home · Lighting · Air ventilation for roofing under bitumen shingles. How to organize proper roof ventilation. The need for roof ventilation

Air ventilation for roofing under bitumen shingles. How to organize proper roof ventilation. The need for roof ventilation

Roofing from soft materials has always been distinguished by its uniqueness. Developers, accustomed to seeing only rigid products on the roof of buildings, note that with elastic materials and the correct selection auxiliary elements the building looks more comfortable. The most attractive thing about soft materials is their price. Indeed, covering a roof with them is not expensive, but in order to create a high-quality structure, you need to think through all the nuances. One of them is roof ventilation.

When installing a covering made of soft tiles, you should understand that this material is a kind of waterproofing and will not allow moisture to pass through, therefore, condensation that gets into the attic space will remain there for a long time. It is about solving this problem that this article is written.

Flexible roof

Before answering your question, I want to tell you a little about the soft roof.

If we judge this coating only by its characteristics, then this is an ideal coating, but as you know, such coatings do not exist, so let’s look at the positive and negative qualities this product and let's start with the good stuff.

  • Good sound insulation. When it rains, a person in the house will never hear the sounds of drops falling on the roof
  • High performance. It is thanks to its structure and the raw materials used in production that the material will never begin to corrode, rot or become covered with microorganisms in the form of fungi or moss
  • Easy to install
  • There is no need to equip its surface with special elements such as a lightning rod, because the bitumen coating includes materials that do not allow current to spread
  • Due to its small dimensions and plasticity, it is not afraid of temperature fluctuations and strong gusts of wind.
  • Unpretentious during operation
  • Cheapness
  • Soft roofing is a sealed and environmentally friendly product

Now, let's touch on the negative side.

  • At low temperatures, the material becomes very fragile, so its installation during this period is simply impractical
  • The installation process should be carried out only in positive temperatures, when the air is heated to more than 5 degrees. If there is an urgent need for this, then it is necessary to use heating devices
  • The minimum slope for the roof is at least 10 degrees (but some products can be laid on slopes up to 5 degrees)

Well-known manufacturers of flexible roofing

If you decide to buy this product, then you should undoubtedly know about the common manufacturers of this material.

  1. All over the world, the most common flexible roofing is Kerabit. These are soft tiles that are produced in Finland, and the company Lemminkainen is engaged in this.
  2. If we consider the CIS countries, then developers here most prefer the company Katepal, located in Finland and Shinglas. Katepal has an average price, which is reflected in its quality, but Shinglas has a fairly low price for its performance. The company has 5 types of products in its arsenal, which differ not only in size, but also in shape

As an experienced builder, I can assure you that best choice of the three options will be Shinglas brand products. Compared to its analogues, it has a great advantage in:

  • Resistance to direct influence sun rays
  • Protection against the proliferation of microorganisms
  • Chemical resistance
  • The harsh conditions of Russia

When you come to a hardware store, you should not immediately ask about the brand you are interested in, ask the seller about other materials, soberly weigh all the pros and cons, and only then purchase the product.

Main components of soft roofs

So let's look at what layers it includes flexible roofing. We will analyze the layers using tiles as an example, but if we consider rolled material, you will not see any significant differences.

  1. Roof covering
  2. Underlay carpet
  3. Lathing (solid, OSB board)
  4. Vapor barrier layer
  5. Thermal insulation boards

These layers may not fit in this sequence. It all depends on roofing material and functional purpose of the building.

I would like to raise a separate topic regarding lathing. After all, the service life of your roof will depend on it.

As part of a rafter system for soft roofs, sheathing plays a rather important role. Its fastening is carried out on the counter lathing, which is created to ensure ventilation ducts, which allows condensation to be removed.

To create a high-quality sheathing you will need the following materials:

  • Board made of coniferous trees.
  • Moisture-resistant plywood or, as an alternative, OSB board. It is worth noting that the larger the pitch of the rafter legs is set, the thicker the plywood sheet is taken.
  • Long nails.

IN regulatory documents you will not find the requirements for sheathing, which I will describe below.

  • The sheathing should be created without any steps or irregularities.
  • All joining of elements must be carried out as efficiently as possible.
  • If the attic space will not be converted into a living space, then you should not make it very bulky, it is enough just that it can withstand the design loads.
  • There should be a small gap of 1-3 millimeters between the boards. This will allow air masses to ventilate the space.
  • All wooden parts of the rafter system must be treated with antiseptics (substances that prevent rotting).

The fasteners for the sheathing must go through all the boards. By the way, to improve the quality of this design, these places can be processed.

Installation of flexible roofing

After you have learned almost everything about rafter system, you need to figure it out installation process tiles.

The process looks like this:

  • First, as elsewhere, you should carry out preparatory work. They include cleaning the base from debris and drying it (if required), and treating it with various solutions.
  • On a continuous sheathing (despite its name, there should be a small gap of 1-3 millimeters between the boards) underlay carpet, and if it is not possible to completely cover this plane with one sheet, then the parts are glued together using special construction tape. remember, that this work It is advisable only on roofs whose slope is less than 20 degrees, and if this value is greater, then the lining carpet is installed in the most dangerous places. By such places I mean areas where leakage is possible in the future.
  • After this, metal strips and eaves tiles are installed in the eaves and ends of the building.
  • Next, the work moves on to arranging and strengthening the valleys (if any).
  • As soon as the previous work has been completed, you can begin laying ordinary tiles along the entire roof plane, but without affecting the places where the ridge tiles will be installed.

I hope everything is clear to you here and now you can move on to the main thing.

How to create high-quality ventilation on a roof made of flexible tiles

Ventilation allows air to be removed from excess moisture from attic space and some important rafter nodes, but if you leave it there, what could it turn out to be?

If you do not provide the roof with ventilation, then you will certainly face the following consequences:

  • The warm season will turn your attic into a steam room, therefore, you will not be able to stay there for a long time or store anything.
  • The insulation boards that are located in the roofing pie will fail very quickly and there will be no point in them at all. After all, moisture that gets into this material reduces its characteristics down to zero.
  • All roofing structures and their elements will be destroyed by microorganisms over time.
  • IN winter time years, icicles will certainly appear in the attic and a large number of ice, which will lead to stains on the ceilings of living rooms.
  • Some roofing materials will begin to swell and typically fail much earlier than their useful life.

Surely, you do not want to encounter these problems, so, most likely, you have a question about how to create high-quality ventilation soft roof?

To ensure this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Between layers roofing pie An air gap must always be created. This can be achieved using small beams, the thickness of which is at least 5 centimeters. These elements are located between the insulation and the base
  • Often, developers leave the bottom of the slopes open to provide additional air flow, but experienced roofers cover such areas with soffits. They prevent birds and rodents from taking up residence in your attic. And for additional exhaust, various aerators and ventilated ridges are used. By the way, we'll talk about them below.
  • As mentioned earlier, the sheathing should have some gaps of 1-3 millimeters in order to eliminate the possibility of stagnation of air masses
  • Height air gap created between the insulation and the base must be correctly calculated. In progress roofing works, the workers created for themselves some selection rules given value. If the slope degree is 10 degrees, and its length is only 5 meters, then a 5 cm air gap is quite enough. With the same angle, but a slightly much longer length - 25 meters, the layer will be twice as large

Roof ventilation from a soft roof can have either one or two circuits. Let me list you the layers of dual-circuit ventilation.

  • Insulation boards
  • Diffusion film
  • Wind barrier
  • First air gap
  • Second gap for air access
  • Roof covering

In addition to natural ventilation, you can always create forced ventilation.

Forced ventilation

This type may be needed only when natural ventilation does not cope with its functional task or it is not possible to arrange it.

To create an artificial circulation of the air mass, the installation of so-called aerators will be required. This device works due to the difference in pressure between the room and the pipe.

Today you can find them in a hardware store absolutely different sizes and forms. When purchasing these parts, you should understand that the smaller they are, the greater the quantity required to complete the task.

Here's what you should know about roof aerators:

  • If you plan to install several aerators, then there should be no less than 12 meters between them.
  • To install them, you should select the highest points of the roof and distribute them evenly along its plane.
  • When installing aerators on new roof, then the location of the pipe should be at the junction of the insulation boards.
  • If you are carrying out roofing repairs and the problem was swelling of the coating, then install the aerator in this exact place.
  • You should not make holes for pipes exactly to their diameter. Create it a little larger by about 1-2 centimeters.
  • Fastening elements for aerators are anchor bolts or dowels
  • The resulting joints are sealed using adhesive waterproofing products.

To monitor air humidity in the attic, I advise you to use special thermometers. They will be indicators of the operation of your natural ventilation, and if it malfunctions, you can install aerators.

Installation of an aerator in a building in use

If your roof is made of flexible tiles, and natural ventilation does not fulfill its functional purposes, then you have to purchase auxiliary elements for ventilation - aerators. If you choose not to do this, then rest assured that you will soon have to replace not only the roofing material, but the entire roofing system.

There is nothing complicated in the design of an aerator, judge for yourself.

  1. First you need to choose a place where the aerator will be mounted. If the roof has problem areas, then it is best to install it there.
  2. To do this, a hole is cut out, the diameter of which will be slightly larger than the pipe itself.
  3. If during the installation of this element you discover that your insulation is wet, then it should be replaced with a new one.
  4. Before the metal parts of the aerator are lowered into the roofing pie, they should be treated with mastic, the same is done with the base.
  5. The aerator elements must be securely placed on the roof plane. To do this, they are screwed on with self-tapping screws.
  6. The lower part of the pipe is insulated.

If this process If you can’t do it yourself, don’t despair - call a specialist or take an experienced roofer as a partner.

Auxiliary roofing elements

In addition to aerators, the roofing sphere has several more parts in its arsenal that significantly increase the quality of natural ventilation.

Ventilated ridge for soft roofing

This element is installed at the very top of the roof. Its design is somewhat different from a regular skate. A ventilated ridge has walls with a number of holes. It is through them wet air and leaves the attic. The operating principle of a ventilated ridge is similar to an aerator; everything happens due to a pressure difference.

Wind strip for soft roofing

The end strip for a soft roof is a mandatory component. The fact is that strong gusts of wind can easily tear the coating off the base and you will have to repair it. This element will also serve as a worthy addition to the completeness of your roof and will give a chic appearance. Therefore, if you are concerned not only with a well-made roof, but also with beauty, then this element is undoubtedly worth your attention.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that soft roof installation - perfect solution for covering utility or temporary buildings. For this, roofing felt or other rolled product is best suited. Bitumen-based materials have maximum waterproofing, therefore roofing system will serve its maximum life.

By the way, if you have the finances, then ask around at a hardware store for tiles with a self-adhesive side. This will greatly facilitate and speed up the installation process.

The roof should always be dry. But now we are not talking about its outer side, but about the multiple internal layers of the roofing cake. At the same time, it must be dry regardless of the materials used for finishing, be it slate, or a soft bitumen coating. Condensation and moisture accumulated in the under-roof space can quickly render the entire roof unusable and significantly reduce its service life. To avoid excess moisture inside the pie, you will have to install aerators for the soft roof. Let's look at what they are and how they are installed.

To understand why it should always be dry under any roof, you first need to figure out where water can come from there and condensation can form. After all, when building a roof, craftsmen always try to make it as airtight as possible, laying it under roof covering various waterproofing and vapor barrier materials, which in theory should provide reliable protection.

The whole point is that Various processes related to human life take place in a residential building. People breathe, cook, take a shower or bath. And during all these processes, the air in the house is saturated with steam - in other words, it becomes humid. Warm air rises and gets trapped under the roof if it doesn't have a way to escape through a vent. At the top, microscopic droplets of water settle on various materials– this is how condensation forms. At the same time, air saturated with water vapor easily penetrates even the most inaccessible places through microcracks.

On a note! During the day, a person exhales about 1 liter of liquid into the air in the form of vapor. Adding to this amount all the water that gets into the air during cooking, washing floors or taking a bath, you can get a huge figure - up to 15 liters of water enters the air in the house during the day.

The accumulation of condensation under the roof poses a certain danger to all materials that make up the roofing pie. Wooden elements begin to become saturated with water, which causes rotting processes to occur. This environment is also favorable for the development of fungus and harmful microorganisms that are dangerous to the health of people living in the house.

Metal elements (for example, fasteners) inside the roofing pie due to higher level humidity begin to corrode and gradually collapse. If water in the under-roof space, accumulated during the summer, freezes in winter, it can easily damage some structural parts (even concrete floors), since, expanding, it will exert a pressing effect on the materials. Due to severe damage, the roof may even have to be completely dismantled and rebuilt.

Also, exposure to moisture is detrimental to insulating materials. If they get wet, their thermal conductivity will increase significantly. This means that such a roof will no longer be able to retain heat well. In some cases, the insulation will need to be completely changed, because it will no longer be possible to fully dry it.

Moisture can reach the structural elements of the roof and the outside. During heavy rains or melting snow, water can still find a hole and get under the roof or into the roofing pie, even if its outer surface is well sealed. This option of additional “moisturizing” should not be excluded.

On a note! In terms of vulnerability, any soft roof suffers the most from excess moisture under the roof.

Soft roof and water

As for the soft roof, moisture actively accumulates under it in the insulating layer. At a minimum, this can cause the roof to bubble, especially if we are talking about a soft bitumen coating laid on a flat concrete roof. In this case, bubbles may occur here's why: in summer the roof can easily heat up to 90 degrees or more. Soft materials always contain bitumen, which is a thermoplastic substance - it reacts sharply to changes in temperature (it can become brittle in cold weather or soft and plastic - when hot). When the material is heated above 50 degrees, the plasticity increases, and the quality of adhesion of the coating to the base depends, for the most part, not on adhesion at all, but on the viscosity of the components included in the material or the mastic to which the coating was glued.

Defect of ordinary roofing - formation of swellings of the roofing carpet

Between the vapor barrier and waterproofing in the roof pie there is a closed, sealed space. As the temperature rises, the pressure in this area increases to 2-2.5 t/m2. The waterproofing lifts up, lifting the roof covering, and thus bulges form.

To get rid of all the above problems, It is necessary to install an aerator during roof installation. It will ensure the removal of air to the outside, and with it moisture. The device will allow you to dry the heat and waterproofing layers and prevent the accumulation of condensation.

What is an aerator and how does it work?

A roof aerator is a design that serves to remove moisture from under the roof, including that which has formed in the roofing pie itself, and not just in the house. This element can be installed on the most different roofs, having all kinds of slope angles and covered with different materials. An aerator on a soft roof will prevent premature destruction of the entire roof structure due to exposure to moisture.

Inside the installed aerator, draft is created due to the formation of a low-pressure area due to external wind flows and the pressure difference in the space under the roof and the street. The main functions of this design are as follows:

  • removal of water vapor from the house to the outside;
  • reducing the pressure between layers inside the roof (reducing the risk of bubbles on flat roofs);
  • reducing the risk of condensation forming on waterproofing materials.

Externally, the aerator is a pipe with a cross-section of 63-110 mm, with an umbrella on top that protects the structure from rain and snow getting inside. It can also be represented in the form ridge strip with bars on the sides. The first aerator is installed on the roof slope, and the second variation is installed along the roof ridge.

On a note! The aerator can be installed during construction or on a finished roof.

Types of aerators

Aerators may differ from each other in materials of manufacture and design features. Most often used plastic products, however, there are also metal ones (made of steel) on sale, which are usually mounted on metal tile roofs. In fact, all aerators are resistant to sunlight, rust, temperature changes.

Table. Types of aerators depending on design features.


This type of aerator looks like a small or low pipe flat design with grate. This is the most commonly used option. This design operates in a separate area and is usually installed where there are problems with natural ventilation(on long slopes, complex roofs, in the area of ​​attic windows, valleys, etc.). Such aerators come in pitched and ridge types. In the first case, they are installed on the slopes, in the second - along the ridge. For soft tiles, a ridge version is usually purchased - it can provide ventilation of about 20 square meters. roofs. Pitched aerators are usually mounted at a small distance from the ridge - about 15 cm.

Such aerators are located along the entire length of the roof and provide maximum ventilation of the entire roofing pie, as well as the attic. The continuous form includes ridge species, as well as ventilation strips. The latter are mounted with inserts into the waterproofing layer. At the same time, they do not let water through at all.

This is a kind of ventilation option. It can be a hood or an electrically driven pipe. The model is selected depending on the angle of inclination of the slope.

On a note! The aerator market is now quite extensive and makes it possible to choose this structural element of such a shape that it can look organically on a roof of a certain type or style.

How to install?

The installation of aerators can be done both during the installation of the roof and after the work is completed. In general, this structural element is not difficult to install if you know how to do it. The instructions will help you understand the installation steps ( installation of a point aerator in a finished roof).

Step 1. A template cut to the size of the section of the lower part of the aerator is fixed on the surface of the bitumen shingles using self-tapping screws. You can circle it with a marker or carry out further actions directly along its contour.

Step 2. A hole is cut in the roof using a jigsaw according to the shape of the template. During cutting, it is important not to damage the waterproofing and insulating layers.

Step 3. If the template was screwed, then after cutting a hole in the roof it is unscrewed and removed.

Step 4. The cut out pieces of roofing and sheathing are removed.

Step 5. Using a vacuum cleaner, particles of debris and sawdust are removed from the roof surface and from the resulting hole.

Step 6. Rubber-based glue is applied around the perimeter of the aerator base.

Step 7 The aerator is turned over and glued around the perimeter of the hole cut in the roof.

Step 8 The base of the aerator is additionally fixed to the roof surface with self-tapping screws. For ease of work, the top cover of the aerator can be removed.

Step 9 After the aerator has been securely fixed to the roof surface, top cover returns to place and screws on.

Attention! If several aerators are installed on the roof, then it is important to ensure that the gap between them does not exceed 12 m. In general, per 100 m2 flat roof 1 aerator is used. On a roof that has ridges and valleys, aerators are mounted near the ridge.

Video - Installation of an aerator on a soft roof

Installation of a ridge tape aerator

Let's also look at an example of how it happens installation ridge aerator .

Step 1. The roof base is prepared for the installation of a ridge aerator. An opening 5 cm wide is made along the ridge, 2.5 cm on each side. On each side of the skate, 20 cm is measured along it. This minimum distance which should not be cut.

Another photo of the process - 20 cm is measured

Opening width - 2.5 cm on each side

Step 2. For roofs with central beams, a 9 cm wide slot is made, 4.5 cm on each side of the ridge.

Step 3. The ridge is ready for ventilation installation when the remaining tiles and beams, as well as all debris, have been removed from the surface.

Step 4. The ridge aerator is quite flexible and is sold in reels. It is rolled out along the entire length of the skate from edge to edge, including places without slots.

Step 5. The edge of the ventilation tape is fixed with nails, two from each slope.

Step 6. The fixed tape is well stretched and fixed at the other edge of the ridge. If the roof is long, then you can fix the tape in stages.

Step 7 Excess aerator tape is cut off.

Step 8 End caps are installed. Mastic is applied to them on both sides. They should cover both edges of the moisture-proof membrane between the end cap and the bottom vent.

Step 9 The tape and edge cap are nailed to the base of the roof as shown in the image. At least two nails must go through the tape and the plug.

Step 10 A layer of mastic is applied between the roofing and the ventilation tape.

Step 11 The part of the tape that has not yet been fixed is nailed to wooden base roofs. Nails must penetrate to a depth of at least 1.5 cm.

Step 12 To cover such ventilated ridges, you will need pieces of bitumen shingles; 3 tile elements are stacked together on top of each other.

Attention! If work is carried out in the cool season, the tiles must be preheated.

Step 13 The roof tiles are laid on the ridge starting from the windiest side. The first three-layer element is nailed to the roof through the aerator. An indent of 2.5 cm is made from the edge of the tile - a nail is driven into this point.

Step 14 The second three-layer tile element in a row is laid so as to cover the nails on the previous element.

Step 15 The entire ridge is designed in the same way.

Video - Installation of a ridge aerator

A roof aerator installed on the roof will provide the house and the roof itself with good ventilation. It will not allow condensation to accumulate and will not allow water to destroy the structural elements of the roof. Installing the aerator is not difficult; anyone who has carefully studied the instructions given above can handle the task.

The roof ventilation outlet is the final element of the ventilation or aerator system through which the pipe exits. The products ensure the tightness of the junction of communications with the roof, and also provide an aesthetic appearance of the unit. So-called fungi protect the ventilation system from precipitation and wind blowing.

The need to pass ventilation pipes through the roof is due to the fact that this method allows creating natural draft in the system. The location of the outlet at a height will ensure the creation of a comfortable atmosphere in the room and will speed up the removal of waterlogged and polluted air from the kitchen, bathroom or workshop.

The most important advantage of roof hoods for exhaust hoods is that they eliminate the need to create a bulky brick riser. The sealed outlet allows you to lay pipes in any convenient way. The use of such a design is much cheaper, its installation requires less time and money, ready-made solution does not spoil the appearance of the roof and does not require any maintenance.

Assortment of ventilation outlets for corrugated sheets, seams, metal tiles, soft roofing

The design of the fungus includes not only visible part, but also a system of passage and sealing elements, as well as pipes (for certain models). For some products you can select an adapter for use as a . Generally design features of such elements depend on the type of coating on which installation will be performed.

Our catalog presents outputs of various foreign and domestic brands, including:

  • Finnish Premium products that have earned the trust of professionals. The manufacturer offers many solutions for the most different roofs;
  • . Budget series, which is made of reliable rubber and silicone. The catalog contains penetrations for cables with a thickness of 6 mm and pipes with a diameter of up to 100 cm. Important distinctive feature products - heat resistance;
  • . They are produced under the Russian brand in Denmark and are an advantageous combination of reliability and affordability. The elements are supplied assembled. The catalog contains penetrations for corrugated sheets;
  • . The outputs of the Russian brand are made from materials that are resistant to fading. The range includes many models for common types of roofing.

To buy an outlet for a ventilation pipe on the roof, place an order on our website or provide order information by phone.

During the operation of a residential building with a roof made of soft roofing materials great importance has soft roof ventilation.

The comfort, reliability and durability of housing largely depend on it. Roof ventilation maintains the integrity of the roof covering, prevents corrosion of metal elements, the formation of mold and mildew, rotting of insulating layers, wooden beams inside a complete structure.

Thanks to full air circulation, the building “breathes” at all levels “fully.”

Important reasons for installing ventilation

Most private houses in the past had pitched roofs with cold attics. Ventilation of the under-roof space of such structures was carried out naturally.

Dormer windows were installed on the opposite gables of the house, through which Fresh air could penetrate into the attic.

Due to the difference in pressure from inside and outside, air moves, which enters the interior of the attic, heats up, rises and is discharged through the roof. In this way, natural circulation occurs.

Modern private houses thanks to the latest construction technologies very well insulated at all levels.

The attic space is being lived in: heating systems are being installed there and fashionable attics are being built.

In addition, when constructing the roof of a house, waterproofing, vapor barrier and an insulating layer are installed.

Such designs require the installation of a reliable ventilation system. The need for effective ventilation is due to the following reasons.

Firstly, traditional dormer ventilation windows often do not work efficiently and do not provide proper air circulation.

As a result, zones with stagnant air appear inside the space under the roof. This contributes to the appearance of dampness.

The situation is aggravated in cases where the dormer windows are closed for some reason.

Secondly, under the influence of the hot summer sun, the outer surface of the roof heats up to critical temperatures.

As a result, moisture collected inside the roof structure due to the lack of ventilation ducts evaporates and comes out along the shortest path in the form of steam.

The consequence of this may be the destruction of the roof from soft coverings due to their swelling.

On the other hand, staying inside the attic space at such a time becomes very uncomfortable, since the temperature there rises greatly.

Thirdly, during the off-season, in autumn and spring, large temperature changes occur.

As a result of this, due to the contact of cold and warm air under the roof, condensation forms, which permeates all layers internal structure roofs, destroying them.

Under the influence of moisture, mold, mildew, and rust form on the metal elements of the roof. Thermal insulation saturated with moisture cannot fully perform its functions.

Fourthly, in the winter season, the snow covering on the outside of the roof melts under the influence of warm air, which collects inside under the base of the roof.

As a result, ice forms, which, when heated from the inside, melts and releases water that penetrates through the seams of the soft tile roof inside.

As a result, leaks form in these places, destroying the roof from the inside. Thus, the first sign of insufficient ventilation is icicles.

Types and functions of soft roof ventilation for pitched roofs

Roof ventilation works on the physical principles of warm air moving from bottom to top.

By ensuring uninterrupted air circulation through all layers of the roof structure, the following most important tasks are solved:

  • preventing the attic space from heating up from the roof, which is hot in the hot summer sun;
  • getting rid of condensation that has formed under the roof from damp lower vapors;
  • ventilation of the inside of the roof to prevent the formation of ice in winter.

A ventilation device for a soft roof involves designing the entry point for fresh air.

Entrances are usually located along the perimeter of the roof and are protected from insects and birds by strips, perforated soffits, and decorative grilles.

Cold air passes through such a “gate” under the soft roof and is discharged through point aerators on the outer roof or a “ridge” installed on the edge of the connection of two slopes.

Roof ventilation for soft coverings can be continuous or spot.

A striking representative of continuous outlet ventilation, which is located on the edge of the connection of two roof slopes, is ridge ventilation.

Such a system is mounted on the upper edge of the roof along its entire length. Ridge aerators are connected into a complete system that ensures effective ventilation of the entire space under the roof.

These elements are equipped with built-in filters that trap a variety of debris from the external environment.

At the same time, they have a soft flexible structure, they are easy to install. Such ventilation systems covered with soft roofing materials that create an aesthetically attractive surface for the roofs of private houses.

Point aerators are placed evenly over the roof surface in increments of 10 - 12 meters. Moreover, one such ventilation element in the form of a fungus effectively ventilates an area of ​​60 m2.

Such ventilation devices are installed at the base of the roof, penetrating the roofing pie right up to the vapor insulation.

After installation, they are carefully insulated on all sides, and a soft roof is laid on the sides.

Eaves ventilation is provided by:

  • special roofing elements with vents that are installed above the overhangs;
  • lining the roof with special perforated soffits;
  • PVC gratings embedded in the soffits.

Working as a single mechanism in clear interaction with all its elements, such ventilation systems provide high-quality ventilation of the entire roof structure of any building.

For greater efficiency, often ridge ventilation reinforced with point aerators. Such complex ventilation works more efficiently.

Ventilation devices for flat soft roofs

Reasons for installing flat ventilation systems soft roofs the same as in the case of pitched analogues.

Common universal problems in different seasons are typical for rolled, membrane roofing materials and liquid rubber. When flat roof The use of weather vanes, aerators, and vents is very important.

This is due to the popularity of using vapor-tight rubber membranes as roofing materials.

With such a roof covering, water from condensate, when accumulating critically, can only go down, causing leaks through the ceiling.

Properly installed in technically ventilation will ensure the long life of the soft roof covering of a flat roof.

In such cases, special ventilation devices: inertial turbines, electric fans, ventilation nozzles that are installed vertically under special “umbrellas” over the entire area of ​​the flat roof.

Among these options are inertia turbines, which are characterized by high performance, low price and efficiency.

Such ventilation elements have the following advantages:

  • free wind energy is used to rotate the turbine, which is sufficient even in small quantities;
  • due to rotation, a vacuum is formed inside the channel, enhancing the flow of air flows;
  • Due to its operation, the ventilation turbine increases the efficiency of thermal insulation in cold weather by removing moisture, and in hot weather it keeps the space under the roof cool.

All aerators are installed according to a similar scheme, sequentially in three stages:

  • first you need to cut through the coating to the vapor insulation layer when installing new roof, and in the case overhaul– through all layers to the base;
  • install the aerator and secure it with self-tapping screws;
  • strengthen and seal the joints of the units and the coating.

A properly installed aerator ensures the movement of water suspensions and vapors to its base, and after that they are discharged outside.

Ventilation ducts leading onto the roof are insulated and covered with a deflector cap.

To ensure the tightness of exits on the surface of a soft roof, special collars and rubber seals are used, which are covered for better sealing. bitumen mastic.

Options for creating attic ventilation

Proper ventilation under the roof allows you to avoid numerous problems when using a soft roof.

At the first stages of arranging ventilation, it is important to ensure a flow of fresh air from the environment.

On the lower part of the roof eaves along the perimeter, special perforated soffits are installed to delay the penetration of debris and limit the access of insects and birds. In this case, it is necessary to leave a gap of a certain size.

To provide constant ventilation of the space under the roof, various devices are used: electric fans, inertial turbines, a ridge ventilated over the entire area, roofing point aerators.

To properly arrange ventilation, it is better to rely on the advice of experienced craftsmen:

  • when the roof length is more than 10 meters, it is advisable to use additional elements ventilation;
  • ventilation ducts on eaves and ridges must be protected from the entry of insects, birds, leaves and various debris into them;
  • gaps must be made of certain sizes, since increasing them does not guarantee an increase in the quality of ventilation, and may have the opposite effect;
  • ventilation ducts should be located freely, without unnecessary bends or structural obstacles.

Proper roof ventilation with a soft roof has a beneficial effect on the entire structure as a whole, so when carrying out work it is necessary to pay maximum attention to this and take it as seriously as possible.

Installation of a soft roof does not tolerate trifles. Sometimes, thinking to save money on such a seemingly optional detail as roof ventilation, the developer faces a lot of troubles. The roof begins to leak, the house smells of dampness, and icicles accumulate on the eaves. And, the apotheosis of everything, is the rapid destruction of expensive roofing material. Such troubles occur because moisture penetrates into the soft roof pie, seeping into the insulation, truss structures and the bitumen coating itself. The problem can be solved by installing artificial ventilation ducts - aerators - on the roof. Air will circulate through them, drawing out excess moisture and drying the internal pie of the structure.

Thus, installing aerators on a soft roof is a process recommended by experts, and in some cases (over attic floor, for example) – mandatory, preventing its damage and ensuring a comfortable stay in the house.

It is clear that aerators provide ventilation and drying of the roofing pie from moisture. But where does it come from? After all, manufacturers initially position soft roofing as airtight. Moreover, the under-roof pie contains layers of hydro- and vapor barrier (vapor barrier - if there is insulation).

But this does not save you from the presence of moist vapors. They are an indispensable attribute of any living space, formed in the process of cooking, washing, bathing and even, ultimately, human breathing. According to research, every day in a house where a family of 4 lives, 2-4 liters of water vapor are generated, some of which accumulates in the under-roof space.

When warm steam comes into contact with a cold surface (during sudden changes in temperature outside and inside), it condenses. As a result, tiny droplets of water begin to saturate any structures and materials that they can “reach”. First of all, these are rafters, sheathing, and insulation.

Another way for moisture to penetrate is through outside roofs. Warm steam, accumulating in the attic, heats the roofing from the inside. In winter, the snow lying on the roof begins to melt. Ice crusts form, which, as the situation worsens, also melt. Water penetrates the joints of the covering, and the roof begins to leak.

In addition, the coating itself suffers, which in any case has microcracks. Moisture penetrates there and, when the temperature drops, tears the material. Cracks become visible, sometimes through. The coating becomes unusable.

On a soft roof, the effects of excess moisture manifest themselves quite quickly. You may notice:

  • The appearance of bubbles on the surface. The soft roof pie, as a rule, includes waterproofing layer(top) and vapor barrier layer(bottom). In essence, it is a closed, hermetically sealed circuit. In summer, the roofing pie heats up to 80-100°C, as a result of which the moisture accumulated in the circuit forms steam and tries to evaporate. This situation entails the appearance of swelling and destruction of the roof.
  • Reduced efficiency of the heat insulator. Wetting the thermal insulation layer even by 2% leads to an increase in its thermal conductivity (and a decrease in insulating properties) by 40%! Accordingly, such a roof ceases to fulfill its functions in terms of heat retention, and heating costs increase.

All this leads to destruction of the structure of the roofing material and the occurrence of leaks.

Purpose of aerators

How to prevent moisture from settling on roofing surfaces? Or should we dry structures already saturated with moisture?

The laws of physics will come to our aid. Moisture can be removed by evaporation, which occurs during the movement (circulation) of air currents. Since there is a significant difference between the internal (in the house) and external (outdoor) pressure indicators, for air circulation it is enough to ensure the process of communication between the two environments.

If the attic is cold, then effective ventilation can be provided quite simply - through dormer windows, loose fit of eaves overhangs, cracks in the ridge. For warm attics And this solution is not suitable for attics, since in the cold season unregulated ventilation will reduce the temperature in the room.

In such houses the most suitable use is roof aerators– ventilation ducts connecting the under-roof and above-roof spaces. After installing the aerator, due to the pressure difference, a forced draft, which draws out wet vapors from under the roof.

A very important point: in order for the process of drawing air through the aerator to become possible, it is necessary to common system provide a supply of fresh cool air. Otherwise, air masses will not circulate. To do this, ventilation ducts are installed in the eaves, where fresh air continuously flows. Passing through the attic space, it heats up and rises up to the roof.

Thanks to the draft created in the aerator, it passes through its pipe and is thrown out into the street. With properly equipped ventilation, in just 1 hour air flow Passes through the roofing cake 2 times, drying and ventilating it.

Accordingly, installing soft roof aerators in the right quantity, you don’t have to worry about the dryness of the coating and insulation. Therefore, it is more correct to begin their installation at the construction stage. But, if for some reason this did not happen, you can do it later. The main thing is not to wait for fatal roof defects to occur (swelling, destruction of the material). Fortunately for many developers, with the help of aerators it is possible not only to prevent the accumulation of moisture in the new roofing pie, but also to dry the old roof already saturated with moisture.

Types of aerators

For soft roofs, aerators made from impact-resistant plastics, able to withstand temperature changes, corrosion, and exposure to UV rays. Depending on the design features, purpose and mode of action, There are 2 types of aerators: continuous ridge and point.

The ridge aerator is classified as a continuous ventilation system, since it is installed along the entire length of the ridge to aerate the entire under-roof space. In appearance, the design is a corner piece with holes protected by special barriers - from insects, dust, and snow.

Point aerators are installed on separate sections (points) of the roof, usually on slopes, less often on ridges. Each such aerator is a ventilation pipe protected from above by a cap various configurations. Usually the general appearance of the structure resembles a “mushroom” or a “box”.

Spot pitched aerator has a flat base (skirt), through which it is connected to the roof. The base of the point ridge aerator is angular, designed to mate with the roof in the area of ​​its upper horizontal edge.

Differences in the designs of available types of aerators also imply a significant difference in their installation technologies.

Installation of a ridge aerator

The ridge aerator is the easiest to install; it does not require special calculation of the quantity, since it is usually installed along the entire length of the ridge. Installation of a ridge aerator is recommended on roofs with a slope of 12-45°. At the same time, it is mounted only on the ridge, ensuring air circulation in the attic space.

Usage standards:

  • It is necessary to have vents on the eaves to ensure air flow;
  • it is recommended to install the aerator along the entire length of the ridge, connecting its segments into one structure;
  • Ridge tiles are mounted on top of the ridge aerator, so the appearance of the roof does not suffer from the “alien” element.

Installation technology:

  1. A ventilation groove is cut in the solid base with a circular saw. There can be one (at the top of the ridge) or two (on both sides of the ridge). The total thickness of the ventilation gap should be 3-8 cm (depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer of the particular aerator). The slots are made so that they end 30 cm before the edge of the ridge, that is, the roof remains solid on both sides of the ridge.
  2. Along the edges of the ridge (where the ventilation gap was not cut) ridge tiles are laid.
  3. Mount the ridge aerator. Each of its segments is secured using elongated roofing nails or screws screwed through ready-made factory holes. In this case, the segments are connected to each other, like parts of a construction set.
  4. Cover the aerator profile ridge tiles. Its petals are mounted overlapping, the usual way, no different from the technology of laying it along the ribs. The only difference is the fastening elements. In this case, the tiles are nailed to the aerator with elongated roofing nails
  5. The ends of the aerator, where they meet the roof, are sealed with silicone sealant.

Example of works in the photo:

The video will help you understand in more detail the intricacies of roof aeration on a soft roof:

Installation of point aerators

In addition to the ridge aerator, it is possible to use several point analogues. These aerators are used:

  • on roofs with a slope of less than 12°, as well as on flat roofs;
  • to increase ventilation efficiency, in addition to the roof aerator;
  • if installation of a ridge aerator is impossible, for example, if there is no ridge or if there are abutments of the roofing material to vertical surfaces and walls.

Usage standards:

  • installation of point aerators is carried out on slopes, at a distance of 0.5-0.8 m from the horizontal edge of the ridge;
  • it is necessary to ensure air flow on the overhangs;
  • one aerator provides effective ventilation of 5-100 m2 of roofing (depending on the diameter and shape of the structure); in accordance with these data, their number is calculated - from 2 pieces or more.

Installation technology:

  1. IN continuous lathing cut out a hole that matches the size of the internal gap of the aerator channel. To do this, the base (skirt) of the aerator is placed on plywood (OSB) and the contours of the hole are drawn on the roof through the passage channel. Marking is done with a pencil or nail. Using a jigsaw, cut a hole along the line.
  2. Place the aerator skirt over the hole and secure it with roofing nails or self-tapping screws (at least 6 pieces). Some manufacturers recommend using, in addition to fasteners, glue method fixation. In this case, the back side of the skirt is coated with bitumen mastic, glued to the base, and only then secured with fasteners.
  3. Glue the top of the skirt with bitumen glue to waterproof the junction.
  4. The skirt is covered with shingles, cutting them at the junctions.
  5. An aerator mesh is put on top of the skirt, screwing it with self-tapping screws. Then the cover (cap) is mounted, snapped into place and also screwed in with self-tapping screws.
  6. The remaining point aerators are installed in the same way (in accordance with the calculations), which in the total mass will form a single ventilation system.

This is what it looks like:

More visual information about the stages of installing a point aerator can be obtained by watching the training video:

Thus, installing aerators is not a difficult job, even self-taught craftsmen can do it. However, the benefits from it are enormous!

Thanks to aerators, water vapor is drawn out from the roofing pie, condensation is prevented from settling, mold, mildew and mustiness appear. All this has a positive effect on the service life wooden structures(rafters, sheathing, sheathing), the work of thermal insulation, the microclimate of the living space.