home · Appliances · Roof on the bathhouse 2 floors. Gable roof for a bathhouse: technology and instructions for constructing it yourself. Video: building a pitched roof

Roof on the bathhouse 2 floors. Gable roof for a bathhouse: technology and instructions for constructing it yourself. Video: building a pitched roof

The roof performs several functions at once. First of all, it protects the building from precipitation, and also decorates the house. As for the bathhouse, the simplest options that you can build with your own hands are often used. But for this it is necessary to strictly follow building regulations.

Types of roofs for baths

The simplest design of a sauna roof includes two main elements: a rafter system and a roofing covering, for the installation of which it is necessary to make a sheathing and lay a waterproofing layer. In some cases, the presence of an attic is allowed, but for this it is necessary to install a gable roof, which is not always advisable for a bathhouse.

A gable roof allows you to equip an attic space

Shed roof

Most often, a pitched roof can be found at bathhouses, which are part of another building. The angle of inclination of such roofs can vary from 5 to 45 degrees. The value depends on many factors, such as the type of roofing material and weather. The flat roof structure consists of:

  • rafter system;
  • sheathing;
  • insulation;
  • external cladding of gables;
  • roofing covering.

The shed roof has the simplest design and is used in cases where the main priority is speed and low cost of work.

Depending on the building, different types of rafter systems can be used:

  1. Sliding system. Suitable for log baths as it can withstand structural shrinkage of up to 15%. The peculiarity of this design is that the rafter legs on the upper wall are fixed to the mauerlat, and on the lower wall - to special devices.
  2. Layered system. Suitable for buildings with slight shrinkage. It is characterized by the support of the rafters on the floor beams, with the upper ends necessarily resting on a high wall. To increase rigidity, struts and racks are used.
  3. Hanging design. It is rarely used for a pitched roof, since the height of all walls must be the same, and the system itself consists of trusses. These trusses must be assembled on the ground and only then installed on the roof of the house.
Depending on the span length, various types of stops and struts are used in the rafter system

Shed roofs can have a non-ventilated structure, which is mounted with a slope of no more than 5 degrees and is carefully insulated, and a ventilated roof with a slope of up to 45 degrees, which has free space under the roof covering.

Advantages of a pitched roof:

  • efficiency;
  • ease of installation;
  • light roof weight;
  • high resistance to precipitation, but only if tilted correctly;
  • large selection of roofing materials.

It also has disadvantages:

  • there is no possibility to equip the attic;
  • You need to remove the snow on time.

Before starting work, it is necessary to draw up a complete drawing of the roof, in particular, to correctly determine the angle of inclination and length of the slope. The angle of inclination depends primarily on the type of roofing material and the level of snow load in the construction region.

The angle of the roof depends on the selected roofing material

Required materials and tools

To work you need to prepare:

  • edged board 40–60 mm for beams and rafters;
  • lathing board;
  • board for filing the ceiling;
  • waterproofing film;
  • roofing;
  • insulation;
  • antiseptic.

You must also ensure that you have:

  • knife;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • stapler.

Installation of a pitched roof

The installation process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Artificially increase the projection of one of the walls, guided by the drawn up project.
  2. Make rafters. Those that will later rest on beams are impregnated with a waterproofing compound and wrapped in roofing material. Insert them into the grooves. Secure with special staples or pins. Tighten the rafters on the upper mauerlat with plates. If the roof length exceeds 4 m, additional struts or supports must be installed.

    The rafters on the Mauerlat must be secured using metal plates, having previously made a corresponding cutout in them

  3. Finish the gables. Boards or special facade material are suitable for this. It is necessary to make a ventilation window on one of the gables. Place the waterproofing film on the rafters so that it is not stretched, but sag slightly between the rafters. Lay a sheathing of boards on top of the film in increments of 20–50 cm. Roofing material is spread over the sheathing and secured with self-tapping screws. The material is installed with an overlap.

    Typically, the gables of the bathhouse are sheathed with the same material as the walls.

  4. The work must be completed by installing the cornice strips, while ensuring that there is a ventilation gap. If the chimney in the bathhouse will pass through the roof, it is recommended to carefully treat the junction of the roof and the chimney pipe. Remember that the distance from it to any wooden structures should be more than 20 cm.

    The junction of the chimney with the roofing must be protected from moisture penetration

  5. A flat roof needs to be insulated inside. Thermal insulation material 10 cm thick is laid between the rafters. If you plan to equip an attic, you also need to insulate the ceiling of the bathhouse, which requires laying a subfloor and covering it with a waterproofing film. Insulation is installed between the ceiling beams. Additionally, vapor barrier protection is required.

    The roof is insulated with sheets of mineral wool, which are placed in the spaces between the rafters

Not every insulation is suitable for a bath. High-quality material must be:

  • moisture-resistant, thanks to which it will retain its properties for a long time;
  • with low conductivity;
  • safe;
  • self-extinguishing;
  • well adjacent to the surface;
  • resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations.
  • For a bath you can use fiberglass, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam, basalt wool. Some craftsmen use natural materials such as straw or seaweed.

    The most popular insulation for bathhouse roofs is mineral wool.

    Video: building a pitched roof quickly and at no cost

    Baths with sloping roofs

    The construction of a sloping roof over a bathhouse involves the arrangement of an attic space for various purposes. The sloping roof system is characterized by the presence of a large number of joints. Although it is beautiful, it will be very expensive.

    Under a sloping roof, you can arrange a full-fledged living space, in which you can equip, for example, a recreation room or a games room

    Features of the rafter system for sloping roofs:

    The angle of inclination of the roof slopes must exceed 15 degrees. This is necessary for effective removal of precipitation. To install the rafter system, it is recommended to use boards or beams made of coniferous wood; only they can withstand significant temperature fluctuations and not deteriorate from constant exposure to moisture.

    The main components of the rafter system must be tightened with brackets or metal plates

    Construction of a sloping roof

    Installation work on the installation of a sloping roof should occur in the following order:

    Now you can insulate the attic and start finishing the interior. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam or penoizol are suitable for insulation. To cover the roof you can use:

    • ondulin - it is able to withstand sudden changes in temperature and constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
    • slate is the cheapest material;
    • metal tiles

    To create a comfortable atmosphere in the attic room, it is recommended to use a special roofing pie. This way you can create optimal humidity.

    If you want to equip a year-round living space in the attic, you must fully comply with the technology of laying the roofing pie with all recommended ventilation gaps

    Video: attic devices in the bathhouse

    Gable roof for a bathhouse

    Most often, a gable roof is installed, which allows you to equip a room, for example, for storing bath accessories. This design allows you to quickly remove precipitation from the roof. The simplest rafter system is a hanging one, which involves supporting the rafter legs on only two points. The rafter legs are fixed from above with a ridge beam.

    A gable roof is one of the most popular solutions for a bathhouse, since it is easy to erect and allows you to get an additional attic space

    Construction of a gable roof

    It is necessary to draw up a project in advance and calculate the basic parameters, in particular, determine the angle of inclination. The installation process itself consists of several steps:

    Video: gable roof rafter system


    There are two types of T-roofs:

    1. The width of the gables is the same, while the ridge is located at the same level, and the angle of inclination of the slopes is the same.
    2. The angle of inclination and width of the slopes changes, which leads to the location of the skates at different heights.

    Before installation, you must draw a plan of the walls. This will allow you to determine the roof parameters. On the project, you need to retreat 50 cm from the extreme line of each of the four walls and draw the perimeter of the roof, taking into account the overhangs. It is also necessary to mark the locations of the roof ridges. After this, determine the location of the valley, for which a straight line connects the angle of closure of the two roofs: the main and additional. In these places it is necessary to install layered rafters.

    The T-shaped roof is well suited for bathhouses because it allows you to arrange a dressing room

    The process of installing a T-shaped roof takes place in several stages:

    Chalet roof

    The peculiarity of this style is the strong overhang of the overhangs over the walls. This allows you to completely protect the bathhouse from the sun and precipitation. In some cases, the extension of the roof beyond the wall reaches 3 m. This design saves the bathhouse from dampness. In addition, additional useful space is created under the overhangs.

    The roof of the chalet has long overhangs that protect it from dampness and precipitation

    In winter, such a roof can hold a large amount of snow, which provides the room with additional thermal insulation. It is recommended to further strengthen the roof overhangs with supports.

    When calculating the roof, be sure to take into account:

    • weather features;
    • amount of precipitation;
    • roof covering used.

    For the roof of a chalet you can use very original roofing materials:

    The roof of the chalet requires internal insulation, and an air gap is needed between the insulation and the roof. Installation of a vapor barrier layer is also required.

    The chalet roof structure can be assembled independently. It includes rafters and roof beams that extend several meters beyond the walls. The main thing in this process is to correctly install the nodes, and fix the rafters to the ridge with brackets and overlays only.

    You can increase the service life of the roof if you cover all joints with a special compound, and move the rafters and tie-rods beyond the walls by at least 1.5 m. After completing this stage, you need to lay a lattice bar.

    Unusual roofs for baths

    It is allowed to combine a bathhouse with other buildings. For example, a profitable option is a bathhouse with a garage. This allows you to reduce construction and heating costs. When drawing up a project, the following must be taken into account:

    • the level of waterproofing in both rooms must be sufficient;
    • you need to choose a roof so that removing snow and ice is not difficult; it is best if it is a gable roof;
    • the roof on the garage side requires an additional waterproofing layer, this also applies to the adjacent wall.

    The roof of the garage adjacent to the bathhouse must be well insulated and waterproofed

    The bathhouse can also be adjacent to the house. This also has its advantage - you won’t need to make a long walk down the street to return home from the bathhouse. There are several ways to place a bath:

    • on the ground floor;
    • in the annex;
    • in an adjoining room with a bathroom and toilet.

    The roof of the bathhouse extension does not need to be connected to the main roof of the house

    A separate roof for such a bathhouse is required only if it is located in an extension. Remember that with this arrangement, two pipes will exit onto the roof of the building at the same time, which means there will be two holes on the roof. Therefore, it is very important to think over the ventilation system of the bathhouse, in particular, to make a ventilated roof.

    The bathhouse combined with a gazebo looks very original. As a rule, such a building has a common roof. Usually it is made gable.

    When combining a bathhouse with a gazebo, you get good savings in building materials

    Remember that no matter what kind of roof your bathhouse has, you must provide access to it. This will allow for periodic inspection of the rafter system and roofing, thanks to which leaks and roof deformations can be detected in time, and therefore eliminated in time.

    Building a bathhouse is a difficult and time-consuming task, since you need to take into account many little things that will determine the comfort of its use. Particular attention should be paid to the roof, since it is through it that the most heat escapes from the room.

    Types of roofs suitable for bath buildings

    When constructing a bathhouse, the choice of a suitable roof option is of great importance. The bathhouse is a special building; its roof must have non-standard characteristics.

    Some types of roofs can be equipped with an attic space. Based on roof design, they can be divided into the following types:

    • single-pitched. Its popularity is due to its low cost and ease of installation. If the bathhouse is made as an extension to a private house, then it is recommended to choose this option. It is important to take into account the slope of the pitched roof. The appearance and strength of the structure depend on this characteristic. The angle of inclination is selected in accordance with the amount of precipitation - the more there is, the greater the slope of the slope should be;

      A pitched roof is quite suitable for a bathhouse due to its simplicity of design and low cost.

    • flat. This design is suitable for areas where strong winds prevail and there is virtually no precipitation. If a lot of snow falls, the roof may break, so flat roofing is only built in warm regions. The upper part of the building can be used as a terrace attached to a private house. This design is cheaper than others;

      A flat roof is rarely used when building a bathhouse, because it is designed for specific operating conditions

    • multi-slope. A roof with several kinks gives the building a beautiful appearance, but its construction is expensive. Such a structure is difficult to design and build, so bathhouses with multi-pitched roofs are practically never found. To make such a roof with your own hands, you need extensive experience in performing construction work;
    • gable. This is the most popular solution for a bath. The design parameters allow it to be erected in any region. You can build a roof of this type with your own hands. The big advantage of a gable roof is the presence of an attic. You can arrange a separate rest room in it (if height allows) or a warehouse for storing bath tools. The attic space must be insulated.

      A gable roof allows you to equip an attic space and removes snow well in winter, so it is the most popular option for a bathhouse

    Advantages and disadvantages of different types of roofs

    Advantages of a pitched roof:

    • high speed of construction;
    • low cost;
    • ease of installation.

    Disadvantages of a pitched roof:

    • the absence of an attic, therefore, there will be no opportunity to store inventory;

    Covering materials are selected based on the design features. For example, slate is not suitable for roofs with a slope of less than 30°.

    Advantages of a gable roof:

    • great appearance. The bathhouse building will look more like a small house than an outbuilding;
    • the possibility of arranging an attic, which will become a place for storing equipment and an additional barrier to the outflow of heat from the premises.

    A roof of this type also has disadvantages, but they are insignificant compared to the advantages:

    • the cost of the structure is higher than that of a lean-to or flat structure;
    • the attic will need additional insulation and finishing.

    A multi-pitched roof looks more interesting than others, but the cost is very high. The feasibility of its construction must be determined by the owner of the bathhouse .

    A bathhouse with a hip roof and a broken canopy over the entrance looks very beautiful, but is expensive

    The choice of roofing option should be based on personal preferences and operating conditions. If there are no restrictions related to climate, the main criteria may be the cost and complexity of installation.

    The most popular type of roof for a bathhouse building is a gable roof.

    Gable roof installation

    The roof structure for a bathhouse simply consists of two components: a load-bearing rafter system and a deck with the sheathing and waterproofing necessary for its installation. An important structural element is the attic floor. The gable roof truss is a triangle, the base of which is the ceiling tie or beam.

    At the apex of the triangle, rafter beams converge, which are fixed by cutting into half a tree. The fastening of planks or timber, which is used as rafters, is done using screws or nails. If you need to increase the rigidity of the truss, a jumper - a crossbar - is installed below the fixation point of the rafters.

    There are different options for constructing a rafter system for a gable roof.

    To install a gable roof, different truss schemes are used depending on the size of the span between the walls and the material from which the house is built

    The type of construction will depend on the size of the span between the load-bearing walls, as well as on the material from which the walls are made. A gable roof can be layered (most often used in buildings more than 6 m wide) or hanging. To increase the stability of the roof, the layered roof truss may have auxiliary supports.

    If there is a large span between the walls, additional supports are added to the structure of the trusses

    The hanging structure focuses exclusively on the Mauerlats or ceiling slats.

    When building a bathhouse, preference is often given to a structure with hanging rafters, because the distance between the load-bearing walls is usually small

    In the upper part of the rafters they are fixed with crossbars.

    Most often, bathhouses have a roof with hanging rafters.

    Scheme and calculation of the roof based on the area of ​​the bathhouse

    As an example, we will consider a bathhouse measuring 4x5 m. The structure is being built in the Moscow region and is made of timber. The top row is used as a mauerlat. The roof will be a gable hanging roof, without laying out insulation material. The slope angle is 30 o, the height at the ridge is 6 meters.

    Before constructing the rafters, you will need to perform a calculation to determine the slope and characteristics of the roof parts.

    Types of loads acting on the roof

    The roofing system is affected by the following loads:

    1. Constant - the weight of the frame and roof covering. The weight of the covering will depend on the selected roofing material.
    2. Periodic - loads from snow and wind, as well as the weight of builders performing work.
    3. Unforeseen - earthquake, hurricane and others. Such loads are not taken into account in most regions due to the low probability of their occurrence.

    In the process of calculating the thickness and width of the rafters, it is necessary to take into account the sum of the maximum values ​​of possible loads. To correctly perform the calculation, you need to understand the loads that act on each node separately.

    The dimensions of the rafters are selected based on the nature and intensity of the loads in each node of the roof structure

    The lower part of the rafters is attached to the Mauerlat. The unit will absorb vertical loads from snow and the weight of the roof itself. Spans under load bend.

    Each point on the roof has its own loads, which are calculated using certain formulas

    Snow load calculation

    The snow load on a rafter leg is calculated using the formula S=S g ∙μ, where S is the snow load, S g is the specific gravity of the snow cover in a given region, μ is a correction factor, the value of which depends on the angle of inclination of the roof:

    • less than 25 o - μ=1.0;
    • from 25 to 60 o - μ=0.7;
    • more than 60 o - μ=0, i.e. snow loads on such steep roofs can be ignored.

    The S g value is taken from a special table. For the Moscow region S g = 180 kgf/m 2. Therefore, for our example, the value of the snow load is S=180∙0.7=126 kgf/m2.

    Table: specific snow load depending on region

    Region No.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    S g, kgf/m 280 120 180 230 320 400 480 560

    The region number is determined by the snow load distribution map issued by Roshydromet.

    Each region of our country is assigned a number depending on the average intensity of snow load

    Wind load calculation

    The wind load is calculated in a similar way: W=W o ∙k, where W is the snow load, W o is the standard indicator, which is determined from the table for each specific region, k is the correction factor, the value of which depends on the type of terrain and the height of the building . For areas such as urban areas or forests, the values ​​of this coefficient are as follows:

    • with a house height of less than 5 meters - k=0.5;
    • from 5 to 10 meters - k=0.65;
    • more than 20 meters - k=0.85.

    For the Moscow region W o =23 kgf/m 2. The value of the wind load for the bathhouse we are considering is W=23∙0.65=14.95 kgf/m2.

    Table: specific wind load depending on region

    Region No.1a1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    W o , kgf/m 217 23 30 38 48 60 73 85

    The region number is determined by a special map, also compiled by the Hydrometeorological Center.

    According to wind load parameters, each region also has its own number

    For Moscow and the region, the roof parameters have already been calculated using the above formulas. Therefore, to select rafter sizes, you can use a ready-made table.

    Table: dimensions of rafter legs depending on the pitch between the rafters (for the Moscow region)

    Step between
    Rafter length, m
    3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0
    215 100x150100x175100x200100x200100x250100x250
    175 75x15075x20075x200100x200100x200100x200100x250
    140 75x12575x17575x20075x20075x200100x200100x200
    110 75x15075x15075x17575x17575x20075x200100x200
    90 50x15050x17550x20075x17575x17575x25075x200
    60 40x15040x17550x15050x15050x17550x20050x200

    If there are difficulties in carrying out calculations on your own, then it is recommended to take the dimensions of the rafter system on similar buildings that were erected earlier.

    When calculating the roof, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. For a detached building, it is recommended to make 2 slopes. The optimal tilt angle is 50–65°.
    2. A gable roof is suitable for a building with an area of ​​more than 12 m2. For smaller spaces, you can use a shed roof.
    3. For regions with high wind gusts, the slope should be at least 40°.

    Choosing roofing material

    Roof covering materials can be sheet or roll. The roof must be of high quality and on a budget. Each material is suitable for a different roof slope.

    Table: main characteristics of roofing materials

    To save money, the bathhouse can be covered with ordinary slate or roofing felt. If a bathhouse building is being built near a private house, then it is best to use the same roofing material as on the roof of the main building.

    Each roofing material has its own characteristics. They should be taken into account when choosing a roof covering.

    Ondulin and soft tiles

    Ondulin and soft tiles are largely similar in their composition, properties and installation methods. The materials have the following advantages:

    Disadvantages of ondulin and soft roofing:

    Corrugated sheeting and metal tiles

    These two types of roofing are also very similar in properties: they are made from the same material, are installed in the same way and have similar weight and service life characteristics. Their advantages are as follows:

    • wide range of colors;
    • long service period;
    • ease of installation;
    • high fire resistance;
    • light weight;
    • resistance to temperature changes, mechanical and chemical influences.

    Metal tiles are currently the most popular type of roofing in individual construction

    Disadvantages of profiled sheets and metal tiles:


    Slate is one of the longest used roofing materials. Some time ago there was practically no alternative to it. Its advantages are as follows:

    • low cost;
    • resistance to damage;
    • high fire resistance.

    Slate is cheaper than many other roofing materials. but it doesn’t look very modern and weighs a lot

    Disadvantages of slate:

    • heavy weight, which makes it necessary to install a powerful rafter system;
    • low strength at sub-zero temperatures;
    • unmodern appearance;
    • short service life.


    Ruberoid is usually used to cover the roofs of barns or outbuildings. You can use it for a bath if you want to save on roofing.

    The main advantages of roofing felt:

    • low cost;
    • ease of installation.

    However, the material has many disadvantages. The main ones are the following:

    The necessary actions for installing the sheathing structure depend on the choice of roofing material. The most popular for bathhouses are metal tiles and corrugated sheets, as these materials are durable and reliable. In some cases, ondulin is used. It has a low cost and is excellent for constructing a beautiful and durable structure.

    Calculation of the amount of material

    To calculate the area of ​​the roof slope, the Pythagorean theorem is used

    Let's take the parameters from the example we have already considered as a basis. Let's assume that we want to make a roof from corrugated sheets with an overhang of 200 mm relative to the boundaries of the house. Then:

    1. Dimension A will be equal to 4/2+0.2=2.2 m (the width of the bath is 4 meters).
    2. The height from the ceiling to the ridge is determined by the angle of the roof: H=A∙tg(30 o)=2.2/√3=1.3 m.
    3. The length of the slope is calculated according to the well-known Pythagorean theorem: C = √ A 2 + B 2 = √ 2.7 2 + 1.3 2 = 3.0 m.
    4. The area of ​​one slope is calculated using the formula S slope =C∙D=5.2∙3.0=15.6 m2.
    5. The total roof area is equal to S=S slope ∙2=31.2 m 2.

    Next, you should calculate the area of ​​the canopy above the entrance, if it is provided for in the project. Usually it is made 0.9 m wide and 1.7 m long. Let’s also take into account the overhang of 0.2 m: S canopy = 1.7∙0.9 + 1.7∙0.2 = 1.9 m 2 . Then the total surface area under the roofing will be 33.1 m2.

    With a standard sheet size of 2x1.1 m (the useful width is indicated after deducting the allowances left for overlapping sheets), 33.1/(2∙1.1)=15.04 sheets will be needed to cover the roof. Rounding up, we get the required need for roofing material: 16 sheets measuring 2x1.1 m. It is better to buy with a reserve of 2-3 sheets in order to provide for possible losses and errors when cutting the material.

    For further calculations you will need a roof plan.

    To calculate the material required for the manufacture of rafters, a plan for their location on the roof is drawn up

    Determine the number of rafter legs:

    • for the main roof you need to prepare 19 bars measuring 140x40x2810 mm, the total volume of the board will be 0.3 m 3;
    • for the canopy above the door you need 4 bars measuring 140x40x1700 mm, total volume - 0.04 m 3.

    In total, the rafters will require 0.34 m3.

    You also need to prepare 2 wind boards measuring 140x30x5800 mm. Their total volume is 0.05 m3. In addition, you will need rough timber with a volume of 0.15 m3:

    • 4 slats measuring 40x50x900 mm;
    • 4 bars measuring 40x50x6200 mm;
    • 8 slats measuring 40x50x5800 mm.

    The amount of waterproofing material corresponds to the roof area - 33.1 m2.

    Required Tools

    To build a structure, you need to prepare the following tools:

    • metal scissors;
    • electric jigsaw;
    • screwdrivers;
    • axe;
    • hammer;
    • spanners;
    • building level;
    • roulette;
    • meter;
    • plumb line;
    • corner;
    • construction cord;
    • pencil.

    Step-by-step guide to building and erecting a roof for a bathhouse

    Boards 140x40 mm are suitable for rafters. The optimal distance between the rafters is 90 cm, the slope angle is 30°. The material must be of high quality, without cracks or other damage.

    For the construction of the rafter system, it is allowed to use only high-quality boards without cracks or damage

    There should be no knots in the places where parts are fixed. It is important to carefully inspect the building material. The blanks should be a little longer, since it is important to take into account trimming of unusable parts from the ends.

    Preparatory work

    Before covering the roof, you will need to build a supporting structure, as well as install a sheathing on which the finishing material will be attached. At this stage, it will also be necessary to insulate the structure and waterproof the roof.

    The ceiling in the bathhouse, which is built using this technology, will conserve heat much better.

    Construction of rafter legs

    For a medium-sized bathhouse, six pairs of rafters are enough. To make it easier to produce identical parts, it is better to build a wooden or metal template. Marking each design separately gives small flaws, which as a result can add up to a significant amount. In addition, the template allows you to speed up the work process several times. You can make a template this way:

    1. First of all, you need to prepare edged boards 20x100 mm long 3 m. At the top of the slats you need to overlap with a nail. There must be only one fastening element so that the structure is movable.
    2. A horizontal section needs to be attached to one rail, which will be used as a crossbar template. The distance from the crossbar to the ridge should be approximately 45–50 cm.
    3. The crossbar should be fixed to only one rail. It must be nailed to the second after the rafter slope has been selected.
    4. The template should be lifted onto the roof and temporarily placed at the planned location for installing the rafters.

      The template configuration is finally determined and fixed in place

    5. Next you need to change the slope and increase the offset. It is important to ensure that the ridge is placed in the middle part of the bathhouse.
    6. When a suitable location has been selected, you will need to nail the crossbar to the second rail and strengthen the fastening of the planks and the ridge with a few more fasteners.
    7. The made template must be placed on the Mauerlat and the location of the rafter fastening unit must be marked. Fixation can be done in different ways, the simplest of which is to use a support rail and iron corners.

      It is convenient to attach the rafters to the mauerlat using metal corners

    8. After the fitting is completed, the template is finally fastened at all points and lowered to the ground.

      The resulting template will be used as a template for the manufacture of all rafter structures

    Video: marking and assembling rafters

    Construction of a rafter system

    The sequence of actions will be as follows:

    1. In the middle of each gable, vertical slats of 50x50 mm should be nailed. The height of the slats must correspond to the height of the rafter system.
    2. It is important to check their verticality. To do this, you need to stretch a strong thread between the parts.
    3. Next, you need to check the template along the entire length of the bathhouse building. It must be installed in 1 m increments, and then look at the slope and placement of the support bar. The ridge part should be positioned exactly along the thread.

    If errors within 1 cm are found, then do not worry. Such irregularities can be eliminated during the installation of sheathing under the roof covering. If the difference in size is more than 1 cm, you will need to adjust the template so that the optimal average is obtained. When the process is completed successfully, the template should be removed to the ground. If necessary, the nodes can be further strengthened.

    1. The template must be installed on a flat base, and then one rafter leg must be attached to it. It is important to pay attention to the location of the ridge part. If knots are found, they must be cut off.
    2. The hanging part of the rafters can be leveled immediately before installation or after installation of the system. The rafter legs in the ridge part can be fastened using several methods. The most reliable option is to fix it into a tenon, but this method is not suitable for a bathhouse, since the rafters are made of thin boards.

      If the rafter boards have a thickness of 100 mm or more, then they are connected into a tenon

    3. In our case, we need to use half-tree fixation. The rafters are connected to the stop at an angle of 90°.

      Rafters for a bathhouse are usually assembled from edged boards 40 or 50 mm thick, so they are connected in half a tree

    4. To prevent displacement on both sides, the assembly must be secured with metal plates on self-tapping screws. It is important to ensure that the self-tapping screws are not placed opposite each other. They must be placed evenly over the surface of the rafters.

      The junction of the rafter legs is reinforced with a metal plate secured with bolts or self-tapping screws

    The top connection can be made end-to-end. However, this is dangerous, as the structure will be unstable. For regions with a warm climate, this type of connection is suitable, but if there is a lot of snow in winter, this method cannot be used.

    At the next stage, the rafters are fixed to the Mauerlat. Sequencing:

    1. Marks are made in the extreme parts of the rafter legs. The cut should be made at an angle. The method of fixation is end-to-end.

      The rafter leg is cut at an angle so that it freely stands on the mauerlat

    2. It is not allowed to cut off both legs symmetrically. You should take a drawing on each part from the corresponding side.
    3. The knot is fastened on both sides with iron plates with a thickness of at least 2 mm. It is important to ensure that the fasteners are not against each other. You should try to place them evenly over the surface of the rafters.

      The rafters are secured on both sides with steel plates

    4. Next, stops are placed. To fasten them, it is recommended to use powerful screws or bolts.

    Video: how to saw rafters at the required angle

    Sequence of installation of rafters on the roof

    Work must be performed with maximum responsibility. If the technology is broken or the connections are of poor quality, then in the future you will have to make complex and expensive repairs.

    The sequence of actions for installing a rafter system on the roof of a bathhouse:

    1. The first step is to secure the gable rafter legs. At this stage, they are temporarily secured using stops made from scrap boards. It is important to carefully place each part on all components. There is no need to rush; you should check each size.
    2. Next, pull the rope along the ridge and in the side parts. The side rope is stretched along the rafters. In this position they are easier to install.

      Along the ridge line and along the overhangs of the rafters, ropes are pulled along which all other structures will be placed

    3. The installation locations of the remaining rafters are marked on the Mauerlat. The step between them should be 90 cm. This distance must be maintained strictly, errors are not allowed.
    4. At the next stage, each part is lifted one by one, placed along the rope and temporarily secured with stops and struts. The slats should be nailed both at an angle to the roof parts and between the mounted rafters.
    5. When the rafters are temporarily fixed, check that they are installed correctly using a building level and a plumb line.
    6. Next, the final fixation of the units is performed using iron corners and plates on self-tapping screws. The minimum metal thickness is 1.5 mm. You should not skimp on corners; it is recommended to install them on both sides of the rafters. The result should be a structure that will be resistant to loads in various directions.

      It is recommended to leave a little freedom of movement in the attachment points of the rafters to the mauerlat and the ridge, then the roofing system will not experience increased loads during seasonal deformations of the bathhouse

    7. The length of the lower parts of the rafters is leveled. They should protrude 35–40 cm beyond the building. The ends of the rafters are aligned along a stretched rope.

    From time to time, builders without experience may make minor mistakes, which during the installation of the rafter system can enhance each other’s effects. This may cause the structure to become weakened, making it unable to resist the longitudinal load on the ridge. In this case, the rafter system may begin to wobble. This problem can be solved by installing corner stops made of slats under the gable rafters.

    If the stability of the truss structure is insufficient, it is strengthened using struts for front trusses

    In the future, the stops can be used as a frame in the process of cladding gables.

    Video: simple installation of rafters for a gable metal roof

    Lathing of the rafter system

    The sheathing can be continuous or sparse.

    The type of roof sheathing depends on the roofing material used

    The last option is most often used. Step by step guide:

    1. The slats are nailed from bottom to top. The spacing of the elements will depend on the type of roofing material. For corrugated sheets and metal tiles, the optimal distance is 40 cm.

      If the roof will be covered with metal tiles, the sheathing is filled in increments of 40 cm

    2. Near the ridge, the sheathing should be nailed more often. This is where the ridge part and roofing sheets are attached.
    3. From the side of the pediment, you need to draw a straight line with blue thread.
    4. The protruding parts of the planks must be cut with a saw.

      After installation of the sheathing is completed, it is trimmed from the side of the gables to form an even line of the roof overhang

    After this, the roof of the bathhouse building is waterproofed and insulated.

    Waterproofing and roof insulation

    All wooden parts must be treated with antiseptic agents. It is recommended to use membrane film as a waterproofing material. With its help you need to build a water barrier. To do this, you need to lay the film on the rafters before installing the sheathing. For a vapor barrier, a film should be installed between the lining and the insulating material of the ceiling.

    You can insulate the roof using mineral wool.

    Mineral wool is laid in the space between the rafters in two layers

    The material must be placed in a roofing pie in a layer of 10 cm. Mineral wool is laid in two rows in a checkerboard pattern.

    Video: DIY roof construction for a bathhouse

    At the end, the roof is sheathed with the selected material. If you plan to use corrugated sheets or metal tiles, then first of all you will need to install the initial sheet of the first row, followed by the initial sheet of the second row. Next, the sheets are attached one by one. You need to make a longitudinal overlap in one direction. The material is fixed with self-tapping screws and thermal washers.

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    At the final stage of construction of the bathhouse complex, the roof of the bathhouse is erected with your own hands. If you build a roof for a bathhouse with your own hands, then before carrying out all the work you should study in detail the technology and nuances of installing roofing structures. After completing the construction of the bathhouse roof with your own hands, you can begin finishing the building both outside and inside.

    To ensure that the bathhouse ceiling does not leak and retains heat well in the room, special attention should be paid to the process of installing the roof on the building. If you follow all the requirements of the instructions for constructing a bathhouse roof with your own hands, it will allow you to operate the structure for a long time without resorting to repair work.

    In order to properly build a bathhouse roof with your own hands, you must comply with all building codes and regulations. Such a roof must have high-quality steam, heat and waterproofing.

    Before carrying out installation work, you should study the installation process in detail. This will allow you to avoid errors and make it possible to reduce the cost of building a bathhouse complex, since you will not have to involve a construction specialist to install the roof.

    The roof of a bathhouse complex is quite easy to install yourself; for this purpose, a person must have some level of knowledge in the field of construction and have skills in handling plumbing and carpentry tools.

    Today, the most popular options for building a bathhouse are the use of timber, logs and frame structures. Each of these types of buildings has its own characteristics in the process of installing the roof structure.

    Bathhouse roof installation

    In order to construct it correctly, you should study in detail the design options for this building element. The roof of any building, including the building of a bathhouse complex, consists, depending on the type, of certain standard structural elements.

    The structure of any roof includes the following structural elements:

    • rafter system;
    • sheathing;
    • heat, steam and vapor barrier systems;
    • roofing covering.

    Depending on the design features, the following types of roofs are distinguished:

    • single-pitched;
    • gable;
    • hip;
    • tent;
    • multi-pincer;
    • attic.

    In addition, any type of roof structure may have its own characteristics, determined by the preferences and desires of the building owner.

    Most often used in the construction of baths. Experts recommend erecting this type of roof when building baths, since it is the most convenient option. The presence of free space under the roof being built allows you to equip a small attic. In this case, the attic space can be used to store bathhouse and other equipment.

    The advantage of a gable roof is the absence of accumulations of atmospheric precipitation, which can accumulate on other types of roofing in the winter. On a gable roof, snow slides off the surface under its own weight.

    The single-pitched type of roofing is used very rarely in the construction of bathhouse complexes.

    Installation of a gable roof of a bathhouse complex

    Since the gable roof is the most popular, we should consider in more detail how to build a gable roof for a bathhouse with your own hands.

    Today there are 2 gable roof installation systems:

    1. Hanging rafter system. This type of rafter system is fastened with one side to the body of the building, and the second side is fixed between two opposite rafter sections.
    2. Sloping rafters. This type of construction is more stable, since the structural elements are additionally supported by a stand located in the center.

    A gable roof is the most preferable option for creating a roof with your own hands for a frame bathhouse, since the design ensures self-cleaning of the surface of the roof slopes from accumulated precipitation, which significantly reduces the pressure exerted on the building. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the gable roof has a large angle of inclination of the roofing planes.

    By its design, a gable roof consists of several isosceles triangles of the same size and shape, which are evenly spaced along the entire building. The top of the structure is called the ridge. The cross beam to which the top of the rafters is secured is called a crossbar. The crossbar gives strength to the structure and fastens the individual rafters into a single structure. The strength of the entire structure depends on the pitch between the rafters.

    The rafters are fastened to the top of the building walls after the installation of the ceiling beams is completed.

    Installation of load-bearing roof structures consists of the following steps:

    • fastening the Mauerlat to the wall of the building;
    • roof truss assembly;
    • installation of two trusses at different ends of the building;
    • installation of the remaining trusses along a specially tensioned cord.

    After completing the installation work on installing the load-bearing structures of the roof, they begin to fasten the sheathing and install layers of steam, hydro- and heat-insulating materials. Upon completion of this work, the roofing material is installed.

    Installation of sheathing

    After completion of the installation work on installing the roof rafters, the installation of the sheathing is carried out.

    When installing this structural element, you should pay attention to a number of requirements that must be met during the work process. These requirements are as follows:

    1. The boards that make up the sheathing are filled, starting from the ridge, and gradually move to the lower part of the structure.
    2. The sheathing can be solid or with gaps. The choice of type of construction depends on the roofing material used.
    3. The ends of the boards being filled should protrude beyond the ends of the trusses that form the basis of the pediments by approximately 18-20 cm. This protrusion of the roof beyond the pediments protects the pediment from the adverse effects of atmospheric factors and is called a pediment cornice.

    Continuous sheathing is best used when using roll-type roofing materials. Solid sheathing is also recommended for use when covering the roof with metal tiles and slate. Gaps in such sheathing should not exceed 10 mm.

    When using sheet iron, asbestos-cement slate or bitumen sheet as roofing material, the distance between the lathing boards can be 18-25 cm.

    After securing the sheathing to the supporting structure of the roof, they proceed to installing steam, hydro and thermal insulation.

    Installation of vapor and waterproofing insulation

    Before erecting a roof, many owners think about questions about how to do it correctly and what building materials are best to use. For the installation of roofing coverings, roofing felt and membrane film can be used as a vapor and waterproofing material. Ruberoid is mounted on the rafters in 2 layers, this provides a high degree of protection of load-bearing structures from the effects of negative atmospheric factors.

    If a membrane film is used, it can serve as both a waterproofing and thermal insulation material, since it has a low heat transfer rate.

    For the installed material to function properly, the film must be laid on the rafter structure and secured with construction tape.

    The new strip should be laid over the previous strip with an overlap. It is forbidden to stretch the film over rafter structures. Tension of the film can contribute to the occurrence of damage when the lumber from which the rafter structures are assembled is deformed. Deformation of structures is possible when the rafter system heats up or cools down.

    In the process of insulating the roof of a bathhouse with your own hands, you should pay attention to some important nuances of the process.

    Such nuances are the following:

    1. It is recommended to insulate the roof of a building using mineral wool. This material is durable, non-flammable and retains heat well.
    2. When insulating the roof, it is not recommended to use polystyrene foam. This building material is capable of releasing harmful volatile chemical compounds.
    3. The thickness of the insulation used must be at least 100 mm.
    4. A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation layer.

    The last layer laid on the roofing pie is the finishing material. The choice of building material for finishing the attic depends on the financial condition of the homeowner and his preferences.

    After the installation of heat, steam and waterproofing is completed, the roofing material is installed directly.

    To install the roof, you can use any roofing building material. The choice of roofing material depends entirely on the financial condition of the bathhouse owner and the availability of this or that material for free sale.

    Carrying out finishing of gables

    After completing the installation work on installing roofing building materials, you can begin finishing the roof gables. The load-bearing frame of the gables is the outer trusses. To finish the plane of the gables, wood blocks with dimensions of 50x50 or 40x40 mm are stuffed onto the roof trusses. These bars form the gable sheathing.

    The gable plane is closed using finishing material. Lining can serve as a building material for finishing work. The cladding of the frontal plane should be carried out with a margin, which ensures that the finishing material protrudes beyond the plane of the pediment by a distance of 20-25 mm.

    Depending on the wishes of the bathhouse owner, the gables can be sewn up with finishing building materials in both horizontal and vertical directions. The pediment is covered with clapboard using self-tapping screws or nails.

    Using clapboards made from wood provides several benefits to the homeowner. The fact is that wood is an environmentally friendly material, and when used, no toxic chemical compounds are released into the environment.

    However, it should be remembered that before using this material, it should be treated with special chemical compounds that prevent fire and deterioration of the material under the influence of negative atmospheric factors.

    Being a natural material, the lining can suffer from excess moisture, therefore, in order to prevent destruction of the building material used for finishing, it is necessary to treat the pediment after installation with a paint and varnish composition that has water-repellent properties. The compositions used to create a protective coating on the surface of the lining are unstable, which requires regular treatment of the gable surface. The frequency of treatment should be once every 2 years.

    Carrying out regular processing increases the cost of operating the facility. The service life of a pediment made from lining that has not been treated is about 5 years, in contrast to a pediment treated with antiseptic, fire retardant and paint, the normal service life of which can be 15-20 years. In addition to lining, siding can be used for finishing work.

    A reliable roof protects the building from bad weather and hot sun. Naturally, the bathhouse should also have a roof - a good-quality and practical one, built in accordance with all the rules of construction. What type of roof to choose, what materials to pay attention to, what are the main stages of construction - this is what will be discussed in our material. The purpose of this article is to give you simple instructions for building a roof for a bathhouse with your own hands.

    The roof is the upper part of the building, insulating, enclosing and protecting it from the adverse effects of precipitation, wind and ultraviolet radiation.

    Single-pitch and gable roof for a bathhouse

    Before you start designing a bathhouse, you need to decide what type of roof to choose for the bathhouse (single or gable) and at what angle of inclination to build it.

    Shed roof

    A shed roof is the simplest type of roof. The roof rests on opposite walls and, depending on the difference in the height of the walls, forms a slope angle - the greater this difference, the sharper the angle. At the same time, the cost depends on the difference - the smaller it is, the cheaper the construction of the roof will cost.

    Advantage: a simple and quick way to build a roof, which is low cost.

    Flaw: if the slope angle is small, water and snow are retained on the roof surface after precipitation, which causes damage to the coating. You can prevent roof rotting by choosing the right material to cover the surface.

    A pitched roof is the optimal solution for small baths, including buildings adjacent on one side to the main building. It is desirable that the roof area does not exceed 15 m2, since with large parameters its construction becomes economically unprofitable.

    The angle of inclination of a pitched roof is selected depending on weather conditions or landscape features. Thus, in a region with heavy rainfall, it is recommended to install roofs with a roof slope of 35-45° so that snow or water flows down without staying for long. In the steppes with strong winds, it is better to install a bathhouse with a flat roof.

    A pitched roof can be made with an attic, having previously installed an attic floor, or without it, combining the roof with the ceiling of the room. A structure with a pitched roof without an attic is a good option for a summer bath; moreover, it is cheaper and faster to build. A bathhouse with a good-quality insulated attic can be used at any time of the year, and the attic space is often used for storing bathhouse brooms and for drying herbs.

    Gable roof

    A gable roof has two inclined slopes, which in the lower part rest on the walls of the building, and in the upper part they adjoin each other. This type of roofing is suitable for any weather conditions and almost any landscape.

    Advantage: The roof is visually attractive and functional.

    Flaw: Unlike a pitched roof, this option will be more expensive, as it requires more materials and installation time.

    A bathhouse with a gable roof looks like a nice, cozy house, and if good thermal insulation is provided, it can be used at any time of the year. A gable roof with an attic space is easy to use; in addition, a bathhouse with such a roof is cool in summer and warm in winter. The angle of inclination of such a roof is given taking into account the climatic conditions and the roofing material that they intend to use.

    The choice of roof pitch angle is made at the building design stage. The calculations take into account the coating material, snow load, and wind pressure. For example, with a slope of 45°, snow can not be taken into account in the calculations, since it will roll off the roof, but with such a slope, the wind load and windage of the roof sharply increase, which means the wind resistance decreases.

    Bathhouse roof construction technology

    The main elements of the roof are the mauerlat, rafter system, sheathing and roofing material.


    At the first stage of roof installation, a mauerlat is installed, which attaches the rafter system to the building frame. Mauerlat is laid on finished walls using special anchors. If the building is built of timber, then the upper crown is used as a support beam.

    Considering that the Mauerlat is most often made of wood and is subject to rotting under the influence of steam and moisture, it must be carefully insulated with any waterproof material. It is enough to put several layers of roofing felt between the wall and the Mauerlat.

    Rafter system

    The rafter system is the main element of the roof, the main task of which is to hold and withstand all types of loads. Correctly calculated parameters of the rafters will make the roof reliable and durable.

    Rafter system for a gable roof.

    The rafter system is a structure of beams connected to each other in such a way as to evenly distribute the external load exerted on the upper part of the building. Depending on the slope and roof area, in addition to beams, lintels, crossbars, spacers and other building elements are additionally used.

    There are two types of rafters:

    Hanging: when load-bearing supports are connected to each other on one side, and rest against the walls on the other;

    Diagram of hanging rafters

    Layered, when the rafter legs rest against the mauerlat and the internal walls of the building.


    The sheathing consists of beams or boards laid on rafter legs. Roofing material is attached to the structure, which is laid perpendicular to the rafters. The sheathing is mounted from edged, unedged or tongue-and-groove boards, OSB-3 (oriented strand board) or FSF (extended resistance plywood).

    Roofing material

    In the figure you can see which type of roofing is suitable for a certain angle of inclination.

    After preparing the sheathing, they proceed directly to laying the roofing material. Everyone decides what type of roofing to choose depending on their financial capabilities, weather conditions, and the type of bathhouse.

    Slate is a traditional material, time-tested and tested in practice. The slate roof slope is 12°. The material has high strength, is resistant to fire, is quick and easy to install, and also has a low cost. Over time, slate becomes covered with lichens and moss, so it must be periodically cleared of overgrown plants.

    Ondulin is lightweight and easy to install, can be installed at a roof slope of 5°, and has a warranty period of up to 15 years. The main advantage of the material is its lightness, but over time it changes color, has extremely low frost resistance (25 cycles), and can become deformed if the temperature is too high.

    The tiles are a natural material, are installed at a roof slope of 25° and have a very long warranty period, up to 30 years. In fact, the service life of tiles reaches 150 years. The tiles absorb sounds well, have increased fire resistance, are resistant to low temperatures and are striking in a variety of shades and shapes.

    Cement-sand tiles are similar in characteristics to natural tiles and are laid at a slope of 20°. The material can last up to 100 years, has good soundproofing and frost-resistant properties, and is resistant to high temperatures. From time to time, the surface of such tiles must be cleaned of accumulated moss.

    Bitumen shingles are a popular material with excellent sound-absorbing properties. The roof slope for this material is from 12°, and it can be installed on any type of roof. Does not break or break during transportation. However, it has some disadvantages: the material cannot be installed at temperatures below 5°, the cost of the roof and its installation is expensive.

    Metal tiles are installed at a slope of 15°, last from 15 to 50 years, and are characterized by quick and easy installation. Among the advantages of metal tiles are a large selection of colors, simple design, and increased fire safety.

    The corrugated sheeting has a warranty period of 15 years, is characterized by convenient and simple installation, has a simple design and good fire safety. You can choose unusual and bright colors.

    Stages of constructing a roof for a bathhouse

    The roof is erected after the walls of the bathhouse are completely built. The principles of constructing a bathhouse roof are the same as for conventional buildings: first the mauerlat is laid, then the rafter system is installed, then the sheathing is attached, and at the final stage of the work the structure is covered with roofing material.

    Mauerlat and rafter system

    At the first stage of work, the protruding ends of the mauerlat should be leveled, because it is these logs that will serve as support for the rafter legs. The more carefully the measurements are taken and the smoother the logs are cut, the faster and easier the rafter system will be erected.

    It is necessary to measure all the protruding parts of the Mauerlat and determine the smallest value. On the logs located along the edges of the structure, make a mark of the lowest value and drive nails there. Stretch the cord between two logs at opposite ends, make marks on all other parts and saw off the excess logs. After which you can safely begin installing the rafter system.

    Before installing the rafter system on the mauerlat, you should lay a rough flooring on which you can walk. Flooring can be made from any boards.

    The rafter system is made according to the roof parameters indicated in the bathhouse design. Those parts of the rafters that rest on the Mauerlat beams are impregnated with a special waterproofing agent, then wrapped in roofing felt, inserted into pre-prepared grooves and securely attached to the walls using metal brackets or studs.

    Roof structure

    An under-roof structure is mounted on the finished rafter system - it helps to securely attach the roof directly, transfers external load to the rafters and ensures good ventilation in the space under the roof.

    The roof structure consists of the following elements:

    Rough flooring;




    The rough flooring carries a huge functional load. Waterproofing material is applied to the flooring and a counter-lattice is attached. In addition, together with the sheathing, the flooring forms gable overhangs with a length of 60 cm.

    The rough flooring is made from plywood, boards, OSB or unedged boards. The gaps between the boards should not exceed 2 cm, so when laying the flooring it is necessary to adjust the protruding areas and minimize the possibility of gaps.

    Additional rigidity to the roof can be provided by nailing the rough flooring boards to the junction with the rafter leg with two nails.

    Waterproofing is laid on the rough flooring. Any rolled waterproofing material that is sufficiently resistant to moisture is suitable for an attic roof. Strips of waterproofing material are laid horizontally on the flooring with an overlap of 15-20 cm. For insulated attics, it is recommended to choose a material that allows steam to pass through.

    A counter-lattice is placed on the waterproofing layer. For this, bars with a length of 70 cm and a cross section of about 30 mm by 70 mm are used. Starting from the very bottom, the counter-lattice is filled with lathing - bars with a cross-section of 50x50 mm or 40x60 mm. The lathing scheme for all types of roofing material is the same, the main difference between the structures is the distance between the individual bars. So, for example, under slate the bars are placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other, under ondulin - up to 60 cm, under corrugated sheets or metal tiles - 35 cm.

    The final stage of installing a bathhouse roof is the installation of roofing material. When choosing a roofing covering, you should consider the following factors:

    Strength and reliability: the material must have sufficient resistance to wind and precipitation;

    Functionality and durability: a good coating protects the structure from snow and rain, extends the life of the building walls; the longer the service life of the material, the longer the roof will last, requiring only ongoing maintenance and intermediate repairs;

    Good thermal insulation: well-chosen hydro- and thermal insulation materials, as well as their correct installation, retain heat inside the building in winter and prevent walls from getting wet and rotting.

    Competent roofing work means a reliable roof for a bathhouse for many years. If all important points were taken into account during construction, then further operation will not require significant material costs; it is enough to periodically clean the roof of overgrown plants and small debris.

    Video on the features of constructing a roof for a bathhouse

    We also recommend:

    The roof is the final structure of a bathhouse building, performing the function of protection against atmospheric attacks and playing the role of an important aesthetic indicator. Ornate roofs with numerous gables and other delights are rarely erected over hygienic structures. Often these are the simplest options, the construction of which can be done with your own hands. Owners who want their bathhouse roof to be built beautifully and firmly with their own hands should carefully follow the construction rules. The roofs are simple and the rules are not too complicated, but an independent builder must know them.

    Construction standards for pitched roofs

    The design of a bathhouse roof in general terms

    In a simplified way, the design of a bathhouse roof includes two elements: a load-bearing rafter system and the flooring itself with the sheathing and waterproofing layer necessary for its installation. The number of structural elements includes another significant component - the attic floor. But its presence is not a prerequisite, since almost flat roofs with a slight angle of inclination of the slopes are built without it.

    Regardless of the presence of an attic floor or the absence of this element, roofs over bathhouses are erected with one or two slopes. Among the owners of country baths, there are not too many adherents of hipped roofs and structures with multiple kinks.

    Two ramps or one?

    • A pitched roof for a bathhouse is constructed if the bathhouse building is adjacent to a country house or if the owner wishes to reduce the construction budget. The height of a roof with one slope is not regulated by any requirements. True, these are mostly almost flat roofs erected over small summer bathhouse buildings. Their advantages are low cost, simplicity and efficiency of construction.
    • Roofs with two slopes are the most common type with a configuration traditional for log bathhouses. If the height of the slopes is sufficient and there is a ceiling in the space under the roof, you can arrange a household or living space. The height of the ridge, that is, the steepness of the gable roof, is determined by the aesthetic requirements of the owner and his desire to find practical use for the space under the roof, as well as the climatic features of the region.

    Rules for determining the angle of inclination of slopes

    The angle can vary from 2.5º to 60º. The larger it is, the better precipitation will roll off the inclined planes of the roof. However, a design that is too high is not acceptable in regions with regular gusty winds. In steppes blown from all sides with little winter precipitation, it is best to make the roof flat. In northern snowy regions, a roof with an optimal angle of 45º will work perfectly. Variations up and down work just as well.

    Note. At the same time as the roof slope decreases, material consumption, labor costs and, of course, cost are reduced.

    Support for roof structure

    The roofing system with two slopes rests on the beams of the upper floor or on the Mauerlat firmly attached to the upper frame. Mauerlat is installed on both sides, mainly on the walls of brick, aerated concrete or foam concrete structures. To install the beams of the upper floors over wooden baths, nests are made in the upper crown at one level, strictly checking the horizontality of the recesses for laying the supporting elements.

    Note. Beams can be extended beyond the walls of the bathhouse. There is a condition: if the length of the beam behind the wall is more than half a meter, it will require an external support pillar.

    Methods for installing rafter legs

    A rafter leg or simply a rafter is a component of a rafter truss, resting on a mauerlat or on the upper crown of walls built from timber or logs. The legs of the rafter structure work both in compression and in bending. To make a roof truss, you can purchase factory-made rafters or use:

    • logs with a diameter of 12 cm or more;
    • square or rectangular timber with a cross-sectional area of ​​60 cm² or more;
    • boards with minimum side dimensions in cross-section of 4 cm and 15 cm or more.

    It will be easier to build farms from factory elements, from timber or boards, connected to each other with self-tapping screws, screws or simple nails using lumber overlays. In such cases, cuts are made only at support points.

    Rafters can be hanging or layered.

    • Hanging. Rafter legs of this type rest against each other at the highest point through which the ridge line passes, and rest only on the supports located along the edges of the roof contour. A hanging leg truss is characterized by the generation of significant horizontal pressure. In order to extinguish the thrust, a tightening is constructed - a lower belt, which in geometric terms represents the base of an isosceles triangle. To make the knots of hanging rafters, you can use crossbars, or you can do without them. If the owner decides to lighten the roof structure and constructs a bathhouse roof from lumber with a minimum cross-section, then the strength of the structure must be increased with the help of purlins.

    Attention. All connections of a rafter truss with hanging legs must be extremely rigid due to the significant loads created during operation. To protect against wind loads, the rafter structure with hanging elements is also equipped with diagonal braces in each plane of the roof slope.

    • Layered. This type is most often used when constructing a pitched roof. No tightening is required for laying layered rafters. They are installed along a single slope, supported by a mauerlat fixed on opposite load-bearing walls. They are attached to the walls through the Mauerlat beam with steel studs, cap screws or thick wire.

    The cross-section of the rafter legs is determined by the design load, which is the sum of the weight of winter precipitation and the roof. The calculations take into account the installation pitch of the rafters and the designed angle of inclination of the slopes.

    Rafter system for a gable roof

    The structure consists of a number of trusses installed in series with equal geometric parameters. It serves as the basis for the subsequent installation of roofing material with accompanying insulation elements, as well as hydro and vapor barriers.

    For those who want to figure out how to make a bathhouse roof with two congruent, not too high slopes, the ready-to-install truss will resemble an isosceles triangle. Depending on the structural complexity and the distance between spans, a simple isosceles triangle is supplemented with overlays, struts, tie-downs, supporting vertical beams and other details. The listed additional elements are necessary for the formation of rigid connections.

    The assembly of roof trusses can be done without climbing to the top floor. Those who decide how to build a bathhouse roof should understand that it is more convenient and safer to put together the components of the rafter structure on the ground. True, then they will need to be lifted upward with the help of a team of workers or a crane, for the use of which you need to pay. The owner decides to comfortably leave money or safety as a priority.

    Experienced builders advise first making a template, the shape of which will be exactly repeated by all the roof trusses. To make a template, the upper ends of the two rafter legs are connected with a single nail. Then the opposite ends of the rafters are installed at the point of future support and the position is fixed with a crossbar - a crossbar. Usually the crossbar is cut into half a tree or fixed with screws.

    Note. The vertical installation of trusses must be controlled by plumb lines. In case of deviations, pieces of boards are placed under the rafters and the excess is trimmed off.

    The rafter system for the roof of the baths is assembled at the installation site. They begin with the installation of two frontal trusses, between which a kind of landmark is pulled - a mounting cord running along the line of the ridge. The optimal installation step is 1.2 m with options to decrease or increase.

    Read more about the gable roof option on the Roofing Guide website.

    Rafter structure for a pitched roof

    If the distance between the supports of the pitched roof being erected is less than 4.5 m, you can do without additional support posts. The recommended step for laying the base elements for insulating the bathhouse roof and under the roofing is 0.6 m. Grooves are cut out in the top beam and in the mauerlat under the rafters, the size of which is calculated for tight contact. Strengthening gasket connections cannot be used. The rafters extend beyond the contour of the building to a distance of 30 cm to 50 cm, due to which protective cornices are formed.

    Timber, boards, and poles are suitable for the construction of sheathing. The cross-section of lumber and installation pitch are selected in accordance with the type of roofing. For a soft roof, the sheathing is made from boards, leaving 1 cm gaps between them. For laying sheet material, the sheathing is built from timber with a cross-sectional side of 5 cm or more; a distance of 15 to 50 cm can be left between the elements of the sheathing.

    The fastening of boards or beams of sheathing begins from the ridge, moving to the eaves, fixing the elements with screws or self-tapping screws. Along the ridge line, the board is mounted on the edge.

    After installing the sheathing, you need to learn how to insulate the roof of a bathhouse from the corresponding article. Insulate it from the inside and lay a vapor barrier layer, then finish it. And cover the outside with roll waterproofing, on top of which the slats of the next sheathing are stuffed, necessary to ensure ventilation.

    Two simplest methods are described, according to which the roof for a bathhouse is most often built with your own hands. They are popular not only among home craftsmen, but also among professional builders due to their simplicity and speed of production. By following the rules, the owner will provide the bathhouse with an excellent, durable roof that will bring pleasure not only from impeccable work, but also from its beautiful shape.