home · Lighting · Wallpaper for the bedroom - how to choose the right one? Photos of the best new products in the bedroom interior. Wallpaper for the bedroom Fashionable wallpaper for the bedroom

Wallpaper for the bedroom - how to choose the right one? Photos of the best new products in the bedroom interior. Wallpaper for the bedroom Fashionable wallpaper for the bedroom

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom is a rather difficult task, given the variety of types, as well as the large number of manufacturers - both in Russia and abroad. By choosing the right wallpaper, you can create any mood in the room - tenderness, romance, complete intimacy or even mysterious mystery.

Features of choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

To make the right choice, you need to know some interior properties:

  • A pattern directed horizontally contributes to the visual expansion of the room, but “reduces” the height of the ceilings;
  • A pattern directed vertically will “raise” a low ceiling, but visually reduce the area of ​​the room;
  • Some geometric shapes, such as trapezoids or rhombuses, applied to wallpaper, change the psychological perception of space - it seems larger;
  • Light colors and sparse small patterns also help to visually enlarge a small room; such wallpaper is appropriate in the interior of a small bedroom;
  • Large elements of the design, especially if they are located frequently, “reduce” the room;
  • Combining wallpaper in the bedroom makes it possible to highlight different zones, for example, to accentuate the head of the bed, isolate a corner with a dressing table or a place for a home office;
  • Along with the wallpaper, you can purchase a border that matches the design; it is used to horizontally divide the area;
  • One of the walls (usually behind the head of the bed) can be made an accent wall by gluing on it wallpaper with large patterns, a color contrasting with the rest of the walls or an unusual texture. With such wallpaper you can not cover the entire wall, but only the part adjacent to the headboard.

Suitable wallpaper for the bedroom: material

In the production of wallpaper, various materials are used, which determine their properties. Each type of wallpaper has its own advantages, but they are not without their disadvantages.

Paper wallpaper in the bedroom interior

Paper is the cheapest material for wallpaper production. The quality of the wallpaper depends on the quality of the paper - the higher it is, the better. The manufacturer can use paper in one layer, or in two, which makes the wallpaper more durable.

  • Low cost;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Easy to apply.
  • Short service life (does not exceed five years);
  • Low resistance to fading and abrasion;
  • Wet care of wallpaper is not allowed.

An indicator of the quality of paper wallpaper is its specific gravity. If it is in the range from 110 to 140, the wallpaper is considered good.

Non-woven wallpaper in bedroom design

The basis for the production of this wallpaper is non-woven material - non-woven material. It has a high density and consists of cellulose fibers with the addition of polymer materials. There are several options for applying patterns to the base.

Non-woven wallpaper: direct application

The pattern is applied to a non-woven base. Such wallpapers are much stronger than paper ones, but they also have their drawbacks.

  • Strength;
  • Ability to pass air;
  • They do not swell or shrink, which makes it possible to glue them to the wall immediately after applying the glue;
  • Smooth out minor irregularities and cracks on the walls;
  • Eco-friendly.
  • Wallpaper cannot be washed; care for it is the same as for paper;
  • They burn out pretty quickly.

Non-woven wallpaper: polymer coating

The design is applied to a polymer coating that covers the paper. As a rule, this is vinyl covering. It can be smooth, foamed and embossed (silk-screen printing). The surface of such wallpaper can imitate brickwork or plaster.

  • Resistance to external influences;
  • Ability to remove dirt using a wet method;
  • Wallpaper hides minor wall defects - cracks, small potholes, chips;
  • Significant tensile strength.
  • The polymer coating does not allow “breathing” because it does not allow air to pass through;
  • Some polymers can release toxic substances into the air; therefore, it is necessary to choose only certified wallpaper: GOST 6810-2002 “Wallpaper”.

Textile wallpaper in the bedroom interior

Fabric wallpapers are more expensive than paper ones, but they have a number of advantages that are difficult to ignore. Both of these are made from two layers, the bottom one is non-woven or thick paper, the top one is fabric threads or fabric cloth. The fabric can be silk, linen, cotton, jute, velor, felt.

  • Exclusivity;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Improved sound and heat insulation properties;
  • Difficult to maintain, do not allow wet cleaning;
  • Low resistance to moisture, dust, damage, which is especially critical if there are animals in the house;
  • Complex pasting procedure requiring the participation of a specialist;
  • High price.

Vinyl wallpaper in bedroom design

As a rule, vinyl-coated non-woven wallpaper is not used in the bedroom. The reason is the lack of ability to pass air. As a result, the walls under such wallpaper cannot “breathe”, and fungus may grow under the wallpaper. A room covered with vinyl wallpaper requires frequent ventilation.

  • A wide variety of colors and textures at a relatively low price;
  • Possibility of wet wallpaper care.
  • Not environmental;
  • Inability to pass air and moisture vapor.

Other types of wallpaper

In addition to these most common types, there are other wallpaper options. For example, photo wallpaper that allows you to decorate an entire wall with a city view, a picture of nature or an abstract design. Usually photo wallpapers have an adhesive layer. Wallpaper is made from fiberglass, usually for painting. In addition, wallpaper made from natural materials - cork, leather, bamboo - has recently become increasingly popular.

Wallpaper in the bedroom interior: pattern and texture

The pattern on the wallpaper has a direct impact on our perception of the room, so you need to choose it taking into account the purpose of the room.

Suitable wallpaper for the bedroom if you want romance - with images in the form of flowers. This is a feminine and romantic option. If the bedroom is intended for two, then you can combine a floral pattern with a more “masculine” stripe or check. Floral motifs are suitable for decorating a bedroom in English style, vintage.

Stripes and checks

Stripes and checkered patterns are typical for the design of men's bedrooms. Suitable for interiors in the English style and in the classics, both traditional and modern. They are usually used on all walls if the stripes are not too bright. Combined wallpaper in the bedroom is often used to highlight the headboard. For example, a pattern of narrow stripes of rich tones can be used as an accent on one of the walls - this is typical for modern styles.


Suitable wallpaper for a bedroom in Provence, shabby chic or retro style can be wallpaper with patterns of flowers and plants. Ornaments using geometric elements look quite strict and are more often used in classics or art deco.


By choosing wallpaper with textured embossing, you can get an exclusive, stylish interior. Embossing can imitate velvet or corduroy, or the fabric with which the sofa is covered.

Combined wallpaper in the bedroom: rules of application

Using wallpaper with different patterns or embossing in one room allows you to create interesting interior effects, correct deficiencies in the shape of the room, and visually divide the room into functional zones.

  • We highlight the pros and disguise the cons: Different types of wallpaper for the bedroom will allow you to focus your eyes on the point you need. For example, an uneven ceiling can be hidden by forcing the viewer to look at a bright pattern in the middle of the wall. And vice versa - by covering an uneven wall with neutral wallpaper, you will make it “invisible”.

  • We divide it into zones: The bedroom room can serve several functions, for example, a bedroom and an office. Using combined wallpaper you can visually separate them from each other.

  • Correcting geometry: Combined wallpaper in a bedroom design will help expand a narrow room. To do this, dark-colored wallpaper is pasted onto shorter walls, and light-colored wallpaper onto longer walls. If the bedroom is square in plan, one of the walls can be covered with combined wallpaper in rich bright colors, and the rest in light colors, the room will look more advantageous.

  • Place accents: One of the simplest ways to highlight one of the walls is to stick wallpaper on it in a contrasting tone or with a pattern. Among the variety of types of wallpaper for the bedroom, you can choose colors that match, but differ in saturation. You can also cover an accent wall with wallpaper with a bright decorative pattern. It’s good if among the tones of the picture there is a tone of the background wallpaper.

  • Focusing on a point: Another common interior technique is creating a focal point that attracts the eye. In this case, it is not the entire wall that is highlighted with accent wallpaper, but only one fragment of it, for example, near a bed, a fireplace, an antique piece of furniture, or in a relaxation corner.

  • Decorating a room: Often, combined wallpaper is used as a decorative element of the interior. A sheet of plywood covered with wallpaper is inserted into a suitable frame and hung on the wall. Also, part of the wall with wallpaper in a contrasting tone can be enclosed in a frame of moldings.

Options for using combined wallpaper in the bedroom

When combining different wallpapers in one room, make sure that they have repeating elements. This could be a pattern, color or texture.

  • Different shades. By covering a room with wallpaper of the same color, but in different shades, you can get an elegant, stylish interior, discreet, but with its own “face”. You can combine shades of color, for example, ecru and ivory, or its saturation.

  • Different colors. The basic rules of combination are a combination of neutral and active colors. You can also experiment with contrasting tones. Different colors are used for zoning.

  • Plain and patterned wallpaper. By using combined wallpaper in bedroom design, you can achieve interesting decorative effects. For example, a bright patterned wallpaper panel looks great against the background of smooth plain walls. A smooth wall can be decorated with a wide border with a geometric pattern.

  • Combination of patterns. Patterns such as stripes and flowers, stripes and checks, wood textures and floral patterns go well together. Combinations of geometric shapes look interesting.

  • Horizontal division. The traditional way of covering the bottom of the room with striped wallpaper, the top with smooth or floral wallpaper, and separating them with a border looks good in classic interior styles. As a rule, the combined wallpaper is lighter at the top and darker at the bottom.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom: rules for choosing

Too small a bedroom is a problem in many homes, especially mid-century ones. Therefore, the issue of choosing wallpaper for them is quite acute. Everything is important here - what color to choose, whether to choose wallpaper with a pattern, how to correctly combine different types of wallpaper in one room to make it seem larger.

  • It’s easy to “expand” a narrow room if you cover the end walls with wallpaper in dark, rich colors, and the rest in light colors.
  • If the ceiling height is low, wide borders cannot be used. If the room is tall and small in area, a wide border, on the contrary, will straighten out the proportions.
  • The glossy surface of the wallpaper in the interior of a small bedroom will help expand the room thanks to the play of reflections.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom: photo

It’s quite difficult to imagine how wallpaper will look in the bedroom if you don’t have specific examples in front of your eyes. To decide which wall finishing materials are suitable in your case, look at the photographs below, they will help you make the right choice.

Choice is always difficult. Choosing wallpaper is even more difficult due to the huge number of options and possibilities. To narrow down the choice, you need to start from the conditions that exist. So, if you choose wallpaper for the bedroom, you need to proceed from its purpose: the environment should promote relaxation and create a calm background. Having decided on the color, choose the type of wallpaper, then the texture, type of pattern. Well, then the search for what you need in the retail network begins...

Color selection

In order to have a good rest, you need to create an environment conducive to relaxation in the bedroom. Psychologists have long known about the impact of colors on the psyche, and they even compiled a table, based on which you can easily find the colors that are most suitable for the bedroom.

As you can see, the choice for the bedroom is not the widest. But that's not all. The same psychologists found that the same color on different surfaces is perceived differently by a person. For example, light green and blue on the walls create a feeling of coolness, but on the floor they create a feeling of uncertainty and unsteadiness. To choose everything correctly, consider the following table.

In this table, select from the column labeled “on the side.” If we talk about the bedroom, then the most suitable colors of the two groups are beige + pink + light yellow and blue + light green + light gray. Only the second group is suitable for sunny rooms facing south and east, and the first for northern and western ones. Three colors left.

If wallpaper for a bedroom is selected during the renovation process, then you need to take into account the colors already present in the interior. If textiles, say, can be changed, then the flooring or furniture is not always so. Therefore, consider also the table that designers use when choosing colors for the interior. In it, matching colors are arranged vertically and horizontally.

When creating an interior, it is not necessary to use all of them - the most inappropriate ones, in your opinion, can be ignored altogether or added in small quantities. Using the same table, you can find partner wallpapers if you want to follow fashion trends and decorate your bedroom with combined wallpapers. They are often produced in collections that contain matching wallpapers. But such collections are usually expensive, so in order to save money you have to look for combinations yourself. Find the color of the main background, look vertically and horizontally which may suit you. This is a win-win option: such a couple will look good.

The most common technique when combining wallpaper is to find a pair: plain and with a pattern on the same background

What wallpaper is best for the bedroom?

In this section we will talk about the materials from which wallpaper is made. Technologies allow the use of different materials that increase the durability of the finish, the durability of paints and allow the walls to be washed even with a brush, and more than once. It is unlikely that you will need to wash them in the bedroom, but the fact that the surfaces can be glossy, matte, even velvety is interesting. Using wallpaper of the same color, but with a different surface, you can achieve an interesting effect.

So, what kind of wallpapers are there:

  • Paper. The most eco-friendly wallpaper for the bedroom. They can be thin and smooth - single-layer, or they can be dense, with an embossed pattern. Single-layer ones are usually the cheapest, but gluing them is problematic: when wet, they stretch, tear, and even highlight all the irregularities on the wall. Multilayer - duplex, triplex - are more expensive, although they are also budget options. They are easier to work with and allow you to hide minor irregularities. The disadvantage of paper wallpaper is that it fades quickly and breaks easily. Another peculiarity of them is that they are rarely monochromatic: in this case they look too simple. Of the plain ones, there are mainly only white ones - they are glued to the ceiling.

    Paper wallpaper most often has some kind of pattern - of different types and sizes

  • Vinyl wallpapers. A layer of polyvinyl chloride or other similar polymer is applied to a paper or non-woven base. There are different technologies for applying a vinyl layer that make it possible to obtain different surfaces, but silk-screen printing and heavy vinyl are usually interesting for bedroom decoration. Silk-screen printing looks very beautiful on flat walls: the muted shine is very similar to the shine of natural silk. The disadvantage of this type of wallpaper is that vinyl creates an airtight film, which is why the walls do not breathe. But which of our walls are breathing now? If only wooden and without insulation. The rest certainly do not breathe, and the normal atmosphere in the rooms is ensured by ventilation. So this is not an argument, however, decide for yourself.

  • Non-woven wallpaper. Non-woven fabric is a non-woven material made from a mixture of natural (cellulose) and chemical fibers (polyvinyl chloride). Used as a base on which a decorative coating is applied. So, there can be both vinyl and paper wallpapers on a non-woven basis. They are distinguished by more convenient gluing: dry on a surface lubricated with glue, and any surface, even not completely flat. Due to the elasticity and at the same time strength of the base, many surface imperfections are leveled out. They often have a larger roll width—one meter wide, which is also convenient—fewer joints, faster gluing. Their disadvantage is their high price: the production technology is more complex, and the materials themselves are more expensive.

  • Textile wallpaper. This type of finishing materials already belongs to the middle and high price category. A layer of natural material is applied to a base made of paper (cheaper options) or non-woven fabric (more expensive) - jute fabric, linen, cotton, velor, felt and even silk. Basically, their cost is determined by the price of the top layer. The surface depends on the texture of the material; it may look like matting if it is jute wallpaper or coarse linen, or it may be fleecy, like velor or felt. Since they are made from fabric, there are rolls of large width, such that the entire wall is covered with a continuous sheet. They are also called seamless - the joints will only be in the corners. The disadvantage of these wallpapers is, firstly, the price, secondly, the surface is capable of accumulating dust, and thirdly, they do not withstand mechanical stress well (they are wiped off, torn). But all this is compensated by a very attractive appearance.

    Textile wallpaper - an elite finishing material

There is another type of wallpaper - photo wallpaper. These are photographs printed on a base in large format. Can be printed on any of the above types of wallpaper. There is a solid selection of ready-made images, and it is possible to order printing individually - in specialized workshops or advertising agencies.

Natural motifs in shades of green - according to the perception table, promote relaxation Morning in the forest - ideal for getting up for work Airy dandelion on a blue background - freshness is guaranteed Photo wallpaper - this is not necessarily a transfer of a photo, you can print a drawing or even a picture Japanese-style bedroom - naturally on the wall see bamboo Dawn on the wall - beautiful and inspiring

Just keep in mind that if photo wallpaper is pasted in the room, the remaining surfaces - walls, floor, ceiling - are made neutral and monochromatic. This wall will be the dominant one, everything else is just a background. If photo wallpaper is pasted on the wall above the bed, it makes sense to choose textiles in the same colors. You just need to hit the shades exactly. Then the whole room will look like a single whole.

Combined wallpaper for the bedroom

The latest trends in interior design allow you to use several colors, textures or patterns in one room. One of the simplest and yet most effective ways is. If you have no experience, the easiest way is to use one collection. But usually they are not in stock, you have to wait to order, which is not always possible. Then you will have to select companion wallpaper yourself from those that are available. To make them look harmonious, you need to know some rules:

  • Choose wallpaper of the same type and the same thickness, otherwise it will not be easy to match them.
  • Beginners should not use more than two different types of wallpaper in one room.
  • Before purchasing a batch for the entire room, it is better to see samples on site. They won't always give you pieces of wallpaper, and they won't help. You can buy two rolls, if available, already unpacked, and, if possible, agree on a return or replacement. At home on the wall and see how well they look in your bedroom: lighting plays a very important role. What looks great in the store doesn't always look good on site.

There are two ways to choose a good match. The first is plain basic wallpaper and a pattern on exactly the same background. It can be floral or geometric - choose according to your taste. Such companion wallpapers always look great in a bedroom interior.

The second option is opposite colors. For example, on a dark background there is a light pattern and its mirror color reflection - on a light one - dark lines. But this is only for two-color combinations. This is also an option that always works.

This is the principle of selection, but you can also arrange the companion wallpaper in different ways.

Accent wall

This technique is used most often: there are practically no opportunities to “mess up”. Choose a wall that will attract the main attention. In the bedroom, this is usually the wall next to which the bed stands.

Beautiful and stylish bedroom, but too depressing... Warm brown color in combination with emerald green - balancing opposites For lovers of bright colors - one wall is in favor And again a pair - brown with turquoise, but with a floral pattern Wallpaper for a brick wall... Gray-greenish tones - calm and confidence Latest trends in design - priority for geometric designs Almost classic ornament on the wallpaper - the rest of the surfaces are beige

Much less often the emphasis is placed on the wall opposite the bed. Then brighter or ornamented wallpaper for the bedroom is glued opposite. It’s just that not everyone likes to contemplate plain walls)))

A piece of the wall is highlighted in color - this is the dominant area

If there are any design flaws, this is how attention is diverted from them - they focus on the opposite wall, gluing wallpaper with a pattern on it, while the rest are covered with plain wallpaper.

Another way to shift the emphasis away from the bed is to make some area lighter. Here you won’t even notice that the wall is uneven, but with a protrusion...


It is more difficult to play with selecting a part of the wall: you can get a completely different effect than was intended. There are several proven ways to change the perception of a room.

If the room is low, but you want a larger bed. To avoid the feeling of a snuff box, they highlight the area behind the bed with a more saturated color, maybe a little wider, but they also glue the wallpaper with the same stripe to the ceiling. This method blurs the lines and makes the room seem taller. In the company of competent lighting, this effect is enhanced.

Vertical wide stripes on the sides of the bed give approximately the same effect, but in a smaller volume. The photo below shows textile wallpaper for the bedroom.

You can make the bottom of the wall striped, but you shouldn’t alternate them often - one or two on the surface. It is only important to choose the right place. For example, if the bedroom is long and narrow. Cover a short wall with brighter wallpaper and, moving some distance away from the corner, place another strip on the long surface. Visually, a short one will appear closer and wider.

Approximately the same result can be achieved if you cover only part of the wall with brighter wallpaper.

It is more difficult to play with the horizontal arrangement of different wallpapers in the interior. A clear horizontal demarcation greatly lowers the ceiling. This type of decor is acceptable for steel buildings in which the flow is too high.

Decorating the walls of a bedroom is an important stage in creating a harmonious and peaceful interior. Wallpaper is considered the most popular and economical option. In this article you will learn how to choose the right wallpaper for your bedroom.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom. Their choice depends on the style, practical and aesthetic aspects of the room’s interior, and the taste preferences of its owners. Thanks to the variety of textures, colors and patterns, the use of wallpaper will allow you to realize any design ideas, create unique images, combinations and effects.

When choosing wallpaper for a bedroom, it is better to rely on your own vision of its aesthetics, practicality and beauty. This will determine which wallpaper is best for the bedroom, its type, color scheme, and texture. Taking into account the characteristics of the various types of finishing material in question, you can choose the ideal option for any interior.

When choosing wallpaper for your bedroom, you need to consider many factors. One of them is the harmonious combination of wallpaper colors with furniture. When deciding which wallpaper is best to choose for a room, you must take into account its size. In small rooms with light or dark furniture, it is better to stick wallpaper in light shades. This solution will visually expand the space and fill the room with light and air.

Various types of wallpaper for a large bedroom can be either light colors or rich, bright shades, with patterns and floral prints. They go perfectly with light and dark furniture.

Different wallpaper options for the bedroom have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are several types of them, each of which can be used to decorate a room in any style.

Let's first decide which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom so that it is safe for health. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with their properties indicated on the packaging. In a highly competitive environment, modern manufacturers pay great attention to ensuring that their products comply with generally accepted environmental safety standards.

Paper wallpaper

The most budget-friendly finishing material for the bedroom is paper wallpaper, which can be single-layer or double-layer. The latter are a little stronger, which undoubtedly affects their durability. Paper wallpaper allows walls to “breathe”, is easy to install, and does not require special care.

For those who care about the environmental friendliness of finishing materials, it is better to hang paper wallpaper in the bedroom. But unfortunately, they quickly lose their original appearance under the influence of moisture and sunlight. This wall decoration will have to be updated every 3-4 years.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is made by weaving cellulose fibers and then applying various patterns. They are environmentally friendly, durable and breathable. They are very easy to glue: just apply the glue to the wall and press the canvas tightly against it. Such wallpaper cannot be washed or cleaned; moreover, it fades in the sun.

A wide variety of textures and colors allows you to choose non-woven wallpaper for your bedroom that matches its style and design.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper is a type of synthetic wallpaper on a paper or non-woven basis. This is a very durable material with good sound insulation properties. They can be washed, repainted and will last 10-15 years.

The disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper include the rather complicated gluing process, after which there will be an unpleasant odor in the bedroom. They do not allow air to pass through at all.

Therefore, when choosing vinyl or non-woven wallpaper for the bedroom, it is better to give preference to a short-lived, but safer material for health - non-woven material.

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is often used to decorate an accent wall. Such wallpaper in the bedroom interior will give it a unique, interesting look. They can be used to decorate rooms in different styles.

Made from natural materials: bamboo, cork or leather. Therefore they are absolutely harmless. They are quite easy to glue, and they do not lose their appearance for many years. Dirt can be easily removed from them using a damp cloth.

Textile wallpaper

Textile wallpaper will make the interior of the bedroom luxurious and sophisticated. This finishing material is made by applying various types of fabric to a paper or non-woven base.

Its gluing is a complex and painstaking process. In addition, they are quite expensive. Such wallpaper must be vacuumed every one to two months.

A large assortment of fabrics, patterns and shades will allow you to choose the most beautiful wallpaper for your bedroom.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is a modern, stylish wallpaper that will fit perfectly into the bedroom interior. They are similar to decorative plaster in the method of application, but unlike it, they have a silk surface.

This finishing material is easy to apply to walls, is easy to maintain, and does not require replacement for several years. The walls will complement the bedroom design with exquisite patterns and textures.

Glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is a very fashionable wallpaper that designers have begun to often use in bedroom decoration. This durable, thin, environmentally friendly material is made of fiberglass threads. It is easily mounted on walls and will last about 30 years.

Such wallpaper allows air to pass through, does not fade in the sun, and is not afraid of moisture. If the interior of the bedroom changes, the glass wallpaper can be repainted.

Types of wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages

Paper Cheap;
easy to stick;
big choice;
hide small imperfections in the wall.
Are quickly erased;
don't wash;
fade in the sun.
Non-woven Acceptable price;
environmentally friendly;
easy to clean;
can be painted;
hide cracks in the wall.
Small assortment; transparent;
average sound and heat insulation.
Vinyl Durable;
moisture resistant;
have very interesting decorative qualities.
difficult to stick;
have a specific smell that can be felt for several days after gluing.
Textile Natural;
good sound and heat insulation;
antiseptics; very beautiful; no joints.
Very expensive;
require professional gluing;
dust collectors;
strongly absorb odors;
Dry clean only.
Photo wallpaper A large assortment of images, including unique ones (you can print your family photo);
acceptable price.
Requires professional gluing;
do not hide the imperfections of the wall.
Liquid Environmentally friendly;
high noise insulation;
do not burn out;
no seams or joints.
small selection;
cannot be washed.
Glass wallpaper Environmentally friendly;
fire resistant;
increased strength;
allow air to pass through;
can be repainted;
applied to any surface;
can be washed.
Difficult to remove later;
very expensive;
small selection of patterns.

How to choose the right wallpaper for your bedroom style

The interior of the bedroom will be harmonious and cozy with the ideal combination of texture and color of walls, furniture, textiles and decorative elements. To do this, you need to choose wallpaper that matches the chosen style.

It is better to cover the walls with smooth, plain wallpaper in light shades. It is relevant to use wallpaper with monochrome patterns, graphics and abstractions in the decoration of an accent wall.

Wallpaper in warm colors with golden or silver patterns is suitable. You should choose wallpaper with a textured surface, which, in combination with other decorative elements, will give the room a luxurious and sophisticated look.

By gluing striped wallpaper in the bedroom, complementing it with moldings and stucco, you can create a classic English interior.

When choosing wallpaper, it is better to give preference to natural materials in pastel colors with floral prints. To prevent the walls from looking monotonous, you can combine plain and floral wallpapers in a variety of options. Wallpaper with small flowers on the bedroom walls will create a cheerful and playful atmosphere.

It involves decorating the walls with wallpaper in white, gray, silver, blue and light green. The texture of the wallpaper should imitate linen or wooden surfaces.

For a bedroom in the Art Deco style, you can choose wallpaper with abstraction, intricate patterns in rich, but not flashy colors.

What wallpaper color to choose for the bedroom

The correct color of wallpaper for the bedroom is important not only for creating a beautiful interior, but also for relaxation and healthy sleep. Different colors can create a different atmosphere in a room and have different effects on the human psyche.

Color Impact on physical healthImpact on the psyche
YellowTreats depression, helps strengthen nerves.Helps you concentrate and increases creativity.
BlueSuppresses appetite, helps to relax, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.Induces a feeling of peace and relieves emotional stress.
GreenStrengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and cardiac activity.Relieves tension, calms.
OrangeIt has a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue, teeth, and hair.Invigorates, relieves fatigue, fights depression.
VioletStimulates brain function.Promotes the emergence of a depressed state.
RedImproves digestion, stimulates physical activity.Increases irritability and aggressiveness.

When developing a design, you should take into account its style and taste preferences of the owners. For the main background, it is recommended to use light warm shades. And bright wallpaper in the form of accents on certain areas will help to add zest to the interior and dilute its monotony.

For a romantic, airy bedroom, wallpaper in pink, blue, green, and lavender shades is suitable. They can be combined with floral patterns, paintings, and photo wallpapers on an accent wall.

Ideally fits into the interior of a bedroom in a modern style. It is better to combine it with bright textured wallpaper.

The shades are soothing and promote relaxation. This wallpaper goes well with white, gray, beige, purple, dark brown furniture and interior items.

Successful selection of wallpaper color for the bedroom will give you the opportunity to enjoy its design, which will have a unique and cozy look.

How to choose wallpaper for a small bedroom

Light wallpaper with small patterns or a glossy surface with reflective particles is ideal. A light background on the walls will visually expand the space of the room. In addition, it goes well with furniture and decorative items of any color.

You can decorate an accent wall that matches the overall style of the room. An excellent choice would be landscapes, images of the sea, photographs of cities, and corners of nature dear to the heart.

You can paste wallpaper with an enlarged family photo or portraits of idols.

Wallpaper with floral patterns, abstractions, and fantastic designs will also look great on it. The main thing is not to forget that they should be small in size.

For a bedroom with dark furniture, you should choose wallpaper in light pastel shades. Thanks to this technique, the furniture will not look bulky, and the interior will be harmonious.

Wallpaper trends in 2019

Fashion in the design of bedroom interiors changes very often. In this regard, trends in the choice of finishing materials are also changing.

In 2019, plain wallpapers of different colors will still be relevant. They can be used alone or in combination with wallpaper with printed patterns and ornaments. Combining several colors in the decoration of the bedroom will allow you to divide it into zones and give the interior a more expressive look.

Wallpaper with floral and abstract prints will be popular. They can be used for rooms in modern and classic style.

Recently, designers have often used dark wallpapers to create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the bedroom. This trend will continue in 2019.

The most popular will be wide wallpapers, which can significantly reduce the duration of finishing work.

A bedroom is a room whose interior allows you to relax after an active day, relax and restore mental and physical balance. To create a cozy and comfortable environment, it is necessary to think through everything in design and decoration down to the smallest detail.

The most important corner in every apartment is perhaps the bedroom. This is where you relax after a hard day's work. The bedroom should be as comfortable as possible for relaxation. The color scheme of the interior determines how peaceful you will feel while in the room. This means that the choice of wallpaper color must be approached with all responsibility. From this article you will learn what color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom.

When planning a bedroom renovation, it is important to clearly understand the result you want to achieve. All interior details should be thought through. The selected wallpaper should look harmonious and match the decoration, furniture and accessories of the room.

Not everyone has a large number of square meters, so you have to combine the bedroom with other functional areas - for example, with the work area. In spacious and well-lit rooms, you can use a closet or a special partition to separate zones.

In the case of a small room, you will have to look for other methods. As an option, wallpaper can be hung using a combined method. This will help to visually make a cramped room a little larger, expand the space, make the ceiling lower or higher, and divide the room into zones (for example, a work area and a relaxation area).

To choose wallpaper for your bedroom, be sure to pay attention to its quality, the material from which it is made, the texture you like, as well as the color.


Worth considering existing types, their advantages and disadvantages, to understand which options are best suited in each specific case.

  • Paper wallpaper They are relatively easy to glue, they are environmentally friendly, breathable, and come in many different colors, patterns, and textures. They can be purchased at an affordable price. However, they will not last long, as they fade in the sun and are damaged by moisture and mechanical stress.
  • Vinyl wallpapers They are also easy to glue and come in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures. Such wallpapers will last longer than paper ones, because they are resistant to mechanical stress and moisture, and can be washed.

However, vinyl wallpaper does not allow air to pass through and accumulates moisture underneath, which can cause mold and mildew to appear. It is necessary to use special impregnation with them.

  • Non-woven wallpaper They have a high degree of breathability and are very resistant to damage. They are quite easy to stick on and can even be painted several times. However, you have to pay for such advantages, and the range of colors and textures is very limited.
  • Textile wallpaper absolutely environmentally friendly, they look very beautiful and luxurious. They are resistant to damage, have good breathability, and provide sound insulation. But it will be quite difficult to glue them yourself; it is better to entrust this to professionals. In addition, such wallpaper accumulates dust on its surface, and will be quite expensive.

  • Liquid wallpaper- This is a completely new fashionable look. Among their advantages are environmental friendliness, ease of use, the ability to repair damage, and sound insulation. They don't fade. A special composition must be applied on top of them so that the wallpaper lasts as long as possible and is not washed off by water. The price for them is quite high.
  • Fiberglass wallpaper They are environmentally friendly, durable, hide uneven walls, and are suitable for repeated painting. The assortment is not very wide, in addition, you will have to pay a lot.
  • Natural wallpaper created from environmentally friendly materials (bamboo, cork, linkcrust). They are present on the market in very limited quantities. Such wallpaper will not fit organically into every bedroom.

Variety of textures

When buying wallpaper for the bedroom, keep in mind that each of the above types also has a variety of textures: drawings, patterns, imitation of materials. Most often, wallpaper creates an imitation of fabric, leather, marble surfaces, brick, stone, plaster and other things.

If you decide to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you can choose several types of textured surfaces with different patterns. There is no need to be attached to the color - you can always get the desired shade.

The advantage of textured wallpaper for painting is that it is very easy to care for - you just need to wipe the surface with a damp cloth from time to time.

Which shade should I choose?

Perhaps the most difficult but interesting task is deciding on a color. Designers offer bright color solutions. However, a bedroom is a room in which the environment should be relaxing and peaceful, and not annoying. Psychologists recommend muted pastel colors. Fans of Feng Shui advise focusing on certain recommendations. It’s worth sorting everything out in order.

Color really has an impact on a person’s psycho-emotional and physical state.

Choosing the shade of wallpaper is an important step, which will subsequently determine the mood while staying in the room.

Many different wallpaper colors allow you to create a unique room interior. Use your own instincts and individual preferences, but keep the following in mind: important nuances:

  • Wallpaper must be in harmony with the furniture.
  • If the bedroom windows face the north side, warm-colored wallpaper is more suitable; if the bedroom windows face the south side, then cool colors.
  • If you decide to use saturated colors, then they should be “balanced” with calm shades.
  • The color of the wallpaper should promote relaxation and sleep.

  • Uneven walls can be visually corrected using a diagonal pattern.
  • Wallpaper with a glossy effect gives the bedroom a certain cool atmosphere.
  • Light-colored wallpaper will help visually increase the space of a small bedroom.
  • Combining wallpaper is a great way to zone a room, hide certain defects, and make the interior extraordinary.

A very good option for the bedroom would be to combine wallpaper of two shades. Be sure to consider the following nuances when combining colors:

  • Not all colors can go well together. Red and green will not look very good together. A combination of two shades of the same color looks great - for example, blue and light blue.
  • It is recommended to dilute a saturated color with a soft one; as an option, any dark color can be shaded with beige.
  • Cool tones (blue and white) look good.
  • You can combine warm tones with cold ones (for example, green and yellow).
  • White will perfectly complement any other color. The combination of white and black is a very good option.

  • To light furniture choose wallpaper in light colors - this will visually increase the space in the room. For a large room, contrasting wallpaper would be a good option, but then you need to be careful with the choice so that the interior does not “pressure.”
  • Under dark furniture Warm colors are suitable - both light and dark.

When deciding on a color scheme for the bedroom, be guided by the following features:

  • Blue-blue scale visually expands the space of the room.
  • Green and yellow revitalize the interior, restore emotional state and health.
  • Red creates an atmosphere of passion, so it is ideal for the newlyweds' bedroom.
  • White wallpaper Suitable for everyone, but the abundance of this color can turn a recreation room into a hospital.

Popular options

  • Green has many shades and will fit well into any room style. This color helps you relax and get rid of irritation. Recommended for people engaged in intellectual work. Green looks best paired with yellow, discreet orange or red, white and all pastel colors.
  • Blue wallpaper has a calming effect, reminiscent of the sea and relaxation. Dark colors will "steal" the space of the room, so they are not recommended for small, dark bedrooms. Blue harmonizes with almost any other color - with the exception of black and purple.

  • Blue gives an atmosphere of lightness and romance and visually increases the area. It looks great in any room, with a variety of furniture. You can complement blue with different shades: gray, beige, white, turquoise and others.
  • White is ideal for small rooms. It can be used as a base tone and in combination with absolutely any other shade.
  • Beige wallpaper is also universal. They are suitable for any bedroom. Can be used alone or paired with richly colored wallpaper.
  • Purple wallpaper is rarely used for bedroom interiors. It will be better to take a lilac or light purple shade. Purple is recommended to be used to create accents. You can combine it with white and pastel colors.

  • Red wallpaper is a truly bold solution for the bedroom. This is quite a bright and heavy color. Not everyone will make a choice in his favor. If you still want to use red, take a closer look at its calmer shades. Complement red wallpaper with other muted tones.
  • Black wallpaper color is a rather non-standard option. It is not recommended to use it alone, but it is quite possible to make accents using this color. Be sure to combine black with other colors. For example, black and white will look very stylish.
  • Yellow will create a warm and cozy environment, especially in a small, dark bedroom. Give preference to discreet light tones of this color.

  • Orange is not a good color for a bedroom, as it is too flashy. Such an interior will be more invigorating than calming and promote relaxation. Unless you can create bright accents with its help. Or choose a muted shade of orange.
  • Brown wallpaper is great for the bedroom; it looks stylish and “expensive.” The range of shades is very diverse; you can combine light tones with dark ones. This range creates coziness and helps you relax.
  • Gray wallpaper is a completely neutral option that will not overwhelm. Metallic colors look very fashionable. Calmer tones will perfectly complement any interior. Here you can also play with contrasts.

Over the course of his life, a person, even the most organized one, spends 25 years sleeping! Therefore, it is not surprising that people who care about their health should take a very responsible approach to arranging their sleeping space. After all, the mood, well-being, and vitality of each of us, and, consequently, the successes that create the material foundation and moral climate of our well-being depend on the correct solution of this issue. Modern wallpaper for the bedroom 75 photos of a beautiful interior for your choice:

It is no coincidence that every time the owners start repairing or arranging their “nest”, they are faced with the difficult question of choosing finishing materials, among which wallpaper has a very important place!

Wallpaper combination in the bedroom

Their diversity is amazing, but this also creates many difficulties with their choice as to the material of manufacture:

  • paper,
  • vinyl,
  • non-woven,
  • fiberglass,
  • liquid,
  • structural,
  • cork,
  • bamboo,
  • textile,
  • photo wallpaper; and by the degree of influence on the health and mood of the buyer.

Indeed, in addition to the aesthetic side, it is important to take into account the environmental friendliness of materials for decorating the sleeping space. According to GOST 6810-2002 “Wallpaper”, the use of a whole range of wallpaper industry products for bedrooms is not acceptable. See wallpaper for the bedroom - new design photos:

Considering the scale and complexity of the problems with choosing wallpaper for bedrooms, we want to help you make this purchase professional, saving your time, money and health, and earning the respect of your family and friends.

Which wallpaper for the bedroom to choose? If we talk about the degree of importance of information that must be followed when choosing the right wallpaper, then the most important will be information about the complete environmental safety of the product being purchased.

Based on this criterion, you shouldn’t even consider vinyl wallpaper, no matter how beautiful and modern they look in the store. The fact is that they do not “breathe” and can release toxins into the air in your bedroom, which significantly impairs the quality of sleep.

Paper wallpaper for the bedroom

In first place in terms of the prevalence of the offer are combined paper wallpapers for the bedroom. Paper remains the cheapest material, both for manufacturers and in the finished product, for consumers.

With significant disadvantages of paper wallpaper:

  1. fragility (product service life up to five years),
  2. low resistance to fading under the influence of sunlight,
  3. impossibility of wet cleaning during operation,
  4. the need to level the walls before the final sticker, consumer interest in them does not decrease.

Affordable prices, a variety of designs, and environmental friendliness make modern bedroom wallpaper permanent market leaders. And the manufacturers themselves make considerable efforts to retain their part of the market.

So, knowing the problem of the fragility of paper wallpaper, some have launched production of products on two-layer paper. It is equally important that even a beginner can apply paper wallpaper.

Therefore, if the density of the paper wallpaper you have chosen is from 110 to 140, then the purchase can be considered successful (subject to other consumer requests). Wallpaper for bedroom photo interior design:

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper takes second place in terms of environmental friendliness and mass distribution. They are stronger than paper ones, “breathe”, are easy to stick, and can even mask minor irregularities and cracks.

However, they also cannot be washed, they are susceptible to fading, and require stronger adhesives, which makes their use more expensive. What color of wallpaper for the bedroom should you choose? Non-woven wallpaper is often presented in a range of soft, pastel colors, which is well suited for bedrooms.

But it would be unfair for our review not to indicate other, promising types of wallpaper that have appeared on the market due to the development of technology and the growing well-being of certain groups of the population.

Beige textile wallpaper in the bedroom

First of all, these are textile wallpapers that satisfy the fantasies of the most demanding customers. Wallpaper ideas for the bedroom - the manufacturer offers silk, linen, cotton, jute, velor, felt wallpaper, guaranteeing the exclusivity of the created interior, environmental friendliness and improved noise and heat insulation.

It should be noted right away that this choice is not cheap, and installation is only possible with the involvement of a specialist. Therefore, the higher the price of the choice, the more advisable it is to get advice from an interior designer who will help simulate the effect of your purchase on the spot. Moreover, a number of finishing materials stores are ready to pay you for these services.

Bedroom with light wallpaper

For example, when choosing wallpaper with textured embossing, it is important to remember that the purchase money will be worth it if an interior specialist helps you choose imitation embossing like velvet, corduroy or tapestry, highlighting your exclusive furniture.

Thus, no matter what wallpaper the buyer chooses, there are a number of rules, following which neither you nor your companion will ever regret the money spent. First of all, this is the environmental friendliness of the selected product.

As a business owner, it is prudent to consider purchasing wallpaper that you and your family can paste yourself. After all, working together around the house most often and better than any psychologist strengthens the family and significantly saves money on the family budget.

It’s no secret that by choosing the right wallpaper color for your bedroom (light, calm and natural tones), you will bring peace and harmony to your bedroom for the next five years.

It is better to buy expensive, exclusive wallpaper for your bedroom with the assistance of an interior design specialist. Happy shopping! Modern wallpaper for the bedroom 75 photo examples: