so he and his whole family fled from the massacre to another city. When I once passed by his office, I found instead only charred logs and thought: “This is so greedy. I saved a hundred rubles, but lost everything. Apparently, he robbed many people, otherwise they would not have been punished so severely.”

What was it - retribution for injustice or the general tendency of the struggle for positive souls who have embarked on a negative path? The country turned towards degradation, and all sorts of blows of fate rained down on the heads of enterprising and active citizens. The freedom granted began to be understood by people as permissiveness. Everyone felt like an outlaw, everyone considered himself the head and master, no one wanted to give way to the other. As a result, there were bloody showdowns, heads flew, and property was damaged. Civilization was going downhill. And in a small incident in a small provincial town, echoes of one common misfortune approaching humanity were heard.


After the start of contact activities, we all began to understand ourselves in a new way, began to rethink personal behavior and people’s attitude towards us, and look for differences between us and those around us. Understanding the past years showed that all three of us (me, my husband and Larisa) went through life as strange people, since our behavior was somewhat different from the behavior of other people, but it was different not for the worse, but for the better. We have always been more than modest, quiet, showed great consciousness in difficult and extraordinary moments of life, did not imitate bad habits and tried to be exemplary, although this looks boring to many. And since there were few such people in our environment, we had to remain alone and stay outside of any groupings.

Our interests did not fit in with the interests of ordinary earthlings, and their behavior most often seemed immoral, evil and, to put it mildly, vile. However, we have always explained our difference from others to ourselves with such a concept as “we are quiet people,” therefore we are not interesting to people, and people are not interesting to us, hence the desire for solitude awakens.

Since a past life, we have become accustomed to giving up what we have to others, letting others go ahead of ourselves and pain in queues.It is better to think about others than about yourself. But, having started space activities, it was necessary to learn to defend some provisions of our existence, since the common cause now depended on it, and, in particular, to at least fight for the premises in which we carried out public work. However, was it worth defending them with foam at the mouth, or was it better to look for new ways to realize one’s own capabilities? To coordinate our actions at one of the contacts, we asked the Higher Ones: do we need to somehow fight for the old lecture premises, since they are convenient because they are located in the city center. The higher ones answered that it was not necessary and that we would find others for ourselves and, somehow in passing, described us the way we, in general, perceived ourselves.

You are all raised in such a way that you are not capable of harming or being rude to anyone, unlike earthly people. You cannot even offend with a word, you cannot be the first to speak sharply to someone and you are not able to force someone to do something. We also never force anyone, but only ask for help in Our affairs when required. And souls have the right to choose whether to agree or not, measuring their strength.

So, as it turned out, our behavior was quite consistent with the norms of positive souls. We lived as simple people, striving for knowledge, decency, and always tried to help those who needed help. But at the same time they never stood out beyond their due.

And suddenly, during one of our general contacts, we were informed that we are not ordinary earthlings, but express the Second Coming and are messengers of God to carry out a certain mission. Our family of three was one of the twelve chosen. This composition was selected for the implementation of this Divine project. And as God said, before sending this train to Earth, He gathered us, all 12 people, there, in the subtle world, or, in other words, in the heavenly spheres and asked if we were ready to fulfill this mission? We agreed.

At this general contact, no one was singled out as the main one (the book “The Higher Mind Reveals Secrets”). All twelve people were messengers, and all were supposed to work towards the implementation of God's idea. The first time they revealed to our group who she was, they did not specifically say that one of the twelve had a leading role. It was still necessary to pass tests and prove to everyone what they were capable of, and to God and the Highest, observing the behavior of the messengers, to once again make sure that the one who was entrusted with the leading role did not let Them down. The essence of the test was that with the memory of the past completely closed, the soul had to remember its main goal and subordinate all its actions to the implementation of this goal. In addition, the qualities of the soul itself were tested: one could achieve the goal using righteous paths, the other - any, just to come first. Modernity has always introduced its own shades into the behavior of the soul.

From above they observed not only the behavior, but also the thoughts of each of the messengers. After all, one could become proud, another could decide that if he is a messenger, then everything will be presented to him ready-made on a platter; the third, on the contrary, will be afraid, fearing to make mistakes, and will avoid any decisive actions, etc. That is, anyone can interpret this message (that he is a messenger) in his own way and behave in accordance with the understanding of this image at a given moment in time, and the Highest needed this person to behave as they needed, which was only possible in the only case - a subtle feeling by the soul of a personal program.

Of course, for this mission everyone was selected in advance based on certain character qualities, past incarnations and energy indicators. All 12 people were born in different places of the Soviet Union, but at the right time they met in Ensk, a city located near Moscow (see the book “The Higher Mind Reveals Secrets,” chapters “The Work of the Group”).

And when the main work began to prepare the Earth for the change of eras and the energetic restructuring of the planet, each of the messengers turned on the corresponding version of the program, forcing its carrier to act as it was written in it with all subsequent versions of their checks. And the script was written from Above.

Therefore, all three of us (the composition of our family at that time) simply stuck to space information and contacts, which became the main business of our lives, and everything that happened before that was only a preparatory period for the implementation of this mission.

Troubles, difficulties, huge problems began. On the one hand, they seemed to help us solve situations, on the other hand, they sent us tests. And the problems multiplied. Many of our group could not stand them, attributed them to the work of the “dark” and left us.

People have always believed in God selfishly, that is, they needed Him in order to ask him for good, mercy and forgive them in moments of weakness. People have forgotten the main thing that God not only gives, but also tests. Trials are the difficulties of life, problems, temptations and enticements that had to be maneuvered between. And no one wanted to accept the difficulties of life, therefore, as soon as a person began to have trials, he immediately assured that there was no God, otherwise He would not have made them suffer and would have eliminated the problems with one fleeting glance. People are accustomed to the concept that God only pats people on the head and solves difficult problems for people himself. They believe that if God loves, then nothing bad can happen. But in difficulties a person becomes stronger, learns to understand difficulties and think, and therefore improves. In difficulties, the strength of the developed qualities of the matrix is ​​tested. And in continuous benefits and rewards, a person stops striving for something new and begins to degrade.

On the everyday level, the tests looked like overcoming all kinds of troubles and difficulties in the family, at work, and on the energy level it looked like the processing of energies of different types through decisions made and the production of new ones in an additional volume, which expressed the payment for contact. That is, for each communication session, we and all other participants paid with our energy, which we produced through various life situations. Usually, a day or two before or after contact, something happened to each of those participating in the contact. When solving problems, a person worried, suffered, and through emotions and rethinking of what happened, he produced a surge of energy, which served as payment.

The Highest spend a lot of energy of the highest order on communication with the Earth and man. A person has no idea how difficult it actually is to make a connection from one dimension to another, from the subtle world to the material. This is not just sending a beam of energy, but all sorts of subtle technical devices are used here, and many high-level Personalities are involved in organizing communication, entire cosmic Systems are involved.

And when contact is made with God or the Higher Hierarchs, the connection passes through several Levels of the Divine Hierarchy, and consequently, several worlds located in different dimensions. Therefore, such a connection is transformed several times, which makes it very complex and therefore expensive. Of course, contacts are needed, first of all, by the Highest, because on the basis of them (contacts) a certain type of energy is descended to Earth, transmitted to people, and tested; and secondly, there is human control and adjustment of situations. From this perspective, the person in contact is a working unit. So why should he pay for something that he is not the organizer and instigator? Here it is necessary to learn to correctly understand the requests and requirements of the Highest.

We, using telephone and other types of communications, pay for them and understand that in order to carry them out, service providers incur material and monetary costs, which must be compensated by those who use their services. But doesn’t cosmic communication have a similar basis?

A person participating directly or indirectly in contacts receives a benefit: his thin shells are saturated with energies of the highest Level, which contributes to his evolutionary improvement, since his overall energy potential increases. The higher ones teach him, spend money on technical means, therefore the person himself, joining this grandiose project, must also make some contribution to the common cause of perestroika. Since he himself does not know how this is done, the Higher Programmers calculate in advance in what situations he must participate in order to compensate for the expenses for himself and at the same time test the qualities of his soul. Hence, life options with trials are included in the program in advance. But a person who does not want to solve problems is given the option of transitioning to a peaceful and calm life. And therein lies the moment of verification.

Therefore, many of the twelve envoys exercised the right to choose peace and prosperity and withdrew from contacts. We, no matter what, continued to move forward to new frontiers of knowledge. And they earned all their information honestly.

But those who got scared and withdrew from contact activities, although they gave themselves some relief by returning to a quiet life, did not save themselves from the punishment or censure that awaited them after death.

On one of the contacts, remembering the apostates. God said sternly:

When each of you has completed your mission, you will gather again with Me. And everyone will have an answer. And those who did not fulfill what was destined for him will be punished.

Will this happen after we die? - we clarified.

Yes. You will die, of course, at different times by earthly standards, but with us you will gather at the same time. And immediately after death, all 12 of you will not meet. When the last envoy dies, a council of twelve will gather. We will wait for everyone and we will sort out who did not work or spoiled what, and for which they will be punished.

Our mission is to provide new knowledge to people? -Yes, and not only this. You will do a great job

work, but not everything remains in a person’s field of vision.

What else does contact give you?

- Based on it, the purity of information transfers to a person is checked, and We are looking at whether it is possible to use this method of communication with people in the future, since there will be contactees in the future. Of course, this won't happen anytime soon. But Our messengers will also be in the sixth race. We are testing whether it is possible to convey messages to people in this way and thereby control their behavior. Any time imposes its own characteristics of communication.

- What affects the purity of information transfer?

- Communication is improved by making contact at the same time.

- What exactly prevents communication?

- A lot of things. Firstly, the ratio of orbits and the distance between the contactee and Us influence. It doesn't remain constant. The earth is spinning. In addition, solar radiation, as crude physical energy, worsens communication. The sun is a big nuisance.

- We are preparing topics for contact. Is it worth increasing the difficulty of the questions?

- Match your questions to your potential. After all, A*... (Larissa’s cosmic name) can burn you when you answer. Her word is FIRE. For this reason, we do not allow ordinary people to visit A* contacts. They are not technically prepared to directly receive such a powerful flow of energy. If you invite someone for contact, and something burns out in him, and this may look like madness or a manifestation of an acute illness, he will begin to accuse you that you are from the Devil. Getting burnedWith divine fire, a person will see in it not the Power of God, but the devil’s machinations. Therefore, for the safety of people and to avoid unnecessary rumors, not a single ordinary person will be present at My contact. Moreover, he must deserve such a presence. But I don’t see anyone like that around you yet.

- You are talking about energy passing through the contactee. Can we say what type of energy is used in our channel communication?

- Many energies are used, mainly impulse, code, digital, auditory, visual and others. Everything consists of energies of certain types. They are all characterized by different parameters. To understand them, you need to know physics at least at the level of your academics.

- Which contacts are more beneficial: oral or written?

- It’s easier to write to Her (talking about contactee Larisa). In writing, She can convey everything thoroughly, that is, She thoroughly conveys what I convey.

Here we will dwell on some features of maintaining contact. Larisa sat in a chair and received information, that is, she received the energy sent by God (photo 28, 30). God is fire, and His words are fiery. He cannot speak human language Himself. And if we hear His voice, then only when He speaks through a person, that is, God uses the contactee as His material vocal apparatus, materializing His thought into sound vibrations of a specific human voice. Therefore, when a contactee speaks on behalf of God, he forgets about his personal “I” and personifies the essence of God. During contact, this looks like the contactee starting to talk about himself in the third person, that is, using other pronouns, talking about himself: “she, her,” etc., and also trying to externally convey His inner state.

Step by step we moved forward in a new information layer, discovering a lot of unknowns,and also delved into the intricacies of the communication processes themselves. Every week on a chosen day, the three of us (me, my husband and Larisa) sat down in the living room to make contact with God, starting from a small room into the vast expanses of the Universe, or rather, going far beyond its boundaries, since God was much higher than physical matter.

One day He told us the following, addressing the future of people and the planet:

“Until all the trees fall, all the flowers wither, all living things fade away, a new morning comes as the starting point of the next stage of development. People do not want to understand the Voice of the Highest, they do not want to correct themselves, therefore everything that they could rebuild voluntarily themselves will now have to be corrected by forced measures.

The world around us wants renewal, and it will receive it through you, your energy.

This is why I need you on Earth.

Now in life there is a lot of black, gray and almost no white, only a small fraction of human existence has this color. And this is not enough for the future. It requires a radical restructuring. Therefore, I need to take drastic measures of cleansing.

When everything is covered in darkness and a great cold comes, the ice will choke life, everything and everyone will disappear. Not a single living particle will remain - and this will be the starting point of a new era, a new humanity, new laws of nature and the next cataclysms. And there will be life and purity, and nothing will fade away anymore.

You will begin this great work of transformation now. And the gates will open, and work on the future world will begin. This is your mission and work on Earth. Therefore, calling you. I don't want to put up with the misunderstood and the unfinished. Everything must be brought to the intended result.

I will lead you. Your task is to listen and obey My requests. Fulfilling them is human destiny. Listen to My voice and start a new life. The future of humanity is in your hands. Listen to My voice, pass it through your mind, set goals for yourself and fulfill them. Never stop there. Strive forward and forward towards the target milestone. Act according to the information coming from Me. Do not deviate from the norm, because this is fraught with big consequences. Only those who complete their task become twice as strong.

It is your task to save the souls of the strong, the souls of true believers. Woe to him who does not hear Me and does not want to hear My voice. They don't know what awaits them! And some careless people will not even understand their end, spiritual, not physical. May people hear Me through you! I address them through you.”

We read similar messages more than once at club meetings, but we felt that people perceived them as ordinary solemn hymns, mantras, without thinking about what was said and without trying to analyze their lives after them and change something in their behavior. Once again they were waiting for this next blow of fate. Modern man turned out to be truly deaf to the words of the real God who descended to them into the darkness of life from his heavenly heights. They continued to review their life and analyze it not when God and the Higher Hierarchs asked for it, but when fate struck them. And we, without stopping to chew the truths in front of sleepy and lazy souls, moved on. Time moved inexorably towards what God proclaimed.

After God revealed to us that we were among His messengers, we continued to work hard, since this placed a special responsibility on us. At the same time, we did not stop monitoring the events taking place in our country, the discoveries of scientists, catastrophes and natural disasters, trying to connect them with new information.

One day, while listening to the latest news, I (photo 48) made an amazing discovery. It should be noted that we received some messages about our activities unexpectedly from someone outside: from astrologers, from newspapers, radio, or from conversations of ordinary people. And at the same time, we knew for sure that this information was intended for us, although it was said by those who did not know us. Just shortly before this message, I was tormented by the question - what is the purpose of our contacts? After all, for some reason the Highest Ones did not tell us about the final goal, but asking God openly about this seemed indelicate to me: they give us the most interesting information, but we want something else. But since our thoughts were read from Above, the answer came unexpectedly from the TV screen.

I heard the message on the news (at 10 p.m.) on February 11, 1998 on the NTV channel, a month before Larisa began receiving the first Law. The announcer began to talk about a group of people in contact from near Volgograd. This group called themselves “Cosmic Communists”, they believe in Lenin and Christ, and believe that their ideas are similar. This group, whose contactee is also a woman, reported that they were told the following through the channel:

Lenin's soul is now (1998) embodied in a twelve-year-old boy. And the Savior has already appeared on Earth. This is a girl who lives in Russia. She is twenty-five years old."

At first I didn't take the message well, I liked the name of their group and the fact that we are still living in a great time of change. But when I went to bed, the thought persistently drilled into my head with the question: “Who is this Savior?” I began to think: “Before, they kept sending men, but finally they sent a girl.” And suddenly it dawned on me - there are girls in our groups. The message has been conveyed for me. The Savior is a twenty-five-year-old girl. These are our girls - contactees.”

Then two powerful contactees worked in the city - Anna Chichilina (G*... cosmic name) and our Larisa (A*... her cosmic name)). I began to calculate Anna's age. She was already 29 or 30 years old. The age was not suitable, and I thought that the Volgograd contactee might have made a mistake. But my mind stubbornly searched for a solution. “Wait,” I interrupted the initial version of my thoughts. - They said that the girl is now 25 years old. 25! ... So this is your daughter’s life right now and God is leading her! She will be 26 at the end of April, and now it’s the eleventh of February. She will turn 26 in three months. In addition, it is obvious that the message was received at least two to three months earlier. She is currently 25 years old.” After analyzing all the dates, I came to the conclusion that I was right in my conclusions.

At first we were told that we were showing the Second Coming, and after some time (several years) it turned out that the Savior was among us, and it was none other than our daughter. The discovery amazed me. But it looked too monumental and incredible. Moreover, this was only my guess; I did not dare to clarify this with God himself, since it would look immodest. And since it was just my guess, we treated the message with composure. I had to work. If the guess was true, then we had to work three times as hard. Concerns arose - whether there would be enough strength to survive to the end and whether there would be enough skill to accomplish everything in such a way that the Higher Teachers and God would be satisfied.

In addition, I had to remember that there are now many individuals who call themselves by the name of Christ. Will we also end up among the impostors? On this occasion, I remembered the fairy tale about the sea king, in which the main character had to look for his bride among 12 similar girls. This tale is very similar to the real situation: 12 or less people will call themselves the Second Christ (or say that they communicate directly with God), but only one among them will be true. And in this case, people will have to find out which of them is true. You will have to sort them out based on purpose and result. Although it should be noted that no one who called himself the name of Christ deceived the people, for he actually participated in God’s project and carried out the tasks that were assigned to him. Each one worked with people, but in their own way they had a specific mission. People only needed to figure out what was more important for them - to save the body and extend their life for several years, or to save the soul and go to God, and not to the Devil, to step into eternal existence, using an arsenal of new knowledge.

pp. 185-214


The above text talks about two printing houses in which our first books were printed. But why did we publish them in two different printing houses, and not in one? There is also some mysticism here.

The first book, “Secrets of the Higher Worlds,” was produced very poorly at the central printing house. We were given thirty test copies, and when we examined them, we saw that this was a complete defect: the text in relation to the edge of the page was positioned crookedly, one title disappeared altogether, some title pages with chapter headings were unfolded with a picture not from right to left, but vice versa. The text disappeared on some pages, so the end of one page did not connect in meaning with the beginning of the next page.

When I saw the quality of the book, my heart ached. And subsequently, I passed through all our publishing affairs through my heart, seeing the negligence and a bunch of errors introduced into the texts by editors and proofreaders due to their lack of understanding. The ugly work of the publishing houses hurt my heart; I worried about the books as I worried about my children. I would have had a stroke long ago if assistants from the medical system had not flown to us at night and restored us. This was required to complete the mission. We were very sensitive and vulnerable, and if it weren’t for the helpers from God’s Medical System, human rudeness and negligence would have destroyed us without giving us the opportunity to complete the matter.

But the first book was our first disappointment, and there were as many books ahead as we had to write, because at first none of them came out in the desired form and quality.

After watching “Secrets of the Higher Worlds,” Larisa said in disappointment:

It’s a shame to offer such a book to someone for money, and then it was decided to give away these copies, and sinceThe director of the printing house asked us for an autograph, so we first gave her her own marriage with an autograph. We asked her to correct the most rude flaws , but she unexpectedly said that the quality of the book did not depend on her, something strange was happening with the book. And she told us that while she was typing, mysticism began.

Firstly, when the driver went to Moscow to the warehouse to get paper for the book “Secrets of the Higher Worlds,” he could not find the warehouse. The building was very close to him, as it turned out later, and he circled around it and could not find it. Came back empty. And when he drove a second time and found him, he was surprised for a long time how he had not noticed him, although he had passed by several times.

The driver himself was experienced, but here it was as if someone had turned his head. It happens that a goblin in the forest circles a person in the same place.

The following difficulties occurred when printing pages on the printing press. The title sheet for the chapter, on which the title “Hierarchy of God” was written, mysteriously disappeared on the drum. The man who worked the machine said:

My machine prints four pages at a time at once. I look - three other sheets are printed with cliches, and this fourth one has completely disappeared somewhere, I myself don’t understand where. I then had to print this sheet separately.

He did not pay attention to which particular sheet disappeared, but for us it had a special meaning: it was the sheet about God and with the inscription “Hierarchy of God” that disappeared, and not the sheet with the title about the Devil or something unimportant.

There were many other little things that added up to a single chain of obstacles caused by someone on a subtle plane. For example, when they started stitching sheets, there was no end broke downneedles, and they are not cheap, as the headmistress said. When the sheets were cut on a cutting machine, the cutting turned out crooked. The workers leveled them, laid themunder the press, but when the excess was cut off, the margins of the pages ended up crooked, no matter how much they were straightened. In addition, while cutting sheets, the machine turned itself off several times. And when they started gluing the roots, the glue spilled twice. And such a multitude of mistakes cannot be covered up by the negligence of the workers alone. Even a person who does not have logical thinking is able to connect them into one chain leading to the one who pulled it - the Devil.

Comparing all these facts, the headmistress came to the conclusion that this mysticism is connected with the content of the book. Since it talks about the Devil, it means He is interfering with the matter.She began to be afraid to continue to maintain any kind of relationship with us.

When we were ready to order her next book not directly, but indirectly, she began to refuse us. Either they could not accept it because they had to fulfill some important city order, then their paper supply was bad, then they ran out of calico for the covers, or the master went on vacation. As a result, we realized that they were afraid to publish us.

They are afraid to sell books and hide them under the counter; they are afraid to be accepted into the publishing house, they are afraid to read (there were also people who refused to buy books for the reason. What does it say about the Devil).

The fear of man hindered our distribution of books among readers. Many Pharisees, who went to church to atone for their sins and considered themselves religious, stood in the church for hours, praying and bowing to God, who was distant and illusory. But when God handed them a piece of his information, they rejected it and looked askance at us as accomplices of the Devil.

When a person succumbs to fear and abandons the truth or stops searching, then by doing so he does not save himself, does not resist the Devil, but, on the contrary, indulges his intentions to plunge the world into the darkness of stupid ignorance. It leads a person to a dead end or stops development in a positive direction. Take, for example, the same director of the printing house. Instead of improving the quality of printing and speeding up the release of books, she began to refuse them and, thereby, began to do what the Devil wanted. She herself created karma for herself because she refused to do God’s work. It seems to a person that by refusing, he is saving himself, but it turns out to be the opposite - he is helping the Prince of Darkness.

But the Devil always uses a person's fear to his advantage. Fear does not allow a person to be enlightened, to learn the truth about the ways of improvement, and therefore a person begins to make one mistake after another, accumulating sins and tying up karmic causes. An unenlightened reader is like a blind man confidently walking towards the edge of an abyss. Blindness prevents him from seeing the truth and saves him from feelings of fear, but does not save you from cruel retribution.

People saw the name of the Devil in our first book and did not see that it reveals the paths leading to the negative hierarchy; reveals the peculiarities of his tricks and subtleties on which the righteous stumble. Only knowledge allows a person to avoid mistakes or correct them in time, therefore the Devil always advocates their (knowledge) concealment and prevents a person from learning the truth.

But people who were burning with a thirst for knowledge received encouragement from God for their desire to be above old prejudices and learn completely new information. So Marakhovskaya told us the following when we met.

We sent a dozen books “Secrets of the Higher Worlds” to the sisters in Novorossiysk, writing that extra copies could be donated to those whom they deem necessary. And since she Marakhovskaya was engaged in treatment, she gave the book to a seriously ill young man. The book captivated him so much that he did not part with it day or night, read and re-read it, and at night he put it under his pillow. It must be said that the doctors sentenced him to death. But after two months he was already healthy and returned to a normal lifestyle.

Another case. A young girl who had a blood disease also became interested in this book, reading and rereading it. When I met her mother six months later and asked about her daughter’s health, she said that the doctors were surprised that she had suddenly improved and was feeling well at the moment.

At the same time, God punished the director of the central printing house by depriving her of her job. A year later, one of our acquaintances told us that the printing house had gone bankrupt and the old director had been fired. And when three years later we went into this building to buy some forms for work, we saw that a young man from the second printing house was sitting in her former office. He was asked to head this institution because the city needed it. And this young man just undertook to print our next two books for us: “The Soul and the Secret of Its Structure” and “The Laws of the Universe...”.INSuch an intertwining of destinies, when some who did not recognize God suffered failure, while others who contributed to the implementation of His plans on Earth received promotions, clearly showed the hand of the Highest.


After the first three books were published at our own expense, we took them to Moscow and tried to offer them to several stores. But unknown authors were not accepted. They kept refusing us. And the reason for the refusals lay already in the distorted consciousness of people, which gave such a powerful failure that it turned out to be impossible for something new to break into the information flow of humanity without the direct influence of the Highest. Subsequently, the Higher Ones said that they would try to eliminate this marriage in human psychology in the near future.

At the moment, seeing the futility of our efforts, the Heavenly Teachers decided to directly influence the situation of publishing our books, or rather, They began to create a publishing house that was supposed to accept Their new information.

As the High Ones were convinced, observing what was happening from Above, in order for any editor to accept our works, he had to not believe in the old, feel the new, and for greater faith in God he himself must come into contact with a miracle. Therefore, They did a lot of work both on the subtle plane and on the earthly one.

The higher-ups became convinced that the editors either did not believe in anything at all, or believed in the Pharisaic way, that is, they recognized God in the church, which is already generally accepted and does not cause any complaints, but they do not see the new and push him away. Therefore, a new publishing house was formed.

And forming it was also not easy: it was necessary to fire people from their old jobs, creating certain unfavorable conditions for this, that is, prepare reasons for dismissals, and then be able to send them to the right place in the capital of our Motherland and unite them in another team. So, in the area of ​​the Yaroslavl station, to which we usually came from our provincial town, a seven-minute walk from it, on the ground floor of a multi-story residential building, a publishing house was rented. This was “Amrita-Rus”.

An employee appeared in their team who was predisposed to contact activities. Since Moscow was teeming with competitors, it was necessary to have a contact person who could tell the start-up organization how to behave correctly in a given situation so that it would not be crushed by stronger competitors. Another employee began to conduct contacts at which those interested were present. The editorial office began to make contacts, and many experienced with their own eyes the miracle of communication with the Higher Ones. And the Highest Ones began to suggest which works were worth publishing and which were not. So at the time when our book “Secrets of the Higher Worlds” came to the publishing house, the team was psychologically prepared to understand contact information. For the first time, the editor-in-chief called us and offered to publish our books. At that time there were three of them.

But we had a lot of information, so I actively began writing the following books. At the same time, we continued to maintain contacts. The first year we had a new book every two months. We were in a hurry to publish as much information as possible, because we were afraid of not having time; firstly, the editor’s mood could change at any moment, and he could refuse us; secondly, competitors could slander our books in order to remove them from circulation; thirdly, we worked under such pressure that our health was literally bursting at the seams, we could burn out at any moment. Fourthly, politics in the country could change at any moment, and freedom of the press could give way to yet another ban. Our country was unpredictable. All this forced us to work at an accelerated pace: in seven years, twenty-nine books were written (they included two two-volume books).

Finally, our books went like a conveyor belt. (Starting in February 2003, they began to be published by the Moscow publishing house Amrita-Rus). But since many of the primary editorial staff did not have special professionalism, the first books came out with many errors, which literally beat me to the heart. The proofreaders corrected the texts in their own way; each considered himself more literate than the authors, so they arbitrarily introduced punctuation marks, removing ours. Sometimes they replaced words according to their understanding and distorted entire sentences. The diagrams generally fell apart, the inscriptions disappeared, the pros were replaced by cons. Nothing was checked against the original manuscript.

The Higher Ones set a condition for us that every single one of our books should not be edited, since a person who does not understand the Highest meaning does not have the right to make amendments to the texts of the Higher Teachers. They only have the right to monitor the grammar of words, but not the semantic content of sentences.

Higher texts are constructed in such a way that even the slightest correction of one word to another or the introduction of another punctuation mark can lead to a distortion of the basic meaning of the entire sentence. That is why, for example, prayers should have permanent texts written in Old Church Slavonic.

Each word of the original texts carries a special energetic value, since they are all charged with the energy of God through a special numerical and letter construction. In addition, any arbitrary corrections primarily change the energy of the underlying knowledge. And if they are distorted, then the energy begins to spread to people with a distorted, reduced potential. As a result, the whole humanity will receive energy of a much lower quality than it should absorb during this period of development. And this is already significant harm to all humanity, for which this “letter of merit” will suffer severe punishment in the future. (But we are not talking about spelling errors that a computer makes when transferring texts from place to place).

We must not forget that replacing words often distorts the knowledge itself, and because of this, the true picture of the surrounding reality will not be conveyed to humanity, and the fact of understanding the world will turn out to be incomplete, inappropriate for a person of the sixth race.

Therefore, personnel in the publishing house itself changed rapidly, and thus the Top was looking for conscientious workers responsible for their work.

The first books, which were produced in very small, test editions, were sold out, so repeated small editions followed. Their quality began to gradually improve.

In the mysticism of the creation of the Amrita-Rus publishing house, the hand of the Supreme Teachers was clearly visible. The publishing house was located next to the station where our train arrived from another city. And we lived on the opposite side of the same railway line, also five minutes from the station in our city. That is, we and the publishing house were directly connected by two strips of metal rails stretching one hundred and ten kilometers. Obviously, the Heavenly Teachers took pity on our feet, seeing how tired they were when we walked kilometers in search of esoteric editions.

Meanwhile, the book “Laws of the Universe” began its march across the country. And miracles began to happen to the people who came into contact with it, which they talked about during meetings or wrote to us in letters, which we, in turn, mentioned in a number of previous books. This book not only reveals dormant possibilities in people, but also heals and protects.

There are too many strange things going on around the book.“Laws”, they only need to be seen and correctly comprehended. An observant person will discover many amazing things not only in the knowledge of the universe and the life of the Highest, but also in his own. The mysticism of the Book of Laws is written in the book “Earthly and Eternal” (article “Energy Potential of the Laws”), as well as some other books in this series.

Recently, letters began to come to us in which people said that thanks to the book of the Laws they began to recover. For some people, after reading the book, a channel of communication with their Heavenly Teacher opened; for the first time, people began to distinguish the Teacher’s thoughts from their own. For some, a creative channel opened: some began to write poetry, others to draw, and for others, clairvoyance opened. I will quote lines from the last letter that came from Ufa:

“...My name is Camila. Our family is spiritual, we are Muslims, but we always knew that God is one. When I first touched the book “Laws of the Universe,” my hands burned. I have always been sensitive to energies. From that day on, I started reading the first volume, the first, not the second. That's what my Determinant told me. While reading, my chakras lit up from top to bottom, sometimes the burning continued even without reading the book, and sometimes I was forced to stop because my body began to burn, and I had a low-grade fever. Soon a channel opened for me, and I began to record poems from the Hierarchs and some Spiritual Teachers. The memory of past lives began to open up a little..."

Another reader writes:

“My computer broke down; it didn’t want to boot for a day or two. On the third, I decided that he needed exposure to high energies. I placed the system unit on the first volume of the Laws, and placed the second volume on top. And, oh miracle! The computer started working..."

Of course, the energy sensitivity of technology and people is different, and it will affect everything individually. Some people, even high souls, may not feel anything at all, but do not let this upset them, since the reason for the latter is that they have been given their own tasks on Earth, which they must solve. It is not necessary to feel the energies; it is enough to correctly understand the information that the Higher Ones send to them. For some, the goal is to develop sensitivity to energies, for others - to force their thoughts to work in a new direction, for others - to master creative processes.

The main thing is to follow the path of knowledge and comprehensive improvement of your soul. And let the new qualities of the matrix be built on the high energies of the book of the Laws of the Universe. as on the foundation of the future paranormal properties of the Golden Race man.

pp. 305-315

Excerpts from the book are presented for your reference. You can order books on the publisher's website

Responsible for everything

Nobody works without mistakes. However, their number can be minimized if you do not scold your subordinate every time, but try to find out the reasons for his mistake.

Every manager dreams of error-free work by his subordinates. And everyone has a whole arsenal of means to achieve their dreams: from fines and dismissals to coaching employees through training. Using various techniques, you can reduce the number of errors several times. According to some experts, it is theoretically possible to train employees to the point of automaticity. But this is more applicable in the field of customer service. It’s a different matter when it comes to the level of management of managers or specialists who make independent decisions. It is impossible to bring their actions to automatism.

In an effort to reduce the number of errors to a minimum, the management of some foreign companies decides to take very extravagant measures. For discovering an error and informing management about it, the whistleblower is paid a bonus. Some experts consider such a measure to be completely justified, because if a manager reacts constructively to the mistakes of subordinates, the optimal atmosphere will be in which employees calmly talk about the mistakes they have made and suggest ways to correct the situation. However, at Russian enterprises, staff perceive this method as snitching. And therefore, for other specialists, this method is unacceptable.

Experts believe that it is better if the manager not only listens to the admission of the mistake, but also asks the subordinate’s opinion about its cause. It often turns out that it was allowed not because of low competence, but because of poorly established business processes. By realizing this, a manager can prevent the lion's share of mistakes. And as a reward you will receive increased productivity. The person is always at the forefront, with the right to make mistakes. Even ideal business processes can be destroyed by an incompetent performer. As well as the leader.

There are two main reasons for errors. The first is poor preparation and training of staff. If a person has not been taught the basics, he may make mistakes simply out of ignorance. Such errors can occur where there are simply no training standards in the industry. For example, this is the situation in real estate. The second reason is management errors in organizing the business process. It is important to establish proper interaction between employees and services.

Experts also believe that one of the reasons for the performer’s mistakes is poor mutual understanding. It's about transmitting information. How is it going technically? If a signal is applied to the input of a device and the device is designed to transmit the signal without distortion, then the output of the device will still be the same signal. With minor and often subtle distortions. What happens when information is transferred from one person to another? Distortion, sometimes monstrous. The measure of distortion is called mutual understanding. The less the recipient distorts the information, the higher the mutual understanding. Mutual understanding is an area in which information is interpreted in the same way by the source and the recipient. And this area is very small.

When a manager sets a task, he says part of the task out loud (or in writing), and part of the task he “means.” In other words, the leader tells you what needs to be done. But the manager does not specify how to do it, for example, because in front of him is an adult and he does not need to “chew” exactly how to resolve the conflict with the client, because the subordinate himself should know. That's right, he knows. And the subordinate decides for himself. If the ideas of the manager and the subordinate coincide, everyone is happy. But this is not always the case.

Experts are sure: the problem of mutual understanding in an ordinary company leads to mistakes dozens of times a day. And only a few times a year in the company of like-minded people. Like-minded people are people who are guided by coinciding principles. That is, for each of them, the concept of how to resolve a conflict presupposes the same priorities and, therefore, the same actions.

Mistakes of subordinates- an inevitable reality. And the manager has the only opportunity to reduce the number and danger of errors - the correct attitude towards them. What do many managers do when they see an employee’s mistake and he’s not around?

  • They take photographs of the results of the work to later show and express displeasure.
  • They call and demand that everything be fixed immediately.
  • If the error is not critical, they take it under control in order to explain to the employee what he did wrong if necessary.
  • They fix it themselves.

What is ineffective to fix errors behind subordinate, many understand. But pointing out mistakes to employees is just as ineffective. Why? I'll start from afar. For what reasons do employees make mistakes? Because this is facilitated by the organization of work in the company.

  • Not everyone knows what is right, but everyone knows what is wrong.
  • Attention is focused on errors.
  • Fear of criticism makes you make mistakes.
  • Minor errors are corrected on the same basis as serious violations.

So, how to lead employees so that they make fewer mistakes?

1. Visualize the goal

Tasks often look like this: “Go there, I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what.” If you notice, not a word is said here about why the task is necessary at all.

Imagine a huge white canvas - these are options for solving your problem. The worker, completing the task, shoots an arrow into the canvas. And it hits. How can you not get there?! Mission accomplished. But it comes supervisor and says: “I didn’t hit it! This particular solution was chosen incorrectly.” The worker shoots again, and again the arrow hits the canvas, which is difficult to miss. But his boss comes and says: he’s passing by again. The leader has an imaginary target, the image of which is drawn using the information and logic that he is guided by. But the employee has different initial data and different logic. How long can this go on? As long as they both have enough patience. Who pays for these efforts? Owner.

There is another option. When the employee shoots, and the manager takes aim. In this case, they can be paid one salary for two. Sometimes it happens that the owner takes aim for everyone, but this is his personal business... and time.

How to teach an employee to hit the target the first time? Draw a target on a white canvas. Ten is the goal. Nine is principles. Eight is values. If it doesn’t hit, then the problem is with the employee. He needs to be trained, motivated or fired. Provided that the goal is adequate and the means are suitable.

But let's return to the first question posed. If you focus on one mistake an employee made, he may not make it again. But he will do another one. This is why photographing defects at work is ineffective, unless, of course, the goal is to collect a collection of errors. It is much more effective to photograph the correct actions and show them as a model. This is called the beautiful word visualization. Visualize the goal.

2. Give feedback

This is one of the main functions of a leader. The employee does not see himself from the outside. Even if he always hits the target, but is very tired, he may, after suffering for some time, quit without explanation. And the reason may be the wrong posture or a tight bowstring. Seeing system errors and correcting the aim is the direct responsibility of the manager. Don’t take aim at your subordinate, but make adjustments, tell your subordinate: “Everything is great. And if next time you raise the elbow of your right hand a little higher, the arrow will fly more accurately.”

In the book Dale Carnegie“How to Win Friends and Influence People” tells an anecdotal story about a woman who fed her family hay because her cooking skills did not evoke any response from those close to her. Similarly, an employee who does not have feedback can make mistakes on purpose. Give feedback.

3. Refrain from criticism

How is feedback usually given? In the form of indications of deviation from the accepted order of work. That is, as long as the subordinate works well, no one notices. But as soon as he makes a mistake, everyone sees it and points to it. This type of feedback has several pitfalls. It is better to point to the correct goal rather than a deviation from the goal. The error is already visible. It is important to find out the cause of the error before fixing it. And finally, criticism does not help, but demotivates.

I would like to draw your attention to the last pitfall. Dale Carnegie devoted the first chapter of his book to the futility of criticism. He explains that a person is not aware of his mistakes. From the point of view of any person, his personal decision is the right decision, and it is useless to prove to him that his actions were wrong. The only thing criticism can lead to is passive-aggressive behavior. Do you need disgruntled employees?

The second reason criticism is useless is its untimeliness. The mistake has already been made. Criticism will not improve the situation in any way. You need to criticize before, not after, and only to find and eliminate weaknesses.

Third, criticism can have destructive consequences. David Rock in the book “Brain. Instructions for use" described a study proving that social pain, unlike physical pain, does not go away completely, but can periodically return. This means that if you criticize a person once, you can inflict a wound on him that will periodically bleed. How will he deal with injury?

The fourth reason is fear. Fear of criticism is the sword of Damocles, which makes it difficult to focus on work. And as a result, thoughts of criticism become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Reason number five is development in the wrong direction. What we pay attention to improves. If a manager is focused on identifying errors, he finds them more often, and the criticism becomes more sophisticated. As a result, in order to protect himself from criticism, the employee begins to avoid work and becomes a professional at jumping to the side.

If it is still necessary to correct the work done, then this should be a hint to the employee: what needs to be changed in order to hit the target. It shouldn't be a slap on the back of the head for a miss. Refrain from criticism.

4. Allow yourself to make mistakes.

Mistakes cost money. Everyone understands this. And everyone tries to avoid them, which leads to a focus on mistakes. When I was learning to drive a car, the instructor told me: “If you look at the hole when you go around it, you will definitely fall into it. Always look at the section of the road you are going to drive on.” The same applies to any field: if you focus on a mistake, you will not be able to avoid it. Avoiding mistakes leads to even bigger mistakes: a downward spiral.

You need to focus on goals and objectives, and analyze mistakes. Mistakes that should be emphasized are violations of principles and values. But even in this case, you need to find out the reasons and once again make sure that the employee understands the principles and values. Allow people to make mistakes.

5. Praise employees by increasing their status

Klaus Kobiel in the book Action Motivation refers to a survey in which employees answered what was most important to them. In this survey, approval for a job well done comes first, followed by salary in fifth place. Dale Carnegie, using success stories and real-life examples, also shows that praise works wonders. What is the secret?

Praise and recognition of merit is an increase in status. At all times, status meant a lot (palaces, titles, the best bunk), but in our time status is everything. Carnegie also called “appreciation” a means of payment. Why don't we use such payment?

David Rock argues that the reason is low self-esteem. An increase in the status of another person, especially in public, is felt as a decrease in one’s own status, which is psychologically uncomfortable. But here’s the paradox: in fact, if you openly and publicly praise your subordinates, not only their status increases, but also yours. Raise the status of your employees.

6. Correct behavior by rewarding the right actions.

When an employee stops being afraid of mistakes, when his correct actions are noticed and encouraged, he develops self-confidence. He's reaching a new level. He always hits the target, but not always the top ten. At this stage, it’s time to include behavior correction methods: reward only those who hit the mark. Rewards should be small but immediate. It is important not to stimulate, but to reward and not stop there.

7. Motivate wisely by increasing concentration on tasks

It is impossible to completely eradicate errors. If only because an employee who believes in himself will more often take risks and make mistakes again. To make fewer mistakes, a person must be concentrated, and therefore motivated. All known theories of motivation have weaknesses. A new theory has emerged in the 21st century motivation, proposed Daniel Pink. Its essence is that a person is motivated by three factors: freedom of choice, challenging one’s own strengths and achieving goals. If the goal matches my internal settings, I will become its adherent.

The theory really works. If you allow employees to choose the priority of solving problems, the team and ways to move towards the goal, then the need for control disappears. People will do the job as well as the goal is set correctly for them and their skill allows. The manager’s task is only to find work for those who were not included in the team and select tasks for workers according to their skill level.

But even this approach has its limitations. Everyone wants freedom, but not everyone can take advantage of it. Everyone thinks of themselves as masters, but not everyone is one (you can remember the Dunning-Kruger effect). And there are even more problems with determination. And all these difficulties must be overcome by the manager: distributing freedom in portions, setting tasks only according to the level of skill and combining in the employee’s mind the goals of the organization, the goals of the task and the employee himself into a single resulting vector. You can hire a new employee with the right goals, attitude, and skill level. But in any case, the problem will remain: how to ensure the increasing complexity of tasks as the employee’s skill increases?

What did I want to say to all of this? Firstly, the main thing in motivation is understanding your employees: their goals, motives, capabilities. Knowing all this, you can anticipate mistakes. Secondly, if mistakes are made, it means that the tasks are either below the employee’s skill level - then he gets bored and loses concentration. And if the tasks are above the skill level, then it is difficult for him and he lacks the skills to perform them correctly. Motivate smartly.

Why did I bring up this topic?

All of the books listed above and many others not named talk about the need to focus the employee’s attention on the positives, give positive feedback and praise, but in practice no one does this. I've been trying to change my leadership methods for the last six months. And I apply everything I write about here myself. As a result, fewer errors, higher staff skill, which means fewer corrections, less control and savings on resources. As a result, I have more free time, which was the purpose of introducing new methods.

As you know, people join a company and leave the manager. How to become a leader who makes employees want to stay in the company? It is important to avoid the most destructive mistakes. Let's talk about them in this article.

Do not give feedback

Lack of feedback from the leader is one of the most common mistakes. Most managers do not find it necessary to comment on the work of subordinates as long as everything is going well. Didn't do the job - bad, get a reprimand. You did it - of course, because you get paid for it!

However, feedback from the manager greatly affects the motivation of the employee. Therefore, every manager should learn to give high-quality feedback - this is a very useful procedure, both for the employee and for the manager himself.

It is not at all necessary to dedicate a meeting to singing praises or discussing the career plans of a subordinate, especially since you may not have such plans for him. Discuss with the employee a specific work situation that he or she has handled brilliantly. Ask what helped him to be so effective, where else he can use the applied methods and repeat this success story. Give feedback in situations where a subordinate did not do a good enough job. Discuss what was missing, what, in his opinion, is the reason for the failure, specify what conclusions he can draw from this situation, and together with him find possible ways to solve the problem.

It is worth remembering that such meetings should be made regular. They will help employees work more efficiently and cope with emerging difficulties faster, and the manager - to increase the loyalty of subordinates, always be aware of their successes and failures and be able to insure them at the right time.

Not noticing the dignity of subordinates and their contribution to the overall result

This point is closely related to the previous one: any, even the most involved and “self-motivated” employee, from time to time needs praise and approval from the leader. An affectionate word, it pleases everyone, remember? You don't need to praise your subordinate for every task completed; choose key aspects of each employee's performance that need to be celebrated. It can be unique talents that no one else has, getting the job done in the shortest possible time, successful difficult negotiations, or, for example, the initiative of an employee.

Learn to thank people - so you get the opportunity to form the desired model of employee behavior. This tool is simple and accessible to everyone; it does not require financial investment.

If possible, praise people publicly, this enhances the effect. Thus, you satisfy the need of employees for recognition, they will not have to look for popularity among the dissatisfied in the smoking room.

Overload subordinates

A responsible manager, faced with a difficult task, can often be guided by the maxim - “Faster! Higher! Stronger!" There is nothing wrong with this if subordinates can withstand such a pace. But if you understand that such statements, as well as receiving new tasks, no longer arouse enthusiasm among employees, it’s time to pause and carefully analyze what is happening. This mistake is more likely to be typical of entrepreneurial-type managers who, in pursuit of a great idea, cannot always calculate the workload on the team, assessing the complexity of the task and weighing all the risks. They are also relevant for those who are “illuminated” by new ideas without waiting for the previous ones to be implemented. The subordinates of such managers receive new tasks before they have time to complete the current ones. Without properly set priorities, not a single task will be completed, and employees will completely lose the purpose and meaning of their work.

If there is a possibility that you incorrectly estimate the complexity of the work when you give a task, try to consult in advance with experts - employees who do it “by hand”. In the eyes of your subordinates, you are unlikely to lose your position; rather, on the contrary, they will perceive this as a manifestation of a rational and balanced approach to work.

Not giving enough explanation to complete the task

All people differ from each other in the manifestation of their style characteristics. This allows the manager to use their talents to perform a variety of jobs: one employee is good at analyzing large amounts of data and systematizing information, while another is great at coming up with new ideas and thinking outside the box. When giving a subordinate a task, it is necessary to take these features into account and provide comprehensive information. Explain to the employee:

For what need to do this. What problem does this solve, what is the global goal.

What need to do. What exactly do you want to get in the end?

How do it. Based on what laws and regulations, taking into account what restrictions and criteria.

Who will do it. Who is responsible, who is a co-executor. Who has the authority to make decisions and who just needs to be informed.

When You are waiting for the result when you need to start working.

The proposed version uses the Adizes methodology, but other theories and methods can also be used. The main thing is that the subordinate receives comprehensive information from you. Only then can you expect a good result on time.

Do not involve subordinates in company life

The short term will always trump the long term. The fulfillment of the plan in the current period or the deadline set by the client will always bother you much more than the fact that your employees are not interested in what is happening in the company, do not read the news on the corporate website, or do not know about the competition for the best corporate "shout". Some managers react very negatively when they learn about the participation of employees in corporate activities: they see this as a signal of underutilization of people. “Pick up the phone and call customers, you will discuss the competition after hours!” they say.

Of course, such tactics and tight control will help to fulfill the plan, but in the long run it will not work. Regulations and procedures provide efficiency only in the short term. Employees who have lost contact with the company react worse to changes and do not show initiative. It’s easy to lure them away to competitors, because there’s almost nothing keeping them here.

Involve subordinates in the life of the company, do not forbid them to be interested in what is happening. Be the conductor of these changes yourself, then you can be sure that employees receive information undistorted by gossip and can be guided by your attitude to what is happening.

Criticize employees publicly

Some leaders have a very unpleasant habit - to criticize in front of all their subordinates. Trying to spur a person to achieve in this way, leaders receive a portion of resistance and disappointment. The employee turns on defensive reactions, there is a high probability of a destructive conflict. For other employees, public criticism of a colleague may be an interesting sight, but the realization that any of them can find themselves in a similar situation is not very inspiring.

Debriefing in the presence of a significant number of people is a strong measure that should be used very consciously. If you want to publicly reprimand an employee who provoked sabotage or was seen in actions that threaten the company, so that others will be disgraced, this may be a justified decision. In all other cases, it is better to invite the employee to your office or meeting room to discuss the situation. He will be grateful to you for the lack of fuss about such an unfavorable matter for him.

Encourage unhealthy internal competition

Managers often resort to encouraging internal competition - with good intentions, of course. “Look, Ivanov has already concluded five deals, and you only have two!” - the manager encourages. He expects the performance of everyone else to immediately increase in order to catch up and overtake this same Ivanov. In fact, it turns out that the team begins to furiously despise the “excellent student” and the boss’s favorite and look for (invent) reasons why they, unlike Ivanov, did not achieve the desired result. Some may begin to manipulate the manager, seeking changes in working conditions, arguing that this is unequal opportunities for work. In any case, the team begins to be united by destructive common goals, and instead of super results, the manager gets demotivated employees.

If you like a competitive atmosphere in your team, let it be healthy competition. Don't single out your favorites by criticizing everyone else. Use positive emotions. Try to inspire and praise your subordinates, do not forget about the value of cooperation and team results.

Don't listen to the team's opinion

You are very lucky if you are the leader who knows the right answer in any situation and is ready to direct the team’s efforts exactly in the direction where super profits await them. We can sincerely congratulate you! But there are only a few such leaders. The right direction is not always obvious, and subordinates are not always ready to blindly follow instructions. Mistakes made because the manager did not ask the team's opinion can be very costly.

When making "ordinary" decisions, you most likely do not need to consult with your subordinates. But when starting work on a new, more complex project, do not be afraid to involve experienced employees in developing a solution. Or at least just ask their opinion about the upcoming work. This way you will form a team of like-minded people who share your aspirations. And you will certainly be able to avoid annoying mistakes.